Updates on 2.3.1!!! - Nexus S General

I am currently on 2.3. And I was thinking of updating to 2.3.1 but can someone please explain is it safe and stable??? And pls someone explain what are the actual updates in 2.3.1 over the 2.3.0. I have heard that there is improvement in browser (like less lag in scrolling etc.) Is it as smooth as iphone? Can someone confirm it? And should i go for the update?

C'mon guys, can anyone here just answer my question? What are the exact changes from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1, and is it worth upgrading? Coz i will only update if there is no lag in browser after that. Coming from iphone 4 i see a significant lag in the browser otherwise the phone is quite good and lives up to the hype. A quick and thorough reply will be highly appreciated.
Also suggest me some good exclusive android apps, if possible.

really man, cmon its an official update from Google..why wouldnt you update...

All reports say that its just bug fixes and updates Google Maps to version 5.
More specifically Paul @ MoDaCo says about the update, "Super quick Nexus S OTA update (GRH78) analysis -changes to framework.jar, kernel and Maps.apk. That's about it."
That's about as specific as you're going to get short of Google publishing an official changelog.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

Since I have updated to 2.3.1 I have a lot of apps missing from the market. I would read the thread about missing apps before I update. It is 4 days later and they are still missing.

Google has their work cut out for them; there are a slew of bugs/issues/glitches with Gingerbread. Looking forward to 2.3.2.
I am new to the Nexus line (in other words, I never owned a Nexus One); how often do these minor updates get sent out? The 2.3.x ones.

Thanks for the replies at last guys. My main concern with 2.3.1 is the bugs associated with it, like missing apps from market and stuff. And i wanted to know more about such issues before upgrading. I am new to Nexus S and even with Android as an OS. I am quite impressed with it as a platform but i must say it's not as smooth of an experience as iphone, these small glitches and bugs are quite annoying to say the least.

I think as a general rule with a vanilla Android phone, if reliability is your main concern, incremental updates are probably a good thing, but you may want to think twice about going to a new version of the OS. That's the trouble with being on the cutting edge, you're liable to get wounded. I expect it'll be several updates yet before all the kinks in Gingerbread are worked out.

My main issues with Gingerbread are the random ringtone changes, difficulty in moving app icons on the home screen, sometimes disappearing icons after attempting to move them, some scrolling lag/issues, weird gallery issues like missing photos or photos in odd orders, etc.
These are recurring issues that primarily only happen with Gingerbread - for example, I can move app icons perfectly fine with AWD.
Gingerbread needs far more bug fixed than what 2.3.1. brought.

I just got my Nexus S today and also have the missing media bug in the gallery! Twice it's happened where there'd be nothing displayed in my gallery apart from the last picture taken with the camera! Only hard restarts have solved this so far...

I've updated and not seen any problems so far.


Underwhelmed by 2.1 update - is there anything really cool and new I can do with it?

