[Q] [upd][build][19.10.2010]mdeejay glacier sense v. 1.0.1 [kernel: Hastarin r7.6] - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

hey im looking for this.. any1 has the mirror up.. he took it down when he updated the page and it got closed.. i wanna try this ROM.. can any1 help..

I don't get it..is he not going to be putting out 2.0 now? I saw that he was but that was 3 days ago. In any event...Is it possible to just put in the new kernel with the 1.0 ROM, will the camera work? The fourm wont let me post links, but this is it...you can fill in the .
multiupload com/BOSOPXWIJT

jeff.rudzinski said:
In any event...Is it possible to just put in the new kernel with the 1.0 ROM, will the camera work?
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Nope, I tried that and it doesn't work.

jeff.rudzinski said:
I don't get it..is he not going to be putting out 2.0 now? I saw that he was but that was 3 days ago. In any event...Is it possible to just put in the new kernel with the 1.0 ROM, will the camera work? The fourm wont let me post links, but this is it...you can fill in the .
multiupload com/BOSOPXWIJT
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hey thank you so much.. im gonna try it now..

please remove this thread.
Original thread temporarily closed.

m-deejay said:
please remove this thread.
Original thread temporarily closed.
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then dont mislead us. and just say if your going too or not.

S3BAZ10 said:
then dont mislead us. and just say if your going too or not.
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theres no img file.. do i let it create it own?

dailomac said:
theres no img file.. do i let it create it own?
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S3BAZ10 said:
then dont mislead us. and just say if your going too or not.
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WOAH. Okay. He is the lead developer for that rom. Disrespect wont get you anywhere.
MDJ, take your time, some people dont understand that you have a life.

Agreed. I can easily say that was my favorite from the second I tried it. I have been looking forward to the update for quite some time and am pumped it is so close. Take you're time and keep up the good work MDJ.

yea, looking exactly for this one, thx..

i didnt mean any disrespect.. i was just looking for this rom.. cuz the update.. deleted the old one..


[DISCUSSION] WP7... 1st leaked rom.

hey dear chefs,
the 1st windows phone7 rom has been leaked in case you missed it.
Quick off the mark as always
Cheers mate.
whoa! GREAT!
Indeed its a news.
Great news! Hope to see soon it on HD2
xaoc747 said:
Great news! Hope to see soon it on HD2
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Im with you!
yes, cant wait to see it running on HD2
vodanhdaisu said:
yes, cant wait to see it running on HD2
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+ 1 here...
can't wait to see on HD2.
how the hell do you download it
g.lewarne said:
how the hell do you download it
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there are some mirrors available
g.lewarne said:
how the hell do you download it
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Follow link in first post..
gianton said:
there are some mirrors available
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thank you downloading at 1.2mb sec
We got luck There is a chance that the drivers for the htc hd2 are maybe inside. Since In a lot of windows phone 7 commercials you saw the hd2 so lets hope it is gonna work. Ok.. it is htc mondrian but still a little chance.
Does anybody know how likely it is that someone will be able to port this for the HD2?
I mean, from what I've read it seems to be quite different from 'just' porting a regular WinMo ROM from another HTC device... I'd like to be wrong but I 'd be surprised to see this working on the HD2 any time soon.
I wonder if we will see a release from Tom_codon, now we have a leak. Looking forward to the devs having a go at this one.
Has anyone had a go at flashing this yet?
So, any tools out there that we can use to extract more info out of the dump?
I'm new to this.
Seg2009 said:
Has anyone had a go at flashing this yet?
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I'd say its very likely that it won't boot out of the box due to bootloader stuff..but who can tell
Someone skilled, please look into it!
Seg2009 said:
Has anyone had a go at flashing this yet?
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lol, feel free to try if you want to completely and utterly brick your phone
g.lewarne said:
lol, feel free to try if you want to completely and utterly brick your phone
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lmao, I think I will just wait for someone else to have a crack at it.

RUU_Bravo_Froyo_HTCCN_CHS_2.26.1400.2_Radio_32.4.. New htc desire rom FOR DEVELOPERS

All credits to orginal finder of this.
WTF is this?
is this?
jan-willem3 said:
All credits to orginal finder of this.
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Probably best to change title of thread people may think they can flash this.
pack21 said:
WTF is this?
is this?
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This is just a new htc desire rom. I posted it here so developers can update their builds or get anything useful out it.
you need to change title quickly
yeah.. really need to change the title.. since most of the ppl here been waiting for nand rom..
zelduy said:
yeah.. really need to change the title.. since most of the ppl here been waiting for nand rom..
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Too late already try to Flush this and bricked my hd2!!!
JK... yes better fix that
Probably won't flash anyway because of the device id.
thatruth132 said:
you need to change title quickly
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What are people doing here if they can't understand this is not nand.
Not to you ofcourse.
Anyway changed it.
meh. just let the noobs brick their phones. just means more phones sold right? they will all have to replace their phones, and if they cant afford it. well they are probably better off without it....
Rejoice! Had to" continue to wait!

