[Solved] Help cooking CHT widget - Windows Mobile

I have more problems for cooking cht widget...
Where is this 2 files???
I search in kitchen and in phone.............

They aren't.
You use this in manilahash.exe to get a filename.
Then you change the filename of the corresponding files you get. ( If you extract a widget from a cab that is )

pkoper said:
They aren't.
You use this in manilahash.exe to get a filename.
Then you change the filename of the corresponding files you get. ( If you extract a widget from a cab that is )
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But what's the file at put in manialhash?
In the post of cht this the 2 files at put in manilahash :s
I'm not understand
Sorry for my english

m!k3 said:
But what's the file at put in manialhash?
In the post of cht this the 2 files at put in manilahash :s
I'm not understand
Sorry for my english
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This is what you need to enter into manialhash (for slot 0)

kurt-willems said:
This is what you need to enter into manialhash (for slot 0)
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Yes ok,
But where is this 2 files?
PS: you speaking french?

They belong to the widget files.
If you are using someones cab, then these two files will be in the cab.

pkoper said:
They belong to the widget files.
If you are using someones cab, then these two files will be in the cab.
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this is?
-> CHTlua_manila
-> CHTmode9_manila

m!k3 said:
Yes ok,
But where is this 2 files?
PS: you speaking french?
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There aren't these files. you only need to enter this path into manialhash. (not the file )
The result is you will get a manila name, this name you used to rename the Luac and mode9 files from your widget.
J'essaie de l’écrire en français:
Ce fichiers n'existe pas; Il vous suffit d'entrer ce chemin: "\Windows\HTC\Home\CHTWidgetSlot0.mode9" au manialhash. et vous aller recevoir un Manila nom. ( l'utiliser le pour renommer votre fichier (mode9))
Apres vous fait la mêmes chose avec;
Le manila nom que vous aller recevoir vous l'utiliser le pour renommer votre fichier (luac)
Vous fait la mêmes chose pour les autres widget sauf que fous changer chaque fois le N° du slot 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
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J'espère que mon explication est clair pour vous, j'ai pas l’habitude d'écrire en français.

kurt-willems said:
There aren't these files. you only need to enter this path into manialhash. (not the file )
The result is you will get a manila name, this name you used to rename the Luac and mode9 files from your widget.
J'essaie de l’écrire en français:
J'espère que mon explication est clair pour vous, j'ai pas l’habitude d'écrire en français.
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Thank you very much


Install ROM P3300

je suis novice et je tente mon premier flashage sur p3300 (sous windows XP).
j'ai téléchargé la ROM Aje_fr 1.50 et j'ai dézippé tous les fichiers.
J'ai lancé start_uspl et j'ai bien un écran DOS mais avec une succession de lignes qui indiquent fichier non trouvé
Le P3300 redémarre et rien ne s'est installé... enfin ça se termine avec une erreur 204 !!!!!
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider please
Learn to write in English please so everybody can read it. Maybe it helps to get a proper answer.
wrong language
Cuppie said:
Learn to write in English please so everybody can read it. Maybe it helps to get a proper answer.
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Yes, a french thread is not very useful for others. My english isn't really good,
but here we want to help each other in a unique language...
Looks like our french friend is trying to unlock his artemis using uspl but is getting a Dos box saying file not found error 204.
I have used this no problems
Have you read the pdf manual....its all in there.
Make sure u are connected via activesync, if not it will not work.
Also make sure you unzip all the files to a folder on your pc.
Tks baboon
yes i have read the PDF manual and i've done exactly what's written in it.
Do i need to unzip all the files in the same folder ?
In fact i have a first folder with with a first RUU a RUURessource dll and then 2 other folders with the Artemis USPL and EnterBootloader folder.
Do i copy all the files in the same folder ?
Tks for your help guys
Yes you need to unzip all the files, thats probably why you are getting the errors.
Cuppie said:
Learn to write in English please so everybody can read it. Maybe it helps to get a proper answer.
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Thats a Problem.. The French people should accept that the World Language is English..not French.