Now I have installed a ROM based on the official update (paul @ modaco's recommended repack).
But what's new???
I see that there are small, incremental improvements here and there, but overall I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of changes/improvements. It's all business as usual.
What's more, it turns out that Google Maps Navigation (the feature I was most looking forward to with the update) is not available in Australia so I can't use it after all.
There's also no voice searching like there is on other phones on 2.1. I tried installing a google voice search APK someone had floating around but it didn't work.
The improved Market app is nice, though I still can't filter or sort entries the way I'd want (how to sort by star rating and filter out anything containing the term 'soundboard'?)
Can anyone suggest some cool new things I can do with my new 2.1 based Hero?
Basically you can install lots more apps. But not much more. That's why I revert to stock because it's perfect
I think you can install an additional Maps apk (i think I have seen one some time ago, must be somewhere on my sd card), then you had 2 Maps entries in your program list, one of them did navigate, even if official navigation was not yet available.
Not sure if that still works though
MercuryStar said:
What's more, it turns out that Google Maps Navigation (the feature I was most looking forward to with the update) is not available in Australia so I can't use it after all.
There's also no voice searching like there is on other phones on 2.1. I tried installing a google voice search APK someone had floating around but it didn't work.
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Be patient, Google Maps Navigation and Google Voice Search are available in Germany and other European Countries since today, I guess, they will come soon also down under With 1.5 you'll never see them on the market ...
hkr said:
Be patient
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That should be HTC's slogan FFS.
You can look for Brut.all maps somewhere in xda - they contain navigation everywhere in the world I think.
I've since read about Gallery 3D and live wallpapers. And voice integration in the keyboard. Again, not on HTC's official 2.1. Um... so HTC's customers just miss out?
I guess I could try waiting for the world wide english ROM. But I doubt it'd be something they'd have specifically removed just for the Taiwan ROM (would they?).
My other option is moving to a vanilla (AOSP perhaps) ROM. But then I'd miss the HTC features that are good like HTC mail, Peep, etc.
Anyway, I doubt I'm the first person to have grumped about this, you've probably heard it all before.
MercuryStar said:
I've since read about Gallery 3D and live wallpapers. And voice integration in the keyboard. Again, not on HTC's official 2.1. Um... so HTC's customers just miss out?
I guess I could try waiting for the world wide english ROM. But I doubt it'd be something they'd have specifically removed just for the Taiwan ROM (would they?).
My other option is moving to a vanilla (AOSP perhaps) ROM. But then I'd miss the HTC features that are good like HTC mail, Peep, etc.
Anyway, I doubt I'm the first person to have grumped about this, you've probably heard it all before.
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Firstly Gallery3d is an aosp thing i think, Its from eclair (Vanilla 2.1) Live wallpapers are not made for our hero,Mainly for HTC Phones using a snapdragon CPU so we wont get those.....Maybe if you had come from the raw 1.5 sense build to 2.1 Sense you would notice the difference?
Having running 2.1 for a while before the update is released will put a downer on the official update..
Oh and now we have no green camera issue
I was happy with 1.5 but I've installed VillainRom 10 and it's a nice update. Nothing spectacular but it just feels a bit more fluid and snappy. The camera surprised me: it seems a lot quicker and has more options.
MercuryStar said:
Now I have installed a ROM based on the official update (paul @ modaco's recommended repack).
But what's new???
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There are some things some people have been really looking forward too, so they might be happy. But this is why people like me and others have been saying for a long time that the whole 'HTC-hate-thing-when-is-the-updating-coming' is very stupid, because in the end... it's just an Hero ROM!
Still, to be complete, some (new) things people might've been waiting for:
They got access to apps that were missing from the Market on <= 1.5
Bluetooth file transfer (and maybe other missing profiles?)
Google Navigation / Buzz / or other new Google additions 'only for 2.x'
Faster camera app
Newer (optimzed / faster) official Sense build.
People expecting Gallery3d, livewallpapers, Friendstream, etc... they just don't realize they have an Hero... a device that was already outdated when it came out, let alone a year later.
bonesy said:
Maybe if you had come from the raw 1.5 sense build to 2.1 Sense you would notice the difference?
Having running 2.1 for a while before the update is released will put a downer on the official update..
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I was running stock sense 1.5 on it previously. Just rooted, no modifications.
MercuryStar said:
Now I have installed a ROM based on the official update (paul @ modaco's recommended repack).
But what's new???
I see that there are small, incremental improvements here and there, but overall I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of changes/improvements. It's all business as usual.
What's more, it turns out that Google Maps Navigation (the feature I was most looking forward to with the update) is not available in Australia so I can't use it after all.
There's also no voice searching like there is on other phones on 2.1. I tried installing a google voice search APK someone had floating around but it didn't work.
The improved Market app is nice, though I still can't filter or sort entries the way I'd want (how to sort by star rating and filter out anything containing the term 'soundboard'?)
Can anyone suggest some cool new things I can do with my new 2.1 based Hero?
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It's no 2.2, but still I feel that's a considerable Update.
Yes there are small updates here and there which make the experience better. Things like App Update notifications, nice fullscreen weather animations, more widgets, like Power controls, better camera, more setting options etc.
One of the most considerable advantages over 1.5 is app support. Apps which were coded for 2.1 are now visible and available. What's more Hero was the biggest factor in developers developing for min. version 1.5, as there are lots of Heros around. Now it's 2.1 all the way.
Other things of the top of my head: better Exchange, better faster browser, better Contacts manager, Voice integration and most certainly alt of under the hood improvements.
P.S. Use brut maps for navigation, as someone already said.
Biggest thing for me is probably Bluetooth, actually being able to send files, photos, music to another phone is something I have been missing a great deal.
graculusthegreenbird said:
Biggest thing for me is probably Bluetooth, actually being able to send files, photos, music to another phone is something I have been missing a great deal.
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I'll second THAT!
slovoflud said:
P.S. Use brut maps for navigation, as someone already said.
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Thanks to both of you for the tip about Brut Maps. It works
I've just flashed VanillaEclair and am enjoying it.
Looks like HTC's Sense stuff doesn't really evolve all that much across Android versions, whereas they've updated a bit more of the non-Sense stuff (much of which people with phones other than the Hero already had).
At the moment I'm feeling a little that I don't want to be held back by HTC Sense, hence giving a Vanilla ROM a spin.

