[KERNEL] adb "cannot run as root in production builds" fix - Galaxy S I9000 General

Discovering "adb shell" gave joy, experiencing the shell as minimal bash with awful line handling (backspace and command recall) gave annoyance, experiencing "adb root" refusing access gave frustration.
After some tracking, it turns out that adbd behaviour is determined by the property "ro.debuggable" which is set during system init. The initial value is located in the file "/default.prop". In JP6 it is set to 0 resulting is adbd refusing access. However, set to 1, "adbd root" will give the much better response of "restarting adbd as root".
Once set, the property value cannot be changed. To get this fixed you need to change the contents of the file default.prop which is located in the initial ramdisk image.
Optionally, you can put a replacement shell in /sbin of in ramdisk image so that when connected "exec bash" will make things more relaxing. I attached the version I am using, which is statically linked with ncurses/readline.
There is also a simple patch to unlock adbd if you dislike opening and rebuilding the ramdisk image. However, you do need binoffset which is located in the scripts directory of the linux source tree.
ofs=`scripts/binoffset initramfs.cpio \`echo -n 'debuggable=0' | od -t u1 -An\` 2>/dev/null`
echo 'debuggable=1' | dd bs=1 seek=$ofs conv=notrunc of=initramfs.cpio

Thanks...any help though?
Hi....thanks for the fix....could you point me to a decent howto on editting the initial ramdisk?

it doesn't sound simple
i will try to figure that one out ...

Dear Hexabit,
I know it's an old topic.
But do you know how can I use this Fix on a windows 7?
tried searching for binoffset software/script..couldn't find anything
I have a Flytouch 3 tablet, rooted(Z4) with terminal emulator and root explorer.
is there a way to use you bash.rar to unlock adb access?
thanks for the help

doekoe87 said:
Dear Hexabit,
I know it's an old topic.
But do you know how can I use this Fix on a windows 7?
tried searching for binoffset software/script..couldn't find anything
I have a Flytouch 3 tablet, rooted(Z4) with terminal emulator and root explorer.
is there a way to use you bash.rar to unlock adb access?
thanks for the help
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you have to split the kernel, then decompile the ramdisk and edit default.prop and change ro.debuggable to 1, then recompile and flash

confuse but giving me a clue
I use unpackbootimg in my ubuntu pc.
The adb root works not properly after set debuggable=1.
When I saw your thread that told the adbd should be unlocked too, then I replace the adbd with a unlocked one. It works!
Thanks for your help.

I am sorry but I don't understand how to use the file.

teoking said:
I use unpackbootimg in my ubuntu pc.
The adb root works not properly after set debuggable=1.
When I saw your thread that told the adbd should be unlocked too, then I replace the adbd with a unlocked one. It works!
Thanks for your help.
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I can upload nothing to my root catalog of my phone.
So how could I use the adbd file in this case?
Phone is rooted but I have a problem with adb root command like subject of this topic is.

Can u help me with the process because I kept the file in /sbin but still it's not working.

Active system
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root Tattoo with Mac

Hey Boys and Girls,
where i can find an manual to root the tattoo with a mac?
sorry, i have search for this, but i cant find information for this
I don't thing that there is a difference.
As soon as you have SDK installed and adb works, the commands are the same.
i'm also doing all the rooting process from mac, just put the directory contain 'adb' shell into your home/user places and executing it with 'terminal'..
Same here, using a Mac ever since and also using it for Android development. Due to the underlying Unix core of OS X you just have to follow the steps as described for Linux. If it's just adb commands it's the same on every platform anyway.
You might want to add a
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/yourusername/android.sdk/tools
to your .bash_profile file in your home folder so you don't have to cd to the SDK tools folder everytime. Happy rooting!
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
Okay thanks for yours answers but i'm a newbie.
the background story is, I want to edit the boot.mp3. Because the startsound is really annoying
So i have download SDK, open the terminal and switch to usb-debbugging mode on my tattoo.
And now? sorry, I'm still missing a few knowledge
thanks for your help
well just use the various adb commands in Terminal Just type in "adb", press enter and you'll get a list of all possible commands. Assuming you've added the path to your sdk tools folder to your bash profile. Otherwise just drag & drop the adb binary from the tools folder onto your Terminal window, et voila.
The most used commands are probably push and pull where you can, well, push stuff to your phone or pull it to your computer.
So if you want to modify the boot.mp3 you would pull the original from the phone to your computer, modify it and push it back, overwriting the original file. In Terminal speak: ;-)
adb pull /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Please note depending on the ROM you're using the paths may be different. To browse the device via Terminal type in "adb shell" and make a simple "ls" to list the directories, "cd" to change directories etc.
Or if you just want to use another mp3:
adb push /path/to/whatever.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Again, on the Mac you can just drag & drop files onto the Terminal to get their full Unix paths like to your custom mp3
Thanks a lot. i love it its really simple
and now i have load and edit the the boot.mp3. But i can't push it to my tattoo, because i can only read but not write
I have tried to root my phone with "adb root" but it is the message "adbd cannot run as root in production builds"
Terminal: "adb remount", then push again
damn the next bad message "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
You need to root your phone first.
Okay i have executed the instructions. But I've stop at this part:
You should get something like this:
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
uid=0(root) is important.
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Yes i've root but i'cant download the "su binary" because its doesnt exist.
But its absolute essential to need the "su binary" to only copy the boot.mp3 to my phone? Or there is an other way? What are the commands to push the boot.mp3 back to may tattoo then i'm in the root mode like >> "#".
okay hope you understand me
You need "su" to do root stuff... no other way.
Download the package from 1 click root thread and find "su" there...
now, i have install the su binary. Then i does this command
user:~ user$ /Users/user/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb shell
$ /data/local/bin/su
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And now? Is there a comand to push the boot.mp3 back to the phone in this mode >> "#" ?
I have try to open an new terminal window and type
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
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but the answer is
failed to copy '/Users/android-sdk-mac_86/boot.mp3' to '/system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3': Permission denied
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and adb remount doesnt work to
You also need tattoo-hack.ko file and do insmod tattoo-hack.ko to make /system writable.
Or even better... flash custom amon_ra recovery image and then a custom rom with all this already included.
Mine for example http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=702401
It doesnt have boot sound enabled
Okay thank you very much.
now it was successful