Search ROM 1.28.406.2 FRE

Somebody send his Cruise for reparation and is come back with :
ROM : 1.28.406.2 FRE
Date : 03/05/08
Radio :
Protocole :
If somebody find this ROM
Take a look here, can you find it here?
If you cant find it, you can allways dump that rom
Sorry but i don't find this ROM in this topic
I found the requested rom 1.28.406.2 FRE. After extraction I made os.nb files. However I don't know how to make it flashable.
Do you can post it here or other ?
mosquitosystem said:
I found the requested rom 1.28.406.2 FRE. After extraction I made os.nb files. However I don't know how to make it flashable.
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How did you make the os.nb files? Did yoy make the os.nb file from Raw-files?
I have a problem too i have the raw-files from a stock WM6 rom and i have seach to how to re-built the rom?
mosquitosystem said:
I found the requested rom 1.28.406.2 FRE. After extraction I made os.nb files. However I don't know how to make it flashable.
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you can use htc rom tool from dark simpson...you can find it using search in xda...
you can find it also in udK Polaris Kitchen tools...
you need to chose Polaris device only and then buid a .nbh flashable file with your os.nb.
omaga said:
How did you make the os.nb files? Did yoy make the os.nb file from Raw-files?
I have a problem too i have the raw-files from a stock WM6 rom and i have seach to how to re-built the rom?
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omaga, have a look on those threads from kaiser board...it may help you!
mosquitosystem said:
I found the requested rom 1.28.406.2 FRE. After extraction I made os.nb files. However I don't know how to make it flashable.
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share it please
thank you
M-Amine said:
share it please
thank you
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Any chance for english WWE version?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you ouioui01 for advices
mosquitosystem said:
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this is reflashable ROM :
merci M-Amine.. c'est la derniere rom fr officielle a jour? elle a quoi de nouveau?
thanks M amine it's last rom fr officielle? whats the news please?
lepsyfou said:
merci M-Amine.. c'est la derniere rom fr officielle a jour? elle a quoi de nouveau?
thanks M amine it's last rom fr officielle? whats the news please?
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je n'ai jamais vu cette version c'est la première fois.
I never seen this version.
M. Amine, j'ai installé ton rom que tu as posté lundi il me semble sur planet htc.. quelles sont les différences avec celui de bepe 0.67 et le last de udk ? et avec celui ci ?
TorNaK said:
M. Amine, j'ai installé ton rom que tu as posté lundi il me semble sur planet htc.. quelles sont les différences avec celui de bepe 0.67 et le last de udk ? et avec celui ci ?
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les ROMs de Udk et bepe sont de très bonne qualité, chaque cooker "Cuisinier" fait la ROM a sa façon.
ma dernière ROM est basée sur une version officielle en français pour Kaiser.
la meilleur chose a faire, est de tester le fonctionnement de toutes les ROMs et choisir celle qui vous convient.
Ok, mais qu'est ce que Kaiser ??
Kaiser c'est le nom du PDA TyTN 2 de chez HTC.
voilà :
comment ça se fait que ça marche alors que c'est un tel différent ??

