Can't Detect Wifi networks after RUU update - Legend General

Anyone have this problem??? it started after updating with RUU...
P.S. my old nokia detects the networks in the area btw my Legend doesn't.

Xander_ said:
Anyone have this problem??? it started after updating with RUU...
P.S. my old nokia detects the networks in the area btw my Legend doesn't.
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search the forum. its already there.. was answered a cpl of days ago

I searched ... there is no answer to my problem.... I'm not froyo yet. I used the RUU to update to 2.03xxxxx.

One problem I always had was the Regulatory Domain settings. After every restart or reset it was back to max 11 Wifi Channels, while my Router ran on 14.
The result was, that I couldn't find the Router (my own Wifi network) and it took me awhile to figure it out:
Wifi-Settings/Advanced/Regulatory Domain on an unbranded Legend from Singapore.
Don't know if that helps with your problem.

Thx for the reply. My problem was different... I couldn't detect ANY wifi networks.
But I fixed it .... After the RUU update my old saved wifi networks where still there, and when i removed them ... now everything is fine


Polaris Oficial Windows Mobile 6.1 Rom Wi-Fi Problems

I have a Orange Romania Polaris.
I have use hard SPL and update to Oficial 6.1 ROM, the Wi-Fi don't work.
I test alot of radio Rom's, wi-fi refuse to work.
I use Windows Mobile Device Center X64 v. 6.1 in Vista X64.
What's the solution to make Wi-Fi work.
Sorry for my bad english
A Wi-Fi driver maybe will do the job?
gobar said:
A Wi-Fi driver maybe will do the job?
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No you don't have to install any drivers to get WiFi working (it's not like desktop Windows). Your problem description is incomplete. Please post exact symptoms of your problem. It will help you get the answer you are awaiting.
In connections manager when i tap the wi-fi to turn it on, apperar like is loading someting (i'm not getting any error message), after that the wi-fi is still off.
From Settings -> Connections -> Wireless LAN when i tap Turn On Wireless LAN i'm not getting any reactions, the Wireless refuse tu turn ON.
I install Wireless Today Plugin, the wi-fi is not available in the Today Plugin as well.
Have you already tried a hard reset?
gobar said:
In connections manager when i tap the wi-fi to turn it on, apperar like is loading someting (i'm not getting any error message), after that the wi-fi is still off.
I install Wireless Today Plugin, the wi-fi is not available in the Today Plugin as well.
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did you do a hard reset ?
if not I had problem with cooked rom seeing wifi but no connect and a hard reset fixed the problem.
How to do a hard reset , lay the TC on a flat surface and hold down GPS + IE keys and use the pen to reset (hold it a couple of seconds) and then follow the instructions on screen.
Hard Reset is my friend , after hard reset is the same.
Now the Polaris has udK_Syrius-R0_WWE, the wi-fi don't work eather.
gobar said:
Hard Reset is my friend , after hard reset is the same.
Now the Polaris has udK_Syrius-R0_WWE, the wi-fi don't work eather.
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I used Syrius-R0 three roms ago and the radio rom i used was HTC_Polaris_Radio_1.59.42.15, can you tell us which one you have ?
gobar said:
Hard Reset is my friend , after hard reset is the same.
Now the Polaris has udK_Syrius-R0_WWE, the wi-fi don't work eather.
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Syrius R0 has radio ROM included and should be a confirmed working configuration. If it does not work for you it could mean that there is something wrong with your Polaris hardware. My advice is to flash back original ROM and SPL and return the device for service to HTC. Search for threads regarding returning your device for guarantee reasons.
I don't have the Orange Romania custom ROM
gobar said:
I don't have the Orange Romania custom ROM
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Can you see if you can download from the HTC site ?
With my Orange SN i get: "Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device."
I use Windows Mobile Device Center X64 v. 6.1 in Vista X64, may this be the problem?
i have exactly the same problem with my Cruise,
it has wm6,0 original SFR
gobar, was your wifi working BEFORE you flashed?
if not then hardware.. if it was then its possible theres another solution.
Wi-fi was working ok with the original Windows Mobile 6 Orange Romania Rom.
1. i try to update without hard spl, at 1% stop & give me someting about vendor id, from then the wi-fi refuse to work.
2. i have SIM Unlock & Hard-SPL and update to official windows mobile 6.1, wi-fi don't work
3. i have try some radio rom & custom rom's, the same
After the update the wi-fi problem apear.
No solution for my problem?
gobar said:
No solution for my problem?
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i bought my polaris in hk, and brought it back to japan. when i tried to connect it to my wifi net work at home, it did not detect the network at all.
anyway, i did a little bit of research with my wifi network setting, and found out my polaris detected the network when the wifi channel was set below 10 (or 9?). I was using the network with channel 13, and this was the reason why it did not detect the network (although i don't know why it does not.)
i sent it to htc usa for repair (i spoke with htc hk and japan, but they said i had to talk with htc taiwan or usa. because i had such a hard time to communicate with the support guy from htc taiwan in english, i eventually called htc usa despite i live in asia...), and they fixed it and sent it back to me, which took me ONE MONTH. however, i simply found the problem remained the same, and it did not detect channels over 10... after spending one month to get it fixed...
check your access point setting. if it is set to use a channel over 10, just change it below 10. it worked with mine. g'luck.
qtotter said:
i bought my polaris in hk, and brought it back to japan. when i tried to connect it to my wifi net work at home, it did not detect the network at all.
anyway, i did a little bit of research with my wifi network setting, and found out my polaris detected the network when the wifi channel was set below 10 (or 9?). I was using the network with channel 13, and this was the reason why it did not detect the network (although i don't know why it does not.)
i sent it to htc usa for repair (i spoke with htc hk and japan, but they said i had to talk with htc taiwan or usa. because i had such a hard time to communicate with the support guy from htc taiwan in english, i eventually called htc usa despite i live in asia...), and they fixed it and sent it back to me, which took me ONE MONTH. however, i simply found the problem remained the same, and it did not detect channels over 10... after spending one month to get it fixed...
check your access point setting. if it is set to use a channel over 10, just change it below 10. it worked with mine. g'luck.
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My problem with mi Wi-Fi is not the same, my Wi-Fi refuse to start.
I need a debugging software to test the wi-fi hardware, to know it's the wireless hardware or not.

