[Q] Flash on Android Build. General Question - HD2 General

Hello everyone. I am new to Smartphones, in particularly Android. I got stuck on a choice to Buy HD2 or not to buy. Pros: Inexpensive. Huge Scream with great resolution. Fast..
My only concern is - Ability to play TV shows via flash web players. I read a lot that 10.1 Flash supports it all.
1. Can you guys please tell me whether Flash 10.1 works flawlessly on Android on HD2.
2. The skyfire that I have on MyTouch 3G can play only some of the flash sites. Is there a difference between WinMo skyfire? Can it play Novamov.com and VideoWeed.com sites?
WinMo users please can you check if your skyfire can access those, I would be so thankful. I really want to buy this phone, this is only things keeps me from buying it Right Now. Thank you.

Android itself does not work flawlessy on the HD2, and as such Flash isn't completely stable either. The browser on Android is considerably better than Skyfire, even more so now that Skyfire has been seemingly shut down on WinMo. My advice-If you wan't to use Android...then buy an Android device.

Second that. The HD2 hardware/build quality is excellent but the WinMo software ie browsers is lacking the Android functionality with seemless video/flash support and it will probably never get there. Was hopefull that Adobe was going to implement Flash 10.1 for 6.5 back in April but it never materialized. If it existed and was integrated into IE the phone would be perfect (near perfect) for several years.
I've tried Android on the HD2 and while the port I'm using is fantastic it does have its problems and I'm a little hesitant in using it as a daily use phone in Android when the HD isn't designed for it and a native OS isn't and probable won't be available for it. Same goes for WM7 - more than likely will never have a native OS just a hacked port. The port I'm using sort of makes me a little jealous and have some buyer's remorse with the HD2. Browsing is far superior, overall speed is excellent BUT I absoluted HATE the way Android is navigated. Using hard keys versus softkeys to "go back" or exit on the HD2 only leads me to believe those hard keys on the bottom are going to get tons of use and eventual failure as I rarely use them in WINMO except to get the phone out of sleep.
Looking at some of the problems people are having with their Android hardware (cracking plastic around power button EVO) (Screen failure Droid X) (Poor keyboard G2) (delaminating screens - several) its hard to choose one that is built as well as the HD2.

I don't even know with Android phones. I would love to have an Office app on my phone. But with Android phone market - HTC makes new MyTouch every couple of month, so as for other android devices. With each new Android phone the value of older one is extremely dropping. Now I am not sure as of what to get.

There are several office type applications - Documents to Go is one. The only phone that allows you to perpetually upgrade without really a loss of cash is the iPhone. You buy in at 200 and in two years you can get another for 200 and sell the old one if its in excellent condition for 200. You have to give Apple something in that they do support their older phones with upgrades to the OS. Doubtful the HD2 will be worth the initial buy in of 199 although I was fortunate to buy it at 80 dollars almost the first few weeks it was out. With the new rom Voice Quality has improved and it feels faster with less lag. If someone would update the browser it would be a better phone. Android's browser almost makes the phone a desktop replacement if they came up with a working version of Flash and the scrolling was a little faster/smoother.
If you look at the eBay values of the Nexus One the dollar values are up there although the intial buy in was pretty high.
Looked today at Tmobiles Android offerings - except for the G2 they were pretty poorly constructed - almost toylike and not worth the 199+two year commitment. The only thing about the G2 I didn't like was the smaller screen size and the keyboard's hinge which didn't feel that sturdy. I wish they evolved the Nexus One with a larger screen and kept the build quality.
The WM 7 was even worse. Press on the screen and the LCD actualy crushes so the that the pixels bleed/distort! The phone felt WAY too flimsy and the plastic was very cheap - lots of creaking and flex. Interface of the new WM sucked big time and I don't think I'll continue with WM.
I liked the EVO but I've heard it has quality control issues with flimsy plastics cracking around the power button. The Droids are ok - not great and they seemed to be harder to upgrade/update.
Although you can run Android on the HD2 I'm not sure how good it is for the phone. It does heat up more than the HD2 under load. Also its pretty bottom key heavy so those hard keys will get a lot of use and wear. I rarely use them with WM except to return out of sleep. Even with that I use Shake'nWake which works most of the time.

That is so true. I am really unhappy with a new android lineup.
If Motorola Defy will get FroYo, I will reconsider my choice )

If you want to run android, I would definitely itely get an android phone... especially if you're new to smartphones. It takes a lot of reading and experience to get android running decently on the hd2... its not really the best choice for a new user.
There are plenty of good android phones available now, so there's no reason for someone to get a hd2 at this point just to run android.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

I have a tv show app that streams hulu shows via a web browser using flash. Its good enough with the stock browser where you can watch shows in full screen and have no problem playing them. Its a flash player so all you have to do is hold down on the flash and the option for full screen appears. MUCH better than windows mobile. I don't think win mo will ever have the capability to watch hulu again.