[Solve] How to have Weather Custom City under S2U2

Hi ,
Excuse me for my english.
If somebody can be translate for all the community.
Great thinks !!!
Original post
Black-Dragon said:
Voici une méthode hypersymplisime de rajouter une ville au nouveau T3FD
Prérequis : télécharger WeatherDatabaseEditor 1.2.CAB
Dans paramètre désactiver T3FD.
Avec TotalCommander supprimer "databases" sous \application Data\HTC.
Toujours avec TotalCommander copier le fichier 2330fc3c_manila qui se trouve dans windows sur votre SD, regarder ces propriétés et enlever " lecture seule " et replacer le sous Windows.
Installer WeatherDatabaseEditor, et utiliser le pour créer la ville de votre choix.
Réactiver T3FD, et là comme par magie dans Menu>Ajouter lieu apparait la ville précédement créee.
Pour ajouter un pays par exemple le LUXEMBOURG : lancer WeatherDatabaseEditor, Choisir "EDIT", "Add country" , et nommer Luxembourg.
Ensuite choisir " Luxembourg " dans ta liste des pays. Attention si vous ne redemarrez pas WeatherDatabaseEditor, le pays ajouter ce trouve en fin de liste. Choisir "EDIT", "Cities", "EDIT", "Add City".
Dans "City" mettre le nom de la ville, pour "Accu Weather Code" un petit tour ICI, mettre luxembourg dans Local Forecast, noter la fin du code qui ce trouve dans la barre adresse du navigateur. En l'occurence EUR|LU|LU003|LUXEMBOURG.
Et voilà c'est fait, quitter WeatherDatabaseEditor, relancer T3FD et ajouter luxembourg, qui est en fin de liste des pays.
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Voilà ce que me disait un membre :
lolo54 said:
Salut les gars
CA MARCHE aVEC WeatherData !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DSL Black Dragon d'avoir mis en doute ta méthode mais j'avais déjà essayer avant de lire ton post et j'avais eu un message d'erreur me disant que le fichier était bloqué en écriture et comme je ne savais pas de quel fichier ça causait j'ai laissé tomber d'autant que j'ai lu sur certains forum qu'avec le TF3D V3 ça plantait !!!
1000 excuses !!
Maintenant j'ai les villes que je veux mais ça bug avec S2U2 !!! la météo ne s'affiche pas ?!?
T'as pas la soluce par hasard ?
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Aprés 2 minutes de recherche voilà ce que l'on peut trouver sur le site officiel de S2U2 :
S2U2 Website said:
Q. The Manila 3D Weather info not shown on S2U2?
A. Check if you have added custom city; try to add a non-custom city.
A. Check if you have set the weather to update itself automatically; try different setting.
A. No perfect solution yet.
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Mais 3 Minutes encore plus tard, je t'ai trouvé la solution.
Rappeler vous, pour pouvoir àjouter les villes que l'on veut, il fallait enlever la " lecture seule " au fichier 2330fc3c_manila.
Et bien une fois toute vos villes rajoutées, désactiver T3FD et il suffit de remettre la " lecture seule " au fichier 2330fc3c_manila sous windows.
Bon courage à tous !!
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Here is one method hypersymplisime to add a new city in T3FD
Prerequisite: download WeatherDatabaseEditor 1.2.CAB
In setting off T3FD.
With TotalCommander delete "databases" under \ Application Data \ HTC.
TotalCommander always copy the file 2330fc3c_manila that is in SD on your windows, look at these properties and remove "read only" and replace the Windows.
WeatherDatabaseEditor install and use it to create the city of your choice.
Unpause T3FD, and there as if by magic in Menu> Add location appears the city previously created.
To add a country such as Luxembourg: WeatherDatabaseEditor start, choose "Edit", "Add country" and appoint Luxembourg.
Then choose "Luxembourg" in your list of countries. Beware if you do not restart WeatherDatabaseEditor, the country added at the end of the list. Select "EDIT", "Cities", "EDIT", "Add City".
In "City" put the name of the city, for "Accu Weather Code" a little tour here, putting in luxembourg Local Forecast, note the end of this code in the address bar of your browser. In this case EUR | LU | LU003 | LUXEMBOURG.
And now it's done, leave WeatherDatabaseEditor, revive and add T3FD luxembourg, which is the end of the list of countries.
That is what a member told me:
lolo54 says:
Hi guys
It works with WeatherData !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DSL Black Dragon have been questioned your method but I already try before reading your post and I had an error message telling me that the file was blocked in writing and as I did not know what file causing it I gave up all that I have read some forum on the TF3D V3 as it crashed!
1000 apologies!
Now I have the cities that I want but it bug with S2U2! the weather is not displayed??
You're not the solution by chance?
@ +
After 2 minutes of research is what can be found on the official website of S2U2:
Q. The Manila 3D Weather info not shown on S2U2?
A. Check if you have added custom city, try to add a non-custom city.
A. Check if you have set the weather to update itself automatically, try different setting.
A. No perfect solution yet.
But 3 minutes later, I have found the solution.
Remind you to add the cities you want, it should remove the "read only" file 2330fc3c_manila.
Well once all your cities added, and disable T3FD just put the "read only" file 2330fc3c_manila Windows.
Good luck to all!

