Epic & iPhone get Froyo! - Epic 4G General

Pretty sad that we finally got Froyo (albeit unofficial) the same week that iPhone did.

jirafabo said:
Pretty sad that we finally got Froyo (albeit unofficial) the same week that iPhone did.
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You made an entire thread for this?

II5StarII Swag said:
You made an entire thread for this?
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I think he did

II5StarII Swag said:
You made an entire thread for this?
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Yep, i did. Kinda interesting that iPhone got froyo before we did.
Thought there'd be a few opinions on it. If not, no big deal, that's the way forums work. You post, if people want to talk about it, they do, if not it goes away (or people who dont want to talk about it can be a smartass and keep it at the top). Not like i posted in the dev section.

wowwww iphone has froyo and my epic 4g still doesn't officially have it. (havnt made the jump into rooting yet)
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

I was pretty ambivalent about froyo until I learned that it was on freakin' iphones already.
Oh well.. "end of the month" they say..

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bigray327 said:
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I hope you do realize froyo on the iphone don't work 100% you can't install apps out goto the market so I don't see the big deal
Sent from my Emotionless Beast of an ACS Epic using the XDA App

froyo dj29
it seems to me that every one is getting the update ,,,but sprint, i think they are holding back,the 2.2 update for a new pad that is coming out,
i am running the leaked 2.2.1, it works good , just a little laggy, on the home screen,
i installed this on epic 4 g
the down load speed is just a little better
the battery life is a lot better
every thing seems to work
it is very sable
i would say it is a good flash


Why was the Epic not released with Froyo

Why did that not have froyo on the phone when it was released? Froyo was out for a while before the phone was released, so does anybody have any idea why they didn't start out with froyo? Did they like ecairs better than ice cream? Who knows?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Because they didn't.
The development cycles on these phones is 6 or 7 months if not longer. When they started on the phone, FroYo probably wasn't to manufacturers yet. It is not easy at all to change course with software projects. And incredibly expensive to chunk everything that you have and start over. So they build it on eclair, and work on FroYo when its released, also you have all of the politics involved about which phones in your lineup gets updated, how many developers to put on each piece of hardware. I don't think most people realize the amount of planning that goes into any software written for profit. You'd probably **** your self if you saw some of my Gantt Charts, time lines, flow charts and other various wastes of paper that are done before a single line of code is typed (with the exception of prototyping) You can't just take a leap and start coding, switch gears 11 times, then hope to ever hit a deadline or budget. There isn't a lot of cost in the actual product of software, but the minds that power it are not cheap labor.
muyoso said:
Because they didn't.
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marcusant said:
Why did that not have froyo on the phone when it was released? Froyo was out for a while before the phone was released, so does anybody have any idea why they didn't start out with froyo? Did they like ecairs better than ice cream? Who knows?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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muyoso said:
Because they didn't.
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lazydazed said:
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You have ruined my day posting Barry pic.

Supposedly 2.2 is official?

simple google search, but what does it mean? could hell have finally frozen over? is it another ota beta leak? can i have it?
edit: disregard completely!
google said that my search result was frmo 14 hours ago, but after looking at the page more closesly it was dated from back in december. douchey move, google. douchey move indeed
Dude that is from Dec 5th.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Its dk28 build, old news not official. Sorry
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
yea in my excitement i kind of missed that. i edited the first post though. now the unspeakable sadness kicks in
omg FROYO!!!
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LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
slybarman said:
LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
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not ture. B&J has lots of froyo flavors!
haha its delicious. on a side note, just saw the playstation phone and got a mild hard-on. playstation, and android all in one? dream come true!
And I thought the OP was late to the party...
Don't blame google. Crap websites with no hits have been re-publishing that 'story' since the third week of December to get them to the top of news sites and search results. It is a marketing strategy for weak traffic sites.
Im sick of these threads -_- everytime i see it my heart starts to race then i click on it and get sad 8(
well the op certainly lived up to his name lol
jk dude. honest mistake
haha yeah i feel pretty bad about this messup. I got so excited until i decided to recheck the page. then just an overwhelming sense of sadness and regret came over me.
djbacon06 said:
omg FROYO!!!
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Phish Food is better ....now musically that's a whole 'nother debate....
sent by an Epic4g through the cosmos
Thread closed