HTC Diamond2 or HTC Magic(Google2)? Help me choose, please.

I have waited faithfully for a long time for Android, but now I have fallen in love with Diamond2...
I am a student, and will mostly need the phone for entertainment purposes. For my use, (mostly internet, skype, taking the occational picture, watching .avi's, mp3, old school games like nes or scummvm), which one would you pick? It's important for me the the phone is fast and responsive, and that it can edit .doc files (word, openoffice, something like that). I also would love for it to have a file-organizer (something like norton commander would have been excellent), ability to run and install files from the phone directly, and the ability to download with it (torrents, etc) and if possible, stream online content. So basically a mini-computer. Which phone do you think is best for me? I do not care about calender, email (e.i outlook) integration, or anything that has to do with planing and\or actual work, in other words
Do you belive android will get ported to the diamond 2 in the forseeable future?
So to sum up, Should I just go for the Diamond 2 or wait a month or two for the Magic (thats the earliest it will be released here in norway)?
im not an expert at this (ive had no luck with my herald), but if you check around, there are diamond android ports.
most likely, they will be on the diamond2 if they r on the 1st one.
winmo - buisiness/planning/work
android - consumor, but can do buisiness and work
(i can say this because, like i said, i had a herald, and i have the dream)
ur choice buddy ;]
just want to add my opinion. I have had 4 WinMo phones in the past, currently have the Blackstone, which im trying to get rid of. Anyways, I am a "medical" student, who really doesn't use all the features that can be found on a WinMo phone. I have played with a friends G1 and was honestly amazed at how much it just "fit" with me. I know I will probably be bashed for saying this, but phones like the android (G1) and the Iphone are really what I am interested in now. They are simplistic to use, but still can outperform your normal plain old phones. For me, if the G2 Magic doesn't wow me when it hits the U.S. shores in a couple of weeks, than I will probably purchase an Unlocked Iphone. Now, you have to base your decision on what you will use the phone for, especially if you are a student. This is my opinion, but if you are really into business type stuff where you would need all the necessities of a PC than go with the Diamond. If you want a cool, visually appealing phone that isn't as powerful as the Diamond but still gets the job done! than go with the G2.
I agree with redrazr's post above, but I would also like to add that for me a big part of going Android was to be part of something huge, right from the start. I mean, the first Android phone (the G1) has been out less than eight months and Android is already this good? That's pretty damn amazing. WinMo fanboys won't like this, but give Android eight months more and it will blow WinMo out of the water in every single aspect.
And no, WinMo 6.5 (and not even WinMo 7) will not revolutionize WinMo since they're still based on the same old crappy, sluggish platform/core. My understanding is that WinMo 8 will be the first WinMo based on a completely new and/or revamped core, and won't be out until 2013 or so.
mannyb said:
I agree with redrazr's post above, but I would also like to add that for me a big part of going Android was to be part of something huge, right from the start. I mean, the first Android phone (the G1) has been out less than eight months and Android is already this good? That's pretty damn amazing. WinMo fanboys won't like this, but give Android eight months more and it will blow WinMo out of the water in every single aspect.
And no, WinMo 6.5 (and not even WinMo 7) will not revolutionize WinMo since they're still based on the same old crappy, sluggish platform/core. My understanding is that WinMo 8 will be the first WinMo based on a completely new and/or revamped core, and won't be out until 2013 or so.
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He he, I have a D2 and I will not flame you for supporting Android (but then I am not a microsoft fanboy at all, I am typing from ubuntu right now ).
The problem with the smartphones imho is that they still are differentiated using their OS, sometimes even from the carrier customization. Their are more carier network toy than than their are your own toy, while they should be judged on their design, hardware specs and support only imho. Like a PC, where you can install any OS and applications you want, and are even expected to do so.
Thanks to xda-devellopers, HTC phones are closer to what every smartphone should be: an handheld computer with a large array of network connectivity options on which the user (you, that have paid for a device that is now your own, damnit ) can install the OS of his choice.
All that to say that Android should be installable on the TD2, and likely will be installable quite soon. Which is only the absolute minimum to be expected for an open-source OS for which google took A LOT from the opensource community to develop. Android should be installable on any device that has compatible hardware to run it, no excuses (HTC is at fault here, it should halp xda-develloper in the porting effort if not offering multiboot himself from the start, especially as all it's top-of-the-line smartphones are so close to each other hardware-wise).
So once the playfield is levelled and Android is installable on the TD2 (as it is on the HD, even if it is work in progress), I think that the TD2 and Magic should be compared from hardware and design alone. That's why I have chosen the TD2 (I like its design more, and a higher resolution screen is a big plus for me, I read a lot on my smartphone). But for other people the Magic could be better (digital compass, larger battery, more physical inputs like the trackball and additional buttons are its advantages imho)
gkai said:
So once the playfield is levelled and Android is installable on the TD2 (as it is on the HD, even if it is work in progress), I think that the TD2 and Magic should be compared from hardware and design alone. That's why I have chosen the TD2 (I like its design more, and a higher resolution screen is a big plus for me, I read a lot on my smartphone). But for other people the Magic could be better (digital compass, larger battery, more physical inputs like the trackball and additional buttons are its advantages imho)
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Could not agree more. I'd pick Android over WinMo any day of the week, but let's be honest; WinMo phones have the best hardware. The few Android phones on the market definitely can't hang in that aspect. The only thing I can't stand about WinMo hardware is the resistive touchscreen they're stuck with. WinMo does not support capacitive screens as far as I know.
im going with the magic
i dont really like the look of the diamond 2 and the magics screen is bigger..and plus its going to have a 5mp camera for the US version ..i miss android..i went from the G1 to the Touch HD to the iPhone...touch hd was the worst expierence..windows mobile was dreadful for me...iphone..i dont feel as free with it but the variety of apps is quiet appealing to me especially after you jailbreak it..and android..lacked alot in the beginning but it was awsome i just hated the fact that i have to open the damn keyboard for every little thing i needed to type and i didnt want to wait for cupcake..but magic here i come
So in the last 15 or so months I have had 8 PDA's... 6 of them were WinMo, & Honestly I love WinMo for its versatility & The touchFlo interface is freeking awesome.. But.. I am using a g1 now & The only phone I am looking at other than it is the MyTouch (magic) the day T-Mo releases it (if not sooner).. The android OS has shown me to be much much more intelligently designed & Has yet to have any major issues (I have only had to soft reset the phone 2 or 3 times in the last 2 months).. The App Store is also a huge factor as well.. With free apps that actually work & improve the value of the device.. My last phone before this was a Touch Diamond (unlocked GSM) & I loved it for that beautiful High Res screen & The fact that movies on it were Absolutely Amazing.. Not to mention the small form factor.. But on the other Hand using the Cinema App downloaded for free from the android app store My movie playback looks almost as good (ie 1080i vs 1080p ish) & on a bigger screen.. Also Much less herky jerky to start & stop...
I am super excited for the Magic to come out, but if I had my choice I Would have kept my Diamond & Used Android on it & Somehoe managed to make a MicroSDHC work on it.. That would be my absolute perfect phone.. The Diamond 2 on the other hand I Think only had 1 thing over the diamond & thats the MicroSDHC slot as the increased screen size isnt in my opinion enough to be worth the increased mass.. Its like an inbetween size from the original diamond & an HD & I Dont think thats a necessarry spot to fill..
My 1 And only complaint with the G1 is the bulk & The Magic will obviously resolve that & only a Pocket test will be able to tell if it feels as small & easy to cary/use as the Diamond was..
The port for the diamond 2 will never be complete and always behind the current release of Android.
While the Diamond 2 has a higher resolution screen than the Magic the Magic is capacitive and performs much better in direct sunlight. Android will never run as well on the Diamond 2 as the magic.
macsbac said:
The port for the diamond 2 will never be complete and always behind the current release of Android.
While the Diamond 2 has a higher resolution screen than the Magic the Magic is capacitive and performs much better in direct sunlight. Android will never run as well on the Diamond 2 as the magic.
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Capacitive vs resistive is not so simple an issue: After testing the iTouch, I was all for capacitive, partly because it is more responsive to fingers, but even more because it offer a hard glass screen, much harder and durable than soft plastic resistive screen...
However, after testing the TD2 resistive screen, I must say that reactivity is almost as good as capacitive (not as good, but it is ok for me).
Durability could still be an issue, but the screen seems harder than my previous PDA, and with screen protection + flip case this is not an issue anymore.
BUT with resistive screen I have the possibility to use the stylus, which is very nice for accurate pointing (not relly needed for android, but very usefull for WM) and freehand drawing/ handwriting recognition. this may look like a gadget, but given the number of time I use my PDA as a notepad for quick drawing (abroad, when you do not speak the local language, a picture is worth a dozen words, and a thousand innacurate gesticulations ;-) ).
Capacitive do not allow the use of a stylus (except of the fat-and-soft tip variety, which I consider as completely useless, because it offer no real accuracy improvement), and, for me, this is a significant drawback. If a capacite technology evolve to allow for a pen-like stylus with pinpoint accuracy, then it would definitely burry resistive technology. Not before, especially for asian countries where the ability to draw characters is really useful.
For the direct sunlight, I agree: TD2 is not good under direct sunlight. Barely readable with high contrast large font text, but nothing more. Older PDA were better for this, and I believe you that Magic may be better too. I would be surprised if it was great, though, besides e-ink or passive LCD (reflective technologies), no screen has ever been great under direct sunlight ;-)
And for Android not running as well on the TD2 than on the Magic, yes, but the difference should be minimal: the hardware is almost the same, and Android is opensource, so the porting, once the bootloader/HARDSpl is done, should be quite straightforward...
I have owned winmo phones, played with an icrap, and now own a g1, and I will say I'd never ever go back. Android is always improving and will never stop improving. We have a few great developers that are always making this o.s. better. If you are looking for a phone for hardware, wait till one come out with Android. Otherwise get a magic. From what it seems like from your post, you'd be happier with android and the "wow" factor.

