radiotime - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

what the Tilt2 need to make run Radiotime?

jsaid said:
what the Tilt2 need to make run Radiotime?
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There isn't a RadioTime app for windows mobile. You can use WunderRadio which is a partner of RadioTime, or which is a very condensed WAP site.

why in my previus tilt 2 I could listen a radio that is in radiotime ? maybe my new tilt 2 need some update? thanks

Are you attempting to use the mobile site?

yes , the mobile site doesn't work - I think the MMS url that I want to listen is not compatible with WM.

MMS was phased out of WM a while back. You could still, in theory, access a MMS streaming service if it had a dedicated URL instead of an IP and port number.



hello, i have the touch flo 1.0.1818.3719 and i lost my aim. is there a cab that i can get it back. orrr a cabb for a better aim, that doesnt use the internet plan....cause i have the aim plan not the internet..please reply asap. cause im going to my cousins upstate liek 3 days from now, and they dont have internet up there! thank you all!
I still have the AIM 2.0 for Mobile - however, it is too large to attach here, so, if you want, PM me your email address and I will send it to you. It is the free English UK AIM for Mobile 2.0 if that is what you're looking for. It connects using your active internet connection.
I just wonder if another Messenger application wouldn't be better? Such as IM++ or Agile Messenger?
You can get it off their website or check my signature for alternatives (such as Slick, Jivetalk, etc).
Yeah it is as easy as re-downloading it from
Junner2003 said:
I still have the AIM 2.0 for Mobile - however, it is too large to attach here, so, if you want, PM me your email address and I will send it to you. It is the free English UK AIM for Mobile 2.0 if that is what you're looking for. It connects using your active internet connection.
I just wonder if another Messenger application wouldn't be better? Such as IM++ or Agile Messenger?
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like i said but apparently u didnt read what i said...i said that I DON'T HAVE A INTERNET PLAN!! so y would u suggest an aim with AN INTERNET PLAN??
please help!
can anybody please help me to find an aim, other than oz becuase oz sucks, that DOES NOT USE AN INTERNET PLAN!!
thanks..sry for caps but im really agrivated!