Truth on the Froyo tracking hoax

Incredible how much info on the new Froyo update on this forum is plain Incorrect. Devices with original Dutch (Netherlands) product codes are not oficially upgradeable yet nor are they in Germany or any other countries on the European mainland! Anyone who claims it is either didn't remove the KIES hack properly or changed their product code accidentally in a previous flash.
As far as I know the update is as of yet oficially only available to Scandinavian customers. They do this because it is a small market with relatively few technologically challenged customers. If there are any major flaws (major meaning so big it would result in legal problems or put a serious strain on the user experience if they went ahead seeding the fw to a greater subset of customers) in the firmware they will correct it before rolling it out to other markets. Nokia (with the very flawed N97) and Sony Ericisson are both known to follow this logic as well and usually pick the Nordic countries as guinea pigs (or sometimes even more narrowed down to only Norway).
But don't take my word for it, take a look at this video from Nokia's highest product manager.
Hi, Finland here. Stock, unrooted --> Kies kindly offered to upgrade my SGS to 2.2 a few days ago - YAY!
I am really, really pissed off right now. So far, I've come upon about 50 force close bugs. In addition to that, I have found very little (or none) new features that I really need or even notice, or any improvements/fixes.
But I TRUST all these will be fixed for you all in other countries!
thurtig said:
Hi, Finland here. Stock, unrooted --> Kies kindly offered to upgrade my SGS to 2.2 a few days ago - YAY!
I am really, really pissed off right now. So far, I've come upon about 50 force close bugs. In addition to that, I have found very little (or none) new features that I really need or even notice, or any improvements/fixes.
But I TRUST all these will be fixed for you all in other countries!
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Thank you for playing guinea pig, because of you I won't have to be angry
There is just one slight problem.
We keep reporting bugs to Samsung Finland, but their response is mostly:
"We haven't come across this before. We are really surprised."
This is even for show-stopper bugs like the "can't receive SMS messages" bug, which is highly annoying (btw, this is an Eclari 2.1 bug, haven't tested under 2.2).
So, my question is: what good is all this testing, if they don't take feedback from experienced developers/users/testers/debuggers seriously?
vasra said:
There is just one slight problem.
We keep reporting bugs to Samsung Finland, but their response is mostly:
"We haven't come across this before. We are really surprised."
This is even for show-stopper bugs like the "can't receive SMS messages" bug, which is highly annoying (btw, this is an Eclari 2.1 bug, haven't tested under 2.2).
So, my question is: what good is all this testing, if they don't take feedback from experienced developers/users/testers/debuggers seriously?
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I guess the problem is that this strategy of using a contained set of customers as test case is thought out by a couple of geniuses in Samsung corporate and they fail to direct the resources necessary to pump up customer service departments in those areas to handle reports from users. Receiving bug reports from the right people in one thing, logging and handling them is quite another trait.
I therefore doubt that the goal of seeding the firmware to tech savvy Scandinavians with high speed broadband connections is really to receive bug reports from them. Bug reports are usually only picked up at an earlier stage of development. Basically, the feedback from the Scandinavians is used to either decide whether to go ahead releasing the fw to the rest of the world or to send it back to the development team for further fixing.
You are right to note that this makes the whole idea behind the strategy seem like weak. However, the goal of the test is only to assure that the new firmware does not cause any major deterioration in usability or customer experience. Remaining smaller issues can also be fixed once the firmware is rolled out to a greater population of customers.
You should look at the release in the Scandinavian countries as step 3 superseding testing first by Samsung's own engineers and second by people in e.g. this community two whom the software is intentionally "leaked". The leak being Samsung making it possible to test for them by changing one line in a text file.
Could be that their servers are simply not prepared for a simultaneous global release.
They say galaxy s sales have already passed the 5M mark...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
pmos69 said:
Could be that their servers are simply not prepared for a simultaneous global release.
They say galaxy s sales have already passed the 5M mark...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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That would be one possibility. It happened to apple when they released the iPhone 3G simultaneously with an update for the iPhone 2G. I remember apple's servers being so overloaded that customers couldn't activate their newly purchased 3G devices. I don't think it explains though why Samsung hasn't released the fw outside of Scandinavia yet.
pmos69 said:
Could be that their servers are simply not prepared for a simultaneous global release.
They say galaxy s sales have already passed the 5M mark...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Not a bad point at all.
I mean, they're a Fortune 500 company so you expect them to have the infrastructure to perform a worldwide release but perhaps they did encounter these issues.
Or perhaps it's typical samsung bs
thurtig said:
Hi, Finland here. Stock, unrooted --> Kies kindly offered to upgrade my SGS to 2.2 a few days ago - YAY!
I am really, really pissed off right now. So far, I've come upon about 50 force close bugs. In addition to that, I have found very little (or none) new features that I really need or even notice, or any improvements/fixes.
But I TRUST all these will be fixed for you all in other countries!
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Thanks for testing the firmware for us (Y)... cheers!
I am trying to put this point to my fellow Xda members that even if these firmwares are released thru kies, they may still be public beta or Rc. Like all the eclair jmx builds which some claim to be released to a specific location, could only prove that they are testing the software among a specific group of people.
Most probably a release will have a proper timestamp on the firmware code. I still firmly believe jpm is a Rc at best unless Samsung confirms it to be a release.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Prankey said:
I still firmly believe jpm is a Rc at best unless Samsung confirms it to be a release.
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Samsung has confirmed the version they are rolling out to the Nordic region now is "The Android 2.2 upgrade". (press release)
