Still only one Chef! - Streak 5 General

I can't belive the Dell Streak has been out nearly six months and we still only have one Chef!
The most awesome.... Stephen Hyde!
If it wasn't for this gent we would still be stuck with Dells own....which as we all know SUCKS!
I came from the HD2 where, after six months, there were about 20 Chefs and many many different ROMs!
Is this indicative of the Android cooking scene? On WinMo 6.5 devices there are always lots of Chefs and ROMs. On Android devices do you only usually get a couple of Chefs and ROMs? Is it harder to be a Chef on an Android device?
Anyway, I think we all owe Stephen a big round of applause and perhaps a donation for making our devices 500% better than when we got them!
(ooooo 666th post )

Absolutely!! Stephen is the man!!! I've owned the Streak for just a few days now, and I've already ditched Dell's own for Stephen's ROMs!

do we need anymore?
the hd2 may have many "chefs", but most of them were doing nothing more than repacking files with a different theme.. YAWN
android tends to need a bit more nouse, ok its not hard to be a repackager, but to do something useful needs more skill than that.
I could also release roms, but tbh I'd rather help steve with his and have one good one.

Whilst I agree with what your saying, I have to say that there were quite a few 'core' Chefs, and the ROMs they were cooking were significantly different from each others. Buut yes you did get the blokes that had just downloaded a Kitchen and cooked their own programs/themes into it.
Being able to pick and choose between many diffrent ROMs pleased me somewhat

Not Android Development Please Post in the Correct Forum Thanks
Moved to General

I've wondered about the dearth of chefs as well. Love DJ_Steve, no doubt. I guess this speaks somewhat to the low adoption of the Streak. Stupid Dell, you go and create an awesome phone but then you continually screw up the launch and everything after.
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk


First Cooked ROM from Midget_1990 on Saturday!!

