Nexus s - Nexus S General

Best video call app for nexus s
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

It would be helpful if you titled your posts better.
Anyway, as far as I know, no video call app properly works with the Nexus S at the moment - can't use FFC.

As of right now none of the big ones support the front facing camera. I have gotten Tango to work and I like the interface, but still no support for the front camera. It is a waiting game right now for updates.


Forward facing camera issues

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone else has had issues with the forward facin camera in chat apps like fring or qik. On mine the video is rotated 90 degrees and the video is squished. When I use the built in camera app I notice the video is in landscape, but in the chat apps it is making it portrait but instead of cropping its making it look horrible. Anyone else getting this? Anyone got a fix?
Sent from my bombass Epic using XDA App
I've tried Tango app for video chat and I want to say I believe it looks fine. Try it out.
Sent from Froyo!
Known issue. Don't think there is a fix.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I also have this issue. It is super annoying, but I have found that the tango app does it right.
Sent from my Samsung Epic.
It's a known issue with qik that qik support said will be fixed in future versions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Official Netflix App... no Atrix
So it finally came out but only supports a limited number of handsets. On the official blog they say there is no consistent video playback mechanism on Android so they have to test with each phone. Seems dumb that they wouldn't test on a Tegra 2 phone right out of the gate, since that would essentially mean compatibility with ANY Tegra 2 device...
Anyone have the apk? Would like to test on my atrix.
i bet you it has far less to do with playback on each device, and more to do with locking down the video feed for each device.
I think most if not all the supported handsets right now have qaulcomm chipsets.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
this page has a link to the apk
Qaulcomm was supose to have hardware level drm first in future chipsets
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Meh, don't care about netflix anyway.
Working great on my buddys Evo 4g. Still a little choppy compared to the iphone but its a start. Hopefully with my faster data and dual core the atrix will handle it.
They got it to work on nook color by just editing the build.prop
ro.product.model=HTC Vision
And then rebooting.
Has anyone else tried this?
Ya didn't work for me
neone else?
There is another thread about this. I played with the build.prop on atrix, comparing it to my evo with cyanogen7. I copied all relavant info I could think of, but it didn't work, and it broke swype. There are a lot more fields in the atrix than the evo.
With no edits I can load the app and manage my queue, but I get an error when I try to play. After I edit, the app never even loads.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Works just fine for me
senortighto said:
Works just fine for me
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Care to elaborate? You don't mean that you can stream Netflix on an Atrix, do you (and if by some chance yes, how?)?
On my atrix it says your "device is not supported "
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
This is a modified netflix apk streams but the quality sucks and has a huge green line at the bottom seems no to be able to handle qHD display
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
yokozuna82 said:
This is a modified netflix apk streams but the quality sucks and has a huge green line at the bottom seems no to be able to handle qHD display
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I am using that also and have the same problem. It's better than nothing though.
This modified APK works great for me. I just watched something over 3G, we only have 1-2 mbits here in DC and it looked GREAT, no pixelation or artifacts.
The picture is using the full display but there is a quarter inch green bar at the bottom. However, the bar is just overlaying the picture like a filter. It might be where the CC would be. You can still see the picture underneath.
So great quality for me even over 3G, full screen with a green bar at the bottom. Once that bar is gone, thats it I would say.
Update: ok, sometimes, objects or parts of the picture have a green or pinkish shadow. But it is definitely still watchable.
Yeah I tried the modified app as well. Green bar on bottom. Lots of pink and green in the picture.
Glad at least we have SOMETHING..hopefully someone will fix the issues soon.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
That modified APK works for me but that green bar at the bottom is pretty annoying. Still better than nothing!
senortighto said:
Works just fine for me
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Can you please be more vague?