Wifi problems with Jademan Rom

Hi Folks,
I have fashed my Touch 3G (Orange UK Jade 110) with the latest Jademan rom. Works very well apart wifi connections...
For some reason, using the the inbuilt wifi connection software it very oftem comes back with incorrect key even when I know it has the correct one.
It then takes ages trying to connect before failing..
I have tried WiFi monster to connect and I get similar results...It normally times out before connecting even when sat next to the AP !
Has anyone else had problems with Wifi.. I did the reflash to get rid of Orange UK's UNIQUE service for wifi, hope I made the right choice !!
Any thoughts ??
Sorry, can't help you out, but I think you have a better change of getting an answer when you ask this in the specific ROM thread (as well).

VERY Strange WIFI problem

so for the last couple of days I've noticed that when at home, if I turn on the HD2's Wifi, my entire home network stops working. The router can no longer be accessed, even by wired Ethernet.
I figure it was a router issue, so I bought a newer better one by a different company - and what do you know: The same problem persists! As soon as I enable WiFi in my HD2 the router becomes unaccessible - and as I turn it off, all is well again.
I'm a computer technician, an MCSA and usually pretty good with those things, yet this issue baffles me. What on earth could cause that?
No other WIFI devices cause this issue, only my HD2.
Ambious said:
so for the last couple of days I've noticed that when at home, if I turn on the HD2's Wifi, my entire home network stops working. The router can no longer be accessed, even by wired Ethernet.
I figure it was a router issue, so I bought a newer better one by a different company - and what do you know: The same problem persists! As soon as I enable WiFi in my HD2 the router becomes unaccessible - and as I turn it off, all is well again.
I'm a computer technician, an MCSA and usually pretty good with those things, yet this issue baffles me. What on earth could cause that?
No other WIFI devices cause this issue, only my HD2.
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What is the radio firmware version on the phone and what is the make, model and firmware revision of the router.
2 IT engineers are always better the one
My older router (with same problem) was 3Com 3CRWER200-75.
I replaced it with an Edimax BR-6524N. Same weird issue.
Both have latest firmwares.
My phone radio version... To be honst, I don't know how to check. My ROM version is 1.48.405.2 (71294) WWE - which is the stock rom of the Israeli version as supplied by Newpan.
Also worth mentioning, this didn't happen until a couple of days ago. Everyting was fine for months with the same exact configuration. SOMETHING must've changed, but what?
And how is it possible for my phone to kill two different routers?
I have the same problem with my laptop when running windows 7 but not linux....seems too me at least my problem is a driver issue.could be the damned for you too possibly. Was there a possible divert update on your phone?
I do not have an hd2 so I am not sure.
Edited for auto correct mistake
Ambious said:
My older router (with same problem) was 3Com 3CRWER200-75.
I replaced it with an Edimax BR-6524N. Same weird issue.
Both have latest firmwares.
My phone radio version... To be honst, I don't know how to check. My ROM version is 1.48.405.2 (71294) WWE - which is the stock rom of the Israeli version as supplied by Newpan.
Also worth mentioning, this didn't happen until a couple of days ago. Everyting was fine for months with the same exact configuration. SOMETHING must've changed, but what?
And how is it possible for my phone to kill two different routers?
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You check your phone radio revision the same way you check your rom version. Go to settings, about phone, software information and look for the line "radio version".