Temp root on 2.3.20 firmware

It's not pretty, but I managed to get the exploit used by Archangel to work on the 2.3.20 firmware. Hopefully someone can think of something to automate this process, or knows of a better way to do this.
I believe what Archos is doing is simply restricting your ability to execute the Archangel application in the required directories, with the addition of the psneuter exploit, you can get around this.
This exploit requires that you have ADB setup, the Archangel APK, and the psneuter exploit.
Create a folder on your computer titled archosroot (or anything you would like)
Download Archangel from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=928767 rename the apk to zip and extract the files.
From the extracted files navigate to "res" then to "raw"
In this folder copy "ls" and "su" to your "archosroot" folder
Download psneuter from http://www.thinkthinkdo.com/trac/project1/attachment/wiki/psneuter/psneuter.zip and extract the files.
Copy the extracted psneuter to your "archosroot" folder.
Enable USB Debugging on your Archos, and connect it to your computer with USB.
From a command prompt, navigate to the directory ADB is installed in.
Verify that the device is connected by running
adb devices
Your archos should be listed, if not please refer to the forum on how to setup ADB for the archos
Once your archos is detected run the following commands.
adb push pathto\archosroot\psneuter /data/local/tmp
(replace pathto with the location your archosroot folder is in, for example c:\archosroot\psneuter)
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
This may take a few moments
Copy ls and su to your sdcard
adb push pathto\archosroot\ls /sdcard
adb push pathto\archosroot\su /sdcard
Connect to the shell
adb shell
move ls and su to /tmp
mv /sdcard/ls /tmp/
mv /sdcard/su /tmp/
Execute the ls exploit
/tmp/ls 0x62c7a315 0x260de680
Install the superuser application from the market (if you don't already have it)
You should now be able to run su to get root access from a terminal.
Note 1: I was previously rooted with archangel so I already had these files, I have not tried without the files being installed at all, however since this is only a temp root, the process should be the same.
Note 2: I was not able to get Titanium Backup to work, it could be the psneuter exploit prevents the application from properly requesting the right permissions.
This is good, but you should post this in the developer sup-forum
its too hard to do this for beginners
Thanks! It's very simple instruction, will try it today. As easy as install Urukdroid.
I postponed to upgrage to 2.3.20 just due to lack of root method without SDK.
I need the root just for copy some scripts to \system\bin
this has already been done in the following thread with perm root.
Firmwares have already been made that include overclock as well, the first post reveals all.
the_Danzilla , the way you pointed to requires SDE installation. I don't want to use SDE.
Inciner8Fire said:
Download psneuter from http://www.thinkthinkdo.com/trac/project1/attachment/wiki/psneuter/psneuter.zip and extract the files.
Copy the extracted psneuter to your "archosroot" folder.
Enable USB Debugging on your Archos, and connect it to your computer with USB.
From a command prompt, navigate to the directory ADB is installed in.
Verify that the device is connected by running
adb devices
Your archos should be listed, if not please refer to the forum on how to setup ADB for the archos
Once your archos is detected run the following commands.
adb push pathto\archosroot\psneuter /data/local/tmp
(replace pathto with the location your archosroot folder is in, for example c:\archosroot\psneuter)
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
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From what I can read psneuter is a root exploit for the adbd service. So you don't need archangel to complete the root.
Can you verify what user adbd is running after you execute psneuter.
adb shell whoami
The other thing that is mentioned in the first lines of the source code of psneuter is that it effectively disables reading the settings this will probably affect a lot of programs and probably is the reason Titanium backup is not working. So this method is effectively useless to have a working root.
wdl1908 said:
From what I can read psneuter is a root exploit for the adbd service. So you don't need archangel to complete the root.
Can you verify what user adbd is running after you execute psneuter.
adb shell whoami
The other thing that is mentioned in the first lines of the source code of psneuter is that it effectively disables reading the settings this will probably affect a lot of programs and probably is the reason Titanium backup is not working. So this method is effectively useless to have a working root.
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I was doing some more looking and you are right that because of breaking the settings this is not a good long term root.
However I would not call it useless, since you should be able to manually back up an application.
Perhaps the property file that this setting is in can be modified with this, so that it can be rooted using a more standard method.
Not sure what I did, but I was able to get root with the properties intact.
My archos had froze today and I was forced to power it off so I know the properties were no longer be neutered. I was looking at some of the properties files and for the heck of it I tried running su from a terminal, and it worked.
I opened Titanium backup and it prompted for root permissions.
Perhaps something about the forced power cycle?
I found out that when I connect to a wireless network (as required by archangel) if the disable network shares option is chosen it's not possible to root.
However it would appear that if you connect and don't select this option Archangel will still work.
I suppose there could be something else I did without realizing it, but this has worked after rebooting 5 times so far.

[TUTORIAL] How to Manually ROOT your RK3066 Device (UG007, iMitio MX1/2, mk808?)

