Where the hell is voodoo for fascinate. Noob - Fascinate General

Here is the OP from the voodoo for fascinate thread in this forum:
okay i got it. Im guessing i choose the "11/11 stable" one. here goes nothin
thanx guys!!!!!!!!!!!1
jt1134 said:
After you read this WHOLE post, read it again. If you are unsure about something, check the links below. kthx
OK guys, here it is.
For those unfamiliar with Voodoo : http://project-voodoo.org/
This kernel includes ONLY the voodoo lagfix, no color fix ATM.
For FAQs : http://project-voodoo.org/faq
Also now included is the option of using aosp style bootanimations. The attached zips include one. If you want to use your own, then place a compatible bootanimation.zip in either /system/media or /data/local.
It takes a WHILE on the first boot to do the conversion and copy over your data. If you decide to revert back to stock, it will take a WHILE then to convert back. Don't reboot, let it do its thing.
Once you've flashed this kernel, don't just go flashing other kernels. Voodoo changes some key parts of your system and you will have fix them by hand if you flash another kernel without removing voodoo first. To remove, simply do adb shell "> /sdcard/Voodoo/disable_lagfix" and then reboot. If you want to re-enable voodoo, then remove that file.
If you have less than 220mb of space remaining on internal storage, then clean some stuff out before flashing this. I have also included a 1.2GHz overclocked kernel.
For those who get excited from staring at Quadrant all day: I KNOW YOUR SCORES ARE NOT AS HIGH AS THEY ARE WITH THE EXT2 "LAGFIX". This is to be expected. Voodoo does not mess with /dbdata but only /data. THIS RESULTS IN ABSOLUTELY NO LOSS OF FUNCTIONALITY OR USEABILITY.
If you are running the ext2 "lagfix", please uninstall it before using this. If you have problems, wipe data and try again. Voodoo should retain data, but nothing is foolproof. Be prepared to lose your data! If you have problems with force closes after uninstalling, make sure to wipe using the option in the privacy menu.
Thanks to Dirrk and DataSpree for help getting the kernel in a useable condition, and thanks to SuperCurio for the original lagfix and clues on how to get it working with the Fascinate.
If you would like to look at the code for yourself, please check my github @ github.com/jt1134
For anyone who flashed v0.1, I made a stoopid. Sorry. I've attached a fixed version. You will need to uninstall the current voodoo before flashing this. To uninstall simply do : adb shell "> /sdcard/Voodoo/disable_lagfix" . or, create a blank file in your favorite manner. You can also do this with a file explorer program such as Astro or Root Explorer. Then reboot. Once you've booted into android successfully, you can install the attached zip. If voodoo does not reinstall for you, make sure you have deleted /sdcard/Voodoo/disable_lagfix. Repeat: this is only if you are running v0.1!
edit: removed attached kernels. newer versions available on rom manager.
If you enjoy the work I do, you can contribute to my beer fund. Beer helps me think!
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where the hell do i click to download the files. am i losing my mind or what!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta read, man.
I should read edits, too

jt1134 said:
edit: removed attached kernels. newer versions available on rom manager.
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There are a lot of words there... *shrugs*

CouchSpud said:
There are a lot of words there... *shrugs*
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does it have to be rom manager premium??????????? i got the free one.
okay i got it. Im guessing i choose the "11/11 stable" one. here goes nothin
thanx guys!!!!!!!!!!!1

fupamobile said:
does it have to be rom manager premium??????????? i got the free one.
okay i got it. Im guessing i choose the "11/11 stable" one. here goes nothin
thanx guys!!!!!!!!!!!1
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you really dont seem like someone capable of handling voodoo atm....there have been plenty of posts on all this stuff for months....use the search button

This is a bad time to flash to voodoo. DJ05 is right around the corner, and removing voodoo has resulted in more "help me" threads than anything else on this forum. That being said...
Who wants to start the bidding? 3:1 says he will have a "HALP ME MY FONE IS RUINED" thread within 2 days of DJ05 release.
Edit: Prediction #2, his plea for help post will include uninterrupted punctuation 10+ symbols long.

Its like you've seen this before or something!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk


[Kernel] Voodoo (lagfix_3.0) + Backlight notification for Captivate. It works!

