Froyo on it's way - Vibrant General

Saw this today and hope it's for real.
In the mean time Bionix Final with Core V1 is the bomb.
Thanks Whiskey guys.

Why r they kept using the UK news for US version

And how exactly did the examiner get that a tweet from Samsung UK would have anything to do with T-Mobile US? They based their article on incomplete information and conjecture.
Real journalism is dead

I feel the flame is coming
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

work on your writing........ I think you mean:
Why do they keep using the U K news as source for the USA release ?

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this hopefully teaches u to never post again.

98classic said:
this hopefully teaches u to never post again.
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Sorry officer,I hope your not going to give me a ticket.Sheesh!

amandadam said:
Saw this today and hope it's for real.
In the mean time Bionix Final with Core V1 is the bomb.
Thanks Whiskey guys.
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Im with you man, BS or not who gives a damn. Even the flamers hope its real as do we. If it happens it happens. I just want the source code, could care less about the actual update.

Others are reporting that samsung started the role out today in the UK and we all should have it by the end of the month.

chronos7 said:
Others are reporting that samsung started the role out today in the UK and we all should have it by the end of the month.
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The >>UK<<
The >>I9000<<
Those are your keywords, this isn't for us. It is for the I9k in the UK
We will receive it when we do. Case Closed

chronos7 said:
Others are reporting that samsung started the role out today in the UK and we all should have it by the end of the month.
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That's not what that article says at all! Unless by "we" you mean you are in the UK and you are talking to all of the UK users here, which are none, because we are in a US phone forum.
It's Samsung UK tweeting that it's started rolling out today and all Samsung UK handsets should have it by the end of the month.
Haven't we been through this like 10 times already?!

Thread Closed


Samsung & carrier fees reason for Froyo delays?

I do not know how accurate, truthful or factual this person is, but their post explains why we don't have Froyo yet - basically US carriers have to pay more for feature updates rather than maintenance updates, and Samsung insists Froyo is a feature update but carriers insist is a maintenance update being that Google did the majority of the work:
If this is the case (and it kind of makes sense) I am quite disappointed in all parties concerned. What the heck.
O_O .... I have nothing to say to you for this! . . have a nice day...
Sent from the Southside Of Phoenix Az
dcowboys2184 said:
O_O .... I have nothing to say to you for this! . . have a nice day...
Sent from the Southside Of Phoenix Az
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Then why post a reply at all.
redram38 said:
Then why post a reply at all.
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Maybe cause I wanted to! ...
Sent from the Southside Phoenix Az
You should search, or at least read through the current threads, before posting old news.
and post #76
leatherneck6017 said:
You should search, or at least read through the current threads, before posting old news.
and post #76
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These posts keep getting taken down by the mods. Cut the guy some slack! He didn't know. My post on this had over 1,000 views and over 30 comments and still got taken down. I mean, we're all clamoring for ANY news on Froyo. I mean, what else do we have to talk about here? Rooting or installing the Froyo hack?
Honestly, OP, I like and can't get enough of the "Where's Froyo?" posts either. Why? Any news at all is worth a read for me. I want my Froyo!
Please search before making a new thread. There are numerous threads discussing this same topic.
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Supposedly 2.2 is official?
simple google search, but what does it mean? could hell have finally frozen over? is it another ota beta leak? can i have it?
edit: disregard completely!
google said that my search result was frmo 14 hours ago, but after looking at the page more closesly it was dated from back in december. douchey move, google. douchey move indeed
Dude that is from Dec 5th.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Its dk28 build, old news not official. Sorry
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
yea in my excitement i kind of missed that. i edited the first post though. now the unspeakable sadness kicks in
omg FROYO!!!
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LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
slybarman said:
LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
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not ture. B&J has lots of froyo flavors!
haha its delicious. on a side note, just saw the playstation phone and got a mild hard-on. playstation, and android all in one? dream come true!
And I thought the OP was late to the party...
Don't blame google. Crap websites with no hits have been re-publishing that 'story' since the third week of December to get them to the top of news sites and search results. It is a marketing strategy for weak traffic sites.
Im sick of these threads -_- everytime i see it my heart starts to race then i click on it and get sad 8(
well the op certainly lived up to his name lol
jk dude. honest mistake
haha yeah i feel pretty bad about this messup. I got so excited until i decided to recheck the page. then just an overwhelming sense of sadness and regret came over me.
djbacon06 said:
omg FROYO!!!
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Phish Food is better musically that's a whole 'nother debate....
sent by an Epic4g through the cosmos
Thread closed

Do we have any indication that Samsung and/or SamsungJohn are hearing us???