NEW EXT ,OEM & CAB Resco 2010 skined button for wm6.5

original ---------> skined
i finished my oem resco 2010 button skined , lang 0409 and 040C
OEM ( Old kitchen ) :
OEM resco 2010
EXT : *****NEW*****
OEM resco 2010
cab files :
lang 0409 English
Cab resco 2010
lang 040C French
Cab resco 2010
what does the folder list look like? Needs more pictures. Looks just like a simple grey theme at this point.
player911 said:
what does the folder list look like? Needs more pictures. Looks just like a simple grey theme at this point.
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what does the folder list look like? Needs more pictures. Looks just like a simple grey theme at this point. and which is which lang lang
[0409 Cab resco 2010--lang 040C Cab resco 2010]
Sorry but if you want people to try it you have to put it in a download location where we can download it. From your sites hosted I out in the verification number and click the button below but it just pops up another ad and changes the verification again. I have tried many times and I guess I give up now.
Only for 6.5? I've Resco on my windows 6.1.
player911 said:
what does the folder list look like? Needs more pictures. Looks just like a simple grey theme at this point.
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show not background button are skined pushbutton,radiobutton checkbox button etc...
zinconnu said:
Only for 6.5? I've Resco on my windows 6.1.
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je ne l'ai pas essayer sur une 6.1 ça fait bien longtemp que je suis en 6.5,mais en 6.1 les bouton seront pas skinés car c'est les version 6.5 qui fait ça.
teste le et dis moi.
i don't try on 6.1 ,this is long time that my devire is in 6.5,but in 6.1 the button are not skined because it's 6.5 version skin its.
test it and say me.
itsme_4ucz said:
what does the folder list look like? Needs more pictures. Looks just like a simple grey theme at this point. and which is which lang lang
[0409 Cab resco 2010--lang 040C Cab resco 2010]
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409 = english
40C = French
bobsbbq said:
Sorry but if you want people to try it you have to put it in a download location where we can download it. From your sites hosted I out in the verification number and click the button below but it just pops up another ad and changes the verification again. I have tried many times and I guess I give up now.
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respect uppercase and lowercase in the captcha
in first post , difference original vs my version skined
New Mirror
stouph52 said:
je ne l'ai pas essayer sur une 6.1 ça fait bien longtemp que je suis en 6.5,mais en 6.1 les bouton seront pas skinés car c'est les version 6.5 qui fait ça.
teste le et dis moi.
i don't try on 6.1 ,this is long time that my devire is in 6.5,but in 6.1 the button are not skined because it's 6.5 version skin its.
test it and say me.
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Tu as effectivement raison, windows mobile 6.1 n'autorise pas ce genre de modification, dommage. Enfin, cela n'empêche pas que je te remercie pour ton boulot, je repasserai par là quand j'aurai 6.5 en rom.
You're right, it doesn't work on my windows 6.1 device. By the way, thanks, i'll install it again when i'll have windows mobile 6.5 in m rom.
zinconnu said:
Tu as effectivement raison, windows mobile 6.1 n'autorise pas ce genre de modification, dommage. Enfin, cela n'empêche pas que je te remercie pour ton boulot, je repasserai par là quand j'aurai 6.5 en rom.
You're right, it doesn't work on my windows 6.1 device. By the way, thanks, i'll install it again when i'll have windows mobile 6.5 in m rom.
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pas de quoi ,c'est un plaisir
not enough, it is a pleasure
Wow, its perfect.
It is possible to make this for german version?
Compatible for smartphone???
Fuzzy-79 said:
Wow, its perfect.
It is possible to make this for german version?
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what lang german number?
nokser said:
Compatible for smartphone???
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i don't know
test and say me
stouph52 said:
what lang german number?
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I think 407. Sorry for my english.
im trying to download...tells me all accounts are suspended....
please mirror to other links...not just the file sharing company.
hasseye said:
im trying to download...tells me all accounts are suspended....
please mirror to other links...not just the file sharing company.
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the link works nice