Your actual rom version is quiet old and if you are still using a stock rom then you may want to have a look at the htc website for your country and see if you can get 1.66 rom or newer.
I personally have never experienced this problem but i always use linksys or netgear networking equipment. The linksys router i have at home i've had for many years (it's a wrt54g v2.0) and it still works perfectly even though it's cpu and networking chipsets are overclocked and it runs a custom firmware.
Well, the ROM is the latest available for my country :-(
But anyway, I managed to solve it by deleted all my wireless preferences and just 'rediscovering' my home network from scratch. Surprisingly that worked and solved the problem, even on my old router.
Now I'm wondering if I should return the new one and stick to my trust good old one, or stick with the new one? It was pretty expensive, and I don't really use an N wireless connection anywhere anyway, so... What do you think, XDA?
Ambious said:
Well, the ROM is the latest available for my country :-(
But anyway, I managed to solve it by deleted all my wireless preferences and just 'rediscovering' my home network from scratch. Surprisingly that worked and solved the problem, even on my old router.
Now I'm wondering if I should return the new one and stick to my trust good old one, or stick with the new one? It was pretty expensive, and I don't really use an N wireless connection anywhere anyway, so... What do you think, XDA?
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You have no need for it, get your money back.
the hd2 is capable of N speeds. You just need to enable it in the registry. Personally i would use the old one till it dies and keep the newer one in a box till then but the choice is yours
The newer one is a lot of money I spent for something I didn't even need eventually. I'll be turning it back, I think.
Thanks to all who helped You guys rock!
Ambious said:
Well, the ROM is the latest available for my country :-(
But anyway, I managed to solve it by deleted all my wireless preferences and just 'rediscovering' my home network from scratch. Surprisingly that worked and solved the problem, even on my old router.
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great to hear that you've found a solution!
A thought came to mind while reading this thread.
Wonder if it's possible that a certain radio file/setting on your HD2 might've been corrupted and instead of generating the usual wifi signal, it could've generated a signal on the same frequency that completely jammed you're router signal?
Similar to the radio jammer units available in some countries that can be used for GSM, Wifi, etc... just a thought!
Im glad you brought this up because I had the exact same problem (accept I could connect via ethernet just wifi went dead), almost brought a new router after spending 2 days trying to set it up :/ It wouldnt allow anything to see the router wifi wise let alone connect to it via wifi. I havent turned my wifi on the phone since then but ill try reseting my settings later to see if that works. I didnt wanna risk screwing the router over lol. Im on stock 1.48 rom and radio on o2 as well
bobbified said:
great to hear that you've found a solution!
A thought came to mind while reading this thread.
Wonder if it's possible that a certain radio file/setting on your HD2 might've been corrupted and instead of generating the usual wifi signal, it could've generated a signal on the same frequency that completely jammed you're router signal?
Similar to the radio jammer units available in some countries that can be used for GSM, Wifi, etc... just a thought!
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That's an interesting thought, and if it's true - reversing it could be a tool for evil - just imagine being able to shut down networks just like that...
Anyway, I'm glad my issue was solved. That Edimax N router is really expensive, and I like my trusty old 3Com way better.
My N*kia n95 used to f*ck up the router like this sometimes

Wifi connected but doesnt work.

