[Q] [REQ] Sense 2.5.2019 Packages for WM6.5.3 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi everyone.
A few months ago i started cooking my own ROMs for Samsing i8000. With a little work i got my first few stable Lite / ULite ROMs with multiple addons, tweaks etc. running on my i8000.
Now i wondered if anybody could provide me a Sense 2.5.2019 (or newer) package for cooking into my rom. I searched through multiple forums without any results. Some other users gave me packages but none of them worked for me.
The ROM I'm running is JH2, Windows Mobile 23103.5.3.3. The i8000 resolution is 480 x 800 (WVGA).
The problems i encountered so far: When cooking in Sense, it showed up under 'Items on Today' but it wouldn't launch when enabling it. The only way for me to start it was executing manila.exe directly from the Windows folder. But then, every tab was just blank. The slider was there and usable, but every tab was just black, except the home tab which only showed the clock.
A German user provided me the german .mui files, but until now he couldn't answer if the .mui files caused my problems or not, but i think it has something to do with the packages i got.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Regards, JJ


[Coming Eventually?] WM6.5 21198 for iPAQ 910c/912c/914c

1. This is my first custom ROM ever.
2. Adapted for the 91x from same for 61x by keyx (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=496283)
3. Major props to fellow Canadian keyx for major instruction and ongoing guidance. Indirect props to all his sources at pdaclan.com and xda-devs.
1. Dumped IMGFS from HP 910c Factory ROM update (using keyx kitchen).
2. Dumped XIP directly from device.
3. Ported keyx 21198 XIP to 91x using XIPKitchen (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443383)
4. Used OEM from 910c factory ROM (with Google Search, Google Maps and VoiceCommander removed)
5. Used SYS from keyx 21198 (except phone.dll and ril.dll from HP 910c factory and 61x-specific modules taken out)
6. Manual XIP ported by keyx
7. Functional ROM kitchen tools in place - tested by successfully building customized WM6.1 ROM
Current status:
- device makes it to OS boot screen (not the first "HP" boot screen but the next one), beeps once and just hangs... never goes any further
- WiFi and phone lights operational, suggesting successful XIP porting?
- can't isolate source problem between OEM, SYS or XIP
This will be based off of keyx's 03-27-09 beta 2.2 build. Once a reliable method is in place, we 910/912/914 owners should be able to benefit from his updates to the 610/612/614.
Please be patient; will post here as soon as its done.
I have cooked many rom the htx advantage ... but I could never switch from one machine to another ...
If you can be your tester!
This is a great news!! I've been waiting on a cust ROM for iPAQ91X : desperately waiting for this!!
Thanks very much!!!!! ))
I was waiting for this one since ages!
I'll be glad to be one of your testers if you need me to :-D
Have been building and flashing many test ROMs for days now... none are making it past the first screen.
We may be better off porting from an entirely new source; I suspect whatever causes the 61x keyx first-boot problem (where users wait for second beep and then must reset frozen device) has just turned into a full-blown show stopper.
in the meanwhile may be you can port 6.1 21042 (if the original rom has a older verson) and may be fitting manila 2d in it.
keyx said:
in the meanwhile may be you can port 6.1 21042 (if the original rom has a older verson) and may be fitting manila 2d in it.
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Yeah I'll give that a shot.
1. Any idea what is causing the first boot issue in your 61x ROM?
2. How exactly did you get your flash.dio file below 80 MB? Mine is 80 MB, and the 20142 for ipaq612 custom ROM I just downloaded is also 80 MB.
1. I have no idea...i will try to do a port from 6.1 to 6.5 when i done exam to see what process involvoed for cross version port
2. I am using pdalcan's rom as template.rom and it is smaller,i think it has to relate to some hex edit to change the mbr
keyx said:
in the meanwhile may be you can port 6.1 21042 (if the original rom has a older verson) and may be fitting manila 2d in it.
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Well, I just successfully ported a WM6.1 21042 ROM for the ipaq 910c. XIPKitchen worked fine; all that is missing is WiFi (and I'll probably just have to stick the appropriate wrlsmgr.exe back in for that to work). IE6 is kind of a nice improvement, as is the removal of VoiceCommander, GSearch and GMaps.
Will tweak a bit and then post.
benjaminries said:
Well, I just successfully ported a WM6.1 21042 ROM for the ipaq 910c. XIPKitchen worked fine; all that is missing is WiFi (and I'll probably just have to stick the appropriate wrlsmgr.exe back in for that to work). IE6 is kind of a nice improvement, as is the removal of VoiceCommander, GSearch and GMaps.
Will tweak a bit and then post.
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Great!! If you need testers, count me in!
you need beta testers for 9xx ipaq? for 6.5 firmware???
roman_n1 said:
you need beta testers for 9xx ipaq? for 6.5 firmware???
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We still need to wait for 6.5, he's working on it, but having an issue loading the ported ROM, gets stuck in first screen...Hopefully he releases the 6.1 cust ROM soon!
tcortinag said:
We still need to wait for 6.5, he's working on it, but having an issue loading the ported ROM, gets stuck in first screen...Hopefully he releases the 6.1 cust ROM soon!