[ROM][FRA] [15/06/10]WM - Sense 2012 CFC - Radio 5005.1600.05

Here we are, First french rom with sense UI!
First, I'd like to thanks a lot nunzio89 and ffboy2009. Without them, without their help, without their time, this rom couldn't exist!
So guys, Thanks!!!
But i'd like to thanks too:
Cedesmith, for his tool! Whithout it, there would be no rom!
FFboy2009, for his kitchen!
Novembre5, for his rom I took as good base!
Everyone who work on this device!
So, what is this french rom? :
It's Windows mobile and radio 5005.1600.05 with sense 2.5.2012CFC UI
What does it contain?
-Chainfire HD2 Driver
-Gsensor api for tg01
-Opera mobile 10
-SWYPE (azerty and french)
-Google Maps
-Some HTC apps: HTC Calculator, htc messaging client, HTC album, Youtube, htc notifications
-Adobe PDF
-Dark Ninja's Android desire taskbar
-ThGraf's taskbar
-A lot of tweaks!
-all useless things removed!
Pagepool: Dynamic or pagepool=14!
Free memory at boot: 52.16 (v1.1 with dynamic PP)
42 (v1.1 with pp=14)
known bugs :
-Welcome.exe during the first boot is buggy.
-You have to go in paramètres->système->paramètres régionaux and choose "FRANCE" to have correct regional settings.
-You may have to go in paramètres-->paramètres de l'opérateur and select your operator to have correct data settings
-Swype doesn't make space automaticaly in htc messaging...but no problem in Windows sms app!
-bluetooth can't be activated in comm manager..
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-Solve the bugs
-Get full htc messaging working
-put sense 2013 on (i'll do that next week )
-More ram...I'm searching!
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To enable HTC Sense go to start menu->system->today->items and check HTC Sense.
To enable the softbar, please go in Paramètre-->accueil-->select "blackGTX"
Put correct name device!
HTC Black theme removed
Free memory at startup is now 52mo(with dynamic pagepool version)
Some toshiba things removed
Dynamic Pagepool!
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Click to collapse
v1.0 [14/06/10]
Download link: PART 1
Tell me what you like/don't like/want !
I hope you'll like it!
Have a nice day!
Amis francais, bonjour!
Voila une nouvelle rom wm6.5.5.23563 avec sense...mais le tout en français cette fois ci!
Pour les remerciements et les applications inclues dans la rom, voir plus haut!
Il y a actuellement quelques bugs non résolu:
-Lors du premier démarrage, tout est buggé! Faites juste l'alignement de l'écran; et ensuite appuyer sur suivant directement quand il vous demande de régler date/heure (le fuseau est déja ok).
-Vous devez aller dans Paramètres-->systèmes-->paramètres régionaux et choisir "France" pour avoir tout les réglages régionaix corrects (format 24h, monnaie etc...
-Vous allez peut etre devoir aller dans les paramètres réseaux et séléctionner les réglages de votre opérateur dans l'application "paramètres de l'opérateur" pour pouvoir vous connecter sur le net/mms
-Swype ne fait pas les espaces automatiquement dans htc messaging (aucun probleme dans l'application sms de windows)
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Pour activer sense, il faut passer par le menu paramètres-->accueil
De même, si vous voulez un thème sympa, allez dans le menu accueil et séléctionner "blackGTX"
La ram est eut etre un peu faiblarde (30mo en moyenne)...je cherche, je cherche
Toute les roms sense pour tg01 ont ce problème (si je dis pas de bétises ! )...j'ai peut etre trouvé une solution, je teste et je vous dis!!
Si vous voyez des bugs, si vous avez des suggestions, dite le moi!
J'éspère que cette rom vous plaira!
Passez une bonne journée
SVP, si vous appréciez mon travail, n'hésitez pas a faire un don! Ca me permettra de me payer un café, pour bosser toujours plus sur cette rom ;)
If you like my work, please buy me a beer! I'd be very pleased!
Nice work man!
Downloading !!! Will try and report !
Merci Pipolas
Why don't you try 2014 Sense UI which seems to be available as localized CFC version ?
Do you plan to do a Dynamic Pagepool version ?
Is Google Maps uninstalable ?
Great work pipolas!
Ah enfin un cuisinier compatriote ! Ca fait plaisir ! Félicitations !
I've got an problem... SSDL+ does not want your rom (Upgrade image not found) and shortpin method says "Invalid variant"...
Will try and redownload...
But I checked with TGTool and no warning
Howell said:
I've got an problem... SSDL+ does not want your rom (Upgrade image not found) and shortpin method says "Invalid variant"...
Will try and redownload...
But I checked with TGTool and no warning
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rename .tsw to .enc and it works
SSDL+ always worked before... Strange.
This it not my first flash : I did at least a hundred...
Shortpin method seems to work by renaming to .enc (I forgot that particular step, THANKS)
So far so good !
Photo Album, Music and Meteo work. Sense works in lanscape mode !
So this is an impressive work !!!
Some issues/suggestions :
- in Paramètres/Système/A propos de : Nom de l'appareil = HTC_HD2
- HTC Black theme should IMHO be remove because there is graphical issues (textx not appearing) on some menues.
- I'm not fan of Dark Ninja's Android desire taskbar. I think anybody could choose it's taskbar...
- some Toshiba Menu remains (Toshiba menu can be enabled in Today's selection) and you could save room by removing this.
- in Sense menu Paramètres/Informations téléphone/Informations matérielles is empty and some info is missing in Informations logicielles (this is the same in most Sense 2.5 installed in non HTC hardware)