These are instructions for rooting Android devices that utilize the RK3066 chipset (Cortex A9 Dual Core, MALI Quad-Core GFX).
I have tested and verified that these instructions work for the UG007 Android-on-a-stick...they *should* work with any other devices that utilize the same USB chipset. I can almost guarantee this will work on the Imito MX1/2 as you can swap ROMS from this device.
(Basically, if you have the right ADB drivers, you should be good to go)
As per every other thread you read on this site - I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES YOU MAY CAUSE TO YOUR DEVICE.
This is a fairly risk-free mod, but you know...$hit happens.
Okay. Let's start.
THIS TUTORIAL ASSUMES YOU HAVE ADB AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT, and that you're in a Windows environment. There are numerous places on the web where you can find this info...and I ain't yo mamma.
1. Download all the files attached to this thread.
2. Attach your RK3066 device to your computer via it's microUSB port. You'll need to have it hooked to a display too.
3. Once booted, go to system settings. Under settings > developer options, enable USB Debugging. Under settings > USB, click "connect to computer" (This may vary depending on your ROM configuration. The point here is to have debugging enabled and your computer to recognize the stick in device manager as something other than USB storage)
4. Extract the right drivers for your system (x86/x64)
5. Go to device manager on your computer. Look for the new "unknown device". Right-click, pick "update driver software"., "browse my computer".
6. Browse to wherever you extracted the drivers in step 4. Click Next. Confirm that you want to install.
7. Open a command window in the directory where you have ADB. Type "adb devices". Still nothing, right?
8. Navigate to C:\users\MYUSERNAME\.android, where "MYUSERNAME" is your User Name. (Duh?)
9. Create a file called adb_usb.ini
10. Open it in a text editor. Add the following string and save (This tells ADB to look for our Vendor ID:
11. You should now be able to type "adb devices" at CMD and see your device.
12. Now for the fun. Extract the stuff from "pushme" to the same directory as ADB.
13. Enter the following commands (note: The "$" and "#" symbols do not get keyed in):
adb push psneuter /data/local/tmp
adb shell
$ cd /data/local/tmp
$ chmod 777 psneuter
$ ./psneuter
14. Psneuter should run and close shell when done. Enter MOAR commands:
adb kill-server
adb devices
adb shell
15. Take a good look. Is there now a "#" sign? Good. You now have root access. You may continue. If not, then proceed to go yell at me in the comments. If yes, then proceed to enter the last batch of commands to make your newfound privileges permanent:
mount -o remount,rw -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system
adb push busybox /system/bin
adb push su /system/bin
adb install Superuser.apk
adb shell
# chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
# chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
# mount -o remount,ro -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system
# exit
adb reboot
After a reboot, download a root app from Play Store to see if it worked! I find Root Checker is boffo for this sort of thing:
Aaron Orquia @ Pocketables.com for the original "universal" root method.
AMJtech's tutorial where I found working ADB drivers and the adb_usb.ini bit to get it recognized.
The guy(s) who make Super1ClickRoot for putting all the necessary files in one easy-to-find spot.
Thanks for this tutorial.
A couple of notes:
Wow !! That's a lot of extra steps for you Windows users. Mac and Linux users start at step 11 (but if you are a Mac or Linux user, you already knew that. )
Linux: If the device still does not show up in Step 11, post, and I can help (Hint: It may not be /just/ the udev stuff.)
Is step 13 necessary? adb remount works on mine. (not sure if I had to adb root first or not) but I can have a root shell via adb without psnueter.
If adb remount succeeds, skip step 14, and continue with the 3rd line of step 15.
Linuxslate said:
Thanks for this tutorial.
A couple of notes:
Wow !! That's a lot of extra steps for you Windows users. Mac and Linux users start at step 11 (but if you are a Mac or Linux user, you already knew that. )
Linux: If the device still does not show up in Step 11, post, and I can help (Hint: It may not be /just/ the udev stuff.)
Is step 13 necessary? adb remount works on mine. (not sure if I had to adb root first or not) but I can have a root shell via adb without psnueter.
If adb remount succeeds, skip step 14, and continue with the 3rd line of step 15.
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Thanks for the input! Yes, yes, I know windoze makes more work. It's also pretty widespread for folks.
For step 13 - I think it depends on the device. It would be nice for others to weigh in and let me know if it's needed. If not, I can totally remove it.
Also, in the other ROM thread, I made, it's even easier to root - you just grab one of the pre-rooted ROMS and drop it in SD card...the system does the rest. Mind you, this is for the UG007.
Links UG007
If you Bluetooth connection is not working properly, try to install this custom ROM: http://blog.geekbuying.com/index.php/category/android-tv-stick-tv-box/ug007/
How to install CWM-based Recovery: http://androtab.info/clockworkmod/rockchip/
Both worked for me. I was able to connect my BT Keyboard/Mouse Pad combo
Failed to set prot mask (Inappropriate ioctl for device) ??
nice tutorial.. while finding the best way to work my ug007 i stumbled upon this thread via armtvtech.com
currently i only knew this tutorial to root the device, but looking at yours ill give it a try first.
digitalhigh said:
Also, in the other ROM thread, I made, it's even easier to root - you just grab one of the pre-rooted ROMS and drop it in SD card...the system does the rest. Mind you, this is for the UG007.
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you cant install custom roms without flashmode, cant do flashmode without opening device.. or did i get it wrong!? talking about the ug007
actually you can install a custom rom once you are rooted without opening the device, here
Linuxslate said:
(Hint: It may not be /just/ the udev stuff.)
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ehm.. im still preparing to root, i guess you hint at the android sdk?
if not ill holla back at you and complain why you didnt write it out in first place
but very good to know that i skip alot by "almost" only installing ubuntu to a vm
