blurry and sandy pictures - HD2 General

pictures taken with hd2 camera look blurry and sandy, i read a lot about tweaks etc but still have that sandy and blurry effect and it's more noticeable when you watch them on the pc, is hd2 camera faulty/poor quality or there's a solution available? also your camera does the same? did you resolve this annoying problem?

Not to be a smart ass, but did you clean the lense?

Could you maybe supply a couple of photos also are you taking the pictures in WM or Android?.

some photos would be nice..


BEST Camera Settings?

Just wondering what your camera settings are and what do you think is the best quality wise. Because the camera on the Wing seems kinda low quality for 2.0mp
There are a couple of settings you can do to improve video quality, but not picture quality as far as I know.
My phone takes great pictures as long as they are well lit... Any camera will have poor picture quality when there isn't enough light ..
do you think maybe thats the problem? Try taking the same picture twice ... once with lots of lights and then without as many lights and see what the results are.
In addition to the question above, quality of picture is very blurry taken at close range. The tilt has auto focus therefore it is very clear. Is there anything we can do to take close range pictures (handwritten notes, newspaper ads...) a lot crispier on the Wing? Thank you guys.
i'm using These Setting right now, seem to do pretty good pics, even though a bit smaill, havent had a chance to play around with it much

htc hd2 camera samples (purely amazing + tips to better pics)

hi all i have taken about 4hours today testing the camera to the end of my will, now i hope this thread will help other and i intend to include pics of every content and do a full review of the htc hd2 camera but here's a few samples while i get the review on the way
- turn off wide-screen in the settings for true 5mp, if u have it on u get lower res Normal screen = 2592 x 1944 / Wide-screen = 2592 x 1552
- set white balance to the sunny settings in all condition not auto or u will get weird colors with most of ur pics (see samples below)
SAMPLE PICTURES UNEDITED - 5mp + very fine mode + touch focus + sunny (not auto whitebalance)
click for full res, untouched quality
the above pics where static objects great focus
now to compare auto whitebalance to sunny none auto setting all pics still full res, untouched quality
auto settings -------/------- sunny setting
the above pics where static objects great focus
auto settings -------/------- sunny setting
the above pics where static objects great focus
auto settings -------/------- sunny setting
the above pics where is moving objects focus had issues here
auto settings -------/------- sunny setting
the above pics where static objects great focus also high light levels
SAMPLE VIDEOS UNEDITED - 640x480 + MPEG4 + sunny setting + touch focus
my kid kindly became the model for these lol
EDIT: for people are unsure about the realness of these pics please download the originals here, just look at the image properties for proof
heres originals for extra proof
Thanks for your samples....
...the pictures seem to show a great deal of sharpening on them. Did you apply that in post-prod, or is it done automatically in-camera?
Also, as soon as I get my HD2 (which has been stuck in a post office all week-end... grrrr!!!!!), I will try to take a reference picture of a netural gray card, and then subtract it from real-life photos using photoshop. This should really get rid of the magenta color cast in the middle of each photo, though it would be a pain to have to do this extra step for each picture one wishes to keep...
Purely amazing? For me these look barely usable, but then I'm coming from an i8910, so I guess it depends on what you're used to...
If those are unusable then I'd like to see the pics the i8910 can produce, as to me the top pictures in macro mode look pretty good for a HTC camera
EDIT: Ok so for fun I decided to look up what the i8910 can do and!
Oh well, I rarely take pics with a phone so the HTC camera will have to make do
Those who come from WM phones the HD2 produces some of the best images and videos. At least there is a substantial improvement from the predecessor Touch HD.
Coming from the best camera phones from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson etc. the quality is just passable.
...the pictures seem to show a great deal of sharpening on them. Did you apply that in post-prod, or is it done automatically in-camera?
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no i assure u their all unedited pics, heres proof look at info at bottem of pic at picture info,
heres originals for extra proof
If those are unusable then I'd like to see the pics the i8910 can produce, as to me the top pictures in macro mode look pretty good for a HTC camera
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the htc hd2 has not got a micro mode touch focus is what i used for all pics
You can compare some macro shots to this example:
Samsung i8910 OmniaHD
ez2remember said:
You can compare some macro shots to this example:
Samsung i8910 OmniaHD
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hi mate some pointers,
1) Samsung i8910 OmniaHD = 8mp camera and omnia camera are good
2) we need to see full unedited pics to compare noise
good pics though
For me it looks like the HD2 Camera-App uses very agressive noise-reducing. Thats why Pictures look more fuzzy with lack of fine details.
Some users tell that this can be avoided by increasing the sharpnes in the camera-settings.
Please, some HD2 retail user can do this and post some more pictures here?
Yes that is true but megapixels only tells half the story, it's mostly down to the quality of the lens. I could find you similar examples taken with a 5MPx camera from Nokia...
Anyway here are much larger images. They're not full size but I doubt you'll find much noise in these images.
Scroll to about mid point.
They might be a big improvement for a HTC device, but they are very much inferior to the photos from my old N95, or even my original Fuji 3MP digital camera.
Photos from an i8910 or a Satio are in a completely different league.
Still, I guess I should be grateful that HTC have made some improvement in this area, and I'm not actually buying the phone for it's photo taking ability.
For me it looks like the HD2 Camera-App uses very agressive noise-reducing. Thats why Pictures look more fuzzy with lack of fine details.
Some users tell that this can be avoided by increasing the sharpnes in the camera-settings.
Please, some HD2 retail user can do this and post some more pictures here?
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i have a retail version what would u like images of
Yes that is true but megapixels only tells half the story, it's mostly down to the quality of the lens. I could find you similar examples taken with a 5MPx camera from Nokia...
Anyway here are much larger images. They're not full size but I doubt you'll find much noise in these images.
Scroll to about mid point.
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very nice indead
Red tint in center
I notice a red tint in every sample pictures or videos taken with HD2 (I don't have one, seeing samples). Is this true or I need an eye check?
This pics looks like ****. At 100% have a lot of noise, bad colors and a constant pink tint in the center of the screen.
The camera of the HD2 is a really disaster like all the others of HTC.
Still though, they show improvement from previous HTC outings, for which I'm grateful.
geo tagging
Hi guys, I can't find the settings to turn geo tagging on when taking pictures, is it not possible with this phone?
Im talking about embeding location data on the image exif, I use to have nokia phones in the past, n96, n82, n95..
footprints is neat but I don't see it adding gps information on to the photo,
example of this use is when you upload images to flickr the gps location shows up on flickr.
any info on this appriciated
I think if you check the tweaks thread there is a post about turning on Geotagging.
If its not there try searching, I know I've seen at post on this in the last couple of days.
EDIT: Its in the tips thread (now stickied).
hi their focus is weird as touch focus is on which activates (spot focus) so u will notice because that the middle of the pics are focused and the rest isnt as the pics where at such close distance to the object, i will try and show the other focus modes soon
ez2remember said:
Those who come from WM phones the HD2 produces some of the best images and videos. At least there is a substantial improvement from the predecessor Touch HD
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Absolutely FALSE. Pictures taken with TouchHD are by far sharper and with much better definition for details. Just take a look at those shots:
And then.. take a look at this picture taken by the HD2.. utterly blurred, just look at the trees..
I suppose, however, that part of the problem can be overcome by just removing the plastic protection from the front of the camera.. like we did with HTC Kaiser...
DAMIEN123_666 said:
i have a retail version what would u like images of
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Hello DAMIEN123_666,
Please increasing the sharpness in your camera-settings (or set it to maximun sharpness)
And then take some pictures in good light condition with a lot of detail (maybe like the picture with the trees)
I would apreciate a lot if you would do that for us.
Eraser85 said:
Absolutely FALSE. Pictures taken with TouchHD are by far sharper and with much better definition for details.
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Well, thats true for the moment and the given sample pics - i cannot belive that the TouchHD cam is bether.
I hope it is only a question of the sharpness setting!