We have 3 SGS2 at home and a Billion 7800N modem
There is a recurring problem on my wifes phone where there is no dataflow. I cant even reach the modem. It will just start working all the sudden for a short period then stop again.
Things I have tried.
1. Using it right next to the router
2. have tried using different channel
3. have reset modem
4. made sure sleep policy is on never
5. Update firmware and hard reset phone - no new apps installed - worked at first but now having problems again.
It never loses wifi connectivity....internet just does not work. Turn 3g fine.
What could be the problem?
Only things I can think of
1. Faulty phone
2. Virus? That phone is sometimes used to check out Chinese websites...and I know some of them can be dodgy. I forgot to ask her not to go to any of those sites after the hard reset as trial and error.
3. Not certain but this problem may only started when we updated to 2.3.4.
If need be Ill hard reset AGAIN when XXKG6 is out - I dont want to flash back to 2.3.3 to try
auswill2 said:
What could be the problem?
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I have the impression, that the Broadcom WiFi drivers of Android are still buggy, because my Asus Transformer's WiFi also isn't very good.
When using a static IP address and setting Google's free DNS as a secondary DNS server (the router as primary), my SGS2's WiFi works best.
Maybe give it a try.
I have the exact setup and tried all the things you mentioned to no avail. It works sporadically after I reset the phone wifi on and off but it won't maintain data connection for long. Although the signal indicator says it is still connected. the billion 7800 works on my wifes sgs and connects without problem to my work htc legend.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
If you google for "galaxy s2 wifi no internet", you'll find out, that several SGS2 owners have exactly the same problem.
I all cases it seems to be the router's firmware, that causes this problem. I found two users reporting, that the only solution was to download a new firmware from ...
But maybe it helps to drop the speed from 802.11 N to G?
I have the exact same problem and my firmwire on my router is the latest. What I do to fix this problem is just unplug my router and plug it back in. I find that fixes it for me. Post back if that doesn't work
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
isinisterx said:
... firmwire on my router is the latest.
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That's why two guys reported, that they had to download a new FW from DD-WRT, which solved the problem for them.
Sorry, that I don't post links ... it were german forums.
I have the exact same problem. You say that the other two S2's work perfectly? If that's the case then it must be a hardware fault. I'm gonna take mine to be fixed or replaced.
steviewonders said:
If that's the case then it must be a hardware fault.
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Likely ... maybe different firmware? SGS2 and my brothers work fine. When I update....I update all 3 so we are all using the same firmware.
Thats why I believe its a problem specific to 1 phone....not the router (although I did update my router to latest firmware just in case.....same problem)
As a side note - my brother has a microphone echo problem when using a specific gel case. When my wife and I use the exact same case - no problem. I dont know how Samsung build their phones - but its not very consistent.
auswill2 said:
Thats why I believe its a problem specific to 1 phone...
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Shure ... in this case THIS phone has a hardware defect.
I dont know how Samsung build their phones - but its not very consistent.
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That's why we have a thread about the "Made in ..."
But that's not only a Samsung problem ... I know that from the Asus Transformer forum.
Ill see where our phones are made if I have time. If anything though, my brother should be the odd 1 out as his was bought in Australia whereas I got the other 2 from UK.
Ill get to the bottom of this....even if I have to keep doing hard reset and trial and error tests. Not being able to use wifi is a huge deal.
Just to confirm, the problem's not only apparent in 2.3.4. My phone has the same problem with 2.3.3. I've sent my phone in for repair now so i'll post my findings here in a week or so. Have you got any further with it?
I sure hope they do fix it somehow....It's becoming increasingly annoying having to flick wifi on and off, downloading apps is the worst. This never happened on mine or my girlfriends htc's.
Anyone able to find a solution for this problem? Just picked up my Galaxy S2 and have the exact same issue Wifi connects, surf the net for about 10 sec, then nothing.. still connected to Wifi and everything.
At work at the moment so can't really play around with the router settings but will try once I get home. Have been looking forward to getting this phone for a while now and to have Wifi issues right off the bat is quite disappointing..
wifi connected no data flow
i had the same problem
i tried different ways no sucess
i tried Set DNS Pro from market
tried different settings
applied different dns
shift from open , custom to google ang keep checking the internet in browser
after few try it works everytime
its to do with assigning ip address in android
I posted a solution a few weeks back....but i think most people overlooked the solution is
Go to settings>>>>wireless and networks>>>>>wifi settings>>>>hit menu and go to advanced>>>>regulatory domain>>>>change the channel to 14.....thts worked for me on vibrant,nexus one and even on sgs2..hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
zainqaiser said:
change the channel to 14
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Channel 14 is not allowed in most countries ... my german router e.g. doesn't have channel 14, only 1-13.
I had similar issues with my Asus Transformer and found out, that a static IP works best, BUT only if a secondary DNS is assigned too. I used Google's
Give it a try. The Broadcom drivers seem to have a bug, when no secondary DNS is assigned.
The "regulatory domain" setting isn't there on my galaxy s2 ;/ Will give the static IP solution a try.
zainqaiser said:
I posted a solution a few weeks back....but i think most people overlooked the solution is
Go to settings>>>>wireless and networks>>>>>wifi settings>>>>hit menu and go to advanced>>>>regulatory domain>>>>change the channel to 14.....thts worked for me on vibrant,nexus one and even on sgs2..hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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thx mate ..... this worked for me
I have the same problem currently on 2.3.4 (KH3) and I also had it on 2.3.3 (KF3).
I currently can't find the Regulatory Domain setting.