BlackBerry Connect Working on Rhodium

I wanted to bring this workaround into its own thread to make sure that people see the great solution posted by c0rnholio -
I can confirm that it works and works well despite some initial installation issues.
mate, u can just ask the mods to change the title of the other topic....
AirwolfUK said:
I wanted to bring this workaround into its own thread to make sure that people see the great solution posted by c0rnholio -
I can confirm that it works and works well despite some initial installation issues.
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Thanks for your workaround and I managed to get my BB Connect working on my Touch Pro 2 and I am using BIS.
Blackberry Connect is Working on HTC TouchPro2
Dear All,
Rejoice HTC TouchPro2 owners. Blackberry connect for working on HTC Touchpro 2 now. Just follow this web-link and you will achieve your intentions.
Can't get it working for long on mine
I have followed the instructions given in the link, and can get BBConnect 106 to work on my TP2, but only for a while ...
The BBConnect 106 loads, I get BES connection, email, contacts, calendar, notes and tasks downloaded ... manage to send and receive a few email, then it all stop ... with some very strange behaviour.
I have tried everything I can think of to get it working consistently, but can't manage it. I get the impression that the BBConnect is being loaded some place where it should be ... not very technical I know, but thats the way it appears.
The TP2 I have is a Hong Kong English Language version ... WWE ... not sure if that makes a difference.
ROM and Radio version ...
The version I have on my TP2 are
ROM 1.19.721.3 (51489) WWE
And to correct my typo in the previous note, I think the BBConnect is being loaded shmewhere it shouldn't be loaded, which is causing other features and functions of the phone to mis-behave ... as an example, I was unable to search for new networks manually ... lost the Roaming flag on the top of the screen (small triangle sign), was always displaying GPRS connection, even when not connected to the network (so E (edge), or G being displayed ...)
I also tried version 104 of the BBconnect, just to see if it was version 106 specific, but this didn't make a difference.
Apart from that, the phone is close to perfect, for me at least ... particularly like the way the screen blanks when you are making a call and put it close to your ear, then comes alive again when you move it away so you can see it and access it. With the TP, I was always putting calls on hold when I put the phone to my ear ... also like the way the speaker phone is activated automatically when you place the phone face down.
Now if I could only get BBConnect to work, it would be perfect
I did get it working, I couldn't get SetModelID.exe to run with the reg string, I have Memmaid that allows you to set programs to run and I put SetModelID.exe in there and I have email!
Why use BBConnect for emails? What's wrong with the way the emails are already on the HTC? What is the difference exactly?
Just curious because this sounds interesting.
HeavyComponent said:
Why use BBConnect for emails? What's wrong with the way the emails are already on the HTC? What is the difference exactly?
Just curious because this sounds interesting.
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My company disables sync with Exchange and I can only get work email with Blackberry service. I think it's a common problem.
Yipee mine works too . only problem is sometimes the BB connect tells me radio blocked or in use especially when i use MSN chat or go online with another application on the phone. is there any option i need to tweak ?
BB CONNECT Messenger?
Can BB Messenger be used with BB Connect?
Windows Mobile 6.5 and BlackBerry Connect
Guys, I would like to hear from someone who understands the 6.6 environment whether you think upgrading into WM 6.5 will allow me to still use the BBerry Connect. has anybody tried upgrading a Rhodium and then try the BBerry?
Quophi said:
Yipee mine works too . only problem is sometimes the BB connect tells me radio blocked or in use especially when i use MSN chat or go online with another application on the phone. is there any option i need to tweak ?
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rsacipher said:
I did get it working, I couldn't get SetModelID.exe to run with the reg string, I have Memmaid that allows you to set programs to run and I put SetModelID.exe in there and I have email!
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RSACIPHER: I had same problem. could not change Model ID. What is Memmaid and how did that work?
C0RNHOLIO: maybe you should look into why this is happening so that your solution works all the time. Mine is a T-Mobile Rhodium.
Thanks to both
And what about a HTC Rhodium with WM 6.5? Try it but didn't get it.
Running the latest NRGZ28 6.5 ROM with manilla 2.5 and BBC works fine
AirwolfUK said:
Running the latest NRGZ28 6.5 ROM with manilla 2.5 and BBC works fine
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Are you able to have multiple data streams? Or does Blackberry Connect shutdown when another data stream is present and you have to restart it? I can't seem to get multiple data streams to function on any ROM even with some of the old tricks from the 8525 and Raphael....
mumboender said:
Are you able to have multiple data streams? Or does Blackberry Connect shutdown when another data stream is present and you have to restart it? I can't seem to get multiple data streams to function on any ROM even with some of the old tricks from the 8525 and Raphael....
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I have been running BB on my TP2 on 6.1, 6.5 and 6.51 roms with Sense 2.1 and 2.5. They all work, and no, I cannot have multiple data streams so when I use the browser my BB connect shows no connection. If I disconnect data, sometimes BB automatically connects but generally I have to run BB connect, disconnect and reconnect (so I added a shortcut to it on my programs).
For me, using 6.51 and 2.1 gives the least trouble. I dont know why.
BTW I keep getting reminders that there is a new BB Desktop update (5.01).
good idea on adding the shortcut. I have found that it rarely reconnects and I had to turn off the auto update for the weather or I would start missing emails. I hope someone gets a fix for this soon as this is the perfect email phone...
mumboender said:
Are you able to have multiple data streams? Or does Blackberry Connect shutdown when another data stream is present and you have to restart it? I can't seem to get multiple data streams to function on any ROM even with some of the old tricks from the 8525 and Raphael....
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I have two streams (BB & Contract Internet) running at the same time.
I am on UK Vodafone contract so that probably makes a difference
mumboender said:
Are you able to have multiple data streams? Or does Blackberry Connect shutdown when another data stream is present and you have to restart it? I can't seem to get multiple data streams to function on any ROM even with some of the old tricks from the 8525 and Raphael....
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Having concurrent connections two 2 APNs simulatiously only works for GPRS (as far as I have observed on all my past and current devices).
So if you want to have BBC and Internet at the same time you need to switch to GPRS only and disable auto band switching for 3G. If anyone knows a way to get concurrent connections working on 3G, please post how.
EDIT: The infos in the follwing post should do the job:

Fishtext - Help

I use Fishtext on my HD2 however I am having some big ass problems with the GRPS setting. I think it is something to do with the JAVA (JBLEND) program.. Can any one help?
I get a message saying that is it unable to connect to the server. I am connected to the next.
Thank you
Can any one help
I have the best phone in the world and I cannot get Fishtext to work. Keeping on saying cannot connect. Check GPRS SETTING.
I have tried everything
Please help
do other programs work ok over gprs? can you surf the web? (turn off 3g to test )
Yes. I can do everything. Internet, skype, straming music.. You name it I can do it.. FISHTEXT. no..
does fish text require you to connect to a special server?
have you emailed fish text support? more likely to get an answer from them than from here.
Ip address
IT does connect to a special IP address. I have thought it my be the JAVA???
I have tried the support. Not very good at all.
just been to their site and they have a special page just for people with gprs problems. did you look through that?(it also means that chances are it isn't the phone at fault)
hmmm sorry don't think I can help then. I get free texts in my contract so I've never used a service like fish text. sorry.
samsamuel said:
hmmm sorry don't think I can help then. I get free texts in my contract so I've never used a service like fish text. sorry.
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Thank you for you help
Can anyone else shead some light on this problem
Ok Guy
Esmertec Jbed works however it does not access the phonebook so you have put in the number manually.
This means its is the JM. Does any have all the latests JM JBLEND, JBED etc etc.
Thank you
Any one
I just need the JAVA cabc for windows mobile so I can test them all

T-Mobile web2go hack and JAVA Applications

Hello friends...
so i came to a link posted here by someone on getting EDGE (T-Mobile USA ) network on out Windows Mobile phone using proxy..
(here's the link
when i opened Internet Explorer....there were no sites i could open...except it showed me an error message from T-Mobile that i need to use a MONTHLY BASED PLAN...
HOwever to my surprise i opened YAHOO MOBILE( on OPERA 10 beta 2 and bravo.....IT WORKED...that means i could check my emails...
however other sites did not opened and gave the same error message !!
ALso then i opened up a JAVA APPLICATION Called "SNAPTU" ( )
it asked me to connect to the internet and i gave permisions !! and it worked as well !! i was able to access FAcebook....CNN...BBC...etc...
but again OPERA MINI 5 did not work !!!
is it becos of the java apps connecting via proxy...if so please tell me some java apps that will work just like SNAPTU....
thank you !
Is only T-zones enabled?
Opera mini doesn't support proxied connection because it uses a tunnel through socks or http, that includes the tzone wap proxy. Opera mobile however does. Not sure why Internet explored doesn't work but it sucks so I wouldn't touch it anyways. U need to configure ie to use a proxy before anything else. I believe opera mobile autodetects it
moSess said:
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agreed. tmobile disabled proxy support.
OP, what exactly are you trying to do?
well ok here's d thing....application like SNAPTU (java application) works.....i can use facebook...and a lot other apps....inside clearly we some how have packet transfer....also Palringo mobile messenger works......absolutely fine.....
now if theres just some way to make opera mini work the same way.....
i saw someone post a opera mini which a lot of people were able to make mini work....using their own proxy support for EDGE connections......