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Don't need beta testers, thanks - anything that seems to work on my end will be released.
As it stands, the WM6.5 ROM is stalled; I'll keep fidling with it, but we may have to just wait for a new build to be released before it is worth much more time investment.
The WM6.1 build 21042 is a nice update because it contains IE6 Mobile. I've got a test ROM cooked but it at least major two bugs, detailed in next post.
Of course it is rather easy to customize the factory build (number 19xxx) without any XIP porting - I can post a release that has Google Maps, Google Search and VoiceCommander removed, and a few odds and ends added. But other than that there are very few benefits.
If people want to help out, there are two things they can do:
- hunt down (on xda-devs and PPCgeeks discussion threads) new sources of WM6.5 ROMS for me to use for porting
- try to find a device ROM from which we can extract a compatible, yet better, rilgsm.dll ...the Ipaq 61x and 91x has a well-known problem where the GSM radio doesn't expose the Cell Tower ID to the OS (limiting the "My Location" feature in Google Maps to use the standard GPS only without cell tower triangulation and preventing the useful operation of other apps like Navizon). I am convinced that this problem stems to the rilgsm.dll file in which HP has not implemented this feature (but HTC certainly has).
pdadb.net says that the 91x and the 61x are both manufactured by Inventec and use a Qualcomm MSM6280 (2x QDSP4000) phone controller. If somebody can find a device ROM or just the rilgsm.dll from another phone that uses the same cell radio hardware, we should try cooking that file into our ROMs and see if it enables the desired functionality.
Getting the CNAP feature (a.k.a. Rogers Name Display) would be a bonus as well, but it looks like the Rogers HTC phones do not use the same radio (i.e. Touch Diamond and TyTN use "Qualcomm MSM7201A (QDSP4000, QDSP5000)").
benjaminries said:
The WM6.1 build 21042 is a nice update because it contains IE6 Mobile. I've got a test ROM cooked but it at least major two bugs, detailed in next post.
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Here are the bugs in my 21042 ROM so far:
BUG 1: WiFi disappears
This is weird - the blue WiFi light begins blinking during first boot and continues through the Welcome tutorial. Then once I reach the first screen, it goes out and the device behaves as though it doesn't have built-in WiFi. The Wireless Manager only shows "Bluetooth" and "Phone" options. Strange, because the SDIO wifi driver is definitely in the OS (it comes up as a network device under "Connections") but there's no interface to enable it.
BUG 2: Storage Card isn't recognized
Simply, whenever I put in a microSD card, the device does nothing. File Explorer shows no Storage Card. Memory CPL shows no Storage Card. Just good old useless iPaq File Store and Bluetooth Neighbourhood
I suspect either I've ported the XIP wrong or I've got some lack of reg entries coming from the new base SYS. But these are show-stoppers for me so I'm inclined not to post until I can at least fix one of them. Will learn to manually port the XIP and see if that helps.
benjaminries said:
Of course it is rather easy to customize the factory build (number 19xxx) without any XIP porting - I can post a release that has Google Maps, Google Search and VoiceCommander removed, and a few odds and ends added. But other than that there are very few benefits.
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Have you tried using this rom with the mods you mentioned but trying to add manila 2d?? That would be a really nice add-on.
Got the WiFi and Storage Card stuff working in build 21042 by manually porting the XIP (something I've wimped out on until now). Here's the release.
Moving on to another stab at porting keyx's WM6.5!
More success!
I just got a working WM6.5 21198 build for the 91x from keyx - just as I was figuring out the details of my own port of the same (keeping Windows Live modules out of SYS keeps the total modules low enough for G'Reloc to run without integer overflow; on the other hand that might not have been my problem).
I'm merging a dump of keyx's working ROM with my own stuff (some OEM customizations and a few extra SYS packages) to see how that works. But we've at least got something bootable; expect a release today or tomorrow.
i just tried this. it works great!! thank you. but can you make the X close button even bigger. the problem with the 910c is that the screen is not flused against the corner so it's difficult to hit that buttom sometimes. just nit picking
Thanks for this ROM
Many thanks for the WM6.5 ROM you worked on. My 910c has been sitting on my desk for several months due to the lack of interest or any ROM updates from HP. (Great little phone with problems HP still has not fixed (datacard issues and POOR battery life). Your update has given me new reasons to begin using the device again. No crashes and no big problems discovered. Again, good work. Only noticed a couple of cosmetic things which are very minior and a lot of "task manager" icons in different folders. The one thing is did do was map "task manager" to the "voice commander" button on the side of the phone. Since this beast is known to suck up juice it's just a way to stay on top of things. Right now just using it on GSM network setting and getting decent battery life. Will start to see what happens when I set it to high-speed network. But again, no problems what-so-ever with your ROM. (Using 910c as limited use phone and heavy Exchange 2007)

