WHOAH neat trick from our desire brother - G2 and Desire Z General

someone wanna try to take that plastic piece in the back off to see how it goes?

its the opposite in my case, picture quality got worse with the battery door off.

OP is talking about the lens cover rather than the battery door.
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The video would be much better if it didn't have those blue frames in between the before and after shots. It's hard to even notice the difference when you have to wait 5 seconds between shots. It's be much better if it simply went from before to after with no delay and had the words superimposed on the images.
The problem is caused by internal reflections between the plastic cover and the lens itself. (Assuming the cover is actually plastic. I've never seen or handled a Desire.) It's basically glare which makes the black areas of the photo look like dark gray, and causes a general washing-out of the colors.
The lens cover on the G2 is made of glass with an anti-glare coating on it. It's not going to cause nearly as much of a problem as a cheap plastic cover would.
Also, the Desire is not the same as the Desire Z. The Desire Z is the brother of the G2, not the Desire. At least, I would say. Tips about how to improve the Desire don't necessarily mean anything to the G2 or Desire Z.

Yeah, that's stupid. clearly the lens "protector" has been scratched.


Solution to prevent SGS camera lense from getting finger prints and dirt

Not sure about you.
But i find my self always sticking my finger right into the camera lense, and it's always hard to keep clean
specially when you are eating with your hands then you do something on the phone and that oily residue is hard to get out without a good wipe.
the problem is i find i spend a lot of time trying to clean it.
So i was wondering if anyone got a good idea to put some sort of screen protector for the camera lense
i was thinking probably i'll cut a small piece of the screen protector and put it on top, since i got many to spare
also i got a few very nice one with mirror coating
problem is... not sure if the mirror coating ones will make the picture less sharp as it reflects back the light
right now the camera is taking very nice a vivid pictures as well as recording, and i wouldn't want a screen/lense protector to cut down the resolution & light input when taking pictures and making videos
specially for night mode photo shots
Food fingers will also be an issue with a screen protector. Unless you use a anti glare one which will most likely degrade the image. You best bet is a case or backing that recesses the camera preventing you from touching it.
it's really hard to avoid touching the camera, and you're right, a screen protector might deteriorate the image quality.
what i've been doing, same with phones i've previously had, is carry a small piece of micro fibre cloth in my wallet. that way, i can make sure my lense is clean.
aridoasis said:
it's really hard to avoid touching the camera, and you're right, a screen protector might deteriorate the image quality.
what i've been doing, same with phones i've previously had, is carry a small piece of micro fibre cloth in my wallet. that way, i can make sure my lense is clean.
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i do have that, problem is, oily residue is hard to remove with the micro fibre cloth
it just smudges it around, the only way to take it out is to go to the washroom get a tiny bit of soap (or wet cloth tissue, like the ones you can get from KFC) and clean it with the micro fibre cloth
I never took the protector off that comes with the phone.
It was quite funny. The screen protector I bought came with a protector for the camera lens but no matter what I couldn't get it on.... I discovered that the camera came with a protector already on it, lol.
this would probably be your best bet. it's an oleophobic (supposedly oil repelling) screen protector that includes 3 extra pieces for the camera lense as well.
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Just use your thumb.
1. Don't eat greasy food, it's bad for you--bad for your smartphone, too.
2. Use a fork instead of your fingers.
3. Barring those smart-alecky suggestions , perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to develop a sexy after-market back for the SGS--one which makes for easier battery changing and has a sliding window over the camera lens. Does something like that already exist?
If you get a Martin Fields screen protector it usually comes with a additional cut out protector for the camera lens. It's pricey though, but the film is good quality and you don't get any bubbles.
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Is it just me, or is there a huge gap between the SLCD and the screen?