[Q] WiFi issues on almost all ROMs - MB525 red lens

Hi All,
Since I got my DEFY I have WiFi problems. This issue only exists when WiFI has WPA/WPA2 PSK authorisation.
It is going like this: I connect over the wifi. Then connection works fine, I am able to browse www, check the emails etc, and after few seconds, minutes the connection stops working but still exist. I try to reconnect several times. Defy shows that is connected but nothing works fine. Internet apps or Market gives a message like the time is up, connection lost. I have to forget the conection in settings or reset device to get it working properly, but not for long.
And the thing is that there is only ONE ROM that works fine with WiFi on my DEFY. This is Cyanogenmod-7.1.0-RC1. Other ROMs have same issues. Doesn't mater if it is Cyanogen mod 7.1 stable or any MIUI or MS2Ginger. I tried almost all roms but nothing helped. So I had to go back to CM7.1.0-RC1.
Do you know what should I do to make WiFi working fine on other roms?
Please, just don't tell me that I should change authorisation on WiFi router. This is not a solution for me, because I use WiFi in a lot different places.
Same problem
I have the same problem with my Defy since a few months, no solutions!
I have the *EXACT* same issue. Was about to roll back to stock and send it in for repair, glad I found your post! I'll install the ROM you suggested and keep hoping this gets fixed
just fixed my wifi issue for the second time. If there are to many remembered networks no more wifi. You can turn it on but it cant find any. delete all remembered networks and back on line. that is the only conectivity problem I have ever had after months of cm7
wilson1813 said:
just fixed my wifi issue for the second time. If there are to many remembered networks no more wifi. You can turn it on but it cant find any. delete all remembered networks and back on line. that is the only conectivity problem I have ever had after months of cm7
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I think that's a different problem than we're having. It is finding the network just fine (and connecting) in our case. It's just that internet connectivity refuses to work after a few minutes, forcing us to disconnect-reconnect to get it working again
@OP: Thanks a lot! The ROM you mentioned does indeed not have this problem. It's not as stable as some of the more recent roms though, think I'll still be forced to revert to stock
i had exactly that problem with my first defy, no solution man, i send it to warranty and they give me other
maybe changing the regulatory domain channels from 11 to 14 could help. this option is hidden by default, you have to enable it: change the value of 'ro.debuggable' from 0 to 1 in /system/bootmenu/config/default.prop, save and reboot. after that, the regulatory domain setting will be shown in settings/wireless/wifi/advanced. simply change it to 14 channels.
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
@OP: Apparently the issue still occurs on the version you mentioned as well...just happens less often.
cdlq456 said:
i had exactly that problem with my first defy, no solution man, i send it to warranty and they give me other
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Hmm..weird thing is, I never had this issue on the stock ROM
zakoo2 said:
maybe changing the regulatory domain channels from 11 to 14 could help. this option is hidden by default, you have to enable it: change the value of 'ro.debuggable' from 0 to 1 in /system/bootmenu/config/default.prop, save and reboot. after that, the regulatory domain setting will be shown in settings/wireless/wifi/advanced. simply change it to 14 channels.
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
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Thank you for the suggestion! Just tried this, didn't resolve the issue sadly
I'm looking into rolling back to a stock Froyo rom but the information is scattered all over the place, I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's possible, and if so, how ;/
Anyone have any more ideas? ;/
darkdevil1 said:
Anyone have any more ideas? ;/