I may be missing something, but I couldn't get this to work on my UG007
psneuter didn't work for me, gave me an error about 'invalid ioctl' or something. But the strangest thing is that "adb shell" already shows the # in the prompt.
To confirm my suspitions, I also typed "adb root", which returned "adb is already running as root".
So I proceeded with the rest of the instructions. No errors appeared, installed Superuser and I can see su and busybox in system/bin
But when I download root checker it says it wasn't properly rooted. installing terminal and type "su" says permission denied - and that's it.
Am I missing something? I'm new to this rooting thing, so please don't be angry with my noobish questions
I managed to do it - but *not* by following this tutorial.
I used this: armtvtech.com/armtvtechforum/viewtopic.php?t=28 (Cant post links yet, sorry!)
Only ran the "TPSarky-VonDroid-Root" bat, and presto! I had root on UG007.
I even fixed the changing MAC address problem with wlan.ko from armtvtech.com/armtvtechforum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=632&start=10 (link on page 2). I just copied it to /data/local/tmp, set permissions as rwr--r-- and then used root explorer to copy it to /system/lib/modules - now I have wifi signal every time I boot the device, and don't need to mess with my router config every time
I also manage to get xbox360 wired controller working. xpad.ko on /data/local/tmp and then insmod /data/local/tmp/xpad.ko - just connect the joystick after that, and it will be recognized. Only problem is, after a reboot I have to insmod again.
I tried doing the same thing I did with wlan.ko, but nothing happens - system won't load it on boot. Am I missing something here?
The psneuter is broken
I'm on Linux, running a RK3066, and psneuter gives "Failed to set prot mask (Inappropriate ioctl for device)". Running Ice Cream Sandwich 4.1.1, kernel 3.0.8+, build RK30_anpei10w1am-r4.0.57.20121207, A10-2 cpu.
SLotman said:
I may be missing something, but I couldn't get this to work on my UG007
psneuter didn't work for me, gave me an error about 'invalid ioctl' or something. But the strangest thing is that "adb shell" already shows the # in the prompt.
To confirm my suspitions, I also typed "adb root", which returned "adb is already running as root".
So I proceeded with the rest of the instructions. No errors appeared, installed Superuser and I can see su and busybox in system/bin
But when I download root checker it says it wasn't properly rooted. installing terminal and type "su" says permission denied - and that's it.
Am I missing something? I'm new to this rooting thing, so please don't be angry with my noobish questions
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Try renaming old "su".
Check permissions on the su and busybox you installed.
MK808, MK809 [model T002], and the MK802 III anyone?
Thanks OP for this information.
I have a Samsung S3 [my first android device] which I rooted with no problem, but am a total noob when it comes to these android sticks.
One can say they are very similar, so I wont be completely in the dark. OK, now that we got that out of the way...
Can anyone please confirm whether they have used this with the MK808, MK809 [model T002], and the MK802 III,
I have ordered these from 1 from amazon and 2 from ebay and am expecting delivery shortly, therefore I just want to make sure before I go bricking them one by one...
I notice that they all have RK3066 Cortex A9 chips but are manufactured by different companies. The ones I see on eBay, although they all bear the same code MK8xx, they all look very different! I presume the MK8xx code is a universal model?? just like 80486 was to the PC? given the case does this method work universally?
I intend to set them up with XBMC media centres and to use with a Xbox controller. Any advice on the best way for achieving this would be nice too.
Linuxslate said:
Thanks for this tutorial.
Linux: If the device still does not show up in Step 11, post, and I can help (Hint: It may not be /just/ the udev stuff.)
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Linuxslate, I have an MK808 that shows up in lsusb as 2207:300a when I put it in "flash mode" but it never shows up via "adb devices".
I got mine the other day and it turned out to be rooted already?
I decided to install SuperSu and that's how I found out it was rooted.
Immediately, installed Busybox, System Tuner Pro and Titanium Backup.
Rob sent this from his SPH-D710 via Tapatalk
So would this possibly work on this - http://www.zoostorm.com/Products/357-zoostorm-sl8-3305-1030-tablet-pc.aspx
States it's a Rockchip RK3066 Cortex A9 Dual Core 1.5GHz, running 4.1.1 Jelly Bean, quite interested in getting one & root would be a bonus.
psneuter broken
the psneuter attached to the first post doesn't do anything to my ug007. I have the same error others have posted here and haven't gotten a reply about.
To unlock, I used the script that's mentioned in a post above, TPSarky-VonDroid-Root. If you google that, you'll find a download link amongst the results.
Thank u very much...:thumbup:
Linuxslate said:
Try renaming old "su".
Check permissions on the su and busybox you installed.
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Can you elaborate a little bit what you mean by renaming "su"?
I'm having the same issue..
Both su and busybox are having the same permission -rwsr-xr-x.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
I configured one of these at work. Upon using the terminal app and typing in su I got the # sign. They seem to come from the factory rooted already.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
ageerer84 said:
I configured one of these at work. Upon using the terminal app and typing in su I got the # sign. They seem to come from the factory rooted already.
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Not exactly: this particular su can be used only from adb console, or at least that how it was on my tablet. So you need to replace it with a Superuser apk's su to get all features of rooted android. You can get one e.g. from FDroid
Not sure what u mean by on your tablet. Android devices don't typically come rooted but I was surprised to have root access via terminal emulator on this stick PC. I just took it out of the box and definitely didn't have to go through the adb interface on a computer to flash superuser or what have you. Is this just me or is this a typical experience with this particular device?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