[the]tf3d 2.5

I want TF3D version 2.5 for my diamond with original ROM 2.03 WWE!!!!!!Thanks for your help!!!
Yappppp I want it too
..... and I want the euromillion...!
I want Eva Laskaris!!
fabius88 said:
I want Eva Laskaris!!
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She is HOT! lol.
when the cab version of the TF2.5 will be available?
Come on guys... the title of this thread states theme [THE]... this is not a theme at all, it's a request [REQ]
PS. While I'm here, I'll add my bit... I WANT IT ALL!!
I will add my voice to this request. While I appreciate the work that the various cooks on this site do (I'm currently using Yozgatg's Gen.Y D2 R4) I would like to have a stock ROM (either 2.03.401.3 or 2.03.405.3) with TF3D 2.1.
I am aware that Yozgatg also has an installation procedure to install TF3D 2.1, but the only problem I've found with it (at least when I do it) is that it takes a phenomenal amount of device RAM! You need to have 20Mb free just to install it, and when I have tried I have been left with about 6Mb free at the end of the procedure. I don't know if this is down to remnants of the original TF3D still being left on the device or what. Compare this to Yozgatg's Gen.Y D2 R4 cooked ROM which, after installing the other odds and sods that I use, still leaves me with about 42Mb free.
Great though the cooked ROMS are, the authors add or take away various components (which is their right, as they are cooking the ROMS to their own needs and then sharing them with the rest of us) e.g. I have flashed a 6.5 ROM before where all the games were missing.
I would really like a stock ROM with an updated TF3D.
Teppic24 said:
I will add my voice to this request. While I appreciate the work that the various cooks on this site do (I'm currently using Yozgatg's Gen.Y D2 R4) I would like to have a stock ROM (either 2.03.401.3 or 2.03.405.3) with TF3D 2.1.
I am aware that Yozgatg also has an installation procedure to install TF3D 2.1, but the only problem I've found with it (at least when I do it) is that it takes a phenomenal amount of device RAM! You need to have 20Mb free just to install it, and when I have tried I have been left with about 6Mb free at the end of the procedure. I don't know if this is down to remnants of the original TF3D still being left on the device or what. Compare this to Yozgatg's Gen.Y D2 R4 cooked ROM which, after installing the other odds and sods that I use, still leaves me with about 42Mb free.
Great though the cooked ROMS are, the authors add or take away various components (which is their right, as they are cooking the ROMS to their own needs and then sharing them with the rest of us) e.g. I have flashed a 6.5 ROM before where all the games were missing.
I would really like a stock ROM with an updated TF3D.
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I am trying A.Z.T.O.R. ROM final WM6.1 with GEN Y manila 2.1 R1.5..i can tell that i have never seen my Diamond sooo fast and stable (until now) i used mtty to flash i added BWtaskbar that makes also the X button bigger in some apps that helps a lot.The true thing is that i miss WM6.5.1. (Bsb rom i used),but the functionality of the tf3d 2.1 R1.5 is much better for everyday use than Titanium.That's my opinion!
What you're all asking for will never happen.
TF3D 2.5 will never be ported to VGA by HTC so you'll never see a stock ROM with it.
You might be able to install it via cab once XOR have finished porting it but chances are you'll at least need WM6.5 or build 21000 and above. I'd put my money on it that you guys running ROM version 2.03 are not running a build number high enough.
Do some searching before posting too. All these questions have been answered in the TF3D 2.5 VGA thread.
Manila 2.5 will never be availabe as a cab because , there are files which will not fit into 256mb rom (Diamond) , because manila 2.5 would not replace 2.1 , the files are entirely different so additional files need to be added.
I'm using - SUN Y 6.1 - Manila 2.5 Beta 3 by Kisja. Works almost PREFECT. fast and Stable.
Will be more stable with newer release.