I don't know, but is the gap between the SLCD and the glass on top unusual? Could this be contributing to massive glare?
rule of thumb. the more layers, the more reflection, the more glare. its why samoled looks better in the sun since it has the digitizer implemented into the screen. while it lessens the layers and makes it thinner, it makes it a PITA to replace. as for a slight gap between the slcd and glass its not unusual though most manufacturer like samsung and apple for instance are switching to incorporating the two. as for massive glare, i doubt 2 layers would have that large of a effect.
I think it's plastic
scrizz said:
I think it's plastic
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idk. some users said it was glass. preform the infamous scratch test. lightly run razor blade across the screen. if it scratches, its plastic. if it doesn't its glass.
mtl171 said:
idk. some users said it was glass. preform the infamous scratch test. lightly run razor blade across the screen. if it scratches, its plastic. if it doesn't its glass.
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Its glass...
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ImSoHungry said:
Its glass...
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you sure? takes friends g2 it pokes it with a pocket knife
mtl171 said:
its why samoled looks better in the sun
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It looks better in the sun because it has an anti-glare coating on the glass. If you look at reflections in the Vibrant you'll notice that they are blue. Even a direct reflection of the sun. This is from the anti-glare coating.
I still have not seen anything conclusive, but I believe the G2's screen is plastic, so they were unable to put such a coating on it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
samsung disagrees(from the galaxy s faq):"The removal of the tradational air gap along with mDNIe (mobile Digital Natural Image engine) technology and upper glass layer offers greater visibility in bright light environments with reduced glare, free viewing angle, and faster response times."
The Vibrants screen was definitely more responsive than my G2. My Vibrant would pick up even the lightest touches while my G2 does not. And I noticed the "gap" in the screen the day I got the phone. The Vibrant didn't have this.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
dang dude, how softly do you touch your screen? me personally i hate overly sensitive screens. People think too much about the lil things. I sold my vibrant and haven't looked back. G2 is hands down the best phone i ever owned..
msmith1991 said:
dang dude, how softly do you touch your screen? me personally i hate overly sensitive screens. People think too much about the lil things. I sold my vibrant and haven't looked back. G2 is hands down the best phone i ever owned..
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Same here I took my crap vibrant back two months ago due to GPS,then got a crap iphone 4(antennagate&lack of customization) and about to get a g2.Just listening to the reviews and problems before i do....SMART!!lol
mtl171 said:
you sure? takes friends g2 it pokes it with a pocket knife
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Its glass. U can feel it when u tap it. I also tried keys and a razor blade! On the black part of course and nothing. No screen protector for me =) I did notice the glare but when I using the Tmo screen protector it blocks glare. Try them out if the glare is to much for u. Hope this helps! =)
fRom Snugs G2 ^.^
I think I even have some particles (dust?) between the layers on mine.
I never use screen protectors since owning a nexus one and then an htc hd2 spoiled me as well because that screen was just as good. But with the g2 I have it in a pocket by it self (no keys or change) and I have two scratches that are only vissible in direct sunlight.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
The G2 screen feels cheap.
I don't like my screens to have that "give"
Could be worse you could have a pixel out on your brand new g2
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Hey everyone,
I actually had a spec of something (only god knows what it was) behind the screen and I could see it clearly when the phone was not in use.
I just exchanged it cause it was obviously a factory defect. I think T-Mobile is usually fairly easy when it comes to exchanges (If they have phones in stock)

Dust between LCD screen and front glass

In one review author wrote about problem with dust between LCD screen and frond glass. Does anybody can confirm this problem?
Do you mean under the glass? i don't have this but there is dust between the glass and the cover
commodoor said:
Do you mean under the glass? i don't have this but there is dust between the glass and the cover
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Problem is I'm not sure what autor of review mean I think he mean under front glass (in housing) but on the LCD screen.
What you mean between glass and the cover, what cover? Forgive me please my minuteness, but I really hate dust inside my phone
As you can see I own (like you) Nexus One and like this phone. Have it rooted and little moded. What is better on Nexus One compare to Arc, what I will miss?
No dust on mine at all, just lots of grubby fingerprints where everyone that notices the Arc wants to hold it.
I was originally going for the optimus 2x or the SGS2. But my girlfriend said "if you hold that in your hand you are saying to people that you wanted an iphone but could not afford it".
Talking of iphones... after plugging the Arc into the TV and going through the photos using the TV remote she wants to swap her iphone 4 for my Arc. No chance!
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App
The arc screen is made with a ' no air gap' system, so you won't get dust between the glass and the screen.
Sent from The Arc!
It's what Iceman said, so maybe he is talking about dust between the screen protection film and the glass, but i don't see that in my Arc.
Perhaps its a post-production model.
I never had dust under screen with phones, perhaps with 5800 but I can't really remember, somehow I had some of them with a Sony Walkman A1000 5 years ago
Thank you all for reply. Now I am peaceful about dust
No dust on mine too.
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App
ransflyer said:
No dust on mine at all, just lots of grubby fingerprints where everyone that notices the Arc wants to hold it.
I was originally going for the optimus 2x or the SGS2. But my girlfriend said "if you hold that in your hand you are saying to people that you wanted an iphone but could not afford it".
Talking of iphones... after plugging the Arc into the TV and going through the photos using the TV remote she wants to swap her iphone 4 for my Arc. No chance!
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App
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I must say, i dont agree with ur gf
A SGS2 will be much better then the Iphone4 and a SGS2 is not cheap. 600 euros is not really cheap don't you think?
I have bought the Arc though, because i like the design of the Arc
There is a very (and I mean VERY) small gap between the glass screen and the plastic casing, however like I say this is tiny. I have a little bit of dust in that gap, but I had to look close before I could even notice it. This gap is to the top bottom left and right of the screen, and not underneath it. As stated above, SE have implemented a "no-air gap" which not only means no dust under the screen, but also has other perks, such as being able to read your screen clearly in bright sunlight (trust me, this is so great it's annoying!!)

