[Fix]boot freeze-up - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

hello folks,
I have seen some threads talking about some WM device freezing in bootup, and stick in the 1st screen when it says "stick together", I had the same problem, and I did contacted HTC for support, it seems they dont have a solution for that problem but to send the phone to them, whicj gonna take around 10 or 15 days to get back -if the warranty still in effect- and they probably gonna charge you something more than the shipping back fees, cause you flashed your device.
I was Planing to send my phone this monday, but i though lets try something and see what gonna happen, so what i did is :
1 - take you SIM card and your SD card, (don't connect your phone to your PC)
2 - While holding the VolUp press the Power button, you will see a screen with your device information
3 - Now connect your device to you PC, and use one of the Wm costume ROM, don't worry about the guide line, and about the winSync instruction, cause it do work without windows Sync
4 - follow the instruction on the costume ROM application, and just ignore the WmSync one.
your phone will reboot, and you probably gonna see your device radio and room information.
I just did the sameting to fix my device, I don't know if just got lucky
But I do have a problem now, I cant install android on my device, and when i try to lunch CLRCAD, it does not start, even when i lunch haret, the device reboot, if someone know a fix to that problem, so may help me.

dude, out of your three posts, two have been new threads that are strictly related to user-problems in a developmental sub-forum, which just isn't cool.
its like someone walking into your work meeting and asking about the lunch schedule (not the best analogy, but you get the point)
if you're really stuck in something, a hard reset always restores things nicely

bravo261 said:
dude, out of your three posts, two have been new threads that are strictly related to user-problems in a developmental sub-forum, which just isn't cool.
its like someone walking into your work meeting and asking about the lunch schedule (not the best analogy, but you get the point)
if you're really stuck in something, a hard reset always restores things nicely
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i'm just trying to stay in the dark, waiting for the moment to say something useful, by the way hard reset does not work all the time

The only time a hard reset does not work is if there is something wrong with your phone or somehow you corrupted your ROM. In that case going into Bootloader and upping a new ROM does the trick. A Task29 will really fix things well.
As far as "launching" CLRCAD...it does nothing ANYWAY! You just tap it and that is it...it merely sets up the phone for Android to have sound, nothing more...no prompts, no hour glass nothing. (A SEARCH or reading the first post would have told you this.)
If you get resets in Haret then Android did not load correctly. Merely delete your data.img and start over. If that does not work then you likely corrupted your Android build....format your SD card and reload Android from scratch.
I personally have backed up my working daily build on a weekly basis so in case my Android gets hosed, I merely have to copy my entire backup (which is just a copy of my SD card on my computer) back to the SD card after a format (but have yet to really have a need for this except months ago).


Help, my Wing keeps constantly soft reseting.

