[Q] Youtube app - Optimus 7 General

hi guys, I installed the youtube pluging but explorer does not ricognize any youtube links (on video does not appear the play button). Is there a fix for this problem and does someone else have it?
thanks in advance

does nobody have the same problem??

taxiblues said:
does nobody have the same problem??
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If you are referring to the way iOS shows the youtube link in the browser, yes we all experience the lack of it. There is no fix it is a limitation of IE for WP7. Maybe January update will adress it.

I'm referring to the fact that I have no link. Do you have it?


Youtube + Panel dont work

Hey Guys!
First i wanna say, great site
I got a problem with the youtube app and panel which i can download here. I installed the youtube app and the panel which came from this url.
The problem is, when i click on the youtube app it doesnt load, and when i use the youtube panel the screen turns white and nothing happens.
Have u guys got any ideas? Thnx in advance!
greets, Frank
I don't have tried the panels, but i have tried a few different youtube apps for X1.
After installing these youtube cabs, even my WMV codecs which came shipped on my phone were currupted. The problem was, that the youtube cabs installed their own codecs and they have overwritten my original ones.
I don't know, if there existing a youtube app which is compatible to X1, but i recommend you don't use any youtube apps, until anyone gives you a link with functional app
I had to Hardreset my X1 to get the original codec of wmv on its place
i hope there is anyone who can post a functional youtube app link
best regards
mmm, if u check the info on the page, i should say it is a working app.
Just not working for me :\
Works for me....
fcjversc said:
mmm, if u check the info on the page, i should say it is a working app.
Just not working for me :\
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You should've followed the link and actually read a bit in the youtube app thread instead of creating a new topic :>. Or use the search function of this forum. It works well, I know .
Sounds like you do not have an english winMobile 6 Rom?
You have to change the *.[numbercode].mui in the windows directory to your countries code to get the application working.
Codes and more infos in the youtube app thread. just take a look.
hmmm, right my windows mobile is not an english one...
As i had installed the app, there was no info like that, i think it was too early when i tried
thanks a lot, i will try it again; ofcourse reading instructions
Heh, i have the very same thing. I guess when the title says 'working youtube' i wont bother reading >5 pages just to confirm it really works.
I cant decide it is common logic or lazyness .
hehe ye thnx! It works now =) I just needed to change the filename.
Problem however, i cant see any movies through the app. After a few seconds i get the error: " Error: Cannot play this video ". But the video's work fine when i go to http://m.youtube.com.
Any comments? =)
today I went to my favourite F1live website (I'm a real F1 fan)
And was really HAPPY to watch video right from the page with sound!
fcjversc said:
hehe ye thnx! It works now =) I just needed to change the filename.
Problem however, i cant see any movies through the app. After a few seconds i get the error: " Error: Cannot play this video ". But the video's work fine when i go to http://m.youtube.com.
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Heh, i thought i had it working too, however, same thing as you have. I can scroll, search and pictures show up and all. However, when i want to play a movie. It say's "Error: Cannot play this video".
God, this is driving me nuts.
Youtube with Opera Mobile only works on 50% of the vids', its very choppy too.
Youtube with KinomaPlay works, but its choppy when in landscape and you'll have to pay for the full version to have more then 10 search results.
Youtube with Coreplayer works, but its buggy and crashes ALOT.
Youtube with youtubeplay works, but its only low/med-quality and the interface is very simple and dull.
Man, it will never change
Until we'll have a full Flash support for WM,
not FlashLite 3!