[HOW-TO] Lenovo IdeaTab A1000 Rooting

By attempting these steps, your warranty will be void. Even worse than that, it might cause crashes, freezes, random explosions, 2nd degree burns, or even turn your beloved tab into $100+ paperweight. What works on mine might not work on yours, so don't attempt if you don't know what you're doing. Do at your own risk. Corrections are welcome. I must admit that I'm not an expert, so any info I posted might be wrong, and I can't offer you much help. I'm not responsible for anything arising from the use of this how-to. I can only wish you good luck.
- Without root or OTA upgrades (at time of writing, Indonesian customers still can't get it), you'll be stuck with ~500MB internal memory. That's annoying.
- You're stuck with the default IO scheduler (cfq) and governor (hybrid, haven't heard that one..)
- You have an incredibly large amount of bloatware you can't get rid of, in that already cramped up internal storage
- Did I mention freedom?
This method is originally used to root Acer Iconia B1-A71. Somehow I noticed that the two actually has the same chipset, MTK8317 (if it really was relevant ). So I tried the method, and through sheer n00b's luck, it worked like a charm!
Lenovo IdeaPad A1000-G --> 4GB storage, 2G/EDGE. This method haven't been tested on A1000-T/F, different storage cap (16GB, etc.) or other variants, but it should work with slight modification. Screenshots of my specs are attached below. Remember, proceed at your own risk!
A Linux System. Never tried on Windows or Mac. I personally used Linux Mint 15. The source post uses Ubuntu.
working ADB (android-tools-adb). You can get this from synaptics, apt-get, etc. If your system can detect adb devices, you should be fine.
Superuser Binary
Busybox Binary (You can get these two from the links on original post. XDA says noobs can't post links :'( )
XDA Senior Member entonjackson, for writing such a noob-friendly how-to for rooting Acer Iconia B1-A71 and for allowing me to use it for this how-to.
XDA Member alba81, for discovering the method as acknowledged on the original post by entonjackson
All awesome gurus on XDA which I can't mention one by one.
1. Extract the android sdk to your home folder, e.g. a user named Bob will use like /home/bob
2. Open a terminal
3. Now plug your A1000 into your machine and turn on Debugging Mode (Go into Settings -> Developer Tools, turn on Developer tools, then turn on USB Debugging Mode)
4. Now back at the keyboard of your Linux machine in your terminal type:
sudo adb devices
The output should be something like:
123456789ABCDEF device
If it's not, google for it. Somehow your Linux hasn't detected the A1000, although the android sdk for Linux brings all needed drivers with it.
If your device was found, congratulations. The adb connection between your linux machine and your tablet is intact.
5. Now extract the downloaded busybox archive to your home folder, in it there should be a busybox binary. So Bob does:
sudo ./adb push /home/bob/busybox /data/local/tmp
sudo ./adb shell
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
6. You should copy the busybox binary into a directory where you can access it as a plain non-root user on the tablet. We need this binary. so we can apply unix tools like telnet, dd, cat, etc. But for now we need it to establish a telnet session between our tablet and our linux machine.
(This point is written on original post. Seems important, but as soon as I finished step 5, I can use those tools)
7. Dial *#*#3646633#*#* to enter Engineer Mode
8. Go to Connectivity -> CDS Information -> Network Utility
9. type the following command:
/data/local/tmp/busybox telnetd -l /system/bin/sh -p 1234
Advice from original poster: copy and paste it from the browser on your tablet, because dependent on which keyboard app installed, this can be freakin tricky. In the next step you will learn, why it's so important why this command should be correct.
10. Tap on Run. You won't get any feedback, so you will never know if the entered command runs properly or not. That's why you should make sure the command is ok.
Now we have started our telnet server on the tablet.
11. Back in the terminal type:
/data/local/tmp/busybox telnet 1234
If you now get an error like couldn't find busybox or something, then either adb push failed or you forgot to chmod, in step 5
12. Now enter:
cat /proc/dumchar_info
You should get a bunch of lines, try to find a line containing the partition named android
{..... partition list .....}
android 0x0000000028A00000 0x00000000020E8000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
{..... partition list .....}
13. We will create a dump of our android system. This is the point where different variants *MIGHT* have different parameters. This step is important, as wrong parameter will result in unmountable image.
Stop. Take a deep breath. If you're not familiar with dd, find a good doc of it. There's a plethora of them.
Get yourself a programmer's calculator (Linux Mint 15 has one built in).
Here's what you'll do :
Convert the hex number on the 3rd column into decimal. In my case (0x20E8000) will yield 34504704. Divide by 4096. The result (8424) goes to the skip parameter.
Convert the hex number on the 2nd column. In my case (0x28A00000) will yield 681574400. Divide by 4096. The result (166400) goes to the count parameter.
So the full dd command will look like :
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=4096 skip=8424 count=166400 | gzip > /cache/system.img.gz
Do a full sanity check before hitting enter! It will take about 5 minutes.
14. After it's finished we must make the image readable for adb, so we do:
chmod 777 /cache
chmod 777 /cache/system.img.gz
15. Leave the telnet, and then adb shell session by:
16. Now we pull our image by
sudo adb pull /cache/system.img.gz
wait 1-2 minutes.
It should be then located inside /home/bob. It did for me. If not, do a search . It should be a .gz, extract it right there (or /home/bob if it isn't there)
17. Now we need to modify our system image by adding the tiny but helpful su binary. Extract the SU binary to /home/bob.
18. We create a folder where we will mount our system image to. To create it do:
sudo mkdir /media/a1000
19. Now we mount it:
sudo mount -o loop /home/bob/system.img /media/a1000
if it fails, then you entered wrong parameters on step 13
20. Now we copy our SU binary to our mounted system image:
sudo cp /home/bob/su /media/a1000/bin
21. the su binary needs to have the proper rights to make it usable, so we 'suid' it with:
sudo chmod 06755 /media/a1000/bin/su
22. Let's unmount our baby by:
sudo umount /media/a1000
and because bob doesn't like a messed up system, he does:
sudo rm -rf /media/a1000
because he hopefully won't need it anymore.
23. We have to gzip it again to bring it back to where it belongs to. this we do by:
cd /home/bob
gzip /home/bob/system.img
24. So here we are now, we made it to the final Boss fight! The next steps are dangerous and should be performed with caution. We copy back our modified system image, which can brick your device, if you do a mistake! Enter adb shell again :
sudo adb shell
25. Remove the old boring image:
rm /cache/system.img.gz
26. Leave adb shell
27. copy our cool new system image containing the su binary:
sudo adb push /home/bob/system.img.gz /cache
28. Enter adb shell again
sudo adb shell
29. Usually the telnet server on the tablet is still running, at least in my case it's been like that. That's why we can directly connect to the telnet server with:
/data/local/tmp/busybox telnet 1234
If this doesn't work, then obviously your telnet server isn't running anymore. So on your tablet if the telnet command is still entered (see step 9), tap on Run again and repeat step 29.