OK friends, before you start asking about exact times, I don't know and neither does Midget.
ltxda and myself have been in touch with the rest of the team and our ROM developer Midget.
We could have had a 90% complete ROM uploaded sometime tonight, just to see the extent of the ROM under development, but we advised against this as after all the wait we believe our donators in particular and the rest of the Athena community would rather have a 100% complete ROM worth flashing over our existing ones.
So there it is people. Saturday some time unspecified, we get our first completed cooked ROM form Midget. Don't expect it to be the final ROM though, as some will undoubtedly find something that needs tweaking or added to the base ROM, but given the time Midget has spent on it thus far, we can hope for a pretty stable and fast ROM as I know he spent a lot of time twaeking it.
Happy flashing this weekend.
Any chance of a manifest?
copperwave said:
Any chance of a manifest?
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Probably not, as it's so close to release, but no doubt one will be put together after the initial ROM reaches Final ROM status.
anxiously waiting
I cant wait anxiously waiting
Call it the "Disadvantaged" Rom !!!!!!!
Then we know it is for us peeps who didnt get the official update
Irrespective of the name I cant wait though, better start charging the batteries and take out the memory card so long ....
This actually give us enough time to do backups as well !
Thanks Cant wait
what about the ext-rom? is the problem fixed? is it unhide & unlock? is ther a way to be?
Special tnx Midget! Can't w8 longer.
Cheers, Hirad
today is saturday and still no rom!
yes and it is still saturday for another 13 hours (in britain at least)
Right at the top it says that there are no details about time so just chill out and wait for it.
No wonder people like oli and Midget get pissed off! They work damn hard for this place and all they get is whining!!
Even if they over run by a few days, just be grateful that they have done it at all, instead of complaining that it is late or wondering where it is!
I'll be waiting patiently and be thankful if it appears at all...especially as the Athena is not a huge seling device and is always going to be one of the least hacked devices for that very reason!
rhedgehog said:
yes and it is still saturday for another 13 hours (in britain at least)
Right at the top it says that there are no details about time so just chill out and wait for it.
No wonder people like oli and Midget get pissed off! They work damn hard for this place and all they get is whining!!
Even if they over run by a few days, just be grateful that they have done it at all, instead of complaining that it is late or wondering where it is!
I'll be waiting patiently and be thankful if it appears at all...especially as the Athena is not a huge seling device and is always going to be one of the least hacked devices for that very reason!
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C'mon, tiger! Get your claws back in!
My Bad...Sorry next Saturday 1st September.
Sorry friends I made a mistake. I got in touch with Midget today to check on the progress, to find he's still away from a PC until early next week when he could upload the 90% ROM we told him to hold off from as Saturday would be the day for the Complete 100% ROM.
Stupid me assumed it was this Saturday. I re-checked my txt messages from Midget and indeed he did say 'back early next week and can upload 90% ROM then and complete ROM by Saturday'.
Sorry all, my excitement must have got the better of me.
cool man it's ok we can wait!
Anyway currently for the cooked ROM what's the advantages/disavantages or any items included/excluded? New to this kinda stuff just hope my questions do not seem dumb.
hey guys! cool down! i'm really sorry for that kinda posting! 2 proud of myself... u know? sorry now i really apreciate this situation and this hard working from both of our heroes(Oli & Midget)! and mackaby007 it's not your fault we are all excited to see the first cooked rom for our devices! have nothing to add on this! 2 sorry man.
Cheers, Hirad
what is a cooked Rom and does it come with chips and beans?
spacecat said:
what is a cooked Rom and does it come with chips and beans?
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More like bricks & toast, if you don't know what you're doing!
I think we all just need to calm down and wait patiently for the ROM. Midget did wonders on the Universal, and now we will get the same great ROM style on the Athena - so we wait....
It's not as if we dont have an interim WM6 we cant use? If you're really desperate then bung on the one that's been available for a few months and then do it again when Midget's is ready - otherwise just stop bugging the poor guy!!
Let's prepare for the forthcoming ROMs.
Hi all. I don't know all the details, but I know this much;
Midget has been working on the Dopod u1000 version ROM, but has changed to be a default European ROM (last I spoke to him) and has made optimized it for speed and reliability, getting rid of unnecessary ****e etc.
He was already very close to completion a few weeks back before his PC died on him. So he had to put most of the ROM back together from memory alone, plus the usual setbacks of life.
Expect a new thread for the new 'Cooked ROM' when it arrives. It will be tweaked with some apps included that should be standard in all ROMs.
For those who are new to ROMs and cooked ROMs, look at it like a software container for the Operating system and specially chosen 3rd party apps etc. Once you flash any ROM with a different one, you completely loose all your previous data, except what you have on the MicroDrive (MD).
Now is a good time to get all your favourite .cab files and exe's (for which you need to use Active sync to install them) ready, as you can't use back-ups from apps like Spb Backup or sprite, to restore your old backups onto a new ROM. Well you can, but you'll have lots of corrupted software and may be putting back what was thoughtfully removed from the cooked ROM.
So a cooked ROM is something made up by an individual to replace the default ROM you get from the seller/manufacturer of the device (all THEIR customized crap).
A base ROM is like the absolute essential parts only, i.e. the WM6 ROM and those apps needed to retain the original functionality of the device as when you bought a stripped down version. Then the developer adds what he thinks will make a fast and stable ROM. In this instance the developer Midget_1990 is doing this for the Athena Project, which was formed and funded by many members of Xda developers and some others from other forums and parts of the world, as this is not the common device for most PPC owners to have and we needed help in getting it unlocked (SIM free and capable of having any HTC Athena ROM being flashed to it, without bricking it).
Olipro (Developer 1 and top notch low-level programmer) has already fulfilled his obligation to the project, by developing and releasing the unlocking tools for the Athena and also made our devices virtually unbrickable due to his clever method of Hard SPL patching the Athena. Thanks Olipro.
Midget_1990 (Dev 2, VGA ROM Cooker) is to use his specialist knowledge of the VGA Universal (he's made some great ROMs!) to make an VGA WM6 based cooked ROM which will enhance and improve the basic functionality of the box-standard WM5 Athenas we originally bought. This is somewhat more time consuming, especially as 'WE' the project contributors and community here, have rather varied requests in what we would like to have in this first ROM. So finding the balance of what works best and doing the actual work and in some cases conversions (i.e. TrueVGA compatibility) is what Midget is up against.
As an incentive both developers were given an Athena each for themselves with an understanding between them and the contributors, that this 2 fold objective could be realized.
We're more than half way there with Olipro's Athena Unlocker and we'll soon have completed our objectives once Midget has released the first Cooked ROM...soon amigos.
So....let's be patient just a little longer and continue to play nice, after all, we will still need Midget to support this or future ROMs for the Athena if it still needs tweaking or amending e.g. Athena Project ROM v0.1 or 1.0, if you follow my drift.
Also it was clearly stated that the devs not be hassled or pressured by anyone, but that has already happened...let's hope no more.
Don't get me wrong friends, if any one is unduly rude or derogative towards you, you have every right to retaliate...only it's not in any ones best interest to argue on these types of forums.
Word to the wise; when this or any other developer releases a ROM in the future, we'd do well to read up well, before asking questions that may have been asked dozens of times before and try to point out what does not work with the ROM and why, if you know, or positive suggestions and feedback.
This is my last long post regarding this project. LoL yeah, thank God!! everyone cheers. ROFL. Seriously though, it's been a bit of a struggle but mostly rewarding and made some really cool new buddies on this forum.
Thanks to all of you in the Athena community and beyond, but most of all a big thanks should go to the financial contributors, without whom this project may never have taken off as soon as it did or even at all.
No more to say.
See you around in the forums.
P.S. If you have something negative to say, please PM who you are not happy with and let's keep this forum as a civilized developers forum for all interested parties.
And one more thing, if I may humbly ask all non-new members or visitors to NOT abuse newbies as they are by no means fools just because they are new to this and deserve our respect.
As others have mentioned before, if someone posts a stupid question or something that has been asked a thousand times, simply point them to the wiki or give them the right keywords to put in the search engine as the wiki is still under development.
Peace & Unity
well said. you should be a moderator mate.
duttythroy said:
well said. you should be a moderator mate.
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wOw mackaby007! TrueVGA compatibility??? is it possible? i can't w8 for! i really suggest high rank admins to make u and some others the admins of athena! hope to see u soon! (not u mackaby007! i'm with our little nutty,sweet, cooked ROM!!!)
Mackaby007 -> Very well said. Thank you.