[REQ] Sense 2.5.2015 Full

Hi all, I've been seeing references to this new version in new custom ROMS and was wondering if somebody could tell me where I can find this or better still the Official HTC ROM from which it comes.
Many thanks in advance
Oboe Debug ROM (Manila 2015)
I used this it contains manila 2015 in Chinese though. I removed all the 0804 packages and replaced with 0409. Seems to work fine. I cant seem to get the new WVGA HTC lockscreen working though. Gives me default windows one everytime even though I am including the new starticonloader.
Also stay away from the new messaging client. I replaced the graphics to get rid of the Chinese characters. But it still gave me problems. The rest of the updated packages seem to be working OK
be_vigilant said:
Oboe Debug ROM (Manila 2015)
I used this it contains manila 2015 in Chinese though. I removed all the 0804 packages and replaced with 0409. Seems to work fine. I cant seem to get the new WVGA HTC lockscreen working though. Gives me default windows one everytime even though I am including the new starticonloader.
Also stay away from the new messaging client. I replaced the graphics to get rid of the Chinese characters. But it still gave me problems. The rest of the updated packages seem to be working OK
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Here is the new lockscreen v2 its allready for cooking works on my roms
Hope this helps

[Q] Been at this a week now and need some assistance - Cooking in latest Manila

I have been trying all week to get the latest (or any v2.5) Manila integrated into my ROM. I am using the latest osKitchen. There has been a lot of trial & error but here's what I have done so far:
Import latest HTC WWE ROM - 1.56
Rebuild this ROM just to prove it works
Replace 6.1 Kernel with 6.5 Kernel found on here
Import a newer Windows Mobile Build
Build ROM to test it works with stock OEM drivers/apps etc
Add my own preferred applications & settings etc and rebuild
At this point I now have a working ROM with the apps & settings I need, however it has the stock Manila (TouchFLO 3?) that I would like to replace. I have downloaded LOTS of manila packages and tried including them in the build whilst excluding the stock 'Manila v1.3.37395.2' but each time there is a problem. Typically the device boots OK but locks up during the first boot customisation sequence.
I am assuming (hoping?) other people have followed a similar procedure and hit the same issues? I was hoping for some pointers as to how I get past this hurdle
Thanks, Andy
Maybe you should ask in Chef Central forum?
And your signature says Kaiser??? We use Blackstone...
Bodisson said:
Maybe you should ask in Chef Central forum?
And your signature says Kaiser??? We use Blackstone...
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Been trawling through the Chef Central forum for a week...
There are lots of Manila threads but I can't find anything that matches my issue. Thought I'd try on the Native Blackstone forum
Only got the Blackstone last week - still have the Kaiser until I can get the ROM just as I want it. I'll update my signature
I can't believe that nobody has hit the same issues as me
The stock ROM that I imported simply doesn't have the correct packages or simplu cannot support the latest Manila so needs updating/replacing etc. I have searched and searched (and searched and searched...) but I am really struggling to find out what I need to add/remove/update from the stock ROM packages to get the latest Manila in my 6.5 ROM.