30. Now this is the most dangerous step in this how to (no it wasn't the mkdir one). You can copy following command to make sure everything is fine and paste it into your telnet session on your linux terminal.
[B]/data/local/tmp/busybox zcat /cache/system.img.gz | dd of=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=4096 seek=8424 count=166400[/B]
After 1-2 minutes you're done, if your tablet or pc or yourself didn't catch fire, everything's fine.
31. Leave telnet / adb shell by doing
32. Reboot your A1000 via ADB, then exit
sudo adb reboot
33. Unplug your tablet from PC
34. Install Superuser (No, not SuperSU, cause it won't work!). I personally use Superuser by ChainsDD, from Play Store
35. Be lucky. Your tablet and thus you are now free!
Don't forget to hit thanks, if this helps ​
hi, after step 13 (i double checked the command), i get this error
/system/bin/sh: can't create /cache/system.img.gz: Permission denied
/dev/block/mmcblk0: cannot open for read: Permission denied
I have the WiFi 4G version
Im too stuck in step 13.....nothing wrong with the script, can u give me a solution?
Im using A1000G also
Your guide work perfectl, in windows enviroment but mount step still need linux,
I've question are you using DirectoryBinding? Mine always close when playing Real Racing, its very annoying
You have suggeztion or alternative for DirectoryBinding?
Root with Windows ?
I am a new member because i bought this tblet but i can't root. I don't have a linux environment, so there is a solution with W8 Pro 64 ?
Thanks a lot for you help,
ulisez said:
hi, after step 13 (i double checked the command), i get this error
/system/bin/sh: can't create /cache/system.img.gz: Permission denied
/dev/block/mmcblk0: cannot open for read: Permission denied
I have the WiFi 4G version
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have you chmod-ed the busybox (or is the chmod successful without error)? Try chmod-ing the /cache before attempting step 13. It seems that you still don't have access to the NAND device (mmcblk0). Have you updated firmware via OTA?
artonelico said:
Im too stuck in step 13.....nothing wrong with the script, can u give me a solution?
Im using A1000G also
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Do you encounter the same error message like ulisez had? Could you post the screenshot of the partition list (the lines after you execute dumchar_info)?
rmage said:
Your guide work perfectl, in windows enviroment but mount step still need linux,
I've question are you using DirectoryBinding? Mine always close when playing Real Racing, its very annoying
You have suggeztion or alternative for DirectoryBinding?
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I personally use Link2SD by Bulent Akpinar to link apps to 2nd partition on my SDcard.
Letsar said:
I am a new member because i bought this tblet but i can't root. I don't have a linux environment, so there is a solution with W8 Pro 64 ?
Thanks a lot for you help,
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The original developer who posted the method (entonjackson) plans to integrate the method in the next release his toolkit, the Acer Iconia Toolkit. I think you should check his thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2240029
sammymaddog said:
have you chmod-ed the busybox (or is the chmod successful without error)? Try chmod-ing the /cache before attempting step 13. It seems that you still don't have access to the NAND device (mmcblk0). Have you updated firmware via OTA?
Do you encounter the same error message like ulisez had? Could you post the screenshot of the partition list (the lines after you execute dumchar_info)?
I personally use Link2SD by Bulent Akpinar to link apps to 2nd partition on my SDcard.
The original developer who posted the method (entonjackson) plans to integrate the method in the next release his toolkit, the Acer Iconia Toolkit. I think you should check his thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2240029
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Link2SD doesn't link app data, do you have any option?
yes i had same message with ulyses, by the way im from indonesia too can i contact you through chat client?
oh yeah im using windows 7 and using cmd as a terminal in linux
thx before bro
sammymaddog said:
The original developer who posted the method (entonjackson) plans to integrate the method in the next release his toolkit, the Acer Iconia Toolkit. I think you should check his thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2240029
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Ok, i see his toolkit. It's very good. I'll wait
rmage said:
Link2SD doesn't link app data, do you have any option?
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I'm not sure whether the stock kernel of our devices supports init.d, thus supports CronMod/Data2SD. Lenovo locked our bootloader, and currently there's no way around it. So I personally think, Link2SD method are the best option for now.
Let's give it several months until our dev gurus bring their miracles upon this device
The attached image shows mt6577 Hardware, can u provide the Soc details please
Hi, Can any one upload Lenovo ideatab A1000 system.img
in step 20, it appears you are writing to a /bin directory on the android system. However such a directory is not visible either through shell or the system telnet account.
Do I need to understand something else about android to make sense of this.
one month gone past but the op seems to be in caves or has bricked the device
VR.gtmini said:
The attached image shows mt6577 Hardware, can u provide the Soc details please
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VR.gtmini said:
one month gone past but the op seems to be in caves or has bricked the device
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sorry to make you wait. I'm a last grader university student, and final project stuffs have got me pinned down. Hope you understand
Actually the SoC is MT8317. For some god-knows reason Mediatek have made this SoC with signatures similar to MT6577. But somehow CPU tweaker correctly detects the SoC (MT8317). Maybe it's the CPU-Z bug?
unknown_world said:
Hi, Can any one upload Lenovo ideatab A1000 system.img
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zod0070 said:
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I'm uploading the modified .img. Let's pray my old HSPA modem won't catch fire by the morning.
vidyadhara said:
in step 20, it appears you are writing to a /bin directory on the android system. However such a directory is not visible either through shell or the system telnet account.
Do I need to understand something else about android to make sense of this.
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I think you got it wrong. The write process does not take place on the device. It's on the loop-mounted .img in /mnt/a1000 on your computer (step 18-19). Cheers!
Here's the ALREADY BUSYBOX-ED .img for Ideapad A1000-G 4GB EDGE version. Hope it helps :
www dropbox com/s/rmpnz7c285t5sqz/system.7z
sammymaddog said:
Here's the ALREADY BUSYBOX-ED .img for Ideapad A1000-G 4GB EDGE version. Hope it helps :
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Thanks for coming back, could u post the MD5 of the system.7z & system.zip.
Also could u provide simple way/steps to directly flash this .img without extracting existing stock system image
My tab A1000-G
do you have stockROM for lenovo A1000G
I need this :crying:
raffly said:
do you have stockROM for lenovo A1000G
I need this :crying:
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Don't worry, the above link is a stock Lenovo A1000 G ROM, but with pre-root files having no superuser app. Just extract the .7z file
System.7z MD5: 658CA71AC8A230B244F267513857F9A5