Nexus One vs Iphone

im looking to buy a new phone in about a month and im deciding between the nexus one and the iphone. i currently have a HTC Touch Diamond and i have suffered quite a bit with this phone and im doubting the quality of the products that htc makes. i have read all the reviews and the specs and im still finding it hard to choose so i want to find out from u guys here if it is actually the perfect phone or it comes with glitches, and the occasional freezing.
dragonoflight said:
im looking to buy a new phone in about a month and im deciding between the nexus one and the iphone. i currently have a HTC Touch Diamond and i have suffered quite a bit with this phone and im doubting the quality of the products that htc makes. i have read all the reviews and the specs and im still finding it hard to choose so i want to find out from u guys here if it is actually the perfect phone or it comes with glitches, and the occasional freezing.
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If you do want a phone with 3G glitches, faulty software and occasional freezes / reboots then be sure to buy the iPhone. Ask my wife about her wonderful iPhone
Seriously though, just about every modern phone has some flaws and requires a restart every now and again ... its progress
iPhone simple and capable with loads of apps and support, sort of a "Tomy - My First Phone"
Android edgy and capable with loads of apps but not as many as iphone (most companies will release to the iPhone first due to the huge base of customers who will buy).
If you are happy having a simple interface with no options of customisation and are happy never being able to do anything your own way or take shortcuts then the iPhone is for you.
If you are happy to do a bit of tinkering and customise your phone then the Android is for you.
Both are amazing phones and look good and are easy to use. Specs wise Nexus one wins hands down.
If you love google and use Gmail, contacts, etc. And if you dont like iTunes and stuff then Nexus One is definetly the way to go.
But if you like all the crazy apps thats out on the iphone seems quite good for that, however Nexus One has got some really good apps aswell! A lot of people say iPhone is still easier to use. But I would say nexus one is just as easy and highly customizable which is cool.
All comes down to personal preference...
iPhone is obviously more stable seeing as OS 4 is going to come out whereas Android is 2.1, iPhone has less bugs and stuff im guessing..But Nexus one should be no trouble as your everyday phone and internet device!
I always fund iPhone really boring, with out jailbreak there isn't much in it.
Lots of apps and what else? I never had able to figur it out . If you coming from windos mobile i think you should get Nexus. You would love it.
I've been using WM since 1997 (PPC).
I've got my Nexus One yeasterday its my first Android device, i like it.
as far i saw iphone is mostly problem free and i want a phone with causes a little problems a possible but i have been with xda for more than 1 year and have gotten into the habit of customising so a phone with a little change in interface would be nice. the quality of the apps u get in the iphone is extremely good, u always get a nice colour full, smooth and simple interface. i personaly dont know about android apps but my experience of windows mobile apps is that they are ****. they come with 1980 style buttons and some times they don't even fit on ur screen cos thy were build with the developers looking at a different phone and the apps are expensive. so you see i don't want to go through that again.
I'm not sure there is anything such as the perfect phone since everyone has some different interpretation of what that is. I just received my Nexus One yesterday and I'm switching from the iphone, although I have extensive experience with winmo, palm and symbian. A few observations:
Build Quality: this is the best built phone I've seen in a long time. It has the exceptionally solid feel of the iphone, but still gives you the removable battery feature and expandable storage. In addition, it just feels great in the hand, nicely rounded with great build materials. Just overall top notch build and feel.
Software: I spent yesterday evening looking at the applications on my iphone and trying to find comparable ones on Android. I was successful for about 90% of what I use. The applications may look a little different, but the functionality is essentially the same and I haven't had any issues so far. There are a couple that I couldn't yet replace like the kindle app, cnn and the NY times, but I expect they'll be there eventually. A few others like ewallet have equivalent products on android such as splashid.
Useability: The iphone is dead simply which is both a strength and a weakness. I've always found it to be a little too easy and the lack of customization was frustrating as well as the lack of multitasking. I've always found the multitasking issue rather humorous since so much of the tech industry used to point this out as a weakness in the palm os and now the iphone has the same weakness years later and it's not an issue for the writers...go figure. The N1 is not quite as simple as the iphone and you'll probably spend a little more time getting used to it and setup the way you want, but you'll end up with a phone that meets your personal needs as opposed to someone else's view of your needs.
Overall I'm finding it to be a top notch phone that I expect will only get better as the OS continues to evolve. Google seems to be on a pretty regular update cycle and it continues to evolve. As the os attracts more users the applications will continue to grow as well.
One final word. I wouldn't equate the winmo htc experience with what you'll have with an android htc device. Winmo definitely contributes to issues with some of the htc phones. This device is in a whole different league.
here is few questions if you guys could answer it would be really helpful
does it freeze or have problems when running multiple apps?
do the apps have nice interface and are thy smooth?
does it lag alot?