That's not to say they won't release a different version to the rest of the world, but it is not an RC.
Have any of the guys that upgraded and have problems, tried to factory reset the phone?
Froyo is somewhat different from Eclair and i think, that you should wipe at least dalvik cache, to have the stable device (that's from my experience with Hero).
I've read, that people have issues after upgrade, but everything's starting to work fine after wipe.
Personally i've updated to froyo using Kies registry hack, but after update i did factory reset, and i do not have ANY issues with the phone.
So if the rest of the world is going to get froyo through kies until the end of October, nobody is saying anything about the OTA update.
Anyone has a guesstimate on OTA update?
szczeslaw said:
Have any of the guys that upgraded and have problems, tried to factory reset the phone?
Froyo is somewhat different from Eclair and i think, that you should wipe at least dalvik cache, to have the stable device (that's from my experience with Hero).
I've read, that people have issues after upgrade, but everything's starting to work fine after wipe.
Personally i've updated to froyo using Kies registry hack, but after update i did factory reset, and i do not have ANY issues with the phone.
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same here - factory reset - phone all good.
been using Copilot for 4 days or so now ... and has not missed a trick - work is 35 plus miles - even handled bluetooth calls while using copilot - no problems so far.
problem with my mic though so need tmobile to update so i can take it back
szczeslaw said:
Have any of the guys that upgraded and have problems, tried to factory reset the phone?
Froyo is somewhat different from Eclair and i think, that you should wipe at least dalvik cache, to have the stable device (that's from my experience with Hero).
I've read, that people have issues after upgrade, but everything's starting to work fine after wipe.
Personally i've updated to froyo using Kies registry hack, but after update i did factory reset, and i do not have ANY issues with the phone.
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conuk said:
same here - factory reset - phone all good.
been using Copilot for 4 days or so now ... and has not missed a trick - work is 35 plus miles - even handled bluetooth calls while using copilot - no problems so far.
problem with my mic though so need tmobile to update so i can take it back
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I probably went overboard but coming from a variety of symbian handsets I always like to start from a clean slate when upgrading to a major firmware.
I was on Tayutama's JM8 ROM. I backed up my contacts via Kies (even though I already had a backup on Outlook). I used SMS BackUp & Restore and Call Logs BackUp & Restore to save my SMS/Call log info. I didn't back up anything through Titanium. I un-did RyanZA's OCLF.
I then flashed a stock JM8 through Odin with .512 pit re-partition checked. Booted up phone and reset to factory settings.
Then upgraded to JP6 through Kies with XEE registry hack. Then factory wiped again (Probably unnecassary, I know). Then restored contacts from Kies and SMS/Call Logs from the Back & Restore apps. Re-installed all apps manually through AppBrain again. (I read restoring from Titanium causes conflict with the new firmware).
Been running it for 3 days without reboot and no force closes and the battery life is the same as before. Loving the new froyo features. No SMS bugs, Market App present and upgraded, no camera bugs, wifi even better than JM8, GPS slightly better - good enough for the occasional car navigation. The only issues I've had are with the browser which now crashes on the Guardian website, when it never used to before. But the flash websites work like a charm.
silverstorm said:
Been running it for 3 days without reboot and no force closes and the battery life is the same as before. Loving the new froyo features. No SMS bugs, no camera bugs, wifi even better than JM8, GPS slightly better - good enough for the occasional car navigation. The only issues I've had are with the browser which now crashes on the Guardian website, when it never used to before. But the flash websites work like a charm.
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Do you have moved apps to SD card? Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Third-party -> app -> Move to SD card?
- After boot the icons of the moved apps have gone from the Home pages and Folders.
Do you have in the Contacts all the letters on the right side selection?
- There is only two letters and a dot etc. Third of the letters have gone away. There could be contacts or not, no direct pick to contact any more.
Yes, I made factory reset before upgrade.
I'm very disappointed to the upgrade, but there is one cheerful feature for me. I have bought two Samsung phones at once: the first one and the last one.
I just can't understand why you are moving apps to sd on sgs? Man you have 2gb internal memory for your apps. What's the point?
Sent from intergalactic cosmic invaders battleship.
We got a statement from a Samsung offical. I cant post a link here because I'm a "new" member (more like old lurker), but if you go to droidnytt.no with google translate you'll see it. Basically it was taken down.
[email protected] said:
Do you have moved apps to SD card? Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Third-party -> app -> Move to SD card?
- After boot the icons of the moved apps have gone from the Home pages and Folders.
Do you have in the Contacts all the letters on the right side selection?
- There is only two letters and a dot etc. Third of the letters have gone away. There could be contacts or not, no direct pick to contact any more.
Yes, I made factory reset before upgrade.
I'm very disappointed to the upgrade, but there is one cheerful feature for me. I have bought two Samsung phones at once: the first one and the last one.
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Nope, haven't moved any apps to SD. Didn't see the point when I have 2GB storage.
Now that you mentioned the Contacts letters on the right hand side, yes, I do have some random letters (every third or fourth letter) replaced with a dot. But the sliding search still works the same way and I can access the contacts in the relevant alphabet area. Looks odd, but not a deal-breaker for me.
I am enjoying this release of froyo. It will see through until Samsung release the proper UK release which I will then no doubt be eager to adopt anyway.
Before this thread goes any further, would the OP please explain how they know this?
Because, for all we know, it may be fiction. There have been plenty of cases here where stuff has been "confirmed" by people, and the reality was, their "confirmation" was based on guessing, or rumor sites.
So I'd like to know how we know this to be true? Whilst I'd be inclined to believe that the mobile carrier simply decided that they wanted to rollout a beta, and it is true, that is an opinion. And I'd like to see others start to challenge claims made here, just to be sure we are accurate