I am not responsible for any damage caused to your device
BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP with Nandroid and Titanium Backup before installing this.​
What this is:
Voodoo lagfix beta 4 from supercurio
Backlight notification patches from neldar
Vanilla Captivate kernel built from Samsung sources.​
What this is *not*:
Unhelpful OC/UV kernel. I did start from his github repository, and cherry picked the changes I wanted while leaving the OC/UV out for now.
Voodoo color fix.​
How to install
Download captivate-voodoo3.0_bln_v1.10.zip. (You can also install captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.10_nobln.zip if you do not want backlight notification).
Did I say backup first yet? Backup in case something fails and you need to recover!
Rename the downloaded file to update.zip, put it on the root of your built in sd card (not the removable one!), reboot into stock recovery mode, select reinstall packages. The first conversion takes a long time depending on how much data needs to be converted (the white AT&T screen). The phone will tell you as it progresses through the different stages ("please wait", "step 1", "step 2" and if all goes well "conversion successful"). Important: You have to install via recovery using the update.zip if you want the backlights to work because this also needs /system/lib/hw/lights.default.so to be updated for BLN support. Either that, or install the file yourself by pulling it out of the update.zip and putting it in /system/lib/hw, overwriting the stock version. If you do not want backlight notification, install captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.10_nobln.zip instead.
If you have installed v1.2 or below or installed v1.4 or installed v1.5 while I had it up, you need captivate-voodoo-beta4-v1.5a.zip to clean up the sound configuration first. Then install the latest release. You do not need v1.5a if this is the first time you are installing this (or are coming from stock), you just need the latest release.
Nandroid, ClockworkMod
Disable the lagfix as above before using Nandroid, Clockworkmod because they do not understand EXT4 yet and will not backup correctly.
More details on the voodoo lagfix on http://project-voodoo.org/installation as it is basically the same as the Galaxy S (international).
HSUPA (optional, bluetooth mic does not work):
Install Captivate Voodoo+BLN+HSUPA kernel+ I9000 JH2 modem: Before you flash this, first install the Captivate Voodoo+BLN kernel above. Then use ROM Manager to flash i897_hsupa_v1.10.zip. This will install a new Captivate Voodoo+BLN+HSUPA kernel that allows us to use the I9000 JH2 modem that enables HSUPA for us. There is no need to disable-lagfix if you already have Voodoo lagfix working, but it is a good idea to make backups in any case. Note: Bluetooth mic does not work with this yet.
Revert back to Captivate Voodoo+BLN+JH7modem:
Use ROM Manager to flash i897-captivate_v1.10-revert.zip. This will flash back to the Captivate Voodoo+BLN kernel without HSUPA and will also flash the Captivate JH7 modem. No need to disable lagfix if you are already running it.​
Disable lagfix
1. Mount phone on computer (connect it so that you see its two card, one internal, one external if you have one).
2. Navigate to the Voodo folder on the internal SDCARD (there should be only one of the two cards that has this folder)
3. Create a file (or folder) named "disable-lagfix", no extensions. (right click -> new-> new file or folder)
4. Unmount your cards from the computer.
5. Shut phone OFF.
6. Turn back on.
You should hear the "Converting EXT4 back to RFS".
Scary way to get original kernel back
If you really really want to go back to the kernel you had before applying the lagfix kernel (why?), first disable the lagfix as explained above. Then you will need to get into adb shell, with root.
thor$ adb shell
$ su
# redbend_ua restore bml7-zImage-kernel-backup.img /dev/block/bml7
Be very very careful with this command. If you make a mistake, you can brick you phone for good.
If *I* wanted my original kernel back, I would just disable-lagfix, make a backup and then use Odin One-click to go to stock and then restore from backup. Much less scary and no danger of killing the phone.​
1.10 Added backlight notification. Changed to use stock sbin/init because the previous init might have been the cause of some ppl losing sdcard or usb (might have been!). captivate-voodoo3.0_bln_v1.10.zip captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.10_nobln.zip
1.9 Same as 1.8, but with a different method for handling init.d scripts so it uses the standard busybox run-parts. captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.9.zip
1.8 Make sure /data is mounted noatime, nodiratime - better performance and fewer writes to flash. Was an oversight that these were dropped. captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.8.zip
1.7 Cleaned up /system so nothing is left there after the phone comes up fully. No change in behavior. captivate-voodoo_lagfix_3.0_v1.7.zip
1.6 Clean voodoo installation with stock Captivate kernel (actually the same as v1.3, but to avoid confusion for ppl coming to this from stock). captivate-voodoo-beta4-v1.6.zip