HTC Youtube App help

Hey guys I need your help,
Up until today I had this app was working fine, the only thing that I installed today and also uninstalled is coreplayer. Now the pic for the vids will not show up when I search for vids or have vids saved. Here's a screen shot...
Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hmmm.. Having the same problem, but didn't know if Coreplayer was the problem. Anyone have any ideas?
Same Problem to me!
Yesterday i noticed that i have the same Problem.
(Only installed SPB3, but don't think that's the Problem)
yes i installed spb3 also and removed it i just did hard reset and did full back up and still have the same problem
Im having the same isue. Seems rather sudden. Also, im getting the feeling that the app isnt enabling all videos to be displayed. For instance when im looking for a certain music video that i would easily find on the youtube website isnt found on the app.
Videos will still play but the thumbnail pics wont show up, but in my saved videos tab pics show up prior to 2 days ago. Meaning the videos I saved a while ago shows up but if i try to save a new video the pic wont show up. How odd huh?
Same thing here.
I think this happened after i installed core player, not sure thought...
I'm thinking that this is actually a Youtube issue as I certainly didn't have this issue previously. Especially if it's happening after HR.
akp99 said:
I'm thinking that this is actually a Youtube issue as I certainly didn't have this issue previously. Especially if it's happening after HR.
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After HR? whats HR?
XperiaX1a said:
After HR? whats HR?
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The hardest of resets
akp99 said:
The hardest of resets
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I just thought after Iinstalled coreplayer and sbp 3.0 it change some registry and couldnt change it even after hard reset. But I found something when searching for vids the thumbnail pics will not show up but if I click on the "i" icon to the right the picture will show up. There must be a fix and are you having the same problem?
I think its about time we get together to make our own youtube app. Im also kind of upset that im not recieveing the full video list. It seems like the videos i look for and know are on youtube arnt displayed on the app for some reason.
So anyone find a fix for this?
I believe that YouTube App shows only the videos which are available in High Quality and not Standard Quality as our PC does. That's why video lags too...
nobody has a fix for this?
XperiaX1a said:
nobody has a fix for this?
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I read somewhere it's cause by changes in youtube side and it affect HTC Youtube App v3. Older version (v2?) does work but you lose landscape view of the apps.

HD2 Youtube

hello all
i like this phone alot and was watching movies with the build in youtube app
but some days later this app keep getting error
error goes like this
start youtube app....
0.50 seconds later it goes back to home screen
so the whole proggram doesnt start up!
i did download a diffrent version form here...
they work well but when a movie is ended my screen goes black and get stuck over there wich seems not working perfect to huh
is there a way to get my ''htc HD2 youtube player'' back
maby its a known issue with the stock HD2 youtube player ??
( srry my english )
i really need help can some1 upload the orriginal HD2 youtube player plz ??
and if i do a soft reset the ''stock'' youtube player wil come back ??
I did a factory restore on my HD2 in the settings menu and it brought back my stock youtube client.
I downloaded the google youtube player from m.google.com, I decided to uninstall it however it took the whole youtube client away even the stock one.
So I had to do a soft reset to get it back to the original.
Basically it just resets your phone back to when you got it when you first bought it.
good luck.
I too got my youtube app overwritten by the crappy downloadable one.
Can anyone post the stock app as .cab?
Yes a stock youtube .cab would be great for us on T-Mobile as we do not have it on there Rom
Is it possible to rip apps from a rom file?
Found a solution.
Theres a rip of the HTC Youtube app WVGA here http://depositfiles.com/files/y5xiq2ljl
Installed and restarded and the original app is back, even remembered my bookmarks.
Cheers for the app will try on my t-mobile hd2
tried it and works great on t-mobile hd2 Cheers
yep works flawlessly on my tmobile hd2 as well!!!!! was planning to flash another rom partly because of no youtube app, but was a in 2 minds because my phone seems to have none of the issues i`v read with other roms, now i dont have to!!!!!!!! thanks alot my friend, am happy now lol
just been playing about with my phone and noticed i cant play any of the videos i`v took with my hd2, remember reading somewhere its something to do with the youtube app. does anyone have a fix for this yet????? help!!!!!!!!
I've installed this cab twice now, even after a hard reset the app freezes when stopping videos. Anyone else get this?
fpar said:
I've installed this cab twice now, even after a hard reset the app freezes when stopping videos. Anyone else get this?
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I have the exact same problem - freezes all SENSE. Have you found a cure yet? Has anyone found a cure?
Looks like this link is broken. Any one has the cab ?
I did exactly the same stupid thing to install the cab from m.youtube.com and lost the original one on my HD2.
srw985 said:
Found a solution.
Theres a rip of the HTC Youtube app WVGA here http://depositfiles.com/files/y5xiq2ljl
Installed and restarded and the original app is back, even remembered my bookmarks.
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Never mind, the link is working again!!
beebrox said:
Looks like this link is broken. Any one has the cab ?
I did exactly the same stupid thing to install the cab from m.youtube.com and lost the original one on my HD2.
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the link ist working, but i cannot install it! i habe downloaded on my device an i cklick on it, but it doesnt install yet.
Can any of you guys comment on the youtube playback quality, i get an audio lag of about 1/2 second behind the video.
Is this app the same as the original one on the rom?
Im having the same problems with my Tmobile HD2 and Youtube...
When installed I am unable to play video recordings I have made with the phone and the Youtube app crashes when trying to stop a video...
Everything works as normal when Youtube app is removed !
Can anyone help with this problem ?
Thanks !
i've the same problem, i installed the cab. restart, but when i click on the button, nothing happen!
have s.o. an idea?
p.s. its with the german t-mobile rom