[Q] Camera framerate issue. Is it by design?

I've had my G2 for about a week now and love it so far.
But there is one issue which irritates me, the camera. It does take a good picture and I like the 60fps 1080p. But these work best outside or in really good light.
I tried to take a video of my 11 month old son with the camera indoor and I noticed that even at 60fps, the framerate on the screen could not be more than about 20. The picture quality was not good either, lacking detail, blurry.
This translates to pictures too and perhaps the most annoying feature. When taking pictures the camera just takes ages to snap that picture. I tried to capture a moment of my son and after pressing the shutter button, I counted to 5 before the shot was taken. No good for those moments you want to capture.
Any ideas to any of this? Is it by design? Or is my phone faulty?

Nexus 4 camera problem

I have a problem with my Nexus 4 camera, the pictures taken are quit good (Not best quality - and by this I mean pictures of people, places etc.. not documents) but when I zoom them just a little, Its all blurry (during the shot, or after taking it) which should not be the case for a 8mp camera ( I had Xperia P, pictures with its 8mp camera were OUTSTANDING! ), and the thing that bothers me most, its taking pictures of documents : ALWAYS blurry, never good or lisible to read.
Please help me solve this
Z.Blackbeard said:
I have a problem with my Nexus 4 camera, the pictures taken are quit good (Not best quality - and by this I mean pictures of people, places etc.. not documents) but when I zoom them just a little, Its all blurry (during the shot, or after taking it) which should not be the case for a 8mp camera ( I had Xperia P, pictures with its 8mp camera were OUTSTANDING! ), and the thing that bothers me most, its taking pictures of documents : ALWAYS blurry, never good or lisible to read.
Please help me solve this
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No solution. The camera on this phone sucks. Don't bother with zooming; it's pointless. Zooming is digital and merely crops, rather than actually zooming in optically like a "real" camera.
If you're taking pics of still things, use a timer. That way you can initiate the taking of the picture and stabilize yourself, rather than trying to keep your hands steady while also hitting the shutter "button". Or use a voice-activated shutter.
At first on kitkat 4.4.4, I had some good pics with it :/ isnt it a do of software? this is really despressing to know that this camera originally sucks to this level :/ thanks anyway

TERRIBLE pictures?

Has anyone found a fix for their phone taking terrie pictures? Any kind of indoor photos I take, any source if light is blinding. For such a high mp camera the detail is awful as well. My nexus 6p with an 11mp camera took infinitely better pictures, and that's really disappointing. There's also a lot of noise!
Try different camera apps. Some apps seem to take better pictures than others.
But I also noticed that pictures often look bad with low lighting.
I don't think you need my help anymore, but the priv has a bad camera app

