Incoming Call Screen: - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi all, I'm just customising my Android Build, and wondered if there are any alternatives or ways of changing the incoming call screen? I believe sense has a version and the MCCM 3.4 seems to have something different. Are there any apps that change or customise that screen? I'm using LauncerPro as my launcher at the moment if that makes any difference?

mattwaddy said:
Hi all, I'm just customising my Android Build, and wondered if there are any alternatives or ways of changing the incoming call screen? I believe sense has a version and the MCCM 3.4 seems to have something different. Are there any apps that change or customise that screen? I'm using LauncerPro as my launcher at the moment if that makes any difference?
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interesting question

anyone? this should really help with the answering\declining a call when taken out of pocket..

solution found!
OK i hope you guys see this - i found a solution -
just install this .apk, it presents a screen with two simple buttons (answer\decline) instead of having to slide. works like a charm no more leg\but answering\declining calls


More events on the lock screen?

Hi there?
is it possible to have more events on the lock screen than one?
having the MS Exchange active and many events every day, would be great to see on the main LockScreen.
I didn't find any in the HD2 Tips & Tweaks
Thanks for any info
Its really unbelievable that there are still people who havent heard of "Co0kies Hometab 1.7.1" ...
maybe I haven't heard of it because I do not use Sense
All I need is more events on the LockScreen
but thank you for your contribution anyway
Arrgh my fault, didnt read properly and thought you meant the homescreen. On the WM-LS its not possible yet ... Many people before you tried this. Dont know, but maybe you want to try a third party lockscreen like s2u2 or pocketshield (though i dont think so as you are not even using sense )
well AFAIK S2U2 can not show upcoming events - I used it for a while but got back to standart WM Lock Screen.
Gotta try the pockedshield yet
Thanks elburna.
But the question persists: is there any tweak to show more events in LockScreen?
S2U2 can show as many upcoming events, tasks, appointments as you want. U can even watch the details of every event by tapping it while in lockscreen.
What Sense makes HD2 without Sense ?
mihals1 said:
But the question persists: is there any tweak to show more events in LockScreen?
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no, not on the winmo lock screen.
You could have a look at the Manila-like Lockscreen
This one is included within CHT, but if you don't use Manila, you can install this as a standalone lockscreen. Should work also without Sense (dunno tho...).
de Wolfe said:
You could have a look at the Manila-like Lockscreen
This one is included within CHT, but if you don't use Manila, you can install this as a standalone lockscreen. Should work also without Sense (dunno tho...).
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still only shows one appointment.....
okay, now I have options to chose.
thank you very much guys, much appreciated!!!
*DONE* Delete this post, plz.

Change sense lockscreen with original lock

I tried to search but couldn't find any answer.
Is it possible to disable sense's lockscreen (and keep sense launcher...) and enable Android's default lockscreen (Eclair) without any additional app?
Just remove lockscreen.apk in system/app
Thanks for your answer. I think your talking about htclockscreen.apk, as I don't have any file named lockscreen.apk, but I'm not able to delete it without rooting the phone
Is there really no way to have android STOCK lock screen
You're right it's htclockscreen.apk. Sorry for my mistake.
Then i don't know if it's possible without root?
+1....been wanting this for awhile now but still havent found anything
jpen said:
+1....been wanting this for awhile now but still havent found anything
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You'll need to root or, if you have a higher powered device, install lockbot from the market. It replaces your lockscreen and it has eclair, eclair-2.0.1+, iPhone, and Sense lockscreens. The Pro version has a few more.
Actually this is not enough, i'v removed this .apk but when call is received the lockscreen is still sense - you must slide down
tried on HTC Desire Pays rom 2.1 based
We need a solution here...
All lockscreen apps don't work as they should, as the lock is disabled (htc legend) when the home or menu key is pressed.
The problem of default lock screen is that because of the slide down (instead of lateral slide), the lock screen is often disabled when the phone is in my jeans pockets and then it does unwanted calls...
you can lock the screen with the unlock pattern under security settings.
bione666 said:
you can lock the screen with the unlock pattern under security settings.
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Yes that what I'm actually doing, but still... it's annoying to put the pattern at each unlock
I sent a msg to htc costumer service to see if they have a solution.
Anyone has found a solution yet?
I tried LockBot Pro, but it's buggy and slow as hell.
Is there any lockscreen for 1.6 that would also have the support of Sense music widget?
Hi, found this topic when searching for "Caller ID lock screen"... and see that it seems to get no solution.
WIth HTC Desire HD, the problem remains: the caller ID lock screen can't be changed for a horizontal one. It will be usefull to avoid that my pocket automatically answered a call when I pull the phone out before seeing who is calling...
I still dig for this kind of "S2U2 Caller ID" (horizontal slide to unlock instead of default Sense vertical which is too sensitive when phone is in my pocket).
If someone gets ideas?...
Why do you need a lockscreen at all? Can't you just turn the screen on/off?
Yes you can there is a thread on this, search for vanilla lockscreen on the desire topics.
Xda app
TheRedDrake said:
Yes you can there is a thread on this, search for vanilla lockscreen on the desire topics.
Xda app
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Thanks mate, will look for it
[EDIT] Found it here but it seems that it doesn't change the caller ID locker... ?)

pull lock screen from a build and add it to another?

