[Q] froyo fixes - Epic 4G General

Hi I was planning on going back to epic, love the screen and hardware! but so far with the recent froyo builds I'm trying to figure out what I can expect to be fixed when the official froyo is released. I see reports of a perfect working GPS but what about the glitch with the time w/o a signal, is the airplane mode toggle trick still needed? any other fixes? Thanks for any help!

We wont know until the official Froyo is released. If you want someone to make an educated guess for you, why not just do it yourself. Go into any of the Froyo rom threads and read about what has been upgraded or fixed, and you can probably reasonably expect that the official rom will also have those upgrades and fixes.


before updating radio, looking for clarification

ive read, re-read, and read again how to go about updating the radio to the newest version to be able to flash 2.2 roms. although the instructions are clear, is there a second set, or clearer set available? i just want to make sure im 100% clear about what im doing before i do it. im not new to flashing roms (did it on my moto droid) just never did something that had the potential to brick my device.
secondly, how easy is it to handle all of this on a macbook? my pc doesnt recognize my phone when i plug it in, but my macbook does so i'd be doing this from that laptop.
My 2 cents ... wait for the official OTA to come out and then wait a little more for unrEVOked to enable root.
If you are concerned with bricking then I certainly wouldn't go through all the pain, suffering and risk just to install a prerelease radio (which is fairly old, by the way) and then to install beta releases. These forums are now littered with people posting bugs (which no one will fix ... because its a beta/prerelease ROM) and posting workarounds ... but the BEST workaround is to just wait for the actual release instead of playing around here.
jdmba said:
My 2 cents ... wait for the official OTA to come out and then wait a little more for unrEVOked to enable root.
If you are concerned with bricking then I certainly wouldn't go through all the pain, suffering and risk just to install a prerelease radio (which is fairly old, by the way) and then to install beta releases. These forums are now littered with people posting bugs (which no one will fix ... because its a beta/prerelease ROM) and posting workarounds ... but the BEST workaround is to just wait for the actual release instead of playing around here.
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What is it that hasn't been fixed? The performance of my phone on 2.1 versus the performance on 2.2 is greatly noticed. Above and beyond that, the "official" 2.2 release has already been stated, by unrevoked directly, that it will be very difficult to root, due to new security measures put into place.
I mean, the walk-throughs that are available on what to do are about as straightforward as can be, there are not "clearer" directions than the step-by-steps you've already read. I was wary of it too, but honestly, once you perform the steps, you'll look back and think "damn, that was alot of fuss about nothing."
That's why I said it was my 2 cents.
I stand by my belief ... we now have a forum which is devastated by posts of leaked beta OTA's, people posting bug reports on leaked beta OTA's, people posting solutions to bug reports on leaked beta OTA's, and then the king of them all ... people cooking custom roms based on leaked beta OTA's (which then, in turn creates posts on bugs on cooked roms based on leaked beta OTA's ...).
While this is all well and good, once the OTA comes out *IF IT IS ROOTABLE* what use will any of the beta roms be (or the posts they spawned). The answer is none. While that is ALSO well and good (since this is a dev site), we have a decent amount of people bricking because the steps involve upgrading the radio ... to a beta no less and THAT is where the risk/reward equation is out of whack on this whole exercise.
SO ... I am simply saying, in response to the OP, that the fairly complicated steps and the inherent risk in upgrading the (beta) radio to get the (beta) OTA; may be outweighed by the fact that an OTA will be around the corner and will probably be infinitely less risky for the payoff. The only way there is no payoff is if it can't be (ultimately) rooted.
Thanks for the post, and the answers. I had thought that staying on 2.1, ignoring the OTA 2.2, and wait for the rooted 2.2 to be released before installing it would make things easier. I guess I was wrong.
I installed the new roms without the ota. Camcorder is broken but everything else works.. no risk that way
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App

New Android Update

So I have been reading around about the new android update Gingerbread. The details are that it should be released in the next day or two to nexus one users. So my question was how long till other phones get it? I mean it is open source therefor it should be on the internet therefor it should be a matter of just getting an update, am I correct?
I wasn't here when the 2.1 to 2.2 update happened so i'm not really sure how this whole thing happens but some of the features in Gingerbread look amazing so I would love to get it ASAP.
So anyone with any info on this matter please speak up, and thanks in advance.
For custom ROMs like Fission it could be a couple weeks to a few months. Transitioning to basically a new OS does take time.
For stock ROMs it will be even longer. Motorolla will need to update all the Blur apps and put them through extensive quality control testing before the update is pushed out.
I wonder whether it will be possible to get Gingerbread working with the current kernel (since the kernel can't be changed for the time being).
I know that the kernel version on Gingerbread is different than on Froyo (2.6.32 vs 33 or 34), but I'm not sure whether anything important has changed that would prevent Gingerbread from working.
I know the Kernal/Bootloader is locked but how does that effect Gingerbread? Will we still be able to push it ourselves (I.e. leaked build or even just the update itself) or will we have to wait for Verizon/Motorola to release an official update?