VOIP SIP cab Internet Telephony on WM6

A very Special Thanks to tucahara, Schap, Jaap de Wolf, Dridder
Note : For HTC devices only, please read 2nd post -below-for non HTC devices.
- 3G, WLan, GPRS Capable
- GPS Works
- Recent Drivers
- Updated Registry
- All Major Codec compatible[ a-law, u-law, GSM ask provider to enable ]
- Integrated with Phone and address Book
- VOIP and Carrier sellectable on today screen
- SIP Tool [ Start Menu WM6.5 or Start Menu-Programes Wm6.1 ]
- Dial Plan Tool [ Start Menu WM6.5 or Start Menu-Programes Wm6.1 ]
- NAT Enabled
- Echo Canceller
- For WM6.1 and WM6.5
- Tested and working on my HD, HD2, Omnia II, Glofiish M700, Touch Pro2[Rhodium], BlueAngel[PDA2K], Xperia X2
- No sound from earpiece ( Please install cab from previous thread but that is only for HTC devices )
These cabs are tested, working with different providers-devices and are not for noobs, if you have come across this before, you will find out, these cabs are the best among them.
Outdated Cabs HERE
For non HTC devices, do the following
- Install one of the cabs post 3 matching your OS.
- Fill all required information in setup voip.
- When you try to save you will get a error
- Close it and Run your GPS program.
- Your GPS with get a lock in few minutes as normal.
- Once you find out your GPS program can see satellites, close it.
- Copy and paste dnsapi.dll into your windows folder
- Restart your device and you will have your gps and voip/sip working
- Make sure to fill information in setupvoip again
New improved cabs
New improved cabs with changed dll. Note : Only for HTC devices. For other non HTC devices, please refer post 2 along with these cabs for optimum results.
Reserved for future2
Reserved for future3
Reserved for future4
Calls hang up immediately after being answered
Voip calls hang up immediately after being answered. No matter which direction.
(Using Omnia 2, WM 6.5)
Any ideas?
nickdo said:
Voip calls hang up immediately after being answered. No matter which direction.
(Using Omnia 2, WM 6.5)
Any ideas?
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Samsung WM6.5 drivers not compatible with dlls. Please look at outdated cabs link above and go to last page for omnia solution. It works fine on my omnia with Wm6.1. I have tried on WM6.5 on Omnia with same results as yours.
So the only possible solution for Omnia 2 is to downgrade to WM 6.1?
nickdo said:
So the only possible solution for Omnia 2 is to downgrade to WM 6.1?
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you are right
Hi dhillonbros,
thanks for your new cabs. But now I am even not able to setup my SIP configurartion with Windows Mobile 6.1 on my Omnia II (as you know it is exactly the same ROM you have).
When trying to save the settings I always get the error message you can see in my attachments. What is going wrong here?
At least storing the settings worked for me with the latest outdated cab for WM 6.1. Do you think you can provide a fix?
That is not right. I have an Omnia 2 i8000 windows mobile 6.5 and I am able to use voip on my phone.It works great )!
1. Don't forget to follow the instructions from .txt file
2. I instaled portgo m
3. AutoAudioRoute V2.0
4. Copy paste dll in windows folder.
My PDA is i8000NXXJJ1
jukefox said:
Hi dhillonbros,
thanks for your new cabs. But now I am even not able to setup my SIP configurartion with Windows Mobile 6.1 on my Omnia II (as you know it is exactly the same ROM you have).
When trying to save the settings I always get the error message you can see in my attachments. What is going wrong here?
At least storing the settings worked for me with the latest outdated cab for WM 6.1. Do you think you can provide a fix?
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Add this file in your windows folder. Thanks
Attached: dnsapi.dll
bbuhas said:
that is not right. I have an omnia 2 i8000 windows mobile 6.5 and i am able to use voip on my works great )!
1. Don't forget to follow the instructions from .txt file
2. I instaled portgo m
3. Autoaudioroute v2.0
4. Copy paste dll in windows folder.
My pda is i8000nxxjj1
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this is not the integrated solution sir. Thanks for time.
dhillonbros said:
Add this file in your windows folder. Thanks
Attached: dnsapi.dll
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OK. Thanks a lot. Settings could have been applied now. But the error after submitting a call is still the same that I had before with the previous cab version.
See the message from the attached screenshot. I tried calling numbers like +491231234 as well as 00491231234 and 01231234 but the error is always the same.
What to do now?
jukefox said:
OK. Thanks a lot. Settings could have been applied now. But the error after submitting a call is still the same that I had before with the previous cab version.