Full Root for Nook Glowlight

It took some doing, but after following the instructions in this link:
I was finally able to root my Nook Glowlight. The instructions are kind of sprawled out and extremely unclear so I will sum up.
As always, you will need the ADB. In order to install the ADB, you need the Java Development Kit and the Android Studio (formerly known as the Android SDK)
How to obtain root via ADB: The ONLY way you can root is using Windows. I was successful on Windows 7 32 bit, but it may be possible on other versions.
step 1) install bootloader driver.
You need to grab the drivers from here (bnusbdrivers.zip):
then, open the Device Manager (on Windows). Be ready to right click on the new device 'omap3660' that shows.
With the nook turned completely off, plug in a USB cable. you will have less than 3 seconds to right click the new omap3660 device that shows up in the system profiler.
If you were successful and you right clicked on it in time, manually install the Barnes & Noble USB driver (there are entries added to the generic Google drivers for both the TI Omap 3660 bootloader and the ADB device after you modify the uRamdisk later on)
If you WEREN'T successful on your first try (took me THREE times to get to it in time), you aren't going to get another chance to install the drivers. At least not easily anyway, because after Windows tries to automatically install the drivers for the bootloader and fails, it will disregard the device any time it shows up after that. So, you are going to need to delete the registry entries that it created, which in my experience was easier said than done. Even admin access was not sufficient to make the necessary changes to the registry.
You will need to launch regedit.exe using another tool called psexec which is available here:
after you download the pstools package, copy those .exe files to C:\Windows\System32\ (in order to add them to $PATH in cmd.exe)
Then, once you've installed the pstools commands to C:\Windows\System32\, run cmd.exe as admin (right click it and select 'run as administrator') and then open regedit.exe with the following command
psexec -s -i -d regedit.exe
Then, once regedit is open you need to find the keys created by the Nook bootloader and delete them. The Nook bootloader's device ID is 0451:d00e
You are going to be looking in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Current Control Set\enum\usb\ for the keys with the bootloader's device IDs. There may also be keys generated in control set 001 and 002 as well. Delete all of those keys and then reboot your computer. Then with the nook power off completely, repeat the process from the first step. eventually you will be successful installing the bootloader driver.
Step 2) temporarily boot with uRamdisk-noogie
you need to download omaplink.exe from here:
and you also need to download the four files which allow you to temporarily mount the boot partition; omap3_aboot.bin, u-boot-ng2-exp-v03.bin, uImage-ng2-130-stk and uRamdisk-noogie.
They are available here:
download usbboot-ng2-images-noogie-v1.zip
The next part is easy.
Extract the .zip file and then fire up cmd.exe. cd into the directory of the newly extracted .zip
in the new working directory, enter the command
omaplink omap3_aboot.bin u-boot-ng2-exp-v03.bin uImage-ng2-130-stk uRamdisk-noogie
Then, with the Nook powered all the way off and omaplink running, plug it in and a few seconds later, after the device boots up all the way, you will be looking at the contents of the boot partition instead of the internal storage like normal.
Step 3) Edit uRamdisk
you will need to download bootutil.exe from here
copy bootutil.exe to C:\Windows\System32
with the boot partition mounted, copy uRamdisk to your computer and extract the files init.rc and default.prop, eg;
bootutil /x /v uRamdisk init.rc default.prop
then using notepad++ (available here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) edit the files as follows
comment out lines 375 and 392-399
(do this by adding a # to the beginning of the line)
uncomment line 215
(do this by deleting the # at the beginning of the line)
save both files and then repack them into uRamdisk
bootutil /r /v uRamdisk init.rc default.prop
copy uRamdisk back onto the Nook, eject the disk and power off the device. Reboot and you should be able to connect to ADB via WiFi
adb connect
replacing '10' with whatever IP your Nook is grabbing from your router.
Step 4) Full Root
at this point, you have root access via ADB only. You will not have root access in any apps like Root Explorer, Terminal, TiBackup, etc.
In order to finish PROPERLY rooting your Nook, you need to install 'su' to /system/bin/ and install the superuser.apk
adb connect
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
reboot your device one more time and then you will be fully rooted.
*** Note ***
this devices firmware seems to be a strange hybrid between donut and eclair, although it purports itself to be Android 2.1. The Superuser.apk and su binary came from an old Cyanogenmod 4.6 build in case anyone was wondering (Android Donut). The ones from Cyanogenmod 5 (Android Eclair) do not work. you will get the 'install failed older sdk' error.
installing busybox
I tired installing busybox by using the stericson busybox pro.apk. It would always freeze at 6.47%.
I figured out that if I grabbed an older version of the busybox binary and pushed it to /system/xbin manually and then chmodded it to the proper permissions, auto updates and proper symlinking work using the busybox app
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
Then reboot, and run the busybox app to update and create symlinks.
installing nano and bash
adb connect
adb shell
mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push nano /system/xbin/
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/nano
adb push bash /system/xbin/
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/bash
mv /system/bin/sh /system/bin/sh.bak
ln -s /system/xbin/bash /system/bin/sh
chmod 6755 /system/bin/sh
adb push profile /system/etc/
adb push terminfo /system/etc/
and then in terminal emulator under 'Preferences' change the initial command to
export TERMINFO=/system/etc/terminfo;export TERM=linux;export HOME=/sdcard;
and finally
adb push bashrc /sdcard
adb shell
mv /sdcard/bashrc /sdcard/.bashrc
nano works just fine via ADB, but because of lack of 'ctrl' key (and physical buttons to assign it to) you won't be able to write files (ctrl+o) using the terminal on your nook. But between having full proper root access, busybox, a proper bash terminal emulator and nano for editing config files, this should REALLY extend the usefulness of your Nook Glowlight. It should work just fine on other versions of Nook too.
Hi N00b-un-2,
Many thanks for your summary!
There is one important edit that I think you missed,
in init.rc you also need to:
Line #375, comment out "disabled" with a # at the start of the line.
(see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49070213#post49070213)
without this I couldn't get adb to connect.
And since you already made it very noob friendly, might I suggested you clarify:
Line #215 remove # to enable adb over wifi
(rather than search for 5555)
Also, I'm not expert, but I believe the commands to get superuser on the device are (at least it worked for me):
adb connect 192.168.x.x
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
Finally, I'm not sure if this is important, but maybe remount system as read only again:
adb shell mount -o remount, ro /system
Thanks again, nice work!
---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Hi again,
had similar issues with installing busybox, here's what worked for me (note needed to run su to create dir):
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell /system/bin/su
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
As far as remounting /system as ro, I would HIGHLY recommend just rebooting at this point, otherwise your nook might be stuck in a weird pseudo-rooted state. Probably won't cause any problems, but why risk it?