Gallery OR camera problem

Hi to all.
I have recently installed on my I9505 the Thor s7 style rom with patch v2 and
when i try to shoot a video on any resolution it work's BUT when i go to gallery
instad of video image it show's a grey icon with this ! sorry my english is not that good
and the video play's normaly it's just if you shoot many videos in one day you won't know wich video is what..
Please anyone know something about this?
It's obviously the gallery.
Pwnycorn said:
It's obviously the gallery.
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Ok and how can i fix it?
angelos161 said:
Ok and how can i fix it?
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Get another gallery.
Pwnycorn said:
Get another gallery.
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i try to replace the gallery from another rom that it is exactly the same i set read write so i can do this but nothing
works see i like the MM gallery and i would like to keep it stock you know?
Thanks anyway for your help
angelos161 said:
i try to replace the gallery from another rom that it is exactly the same i set read write so i can do this but nothing
works see i like the MM gallery and i would like to keep it stock you know?
Thanks anyway for your help
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Your two options are: Get another gallery app, from the play store, or get another ROM.
Possibly another camera app, some come with their own galleries.
Pwnycorn said:
Your two options are: Get another gallery app, from the play store, or get another ROM.
Possibly another camera app, some come with their own galleries.
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Thank mate i will try both options and see

Question Refresh rate bug with Dolphin

Hello everyone!
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about this here but I don't know where else to do it :/
I have a refresh rate bug on the Dolphin emulator. If there is a framerate drop and the game comes back to normal framerate, Dolphin displays me the right number of fps but visually, it's very jerky.
To solve this problem, just put the app in multitasking and return it to full screen (switching the screen to 120hz solves the problem).
I can reproduce the problem, so it's not just isolated in places, but I can't reproduce it with other apps (and I didn't have this problem on my Pixel 7).
Nothing OS problem?
Thanks a lot!
Sounds like it
Possible solve it with custom rom ?
Shuyin10 said:
Possible solve it with custom rom ?
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That is a really specific problem. You need to Test or ready trough Log Files If you have the knowledge
xtcislove said:
That is a really specific problem. You need to Test or ready trough Log Files If you have the knowledge
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No I don't have that knowledge unfortunately :/
I tried to reproduce it on other large applications (Aethersx2 for example) but nothing
I will try to switch to PyxisOS, there are a few things that bother me on NOS
Ok, I can confirm that this is indeed a NothingOS problem, I switched to PyxisOS and no more problems (and much better performance by the way, it's weird xD)