I need you guys help real bad. Went to go use my phone when I noticed there was a gap between icons on the bottom tray of the phone. I tapped the space there to see if it was something there with no icon, but nothing happened. I figured I'd soft reset to see if that icon would go away. Now my phone has been soft reseting itself over and over and over for the past half hour. I can't get into my phone now. It loads the T-Mobile screen, loads the Windows Mobile screen then shuts down and repeats the process. Please tell me there is something I can do to fix this. I need my phone.
If it matters, I had installed some software prior to this, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Thanks in advance.
Try removing your SD card if you have one installed then soft resetting. If not then I really have no advice & wish you luck!
As mrbelvedere stated removing the memory card(if you have one) might fix it. If not you might have to reflash your ROM. You can d this by going to Bootlader mode (Hold CAMERA button and reset with stylus.) and flashing like normal from there.
Haven't gotten a chance to try either of your suggestions yet (I'm still at work and left my phone home) ut if I have to reflash my ROM, what exactly does that entail? I'm pretty novice when it comes to things like this so if I do like stated above, is it a pretty straight foward self explainitory process? And am I correct in assuming that if I hard reset, I lose everything and start completely fresh?
Well, you guys both helped me and unfortunately the answer isn't good. Removing the storage card did the trick, it finally stopped continously rebooting. However, a few of the apps that would load off the SC didn't load (which I could probably fix later) but then another error would pop up and this one said "No language dat file". I would press the ok button but the phone would just lock up and freeze and I'd have to pull the battery just to shut it off. Tried it a few more times, same thing every time. Did a little research and it seems this is caused by having Fizz Weather installed on your SC, which, of course, I had did not to long ago. Every article I read basically said I need to do a hard reset to get rid of this problem. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to start fresh, which in a way is a good thing because I can start clean and not download all the bull I previously had on my Wing (I was a new app fiend!), but I do have a few quick questions if you'd be so inclined.
Also, I don't have a sync cable, just a memory card reader so I can't do any ActiveSync stuff.
1. I did have SPB Backup on there and do have about 2 recent backups, however all I really need off them is my contact info, because I would like to start fresh. After I hard reset, do I have to reinstall SPB Backup to run the backup, or can I run it on my fresh Wing with out it.
2. What do I do about my Storage Card? I know I can just copy my movies, music, tsk files and extra stuff to my computer but what about the program files of apps I installed to the storage card? Do I just delete that folder? Should I delete the whole card and start fresh there as well? How exactly does that work?
Sorry for all the questions, but this is my first time having to do a hard reset and I don't want to screw up my phone any worse than I apparently already have. Thanks in advance.
FatBoyExtraordinaire said:
Well, you guys both helped me and unfortunately the answer isn't good. Removing the storage card did the trick, it finally stopped continously rebooting. However, a few of the apps that would load off the SC didn't load (which I could probably fix later) but then another error would pop up and this one said "No language dat file". I would press the ok button but the phone would just lock up and freeze and I'd have to pull the battery just to shut it off. Tried it a few more times, same thing every time. Did a little research and it seems this is caused by having Fizz Weather installed on your SC, which, of course, I had did not to long ago. Every article I read basically said I need to do a hard reset to get rid of this problem. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to start fresh, which in a way is a good thing because I can start clean and not download all the bull I previously had on my Wing (I was a new app fiend!), but I do have a few quick questions if you'd be so inclined.
Also, I don't have a sync cable, just a memory card reader so I can't do any ActiveSync stuff.
1. I did have SPB Backup on there and do have about 2 recent backups, however all I really need off them is my contact info, because I would like to start fresh. After I hard reset, do I have to reinstall SPB Backup to run the backup, or can I run it on my fresh Wing with out it.
2. What do I do about my Storage Card? I know I can just copy my movies, music, tsk files and extra stuff to my computer but what about the program files of apps I installed to the storage card? Do I just delete that folder? Should I delete the whole card and start fresh there as well? How exactly does that work?
Sorry for all the questions, but this is my first time having to do a hard reset and I don't want to screw up my phone any worse than I apparently already have. Thanks in advance.
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First off, I would get a data cable for your phone, and then get the latest version of ActiveSync. This way, you can transfer files easily, plus, you can backup all your data/contacts. Plus, if/when you want to flash to a better rom, it's easier this way. You are going to want to reformat your flash card. Just for the time being back up all files on your computer, and flash it that way. Doing a hard reset isn't difficult or bad, but you will lose all data stored on your phone. It just basically reinstalls the original operating system, so it will be like you turned it on for the first time. Do you know how to do a hard reset? After this is all said and done, I would start looking into flashing to a different rom. The one that comes stock on our phones SUCKS.
Yeah, I definitely will be looking into a data cable now. Ironically, I was just looking at docking stations with the cable attached right before my phone went down. As for the latest version of AS, do you mean for the PC or the phone? I figured I should clear the storage card as well, since nothing will be linked to it anymore. The only thing I'm really mad about is losing my contacts, but hopefully spb backup will fix that. I do know how to hard reset, was reading up on it all night. I'm going to do that, see if all goes well, if it does, I'm going to buy that docking station then probably ask you about flashing! Thanks again for the help.
Sorry to post again, but I have yet another question. My friend has this ( http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Mad-...oid/199058/catOid/0/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do ) and no longer uses it. It looks like the ports are the same as my Wing. Could I use that as a active sync cable?
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Was looking for a HDMI cord in my junk wire box under the bed and, low and behold, what do I find? Not 1, not 2, but 3 usb sync cables! I'm such an idiot! I hard reset, lose everything and now I find the cables. Oh well, you live and you learn. Besides, I can start fresh and get into this flashing business.