1.5a Bugfix release that cleans up the mess from any previous voodoo installs that disabled sound for you. captivate-voodoo-beta4-v1.5a.zip
1.4 There is no 1.4 anymore. If you installed it, you need 1.5a above.
1.3 Fixed headphones problem (configuration problem for sound in general) captivate-voodoo-beta4-1.3.zip
1.2 Added init.d support to allow things like mobileAP etc to work. Do not use.
1.1 Totally vanilla update.zip - has nothing but lagfix. Do not use.
1.0 Left some pieces from my SRE installation on the update.zip - fixed in 1.1​
Francois Simond, supercurio on XDA (Voodoo lagfix)
[email protected] (Backlight notification patch)
[email protected] (kernel help)​
Github repositories:
Voodoo initramfs used to build the kernel initramfs
Linux kernel sources, configs for Captivate to build this release
Toolchain used
Clone the repos, change the CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE to point to the voodoo initramfs in the i897_defconfig file under arch/arm/configs of the kernel and build with the build_kernel.sh in the top level of the linux kernel directory. The build_kernel.sh has to be edited to change CROSS_COMPILE to point to the toolchain and the AOSP variable has to point to the place where it can find the signing tools under the eclair build from AOSP.​
I am a liver transplant survivor and I would not be here if not for the generosity of the person who was thoughtful enough to have signed up to donate his organs before he passed away.
And if you are feeling cash rich, you could also support supercurio for the voodoo lagfix and support neldar for the backlight notification. ​I have tried to keep the kernel as vanilla as I could so that I could isolate the changes to just the ext4 lagfix. I will include more things as I work on this and if I have the time!
I am putting everything on github so others can continue on this if I am lax
oooo nice! 10 chars
my sweet jebus yes
Installing now. Lets see what all this talk has been about.
My phone is talking to me!
Great. Another reason to flash. Thanks. )
Sent from my f5 hitter.
GOD DAMMIT! literally 5 minutes after i flash SRE this comes out. how should i flash over, just head back to stock?
DOAlaboratories said:
GOD DAMMIT! literally 5 minutes after i flash SRE this comes out. how should i flash over, just head back to stock?
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you can flash on top. you'll lose some of the things from SRE until I have the two merged fully.
Should I just Odin myself back to stock then do this or will it work over my root, lag fix, etc?
After a really bad experience with SRE and sleeping death, this is much needed. Thanks much
Ah.. so this is where everyone seems to be tonight lol.. going under my USER CP i see the vanilla/SRE/Capti-VibHybrid always refreshed!
Great to hear this I'm excited to see if anyone finds poquito bugs!
I just flashed this on top of SRE running jH7 and my
Phone is talking to me while
It's on the Att white screen! Crazy but it's sexy ahahahA
why not have this simply as a lagfix, and incorporate it into SRE, instead of trying to make yet another all-in-one tool?? It will be nice to just have one tool (SRE), and have the voodoo lagfix incorporated into that instead of the other way around.
Oh and btw, if you do incorporate unhelpfuls oc/uv kernal...PLEASE keep a version with stock clock speeds/voltages. Some of us have no desire for this, and as of now, it seems to be the source of most of the problems.
I have one request. I see that u are planning to incorporate oc/uv in this mod. Can u make a non-oc/uv version as well? My experie ce with it has been nightmarish
Just finished!
Got 1533 quadrant score with all my stuff intact. No fresh install! Loving this so far!
Edit: ran quadrant second time and I got 1785
Hey, looks like someone stole my thread layout... pshhhhh
this is going to be in SRE
the fix, not this...
designgears said:
Hey, looks like someone stole my thread layout... pshhhhh
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I thought I felt strangely familiar reading the OP.... lol
Can we get a lagfix only update like on the main voodoo page? This one messed up my theme and that's gonna be a deal breaker. lolz jk
EDIT: Ahhhh and removed my overclock!!
wow, just downloaded the zip, not very happy about this...
that is SRE with a few edits to add voodoo...
shame on you
ha, and this is the I9000 kernel, its not even for captivate.
designgears said:
wow, just downloaded the zip, not very happy about this...
that is SRE with a few edits to add voodoo...
shame on you
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first the thread layout, and now SRE! You should take this as a compliment, that means you are doing something right!
wow really DG?! dang .. something is very wrong with this IMO. :/ .. is this going to be another cyanogen type drama Dx ..
at least he mentioned your name in credentials..
lol it's written designgears(SRE) .. it's openly written he literally used your code .. X__x.. not as bad as the cyanogen drama.. D: .. >_>..
am i making this too dramatic than it is o_o?
1726 quadrant and no sleeping death yet. Im keeping a copy of this version