MIUI For Dell Streak

Yeah well apparently someone ported it to an MDPI phone.
Could we get this going for us?? I would try but i cant port a GSM phone to save my life
Nikolai2.1 said:
Yeah well apparently someone ported it to an MDPI phone.
Could we get this going for us?? I would try but i cant port a GSM phone to save my life
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im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
tazzpatriot said:
im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
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Psh yes you are!! But thanks man if we could get help from you that would be amazing!!!
tazzpatriot said:
im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
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lol... sure you are bro. if you can port this to us you will truly and finally be a god among men (not that your not real close to this now with your roms).
So tazz hows it going do yo have it ported yet!!??? If not then you have failed me
jk bro take your time, but this would be a great break through for the Eris
Nikolai2.1 said:
So tazz hows it going do yo have it ported yet!!??? If not then you have failed me
jk bro take your time, but this would be a great break through for the Eris
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well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
tazzpatriot said:
well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
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hmmmm...... this can be an awesome comback rom...... Tazz check ur PM
T.C.P said:
hmmmm...... this can be an awesome comback rom...... Tazz check ur PM
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lol i saw ur p,m now bro forget my reply i didnt see this post lool
tazzpatriot said:
well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
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Well thats a start!! Haha, this MIUI rom is gonna be something else.. i read somewhere that its based off of Cyanogen, is that true?
Nikolai2.1 said:
Well thats a start!! Haha, this MIUI rom is gonna be something else.. i read somewhere that its based off of Cyanogen, is that true?
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well tcp just told me ands i looked for myself also , which i shoulda done first , but its not gunna work for us its hdpi
tazzpatriot said:
well tcp just told me ands i looked for myself also , which i shoulda done first , but its not gunna work for us its hdpi
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wait.,.., on the cyanogen mod wiki it said the streak was mdpi...
Nikolai2.1 said:
wait.,.., on the cyanogen mod wiki it said the streak was mdpi...
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well i opened some of the apps and saw nuthing that was mdpi
tazzpatriot said:
well i opened some of the apps and saw nuthing that was mdpi
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awhhh darn i just checked that.. yeah.. well sorry guys.. Cyanogenmod lied to me lol. I fail
Just so i dont make any more threads im posting this here.
Can we use this new hero radio?
or would that not work? I dont want to flash it and brick lol
Nikolai2.1 said:
Just so i dont make any more threads im posting this here.
Can we use this new hero radio?
or would that not work? I dont want to flash it and brick lol
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I've been using it for several days, so yes it's safe to flash.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I've been using it for several days, so yes it's safe to flash.
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Any difference?
Bringing this thread back to life...this portingprocess is dead because of the non-published driver-thing, right?
EDIT: Wow, I haven´t seen that this thread is in the wrong section..

Touchwiz 4

hey guys i will port touchwiz 4 on our galaxy 3
but i dont know what is to do??
can some one tell me that
my regards
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
no need to! im doing (trying to do) this
niteshtak said:
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
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Sorry but he can decide whatever he wants to do, and if you have a problem with his ROM why not just ditch it and flash another one?
niteshtak said:
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
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it will fixed in 1 or 2 days
Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
Thom47 said:
Sorry but he can decide whatever he wants to do, and if you have a problem with his ROM why not just ditch it and flash another one?
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Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
@Burak- Thanks man...will appreciate it...the reason i decided to flash ur Rom was because of the awesome Quad score and ext2 partitions
Wat the happ to whole forum...all are fighting like asses...Guys why you taking things so seriously...Nobody gonna go out from this world alive:-D
So why not live this life with joy..
- Devilgod
It would be cool : Touchwizz 4
niteshtak said:
Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
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Since when have I been "fkin ppl on every forum" ? And really, you're the only idiot here, telling the dev what he should do and what not to do.
If we have cm7, touchwiz 4 will be simple to port (I think ^^).
There is some necessary files (.so) wich aren't compatible with froyo, only with gingerbread. Maybe we can wait a little...
gaby02 said:
If we have cm7, touchwiz 4 will be simple to port (I think ^^).
There is some necessary files (.so) wich aren't compatible with froyo, only with gingerbread. Maybe we can wait a little...
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TW4.0 is already ported to froyo (SGS) and im porting it to SG3
jazux said:
no need to! im doing (trying to do) this
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lots of succes
but tw 4 isnt ported to froyo on sgs sgs has allready gingerbread
and the tw4 mod is only for gingerbread firmwares
my regards
burak721 said:
lots of succes
but tw 4 isnt ported to froyo on sgs sgs has allready gingerbread
and the tw4 mod is only for gingerbread firmwares
my regards
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no im prettu sure its ported to froyo ALSO see this
jazux said:
no im prettu sure its ported to froyo ALSO see this
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nice nice i havnt seen it
i´ve looked at i9000 channel ^^
what is ur experiance to port?
burak721 said:
nice nice i havnt seen it
i´ve looked at i9000 channel ^^
what is ur experiance to port?
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i just googled "touchwiz 4.0 on froyo" and i got that
and i do have some experience at porting but im not an expert
jazux said:
i just googled "touchwiz 4.0 on froyo" and i got that
and i do have some experience at porting but im not an expert
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sorry i mean progress
burak721 said:
sorry i mean progress
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no progress yet, just looked inside the files... and tomorrow im going on a vacation for a week and i cant do anything then (except be on xda with my asus transformer)
Ill sequester you till you've finished
@ jazux have a nice vacation

