Did Cyanogenmod brick my phone? - G2 and Desire Z General

Nevermind, fixed it

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

I'm still stuck at the HTC Boot screen - did several wipes and deleted all the data. I have no idea how to get this working and it's like the easiest method ever.

Best wipe of all time
"Fastboot erase system -w"
In bootloader as fastboot connected to adb. Try that. Also release thirteen didnt work for me off bat.
htc vision

Flash happy users always have issues like this.. Did you ever fix YOUR mistake? Post when you do because I'm sure there is a bunch of flash happy people out there that will have the same problem. My install of Cyanogenmod worked flawlessly, then again I didn't flash any sense roms.. Good luck
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

I did flash sense and then went back to stock and now i on cyanogen love it Sorry for u my friend

ok, what was the solution arcadia, it is never suggested to make a thread stating a problem and then say "nvm i fixed it" without stating the solution

reg442 said:
Flash happy users always have issues like this.. Did you ever fix YOUR mistake? Post when you do because I'm sure there is a bunch of flash happy people out there that will have the same problem. My install of Cyanogenmod worked flawlessly, then again I didn't flash any sense roms.. Good luck
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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I know this question may seem combative but it really isn't meant that way, I'm just curious what it means:
What distinguishes a flash happy user from another user who has flashed their phone?
Is there something that certain users are doing as opposed to other users? Is it that they flash from one rom to the other without reverting back to stock?

i personally flash roms constantly, i have tried all the roms we have posted and i wipe between them and never have a problem. not sure why some have problems and some don't, but then again i am NEVER the first to flash something, i always make surei see a few posts that state it works, and i look at known bugs

Arcadia310 said:
Nevermind, fixed it
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You mean did I brick my phone by "Trying" & “Failing” to install custom roms.

dac9 said:
You mean did I brick my phone by "Trying" & “Failing” to install custom roms.
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rofl good one

***For the Record, Cyanogenmod has never been known to brick a phone, only users can brick their phones***

jdedeaux said:
***For the Record, Cyanogenmod has never been known to brick a phone, only users can brick their phones***
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Yes... THIS ^

CM took my virginity

This is the dumbest thread ever. Arcadia you owe cyanogen and teamdouche a huge public retraction and apology.
htc vision


