[Q] Swype on Surround - Surround General

I was wondering if anyone has been able to install a swype keyboard on the Surround. I just bought this phone for my wife.

No. Microsoft does not allow any one to customise, replace or add to the os default stuff ( exceptions are for ring tones and i belive an aditional color scheme) Especially the keyboard. This might change int he future but us of now you cant have another keyboard on the phone.


SIP Draggable Keyboard Size Problem

Hey guys, I'm new to this using smartphones/pocket PCs. I just got my Sprint Mogul yesterday, but I've been trying to read up a lot on it for the past week or two so I had what programs and such I wanted kinda of planned out.
Anyway, so I got the WM6 Threaded SMS application installed on my mogul and I ran into the same problem that many people are also which is that the virtual keyboard covers the typing portion of it. So this thread ( http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?p=350095 ) gave me the only viable option of changing the SIP Dragstyle from 0 to 1 so that my keyboard is draggable, however, I did not use the Resco keyboard as recommended because I like using the PocketCM Keyboard.
Now the problem is that when I change the dragstyle to "draggable" (1) then it puts that bar on top of my keyboard so i can drag it but it also pushes my keyboard down so that the entire last row of keys are now not visible. I was wondering if there was some way that maybe someone knew or could figure out how to get it to not push down they keyboard like that or to maybe increase that keyboard window size.
P.S. It does this to both the oem keyboard and to the PCM keyboard.
Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks everyone!
i thought i was the only one
i dont want the draggable keyboard ..
i prefer rescos keyboard but i dont know how to remove the bar and the draggable feature
what really bothers me is that it over laps the scoll button so i can scroll down as i used to before..
if u know how t ostop the draggin please let me know
change value DragStyle to 0

Editing the HTC phone keypad?

Is it possible to edit the phone keypad SIP?
I use the phone keypad exclusively as my input method and I have the upgraded Topaz version. However I would love to be able to change the following buttons " ' ! ? to characters I use far more frequently
Is there any editor or anything I can do to change these myself.
I think I'm in the minority of users of the phone keypad as any developments I see are usually for full qwerty keyboards (such as finger keyboard, etc)
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Just me or is the keyboard too small ?

Hi Guys,
Got myself a magic a few days ago, love it to bits but really struggling with the OSK.. the keys are just too small to type quickly/easily.
Is it just me and my big hands ? lol
Are there any alternatives for OSK out there ? (maybe like the phonepad style that comes in HTC EZInput for WinMo?)
Not sure how the keyboard could be much bigger than it already is. The screen is 3.2 inches across (diagonal) and that's all you have to work with. All that can be done is to make the buttons on the bottom row bigger (wider) by omitting the Shift and the Del button, but that would make the qwerty layout kinda funky.
Turn it on its side (landscape mode) -- the keyboard will be bigger that way than in portrait mode.
You can install the app "big keys" in the market and see how you like that. Or you can install the htc keyboard found in the Dream forums. HTC_Chime.apk is what you are looking for.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll have a play with the HTC keyboard and see what it's like.
Does the Magic have the option of the T9 Dialpad keyboard? Or is it just a plain full QWERTY keyboard that auto-corrects?
I haven't seen a T9 option, but it's easy to turn the auto-correcting off, although it will still offer you suggestions, but won't mess with what you're writing.
...double post...
That reminds me, I must add "org" and "uk" to my dictionary so I don't keep entering my email address as [email protected]e
I do not know what video i was watching, but I saw that there was a dialer keyboard available on the HTC magic. Now, I do not know if it was a rooted phone (which it probably was) or if it was an application that was added to the phone. If I am correct, they were showing haykuro's work and it showed in the text input a dialer keyboard. If this is true, would one have to root their G2 phone for it to work? The thought of possibly bricking the phone, sort of...well...makes me feel uneasy lol.

Default Windows keyboard?

I like HTC Touch 2 (using for past 1 week, win 6.5)..
Only thing I miss is the default windows qwerty keyboard!!
Though it is small, i type faster than the htc's custom keyboards!
Also, htc keyboards takes nearly half screen, which is odd for particular apps where the password box is at below the halfscreen (like facebook app from windows marketplace!)
Is there any settings changes or registry key addition such that it enables the windows default keyboard Or can anyone share the CAB file?
I'm agree with you. I like to know if there is any chance of installing the default keyboard, the others sucks!
You can try WordLogic (wordlogic.com)

[Q] Phone Keypad(Numeric Keypad) on HD2 android

I've been always searching for this fix...is theres any what i can use?...really would like to use this keypad ..thx guys
Unsure as to what you are asking... any way you can make it clearer? What keypad? From which device? etc. etc. etc.
If I understood you correctly, you are trying to switch the querty keyboard into a regular phone keypad.
If so, go to Settings > Language & keyboard > Touch input > Keyboard types and change it to whatever you like.
If not, please ignore the response .
I believe what he wants to use are the "regular" keypad on the Nokia phones (the old ones - none touch screen types).
curious if there are any apps out there...