Stuck in 2nd boot screen loop

I read on FixYa that getting stuck in a loop on the second (android) boot screen can be caused, possibly/maybe/guessing/testing by running something from the SD card. I had my (native) wallpaper there, had just done it, and I got stuck in the android screen loop. Factory ROM 1.1 Tmo US.
I'm sure I installed some apps today, but nothing crazy functional, and tweaked some things. Day 2 for me. Just scoping out wallpapers, and bam.
I don't particularly want to do this again, so I'm wondering if anyone can shed any light on the subject. I guess it's happened to at least a few people.
My FixYa post had something to say about leaving WM, possibly, in pursuit of something more reliable....
use ddms or do a logcat to see if there is a problem.
Sorry, day number 2
You might as well be speaking Swahili. I'll google around and find something, but in the future if you're offering help to a real pleeb, and one might find this post later, a link or something, or a translation of what you're talking about would be very helpful.
Uh, I'm still in the dark, too. ddms doesn't seem to find the device at all. I was operating the factory Tmo image, so I wasn't rooted or anything (funny thing, it wasn't the first thing I wanted to do with the phone). I haven't the foggiest idea how to get the unit properly connected to the PC, even. 2 days.
I do appreciate the tip. It will get me somewhere.
Not that it matters, but I already hard reset. I really didn't have anything on there I was going to keep (Locale settings, and I was sorry to lose the SMS's, but it wasn't that many). I was planning on flashing anyway.
logcat Errors
05-23 02:50:31.243: ERROR/EventHub(48): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse1, Not a typewriter
05-23 02:50:31.343: ERROR/EventHub(48): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
05-23 02:50:31.373: ERROR/EventHub(48): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
05-23 02:56:22.423: ERROR/Uapi(148): Microphone Cannot Stop in Unknown State 3.
I'm putting my sim card back in my wizard for the night.... I"ll probably get the hard SPL and flash tomorrow.
Is there a way to identify hardware problems with this pile of tools?
ddms offers logcat viewing abilities. Your link was correct, you just have to run ddms from the tools folder of the SDK. If it doesn't find your device try installing the drivers (and make sure the phone is connected) if it still doesn't find it than there is nothing to do really.
To see a logcat without ddms try this in a command prompt
adb shell logcat -d V > adb.txt
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then open it in notepad
In my relatively limited experience, particularly with xda-dev, there never truly is "nothing to do." By doing nothing, what am I doing? Giving up and throwing the phone in the garbage? Pursuing & reinstalling the usb driver (which is what I did)? Should I be hearing something kinda like (less comfortable to say?),"I've never run into that, so I don't know what to do in that instance." IMHO, it's better to define that you don't know something; it highlights what you *do* know and makes it easier to see. I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're trying to tell me, unless what you're telling me is very open-ended. If it is, just say so.
So, I do appreciate being able to see what's going on with ddms, but in this instance, what am I looking for?
errors, warnings. Basically anything not in black text LOL
can you not try a factory wipe/reset
Try booting the phone up while pressing the home key, then press Alt+L to turn on the text display then alt +W to wipe the phone that should recover it.
You may need to change the SPL on the phone and do some other minor tweaks Read the rooting thread on here as it explains what i am trying to explain but makes it alot clearer.
or if you wanted to go down the root road then remove your sd card and got the appropriate sticked thread and download a rom i chose JeasusFreake's 1.5 ADP1 build. put the update.zip on the SD card with no other files and boot the phone up with home pressed down
Alt+ L
Alt+ S
and if you are going to use JeasusFreake's rom then download the HTC cupcake radio from http://www.htc.com/www/support/android/adp.html