and i herd mutitouch is coming to the google phone does anyone know when?
does it freeze or have problems when running multiple apps? - Nope for me its been pretty smooth, no stuttering at all, Apps open very quickly.
do the apps have nice interface and are thy smooth? - yes most do, there are one or two that do not scale well to the larger screen, these will be fixed with updates, just waiting on the devs to resolve.
does it lag alot? - no lag for me what so ever.
and i herd mutitouch is coming to the google phone does anyone know when?
- no one knows, its been demo'd on the European version of the Nexus One. However you can have multitouch browsing using either a custom ROM (soon to be released) or the Dolphin Browser (free download from the market place).
I know exactly what you're going through with your WinMo and HTC. I had multiple problems with the two just barely working at all. Android is so different but so much easier to find things in. I've played with iPhones and yeah they're fun for a bit but I have a friend with one that has had it for a couple months and is already starting to get bored with it. He says he's jealous of my Android and how much more I can do with it. It always looks different each time he looks at it.
I can tell youre trying to compare the Nexus One to your diamond because Ive used that phone and know what youre talking about with the lag and freezing and theres simply no comparison between the N1 and diamond, if you do get it you will be simply amazed.
I own a nexus, g1, iPhone 2g, and a touch pro 2. I can easily say in terms of speed, battery life, and overall enjoyment, the nexus is easily king. The keyboard is on par with the iPhone as far as usibility, which I could never say about the g1's onscreen. You can still sync your iTunes library with the correct software, it's the best mobile web browsing experiance I've had to date.
Simply put, nexus one ftw!
i think il wait to see how the muti touch on the nexus one turns out. thanks for all ur help!!!
bigger screen, higher resolution, brighter, prettier, easier to unlock and root... none of this cat and mouse crap with apple and the dev team...
I'm sure there are other things to compare..
oh yeah!!! the N! has bluetooth stereo stream and the iphone doesnt...
but, apple is gonna announce a new iphone this feb... so... up to you if you want to wait or not.
The N1 has a 1 Ghz proc, vs iPhone's 600 Mhz,
an 800x480 screen vs iphone's 480x320 (There are as many pixels shoved in the short side of the N1's screen as there are on the entire tall side of the iphone's screen, it's been widely cited as the best looking screen right now, with bright whites and colors and blacks like velvet. It can play full 720p HD video in this resolution.),
512 mb RAM vs. the iPhone's 256 mb, though of course you probably don't need it on the iPhone as you can't even run more than one app at a time (clearly, the iPhone is not a computer)
However, the nexus one doesn't have as many apps. The apps it does have are incredible, though, and you can emulate SNES, download torrents, Remote-desktop to your PC from anywhere with 3G/wifi, run a wireless tether without much trouble. Generally, the kind of stuff Apple would never let you get away with. While Apple has some cooler games, their utilities simply don't stack up.
I know EAXCTLY what you're talking about in terms of HTC and WinMo. I just upgraded from the HTC Touch to the Nexus One. There simply is no comparison, Android is an entirely different animal than WinMo.
As for iPhone vs the N1, the N1 beats it by far in terms of raw specs. In terms of OS vs OS the difference is that with the iPhone you're forced to play in Apple's little sandbox. Highly regulated app store, no "real" customization to speak of. This has the benefit of being an extremely stable and polished OS but if you're used to making things "your own" like I am, it's just not fun.
This is the first Android phone I've had, been using it for almost a week now and I will never look back. I LOVE it. Some of the apps aren't quite as good as they are on the iPhone in no small part due to the nature of Android itself. Developers have to worry about supporting multiple phone specifications and networks. It's very comparable to the Mac vs PC argument. PCs require a bit more maintenance and attention while giving you TONS of options while Macs give you stability and TONS of polish with a bit more limited options.
You mentioned multi-touch, the phone fully supports it at the hardware level. The only "problem" is that it's not supported natively in Google's own apps (everyone assumes this has to do with some legal concern of Google's). Developers can use the API in their apps to fully take advantage of this support and many already do. I use the Dolphin Browser over the one that comes pre-loaded and the multi-touch in it is FANTASTIC. Best part is that unlike the iPhone it auto re-scales things for you to keep them readable.
I hoping to get multi touch as soon as N1 Euro out via custom roms.
Nexus could be superior all around if our apps would mature a bit more. Yes we're growing in apps, but they lack polish. You can look at many of our apps and go "Yeah thats clearly made by an engineer". They work great, but one reason the IPhone sells is because it is pure sexy in just about all forms.
The iPhone and the Nexus One are two different beasts, multi touch is something you dont use that often as you think when you are on the iPhone. When I had the iPhone(1st gen) multi touch was on, the kb, the browser, the photo viewer, and later on gimmicky apps that just came out.
I think of the iPhone more like a PS3 whereas android phones are more like a computer
iphone or android?
its how tech savy you are, ad how much you want to learn ot use something.
the iphone is simple. you hit a button, it responds instantely and it does exactly what it said it was going to do.
andriod is more advanced. alot more ways to customize it but it comes with a learning curve. this curve isnt as bad as the winmo one but it does exsist.
so it comes down to power vs simplicity. id go for power