CM7 Alpha

For those who do NOT like to delve into the Dev area often and may have not seen this
go ahead and be daring...I myself like to wait until atleast a Beta.
Good stuff, thanks. I've been longing to root this phone, but I refuse to do it without a factory .zip which I can flash to restore defaults. Too many people have various issues after rooting, just don't want to take that chance. Can't wait to see what CM puts out though.
what issues? You make a nandroid to go back to
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
allen099 said:
Good stuff, thanks. I've been longing to root this phone, but I refuse to do it without a factory .zip which I can flash to restore defaults. Too many people have various issues after rooting, just don't want to take that chance. Can't wait to see what CM puts out though.
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I'm completely with you on this,need that safety net before any modding of any kind.
xspyda said:
I'm completely with you on this,need that safety net before any modding of any kind.
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Make a nandroid backup.
So to clarify, if I do the following ...
1) factory reset
2) unlock bootloader
3) root phone
4) make nandroid backup
I can then restore the nandroid backup at any time and phone will be completely stock, recovery, bootloader and all exactly as it is now with no sign of modding whatsoever?
I haven't had a lot of time to read into this so not sure as yet what's involved in the above steps but in a nutshell am I on the right lines? Theres a lot of confusing (and conflicting) info out there!
mprziv said:
Make a nandroid backup.
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While I understand what you're saying, it seems like some people are having issues even after injecting root. I can live without Titanium or drocap2 for a few days longer while Google drops the official restore...although I do want tethering asap.
allen099 said:
While I understand what you're saying, it seems like some people are having issues even after injecting root. I can live without Titanium or drocap2 for a few days longer while Google drops the official restore...although I do want tethering asap.
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?? You can already tether on stock. Also, I haven't heard of anyone having problems just from rooting the phone, in fact, all you're really doing is unlocking the bootloader and installing an apps to give you su permissions. Like the others said, you can always nandroid back to stock and relock the bootloader if you want to.
The major things wrong with the CM7 alpha on the NS are the Camera and Wifi and other things you would consider major
Cam and wifi work on alpha2.
irishrally said:
Cam and wifi work on alpha2.
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Once it hits beta ill grab it up but until then im way happy with what i got now
guys come on. This is a dev phone. This is what Nexus is about. Why not flash? Cyanogen is the most consistant and top quality Roms. I love the stock just as much as the next guy, but I didn't buy this phone to be boring. Just flashed CM7 and all is good. updates should make it even better!! Let the fun begin!!
yungfresh said:
guys come on. This is a dev phone. This is what Nexus is about. Why not flash? Cyanogen is the most consistant and top quality Roms. I love the stock just as much as the next guy, but I didn't buy this phone to be boring. Just flashed CM7 and all is good. updates should make it even better!! Let the fun begin!!
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I'm all for that sure but not until I have a simple and sure fire way of returning absolutely everything to stock, out of the box condition.
Im personally waiting for Amon_RA to release his NS recovery
and ya, the whole not having a sure fire way to go back to stock is a downer.
Google needs to release the stock ROM in its entirety
I'm sure they'll do that soon... or at least I hope they will. Only then will the fun begin for me!
Just wondering, why do you guys need a surefire way to return to stock? Just reflash stock rom and relock bootloader.
ikon8 said:
just reflash stock rom and relock bootloader.
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Is it really that simple though? My understanding is that the only available 'stock' rom is not in fact stock, rather its an adapted rom as Google have yet to release the actual one?
I want to be able to return to normal in case I want to return the phone.
ikon8 said:
Just wondering, why do you guys need a surefire way to return to stock? Just reflash stock rom and relock bootloader.
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you cant reflash the stock recovery over CWM either....so when they release the stock ROM officially all you would have to do is re lock the bootloader and flash the rom and it will overwrite EVERYTHING
i was a hardcore CM user on my N1 , flashed nightlies every day but i just dont see anything in CM for the NS that would make me jump right into an alpha
slowz3r said:
when they release the stock ROM officially all you would have to do is re lock the bootloader and flash the rom and it will overwrite EVERYTHING
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That sounds like just what I'm waiting for. Wonder when it will come. Until that time I guess we just have to be patient.
xspyda said:
That sounds like just what I'm waiting for. Wonder when it will come. Until that time I guess we just have to be patient.
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Im sure it is on the servers, just a matter of time before someone manages to find it...they always do

[Q] need some clarification on unlocked bootloader. Once unlocked, always unlocked?

