[Q] Help with word database for Text messaging - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to change the language of the text messaging word database? if yes...how can i do it.
Thanks everyone


Text Messaging

hello i was just wondering if their is a programme that allows you to say a text message and your phone will write it as you say it thanks.

text messaging application?

I've just flashed into a Korean ROM and this firmware has some wierd SMS thing.
One thing that I most hate about this SMS thing is that there is no option of selecting SMS under contacts.
I think the original SMS application on X1i is alot better.
Does anyone know if there are other SMS applications or is there a way to install the native SMS?
Please help.. Thanks.

HELP! Outlook email text wrap registry

Hi all experts,
1. Tap to Scroll Right...
I just changed from HD to HD2. But when I read emails (MS Exchange). some of the messages not text wrapped and required me to "tap to scroll right". To be frank, this is truely not acceptable!!
I would like to see if someone can provide some tips and tricks on how to fix this, like registry keys..
2. Registry for Email Message Text Size
Moreover, even I change the text size in system>Screen>text size to smallest, the email message not change at all (the inbox headers changed anyway). Can anyone tell me how to change the email message text size thru registry please?
Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas!
Can anyone help please? Thanks.

[Q] Titanium, change app for text

Hey there, brothers. Can't seem to find a solution for this anywhere.
On the titanium homescreen, how can i change the actionurl and/or the right soft key url from the original winmo sms application to, for examlpe, vito SMS?
I can change the clock/calendar/pictures, going to HKLM\...\Shell\Rai.., but i can't figure out how to change the text and email.
Much thanks in advance

[Q] SMS Count Character

Hi everyone!
Does anyone know how to disable special character in Mango? Cause my messages are duplicating, triplicating a lot with this configuration!