Nexous one Vs HD2

So i read all the forums on here and the HD2 guys are talking S*** on the n1 so what do you think about the HD2 and why do you think the nexous one is better.
The funny thing is they are all wanting to flash android on there phones
the only reason the Hd2 is even selling is you can buy it in a store unlike the n1 and it has sins U.i
sn95chico said:
So i read all the forums on here and the HD2 guys are talking S*** on the n1 so what do you think about the HD2 and why do you think the nexous one is better.
The funny thing is they are all wanting to flash android on there phones
the only reason the Hd2 is even selling is you can buy it in a store unlike the n1 and it has sins U.i
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Let them say what they want. I've played with an HD2 and its a really good device but i prefer my N1 because of android Although that Evo is looking MIGHTY delicious . I could care less if the HD2 is outselling the N1. The iphone is outselling everything but that doesnt make it a better device
Yeah, I think the HD2 could be an awesome phone if it ran Android, but with WinMo...no thanks. I used to be a WinMo fan before Android came around but there's no way I could go back now, even with Sense trying to hide it.
I have both and am a LONG time windows mobile user....
With that being said, I prefer and regularly use the N1.
I love the screen size on the HD2, and I like the design of the phone more (except when holding it while actually using it as a phone...the N1 is much more comfortable obviously), but when it comes to software and use, the N1 has it beat. Both the HD2 and the N1 have custom roms....if I had to compare the two stock vs stock, they'd be a little closer to equal. I love the sense interface, so having the Desire ROM helped quite a bit. My primary e-mail addresses are hosted through Gmail, and I use that for syncing contacts, and calendar. For multimedia, the Pandora, Last.fm, and slacker apps are much better on the N1, as are the social apps; I'm still looking for an app similar to TCPMP for Android. QuickOffice is sufficient for my business needs as well.
Took around a week to get use to navigating and controlling Android after years of using WM & PPC. I miss some basic functions like using AEButtonPlus and TaskFacade for quick and easy task switching, but I just recently installed TaskOS and it's great...too bad it doesn't have an exposé like interface.
BOTH have obnoxious screen accuracy issues. The HD2 has occasional hiccups and spikes, while the N1 registers presses WAY off from where you press your finger until you turn off the screen, then back on again. HTC, upgrade the damn clearpad.
I checked out the HD2 at the T-Mobile store.
MASSIVE screen is all I thought, personally I wouldn't want to carry it around. The n1 is a little on the big side already for me.
I had my HD2 for about 1-2 weeks and loved it the first day.
Then I saw the ugly side of winmo...I traded it for a nexus and I'm happier than ever.

I know you want it, but do you r-e-a-l-l-y want it?