I unlocked my bootloader at one time. I then and to revert to stock GB. Now when I boot up i no longer have the "unlocked" show up on the screen. I somehow, lost my recovery so I am trying to load the CWM variant and I'm running into issues.
I just want to clarify that since I unlocked it at one point, it is and will always be unlocked, correct? I thought I had read that you can not revert to a locked state.
It is unlocked, but you will need to flash an unlocked ROM or reunlock it to avoid the problems you are having. I had the same thing happen to me before. Even though it is unlocked, the phone doesn't recognize it because of the ROM.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G running Cyanogenmod at 1.3 Ghz.
Thank you. I am trying to reunlock it but I keep getting "oem unlock is not implemented". Can't flash an unlocked rom because I don't have recovery and thats the only way I have done it in the past.
Did you flash the stock 4.5.91 sbf or what?
Sent from my Motorola Atrix using the Premium XDA App
Always unlocked. I have no idea on your issue though. Even though it doesnt say unlocked your fuse is still blown.
I voided my warranty.
thebeardedchild said:
Did you flash the stock 4.5.91 sbf or what?
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Yes I did.
I ended up finding the unlocker sbf files from the pudding thread. Flashed that and its all good. I am rocking alien for now.
clipse94 said:
Yes I did.
I ended up finding the unlocker sbf files from the pudding thread. Flashed that and its all good. I am rocking alien for now.
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So you missed the warnings all over the place that say to NEVER flash SBFs once you've unlocked? Nice.
phobos512 said:
So you missed the warnings all over the place that say to NEVER flash SBFs once you've unlocked? Nice.
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Lmao. Well, hopefully he flashed pudding like he implied and hes good.
I voided my warranty.
phobos512 said:
So you missed the warnings all over the place that say to NEVER flash SBFs once you've unlocked? Nice.
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Always nice to see an ass.
I seen the warnings that say don't revert to froyo after unlocking. No warning about going back to stock GB. Read up more before you post.
clipse94 said:
Always nice to see an ass.
I seen the warnings that say don't revert to froyo after unlocking. No warning about going back to stock GB. Read up more before you post.
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I wasn't referring to any thread in particular but there are several threads that suggest the use of SBFs should be stopped as they are often unpredictable.
You wouldn't know anything about that though because you didn't need to come in the forum to ask for help after you SBF'd your phone and it went bad, hm? Thought not.
Next time read the warnings. The disappearance of "UNLOCKED" is well documented.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
clipse94 said:
Always nice to see an ass.
I seen the warnings that say don't revert to froyo after unlocking. No warning about going back to stock GB. Read up more before you post.
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He wasnt the nicest about it, but dont use sbf anymore. You are risking HARD bricking your phone. Its always best to fastboot any kind of flash, especially radios, but you should be fine using a recovery to flash any compatible rom. Dont come asking what how do i unbrick my phone if you keep using sbf files.
I voided my warranty and your mum.
Ok. So I should explain, I had to go the sbf route last time because I was having severe issues with the phone app fcing. I tried every possible other option and looked into any other way. Going the stock gb sbf was my last resort. That was several weeks ago. I just now decided to try another rom which is where I was having issues. So, unless you know the whole story........... I think proper etiquette is if you don't have anything constructive to say the stfu.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Welcome to XDA dude, everything you say can and will be used against you. Doesn't matter what you do or how you word responses, someone will use it as an opportunity to flame you so they can feel superior. Sux that people have to act this way.
Sent from my LG-P925 using XDA App
Here's the deal-E-O. Once you unlock and yer OTA updated to gingerbread, the only safe *and I say that with respect to the fact that it could still lead to something bad * .sbf to flash is the stock Gingerbread 2.3.4 . It may not be safe for EVERYONE, maybe it's a case by case basis, but I know for me I can flash that and it reverts me to stock with no unlock appearing at startup anymore. Also, the 1.97 radio .sbf seems fine to flash , atleast on my phone. Again, I'm not saying you SHOULD. Just adding information. Good luck all.
Can we please stop the flame wars?
This is part of the reason why some devs are leaving.
Remember XDA is about community and helping others...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
So if i was running blue cronic and having FC issues and wanted to revert back to stock as possible and used this "1FF-olympus-user-2.3.4-4.5.91-110625-release-keys-signed-ATT-US-GAS_NA_OLPSGBATTSPE_P011.sbf" through RSD lite. Have I screwed myself up? My phone is working just fine right now it just no longer says unlocked at boot up and I obviously dont have root access any longer.
I was about to flash this "ATT-2.3.4_Pudding_preroot.sbf" through RSD lite but I came across this thread doing a "search" lol
This is what I originally used to unlock/root my phone. Should I just go back to it and let it do the magic again?
Automatic bootloader UNLOCK/ROOT for AT&T 1.26/1.57/1.83/4.5.91 [UPDATE 07/31/11
UPDATE:Used the automatic script and everything is the way I want it. Stock look and blur but unlocked and rooted. Working just fine with no FCs
clipse94 said:
Ok. So I should explain, I had to go the sbf route last time because I was having severe issues with the phone app fcing. I tried every possible other option and looked into any other way. Going the stock gb sbf was my last resort. That was several weeks ago. I just now decided to try another rom which is where I was having issues. So, unless you know the whole story........... I think proper etiquette is if you don't have anything constructive to say the stfu.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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You did not have to go the "SBF route" after unlocking. Fastboot bud, always.