(hurry help) flash wrong rom

Dear all
i did flash my us version hd2rom but i didn;t notice that the rom igot is for taiwan. Now my phone can;t turn on can't see anything on the phone can't reset. It's totally die now.
Is any one know how to fix it? I just got the phone xd
oh i shouldn;t do this. Really need help now
Not to be rude but you really should have used the search function. Sorry but if you flashed the wrong ROM your bricked. It's just a $550 paper-weight. Send it back to T-mobile and play innocent. Again, really sorry because at this point in time there is nothing at all you can do.
We would need more details as to the steps you've taken to get to the point where you are.
Did you flash the appropriate TMOU HSPL prior to installing the ROM - and where did you get the ROM from? What happens when you try to charge it via USB?
As the other poster said, you shouldve done some homework before potentially effing up your device.
hi guys, I just got a same problem. After I flash a rom from HK my phone just totally die. Can't turn on, can't reset, can't charge. And my pc can't recognized my phone... (I did flash the appropriate TMOU HSPL )
your phone is Dead Learn to read on how to flash before you go blindely into doing it
New users really should wait a week or two before flashing their new phones so as to get familiar with the process.
Thank said, I hope you are able to get it fixed. Stay calm, read posts where others did the same thing and see if you are able to repair it. Do Not rush things.
return the phones and play innocent indeed. next time take time to read stickies and warnings from rom cooks :/
ha i dont own an hd2 im just reading up on them (in case i own one...android ftw though) but this guy sure sounds like a BRICK.
I have unlocked bricked phone with wrong rom.
There is one thing you can try.
Take the sim card out.
take the mem stick out.
Remove the battery for at least 30 minutes.
start phone with volume down pushed in.
if it doesn't power on try waiting an hour or two.
conect to pc and run task 29.
Then flash with corect rom and radio
Damn really sucks bro.. But this is why we must always double check that the Rom is mad for 1024 Hd2(U.S) and not 512... Best bet just tell t-mobile that phone stop working out of nowhere
Bkzn3ne said:
Damn really sucks bro.. But this is why we must always double check that the Rom is mad for 1024 Hd2(U.S) and not 512... Best bet just tell t-mobile that phone stop working out of nowhere
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this really is the best option.. why even fiddle around with it anymore? send it back to TMo and get a brand new one.. Either act innocent or mad... mad always gets free stuff... extra battery perhaps? another 16gb sd card? who knows... gotta complain to gain...
Funkyrocemz said:
this really is the best option.. why even fiddle around with it anymore? send it back to TMo and get a brand new one.. Either act innocent or mad... mad always gets free stuff... extra battery perhaps? another 16gb sd card? who knows... gotta complain to gain...
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Exact same thing happened to me and I couldn't do ANYTHING with it wouldn't turn on couldn't get it in boot mode and essentially what your going to have to do is.........send it back and play dumb and get another sent out to you!! Other than that you are truly sitting on a good looking paper weight!!
I'm glad someone pointed out that at least it's a nice looking paperweight...lol
I did the same thing on my 1-day old HD2 with the HK Rom.
Went to the local mobile phone repair centre and had a techie guy work on it over 2 hours and still couldn't get anywhere. He was suggesting me replace the Flash Memory however I insisted there must be a way without messing around the hardware.
In the end the techie called his bro (supposedly the original factory) and was advised that there is no bootloader just as yet....I was asked to wait a few weeks and see...
I am in the view that this brick can be unbricked but it just will take some time for people to develop the techniques and have the appropriate hardware/software in stock...
PLEASE DO READ CAREFULLY BE JUMPING INTO THE WATER. Everyone is busy but this is the price - a $580 paper weight!
might have a second luck
why dont u hold the volume up and volume down buttons at the same time. then power on the device and do a hard reset. or just run task29 try to get the phone to get picked up by task29. and re-rom it. just a thought. dont know if it will work.
or third luck
how about you turn off the phone. push the volume down button power it on. and run one of the CleanEx roms while in the boot menu. give it a try it might work. its not like something worse can happen.
(make sure sim and sdcard are out)
1. make sure ur phones off
2. hold the volume button
3. while holding the volume button power on the device
4. just check if u even have ur spl on hspl (optional)
5. download a CleanEX ROM
6. run CustomRUU.exe
and see if that fixes it. and if that doesn't work just try the same steps but before you get to step 6 run task29 first.
eastlegend said:
how about you turn off the phone. push the volume down button power it on. and run one of the CleanEx roms while in the boot menu. give it a try it might work. its not like something worse can happen.
(make sure sim and sdcard are out)
1. make sure ur phones off
2. hold the volume button
3. while holding the volume button power on the device
4. just check if u even have ur spl on hspl (optional)
5. download a CleanEX ROM
6. run CustomRUU.exe
and see if that fixes it. and if that doesn't work just try the same steps but before you get to step 6 run task29 first.
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Tried all means already except for Task 29. Will do some research then give it a try.
I'd recommend you to follow advices from senior members. In my case I bricked my 2 day HD2 TMOUS because I follow a sugestion about a ROM from another member of this forum. I asked twice if that ROM was compatible with the TMOUS HD2!!! I installed the correct HSPL version then installed the ROM and bricked my phone. There's no way to fix, take it to a T-MOBILE store and play dumb, make them call customer service and you'll get a new phone in 2-3 days, it worked for me.