[Q] To flash or not to flash (Stock ROM to CM7 alpha)

For those who have tried, is the CM7 alpha worth replacing the stock Glacier ROM? What are the benefits over the current stock HTC Sense ROM? What's missing or not quite there?
Wrong Section, good question though
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Cm7 nightlies - no longer CM7 alpha
It's true that this is probably the wrong section and I'm a noob too but before they bring in the new rules about minimum postings in the developer section, I'll throw in my ten cents.
US T-Mobile version of Mytouch4G and had no reason to be unhappy with the stock Rom but just love to scratch an itch and see what happens.
In the pursuit of seeing what happens I successfully rooted the phone to the point of permanent S=off (but not complete unlock as I have no need for that yet)
and over the course of the last few weeks systematically installed and tested three of the froyo builds/ports available on this forum.
Each have their strengths and weakness which are clearly listed so I wont catalogue the details I'll just say the following:
It's a lotta lotta fun! there was a geek in me waiting to get out and I finally see what the true potential is with this platform (android) - It's probably unlimited.
Aside from the philosophical point of wanting to have the freedom to do whatever with and put whatever you want on the device, that rooting facilitates (I’m a veteran of two generation of iphones), there is also that practical point that rooting does unlock the full potential of the device available right now which includes a host of apps already on the market only for rooted devices.
I don’t want to go into all those possibilities here because they are covered in detail in any google search but let’s just say that once you’re on the other side of the proverbial fence, the grass really is greener.
I know I’m being vague at this point, but let me continue a little longer.
Having also owned a number of windows based htc devices through 2005-2008 I’m no stranger to htc sense and some of the useful little gadgets that they seem to have evolved to a fairly decent level in android and I’ll say this:
Take away the surface veneer which is not as bad in the MT4G as in some others (bloatware) and you find that the meat and potatoes of the platform/operating system is all android.
And it runs MUCH better without the crap. – forget about overclocking (which helps and is fun) loose the veneer and the device flies.
And what you lose in the process – a couple of apps – you replace immediately with comparable ones for free down at the market.
So – phone runs better, can do more, has a host of better looking ui’s and themes that all the talented developers on this forum are constantly pushing out – then what about the risks?
I haven’t had a single hitch – not one.
I’m as impulsive as the next guy but I just took it steady with the information overload – carefully rooted the phone and from there, flashing one rom after another has become no more complicated than booting into recovery – case closed.
It’s become second nature.
And I’ve had to do a double take once or twice when something didn’t play out exactly as described but I’ve discovered that I had overlooked a detail here and there and it’s an easy fix.
Point being that there are constant warnings and disclaimers for obvious reasons, but my device at least has turned out to be very hardy – no scares here.
So finally, I’ve been eyeing developments in the gingerbread camp like everyone else and I’ve been wary of the alpha builds because my zero level of expertise keeps me from playing in that league and I see early this morning that an official CM7 release is out for my model the glacier.
At first I run I into problems flashing Clockworkmod to 3.0 and even try to flash the rom and boot from 2.5 with the predictable conclusion of a stuck boot loop all the while not really knowing what to expect from this ginger hype and whether it’s really worth the trouble of leaving my now very stable cooked froyo rom.
Someone then creates the thread a few lines up describing how to simply use rom manager to install the update for CWM 3.0 and at 2am I’m on my way.
I flash the rom and install the additional google apps and what do I find?
Nuff said.
I won’t be overclocking it as a rule but I get 2805 on quadrant – previous high being in the 2500’s (each chip is actually different so I’ve heard that everyones score will vary)
The device has no lags, splutters, and runs quite literally incredibly.
and the look and feel of gingerbread? – I’ll add to what I said earlier – it’s amazing – it’s a moving graphical, visual feast.
It will seriously rain on apple’s parade when this thing hits the main stream and I think quite honestly that it’s the greatest mobile device operating system ever created.
I know I’m gushing but it really is that good and considerably more impressive than froyo while having the same core navigation and other functionality.
I won’t be going back.
I won’t endorse taking risks with your device but I’ll say it’s worth taking a look.
A few afterthoughts for those asking the questions:
There is a brand new version of the market packaged with the 20110115 version of the larger gapps file floating around on this forum – it also rocks!
Although most apps available on the market have not yet been updated for gb 2.3, they all work so far on my machine with one or two unimportant exeptions.
I’ve replaced all sense functionality with free apps off the market – no loss there.
The device runs smoothly and all functionality is tested and working in the latest release - great job guys doing the work here.
Long and the short of it being …it’s all good.
hope that helps.
Definitely worth a flash to try yourself. I mean it's CyanogenMod so how could it not be good?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
matkam said:
For those who have tried, is the CM7 alpha worth replacing the stock Glacier ROM? What are the benefits over the current stock HTC Sense ROM? What's missing or not quite there?
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You would be very surprised at how extremely stable these roms are. I've been running them for a few weeks now and they're definitely stable enough to be your daily driver.
The main thing to consider is that Sense is a highly customized ROM while CyanogenMod is based on Pure Google with some additional configurations available.
Try it out, it's pretty easy to go back if you don't like it. For a while there I was nandroiding back and forth between Sense and CM6 about twice a week, lol.
CM7 some after thoughts
Continuing from my earlier post, I thought I would head off a few questions about observable differences in gingerbread - well the CM7 incarnation:
Android market loads and populates faster.
The wireless radio picks up signals/networks faster and connects gracefully and quickly.
All aspects of the functionality of the whole system and each individual app seems to be smoother and more efficient.
Youtube no longer has that annoying glitch coming out of landscape.
My new 16bg class 6 mini sdhc card finally works and no longer gives me the blank card or damaged card bull crap every time I unmount or remount from usb mode – didn’t expect that one and had resigned myself to going back to the stock 8gb card it shipped with.
The app drawer pops out at you in what seems like 3d while leaving the background wallpaper intact. – so the app drawer just floats while you scroll through it.
Every aspect of the device and systems are customizable – I mean everything – probably in part due to the efforts of the CM7 team.
The stock gingerbread phone dialer app is changed for the better and is obviously one of many enhancements including the ability to program your sip (voip) settings straight into the phone doing away with third party apps altogether to make or receive calls (if you’re into voip)
You’ll have to dig around to find the .apk for the stock car/navigation mode app and I solved that riddle by downloading the free android app(car home) from the market and also installing a third party app (car mode control) which is used to launch it – I’ve been lazy and haven’t investigated yet whether it’s actually necessary to have the go between, but it works.
and swype, if you want it, can be downloaded direct from the guys that developed it at the beta.swype page (wasn't allowed to post the link) - by simply registering to test the latest beta, which is better than in the stock MT4G rom.
Someone report the first post to have this moved.
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Whosdaman said:
Someone report the first post to have this moved.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Didn't realize it had to be reported. I always assumed that because you're a mod you can do whatever the hell you want.
Well in your case just pick current RC fork from repository and use it normally you don't have to wait for the SR fork. Unless you are dev I don't see why you would want to flash it every night unless you understand basic and even in that case weekly might be fine. I been there done that as flashing new rom everyday as it came down the pipe I tried few CM7A few times let the dev do more work as ill make that my rom when SR is out, ATM have IGv1.1.6 as I flashed it this afternoon.
matkam said:
For those who have tried, is the CM7 alpha worth replacing the stock Glacier ROM? What are the benefits over the current stock HTC Sense ROM? What's missing or not quite there?
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If you thought your phone was fast out of the box, this is faster. If you thought it was a bit laggy (like me), it's like getting a brand new phone.
Also, having better experiences with CM7 GB on MT4G than I ever did on my Nexus S. This is saying a lot.
ZeroSX said:
Also, having better experiences with CM7 GB on MT4G than I ever did on my Nexus S. This is saying a lot.
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Same for me. Such a smoother experience all around.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
I just flashed & I must say it is a much smoother expericence. I love it & its not even a stable build.
matkam said:
For those who have tried, is the CM7 alpha worth replacing the stock Glacier ROM? What are the benefits over the current stock HTC Sense ROM? What's missing or not quite there?
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Is this your first Android phone? Have you ever played with a Pure Google Experience Android phone? If you're nervous about the CM7 builds, try CM6. Easier to flash since you don't need to manually flash the recovery and it will give you a feel for CyanogenMod and the Pure Android feel.
Think of the G2, that comes with plain Android right out of the box. Go to a T-mobile store and poke around with it to see if you like it.
I simply cannot stand the HTC Sense stuff... Personal preference.
I had CM6.1 for a couple weeks and I am VERY happy with it. I am waiting another week or so to start using the CM7 builds just because I have been too busy with other stuff.
neuralboy said:
It's true that this is probably the wrong section and I'm a noob too but before they bring in the new rules about minimum postings in the developer section, I'll throw in my ten cents.
US T-Mobile version of Mytouch4G and had no reason to be unhappy with the stock Rom but just love to scratch an itch and see what happens.
In the pursuit of seeing what happens I successfully rooted the phone to the point of permanent S=off (but not complete unlock as I have no need for that yet)
and over the course of the last few weeks systematically installed and tested three of the froyo builds/ports available on this forum.
Each have their strengths and weakness which are clearly listed so I wont catalogue the details I'll just say the following:
It's a lotta lotta fun! there was a geek in me waiting to get out and I finally see what the true potential is with this platform (android) - It's probably unlimited.
Aside from the philosophical point of wanting to have the freedom to do whatever with and put whatever you want on the device, that rooting facilitates (I’m a veteran of two generation of iphones), there is also that practical point that rooting does unlock the full potential of the device available right now which includes a host of apps already on the market only for rooted devices.
I don’t want to go into all those possibilities here because they are covered in detail in any google search but let’s just say that once you’re on the other side of the proverbial fence, the grass really is greener.
I know I’m being vague at this point, but let me continue a little longer.
Having also owned a number of windows based htc devices through 2005-2008 I’m no stranger to htc sense and some of the useful little gadgets that they seem to have evolved to a fairly decent level in android and I’ll say this:
Take away the surface veneer which is not as bad in the MT4G as in some others (bloatware) and you find that the meat and potatoes of the platform/operating system is all android.
And it runs MUCH better without the crap. – forget about overclocking (which helps and is fun) loose the veneer and the device flies.
And what you lose in the process – a couple of apps – you replace immediately with comparable ones for free down at the market.
So – phone runs better, can do more, has a host of better looking ui’s and themes that all the talented developers on this forum are constantly pushing out – then what about the risks?
I haven’t had a single hitch – not one.
I’m as impulsive as the next guy but I just took it steady with the information overload – carefully rooted the phone and from there, flashing one rom after another has become no more complicated than booting into recovery – case closed.
It’s become second nature.
And I’ve had to do a double take once or twice when something didn’t play out exactly as described but I’ve discovered that I had overlooked a detail here and there and it’s an easy fix.
Point being that there are constant warnings and disclaimers for obvious reasons, but my device at least has turned out to be very hardy – no scares here.
So finally, I’ve been eyeing developments in the gingerbread camp like everyone else and I’ve been wary of the alpha builds because my zero level of expertise keeps me from playing in that league and I see early this morning that an official CM7 release is out for my model the glacier.
At first I run I into problems flashing Clockworkmod to 3.0 and even try to flash the rom and boot from 2.5 with the predictable conclusion of a stuck boot loop all the while not really knowing what to expect from this ginger hype and whether it’s really worth the trouble of leaving my now very stable cooked froyo rom.
Someone then creates the thread a few lines up describing how to simply use rom manager to install the update for CWM 3.0 and at 2am I’m on my way.
I flash the rom and install the additional google apps and what do I find?
Nuff said.
I won’t be overclocking it as a rule but I get 2805 on quadrant – previous high being in the 2500’s (each chip is actually different so I’ve heard that everyones score will vary)
The device has no lags, splutters, and runs quite literally incredibly.
and the look and feel of gingerbread? – I’ll add to what I said earlier – it’s amazing – it’s a moving graphical, visual feast.
It will seriously rain on apple’s parade when this thing hits the main stream and I think quite honestly that it’s the greatest mobile device operating system ever created.
I know I’m gushing but it really is that good and considerably more impressive than froyo while having the same core navigation and other functionality.
I won’t be going back.
I won’t endorse taking risks with your device but I’ll say it’s worth taking a look.
A few afterthoughts for those asking the questions:
There is a brand new version of the market packaged with the 20110115 version of the larger gapps file floating around on this forum – it also rocks!
Although most apps available on the market have not yet been updated for gb 2.3, they all work so far on my machine with one or two unimportant exeptions.
I’ve replaced all sense functionality with free apps off the market – no loss there.
The device runs smoothly and all functionality is tested and working in the latest release - great job guys doing the work here.
Long and the short of it being …it’s all good.
hope that helps.
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Where did you see a link for an official CM7 release for this phone?!?!
Q.Entity said:
I simply cannot stand the HTC Sense stuff... Personal preference.
I had CM6.1 for a couple weeks and I am VERY happy with it. I am waiting another week or so to start using the CM7 builds just because I have been too busy with other stuff.
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You know that's how I felt when I bought the phone. I kept thinking about returning it for a G2 just to get plain Android. Ironically, by the time I finally rooted my phone and flashed CM6, Sense had grown on me to the point that I kept nandroiding back and using it by choice. Ha!
Now I've been on cm7 for a few days and I'm pretty happy with it.
CM7 official nightlies
I can't post a link out but the link to the CM7 builds is usually towards the top of the mytouch 4G Android Developement forum page.
It's constantly being updated and it looks like the latest build takes care of a number of little issues including swype, google car home and maybe the apps pack too
To those voting not to flash, have you tried CM7? What's keeping you from being happy with it?
I just flashed it myself and am pretty happy with it. The experience is much more consistent than the stock Sense ROM, gingerbread is really fast/smooth, and CM7 adds a lot of options for customization. Wifi isn't working though.
matkam said:
To those voting not to flash, have you tried CM7? What's keeping you from being happy with it?
I just flashed it myself and am pretty happy with it. The experience is much more consistent than the stock Sense ROM, gingerbread is really fast/smooth, and CM7 adds a lot of options for customization. Wifi isn't working though.
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Reboot for wifi to work.
BTW, CM7 is slick as an iced glacier.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
neuralboy said:
Nuff said.
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This has got to be the biggest fanboism i've every heard on any forum. Gingerbread is not that different from FroYo. It looks the same it feels. it acts the same.
To the OP If you want to flash the most current baked variant of Android then by all means flash away. If not FroYo will serve your needs just fine.