Lots of good ROMS: how to choose?

Hi everyone and thanks to all the coockers that are working on new beta roms for our Polaris.
I've read all the 3d about the different coockers/release and I can say for me it's not easy to try all of them.
It's also difficoult to stay updated on every release news, fix and so on.
For me would be VERY USEFULL a 3d in which summarize avery release with all the caratheristics, positive and negative fatcs and so on.
What did you think about it?
HELLO i agree with you..
It's a good idea, but I'm not sure you'll find a quick reply.
The main trouble with the Touch Cruise is it's limited implementation globally. With the only US supporters having to import it, and the high price pretty much everywhere, I've noticed the general Polaris "community" isn't nearly as positive or helpful as the Kaiser thread community is. That doesn't mean EVERYONE is a jerk, but it's frustrating to have come from a device and forum where there were tons of people with a positive attitude, all sharing ideas. Here, it seems like most people just ***** about the device they bought, with only a few people (most in the upgrading forum) looking to make the most of it and improve it.
I've been waiting for someone to release a Diamond rom that would work on the Touch Cruise, simply because I like the analog clock look. But I don't have any real interest to force Office 2007 on myself, as I've used the app and don't see any real improvements over Office 2003. But this post isn't about which version of MS software is best.
Anyway... here's hoping the gurus of this forum stay upbeat, keep up the good work, and someone can "port" the Diamond VGA driver to the qVGA device. On the surface, it seems like a simple idea. But you have to wonder if the video chipset in the Polaris just isn't all that without more horsepower behind it, and maybe a better screen. Maybe that's why the Diamond is the new king of the pile. I'd love to upgrade to it, but just having bought my Polaris in Feb. or so, it will be a LONG time before I can justify ANOTHER new device.
Anyway, my compliments to the masters for all they do, and best wishes to those with a pretty cool phone!
My request is only trying to make an unique post in which all the coders can list their ROMS with the list of apps inlcuded and positive and negavite facts.
So when a new owner of the device came here can choose without loosing his mind in looking for informations in thousands of post.
That's all here....
gerazzo said:
Hi everyone and thanks to all the coockers that are working on new beta roms for our Polaris.
I've read all the 3d about the different coockers/release and I can say for me it's not easy to try all of them.
It's also difficoult to stay updated on every release news, fix and so on.
For me would be VERY USEFULL a 3d in which summarize avery release with all the caratheristics, positive and negative fatcs and so on.
What did you think about it?
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its a good idea. but comparing various roms is a full time job and i'm afraid not many people have that kind of time.
This thread has been around for a while with a list of Roms, I think thats the best you are going to get, it's just updated when it can be as far as I can tell but its came in usefull for me. Not sure if you missed it but it's been on the first page for a while. Unless I've missed the point and it's something else you are after?
The polaris is a good device and I've found help and support on these forums but its still quite new. I upgraded from the XDA Orbit and thats only been out just over a year I think, a lot of people bought in to 18 month contracts and so wont be upgrading for a while. I'd just bare with it and if you are unsure of anything, just ask.
My favourite ROM at the moment is Bepe's just because it's win 6.1, fast an clean then I've modified it to the standard I want by adding apps and tweaks. I've tried other roms but they are all at such early stages of development that a lot of them aren't really practical for day to day use as they can be very flakey. This won't last forever though.