I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).
audscott said:
I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).
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Android to me is way better then windows mobile.
android way better than winmo?
i agree absolutely -it is not even close in terms of speed and stability. I have had a winmo phone for years (htc vogue) and 6 months ago i put android on it -WOW! i will never go back again. Just to be sure i flashed a streamlined, upgraded (winmo 6.5) version back on my phone...again, in terms of speed/stability no contest. As for features...android is light years better -and will most likely stay ahead of the curve. Now android is coming to cars, microwaves, tv's and more. ...will be nice to have your android apps (widgets) on the screen of you tv if you please. Winmo simply won't be able to compete w/ the android!! ...btw, i also recently purchased an htc hd2 from T-mobile (returned it. thought maybe i couldn't wait for an android version and figured it would be ported anyway...just wasn't worth the return to winmo)
audscott said:
I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).
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Keep in mind that I don't have an official android phone, the vogue was made 3 years ago and officially stopped at WM6.1, android is not ment to be on this phone but still runs beautifully.
I've been using the HTC vogue on sprint for a year, I had it running with windows mobile for the first 8 months, 3 of which were stock rom (i didn't know better), 5 were NFSFANS 6.5 build (a very good build), and lately the lovely people managed to put android on it, even with NAND.
When the G1 first came out, it looked cool until I tried it. 10 minutes with that device and I was floored, the speed, smoothness, useability, flair of the android operating system just blew me away. The second I put android on my vogue, I was hooked.
I personally think that android is way better then winmo, sure there's some things that windows mobile can do that android isn't able to do yet. Here's a handful of tasks and how each system handles them:
WM = windows mobile 6.5
Music Formats
WM = due to how long WM has been around in general, there's a million programs that can handle anything you throw at it, from aac to mp3
Android = supports aac, midi, mp3, wave, ogg natively. I don't know about 3rd party apps
Video Formats
WM = with the player TCPMP and the codecs you can play just about anything
Android = only supports H.263, H.264, MPEG-4 natively, to my knowledge no app is out yet to support more
WM = wm's threaded text messaging is nice, but it seems so clunky. It was slow and annoying, soon as i got over 100 messages it would lag extensively while opening and closing the threads
Android = I haven't seen any problem with the messaging app, even with 1500+ messages
WM = I had some push email with a sprint service but it was buggy and didn't really work
Android = gmail works beautifully, I haven't tried another email yet
Overall use
WM = seems clunky, IMO because it was built piece by piece, never really upgrading just tacking on more stuff and glitter
Android = since it was built from scratch it's much faster and cleaner
To me, android wins, if I had to go back to windows mobile it would be at gun point.
WOW!! Amazing responses. Thanks so much - I'm on board and I'll get the little woman (looks over shoulder) a new droid too.
I haven't used a Windows Mobile phone since the T-Mobile MDA, and even then, it was my dad's. Here's what I know:
Android Browser: Based on Webkit and in 2.1 supports HTML5 and other new standards. Compared to WinMo, which runs a pathetic version of IE. Not dogging on it, as it was one of the first mobile browsers capable of desktop sites, but the newer tech allows for a lot of web based apps and smoother browsing.
Android Market: Second largest app market for a smartphone. Lots of great apps and widgets, that easily rival iPhone apps. They are also easy to code and it doesn't cost much either.
Android has a much nicer UI. It uses homescreens with widgets, wallpapers and shortcuts. There is an app drawer to access all the apps with one swipe.
Android is just as customizable as WinMo, probably more since its open source. Easily make deep level changes, or just change wallpapers. Awesome devs working on stuff too.
Android isn't as good at media as some phones. From what I remember of WinMo, its not exactly a thrilling experience either. Nevertheless, if you want good media, Zune or even iPods are better than phones, especially since they have their own batteries and smartphones don't exactly last all that long.
Basically, I recommend Android over anything. The Google integration is awesome of course, and allows for some excellent base services that keep in sync with the cloud. There is still some fine tuning, but same can be said of WinMo. 2.2 should be out soon and it is 4.5 times as fast as 2.1, so major speed boost.
If you are looking at a specific phone, HTC Evo, Nexus One, and Droid Incredible are your best options. All feature fast processors (snapdragon) and plenty of Rom/Ram. Should see apps on sd cards in a near future release. Evo is probably the very best, since it includes everything you could possibly fit in a phone and still keep it in a pocket.
Good luck with your decision.

Why Did You Chose the HD2?