The current and future state of CyanogenMod Nightlies (ice Cream Sandwich is coming)

October 31st, 2011
The current and future state of CyanogenMod Nightlies
Happy thing to hear, but i want to give a suggestion to cm team, but dont know where to put it, if any body know it, then pls forward it to them, or help me to post it in right place,
It is;
Insted of putting nightlies on same device, frequently, cm builds should add an app through which newly realised patches and modes should be integrated into the rom from the device itself( just like windows updates or software updates) or some thing like update zip etc..
The advantages are..
1) avoid heavy size downloads of frequently updated nightlies
2) easy updates
3) every user/ device is stays updated
4) avoid errors and bugs more easily.
5) save a large amount of data space in server ( where all these nightlies are uploaded)
The 1ly thing should be cared is to ensure that the device gets updates in a constant manner, ie user should not install update no.2 unless he put update no.1 in the device.
Dont you seem it is nice?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
showlyshah said:
3) every user/ device is stays updated
4) avoid errors and bugs more easily.
Dont you seem it is nice?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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That is a two sided knife.
Regarding point 3, if an update brings trouble, it will bring trouble for everyone. Meaning a hell of a lot of user getting their phones messed-up. The way it is now, only those who want nightlys might bump their heads into problems. Those who don`t have the time to wait for fixes stay on stable.
4) and encounter bugs and errors more easily. Imagine a problematic update that makes you incapable of answering a call. because the nature of the update, everyone gets the bug. Imagine the amount of **** that will get thrown in the direction of the CM team.
The current way is, IMO the best way.
If I misunderstood you, please tell me.
Alex_GP said:
That is a two sided knife.
Regarding point 3, if an update brings trouble, it will bring trouble for everyone. Meaning a hell of a lot of user getting their phones messed-up. The way it is now, only those who want nightlys might bump their heads into problems. Those who don`t have the time to wait for fixes stay on stable.
4) and encounter bugs and errors more easily. Imagine a problematic update that makes you incapable of answering a call. because the nature of the update, everyone gets the bug. Imagine the amount of **** that will get thrown in the direction of the CM team.
The current way is, IMO the best way.
If I misunderstood you, please tell me.
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You said it, but its not as right as you think. The reason is the answ you may give for my following question " how frequently do you update your Linux / windows / Mac? ? Do you keep an automatic update or a manual update? And in case you are a frequent updater, can you say every 1 is like you?"
Dude i just mention to add an app, from which you can update your cm, and not necessarly it is an automatic one, it should be a manual one, just like cwm updates are notified by rommanager , you will be provided with a notification, you may or may not install it, and ofcourse every update package should have a changelog, so that you are aware of the changes.
Also the app should have an option to backup the old files in case if you want to revert back.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Mmmm I'm happy the way it is.
Motto/quote : if it ain't broke don't try and fix it!!
I have yet to see a heavy size nightly or stable for that matter.I'm not having a moan at your idea but people are all different and choice is what makes us stand apart. We have an app which informs us of new builds and its then our choice of what to do with said information. There is an updated changelog page for info on each build and xda forum members have everything else regarding new builds/stable info.
My personal preference is stable but I like to test nightlys too and swap and change like the weather, so for me I say nooooooo I have everything I need where it is now. Regards Slymobi.
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
ya you are right, stable versions are here, but what about nightlies? every week or two they are releasing a new nightly, and many of them contains major or minor bug fixes, so the user have to download, wipe(if it is needed) and flash again, dont it seems a bit discouraging?, i seem it like formatting your pc, running all the os setups, then installing your softwares etc.., some times you do all this for a small script/library change? so is that worthy enough? i dont think so. more over the developers have to build and build the update zip again and again, thats why i started thinking like this.
if you people dont like my idea, just we can stop it.
showlyshah said:
ya you are right, stable versions are here, but what about nightlies? every week or two they are releasing a new nightly, and many of them contains major or minor bug fixes, so the user have to download, wipe(if it is needed) and flash again, dont it seems a bit discouraging?, i seem it like formatting your pc, running all the os setups, then installing your softwares etc.., some times you do all this for a small script/library change? so is that worthy enough? i dont think so. more over the developers have to build and build the update zip again and again, thats why i started thinking like this.
if you people dont like my idea, just we can stop it.
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Back-up your apps with Titanium back-up. Many nightlies can be updated with out needing to format all the partitions. (maybe cache, just to be sure).
It`s not a chore. Nobody forces you to do it. If you consider the update to be worth the work, then ok. If not, stay on stable.

