TMO UK Users running Android etc - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi All
Just wondering if any of you TMO UK users are running android and what versions of winmo/radio/rom etc your using (as stable as it can be!).
I've not updated anything on my phone so still on radio 2.05 I think and more importantly still under contract so would prefer to go with something a TMO UK users is having success with.

I'm not on contract but I'm having great success with the combination in my sig atm, I've not had a data drop or any other problems in over three days since build installation.


t-mobile europe

I can imagine how annoying this can be,
silly questions and such,
I have a t-mobile phone (pw10a1),
and I was wondering which rom to cook,
or whether I can use the one posted here?
Since its a T-Mobile I'd go with ROM 4.00.16.
I'm using the ROM version 4.00.16(T-Mobile) with T-Mobile's newest radio stack 6.24.00.
(Kitchen Cooked)
Been the best this phone has ever worked! No more dropped calls, no more much of any problems!

Upgrading Rom

New to this site and I have a Canadian Rogers HTC Touch elf Rom version 2.21.631.1 wwe dated 10/05/07 I am tired of the fact that all the other cell companies in Canada are offering the upgrade to 6.1. I have contacted Rogers and they said nothing was tested for their network yet and didn't even know if was going to be offered. I have recently notice that Sprint in US is offering the upgrade and their work on gsm same as rogers. Has anyone tested the rom on a Rogers phone and does it work. I am getting frustrated. I am not skilled enough or too nervous to experiment with cooked roms. I need all my current features but want the 6.1

Why upgrade your Radio - Advantages and dangers?

I've searched through the forums but can't find anyone asking this and I'm curious. After trying out a lot of different cooked ROM's using USPL and tweaking/testing/sampling what's around I'm getting very confident about tweaking my HD thanks now to this 5-star community and site!
I'm still unclear about what advantages/dangers are there to upgrading your radio version? I totally respect the usual dangers of bricking your device during a rom/software upgrade and all the usual banter surrounding tweaking a device, but wondering specifically why someone would want to upgrade their radio? Is it dependent on your carrier and country of region/usage? What should you be aware of or should you only ever upgrade radio version under very specific situations?
I'm running radio in Australia using Telstra on unlocked HD.
noofny said:
I've searched through the forums but can't find anyone asking this and I'm curious. After trying out a lot of different cooked ROM's using USPL and tweaking/testing/sampling what's around I'm getting very confident about tweaking my HD thanks now to this 5-star community and site!
I'm still unclear about what advantages/dangers are there to upgrading your radio version? I totally respect the usual dangers of bricking your device during a rom/software upgrade and all the usual banter surrounding tweaking a device, but wondering specifically why someone would want to upgrade their radio? Is it dependent on your carrier and country of region/usage? What should you be aware of or should you only ever upgrade radio version under very specific situations?
I'm running radio in Australia using Telstra on unlocked HD.
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We Update Radios for Better reception.. signal and etc improve of the Conection and things like this.
So for me.. you know that the Touch HD have a few second delay when someone calling you...
WHen i flash my RADIO with thelatest one 1.17 and also install a RILHONE 1.14 the phone start to respond without any delay.. also the improvment of signal was cool in some place that befor i have 1 bar signal now i have 3 or more.. the Wi Fi is a bit faster and etc
Also the GPS can improve depends...
So the Radio only by himself can`t do the same for everyone also depends from the ROM you useing and from the Mobile Operator
Like you can see im from Bulgaria and for me the Radio 1.17 with 1.14 Rilphone is the best combination but for you can be diferent....
Anyway the NEW Radio is made to Improve, if we don`t have what to improve there we will not need form a new Radio and HTC will not make a new Radios this that they make new Radios mean that.. still have what to be improved.
This is not only with the RADIOS always when have some UPDATE no matter for your Desktop PC or your Phone or whatever the Update = Improve, of course not all the time the NEW = BETTER and bugs FREE but this is the idea
I've been wondering bout this very same question as well; have been flashing and modding for a while now (aprox 4-5 monthes) and this was goning to be my next port of call. I'm from Oz also but am on the optus network, did you buy the legit next G network telstra HD (T 8285), or just the standard T 8282 ....??
Well I decided to give it a go and upgraded last night to the latest so will post back here with results. It certainly is a very easy and quick process once you understand the USPL process and have already stuffed around with custom ROMs.
naa77 said:
I've been wondering bout this very same question as well; have been flashing and modding for a while now (aprox 4-5 monthes) and this was goning to be my next port of call. I'm from Oz also but am on the optus network, did you buy the legit next G network telstra HD (T 8285), or just the standard T 8282 ....??
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I bought a standard unlocked stock T8282 from some Aussie online store (which means it would have come straight from Hong Kong), paid little extra for extended warranty (recommended). Dunno what you mean by 'legit' lol...I'm strongly against the big telcos and the scams they pull making people pay more for a device that has limited functionality and usually locked down and defecated with their corporate logos and ****e. When you want a device, you buy the device. A telco is a service provider of a network service, not a hardware supplier or software house or device tweaker. If you cant afford the device, put it on a credit card and pay a bank off instead of a telco and just get a pre-paid account. In AUS the telcos try and charge unaware peeps $70 and more just to unkock a phone they have locked themselves. Those 'plans' end up costing people over $2000 after 2 years...stoopid. End rant...