Future Android Versions

Hey all,
I may be interested in picking up an Epic 4G. I know nothing about the phone, but I assume it's rooted and there are some third party ROM builds. With these builds, is it possible to get 2.2 and 2.3 in the future on this device, or is there anything I should know about before taking the plunge?
look in the devoplment section., thats where you youll find your awnsers
xiton said:
Hey all,
I may be interested in picking up an Epic 4G. I know nothing about the phone, but I assume it's rooted and there are some third party ROM builds. With these builds, is it possible to get 2.2 and 2.3 in the future on this device, or is there anything I should know about before taking the plunge?
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You'll get 2.2.1 on the Epic soon, and 2.3 is a probably. Who knows on the latter though.
If you do pick up a new Epic, it won't be rooted, you'll have to root it yourself.
In regards to Android versions 2.2 (Froyo) and 2.3 (Gingerbread), Froyo is already confirmed and hopefully should be (officially) out before the end of the year. As for Gingerbread, its up for debate, Samsung has been very opaque about it and hasn't confirmed or denied it.
If you want to get custom ROM's, there are already plenty in the development section of the Epic forums, and there are a bunch of 2.1 and 2.2 ROMs. The 2.2 ROM's out now are based off a leak of 2.2, but they should all work fine as far as I know.
If you need anything else, post it up, and I'm sure someone here will get back to you.

[Q] Dj Steves streakdroid, what does it offer?

Hello All,
Hope we are all having a Merry Xmas so far, and no-one else is suffering with a broken boiler and water mains....at least we have our internet and streaks to keep us busy.
Well, here goes. I am a relatively new streak owner, and the streak is my first foray into the world of android. I wasnt very happy with my 1.6 legacy system and was overjoyed to see the official 2.2 update finally drop from o2 (that was a long time coming!!!). I am now getting more accustomed to android, and I see that if I want to stay up to date in this world I really should be using DJ Steves Streakdroid. What I cannot seem to find out from many places is why.
What does StreakDroid offer me that the official FroYo doesnt? Does anyone have screenshots to show me how it actually looks. I dont seem to think the official FroYo is that bad, although I have only been running it for about 4 days!
Prior Handsets
I would also like to know the answer to this question. My wife and i both have the streak. ( She had to have the white one) Right now we are both running 2.2 with no issues. I can we go to DJ_steve and not have any issues. When i was running the first release of DJ_steve the camera settings kept rotating and the same with watching youtube.
well the streaks my first android as well....
I have been jumping around and flashing roms left right n centre, had the unlocked official 2.2, then added performance fix to it, then went to steves, then went to official o2's 2.2 and then finally now am sticking to steves 1.5.1..
the major reason for choosing this has been because of the performance improvements....his build really doesnt have any lags, free from carrier junk and also contants improvements and development happening(which though can be a pain if u dont like jumping around roms and have to backup each time)...
my personal suggestion would be...if u the type of person who is satisfied with the performance of the official 2.2 and have no probs with it, and also dont like flashing roms then stick to the official build.
on the other hand if u like fast development speeds and pretty regular updates to ur existing roms, plus a faster rom, however with some issues (such as gps fixes and accelerometer being doggy at times for some people) then u shud shift to steve's...
another suggestion is...u cud probably install the official 318 or 315 builds and apply the performance fixes( basically flashes steve's kernal into ur official build), then u probably have the official 2.2 and also the performance fixes from steves rom...
either ways its more dependent on what u are satisfied with...u can always give steves rom a try, and if u dont like it then flash back the original...
sorry for grammar mistakes...wrote it in a hurry...
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Moving to General

Questions from a possible soon to be Epic 4G owner

So I have a captivate right now and am thinking of switching to spirt to get the epic 4g. On my captivate there really isnt any specific problems like "in this roms were having sms and mms problems" or "lol wifi doesnt work" other than the GPS which is whatever. So what if any are the problems with the custom roms on this phone and or problems that i would be facing if i did get one and want to put a custom rom on it.
Just about any rom should be fine, there aren't any issues that you won't find on any other Galaxy S phone, such as the GPS issues. You may experience certain quirks with the 'beta' froyo builds, but otherwise pretty stable. The only rom with any issues like you mentioned would be Cyanogen, which is because it is still unfinished as of yet.
Excellent advice if you take time out to actually read the threads for each rom, and don't jump into it before your certain you will be fine. A proper install of any froyo leak should produce a stable daily use phone. Be sure to follow the gps lock instructions to a T. That's all if your going to the froyo leak, the stock rom ifs very smooth if you choose to stock with it for a while. If you run into any trouble, Don't hesitate to pm me I'm always willing to help.
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