[Q] Is there a newbie's guide for this phone?

I understand there's a tips and tricks thread that explains things in more detail but how does somebody go from just getting the phone to installing, or even understanding, things like obsidian, onyx, morphing and learning what the basic functions of such programs are.
The question I currently have is concerning flashing custom roms. In the tips & tricks thread, it talks of froyo builds (ex: bionix & frankin-twiz). What is it exactly? From what I understand, it sounds like a mini os that you install onto your device which helps in applying different functions to it, which makes custom roms possible.
I'm currently trying to get http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=845530 to work on my vibrant. Can anybody help a newbie out?
VibrantUser1 said:
I understand there's a tips and tricks thread that explains things in more detail but how does somebody go from just getting the phone to installing, or even understanding, things like obsidian, onyx, morphing and learning what the basic functions of such programs are.
The question I currently have is concerning flashing custom roms. In the tips & tricks thread, it talks of froyo builds (ex: bionix & frankin-twiz). What is it exactly? From what I understand, it sounds like a mini os that you install onto your device which helps in applying different functions to it, which makes custom roms possible.
I'm currently trying to get http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=845530 to work on my vibrant. Can anybody help a newbie out?
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the link you posted is just to a theme.
to get the theme to work you'll need to be running obsidian first.
so lets see, the easiest way to explain the different versions 2.2, 2.1 1.6, 1.5 and so forth is this...
its pretty much like going from windows 95 to 98 to 2000 to xp to vista and so forth.
our vibrants come with android 2.1, 2.2 is the next version of the os to come out (basicaly like moving from vista to windows 7)
the different roms like obsidian and Macnut and such are just names that the developers gave their roms.
what happens is a developer starts out with a version of android (in the case of Macnut and Obsidian this is 2.2)
and then they add their own modified tweaks and such to it.
and so in the end they get Obsidian which is a modified 2.2
or Macnut which is also a modified 2.2
they differ a bit though as Obsidian is based almost totaly on a leaked version of 2.2 for the US vibrant, where Macnut is based alot on the 19000 version of 2.2 for the european phones.
so when choosing a rom just choose the base you want first: 2.1 or 2.2
then look through the tweaks on a few roms and read some of the thread for that rom untill you get a feel for what makes it unique
you can also just experiment by flashing a rom for a day or so and then switching to a new one untill you find one you like.
Morphing is a way to apply a theme to a rom, this does not generaly change functionality at all, it only changes apearance.
alot of themes are either morphs (you install them using metamorph, which is an app from the market)
or they also come in zip format (which are installed by flashing from recovery)
for the theme you posted you will need to flash obsidian, and then flash the zip for the theme afterwards.
have you rooted your device yet?
thats the place to start, if you need help just pm me or repost here and I'll do what I can.
also, there is a "newbie's guide":
nearblack said:
also, there is a "newbie's guide":
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lol true true
Before you even want to start with anything, you have to learn what 'rooting' your phone means.
Without root, you won't be able to do any of the above. You might be able to download the programs necessary, but you won't be able to use them.
For ex. Titanium Backup, ROM Manager, etc.
We use ROM Manager to install different ROMs on our phones.
Much to read, my young grasshopper.
OP, I made the Tips/Tricks sticky... would you PM be exactly what you think it lacks? I want to make sure it is applicable to everyone... I thought it was straight-forward, perhaps not.
my phone is rooted. So how do I go about flashing obsidian?
I thought roms were the same as themes? What's the difference?
And just to clarify I understand the tips and tricks thread is sort of the newbies guide but even then theres a lot of terminology that a new user wouldn't understand. I just wanted some basic information that would allow me to transition into the tips and tricks thread more easily.
I appreciate the responses so far
Have you download Rom Manager from the Market? If not, do so.
Then follow the instructions (in the sticky) to flash the recovery (it's the top of the list when you open Rom Manager).
Assuming you did that, you can reboot into recovery, make a backup of your system.. something you can always come back to (a timestamp of your system at that moment).
Download the ROM you want, put it on your internal memory (sdcard/....) NOT in a folder.
Go to Clockwork recovery, choose to insall a zip from sd card... select the name of the ROM and then click Yes to install it.
It will run it's course, then you can just reboot when done.
The first bootup will take a long time (10 minutes probably)... let it boot.... leave your phone alone for like 10 or so minutes after bootup (suggested by Team Whiskey, I never really do this).
It's that easy.
Think of a ROM as an OS... the developers take Froyo (2.2) or Eclair (2.1) and make a lot of tweaks, remove things, add things... basically anything to enhance the user experience.
THEMES are something you flash over a custom ROM... it can change the icons, graphics, notification bar, etc... they are cosmetic. You see in my signature I have Axura 2.0.3 (amazing rom and there is a newer version out) and then I have BlackFroyo (which is the theme) on top of the ROM to change the look of things. Axura has a steel looking notification bar, I much prefer black (hence the theme I chose).
The ONE thing that can be confusing... if you make a backup right now (you have stock eclair), if you flash a froyo rom... you would need to flash either the stock eclair kernel (the download link is also in the sticky) to restore your nandoid backup.... OR, you could just flash another ROM that has a kernel (most do) and you would be good to go too.
