Tasker - Configure your DHD to safe energy - Desire HD General

some people asked what to do until their DHD arrives. They proposed some games...
I have a better suggestion.
Many people suffer short battery and there are many discussions and tipps like turn your GPS off, disable 3G connection if you don't need it. That's all perfectly right. Do you now that you can perfectly automate this by using an app called tasker. You can configure very very much.
I don't have an android phone at the moment (waiting for my DHD), but I have a vision what to configure when it have arrived. I would like to write and test the scripts beforehand but I can't. See my configuration proposals below. Maybe somebody with an android phone is happy to script it and shorten waiting time. Or somebody with a DHD can do it and report the effect.
Description - Version 1.0
Number 1a:
IF the screen is locked/black screen (I'm not using the phone)
switch to 2g
ELSE (screen is unlocked)
switch to 3g
Alternative Number 1b (Even more powerful):
IF the screen is locked/black screen and I'm not using the phone
switch to 2g and switch off data connection.
every 30 minutes switch on the data connection for 5 minutes for synching (facebook and so on)
ELSE (the screen is unlocked)
switch to 3g + data connection
**Description number 1: It's quiet energy consuming for your the phone to hold the 3g connection, even more in areas with bad connection or during driving/moving. On the other hand you don't need that fast connection if you don't surf or use apps. So if your phone is locked only 2g is used. This is enough in order to sync facebook & co. This first condition is also known as juicedefender mode
Number 2:
IF navigation/maps software is started
switch GPS on
Leave GPS off
**Description number 2: GPS is energy consuming as well. So turn it off and let it turn on if the apps x, y, z are launched.
Number 3:
IF I'm in a predefined GPS oder cellular zone (at home)
Turn on WLAN
turn off WLAN
(This means if I'm leaving home, WLAN turns off.)
**Description number 3: WLAN is energy consuming as well. So turn it off and let it turn on if you are in an are where you know you have WLAN, e.g. at home, at work, at you daily coffee shop.
Number 4:
IF phone is switches in the car holder
switch GPS on
start the car panel
start mp3 player (Winamp beta)
(some people may ad "turn on bluetooth" here)
ELSEIF the phone is switched off the car holder
turn off GPS
stop car panel
stop MP3
(This means if I'm leaving my car, GPS is turned off)
**Description number 4: Just to make live comfortable.
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prob not the correct spot to ask, but how battery consuming is tasker? I've tried locale on some of my older android phones and they drained more battery with locale then without due to polling time and position, is tasker any different?

Can Tasker switch 3G to 2G and vice versa? Last time I checked, it cannot do that.
Came from the developer:
@arielext: Tasker does not drain a lot of battery. I own and use Tasker, my HTC Desire battery life is still the same compare to before using Tasker.

arielext said:
prob not the correct spot to ask, but how battery consuming is tasker? I've tried locale on some of my older android phones and they drained more battery with locale then without due to polling time and position, is tasker any different?
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From the examples I see above it seems that Tasker doesn't act on locations but on hard coded rules.
Nevertheless, I wonder if the monitoring of all the conditions I see in the scripts will actually save the battery. Are there any comparissons made?

I am having a problem with the GPS on in Tasker. I try to turn it on when the Car Panel starts (no dock to dected so far), but it seems to ignore tasker command. The task runs ok, as I placed a notification sound for testing, but the GPS just stays off. Anyone experiencing the same problem?
(it did work on Milestone with Locale)


Power control of the Vogue

Maybe this shows that I am a noob, but here it goes.
I want to save my battary power when running the GPS, but all the power saveing settings turn the phone onto standby, thus loosing GPS lock (and when I am using my better bluetooth GPS, it locks out the bluetooth and I have to re-boot). Is there some why to just turn of the screen? Is that "an app for that"? I am currently trying out SVM Power Manager, but you can not set it to turn the screen off in 2 minites or whatever. To use it how I need, I would have to turn off the OS's power saver, and always manualy turn off the screen using SVM Power Manager. All the power manager apps I have seen work like that.
you will probably have to buy an extended battery man. i think even real android phones batteries drain pretty quick from what i hear.
Did some testing. It seems that the battery will last for about 5h with the screen of (using SVM Power Manager to turn it off), and the GPS running (GPSed running it).
Understood that the battery is just under powered, but I was wondering if there was a way to make the screen automaticaly turn off after X amount of time, but not have the phone go into standby.
I also bought one of those battery powered battery chargers (battery extender). But the one I got turned out to have only 500mAh (compared with 1100mAh in the phone battery), so it turned out to only help a bit. Maybe I will try to make one with a voltage regulator and a rechargable 9V battery
I think one of the pmsleepmodes may support this (in default.txt) Try 2 or 3. It seems like one of these didnt do a full power collapse, but did turn the screen off.
katmandu421: I am not familiar with this stuff. Can you give me a bit of a more detailed explination?
Is this a built in windows mobile funciton. Can I access this in the registry?
I love it how most of us would assume he's talking Android. Yes in android, editing your default.txt to sleep mode 0 would turn off the screen, but not sleep the system. 1,2, or 3 would allow the different system board types used in various Vogues to go to sleep.
WinMo however is a different story. The GPS in the Vogue is a low power chip, but from everything I can gather is requires the system to stay fully awake. If you find an app that allows you to turn off your screen, post back but I don't believe there is much hope to that. Windows seems to think that when the lights go out, it's sleepy time.
Also, the radio on the Vogue doesn't sleep, and it's use to wake up the phone i.e. incoming calls. The GPS is part of the radio so if there is a way to keep the system board awake, in theory it should work.
SVM Power Manager will turn off the screen while keeping everything awake, but it is not automatic. I have maped the camera button to this program, so it is not a huge hassle, but I realy would like to have it automatic.
Will consider installing Android.
Titus_Andronicus said:
SVM Power Manager will turn off the screen while keeping everything awake, but it is not automatic. I have maped the camera button to this program, so it is not a huge hassle, but I realy would like to have it automatic.
Will consider installing Android.
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Did anyone ever figure out how to do this? I'm trying to figure this out as well. After finally getting GPS to work, now I'd like to be able to use some apps that need to run when in standby.
mnations said:
Did anyone ever figure out how to do this? I'm trying to figure this out as well. After finally getting GPS to work, now I'd like to be able to use some apps that need to run when in standby.
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Check on Dev&Hacking. An app just came out today that does exactly what you are asking for here.
egzthunder1 said:
Check on Dev&Hacking. An app just came out today that does exactly what you are asking for here.
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Thanks! That looks like a handy app.
An update (in case anyone hits this thread later)...I made this one change which seemed to clear up all of the problems (found elsewhere but can't post outside link yet.)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A3 8-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\Phone as Modem]
Now this is in conjunction with QuickGPS and all the other fiddling I've done, so I don't if this alone is responsible.
However, when running Google Maps or other GPS applications I get a lock within 5-15 secs. Also, when coming back from standby it's able to re-lock in the same amount of time. This normally required a soft restart before.
For apps that track your routes, such as SportyPal which I've been using for mapping my bike rides, they can keep a lock even in standby mode. I'm not sure if the app itself is able to hold a lock or if QuickGPS may be helping it. Either way it works.