I got my HD2 about 6 months ago and love it. There are many small reasons why I chose it over others:
1. I use Hotmail, MSN Messenger, Media Player, etc so Windows Mobile would suit me without having to open any new accounts.
2. The hardware. It was (and still is) one of the most powerful phones in terms of hardware.
3. Physical Buttons. I tried using my Dad's Touch HD and got really annoyed when using the 4 buttons on the bottom because there was no instant feedback as to whether it had recognised that you'd pressed it. There was a slight vibration but it's not the same as the 'click' of an actual button. Also, if the phone is on a go slow then the vibrate confirmation wouldn't kick in for a few seconds meaning that you'd think it didn't register, and then pressing it multiple times.
4. Big screen. I would have loved a physical keyboard, but I realise that to have one, it would mean extra bulk. I liked the bigger screen because it means that the keys on the keyboard aren't too small. The keyboard on my ipod touch can feel fiddly sometimes and feels a bit small for everyday use.
5. This site. I don't know how well WinMo would do without all of the XDA Devs but they really do add a lot more functionality. My hat goes off to all of you!
I would add Android as well to the list but it was only a pipe dream when I first got my phone and wasn't a deciding factor.
I was just wondering what the reason you all had for choosing the HD2 over other phones? It'll be interesting to see what you all have to say
Mostly due to the fact that is probably the last GREAT WinMo phone before WP7 comes on the scene and kills off the most customisable mobile OS left.
It's a phone, it's a music player, it's a satnav, it's cheaper and it has a better screen than an iphone.
Mostly due to the big screen and the hardware of it, I wasn't too bothered atleast about the apps since I already have an ipod touch so I normally carry that around so I get the best of both worlds especially cause I can share the itnernet from my phone to my ipod.
But mostly it was the big screen, really makes surfing the web the easiest of all phones I find
i was between Desire and HD2. I like android more, but crappy touchscreen(as seen on google) made me turn to hd2.
not sorry for one moment about that choice
1. I'm comfortable with WinMo
2. My work has an app that needs WinMo. In recent months I found that I won't be needing to run that app, however.
3. It's customizable. iPhone still seems like a smartphone for dummies.
4. I guess this is part of #3, I want to have my information in front of me, now and on a big screen. On one customized screen, I know the weather, time, email count, messages, and most importantly, upcoming events. With iPhone, I'd have to go into apps looking for the information. It's what-to-do (WinMo) vs what-can-I-do (iPhone).
5. Form factor. At first I thought the screen might be too big. Now I won't get a phone with anything smaller. It's thin too. When I first got it, I felt like I was holding a picture frame to my head.
6. At the time it wasn't a factor, but dual boot to Android is fantastic. I'm actually running Android all the time. There's not much missing from mattc froyo build.
I had faith that the guys from xda would force android on to the hd2. The a number one reason why no other phone matters is cause of the screen size. atleast on t-mobile.
soon as i saw the wiper on the weather i had to have one,lol, hated it for a fair while.....after getting brave, cant stop playing with it, now love it!!!
The flashlight...
The big screen and the hardware. I also took a calculated risk that it would be updated to 7 series. DOH!
I bought it because....
.....actually i owned an iphone 3gs for 2 days but then it got stuck and couldnt turn on..
So i sended it back to apple store and i was waiting till they fix it, but it took them so long so i bought the leo while waiting for the iphone 2 b repaird...
i remember it was monday when i bought my leo, and as soon i had the box in my hands they called back from apple store and said - sorry we cant repair your iphone so you get a NEW one
But then i kept my leo and sold the iphone, and i havent regret at all!!!!
i HATE iphones (anything with that stupid piece of fruit on it actually!) and this is pretty much as opposite to an iphone as it gets; its ot a good screen, a good camera with a flash, it can be tweaked/hacked/modified and its using fast, new hardware. i had a nokia n95 before this, and the screen was huge in comparison-and so thin! ive dipped in and out of windows mobile so had some expeience with it. i used pocket pc 2002, windows mobile 5 (t-mobile mda vario 3) which is when i first used xda to get wm6 onto it. since then i couldnt find a pda that did everything i wanted. now my hd2 has replaced my camera, my mp3 player, my usb flash drive, and is now my main device for news/weather and social networking. the big screen makes things so easy, and despite the heavily biased reviews that all seem to say something along the lines of 'well its not an iphone so its rubbish', im very very happy with it. only thing i sacrificed was battery life, as my n95 could probably go a day on heavy use, whereas the hd2 will be dead early evening time. ive also developed paranoia about scratching/cracking the lovely big screen on it
i was gonna get a desire but (imho) its butt ugly i really liked the look of the hd2 but wasnt too sure about winmo however when i saw the development going on in the forums i decided to get a hd2 and havent looked back
In the Poll I chose 'Other' because ALL of the other options applied to me....
Why I chose the HD2....
1. 1Ghz CPU
I remember the first widely available 1Ghz DESKTOP Processors. I remember being in awe of the GIGAHERTZ trophy everyone wanted. I remember being amazed at the fact that a home computer could have a ~1000Mhz CPU.
I remember a similar feeling when I heard about the HD2
2. My last phone was a Touch Pro2 and in the short time I had it I actually grew to love Windows mobile Probably because it was my first ever smartphone (previously a samsung jet owner).
I decided the TP2s successor should have WinMo too! .
The HD2 was the obvious choice.
The thought of having a free upgrade to Windows phone7 swung the decission even further in the hd2s favour.
3. THE SCREEN = BIG. Not amoled like the jet etc. but BIG, with good resolution, decent coulours and brightness.
4. After dabbling with android on the TP2 very briefly, I did some research and found that Android on the HD2 was probably coming withing 6 months. Case closed.... this was the deciding factor for me (coupled with the fact that I liked winmo too).
5. ANDROID! (mentioned above, but its worth mentioning twice )
One very happy HD2 Dual-booter
I bought my HD2 about a month ago now. I bought it because of the hardware inside it. I kinda enjoy the fact that its almost as powerful as my wifes laptop!
Having been a fan of HTC for many many years, its nice to know that my phone is 4 times better than the Iphones and cost me half as much!
Ive been using wm6.5 ozrom with no problems (except not being able to connect to the internet sometimes, i believe this is more the chinese network rather than the phone!)
Pleased as punch with it and kudos to HTC showing yet again, that they rock!
I bought it because of the screen & processor(and because thanks to Radio Shack's kickass trade-in program, I was able to get it for EIGHT DOLLARS!), but the biggest reason was because the HD2 is probably the last great, REAL WinMo phone we'll see before Win7(AKA Buzz Killington) comes out & ends an era. The death of WM is gonna be a really hard pill to swallow, nigh on impossible actually, but having the last real WM phone might soften the blow a bit.
I really hope that communities like this one keep WM alive for as long as possible.
Viva LA WM!!!
WM will never die!!!!
The manufacturers may stop making devices but the community will never die!!!
Long live WM!!
just 3reason. i choose hd2 because of fast gps reciver phone,support garmin software and big screen.
I moved to Leo because my Rhodium was too slow and I took the hardest desicion of leaving real keyboard device for Leo, I am very satisfied with the performance and now more fun having Android too!
But still miss a real keyboard...
Well said!!!:
rmdeathwish said:
WM will never die!!!!
The manufacturers may stop making devices but the community will never die!!!
Long live WM!!
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