And addition to this is to make sure your phone is NOT hardware locked.
To test it:
1) Take out battery from the phone and put it back in again
2) The USB cable plugged into the computer (not in the phone yet)
3) Push and hold down both of the Volume buttons at the same time
4) Plug in USB cable and it should take you into the Download mode.
If it does you are good to go. Just read some about Odin and Stock Android
If it isn't you need to make sure to flash JI6 to your phone (also Stock) onto your phone using Stock Manager. That should fix your hardware locked. Go over the above steps to make sure that is the case.
At this point, I have rooted my device and downloaded rom manager.I believe I have backed up everything after following the directions and I do have the blackfroyo.zip on my sd card and for some reason it won't "go" (although I'm sure there's a step I am missing here, something with obsidian) so that wasn't much of a surprise.
Edit: I noticed I tried to use a theme on there and not the obsidian "OS" (idiot) when I tried the backup thing with rom manager. Where can I download the most recent version of obsidian and/or is axura an acceptable alternative?
VibrantUser1 said:
Edit: I noticed I tried to use a theme on there and not the obsidian "OS" (idiot) when I tried the backup thing with rom manager. Where can I download the most recent version of obsidian and/or is axura an acceptable alternative?
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Been working on updating the wiki. Please check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Samsung_Galaxy_S_SGH-T959#ROMs for the different ROMs currently available.
^^ both are solid. I prefer Auxura *no touchwiz*.... download it from the development section. Place in on the internal (sdcard/ ) and flash it, reboot... I would let the phone chill for awhile then reboot again.... THEN if you want, start messing with the theme. You can see from my signature you and I are similar.
to the OP, I started a noob friendly guide in the Q&A section. Please let me know exactly what you want in there.
Here is a video guide, its kinda old but the principles are the same.
I have been browsing around and reading on XDA since I got my G1 on release day. I have since upgraded to the MYT3G and now to the Vibrant. I have always used XDA as a source of information for rooting, etc. I don't post very often, but, I would like to throw props out to all the individuals in the thread, this is one of the few threads I have read on XDA that no one got flamed for being a "noob" and asking basic info, the information given was clear, accurate and very helpful. No one pointed to using the search function, everyone just gave good answers. AWESOME
I hope to see more threads like this in the future. Bravo and well done to all.
So I tried installing obsidian 5 and this is what happened. I first put the zip file on my sd card, I did all the necessary prerequisites (I think) using rom manager, flash recovery > vibrant yada yada yada and then pressed install rom from sd card and chose the obsidian zip file. Then the phone starts backing itself up and it finally reaches a point where it says (E: Can't open/sdcard/sd/obsidian_v5_beta.zip (no such file or directory) Installation aborted.
I then try to navigate to the file from the menu but whenever I click the sd file, it just exits, I think it says that no zip file is found or something but when I boot it up normally afterwards, the file is still there.
But the file is within the sd file . . . what am I doing wrong? I tried to fix permissions thinking it was that but no luck.
You probably need to move to the rom to the internal sd card. I thought you're able to add it to the external with the recent update but perhaps not
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
bellrb19 said:
You probably need to move to the rom to the internal sd card. I thought you're able to add it to the external with the recent update but perhaps not
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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the rom IS on the sd card, unless you mean the memory on the actual phone itself
ROMs go on the root of the internal memory (no folder)... drop it in sdcard/
Also, this was mentioned in Post 8, and in team whiskeys install guide. Please pay attention to details.
oh okay, this whole time I've been thinkin the sd card folder was the root folder. Well I have finally put obsidian with success and now I'm having a difficult time implementing http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=845530. I have downloaded the zip file but I don't understand what "flash it through clockwork recovery" means. It kinda sounds like I should use something in rom manager but I'm not sure, I have tried to reboot into recovery through rom manager with no luck.
I've also tried using metamorph but when i choose the blackfroyo.zip file, it says that the file is invalid and that the theme control file could be missing. Am I doing something wrong here as well?
Thanks for all your help so far, I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy life to help an individual with (what may be to you) simple problems
VibrantUser1 said:
oh okay, this whole time I've been thinkin the sd card folder was the root folder. Well I have finally put obsidian with success and now I'm having a difficult time implementing http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=845530. I have downloaded the zip file but I don't understand what "flash it through clockwork recovery" means. It kinda sounds like I should use something in rom manager but I'm not sure, I have tried to reboot into recovery through rom manager with no luck.
I've also tried using metamorph but when i choose the blackfroyo.zip file, it says that the file is invalid and that the theme control file could be missing. Am I doing something wrong here as well?
Thanks for all your help so far, I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy life to help an individual with (what may be to you) simple problems
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From where you are now. Make sure the zip file is in the internal sd card, Open rom manager go to install rom from sd card then choose the that file then click ok and CW will do its thing. Also this is only for Obsidian v4.2 and Auxura 2.05. Good luck! Also you should make a nandroid back up first just in case.

