[Q] Filter contacts. - Touch2 General

Filter contacts, how for still?
I Choose:
Phone => Contacts => Menu => Filter
Option: SIM CARD
When displays only the contacts (telephone) with the SIMCARD. It is Ok.
Unfortunately, after closing the window loses this setting - and again displays all contacts => SIM + CONTACTS WITH HTC.
I want to have (on telephone) contact only with the SIM card.
Thanks for your help

that's my prob too


How to look up/dial entries from SIM or convert to Contacts?

I just received my shiny new XDA II and I was wondering is there an easy way to dial phonebook entries which are stored on my SIM card?
I notice when you press the Green button to start the phone application there is a button at the bottom to go to the Contacts list (sync'd from Outlook).
I have a hundred or more phone book entries on my SIM card but I notice that when I hit the call button it gives me the option of choosing people out of my synchronised Outlook Contacts list but to call people from the SIM card I have to bring up the SIM Manager and click and hold and select call from an entry which seems cumbersome. Is there a nice easy way to have a combined list of Outlook Contacts + SIM Phone Book entries with a simple click to call mechanism?
I also notice for received calls and SMS's the Caller ID thingy doesn't look at any of the phonebook entries on the SIM card to translate numbers into names - can this be fixed as well?
OR alternatively if the only solution is to have everything in Outlook Contacts then is there a nice easy tool (preferably freeware) which takes all my existing SIM phonebook entries and converts them into Outlook Contact entries?
Ok: when you are in "SIM Manager" select "Tools" and "Select all".
Tap and hold anywere in the window and select "Save to Conctacts" in the pop up that will appear.
I hope this can help you!
Yep - I found that a few hours after making this post - but thanks for that anyway...
So is the general consensus that we shouldn't use the SIM based phonebook at all but rather have all entries in the Outlook Contacts list?
Copying SIM entries to Outlook
I've use the SIM toolkit to 'add' my SIM contacts into my XDA contacts, but when sync'ing with my PC, the new contacts claim to xfer over, but don't appear in my PC's address book. ActiveSync is set to xfer contacts.
Any ideas what might be wrong, or are there tools that will upload the SIM data to Outlook in an easy manner. I appreciate that SIM contact info is limited by the SIM.
Thanks, Hamish.

Where are my contacts going?

When I add contacts to my address book, I can not find them afterward.
I know they are there because when the contact calls me the phone recognizes the caller but if I browse through the contacts list I can only see my old SIM contacts that I had on my SIM card before I got the N1 and contacts from my GMail account.
What am I doing wrong?
Have you got some filters on?
Go to settings in the contacts app and check
When I open contacts, I click the touch button that looks like a few horizontal lines. I select Display options and it takes me to a new page that has my gmail account. In there the first option "System Group" is the only one selected.
Are those the filters that you refer to?
contact>> display option >> gmail accounts >> check all the checkbox
it should be appear now..

Edit SIM contacts on phone?

I notice that when typing a contact name for a SMS message, some of my old contacts no longer on my Gmail account show up. I think these contacts may still be on my SIM card. How do I edit my SIM card contacts from the phone?
In the contacts option you have to choose which ones to display: SIM card in your case.
Once you do that the SIM contacts will appear in the main list. You can then long press one of them and choose edit.
There is also an app on the market called contact2sim pro which will pretty much do the same thing but I find it completely unnecessary with the Vibrant.

Contacts display settings missing

When I go Contacts > Options > Settings I don't see there Display options.
It's missing option: Contacts to display (you can choose there to display contacts only from SIM or only from phone), sort by and Name format. In Contact settings I have only import/export option.

Hidden contacts in phonebook - accessible only through whatsapp

For some time my phone started hiding random contacts - I can only access them through whatsapp - tap a contact and then "show in phonebook" - it's there! But not in the phonebook!
I am storing contacts on phone only, and backing up to memory card - no synchro with gmail etc