[Q] Camera lens

its been 2 months i am using my lg g2.. .it has faint scratches on its camera lens it seems to get scratch easliy...even when cleaning with a cloth lens gets small scratches..though it hasnt made any difference in image quality its fine as it was out of the box... so what if it is scratch to a extent where image quality gets blurry will i be able to change the camera lens ?
Known issue. Coating on the lens is cheap and non bonded film That scratches pretty easy compared to sapphire lens. Won't make much difference until it gets pretty bad. Mine has a couple tiny scratches you have to adjust angle in light to see. Has gotten no worse inn a month. Contact LG, they do replacement. Can buy and do yourself too(these are sapphire coated w/ar film non bonded( -_- )). Google search for lens and variant(Verizon uses different one, not as acceptable to scratches, because of button placements and different lens size. There are a couple big threads on this. Not sure if anyone tried "rubbing" off coating, but sounds viable.

Back camera protector film

Have anybody tried these back camera film protectors? I dont know how, but My note 10+ got a tiny scratch near the center camera, even though that I put an aluminum protective ring to exactly avoid this, after this scratch happened, I am afraid it will happen again, but also I think that the quality of the pictures may be impacted, any one has tried them?
Leave it. Protective film can make photos worse. For me it's better to fix little scratches in PS than have problems with light, colors etc.
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Thanks for the advice
SkoreK89 said:
Leave it. Protective film can make photos worse. For me it's better to fix little scratches in PS than have problems with light, colors etc.
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How do you fix little scratches like this?
I also would like to know how to to fix it, the scratch is very light, almost imperceptible
winol said:
Have anybody tried these back camera film protectors? I dont know how, but My note 10+ got a tiny scratch near the center camera, even though that I put an aluminum protective ring to exactly avoid this, after this scratch happened, I am afraid it will happen again, but also I think that the quality of the pictures may be impacted, any one has tried them?
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Have you ever received the message to clean your camera lens when taking a photo?
AllTheWay said:
Have you ever received the message to clean your camera lens when taking a photo?
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Yes, when smudged by fingerprints or such, but, due to the tiny light scratch I mentioned, no
I don't have anything other than a wrap on my camera. There's nothing on the lense directly above the camera sensor, but it keeps things from touching it as easily/often . Most wraps include a piece for the camera as well as the phone, I've put wraps on my last few phones, and haven't had an issue with any of the cameras. Slickwraps and Dbrand both have quality wraps. I have Slickwraps on my Note 8 and 10+. After 2+ years of being on my Note 8, the camera wrap came off a month ago only because it was peeled off in one of my bags while traveling.
That honeycomb pattern looks nice!
I know this is an old thread, but I thought people might wanna learn a few things about these camera protectors. I got one made of glass. I applied it pretty easily, though I needed to make some postapplying adjustments. I don't see any impact upon pictures, during the day or taken at night with the LED on.
There is no way you can remove scratches from the camera glass as any attempt to polish it will have negative impact upon camera performance.
D F said:
I know this is an old thread, but I thought people might wanna learn a few things about these camera protectors. I got one made of glass. I applied it pretty easily, though I needed to make some postapplying adjustments. I don't see any impact upon pictures, during the day or taken at night with the LED on.
There is no way you can remove scratches from the camera glass as any attempt to polish it will have negative impact upon camera performance.
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Oh my...
Not needed and it will degrade the image (refraction is one way). Adding uncoated optics is a big no-no especially.
It's not glass*, it a polycarbonate I believe and not the camera lense; it's a protective cover for the camera assembly below it.
The rear cover factory protector is cheap and easy to replace after you remove the rear cover.
A Zizo Bolt case gives good raised guards to protect it.
Keep your fingers off it and clean with a microfiber cloth as needed. Use a blower bulb first to clear loose sand if present.
I live in the desert, very windy with lots of sand and grit. After over a year and a half my 10+'s rear cam factory protector has no mars or scratches.
*you can polish mars and very slight scratches out of glass optics with a dry finger or palm.
Takes about 30 minutes or more. Any type of glass polishing more aggressive than this would likely deform it to the point of noticeably altering its optical qualities.

