Hi all i have an idea for an application, something like Tag on Race games.
Think on NFS Undergroud2.
The application show a map (google map) you and a second or even more cars, you chose one of them and googlemaps plots the trip to it, showing time to the other car. If your driving faster them him it will show something like -2min to reach him( at current speed, yours and the other car).
A plus will be several racers and the first car plots the trip and the other cars have to follow.
Plus compass, position, speed of the other cars etc.
So most of this is based in the possibility to "link" several devices.
In a Windows PC environment i would make a server application and the others would start as clients putting the server ip in a TCP/IP connection.
Is this possible in android? Any one wants to jump in in this idea?
I've used google, both web and through xda, and haven't really found what I wanted yet, so i'm hoping that maybe someone knows a piece, or pieces of software that I can use.
My friends and I go mountain biking alot, and I'd like to start tracking the trails we use, as sometimes we find trails that are really out of the way.
I've got an HTC Mogul, and I have unlocked the GPS through a custom ROM, now I'm just searching for a GPS software that will work.
What i'd like, is a software that tracks the GPS data and stores it locally, not upload it to a website, so that I can bring it home to my computer and mess with it locally.
I just saw Everytrail.com today, and I'm going to try that out, but the problem with that, and all the other software that I've found, is that it sends the data to a server and doesn't store the data locally.
Anyone know any software, that will just take the data (say ~every 30 seconds) and save it for my own use?
The other problem, but one which I'm sure I can solve on my own, is that all the other gps tracking software out there creates tracks from point A to point B, when what I want is to create a collection of interconnectining tracks, without point A to B, but just plotted tracks, and hopefully display those on the device itself.
What you are saying is that you want waypoints along the trail -- taken like snapshots every 10 minutes or so, correct?
Like a regular cheapo GPS unit, correct?
I was playing around with the GPS on my Touch Cruise the other week. I wrote a small C# app to grab the coordinates and convert it to a UK OS grid reference. Building on this to log to a file at intervals would be trivial. I could probably also plot the resulting array of coords to a bitmap and display on screen. It wouldn't be anything special or overlaid on a map or anything but it could get you started. I'm away from home at the mo so don't have access to my laptop to do it but drop me a PM to remind me and I'll try and sort something out.
Have a look at gpsVP if you haven't already.
It saves your tracks to a folder in My Documents.
Try NoniGPSPlot. Very good.
Edit: Woops. I see it has already been suggested. Still it's probably worth mentioning twice.
just another idea - there are some GPS - devices out with built - in logging functionality. eg Wintec WBT-201 which I use.
Completly independent for about 12 h.
If you need to convert GPS information to a special format try gpsbabel.
Hey guys,
wondering if there is a way to store the map data locally?
This way I dont need to always use the wireless connection to get maps on the run, and im sure it would speed up the application too.
Of course i dont expect to store the whole world, just my city. Is there a method to do this?
sephstyler said:
Hey guys,
wondering if there is a way to store the map data locally?
This way I dont need to always use the wireless connection to get maps on the run, and im sure it would speed up the application too.
Of course i dont expect to store the whole world, just my city. Is there a method to do this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I made myself a simple workaround - just make screenshots!
This is what the open source project gpsVP is all about.
Code is free, and there is ateam working on enhancements.
I have had it running on the X1 for past week. Works great.
I have tried both Google and MS map caching. Not Openstreet yet.
In addition I created my own raster map using Mapcruncher to calibrate coords.
It take s a bit of getting used to, as user documentation is catching up.
You can seed the cache while connected to PC/Landline. Starting at the most zoomed-in level you want, the app will automatically download the higher levels maps.
Nowadays I'm testing this one:
This program has two parts:
- Mapper.exe
You have to copy it to the PC and it allow to select an area at gooblemaps or yahoomaps and tke zoom levels.
It dowloads the images with the size you have selected and at the end compress them in 1 file (that you have to copy to the PDA
- Terracrosser itself: for the PDA.
This is not a navigation program. It show in the photo or map image where you are.
The speed is not very fast, development is in progress. Also depends in how many maps have you download and the resolution of them.
Nice program and very, very nice downloader. Very simple.
