App development - HTML5/JavaScript and phonebook - Android Software Development

Hi there,
is there a way to develop a html5 & javascript based application for android to read and write the phonebook and specific contact informations?
Or do i have to write it in java?
Maybe that question sounds a little nooby in your mind, but i'm not really used to develop in Java and i don't know a way to succeed in javascript in that case.
i hope to get helpful replies


Please help, info about using java on wm with c# & googlemaps api

Hi first I must apologize for posting here I know I should post in the questions and answers section, I have already done this twice with two similar posts but I have not received a reply I beleive because the expert programmers are less likely to look there to help people as most questions are about useing software not developing it. anyway here is what i posting before I really hope someone can help me...
Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could answer this question for me.
I am creating a wm app and for part of it i want some information from googlemaps, the maps api is in java and i was thinking of ways to incorperate this into my app. Can i create a java program to get data from google and have my c# program run the java program and get info from it? I could write my program totally in java but i don't like the way i have to first start the vm and launch my program from that is there a way to automate this? also I need quite a lot of information from the phone so using c# will make getting this info easier.
or are there any other ways i might be able to get the info I want, I don't really know anything about applets but could they somehow be used?
oh btw the specific data i want is distance between to map locations (via googles route not direct)
many thanks i hope someone can help
I apologize again for posting in here but this app is for a final year project and I need to know if im barking up the wrong tree as soon as possible.
I might be wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge, Google Maps API is actually JavaScript API, not Java. If you found Java API, it's most likely a wrapper. And if it exists, I'm sure C# wrapper should exist as well. You might want to take a look at this. I know it's not exactly what you are looking for, but it might be helpful to some degree. Also, one other thing I can suggest, is to look at Virtual Earth API. I'm almost 100% positive, that they do have a C# implementation of the API.
Hi hobbbbit thanks so much for your reply, so googlemaps api is javascript , I have never used javascript before and saw that the api used objects methods and looked like java so i just assumed thats what it was. If there isn't a wrapper for c# do you (or anyone) know of a way of using the api to obtain one of the objects and use it in c#?
I would use virtual earth but unless I am totally wrong here I thought to use it you needed a licence which costs around $8000 which I don't want to pay for. Even with google if I wanted to release the app i think I would have to pay although I have contacted them and they say I can develop my app using the free api.
Ok well I took another look at virtual earth, I really am a complete idiot. I signed up for a FREE developers account so hopefully everything I need I can get from there.
again thanks for your advice if you hadent posted I would probably still be trying different ways to hack google earth to work in my wm app.
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
cornelha said:
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
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Superb this was just the thing I was looking for I will be sure to study this code closely. Thanks so much for the information.

The Communicator app: Where to start with Android app development

Hey guys
Aight so the idea is to create an app that lets the user speak to someone in a different language. You make a recording and using the same function that the voice search feature has that recording gets translated to typed words on the phone. The app then uses some translating service like google translate to convert that writing to a language of your choice. That writing will then get read* by the phone and can be heard through the speakers. So essentially you can talk to someone even if you dont speak the same language.
*I know this is possible because I used to have an app that did just this: it read out loud what you wrote down
I have no experience with android development, and not very much with programming either for that matter (ive done some python stuff). However, I thought of this, which dosen't seem too hard to create, and I thought this would be a great way for me to start off and learn about app development.
Ok so because most of the features already exist it should just be a matter of patching them all together (right?). This is where I need you guys' help. Any suggestions on where I could start?
I appreciate any help, no matter how big or small!
MODERATORS: I wasn't really sure if this was the right place to post this, so feel free to move it to where ever you find suiting if this isn't right.
I would love it if someone wanted to work on this together with me, but
I'm relatively new to Android myself. But in my understanding, I would suggest the best method to start coding this app is, to build a Service which is intended to do the network polling, and the translation for the App in Background. So I think you need a server which tracks your Messages, and serves the data for the app. U have to look at IPC (Inter Process Communication) to communicate with you service.
If you finished all these, then you can start to build an Android Activity to communicate with your user.

skill set required for android development!!