What the BRICK!?!

So I went out and got a TMOUS HD2. Fantastic. Love it more than the Iphone for the typical reasons. So I'm at the point where its time to really make it mine, custom rom, a few tweaks, a few preferred apps, etc...
Here's what goes down.
1. I try to install HSPL. I fail, not yet knowing there is a difference between the TMOUS and typical flavor machine. Luckily I don't brick, learn my lesson, find the right HSPL.
2. Install a TMOUS friendly HSPL. Cotulla shows in the boot loader and all that jazz. Radio is of the 2.08 flavor which should be compatible with sutom roms, so with that 100% successful I should be good to go.
3. Huh. Rom page says I should TASK29 before I install. Ok. TASK29 seems like a cleanout and reformat of the room, so that makes sense, though I only seem to half understand it. What's the least hassle way to handle that? Well, since I don't want to change my radio it looks like the "ShaDrac repack" is the way to go. I follow the download link, watch the youtube video, and set to do the deed.
4. This is where I should be saying "and then I went into the bootloader and installed the TMOUS friendly custom rom." I didn't get this far. TASK29 went to 100% and rebooted the phone, only it hung on the T-Mobile splash screen (that part that says "stick together!" in obnoxious pink). I figure it just needs a good old fashioned reset like in the instructions. I pull the battery and put it back in, getting the same result. I'm a bit worried, but I have my rom ready on an SD card, toss that in and proceed to try to go to the boot loader (which should always come up since HSPL is installed, right?) Well, that time when I tried to boot up I got nothing, not even the ill fated splash screen. This thing looks bricked, doesn't respond AT ALL, even after I let it sit for 24 hours to let the internal battery die and hope it'll go to at least the bootloader. Tried hard reset, tried linking it up to the computer (WMDC says there is no device there), tried volume down+power. Nothing it just sits there like a rock.
I went over my steps carefully, read numerous posts, and as far as I can see I did nothing wrong. (I completely avoided anything involving the radio and the dreaded number "51") Please correct me if I'm effed up somewhere. I've flashed devices before and never bricked, even though this was my first HD2 attempt, so I'm not completely unknowing in the subject.
If anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it. If anyone has any idea WTF happened, I'd love to hear that as well, even if it means I just made a $300 mistake. At this point I am officially stumped like a chump.
darkekun said:
So I went out and got a TMOUS HD2. Fantastic. Love it more than the Iphone for the typical reasons. So I'm at the point where its time to really make it mine, custom rom, a few tweaks, a few preferred apps, etc...
Here's what goes down.
1. I try to install HSPL. I fail, not yet knowing there is a difference between the TMOUS and typical flavor machine. Luckily I don't brick, learn my lesson, find the right HSPL.
2. Install a TMOUS friendly HSPL. Cotulla shows in the boot loader and all that jazz. Radio is of the 2.08 flavor which should be compatible with sutom roms, so with that 100% successful I should be good to go.
3. Huh. Rom page says I should TASK29 before I install. Ok. TASK29 seems like a cleanout and reformat of the room, so that makes sense, though I only seem to half understand it. What's the least hassle way to handle that? Well, since I don't want to change my radio it looks like the "ShaDrac repack" is the way to go. I follow the download link, watch the youtube video, and set to do the deed.
4. This is where I should be saying "and then I went into the bootloader and installed the TMOUS friendly custom rom." I didn't get this far. TASK29 went to 100% and rebooted the phone, only it hung on the T-Mobile splash screen (that part that says "stick together!" in obnoxious pink). I figure it just needs a good old fashioned reset like in the instructions. I pull the battery and put it back in, getting the same result. I'm a bit worried, but I have my rom ready on an SD card, toss that in and proceed to try to go to the boot loader (which should always come up since HSPL is installed, right?) Well, that time when I tried to boot up I got nothing, not even the ill fated splash screen. This thing looks bricked, doesn't respond AT ALL, even after I let it sit for 24 hours to let the internal battery die and hope it'll go to at least the bootloader. Tried hard reset, tried linking it up to the computer (WMDC says there is no device there), tried volume down+power. Nothing it just sits there like a rock.
I went over my steps carefully, read numerous posts, and as far as I can see I did nothing wrong. (I completely avoided anything involving the radio and the dreaded number "51") Please correct me if I'm effed up somewhere. I've flashed devices before and never bricked, even though this was my first HD2 attempt, so I'm not completely unknowing in the subject.
If anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it. If anyone has any idea WTF happened, I'd love to hear that as well, even if it means I just made a $300 mistake. At this point I am officially stumped like a chump.
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If I'm following you then what you need to do is put the phone in bootloader manually. Pull the battery and hold down the "down volumn" button. This should bring up the tri-colored screen(bootloader). Connect your USB cable wait for it to show "USB" then Flash away...I hope this helps
Im sorry...Just read your whole post and it seems you've already done what I suggested..
well if the battery is dead, it isnt going to turn on. now that the battery has depleted completely, let the phone charge again. once it does try to go into bootloader and flash ROM from sdcard or via USB.
One more thing...
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention before.
I've set the thing charging for about 3 hours and still no response. Furthermore, when I have the charge cable in I don't get the LED that lights up during a charge does not turn on. It just sits there unresponsive.
check your battery pins. plus you haven't said what rom was on your sd card.
oh and in step four, after task 29, it's supposed to hang at the boot screen, there's no rom on the phone, task 29 just erased it.
you should have held vol down as soon as it hit 100% and gone into boot loader. if you mis time it, pop the battery, hold vol down and tap power to manually enter boot loader then connect to usb and flash your rom.
The rom I was trying to flash to was the latest OZrom for the 1024. Seems like the most stable cooked rom that I've been able to find for the TMOUS HD2.
Mostly I just want a WM 6.5.5 rom with CHT and the full functionality of the HD2. WM 6.5 stock just isn't quite finger friendly enough for me (though HTC Sense helps a LOT) and I want to have some more of the customization that CHT offers.
Holy crab in a burning biodegradable bag on my doorstep.
It was the battery pins not lining up properly. Why is it always the dumbest most simple things that defeat me when I'm handling something high tech?
did you get it flashed okay? I'm gonna attempt my first flash tomorrow for my hd2 and I was gonna do the task 29 also, pretty much with the same steps you listed. When I saw your post it worried me for a sec
I have successfully flashed OZrom onto my HD2 and have saved myself from having to spend another $300 in shame.
Had to flash from SD card since for some reason WMDC 6.1 was not detecting the HD2 on bootload screen, but it still worked.
Hopefully that'll take some of the fear out of this process.
Do your research right and things go (almost) according to plan.
dont worry
Do not worry man same **** happen to me.... I had gunk on the batt pins felt like an idiot lol
If you have any other issues with the phone not charging check out my post on the pins for the battery.
There has been an issue with the contacts being bent and then they don't contact the battery and wouldn't charge it.
Well, I'd like to thank you all for your help with my issue. My HD2 seems to be rocking nicely. Battery life seems to be shortened a bit, but I've also probably been tooling around with it too much, else it might just be I chose a power hungry rom. I'll also keep my eye on that batter contact issue.
Once again. Thank you.
darkekun said:
Well, I'd like to thank you all for your help with my issue. My HD2 seems to be rocking nicely. Battery life seems to be shortened a bit, but I've also probably been tooling around with it too much, else it might just be I chose a power hungry rom. I'll also keep my eye on that batter contact issue.
Once again. Thank you.
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Do this test with different radios.
Flash a radio and let it charge all the way and write the time you unplug it and let it die by it self and then write the time.
Flash another radio and do the same thing.
While doing these test try to use the phone with the same settings as the previous tests and close to the same usage.
This way you can find the best radio for the area you live in which helps battery life overall.
darkekun said:
Had to flash from SD card since for some reason WMDC 6.1 was not detecting the HD2 on bootload screen, but it still worked.
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no it won't recognize it.it doesn't need to.
when the phone is in boot loader connect usb and watch the phone screen for the word serial to change to usb. when it says usb you can flash. wmdc will never see a phone in boot loader.
when instructions say "connect to active sync " they don't mean connect to the active sync/wmdc software they just mean connect to usb. its an added confusion that there is no need for.