Thanks for clarifying the line number. I will make the appropriate edits to my instructions. I was working off the top of my head and couldn't remember what exact line the ADB over TCP config was, as I just used ctrl+w '5555' to find it myself.
There are several pre-edited uRamdisk images floating around the forum with various features enabled which would be easier for noobs than extracting the config files and manually editing and then repacking them. In the future I'll probably throw those on here as well.
darz said:
Hi N00b-un-2,
Many thanks for your summary!
There is one important edit that I think you missed,
in init.rc you also need to:
Line #375, comment out "disabled" with a # at the start of the line.
(see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49070213#post49070213)
without this I couldn't get adb to connect.
And since you already made it very noob friendly, might I suggested you clarify:
Line #215 remove # to enable adb over wifi
(rather than search for 5555)
Also, I'm not expert, but I believe the commands to get superuser on the device are (at least it worked for me):
adb connect 192.168.x.x
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
adb install superuser.apk
Finally, I'm not sure if this is important, but maybe remount system as read only again:
adb shell mount -o remount, ro /system
Thanks again, nice work!
---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Hi again,
had similar issues with installing busybox, here's what worked for me (note needed to run su to create dir):
adb shell mount -o remount, rw /system
adb shell /system/bin/su
adb shell mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
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N00b-un-2 said:
There are several pre-edited uRamdisk images floating around the forum with various features enabled which would be easier for noobs than extracting the config files and manually editing and then repacking them. In the future I'll probably throw those on here as well.
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Would have been good if I could have easily found a pre-edited image, but your instructions were a great alternative, thanks again
darz said:
Would have been good if I could have easily found a pre-edited image, but your instructions were a great alternative, thanks again
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Sorry for the really noob question, I have rooted, wifi adb running and installed apps as per your instructions, but I can't seem to access any of it on the nook. How can I get access to the launcher I installed?
You mentioned pre-edited images, do any of those come with the apps I need to get access to a custom launcher?
Updated: All sorted
For some reason had some issues with ADW launcher, Launcher pro worked fine.
ps I think I made a mistake with the su step I suggested, if you run a one line shell command I don't think it keeps su privileges, so I believe you need to run commands within the shell as per below:
adb shell
mount -o remount, rw /system
mkdir -p /system/xbin
adb push busybox /system/xbin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install busybox.apk
Hey guys any instructions noob friendly or a video in youtube,i stick up at dab connect dos't have a Windows PC and using Mac whit Parallels Desktop.Is it possible instructions for Mac?
The above instructions from N00b-un-2 should work fine running a vm with parallels on your Mac.
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
valentin1985 said:
Hey guys any instructions noob friendly or a video in youtube,i stick up at dab connect dos't have a Windows PC and using Mac whit Parallels Desktop.Is it possible instructions for Mac?
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Before you perform the adb connect step you need to find out what your IP address is:
On your nook, click on the settings icon in the top right corner and then select "Change"
Under Wireless Networks, select the wifi name that you are already connected to (where it says "Connected to the internet")
This will display your connection details, remember that IP address
Now go back to your pc and type:
adb connect [IP address]
darz said:
Before you perform the adb connect step you need to find out what your IP address is:
On your nook, click on the settings icon in the top right corner and then select "Change"
Under Wireless Networks, select the wifi name that you are already connected to (where it says "Connected to the internet")
This will display your connection details, remember that IP address
Now go back to your pc and type:
adb connect [IP address]
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BIG HINT! If you're using Powershell ISE, you have to type .\adb.exe connect [IP address] or else it won't recognize "adb" as an executable!
Don't ask why, because I don't know. :?
thenookieforlife3 said:
BIG HINT! If you're using Powershell ISE, you have to type .\adb.exe connect [IP address] or else it won't recognize "adb" as an executable!
Don't ask why, because I don't know. :?
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So far so good,but now what?
valentin1985 said:
So far so good,but now what?
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I just gave a little tip on Powershell ISE. I do not know much about the Nook GlowLight rooting process, as I have a NSTG, not a NG. Ask someone else.
thenookieforlife3 said:
I just gave a little tip on Powershell ISE. I do not know much about the Nook GlowLight rooting process, as I have a NSTG, not a NG. Ask someone else.
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Yes,i try whit dis command .\adb.exe connect but result is the same.
valentin1985 said:
Yes,i try whit dis command .\adb.exe connect but result is the same.
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But that's okay! What I said was, if you are using the command program Powershell ISE, do it that way instead. But you are just using cmd.exe, not Powershell ISE!
In cmd.exe, which is what you are using, it is not neccessary to type .\adb.exe. Just type adb.
From there, ask someone else in this thread.
thenookieforlife3 said:
But that's okay! What I said was, if you are using the command program Powershell ISE, do it that way instead. But you are just using cmd.exe, not Powershell ISE!
In cmd.exe, which is what you are using, it is not neccessary to type .\adb.exe. Just type adb.
From there, ask someone else in this thread.
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I prefer to use ConEmu or Console2 when I am forced to use Windows. Not a big fan of CMD.EXE or Powershell/PowershellISE. there are plenty of other CLI alternatives out there
N00b-un-2 said:
I prefer to use ConEmu or Console2 when I am forced to use Windows. Not a big fan of CMD.EXE or Powershell/PowershellISE. there are plenty of other CLI alternatives out there
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Well, as I ONLY use Windows and Powershell ISE has a nice-enough layout for my purposes, I use it. That's why I gave a tip on it.
Actually on a lot of installs just typing adb in the command console won't work either unless it's got the path variable set up correctly, I find it easiest to just right click and choose run as administrator, no need for the path to be setup.
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
FW 1.2.1
Hi guys,
thanks for creating this thread. I was wondering if this rooting procedure was tested with the firmware 1.2.1 ?
real-6 said:
Hi guys,
thanks for creating this thread. I was wondering if this rooting procedure was tested with the firmware 1.2.1 ?
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This rooting procedure is for the new Nook GlowLight with firmware 1.3.1. Your device is a Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight, which can be rooted very easily using the rooting package here.