HTC HD2 Rom Reccomendations please

Hi all,
I am new to this forum and I am looking to upgrade my ROM, but what to?
Can anyone provide any recommendations and reasons as to why that ROM?
Thanks in advance.
Oh no...again..
Dear Gregs79
as i see you only joined this forum 2 days ago.
the easy way of flasing of the HD2 is possible since HSPL is released on 4 jan.
as it has just started the roms are still furter developed.
i'm not going to give you an advice on rom flashing, roms are a personal thing. layout, speed, light or full to name a few.
but i wil give you as a newbie the advice to read this forum, questions as this one you ask only irritate as you can see with the reply from eddieul
Indeed, there are just too much criteria to take into account; speed, usability, free space, removed/added apps or drivers, os version, et cetera; roms are a personal choice.
I do think it would be nice to have a rollup thread with all available roms and their particularities, but it's not like ckecking each thread bothers me anyway.
If unsure, better stick with official. Currently it's best choice for all.
Yunabeco said:
Indeed, there are just too much criteria to take into account; speed, usability, free space, removed/added apps or drivers, os version, et cetera; roms are a personal choice.
I do think it would be nice to have a rollup thread with all available roms and their particularities, but it's not like ckecking each thread bothers me anyway.
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First of all, apologies for the post, I was not intending to wind anyone up! I have spent the last couple of days looking at the forum, but not being familiar with the Windows Mobile interface and never having had a windows mobile phone before, I have absolutely no knowledge of what things are!
I appreciate and have seen that there are variations on ROMs, but as Yunabeco above states, it would be nice to have a thread containing all available ROMs with release dates and not just the official ones.
Apologies once again.
Gregs79 said:
First of all, apologies for the post, I was not intending to wind anyone up! I have spent the last couple of days looking at the forum, but not being familiar with the Windows Mobile interface and never having had a windows mobile phone before, I have absolutely no knowledge of what things are!
I appreciate and have seen that there are variations on ROMs, but as Yunabeco above states, it would be nice to have a thread containing all available ROMs with release dates and not just the official ones.
Apologies once again.
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Did you even read the stickies???
StefChri said:
Did you even read the stickies???
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Alright mate, cut the man some slack, he's already apologised for the question no need to bite his head off. We're not all born with the knowledge when first coming here and basic questions will get asked time and time again, nothing wrong with a little patience, we all started from scratch at one time or another.
I think the best place to start is if you have stock rom 1.43, flash the official 1.61 and then move onto varients of the stock builds like l3v5y's or Dutty's.
Once you've become comfortable with those you can look at the other 6.5.3 builds if you're brave but sticking to stock builds is no bad thing as the HD2 is a pretty awesome bit of kit out the box.

Good news, here is another video from my country! HD2 runing the WP7!!!