ICS Nightlys

Hi All
Seems to be a bit backward to not be able to post in the development section, but rules are rules I suppose.
I bought a Xoom a couple of months ago and put on Moray on a UK wifi Xoom. Very impressed and jumped onto ICS with the initial ICS release then played about with nightlys up to version twelve today.
OTG still not working for me, it crashes USB watcher OTG as well.
Music app does not get mentioned, but its terrible. Only small icons and no proper options ?
Camera and Mic were not tried as they are obviosly broken due to missing binaries.
It also seems backward to have widgets only on the apps page.
Battery options made the battery read zero, then made it disappear from the tray as well.
Browser does seem slicker, but back to Moray and its not a huge difference to be fair.
Have issues with various Apps. This makes sense as they still need to get up to speed with ICS. But it does concern me when people say its the best thing ever, when nothing can work as advertised. HW videos are hit and miss. I am also sure I read a while back that ICS would be all singing, why do I need a Ext mount app to write to an external card, same as OTG ? I thought that this would be part of the main build ?
So from my own personal experience, its a change, but until you have a full package with working apps, hardware, then I think people need to calm down with their plaudits for ICS.
I think I will leave the nightlys for a while, but it was great to try, and thanks for the guys putting the effort in making/updating these things.
I'm going to say this with as much respect as I can:
You have zero idea what the development section is about with statements like that.
Stick to stock software if you want a device that works as intended.
Development and custom roms always have caveats and pitfalls.
Thanks for stopping by!
Regarding not being able to post in dev section - it's for development only not questions and a lot of new users start new threads and ask a lot of questions! It makes sense the way it s.
You have to remember that these are alpha builds which are not supposed to be complete or fully working. A lot of devs wouldn't even put these out at this stage because of instability issues. But I am SOOO glad that the EOS team have decided to share these awesome ICS build with us because it may take weeks or even months to get to a full build release or an official Moto release. I know you aren't trying to bash the devs but I have to disagree with your opinions. I love ICS so far. It's fast, fluid and looks great.
Agreed with the widget option. Think the HC way was better but it's a minor issue compared to the speed improvements.
In essence though, I think if the full product is what you want you should stay away from alpha or even beta builds. Stick with full or official releases. Most people who test these roms understand this.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
aside from the camera and the mic i have had zero problems with anything i do on the xoom on a regular basis.
if it's an alpha build, it's a hell of an alpha build.
the only thing was it took me a bit to get all the gapps working and to the most current versions
Well my point was I don't have to be a Dev to know when things are not working. OTG is not working, and this is not a statement saying it has to, but merely a way of reporting it.
Nobody has mentioned the battery dissapears if you change the settings.
People seemed to be obsessed with Google Maps working, but since this is a great media player the bugs seem to be getting left out of the threads.
Now I know there is a lot missing, but why no OTG support built in ? Is this just a Motorola thing ?
I think there has to be a devils advocate here, everyone saying its fast is great, but if you are just using this as a browser, then its not a great indication about how good ICS is.
And to the chap who said I had no idea about Dev things, you are 100 % correct. But this is not aimed at anyone doing the nightlys, this is an ICS comparison. I am sure if Motorola release a version of ICS! Then it would get mentioned, how there are also some annoying new things not hardware or nightly release related. As I said the Music player is abysmal, the widgets is hidden away. The apps selector looks smaller, and some other little things.
So all I am trying to say is yes it seems faster, but since its only partly there, and we shrug when things don't work correctly, does not mean that is is the best thing ever. When we have a full version and all the binaries are working, then we will see the real speed ?
xoom68 said:
Well my point was I don't have to be a Dev to know when things are not working. OTG is not working, and this is not a statement saying it has to, but merely a way of reporting it.
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I haven't tested it but others in the thread have and say it's working.
Nobody has mentioned the battery dissapears if you change the settings.
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It's in the official bug tracker.
Now I know there is a lot missing, but why no OTG support built in ? Is this just a Motorola thing ?
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At this point the ICS builds are all straight from source so not a moto thing but see above.
So all I am trying to say is yes it seems faster, but since its only partly there, and we shrug when things don't work correctly, does not mean that is is the best thing ever. When we have a full version and all the binaries are working, then we will see the real speed ?
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That's all well and good but if that's the way you think then stay away from alpha and beta builds. If you are only interested in the full working product wait for official release.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
Worst thread ever.
Alpha build!
Thanks for replying.
I don't know what defines a working OTG, but with Moray I used USB Mount watcher and I mounted a 1tb HD no problem. I thought I would not need an app, but no joy. This time when I tried the App it says it was built in. But it hangs at any attempt to identify the HD. Another mount app sees the HD, but can't mount it.
The battery thing I just noticed in the bug tracker, but no one mentioned it in the thread.
No one mentions the poor ICS music player or widgets.
I just see people obsessed with calendar and Google maps ?
And to all saying Alpha Build....considering Motorola never added OTG support to HC, but the custom roms did. My point is who is to say they will add it to ICS. I thought it was supposed to be standard. If people have to Root their device to get OTG and towrite to External SD. We have not come that far forward. And in fact the threads I readprevious to buying a Xoom had people waiting months for updates, are people really expecting a Motorola Ics within the next 6 months. This alpha build will not get any better until there are binaries, soapart from a few settings tweaks, it will stay Alpha for a long time I reckon.
I understand you saying stick to stock, but the built in things to ICS are poorer in relation to HC, I suppose no one mentions things in case they appear to be rude, but I think its better if people know the negatives as well, as it just seems to be people with Ice Cream tinted glasses at the moment
xoom68 said:
I understand you saying stick to stock, but the built in things to ICS are poorer in relation to HC, I suppose no one mentions things in case they appear to be rude, but I think its better if people know the negatives as well, as it just seems to be people with Ice Cream tinted glasses at the moment
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Again though, this is an alpha build so you cannot expect this to be fully working or all "built in" functions to be bug free.
If the current builds don't work for your daily needs that's fair enough, wait for a more complete build. But you cannot burn ICS on the strengths, or weaknesses, of an alpha build.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
Be happy that we are the only tablet that has a ICS build to be bug free enough to be a daily driver for a good portion of users.
(Wifi, GPU acceleration, netflix work perfectly, browser is very much improved)
I can't post in the development section either.
But a thread like this is just the place to boost my post count.
---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------
Ten characters.
Honestly, all I can really say to this... one step at a time, one day at a time.
You, as well as others, must understand and respect the fact that the developers here are putting in their own free time and effort to bring us these ROMs and extras, at absolutely no cost to you, the user.
Trying to tear apart tons code that has already been written to troubleshoot, fix problems, and test is hugely tedious and very time consuming.
Right now, I suggest not trying to put the cart before the horse. Simple things like asethetics, minor functionality (I.e. OTG, etc.) that is not crucial to the operation of the device is going to have to wait.
Important parts, like 3G/4G radio functionality, Google apps, video playback - the essentials come first.
Truthfully, I would not waste my time reporting the smaller issues, we know that they are there. When the developers get the foundation built and stable enough to work with, THEN will they ask for help with bug reporting and suggestions and such. No need to overwhelm the developers at this stage of the game.
Just my 2 cents.
xxspark89xx said:
Honestly, all I can really say to this... one step at a time, one day at a time.
You, as well as others, must understand and respect the fact that the developers here are putting in their own free time and effort to bring us these ROMs and extras, at absolutely no cost to you, the user.
Trying to tear apart tons code that has already been written to troubleshoot, fix problems, and test is hugely tedious and very time consuming.
Right now, I suggest not trying to put the cart before the horse. Simple things like asethetics, minor functionality (I.e. OTG, etc.) that is not crucial to the operation of the device is going to have to wait.
Important parts, like 3G/4G radio functionality, Google apps, video playback - the essentials come first.
Truthfully, I would not waste my time reporting the smaller issues, we know that they are there. When the developers get the foundation built and stable enough to work with, THEN will they ask for help with bug reporting and suggestions and such. No need to overwhelm the developers at this stage of the game.
Just my 2 cents.
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Thank you for the great work you are doing on this. I can see that it can be slow going but you seem to be making good progress.