See the message from the attached screenshot. I tried calling numbers like +491231234 as well as 00491231234 and 01231234 but the error is always the same.
What to do now?
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There is nothing wrong with these cabs by looking on your images. either there is a problem with your local network or its your internet provider who doesnt supports or block voip packets. you only need one codec out of three, your phone wil self configure with provided codec. Can you untick SIP ALG service in both modem and router you may be using. If its not that then change your provider to based). Let me know your results
dhillonbros said:
There is nothing wrong with these cabs by looking on your images. either there is a problem with your local network or its your internet provider who doesnt supports or block voip packets. you only need one codec out of three, your phone wil self configure with provided codec. Can you untick SIP ALG service in both modem and router you may be using. If its not that then change your provider to based). Let me know your results
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My phone works great with other not integrated solutions like PortSIP or AGEphone Mobile, so my network is fine. And there should not be a problem with the codecs as well as PortSIP (I don't of the codecs AGEphone uses) uses G711U, G711A and GSM as well (I know of them because theses codecs are configurable over the GUI).
I use AVM FRITZ!Box 7390 as modem / router with its own SIP registrar. That means my Omnia II is configured to use my FRITZ!Box as a SIP server whereas my FIRTZ!Box is connected to my VoIP service provider (the popular German internet provider 1&1) and redirects the VoIP packets to them. It is totally transparent to the SIP client therefore no STUN / ALG (I never heard about ALG before) is used between the SIP client and my FRITZ!Box.
I am not willing to create an account at because I definitely want to use the phone numbers I got from my ISP but I may provide you credentials for testing purposes to use a phone number from my ISP if you like.
PortSIP runs with the codec G711U as well as G711A with my provider 1&1. GSM does not work.
Moreover I tested a different VoIP configuration on my Omnia II against as an alternative to my routers SIP registrar with the same result.
I still assume a problem with the cabs. I really want to invite you to try to reproduce my problem by connecting against either by creating an own totally free account with registration to a SIP provider of your choice (I may help you with the configuration at pbxes) or by running against my own account at with a number of my ISP.
Please let me know whether you are interested then I will PM you the settings you need for temporary usage. Of course I will donate for your help.
jukefox said:
PortSIP runs with the codec G711U as well as G711A with my provider 1&1. GSM does not work.
Moreover I tested a different VoIP configuration on my Omnia II against as an alternative to my routers SIP registrar with the same result.
I still assume a problem with the cabs. I really want to invite you to try to reproduce my problem by connecting against either by creating an own totally free account with registration to a SIP provider of your choice (I may help you with the configuration at pbxes) or by running against my own account at with a number of my ISP.
Please let me know whether you are interested then I will PM you the settings you need for temporary usage. Of course I will donate for your help.
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Thanks for testing it out. On my omnia ii it is working with no problem with great voice clarity. I have changed few setting and tweaked for a-law. My provider is I still believe there must be some setting which needs enabling in your modem/router. can you bypass your routing by using differnt modem/router without server. Thanks
dhillonbros said:
Thanks for testing it out. On my omnia ii it is working with no problem with great voice clarity. I have changed few setting and tweaked for a-law. My provider is I still believe there must be some setting which needs enabling in your modem/router. can you bypass your routing by using differnt modem/router without server. Thanks
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Hello again,
I already bypassed my router by configuring my account, didn't I? Anyway I now switched my router with integrated telephony services support by an older FRITZ!Box 3130 without telephony services to exclude any conflicts with reserved ports or somewhat else. And you know it: Same result.
Last but not least I tried a connection over 3G by activating that option within the configuration. But I failed already with selecting the service. The search action did not succeed.
I'm running out of ideas. What now? Shall I setup an account for you? I really wanna see whether you are able to reproduce my problem or not.
Thanks a lot.
