Wifi on Android SDK - Android Software Development

Hi every one,
i have installed Android SDK 2.2 on my laptop in order to develop an application over it.Actually, my application needs wifi configuration but i can't access to this in the emulator neither in the WifiManager class (eclipse).
I think the problem is that i don't have an Android Device connected to my PC!
i really need to develop this application and i can't manage to have an Androphone....so aren't there any solutions? any suggestions ?
P.S: i'm a beginner in the Android Developpment.


Android Emulator problems

hi guys,
I'm setting up an android environment on Ubuntu 10.
I have eclipse installed along with the Android plugin.
From synaptic manager, I installed openjdk-6-jdk.
All the components are inplace. However, the emulators start but seem to get into a perpectual loop and just display the android logo.
My hello world app or even the emulators user interface view never starts.
Is anyone familiar with this sort of problem? Please help me.
i use in windows
read : http://i-learnedandroid.blogspot.com/2010/06/android-sdk-and-eclipse-installation.html
i use in windows and nothing problem..
install lastest JDK and setting path maybe

Did anyone get Appinventor by Google running on HD2?

Hey guys,
I was granted access to the beta of Android App Inventor and wanted to start playing around with that software and my HD2 running android. However, I cannot manage to get a connection to the phone via USB. (Selection: Connect to Phone in Block Editor does not work for me).
So, is there anyone working with App Inventor paired with HD2?
Thank you for your help and advice in advance,
Download the Android SDK (if you haven't already), and install the package, "Usb Driver Package, revision 3".
Then plug in your HD2, if it doesn't auto-install do the following:
Right click my computer - manage - device manager,
find your HD2 in Other Devices/leo
Right click it, Update Driver Software
Browse my computer for driver software
In the text box: C:\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver (adjust accordingly)
Click next and it should install.
also only some builds have usb connection working i am using darkstones build and usb works fine
Currently I use this build: "shubCRAFT CM6RC2/Froyo" .
I still did not manage to complete a connection. The Block editor quits with an error "We made a mistake! Please help by reporting this bug:
Problem getting project defitions for phone: ...longurl..."
I will retry installing SDK and Extras and driver.
So, after reinstalling everything it still does not work:
"Leo" is listed in Devices as: "Android Composite ADB Interface" - is that the right driver?
I also tried to use a virtual Android device utilizing the SDK, but sadly that did not work as well. I have the Desktop of the virtual Android on my Screen, but clicking connect in Block editor does not connect to the virtual device (the Leo is unplugged in that scenario).
make sure USB debugging is enabled in the application settings
Yes I have App Inventor. It's working OK for my on Darkstones build, but like you, I have issues with Shub's build.
For some reason or another - and I'm not sure how - I got it running just fine with no phone connected at all. I was able to complete the project and save it just fine. Maybe it was a bug...
I tried Darkstone's built, had USB debugging enabled, but it still did not work for me Don't know what to do next.
Anyone working with virtual devices or other builds that could work?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Android Virtual Device DOES NOT loads at all! :(

Hello. I was hired to build an Android app but I am having problems.
I understand
1) Java SDK
2) Android SDK
3) Eclipse
4) Eclipse plug-in
5) Java programming
I just finished Java Certified exam, so I'm really fresh with Java
However, I am having problem with
1) Android Virtual Device
I create one, run, emulator.exe runs, but NOTHING shows up
Even if I wait 2 hours, nothing shows up
I am running Windows 7 64-bit
I already reinstalled Google Android SDK (latest version)
It's weird
I pushed the program to my cell phone and I had no problem with that, it worked wonders
The app runs on my cell phone, but it won't run on my emulator
I need the emulator to work because I want my apps to communicate to each other (I hope that can be done)
But anyway, I want to develop FAST so pushing a new APK to my cell phone 20 times per day is not a solution, I REALLY need the emulator to work
Thanks in advance

How to deploy your application to your handphone?

Hi all,
I am new in Android programming. Currently I am working on simple apps and do the testing in my PC. I would like to know how to deploy my apps to my handphone so I can test it from there? Appreciate your answers.
Thanks in advance.
enable usb debugging from settings-->applications--->development on pre ICS phones and from settings--->developers options on ICS+ phones.
Now connect the phone to computer and press ctrl+f11 in eclipse in your project.
You will be presented with a window having your phone with its serial number and avd's.Select your device and it would run on your phone instead of avd.

Android device not detected by eclipse

I have google nexs 4, kitkat 4.4 updated to
I have debugger mode enabled
I try to reset abd from my eclipse i get
[2013-12-24 23:18:49 - DeviceMonitor] Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
[2013-12-24 23:18:50 - DeviceMonitor] Connection attempts: 1
my device is detected by my computer..but when i try running application, my eclipse doesnt detect it?
please help
my project build target android 4.4
jdk compliance 1.6
minmiunm required sdk android 2.2 froyo chosen
target sdk: api 18
compile with: api 19 android 4.4 kitkat
so anyone?
my winbdows is windows 8
problem is not from device, because it works on windows 7...and another pc.
I also done this http://developer.android.com/sdk/win-usb.html#top
Are you sure you have ADB set up properly? You may want to get to know ADB here. At least run the devices command to see where the problem is. What you should try is restarting both Windows and your phone (we all know windows...). If that doesn't work you'll want to try a different USB cable and socket but as you are saying the device is detected by windows so the hardware shouldn't be a problem. A complete reinstall of eclipse may be needed as well.
There is an edit button so no need to post 5! times.
i fixed it by updating driver software in device managers..and selecting the google usb driver location i donwloaded via the sdk manager
krikor1 said:
i fixed it by updating driver software in device managers..and selecting the google usb driver location i donwloaded via the sdk manager
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Great! Have fun developing!