GB 2.3.3 OTA to EVO Shift

My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
Wrong forum all together.... this is the epic forums
Sent from my Epicâ„¢ 4G using XDA Premium app
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
a2tz said:
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
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based on what? being on sprint??? that's about the only correlation.
1+2 = potato
Makes perfect sense to me
jdelano said:
My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
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Actually, this may very well be relevant. Perhaps it's a sign that they are readying the release. Who knows for sure.... It updates us on the status of the overall roll out. Whether or not it applies to Samsung as they seem to march to the beat of a different, unknown drummer is another story.
Thanks for the update.
#$%^&*%@@!!!!!! HADUOKEN!!!!
At ease men.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
LOL, yes just a generalized update concerning GB as an OTA from Sprint.
I am sure given my signature and number of posts; that you'd unserdtand I know where I am posting
Thank you for not disappointing me; I knew for sure I'd catch a flame or two... hehehe
Thank you Rob for coming to my defense
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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CapsLockKey said:
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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Or beat that stepchild, I'm hoping it means the same though lol
Sent from my SPH-D700

[Q] Rooting the evo with gingerbread 2.3.3

Is there a root for this yet! ( have fun)
You are going to get hell for this.. There are about fifteen threads about this. SEARCH. Even just looking in the evo forum you would know.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Being new to this forum myself, I'm kind of wondering if you're being sarcastic or something? Probably not... Expect to get "flamed" by others.
There's no root yet. But, there are two or three different exploits that have been discovered/developed very recently, so we should be seeing something released for our phones relatively soon. The most notable is AlphaRev's new hboot exploit for the HTC Sensation, which supposedly will be able to be used for most current hboots (so hopefully the EVO). But, nothing has been released yet. We aren't even supposed to know about it.
The best thread I know of to follow for the latest news is the one below, but you'll definitely know when someone releases something to root the 2.3.3 EVO. There are a lot of us waiting...
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It's a troll forum I think people
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
ckoadiyn said:
It's a troll forum I think people
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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You think?
You are going to get hell for this.. There are about fifteen threads about this.
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Actually about 50 by now.
woonkie said:
Is there a root for this yet! ( have fun)
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OK - I will
1) When you were a kid did you like to bang on a hornets nest with a broom stick?
2) Do you tell your girl friend that outfit make her look fat?
3) Do you call your mom a beotch when she nags at you?
4) Do you tell your boss he is an imbecile?
5) Do you call your sister a cum-belching whore?
6) Do you not pay your taxes then nark on yourself to the IRS.
7) When you win the lotto do you give it back saying I am not that lucky and I don't deserve it?
What the heck is wrong with you? (Of course I'm Just Kidding)

Come on already who cares about gingerbread? Ics is the new flavor fav of the month

Let's face it once google announced the ics as the next version of android why do some people still want gb when ics can be leaked and used on our phones. Google needs to be the one doing the updates not the carriers and phone makers. Google should open a beta and prebeta builds to all who want them.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
this thread should be stickied as a perfect example of a douche.
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i vote to ban this prick
could you people please stop answering him like anything he says is serious?
For someone who's been around since the 70's you seem to not understand the development life cycle of a product to be expecting such an asinine thing to happen.
Using win7 (retail) to win8 (alpha) argument proves your failure to grasp that.
BTW, i love how decad3nce pwned your last post. LOL
Darkshneider said:
Yeah, that ish was funny as hell.
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Hahaha, i actually teared up laughing my ass off!!!
waiting for a follow up encore by decad3nce... =D
ghostrid3r said:
For someone who's been around since the 70's you seem to not understand the development life cycle of a product to be expecting such an asinine thing to happen.
Using win7 (retail) to win8 (alpha) argument proves your failure to grasp that.
BTW, i love how decad3nce pwned your last post. LOL
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Yeah, that ish was funny as hell.
htc_joe said:
Let's face it once google announced the ics as the next version of android why do some people still want gb when ics can be leaked and used on our phones. Google needs to be the one doing the updates not the carriers and phone makers. Google should open a beta and prebeta builds to all who want them.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Because to us Gingerbread is the most important release ever! Gingerbread was made with Hummingbird in mind..ICS is a huge improvement for dual core phones..while we definitely get some new features, you would not notice such huge performance increases as you do with Gingerbread.
Locked. OP, check your pm's.