Working on a Miui port

OK after a boring weekend I decided to try my hand at porting miui 10 since its based on 8.0.went out found a device with the same processor etc..read guides created the zip unfortunately it didn't boot. I don't no much about kernel edit yet still learning, I'm unable to pull log because my cable is broken.
Reason now for this thread is to ask for assistant with the kernel whatever else anyone can do...
Oh using h918 arb 1
ki11aprime said:
OK after a boring weekend I decided to try my hand at porting miui 10 since its based on 8.0.went out found a device with the same processor etc..read guides created the zip unfortunately it didn't boot. I don't no much about kernel edit yet still learning, I'm unable to pull log because my cable is broken.
Reason now for this thread is to ask for assistant with the kernel whatever else anyone can do...
Oh using h918 arb 1
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I know almost nothing about it too, but just out of interest, have you tried flashing a stock based kernel like mk2000 for Oreo?
jl10101 said:
I know almost nothing about it too, but just out of interest, have you tried flashing a stock based kernel like mk2000 for Oreo?
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Yea I tried that too but I think I have a solution tho
ki11aprime said:
Yea I tried that too but I think I have a solution tho
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Ah, ok. Really looking forward to it. I find MIUI to be really fluid. And because it's based on stock, all the usual V20 features will work. Thanks for giving this a go!
Question how important are aboot etc files when flashing a ROM?
jl10101 said:
Ah, ok. Really looking forward to it. I find MIUI to be really fluid. And because it's based on stock, all the usual V20 features will work. Thanks for giving this a go!
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I doubt the second screen will work tho at this point just trying to see it boot
Ok some progress I guess made it to the miui boot screen with the chances I made
ki11aprime said:
Ok some progress I guess made it to the miui boot screen with the chances I made
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any progress?
what's ROM & device that u porting from?
4shared said:
any progress?
what's ROM & device that u porting from?
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Nah they all got stuck at the muii screen, and haven't had the chance to to deal with them but I was gonna message you to see if we can work help each other tho.
Using the mi 5 as a port can share a build with you and you check it out..
ki11aprime said:
Nah they all got stuck at the muii screen, and haven't had the chance to to deal with them but I was gonna message you to see if we can work help each other tho.
Using the mi 5 as a port can share a build with you and you check it out..
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ok send me ur build, i'll see what i can do, hopefully that we can boot it at least
4shared said:
ok send me ur build, i'll see what i can do, hopefully that we can boot it at least
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Ok will pm you the build it was h918 so jus edit to your device
I have like 10 different builds so have to find one that goes to the miui screen.
ki11aprime said:
Ok will pm you the build it was h918 so jus edit to your device
I have like 10 different builds so have to find one that goes to the miui screen.
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Ok, until you find it, i'm downloding now a miui rom of "LeEco Le Max 2"
Maybe it's better to port from a ported rom than using one of Xiaomi's.
4shared said:
Ok, until you find it, i'm downloding now a miui rom of "LeEco Le Max 2"
Maybe it's better to port from a ported rom than using one of Xiaomi's.
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Ohh ok didn't think about that one
Sorry for potentially reviving an old thread, but any progress? I'd love to use a port on my H918
Kandroid#6386 said:
Sorry for potentially reviving an old thread, but any progress? I'd love to use a port on my H918
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I'm gonna TRY to port miui, But I only have the H910, so idk about the others, I'll try my best to port it over, then try getting it to the other models.
LGAGaming said:
I'm gonna TRY to port miui, But I only have the H910, so idk about the others, I'll try my best to port it over, then try getting it to the other models.
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Awesome! Keep me posted
Project is dead moved to another device...
Mod please close thread..
ki11aprime said:
Project is dead moved to another device...
Mod please close thread..
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Damn that's disappointing