Say I wanted to pull a lock screen from a rom and add it to another. Can it be done?
I want to get rid of the sense lock screen and use a cyanogen type.
Thanks in advance.
The_Biz said:
Say I wanted to pull a lock screen from a rom and add it to another. Can it be done?
I want to get rid of the sense lock screen and use a cyanogen type.
Thanks in advance.
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-delete the "htclockscreen.apk", you will have the froyo lockscreen.
Is it un system apps? Thanks for the fast reply.
apeatan said:
-delete the "htclockscreen.apk", you will have the froyo lockscreen.
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Edit. Got it. Perfect. Thanks.
Read into replacing the Sense alarm clock too, as I believe it can only be snoozed/dismissed through controls in the htclockscreen. Could be a little problematic in the morning.
Now if only it was that easy to change the Sense answer/reject slider for the stock one...
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neonstorm said:
Read into replacing the Sense alarm clock too, as I believe it can only be snoozed/dismissed through controls in the htclockscreen. Could be a little problematic in the morning.
Now if only it was that easy to change the Sense answer/reject slider for the stock one...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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How do I replace the alarm clock? I never thought about that.
Edit: Found it. Not as good of a fix though. FC on the new clock. Guess it's back to sense lock screen for me. Anybody have the apks for it?
J/K. I backed them up.
pull camera from another build?
Hi, I have a similar question. I have a build that the camera's zoom doesn't work and the LED cannot be turned off/on during recording. On another build the camera works perfectly. Perhaps I can exchange the files on the two build?
Thank you very much for your help.
neonstorm said:
Now if only it was that easy to change the Sense answer/reject slider for the stock one...
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+1 I hate the Sense answer/reject slider. Everytime I take my phone out of my pocket, I reject the the call unintended....

[Q] Puzzle Lockscreen Problem

Hey Guys, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get the puzzle lock screen to show the puzzle piece that comes up when you get a text. Currently I have to unlock then go to messages instead of just having the shortcut right to the new message. I am currently running dl09 with blackhole 3.0, but I also tried with super clean .4 and it didn't work for me. I could be doing something wrong when I flash but it never worked for me ever since I flashed dj05 i believe.
Thanks for the help this forum really is a wealth of knowledge
Do you have the puzzle piece lockscreen installed? Most custom roms have the stock ockscreen installed. Since you are using black hole I would assume you knew to pick it during the customization. Unless you did not download and install through clockwork.
Sent from my better built sammy iphone knockoff
Sorry should have said that... Yes I installed the puzzle lock option through clockwork. Whats weird I think is that when i get a missed call I get the puzzle piece on my lock screen for that... just not for new text messages
That is very odd... Haven't heard of on notification working and the other not. Are you using a different app like handcent or gosms instead of the stock sms app?
Sent from my better built sammy iphone knockoff
Do you have the stock Touchwiz Messaging App with the speech bubbles? I know plenty of ROMs switch it out for the AOSP Messaging App, and if you don't have the Touchwiz's Messaging then the puzzle icon for text doesn't work. If by chance you do have it, then no idea what other causes there are.
CrushD said:
Do you have the stock Touchwiz Messaging App with the speech bubbles? I know plenty of ROMs switch it out for the AOSP Messaging App, and if you don't have the Touchwiz's Messaging then the puzzle icon for text doesn't work. If by chance you do have it, then no idea what other causes there are.
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Was going to be my next point lol which might indeed be his issue.
Sent from my better built sammy iphone knockoff
AHAHAHA finally It Works!!! I had always chose to use the dark mms option on the blackhole build your own. I changed it to the colorful one and it is working!!! haha thanks guys for the help... I never would have guessed that that was what was making it not work. I just thought it change my text message color haha... I love this forum just wish I knew more so I could actually help others instead of just reading and asking questions lol.
Again guys thanks.

[Q] Lockscreen

I'm having the Energy™ -.¸¸.·´¯ Sense 3.5 ROM on my HD2. Best Rom I've used!
But only thing, I don't like the lockscreen, it unlock in my jeans...
I've tried a lot of lockscreen Apps, but non of them really worked. Like: When I got called, the standard lockscreen turned on, and sometimes, the standard lockscreen was showed, and not that one I used in the app and stuff like that.
How can I change it to the original WM6.5 lockscreen? 'Cause I really liked that, and it didn't unlock in my jeans.
AFAIK the incoming call screen will always revert to the default one from the ROM, no apps can change this (at least none that I've found so far). You can always change ROM (Sense is slow anyway) but I don't think you can individually change the call screen.
Thanks for fast reply!
Sad thing about that incoming call screen.
But what app for lockscreen do you think works the best?
(offtopic: That slow sense, with this rom it's all fine but that's my opinion and off topic)
Nigeldg said:
AFAIK the incoming call screen will always revert to the default one from the ROM, no apps can change this (at least none that I've found so far). You can always change ROM (Sense is slow anyway) but I don't think you can individually change the call screen.
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Dunno the only one I've ever used is widgetlocker which is quite decent. And yeah, it's entirely opinion and i haven't used the energy ROM specifically, I was just basing that on the other sense ROMs I've tried
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