I use NoniGPSPlot (http://aeguerre.free.fr/Public/PocketPC/NoniGPSPlot/EN/index.php) it's free (I donated though for the extra features & because it's awsome) and there's a free map downloading app that lets you cache maps from google, yahoo, live and openmap, builds the image (or slices to help with memory usage) at whatever zoom level you want. You just then load them into NoniGPSPlot and you've got the ultimate GPS tool, with no data connection required.
I mostly use it to log walks for Geotagging my photographs. I can download maps with footpaths on so I can plan in advance a route, the dog gets a good walk, I get some good shots and can geotag them later in lightroom, and we never get lost!
hi all
i'm looking for an app that i used to have on my iphone
it was an interactive app that i could enter start point (name of a subway station) and an end point (the name of the station i need to get to)
and it was calculating the route (without WIFI or 3G connection, just offline)
and showed me from where to take the train, where to switch and where to get off
is there an app like that for nexus one?
Google maps has a subway layer/public transportation option and can do your routes via trains.
Theres an app called Metro (( i think)) that does what you say for numerous cities with public transportation.
Personally I just use MTA.
All the bus and subway maps no need for data connection.
i'll check metro now
i'm not fron NY but i'm here like once a month
so i need something to know my way around fast
and the MTA map alone without specific directions is not enough for me
for google maps i need wifi or 3G so and that not aviliable or expensive
edit: can not find metro
any other apps?
Not for what youre asking (that Im aware of). Youd need to find a wifi spot and use google maps IMO.
i tried google maps now with wifi and public transit layer
it's great!!!!!! just what i need
but it can't be off line need wifi or 3G
if using 3G how much data does it take? (for one route)
Need app suggestion. I'm going to Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, etc) and was trying to find simple subway/public transportation app, which will have 2 features.
1. Be offline app (initial download of maps, routes, etc is fine), but it should work w/o internet connection.
2. It should have route planning. Like I specify starting subway station or bus stop and destination and it will give me routes with all changes.
If it would've been old good winmobile, then MetrO would me my choice. But to my surprise, when going through tons of apps in Market, I'm not able to find proper alternative. All I find is either
1. Simple offline picture of subway schema with zoom. But w/o routing.
2. Great apps with AR and such, but it requires internet connection.
Any suggestions?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
With it's just-right display size, the SGTab is particularly well-suited for navigation on the road. Setup is straightforward:
Either install Navit from the market or get the latest nightly build from http{:}//download.navit-project.org/navit/android_armv5te/svn/ (sorry, can't post links yet)
Download maps for desired area
Edit config file for map and preference data
Download voice for turn-by-turn audible instructions
Works amazingly well, no data connection required while driving, and even snaps to nearest mapped location when on roads that are not on the map.
After using for awhile, its greatest need becomes clear:
The ability to set route waypoints. Fortunately, there's a patch that adds this feature - http{:}//trac.navit-project.org/ticket/46 - but it's not committed to trunk yet so the only way to get such a version is to download the source, apply the patch, and compile.
Here's where it gets wonky. As mentioned in the documentation (http{:}//wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Navit_on_Android), cross-compiling for Android is sketchy. After trying unsuccessfully to build on an x86_64 machine, I've given up.
So the burning question: Any gurus out there want to give this a go and post the resulting .apk for 'testing'?
That is a nice app.
I and several others a work use WAZE.
It is free on the market.
Lets us know where the cops are hidding, and a plus it has navigation.
I was surprised when it was connected via bluetooth to my car radio, and a female voice announced. Police ahead 500 feet.
So dodge that ticket.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
@StarLog, thanks for the tip, which made me take a better look at Waze. It IS totally cool. BUT, like Google Maps, it requires a data connection to grab map tiles and calculate routes. This is fine for those who only drive in areas with signal coverage and who have good data plan$. For them, Waze could eventually be superior to GMaps. (Might even be now, don't know.)
Navit, on the other hand, is completely self-contained (no data connection required). When started, it turns the device into a configurable navigator with full access to all onboard maps. Under battery power, no connections of any kind are needed. And I especially appreciate the "configurable" part, which lets me choose data and controls displayed, sizes and colors, and where shown on screen.
Of course, this less dynamic map model makes updates more cumbersome, and there's no provision for real-time input to the database. Two different approaches, two different products.