Sorry guys, we still dont know who has the rom, but i guess, she may be a businessman. the reason why she dont want to release the rom is that she just want to raise the prices of HD2. i hate this practice. I have inquired the mobile char, its belong to the Shenzhen City.
You may have already seen the video, but somebody may need it:
no idea why anyone would want to watch another video of someone else's phone.
The hype over wp7 on hd2 has got totally out of hand. It's not even particularly good on a wp7 phone.
Bored of wobbly videos. They should release it so people here can try it or shut up!
hi, guy, Don’t be so grumpy about it. we just want to confirm that the HD2 can really run WP7, sooner or later they will release the rom, whatever it takes, this is a good news, right?
woion0415 said:
hi, guy, Don’t be so grumpy about it. we just want to confirm that the HD2 can really run WP7, sooner or later they will release the rom, whatever it takes, this is a good news, right?
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+ 1.. let us shut up and wait, Thanks for the effort Sir!
Far out man all these noobs posting last weeks news...
Learn to search and read before posting!!!
Am i just work too hard to make you feel unfomfortable? then shut up man, i am not doing this for you, little extremist!
Don't mean to sound grumpy or put anyone's efforts down.
But its just not news anymore. I think most rational minded people have probably accepted wp7 on hd2 exists. That much we know from Devs inside XDA already.
Yeah I'll try it on hd2 when released.. but I already know I'll use 6.5.3 as my daily driver for a good while to come. WP7 is everything we here should hate given its so locked down - it really isn't worth this fuss!
Ok nice but wheres the link????
DJW6927 said:
Don't mean to sound grumpy or put anyone's efforts down.
But its just not news anymore. I think most rational minded people have probably accepted wp7 on hd2 exists. That much we know from Devs inside XDA already.
Yeah I'll try it on hd2 when released.. but I already know I'll use 6.5.3 as my daily driver for a good while to come. WP7 is everything we here should hate given its so locked down - it really isn't worth this fuss!
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I think one of the reasons people are hungry for news of running Windows Phone 7 on the HTC HD2 is that it is part of the inherent spirit of the original purpose of organizing XDA-Developers in the first place. XDA of course was a brand name used by 02 on the first phones they sold that were manufactured by a relatively young Taiwanese company that had changed its name of Hi Tech Computers to HTC. The original XDA-DEvelopers guys were mostly engineers and were determined to unlock more features of these PDAs, as well as making these PDAs do more than what they were first intended to do. The XDA-Developers guys knew that the more people involved, the more knowledge could be gained and shared.
I still have an old O2 XDA II that is happily running Windows Mobile 6.5.3. It originally came with Windows Mobile 2003, Chinese version. XDA-Developers has allowed this old PDA to have a really extended life.
XDA-Developers has really changed over the years as membership grew. Much civility of the older members is being drowned out by new members, to the point where a noob of a few months calls others noobs and cannot offer any other information than to search.
I enjoy seeing any news on the development of Windows Phone 7 on the HD2; it is similar to when our PDAs running on 2003 could migrate to 2005, and then 6.x
I also appreciate the fact that our friends in China are participating more now. Some of the younger guys there now are really highly trained specialists in areas that pertain to smart phones. And, I appreciate the fact that some of these guys in China are making an effort to keep us updated on any progress that is made there.
I think we should all also remember that for some Chinese it is a daunting challenge to navigate a complex site like XDA-Developers, and that it is not always easy for them to communicate what they really want to when they have to translate from Chinese to English. It is much more difficult to do this than, say, translate a European language into English.
So, hopefully, allowances should be made, and we should all welcome the participation of our Chinese friends. Now, I wish HTC would go back to making truly global phones, rather than regional phones, LOL
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for the info, but i can't find the link to the video ^^
Plenty of intelligent comments there. Hey I wouldn't be reading the thread if I wasn't interested in the news.
On the subject of spirit of XDA though - until there's openess and sharing then they're not complying to what this place stands for. Right now its just building publicity and we're all wondering for what gain for them.
DJW6927 said:
Plenty of intelligent comments there. Hey I wouldn't be reading the thread if I wasn't interested in the news.
On the subject of spirit of XDA though - until there's openess and sharing then they're not complying to what this place stands for. Right now its just building publicity and we're all wondering for what gain for them.
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My own personal opinion is that there has been no sharing of the ROM demoed in the videos is that what we saw was actually an earlier test of Windows Phone 7 on the HD2. I am sure you know that the HD2 was used as a testbed for the earlier development of Windows Phone 7. Others have commented on certain elements in the video that appear to be similar to earlier testing ROMs.
So, I guess, in the end, those in China who are in possession of the HD2 running WP7 are not much closer to developing a flashable ROM than others. In short, I think there is no ROM yet to be shared.
I think we also need to distinguish those who filmed the video (who may well be doing it for financial gain) from our Chinese friends who have signed up as members of XDA-Developers. Clearly, there is a major difference between these two groups of people.
Of course, all the above is just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
You got a good point.
True, patient is a virtue. Please get yourself a seat and wait! Hope that gooooood news pop out soon!
This is an english only forum, please start writing in english before a mod comes here and erases your posts.
rlydiard said:
I think we should refrain from making posts in languages other than English as the rules of the forum are that it is an English forum. XDA-Developers moderators tend to get upset when they see other languages!
Other than that, no way will I get involved in flag disputes, but I do love those old Japanese style bath houses in Beitou, just north of Taipei. Really a relaxing experience after debating on XDA-Developers hours on end.
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Hi tell you. My hate japan
Ok, i just talking with my fellow countryman in personal question. Still, it was my fault.
be patient and wait
yah im still happy with my hd2 running android 2.2
woion0415 said:
Ok, i just talking with my fellow countryman in personal question. Still, it was my fault.
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Preface: The continuity of posts leading to the following mini-essay were rightly deleted by the mods, as those posts contained languages other than English. However, I feel the main points of this mini-essay remain valid. I am not trying to create conflict, but remind others what XDA-Developer is all about: inclusiveness instead of exclusiveness, and technology, not nationality.
Although, due to historical and geographical reasons, I am much more familiar with Traditional Chinese characters, rather than Simplified Chinese characters, I was able to follow the gist of the conversation. Even though the conversation was mostly in jest, it still was somewhat unsettling to me.
Just as I will stand up for you guys in China, so I will do for the Japanese. If you check all the different forums on XDA-Developers you will find many Japanese who have made exceptional contributions to the site and its members. XDA-Developers is really a global tech site, which should remain inclusive rather than exclusive. So, when we log in, I think we should drop our nationalistic preconceptions at the door and get down to the work of concentrating on our devices supported by XDA-Developers. What do you think about that?
In the past I have chastised those who use cheap nationalist jokes against others from another country, and I will do that again. You know that to be a truth, as you have read some of those posts.
I know some of you guys from China have had a bit of a tough time breaking into the social community of XDA-Developers, so I hope you guys don't dish out to others what you suffered when you first joined this site.
Well, that is said and done, and soon to be forgotten.
And, I can climb down from my soapbox again. I think I need a vacation from climbing up and down from that soapbox. It is really tiring me out!
PS. A couple things to always remember, always post in English, don't assume "others" aren't comprehending what you type in your native language, and park nationalist prejudices at the door so that you can truly enjoy what XDA-Developers has to offer without causing conflicts.