X-play custom rom

Hi I'm new to the custom rom's and instead of searching through countless topics, mixing up instructions. I was wondering if I could get some directions.
Play is unrooted 2.3.3. I would like instructions on how to put a custom rom on the phone, and which custom rom would be recommended. Thanks in advance people.
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
is your phone fastboot enabled? (does the notification light in the power button turn blue if you hold the search button and then connect the usb to computer?)
If you want a custom rom but dont want to search and read these forums, i give your phone a week before you brick it.
swebosdev said:
If you want a custom rom but dont want to search and read these forums, i give your phone a week before you brick it.
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or we could help people within the comunity to understand what's out there, the risks involved and how to get around the problems that could arise? we all need things explaining to us once in a while.
Oh im sorry i see your point, it is always good to be helpful, i am trying to be helpful as well when i say you should search and read, i mean look at all the countless threads where people didnt want to read, theres like 3 help im bricked threads per page.
lol. i know what you mean. and i know it can be frustrating. it's just a shame that the play is so much more complicated than the x10 that i was previously on. it was all flashtool and update.zip stuff. practically unbrickable!! loved it. fastboot and adb complicate things, and i feel that some of the tutorials can be a little confusing to total noobs. so we need to be accomodating to their lack of knowledge (i hardly know anything, so i'm still quite noobish), but also, people need to accept their own actions and consequences. not sure what i'm getting at now, but things need to be simpler for people who want to start out
Actually the way of installation is exactly the same for any custom ROM in this phone.
1) unlock your bootloader, either for free if you bought a factory unlocked phone or for some cash sending Alejandrissimo a PM, which you have to use if your phone is branded and/or Sim locked. You only need to do this step once.
2) install a custom kernel. There are two: DoomLord's kernel and the Cyanogen Mod kernel. The latter allows you only to install CM7. Doom's allows you to install the others.
3) Enter in Clockwork Mod recovery and install the ROM you prefer as long as your kernel of choice supports it.
As to which ROM you should pick, I use CM7 because it's stable and fast. Visit those threads and see for yourself which is the one you like best.
my personal favorite (until cm7 became more usable, and also because i like dooms kernel) was zerojay's aptly named zerorom. it's a very clean and fast sony based rom full of optimizations and tweaks. i'm currently trying out the FXP028 release of cm7 to see if it's more to my liking than it was in previous releases.
Unfortunately locked to Rogers. Is there a free way of unlocking the bootloader and how?
Again I'm currently running 2.3.3 nonrooted. Had it rooted on 2. 3. 2. but ofcourse lost it with update.
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
8ballhacker said:
Unfortunately locked to Rogers. Is there a free way of unlocking the bootloader and how?
Again I'm currently running 2.3.3 nonrooted. Had it rooted on 2. 3. 2. but ofcourse lost it with update.
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
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No there isnt.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
If you want root get wantonserver and flash na generic 2.3.2 root it with gingerbreak and then ota update to 2.3.3+
AndroHero said:
No there isnt.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
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well, one free way could be if you could swap a branded phone to someone who doesnt care and has a generic model
solitarymonkey said:
well, one free way could be if you could swap a branded phone to someone who doesnt care and has a generic model
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True, but paying $20 dollars to get it unlocked sounds like less of a pain in the ass
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
Bump, has anyone been able to get Cyanogen mod onto the Rogers r800a? This locked boot loader is really causing me grief. Have the phone rooted, cwr is installed as well as busy Box. Getting closer, but still no cigar.
mcorbeil said:
Bump, has anyone been able to get Cyanogen mod onto the Rogers r800a? This locked boot loader is really causing me grief. Have the phone rooted, cwr is installed as well as busy Box. Getting closer, but still no cigar.
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You can flash CM7, but i doubt it will boot with stock kernel.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
AndroHero said:
You can flash CM7, but i doubt it will boot with stock kernel.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
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Just to confirm, without the proper Kernel I am more than likely to brick my play? Many Thanks!
mcorbeil said:
Just to confirm, without the proper Kernel I am more than likely to brick my play? Many Thanks!
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You won't brick it, if kernel is incompatible device with either not boot, or bootloop, flahing stock rom with flashtool will fix it though.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk

[Q] Help With my Rooting

I am having a mytouch 4g now running stock rom 2.1. The phone came with S-Off. So if i download the 2.3 update, would it turn my phone back to S-on???
Also does the S-Off mean that if i want to root the phone, i would just need to flash the superuser.zip? or what???:silly:
Or Where will i continue from in case i want to root the phone. Also my device is "M4G2DE".
mickeyasamoah said:
I am having a mytouch 4g now running stock rom 2.1. The phone came with S-Off. So if i download the 2.3 update, would it turn my phone back to S-on???
Also does the S-Off mean that if i want to root the phone, i would just need to flash the superuser.zip? or what???:silly:
Or Where will i continue from in case i want to root the phone. Also my device is "M4G2DE".
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Those are two pretty good guides. Honestly you have to first read, read and read some more to understand what you have and what can be done with it. Also in development there are answers to your questions under the stickys. Updating your phone would more than likely put it back to full stock status. Also why upgrade to an already 2 yr old software version.
I would recommend fully rooting your phone and the cyanogen method was easier to me. Also remember to google like crazy....
playya said:
Those are two pretty good guides. Honestly you have to first read, read and read some more to understand what you have and what can be done with it. Also in development there are answers to your questions under the stickys. Updating your phone would more than likely put it back to full stock status. Also why upgrade to an already 2 yr old software version.
I would recommend fully rooting your phone and the cyanogen method was easier to me. Also remember to google like crazy....
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Thanks but i read a guide which said that the emmc chips in the mytouch 4g normally corrupts after wiping or factory reset. So i am a little confused. There have been many instances that people have bricked their mytouch 4g.
mickeyasamoah said:
Thanks but i read a guide which said that the emmc chips in the mytouch 4g normally corrupts after wiping or factory reset. So i am a little confused. There have been many instances that people have bricked their mytouch 4g.
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Why do you have two of the same thread?
Listen, here is the deal with the eMMC. Some are faulty, some aren't. If you have a crappy one, flashing CAN speed up the process of the chip giving out. If the chip does goes kaput, though, it always was. The only "bad" chips are the ones that fail. I and many others one here have a glacier with the type of chip people ignorantly refer to as "bad." I have flashed hundreds, perhaps thousands of times and it still works just fine. Understand?
estallings15 said:
Why do you have two of the same thread?
Listen, here is the deal with the eMMC. Some are faulty, some aren't. If you have a crappy one, flashing CAN speed up the process of the chip giving out. If the chip does goes kaput, though, it always was. The only "bad" chips are the ones that fail. I and many others one here have a glacier with the type of chip people ignorantly refer to as "bad." I have flashed hundreds, perhaps thousands of times and it still works just fine. Understand?
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what he said..... Hey I just got this phone on loan and rooted it and moved on to flashing.. not for nothing but this phone dont cost that much if something goes wrong... but if you are scared may I suggest leave this forum alone because it may have you doing things you are not comfortable with. - Just a suggestion
Hey. I have rooted and installed cyanogemod 7 okay??? So thanks but ur suggestion isnt helping.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda app-developers app
mickeyasamoah said:
Hey. I have rooted and installed cyanogemod 7 okay??? So thanks but ur suggestion isnt helping.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda app-developers app
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confused? I am glad to see you rooted and if you used the method by CM then you are also SIM unlocked. Now stroll over to Development section and you can either flash the 2.3 stock rom or my suggestion the 4.2.2 rom by cnote74.
Your device is now freely yours!
mickeyasamoah said:
I am having a mytouch 4g now running stock rom 2.1. The phone came with S-Off. So if i download the 2.3 update, would it turn my phone back to S-on??? - MY ANSWER WOULD BE YES.... WHY RISK IT
Also does the S-Off mean that if i want to root the phone, i would just need to flash the superuser.zip? or what???:silly: - YOU WOULD NEED A CUSTOM RECOVERY TO FLASH ANYTHING
Or Where will i continue from in case i want to root the phone. Also my device is "M4G2DE".
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I agree with this one. This is how I got my MT4G rooted and custom roms installed just about a week ago.
Hey OP you ok... My suggestion still not working?
playya said:
Hey OP you ok... My suggestion still not working?
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He PM'ed me. He got it worked out.

working market on 2.2.1 asian version. Don't flash for now the update..under testing.