Hi all,
I want to start application development for android. Can anyone please let me know the requirements for this?
I know that I am asking very general question and please let me know if this is not the correct place to ask this query.
I know C/C++...what things I need to learn before starting application development for android?
Waiting for reply!!
From what I can tell:
Then hit the android developer's website and they'll teach you how to write for android platform.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
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Well, it's pretty hard to learn a new programming language from the middle!
Go to the Android devs site... There are plenty of tutorials there, as well as links to Eclipse (favoured Android development platform).
sorry to be so naive...but what is the link of android dev website?
Clicky the linky.
many thanks floating man. I didn't knew that this is different forum from any android developer forum...btw can you please let me know the difference between this forum and any android dev forum?
This is a general smartphone forum, mainly catering for HTC made devices, but covering "some" others as well.
Thanks floating man. I will subscribe to any of the android dev forum and ask the same query there. But there is one doubt: whether such a basic (and naive) query be resolved there?
Do you recommend any particular android dev forum?
since you already know c/c++ you already know the basics of programming which are the same for each language i guess.
in my opinion writing basic/simple apps for android is more easy than writing the same app in c/c++.
so for basic/simple apps you could start with some general java tutorials especially about OOP and then go on to Android ...
just simply Google search terms like "android development for beginners" or "android app development tutorial" and plenty of websites come up offering handy dandy hints =]
Thanks elgubbo,
I will try that and let u know if thwre is any issue...let me kbow if anyone else has any suggestions....
For me it always helps to try to understand other code samples. Thats why I am looking for a book wich explains a few basic (and some advanced) code samples.
Sent from my fishbowl...
Java was originally created as a successor to C++ and if you know C++ the syntax of Java should look very familiar. It was designed to make OOP concepts more accessible to C++. It was also set up to make pointers and memory management a thing of the past.
Actually in a lot of ways, knowing C++ will give you an advantage over devs who only know Java. Eventually you'll be able to use Android's NDK (Native Development Kit). Although you will have to use some Java as all apps require the use of some java and the SDK on Android. But even then, you'll have a better idea of what is happening "under the hood" due to your C++ knowledge.
As for where to get started I would suggesst learning applications fundamentals:
Especially the Activity lifecycle and Component lifecycles.
Do all the "Hello World!" tutorials and then you should be well on your way to becoming the next Angry Brid..... err Angry Bird dev.
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
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Instead of being scared by it, TRY it! Install Eclipse. Install the Android SDK. Try the tutorials. Only you can know if you can do it or not.
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
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Yup, That's the correct site. They have a whole section to get you started using eclipse there too.
This is a great place to start:

Please help,where should I start to learn programing for android?

Hello XDA forum members.I want to be able to make my own Android applications that could work via internet.I would like to create small and simple social network with some simple functions.I'm starting with learning of programing in C++ because I always wanted to know to program in that language.But first I would like to create an application that would be used in Android.So I'm willing to learn an additional language just so I could make this idea that I have and I'm sure that I will use this knowledge in future.
So my question is in what program do you code applications for Android smartphones,what is the best way to learn it and when I learn it I want to be able to make application like Badoo(social,meeting application) Badoo is the best example of what I'm trying to do because it is downloadable application that connects to their website.Because this idea that I have will have similar interface and similar features.Please help me with your advice so I don't loose time on mistakes and trying on different languages.Thank you in advance.
Try Aide
From google play it teaches you how you can create applications.
Press thanks
the native language to learn for Android app is java but you should have OO notions before, like with C# (very similar) or C++.

[Q] a few questions about webRTC on android

hi all,
I have a few questions about webRTC on android. I can say I'm new about android and webRTC but I can also say I made tooo much research about webRTC on android. But still have a few questions. (some of them because of I'm new, and some of them because of I'm okey but not fully)
I'm trying to make an android app which is going to communicate between web browser (first choice is chrome) and android device directly (p2p we can say). So I made too much research and I found webRTC is good for me. Do you advise me something other or is it okey you think? (also I am going to code a plugin for chrome).
Nearly every document says 'android is not directly support webRTC'. So I need something to provide me webRTC on android. What it is? Is it native android that I have to code? Is it native (NDK) library that I have to include my project? Or is it a java lib? Or should I go for cordova/crosswalk or sth like that? I researched all but didn't find something can help me. Yeah there are documents about it but not enough..
Some of documents says, I need chromium. But why and how? They show me lots of linux terminal commands and even there is no a line java or C or C++ code. Even some terminal commands and links that they give is not working.
I read/found/tried these things as a result of my research:
Apache cordova
in a nutshell I need help. Please give me your hand. Thank you. (because I'm really very helpless and tried to do my best)
Thank you.
Any idea? Any help?