t9193 vs. t8185

I couldn't help myself and bought a new T8185 a few weeks ago and i'm in love with this phone. I have it on ATT in new york. Now i hate myself for not having any patience and now the newer model is out. A few questions now about the euro t8185 HD2 in america now that the t9193 is out.
1. Is the hardware the same as the original t8185?
2. Is the t8185 now able to be flashed with a new ROM enabling it to use 850mhz 3g/hspa in the u.s. i.e. 3g on att?
p.s. sorry if its a noob question, im new to the world of HTC and win mo, but i did not see any other articles regarding this situation. thanks for your help.
1) Yes, the hardware* is the same inside and out.
2) AFAIK, 3G radio is hardware dependent. You can flash all the different radios you want, but unless the hardware has that specific frequency, you wont be getting any 850mhz 3G. Meaning, the Euro (t8185) version will not receive AT&T 3G/UMTS because it doesn't have the correct radio hardware.
* except for the radio.
doubledrake20 said:
I couldn't help myself and bought a new T8185 a few weeks ago and i'm in love with this phone. I have it on ATT in new york. Now i hate myself for not having any patience and now the newer model is out. A few questions now about the euro t8185 HD2 in america now that the t9193 is out.
1. Is the hardware the same as the original t8185?
2. Is the t8185 now able to be flashed with a new ROM enabling it to use 850mhz 3g/hspa in the u.s. i.e. 3g on att?
p.s. sorry if its a noob question, im new to the world of HTC and win mo, but i did not see any other articles regarding this situation. thanks for your help.
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1. NO
2. NO
Keep in mind:
t8185 designed for EU market but compatible gsm with usa ATT for partial functionality.
t9193 designed for AU/Asian market but compatible gsm & maybe 3g WITH USA att, but ROM dependent to accomplish that. You won't get stable 3g WITH telstra rom, but need customized rom.
t9193 hardware is NOT compatible for T-Mobile, at least no released model I know of yet.
HTC HD2 coming to T-Mobile, supposedly in March 2010. (probably a different htc model number)
Rumors are HTC HD2 coming to Sprint ( possibly android os model) & Verizon (as wm os) sometime in future. att...who knows?
Radio rom upgrades can sometimes improve your experience, but only within the limits of your hardware.
ROM upgrades cannot change the hardware compatibitity for a given signal. You must change chip inside the device for that.
ROM upgardes or customizing rom can improve your experience with your given hardware signal compatibility. (e.g. bug fix that improves signal problem)
Hold on to your t8185 until usa versions of the htc HD2 hit the market. Then, you'll have options. (e.g. change phone or change providers or both)
If htc HD2 is really a big hit in usa, then expect most providers to have it or a hardware variation of it, later this year.
Hello Everyone,
Anyone know the model number for the USA T-Mobile Version?
Thank you ,
thanks for the info devilduck, i can't switch contracts till mid 2011 so i really wanted 3g with my current provider, at&t. Guess i'll just have to switch to 9193 eventually.
And to monnie, i dont think they have the model number out just yet.

T mobile updated HD2

Do think there will be any way to get an updated hd2 in the UK, why would anyone get the older version if a 1 gig version is available?
The 1Gig version is a t-mobile US version, which won't work on 3G bands in the UK.
does anyone know if Tmobile plans to bring a similar spec to the UK, i'm currently holding off buying a HD2 to see what else comes out, I could upgrade now but it seems the best policy is to wait.
You can hold off forever while waiting for the next big thing. I'd just bite the bullet and live with the fact that you have a great device, even if it isn't going to be the latest and greatest for long.
The 1GB ROM was specially requested by T-Mobile US - can't see T-Mobile UK asking for the same...