. This is a strange thing today . i restored my backup which i had done when i first rooted my willy in 2012 . today i restored its backup from cyanogenmod recovery and suddenly i got a 4mb update right from official HTC . OTA_Buzz_Froyo_hTC_Asia_India_2_25_720_4-2_25_720_1_release_270480yuz9aaesnb40rr2p
well this update contains ehancements,including:-emergency call support due to new network configuration change...
but i was SOFF the phone might gave a signature error with the security certificate. so the HTC remained on the htc boot logo.... Anyone interested in this file let me know i will upload it,,
sachoosaini said:
. This is a strange thing today . i restored my backup which i had done when i first rooted my willy in 2012 . today i restored its backup from cyanogenmod recovery and suddenly i got a 4mb update right from official HTC . OTA_Buzz_Froyo_hTC_Asia_India_2_25_720_4-2_25_720_1_release_270480yuz9aaesnb40rr2p
well this update contains ehancements,including:-emergency call support due to new network configuration change...
but i was SOFF the phone might gave a signature error with the security certificate. so the HTC remained on the htc boot logo.... Anyone interested in this file let me know i will upload it,,
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Yes please, i would like a look at it.
Sent from my nexus 7 using Tapatalk
here the link
heavy_metal_man said:
Yes please, i would like a look at it.
Sent from my nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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download from one drive
i posted link by editing above post that this
i edited the above post to paste link. i also send a pm to kylon for whether this update contain anything important may he will add this to rempuzzle. @heavy_metal_man
sachoosaini said:
i edited the above post to paste link. i also send a pm to kylon for whether this update contain anything important may he will add this to rempuzzle. @heavy_metal_man
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well, it seems to update most apps by a little bit, but what the updates are i am not sure. The thing thats confusing me is that the date stamps are all "wrong". this is dated for september 1st 2008, but if it was new it would be 2014 or similar. best guess is that this was an update for your old rom that you never got before you flashed a custom rom but i dont think its "new" as such. If you wanted to flash it you would need to flash the stock recovery from a ruu as i suspect it wont be compatiable with our edify recovery versions.
well i had updated everything the time when i rooted.
heavy_metal_man said:
well, it seems to update most apps by a little bit, but what the updates are i am not sure. The thing thats confusing me is that the date stamps are all "wrong". this is dated for september 1st 2008, but if it was new it would be 2014 or similar. best guess is that this was an update for your old rom that you never got before you flashed a custom rom but i dont think its "new" as such. If you wanted to flash it you would need to flash the stock recovery from a ruu as i suspect it wont be compatiable with our edify recovery versions.
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i remember i had almost got all the updated the time when i had rooted. And nobody ever mentioned about this update in the whole wildfire threats as per my memory.
sachoosaini said:
i remember i had almost got all the updated the time when i had rooted. And nobody ever mentioned about this update in the whole wildfire threats as per my memory.
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Well if you intend to stay on your stock rom i would flash it any just to be on the safe side pal
Lol yeah i would like to flash but
heavy_metal_man said:
Well if you intend to stay on your stock rom i would flash it any just to be on the safe side pal
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well i would like to flash but what i wanted people is to get benefit of the update. i don't want to back again s'on crap of HTC.. This update was most important from Rempuzzle point of view. many people still use is for daily use may be this thing make playstore working on 2.2 again due to being official ?
sachoosaini said:
well i would like to flash but what i wanted people is to get benefit of the update. i don't want to back again s'on crap of HTC.. This update was most important from Rempuzzle point of view. many people still use is for daily use may be this thing make playstore working on 2.2 again due to being official ?
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You wont have to go back to s-on at all
Just flash the stock recovery from fastboot. then run the update from the stock os, afetr the reboot flash clockworkmod recovery.
Also since google dropped support for froyo on the google play store this wont solve that issue
head over me to official recovery threat
heavy_metal_man said:
You wont have to go back to s-on at all
Just flash the stock recovery from fastboot. then run the update from the stock os, afetr the reboot flash clockworkmod recovery.
Also since google dropped support for froyo on the google play store this wont solve that issue
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can you point out me where i could find official recovery...
i am trying to extract recovery from this update itself
well i am trying to flash recovery from this update using PC49IMG method. and i will see whats happen. in the first attempt it seems to work but after few seconds a red sign occur on the screen. i am again restoring the main backup again so that i could be able to see if this could work.
A good news for everyone here on wildfire after this update Google play store is working on my wildfire. Well the play services are trimmed down to extend .but its worth for those who use rempuzzle. Now comes the implementation issues how to put down this In working state in rempuzzle. Kylon will be happy for this . Lets see if pator can help in this ...
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Issue with root but I will report back if I been able to fix...
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
Root workaround is working... I manage to get root working..
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
In surprised to hear the play store is working again! Very baffled. Gonna get my hands on a wildfire in a week or so and have a peek myself
Sent from my nexus 7 using Tapatalk
heavy_metal_man said:
In surprised to hear the play store is working again! Very baffled. Gonna get my hands on a wildfire in a week or so and have a peek myself
Sent from my nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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This would be nice. To see back with wildfire..... Bring it on again...
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Dirty Flashed On REMPUZZLE and managed market working
@heavy_metal_man well i dirty flashed on rempuzzle and managed to get still market working. but i don't know prior to this was market was working on rempuzzle or not ?
sachoosaini said:
@heavy_metal_man well i dirty flashed on rempuzzle and managed to get still market working. but i don't know prior to this was market was working on rempuzzle or not ?
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Sorry for my very delayed response. i never did manage to get my hands on a wildfire again but im glad that the market is working for you now although im still not sure how lol
thats sad
heavy_metal_man said:
Sorry for my very delayed response. i never did manage to get my hands on a wildfire again but im glad that the market is working for you now although im still not sure how lol
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well thats sad . that you don't own wildfire now. well nobody even replied in rempuzzle ROM thread about the question whether their marker is working or not
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