- Bluetooth does not work in Manila Comm Manager.
PS : j'ai ouvert un post sur le forum TG01 FR : http://toshiba-tg01.forumactif.com/...3-avec-sence-2012-en-francais-t1009.htm#10536
ffboy2009 said:
Nice work man!
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nunzio89 said:
Great work pipolas!
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Drbeckman said:
Ah enfin un cuisinier compatriote ! Ca fait plaisir ! Félicitations !
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Thanks a lot, it really helps me to keep cooking!! .
Howell said:
Downloading !!! Will try and report !
Merci Pipolas
Why don't you try 2014 Sense UI which seems to be available as localized CFC version ?
Do you plan to do a Dynamic Pagepool version ?
Is Google Maps uninstalable ?
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Yes, don't worry, I plan to put sense 2014 soon!
I can do a dynamic pagepool version, it's not a problem...but I don't think it's a good idea, i'm a little scard of what windows mobile could do with it!!
But if you want, I can!
Google maps uninstable!
Pere said:
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Howell said:
So far so good !
Photo Album, Music and Meteo work. Sense works in lanscape mode !
So this is an impressive work !!!
Some issues/suggestions :
- in Paramètres/Système/A propos de : Nom de l'appareil = HTC_HD2
- HTC Black theme should IMHO be remove because there is graphical issues (textx not appearing) on some menues.
- I'm not fan of Dark Ninja's Android desire taskbar. I think anybody could choose it's taskbar...
- some Toshiba Menu remains (Toshiba menu can be enabled in Today's selection) and you could save room by removing this.
- in Sense menu Paramètres/Informations téléphone/Informations matérielles is empty and some info is missing in Informations logicielles (this is the same in most Sense 2.5 installed in non HTC hardware)
- Bluetooth does not work in Manila Comm Manager.
PS : j'ai ouvert un post sur le forum TG01 FR : http://toshiba-tg01.forumactif.com/...3-avec-sence-2012-en-francais-t1009.htm#10536
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Thanks for your report!
I'll fix the name of the phone, and remove the HTC black theme!
Yep for dark ninja's taskbar, but you can uninstall it! I put it as a cab, so anyone can uninstall it and install the taskbar he wants.
But I think it's a good taskbar, and it solves the battery icon problem, so i put it as default. But you're free to uninstall it
Yes for toshiba things, but in fact i talked of it with nunzio, and the problem is that if i remove too much toshiba things...we won't have toshiba settings anymore! But i'll see what i can delete!
I don't think i can solve the htc device info problem...I'll have a look!
For the problem in the comm manager for the bluetooth, i think it's solved now.
I'll try to improve my rom, following what you told me and i upload a new version, tonight or Tomorrow...
Have a nice day all!
New version:
Dynamic Pagepool...
52.16mo ram at startup!
Device Name is now correct!!
HTC black theme has been removed
Delete a few toshiba things!
But bluetooth is still not working...I'm still searching!
Uploading v1.1
Will try your 1.1 as it is uploaded and I'll test
Thanks for making things uninstallable
Tu fais un super taf ! Continue !!!!
Howell said:
Will try your 1.1 as it is uploaded and I'll test
Thanks for making things uninstallable
Tu fais un super taf ! Continue !!!!
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In fact, I don't know what to think about the dynamic pagepool version...it takes less ram, but i think it's a bit more "laggy"??.
I'll upload the dynamic pagepool version, And actually, i'm building the v1.1 with pagepool=14mo.
I'll upload both.
But I don't know how to fix bluetooth in comm manager...I'll keep searching tomorrow..
Merci beaucoup
ps: but i don't think you should flash my new rom, especialy if you take the pagepool=14 version...because there is no really improvement here...and all the improvement i made, you can fix it by your own without flashing again (tell me if you need help).
I think you should wait one more day...to let me search and find why there is this bug in comm manager, and to fix one or two things
I will flash and try to find bugs This is my little contribution to your work
All right, thanks, but i'm just flashing the 1.1...and there is a bug with the softbar (i think i made a mistake in the reg i use for the theme )....I'm tired, so i don't think i'm going to see it now.
I'll upload both version tomorow!
Mais merci beaucoup, j'avoue que ca fait vraiment plaisir de voir qu'on travaille pas que pour soit même, et que quelques personnes a cotés sont intéréssés par mon travaille
So, good night
ps: and i'm glad to see i'm in your signature
édit: But i have the big impression that memory is much better now...with pagepool=14 (=important pagepool , after 30minutes of use and configurations...40mo free!!
I'll check about that tomorrow!
Salut Pipolas.
When will you release your new rom ?
Problem with youtube
Great rom ! Just a bug with youtube, I can't read a vidéo... It says "Impossible de lire cette vidéo". Help..?
edengall said:
Great rom ! Just a bug with youtube, I can't read a vidéo... It says "Impossible de lire cette vidéo". Help..?
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hello,merci pour ton travail htc youtube app bug comme ci dessus