Please don't flame me...

...I genuinely don't understand so would appreciate some knowledge.
There are a huge number of (SD) Android Builds.
Some based on Stock Android, some Sense, Some Desire, some Desire HD, some Core etc etc.
Let's not even get into Harastin stuff.
Now these chefs are all really great from what I can see based on my reading here and many of these are mature and seemingly everything working etc.
BUT looking at the screenshots they look similar with small tweaks here or there [excluding the themes].
Now coming from WinMo cooked roms which look different with lots of different stuff in them.
Could I ask simply:
what differentiate them?
*sneaks in before the flaming starts*
It's actually kind of similar to the difference in WM roms. Each Android rom here is cooked with slightly different features. They all do basically the same thing, but there are different styles/themes, different apps included, and different kernels which can make for varying battery life or feature sets. Some are bleeding-edge versions of Android, like the new 2.3 Gingerbread roms. There's not really any HUGE differences between all the roms, its more like a bunch of different flavors & you have to just try them all out and decide which flavor you like best.
That's a great succinct summary. Thanks.
I guess I was swayed by the very similar looking home screens in alot of them.
Ohh cmon, you create thread "Please don't flame me..." in the wrong forum section. I am surprised someone even answered. Probably nothing would help you.
Succinct !
wigwam12 said:
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What a succinct response to such a modest amount of flame ;-)
I learned a new word today, yay !