I didn't want to pollute the issues thread (and I commend the ones that started it). I am just curious if we have any indication that Samsung and/or SamsungJohn hear us???
This forum could be a GREAT way to feedback directly to Samsung and give them input on their software (if they are indeed serious about fixing it). They could even use a portion of the XDA population (those that are capable) for beta testing and feedback since their beta testers seemed to miss quite a few big bugs, some that have been known to us for MONTHS.
Like I said, I commend the effort, just wondering if we KNOW (for a fact) that the right eyes see your work.
Send him a message.
Jayavarman said:
Send him a message.
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Not a bad idea, but I don't want to unnecessarily flood his PM box if someone here knows.
I wonder if he even checks it any more??? He hasn't posted in a little while.
Try tweeting him
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
@SamsungJohn Samsung #neveragain =)
U kidding me? He is long gone! They moved on to galaxy s 2. We screwed.
Evo members are celabrating as we type.
abduljaffar said:
U kidding me? He is long gone! They moved on to galaxy s 2. We screwed.
Evo members are celabrating as we type.
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Ignore the monkey:
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It's not that we're celebrating or anything. It's just many of us saw this coming from Samsung. I promise I'm not rubbing it in.
Product F(RED) said:
Ignore the monkey:
It's not that we're celebrating or anything. It's just many of us saw this coming from Samsung. I promise I'm not rubbing it in.
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Dont feed thid evil evo troll. Just kick it in the nuts.
i gave him the link to some threads to read and he replyed back saying thanks reading them now

GB 2.3.3 OTA to EVO Shift

My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
Wrong forum all together.... this is the epic forums
Sent from my Epic™ 4G using XDA Premium app
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
a2tz said:
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
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based on what? being on sprint??? that's about the only correlation.
1+2 = potato
Makes perfect sense to me
jdelano said:
My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
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Actually, this may very well be relevant. Perhaps it's a sign that they are readying the release. Who knows for sure.... It updates us on the status of the overall roll out. Whether or not it applies to Samsung as they seem to march to the beat of a different, unknown drummer is another story.
Thanks for the update.
#$%^&*%@@!!!!!! HADUOKEN!!!!
At ease men.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
LOL, yes just a generalized update concerning GB as an OTA from Sprint.
I am sure given my signature and number of posts; that you'd unserdtand I know where I am posting
Thank you for not disappointing me; I knew for sure I'd catch a flame or two... hehehe
Thank you Rob for coming to my defense
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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CapsLockKey said:
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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Or beat that stepchild, I'm hoping it means the same though lol
Sent from my SPH-D700

Samsung is on XDA taking suggestions
This guy seems legit. We can get our wishlists in.
I hear this guy is friends with the tooth fairy
Haha, your probably right.
telling people that they could forward "suggestions" to him about inclusions in Lollipop should alert you to his trollishness; Lollipop was probably finalized at Samsung months ago.
wase4711 said:
telling people that they could forward "suggestions" to him about inclusions in Lollipop should alert you to his trollishness; Lollipop was probably finalized at Samsung months ago.
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Sorry but he is legit. I checked his credentials. He is not a troll. This guy really works for Samsung
Here you go this is the guy.
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what credentials did you check and verify?
That picture doesnt mean anything..
Like i said looks legit.
This is from his facebook page which is tied to his email account that he ises on xda.
If you don't want to believe its ok man. It does seem far fetched.
Look at the name tag. He's not an employee. He's part of Samsung's App Academy which is sort of like an internship for high school juniors/seniors. He's still in high school.
You're right,
Check this out, His post count doesn't update. Shows as N/A
XDA internal thing? Is XDA making a joke out of us?
ungraph said:
Look at the name tag. He's not an employee. He's part of Samsung's App Academy which is sort of like an internship for high school juniors/seniors. He's still in high school.
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arjun90 said:
You're right,
Check this out, His post count doesn't update. Shows as N/A
XDA internal thing? Is XDA making a joke out of us?
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That's because his account has been banned/locked out.
Lol, I just noticed that after you pointed it out, Lol. Great Job Samsung
rjohnstone said:
That's because his account has been banned/locked out.
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Samsung please please stop with the fugly white interface!!
Oh and we know this isn't going to land with Samsung. Just entertaining this thread.
Mods, close this useless thread. The OP is on Cloud 9. I'd rather e-mail the CEO of Samsung, like I've done before when the Note N7000 (aka Note 1) was in the market. What a difference that made, if any, lol.