[ROM] « Serendipity 6.4 » **4/13** [FINAL]

"...the best choice for a custom ROM on the Captivate" - AndroidCentral
Number One In Random And Plausibly Flawed Battery Testing By Random Persons
Added 2048 SD Card Script
Added Ram Booster Script
Added Permissions Fix Script
Updated Market
UI Tweaks

A few words about the Optional But Totally Awesome Steam Kernel
Ok, so hopefully you read a bit about it in SzutpY's post. I compiled Steam recovery in English and made a kernel utilizing it. The kernel is similar in many ways to the Universal Lagfix Kernel SztupY also created. It has many of the same lagfix schemes, kernel tweaks, etc, again, all with a touchscreen interface. Other than Steam recovery, this kernel is identical to my 12-23 oc/uv kernel, so it's overclocked, and undervolt configurable, and it should be just as stable as that one.
Do not attempt to take the zImage with Steam recovery and place it in a flashable zip. You'll be a sad panda if you do. I'd advise waiting a few minutes after your system has booted to flash with Neldar's app. If you're using Odin, or Heimdall, reboot to download mode and flash like normal. Those are the options, either Neldar's app (AND NOT Tuxility!!) There are issues with flashing this via redbend_ua - the regular kernel can be flashed via redbend_ua, Steam cannot be.)
Steam recovery is based on ClockworkMod, but you have a touchscreen interface at recovery. Steam has many options to lagfix your system. So, you can have an all ext4 system (including /system), an all jfs system (again, including /system) or something in between. Read through sztupy's posts about Steam, or spend some time playing with it. I have to admit I was a little skeptical of it at first, but after using it for the last week or so, I absolutely love it.
If you're doing a filesystem conversion from Steam recovery, the zeroth thing you should do is check to make sure you have enough room on your SD card to copy /system, /data, /dbdata, and /cache. Then, make a backup. Occasionally after a filesystem conversion, the system will bootloop. Performing a three button forced reset and rebooting solves this. (In my experience at least. Like I said, make sure to backup first.)
If you do choose a No-RFS lagfix in Steam - Make sure you disable it before flashing another kernel/ROM. No-RFS uses a fake /efs to get a completely-rfs free ROM (only works if /system is set to be mounted as rw).
If it seems as though you've lost su (root)
So, I don't know why Steam does this, but the reason people were losing su was because it was automatically mounting /system nosuid. So, to fix this, there's probably more than one way to do this, but an easy way is to go into Steam, under boot options, select 'Always run adb as root' or something like that. Then reboot, open a terminal and type
mount -o remount,suid /dev/block/stl9 /system
. That will remount su access to /system (pretty important ), and then you will have root again, and Steam is finally usable again. Flash another kernel or whatever) I was really hoping I could blame this on something MikeyMike did, hmm...I may still find a way. ( Alternatively, it seems if you do a filesystem conversion on /system, /system will be remounted suid so you won't have to go through this, and I think /system conversions don't end up in boot loops like /data and /dbdata.
Xcaliburinhand - without whom we'd all be on JJ4 and JI6. *shudder*
SztupY - Steam recovery is the shiz.
raspdeep, neldar, xan
I'll probably edit this a few more times as there will be things that I want to add but have slipped my mind for the moment.
Ok - I uploaded a copy of the Steam kernel here. It deserves its own thread and it will get one, just don't feel like doing it right now. Read through this post, realize there are some errors with filesystem conversion. Make sure you do backups, if you get into a boot loops, do a hard reset and reboot normally, you should be good. This is meant to be flashed via Neldar's SGS Kernel Flasher app, or something like Heimdall or Odin.
Alright...lets get started
Sent from my liberated Captivate via XDA App.
Just when I think I've finally found a ROM to stick with (Phoenix 1.0) after flashing just about every ROM I see on XDA.......along come some new candy!
yes!!!! definetely gonna donate thanks so much for the hard work mikey!!
Am I the only one that prefers the original clock/alarm that was on the phone? Select custom ringtone is nice and it seems easier than the car/home.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
gdbusby said:
Am I the only one that prefers the original clock/alarm that was on the phone? Select custom ringtone is nice and it seems easier than the car/home.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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i love the original too. :/
Weeee!!! Finally!!!! Let see the awesomeness!!!
Running Assonance 5.0 - SpeedMod 256hz K12H - JL2
Mikey, does this contain the jpa wifi fix and external SD mount fix? Thanks.
Sent from my liberated Captivate via XDA App.
This post is no longer relevant. STOP LOOKING AT IT
I have two kernels in this, why do I have to keep hitting F5?
I guess my first post got deleted so I will do another one. This looks like it is going to be good.i actually enjoy the simplistic look.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
Download's up.
Trying it out. Thank you.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
and I was about to download your other rom.
madjsp said:
and I was about to download your other rom.
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I was waiting for you to be about to download the other one so I could release this one.
just when i thought i would stop flashing today i see another rom come out.. life of a rom addict
Does this have the AOSP MMS App as well?
How is your Guy's battery life with this
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

[Q] Uber n00b needs help updating Axura...