Possibly bricked forever - Stuck at Sumsung logo endless reboot

Stupid thing is that I can do everything to it aside from getting it to boot all the way to work! I tried reflashing OEM roms and I tried custom roms. They all work just fine and it just won't boot all the way. I can turn it on and off, use format option, download mode and magldr. I keep my sim out and memory card. Before this all happened I always used OEM OS. Last thing I did was check my bank account, close the browser and click the power button to turn it into sleep mode. Few weeks ago I did have an issue with it for a day. It kept turning on and off constantly boot to random points. Mostly to the AT&T screen. It would boot all the way rarely and I got it to stay on a couple times for about 10 mins to copy all my stuff from it. Is it possibly something to do with the hardware being a POS and Just crapping out for no reason because cell phones are poorly made expensive bricks?
I've seen this issue across the forum several times. Unfortunately, just one case seemed to "return" to life, without understanding the reasons behind the "lapse".
What I can suggest you can do (and feel free to disagree) is get in touch with Cottula (creator of MAGLDR) and see if you can help you. You can send him the phone, maybe he can analyze it and get something out of it.
GL, mate, and if you find a solution, I'm sure other folks here would be glad to hear it.
Ahhh ok thats what I figured. I browsed a bit, but most of what I saw is people couldn't do anything. I didn't see anyone saying they could do as much as what I can do with it. I'll try your advice and see if maybe he could help. I took apart the phone to see if maybe someone came loose, though I saw nothing. Clean as a whistle. What I think maybe happen is it burnt up finally. I notice at times it would run extremely hot, mostly when I'm talking on it for more then an hour.
Well, for your sake I hope it's not burned out (hardware issue). I hope it has some software component that's screwed and that has a chance of being investigated and maybe fixed.
Also, the getting hot while talking/browsing for periods more than 30 min it's a known issue. It's however supposed to be quite warm, but not actually really hot, if you know what I mean. It it however possible that exposing the phone to higher temperatures to cause hardware issues.
In any case, I wish you good luck. Who knows?
I gave AT&T a call to see what they could do. The software warranty is 6 months past and she wasn't able to override anything that much passed over. Though I was able to get my 2 years wavered and get a early upgrade. So I got myself a Xperia Ion. I'm happy I don't have to put up with a flip phone for another 4 months. lol
I tried working on my focus a bit more playing with zune and other programs I found. Though I don't see it coming back to life trying all the different ROMs. I would think to make it work again is to re-flash the actual phone bios itself. Just like a computer starting it still uses DOS then loads the OS. I don't know how a phone works to much, but I'd assume same process. Something to do with the root-root of the phone telling it to be stupid and not boot properly.
Another note, where is the best place to sell this to get some money out of it? Screen and other pieces of its hardware are 100%. Should I try ebaying it?
I had a similar issue, last thing i did was removing the SD card before re-flashing the MGLDR and custom ROM