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OK, maybe I just passed the signpost but... do you still have the problem if you set your "select network" setting to 3G only?
I ask because (and it may be different on my phone as I am USA, stock ROM with wifi calling) if you go into the INFO menu > phone information > set preferred network type, mine toggles between three radio preferences: "GSM only" (when wifi is active), "GSM auto (prl)" and -- if I set for 3G Only, "WCDMA only".
I have noticed that when "select network" setting is at automatic (or 2G only) it often has trouble transitioning from cell to wifi. And, when wifi is an issue, I find that "GSM auto (prl)" has been selected (which on my USA phone prevents wifi connection). However, it seems to have no issue whatsoever transitioning from "WCDMA only" (3G only) to "GSM only", which on my phone then allows wifi connection. Again, this is a wifi calling phone so may be different.
Yep, same here BUT ! I get root browser, found my build.prop and change wifi chanells first time for 14 and it didnt help so i try other and my wifi works in 100% with 13 chanells. Try it
This is a widely know problem, many people are affected more or less. I'm also having nerve-blowing times with wifi sucking all over... Stock Froyo (and now Cyanogen 7.2) seems to be a bit more stable, sometimes everything is fine for a few hours, all downloads go lightning fast - and then suddenly things are screwed up. I tried a lot of MIUI releases as I like it most. MIUI seemed the most problematic so far. I don't know what is the cause, new stock Motorola Gingerbread ROM versions also have this issue (except one I think - look it up in the forum).
Agree, bothering with the router is not a solution. My Nokia E51, my EeePC, my girlfriend's Omnia and Lifebook - all work perfectly with all the four routers we use frequently. Not a single glitch - everything is stable and nice, except Defy.
I don't think is a hardware problem with certain devices, it seems more to do with the way Defy handles wireless connections.
Anyway, it's frustrating but CM7.2 and CEE Froyo gives a bit better experience than others.
masspl said:
Yep, same here BUT ! I get root browser, found my build.prop and change wifi chanells first time for 14 and it didnt help so i try other and my wifi works in 100% with 13 chanells. Try it
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You mean changing ro.wifichannels to 13?.
Don't do that, my phone wouldn't boot any more. Had to restore nandroid BU...
darkdevil1 said:
You mean changing ro.wifichannels to 13?.
Don't do that, my phone wouldn't boot any more. Had to restore nandroid BU...
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I didnt know that... it help me but i see for other its bad
Mine boots fine...
VTomi1975 said:
Mine boots fine...
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Strange, perhaps I messed up something else accidentally then. Has it resolved your problem?
My mate do same think but he leave space after "13" and there was some problems with boot after this ;/ So maybe u do same ... Im sory if i make some problem
darkdevil1 said:
Strange, perhaps I messed up something else accidentally then. Has it resolved your problem?
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No, problem still persists. Sometimes it works flawlessly for hours. Then... suddenly screwed :S In some cases a "switch wifi on/off" workout can help but not always.
VTomi1975 said:
No, problem still persist. Sometimes it works flawlessly for hours. Then... suddenly screwed :S In some cases a "switch wifi on/off" workout can help but not always.
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Same. Thanks for your response.
I've rolled back to 2.2 and no Wifi issues so far. I'll just stay on this stock ROM.
darkdevil1 said:
Same. Thanks for your response.
I've rolled back to 2.2 and no Wifi issues so far. I'll just stay on this stock ROM.
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Which Froyo version do you use? A few times this wifi-bug occured also under Froyo. I'm thinking about going back myself, as Froyo is the only acceptable release to record hiccups-free videos