Hey guys - I'm new to this forum, but I figure if anyone can help me, someone here can.
So, my bro got ahold of my phone and rooted it and installed Axura
Since there is a newer version, I would like to throw it on and work out a few glitches and get whatever tweaks were put there.
So, how do I go about updating this thing? If anyone has the time or the patience, I would love to hear this in layman's terms.
Step 1 - download 'this file'
Step 2 - Plug phone in and drag/drop to 'folder x' on 'internal/external sd'
Etc. I came from an iPhone and all the lingo is different - like jailbreaking vs rooting. And saying "flash" instead of "load" or ROM instead of OS.
I would just like to update, but I'd liek to not be confused by all the different slang.
Thanks, anyone, for putting your 2 cents in to help a brother out.
this thread:
will answer all your questions
After you read the noob guide, feel free to PM me if you need clarification... I would also be curious to know if you think it could be improved. I wrote it trying to cater to the noob.
Just install download the rom you want on the sd (internal memory, dont save it in any folder) then boot into recovery (you should be able to do so by simply holding the power button for a second) now choose install zip from sd or sth like that and pick the rom file. The end.
Sent from my JPJPM V2 powered SGH-T959 using XDA App
full instructions easily available on the d4a site
click the link in my sig go down to vibrant section > roms> read the op
Its exactly like flashing any other rom, only difference being that you have an axuraXXXX.zip instead of ANYOTHERROM.zip
Just remember to backup your apps, since the new rom will wipe your phone.
To be safe, you may want to make a nandroid backup in CWR... always nice to have something to fall back on.
The guide has more detail like these steps, but yes, everyone is right in saying just download it and flash it. I think it's important to backup everything.
The Noob Guide is really well written. My problem now is I cant find the file to download!
A Rom you mean? You can find those in the development forum along with other tools you may need to run/flash it.
Here's a link just in case you don't know where that is
Yes, the ROM. I went to the daily bible thread and tried to click "Download" on the Axura subsection. It gave me an "Error 404 - file not found".
Just open one of the threads in the form link I just gave you and look for the ROM you wanted, then check the first post there for the download link.
I did that. That's when I get the Error 404.
They must have pulled that rom of the server or the host did that. Just go for another one, plenty of options out there and quite frankly Axura isn't exactly the most sought after roms around here.
Axura is truly in need of a 2.2.1 update, but seeing as though Master is happy with his Nexus, it will never be getting one. And quite frankly, Eugene's gingerclone roms, trigger, or any of the i9000 ports run much smoother to me.
Ding forget he has also gotten a thunderbolt, I thought about picking up dev on axura but I have no where near enough time to mess with it, but I agree axura is in dire need of an update to 2.2.1
This post Trigger'd by my Vibrant
I just got Trigger and so far so good.
My only issue is that I couldnt figure out how to restore my apps in Ti. Looked like there were 0 files backed up. Oh well. One at a time.

[How To] (video) Supercharge Ice Cream Sandwich!!!