Anyone? Please?
i think you didnt search enough.
if you look to sticky thread there you can see a fully working kitchens.
i would say take a look at there.
Based to this kitchen you will learn more about the packs what you need to use manila 2.5
and take a look at this thread You will learn more about manila
If you really cant find anything
I can upload mine kitchen which is working great
I did go to the dark side (iphone 4)
I have 42 memory usage after soft reset and it very stable
Its up to you do you want a kitchen which is made by yourself ( which is the best way to learn cooking) or...
Thanks for that link Rambo. I honestly tried searching using different word combinations and could not find that thread
It has helped me somewhat however I am still struggling getting Manila 2.5 to work with osKitchen.
I have now resorted to using the whole of the HTC Leo EXT packages and then replacing/grafting in EXT packages from the original Blackstone dump. This is working but has various issues that need fixing.
I'll plod on....
it isnt that easy ha
if you need any help let us know.
or you can always ask questions in the chef central thread.
good luck

[REQUEST] HD Mini ROM WM 6.5.5 Latest Build

Hi guys.
Has anyone tried or HAS a working ROM for Mini using WM 6.5.5 Latest Build and w/o HTC Sense?
I am trying to find a working cooked ROM if not then I'll make one myself and post it.
I just need to know if there are stock ROMs that'll work for mini.
Here's what I'm looking for:
1. Windows Mobile 6.5.5 latest possible WORKING and STABLE build
2. List of HTC pre-installed software that can be removed
3. Essential software that need to be installed in the Mini (just to make it work)
Use rom kichen alpha provided in this thread to find essential soft to run hd mini, also yuo can find all preinstalled soft there too. Just download Shipped rom, extract, use kitchen to modify it. Simple like 1.2.3
Most of people doesn't use copilot & google maps software. I don't like Manilla's Footprints & Stock pages, maeybe some business people use it, but i don't. And i think is not so big group off business people, who flashes their phones
Yeah... but the problem is that HTC totally removed tmail.exe in their ROM. What I'm looking for is a ROM that's untouched by HTC but'll work for the Mini. Somehow, I find the stock Message soft from MS is more convenient since it also support threaded messages.
HTC has so much to the OS that it has officially screwed it up and making it hog almost 60% of the resources of the phone. I'm going to build a ROM that'll be free for anyone to customize from scratch without the fear that it's not compatible with the Mini.
akinto2006 said:
Yeah... but the problem is that HTC totally removed tmail.exe in their ROM. What I'm looking for is a ROM that's untouched by HTC but'll work for the Mini. Somehow, I find the stock Message soft from MS is more convenient since it also support threaded messages.
HTC has so much to the OS that it has officially screwed it up and making it hog almost 60% of the resources of the phone. I'm going to build a ROM that'll be free for anyone to customize from scratch without the fear that it's not compatible with the Mini.
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If you have not already I suggest you check our Chef Central Forum ...there is a TON of info there and also some very helpful people...I hope you are able to complete this project we could use more ROMS for the Mini...