Better Camera App in the Future

Do you guys think there will be a better Camera app available for the Nexus 7 that will fix any color issues or distortions and just make those 1.2 MP as perfect as possible? I'm not trying to get beautiful, gorgeous pictures (or videos) out of this thing, I just want a few photos and vids here and there like any other person would.
So do you think a better Camera app will eventually be available or is the current one as good as its gonna get? Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you call 'better'. Vignette is available in the Play Store and is now Nexus 7 compatible.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Using Forward Facing Camera To Record Videos

I would like to use the forward facing camera to create some YouTube videos but the Nexus 7 doesn't come with the android camcorder app. I also expect there will be problems with many camcorder apps due to the fact that there is no "standard" camera and only the forward facing camera. Has anyone found a camcorder app that works well for creating YouTube compatible videos with the forward facing camera on the Nexus 7?
Many camera apps on the market should work. For example, look up the camera launcher for nexus 7 app from the play store. That's the simplest one.
If you're rooted you might want to check this out
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Install Nexus 7 Camera Launcher from the Play Store. Then after that, do what the guy above me said, the 720p mod. It is very easy. All you have to do is flash the zip in a custom recovery. You have to be rooted to do the 720p mod.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Here you go.

I keep forgetting just how damn good the One is at recording audio

Most phones blow out the sound when recording stuff that's super loud, but apparently not the HTC One. Sounds flippin' fantastic. Here's some nightclub videos I took last night:
The videos quality itself is also fairly commendable considering the poor lighting there.
Very good indeed. I'll give it a shot myself...
I'm really pleased with the audio. I was in Disney world, recorded tons of videos of the rides and while really loud, sound is great and not distorted at all.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Don't forget only people who got their Ones early got the awesome HDR dual membrane microphone that makes this possible. Due to a court ruling HTC must begin shipping phones with a different microphone once they use up their existing stock of phones with the old microphone.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Amazing,what are your settings,is it in full auto?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
jetjay said:
Amazing,what are your settings,is it in full auto?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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Yup, auto everything.
Same club in NYC, different phone obviously
NxNW said:
Don't forget only people who got their Ones early got the awesome HDR dual membrane microphone that makes this possible. Due to a court ruling HTC must begin shipping phones with a different microphone once they use up their existing stock of phones with the old microphone.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Is there any way to tell, when looking at the box, if it has the HDR?
Birdemani said:
Is there any way to tell, when looking at the box, if it has the HDR?
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The Serial number will show when the phone was manufactured. So far, there has been no news of HTC running out of their stock yet, so we can safely assume anything made up til Mid-May will have the HDR mic.
NxNW said:
Don't forget only people who got their Ones early got the awesome HDR dual membrane microphone that makes this possible. Due to a court ruling HTC must begin shipping phones with a different microphone once they use up their existing stock of phones with the old microphone.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Kind of right I think..I believe they are allowed to use the rest of the stock the bought from ST Microelectronics..Even if they weren't in new phones yet..
Sorry, yes I think that is more accurate.
Either way we don't know how good the replacement part will be. Might be very good, but hard to imagine being as good as the originally spec'ed part .. .
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
MasterThiefGarrett said:
Same club in NYC, different phone obviously
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What a difference 1.5 years of phone technology makes...
Does anyone know if apps than the video camera can use the HDR audio capabilities? I tried to record our band rehearsing last Friday and it was just as distorted as on any other phone.
We play really loud, probably louder than the music in that club (we use earplugs) so maybe it was simply more than the HDR microphone could handle.
However, I used a 3rd party audio app (J4T), and now I'm wondering if it would have been better if I had shot a video using the stock camera instead.
Robrecht said:
Does anyone know if apps than the video camera can use the HDR audio capabilities? I tried to record our band rehearsing last Friday and it was just as distorted as on any other phone.
We play really loud, probably louder than the music in that club (we use earplugs) so maybe it was simply more than the HDR microphone could handle.
However, I used a 3rd party audio app (J4T), and now I'm wondering if it would have been better if I had shot a video using the stock camera instead.
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I believe the mic is rated to record up to 140db with no distortion.
ArmedandDangerous said:
I believe the mic is rated to record up to 140db with no distortion.
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Thanks! Well, maybe we were just over 140db, I don't know -- although that is pretty loud. I'll experiment with different audio apps and the video camera next rehearsal.
That is pretty freaking amazing. god I hate Verizon right now
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
verizon? Did I miss something?
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
ArmedandDangerous said:
The Serial number will show when the phone was manufactured. So far, there has been no news of HTC running out of their stock yet, so we can safely assume anything made up til Mid-May will have the HDR mic.
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What exactly am I looking for on the Serial Number? I have version 004.
Wow, had no idea how capable this phone was when it came to recording audio
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