EDIT: This doesn't work on ODEX ROMs! That would be stock ROMs, as most custom ROMs are deodexed. If it is an odex ROM, you can do the mod, but you have to do it manually (the web app doesn't work). Check out the second post in the supercharger thread for a how-to. But if you are on a custom ROM the method in the video will work!
Alright, so I have been reading about how to supercharge ICS for awhile, but the process looked daunting. However I figured it out, and it works great! This will work on ANY ROM, so try it out!
I have been using this for awhile, and it's just super smooth. I've been using it a lot lately, and it hasn't given me a bit of lag yet! It's just gone!
What is V6?
V6 supercharger is a script that manages the RAM memory. This makes multi-tasking much faster, and it knows when to kill off apps that are taking a lot of RAM. This makes your phone a lot faster and more efficient!
Here is the person who made the script: V6 Supercharger
Here is a dl link to the script: DOWNLOAD LINK
I'm in! So... How Do I Do this?
Well I made a video for you:
Here are instructions:
1. Download the supercharger script from the link above and put it on the root of your SD card.
2. Get an app called script manager from the market. It's free. Open it up and click on the supercharge script from the list of what's on your SD card. Click the SU button, then hit run.
3. Go through the setup. Set scrolling speed to 1. When they ask if you want to integrate it into the system, say yes. You will get to a list of about 30 options after a little bit.
4. Select number 6 (I know I said 7 in the video, but 6 has better multitasking) for this phone, and hit enter. It will go through a whole bunch of stuff.
5. It will ask you to superclean and restart. SAY NO. You'll do that inn a minute. Just hit the home button.
6. Open the browser on your phone and go to : android.mimic.ca and hit the upload button. There will be a popup, select root explorer (Install it if you don't have it already). Go into system/framework/ and select the services.jar file. It will take you back to the website. Hit upload. The page will reload. Now select the CMW flashable zip option and download it. Go to root explorer and move that to the root of your SD card.
7. Reboot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvic, then flash the zip. Reboot. Done! Enjoy the speedieness!
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Let me know what ya think!
Alright, so enough questions have been asked that I should start giving answers to them here.
Q. Do I need to re-flash the file in recovery if I want to make changes?
A. Not if you make changes to the the supercharger script (ie. change options). The only time you have to flash it is if you upgrade/change ROMs. Just remember to make a new one, and don't flash the old file!
Q. Isn't option "X" better/faster/easier on battery?
A. Play around with them and see what works for you. I like option 6. Not too aggressive, but it still keeps control. Just use the options that are for your phone (ie 512HP for this phone because it has that much RAM. So option 5, 6, or 7). I also use the nitro-lagnullifier. It makes things even faster!
Q. Does it affect battery life?
A. Yes, in a good way! I get better battery life.
Q. How do I know if it worked??
A. Open up script manager, and go to the supercharger file. let it run, and once you get to the menu with all the options, it will tell you if you are supercharged or not right below that.
Those were the most commonly asked questions. If they don't answer your questions then post 'em!
battery life
so this looks promising but how does it the effect on battery life with ICS.
works great... noticeable difference
cloud7a said:
so this looks promising but how does it the effect on battery life with ICS.
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This shouldn't hurt the battery. I used to use it on my Epic fairly often especially once the Gingerbread leaks started coming out. There are several different routes to go with the script too. It can also be used to improve multitasking such as when you have multiple apps open at once.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
cloud7a said:
so this looks promising but how does it the effect on battery life with ICS.
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If anything it makes the battery life better. It's really a win-win!
thanks for the quick tut. I was gonna try using it on aokp as well, then i saw ics you had to do something extra and i just stopped looking into it lol - It's much easier than i expected.
Btw rocket, you should try the touch cwm recovery personally I think it's easier to navigate and use
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Thanks for the .zip. I was going to do this earlier but the instructions on the page here in XDA was kinda hard to understand >__>
EDIT - Anyone have a edited odex file for stock rom?
kyouko said:
thanks for the quick tut. I was gonna try using it on aokp as well, then i saw ics you had to do something extra and i just stopped looking into it lol - It's much easier than i expected.
Btw rocket, you should try the touch cwm recovery personally I think it's easier to navigate and use
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I looked into it awhile ago, and it was even more complicated. The web app made it really easy.
I'll try the touch recovery out. I'll flash it through fastboot in a bit. I'm just used to this one from my EVO.
jokkir said:
Thanks for the .zip. I was going to do this earlier but the instructions on the page here in XDA was kinda hard to understand >__>
EDIT - Anyone have a edited odex file for stock rom?
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Sorry I don't. I just use custom ROMs!
just installed along with the KAK
haven't had it for long, but first impression's that there's quite a lot more ram available on boot, and pretty smooth
thanks for your instructions! they were helpful
Thanks for the writeup and video. I tried this on my Evo a while back, but the thread was huge and difficult to navigate.
Just ran the script, so we'll see how it goes.
Awesome. Thanks!
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
Phone still needs to redraw launcher..
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Thank you so much man. The original thread is a mess but you made it easy!
phone went into infinite boot loop.. =[
had stock ics w/ root. tried to do the ics mod. I think odex file but when i tried running the one click script, i think something went wrong when i rebooted
can someone please explain to me why in the instructions it says for me to upload my services.jar file to this guy's website???? That just seems very fishy!!
Why can't we patch the file locally??? Why does your server have to do it for me when an app could easily be written to do it without me uploading my services.jar to some random website I don't trust!
kwantran said:
phone went into infinite boot loop.. =[
had stock ics w/ root. tried to do the ics mod. I think odex file but when i tried running the one click script, i think something went wrong when i rebooted
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you can't use the web app for odexed roms http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=16635544&postcount=2
hp420 said:
can someone please explain to me why in the instructions it says for me to upload my services.jar file to this guy's website???? That just seems very fishy!!
Why can't we patch the file locally??? Why does your server have to do it for me when an app could easily be written to do it without me uploading my services.jar to some random website I don't trust!
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You can patch it manually. Check out the link in the OP. However, it requires unziping the file, opening it in notepad++, editing the code, zipping it back up, putting it back in the phone, and editing some stuff with terminal emulator. It's a bit over most people's heads, and the website makes it easy by making the patched services.jar a flashable zip.
If you want to do it, be my guest. It's all in the second post of the supercharger thread.
phone went into infinite boot loop.. =[
had stock ics w/ root. tried to do the ics mod. I think odex file but when i tried running the one click script, i think something went wrong when i rebooted
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I have only used it on custom ROMs. The web app doesn't work for odex ROMs (stock), but it will work on custom ROMs. Try one of them out, it should work then. just titanium backup, flash new ROM, and restore backup. Won't loose your apps!
I can confirm this is working on the cyberg rom...my min ram is 144mb now under performance setting...my phones seems snappier now!
Imppy said:
I can confirm this is working on the cyberg rom...my min ram is 144mb now under performance setting...my phones seems snappier now!
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Sweet! I have 125 MB min free. What setting did you use on the supercharger?