change N1 behavior/settings & automate tasks based upon connected bluetooth device?

change N1 behavior/settings & automate tasks based upon connected bluetooth device?
I've had my ATT N1 for the past 1.5 wks and have been loving it. I know with the desktop dock for the N1 that bluetooth can be automatically enabled when docked (at least it does for me). i hope to see this go one step further perhaps. i've tried searching on the market and here on xda, but I haven't found anything that does what i'm thinking of...
I'd like the phone to change various behaviors (eg. sound alerts, screen unlocking, application launching, etc) depending upon the bluetooth device that it is paired with. Essentially, creating setting profiles dependent upon the connected bluetooth device and reverting settings when disconnecting from said devices.
I envision:
-connecting w/ car bluetooth:
disable screen unlocking (having to unlock via pattern while driving is not only annoying but possibly dangerous)
jump to a particular home screen, automatic launching of application such as car home, google maps/nav, music, etc
enable maximum screen brightness (if plugged in and charging could be another modifier. the N1 AMOLED really is pretty bad in direct sunlight and is even worse when trying to view while wearing sunglasses)
set max volume
upon disconnecting, revert to original settings, disable bluetooth
-connecting w/ desktop dock [bluetooth] (bluetooth isn't an absolute requirement here since it can recognize the dock due to the electrical contacts)
disable screen unlocking
silencing most alarms/alerts (so that i can sleep in peace w/o being woken up to by random spam/marketing emails overnight)
upon disconnecting/undocking, revert to original settings
are there any combination of apps/settings that can make this possible? at this point, i'm not too interested in rooting my phone...
BlueDock (market) plus Tasker (in beta, not yet in the market - http://tasker.dinglisch.net/).
In a future version Tasker will hopefully be able to do this on it's own. But currently you have to hack it useing BlueDock to start an application you don't really need, have Tasker detect the start, kill the app, and then change your settings according to your needs. One drawback is that the app started by BlueDock will only start once the phone is out of sleep mode. So you have to press the unlock button once - no need to swipe to unlock, though.
As for disconnecting you have to abuse the change in the power status.
The setup is quite complex. I will post my setup on the tasker wiki as soon as the next version is released (which will, I hope *gg*, provide a bugfix that make this a little smoother) and I have time. ;-)
I have a widget which I use to indicate whether I want to listen to podcasts (using BeyondPod) or to music. Upon switching on any of my bluetooth devices it will start playback and set the loudness according to the device connected - it will have to be louder with the car bluetooth than with the headset. Upon detecting the car bluetooth it will also start Waze.
interesting. i know what i'm asking is a bit complex. but i'll definitely keep an eye on Tasker. as they're mostly background tasks, any idea as to the battery consumption of these applications? (eg. surprisingly the "Shake Them All" live wallpaper i had installed was consuming up to 10% of battery time recently and was ultimately uninstalled even w/ those cute androids)
My usage pattern says:
40% Display
35% Calls
6% Standby
5% Android System
5% Phone inactive
2% EarthRot
2% Mediaserver
2% Android OS
Tasker isn't even listed.
Within Tasker I have more that a dozen profiles and about 30 tasks.

Disable Hardware Buttons

Hi All,
in the company I work for we use a range of XDA's for our drivers, the current and most popular one is the HD2, however i have noticed that drivers are able to put the XDA to standby, normally this is a requirement, however for the system we are using it causes major issues and provides the driver a way to cheat the system.
What im looking for it a way to disable the hardware buttons when the device is switched on, i imagine there may be a registry edit, but im not sure and need help as this is becoming a pressing issue.
Your request is very peculiar, and I seriously doubt that you can achieve something like that, after all completely disabling the hardware buttons can impair seriously the functionality of the device and I don't think there is a pre-set method to do that.
Anyway, I've seen a thread that talked about reassigning the shortpress on power button to something else (and I'm talking about shortpress, not longpress), yet this didn't work on the HD2 when I tested it this morning.
Anyway, if your system is debunked by putting the device in standby, it will also troubled by simply removing the battery. In other words, you can put a strong password to forbid a user from turnning off a pc from the start menu, but you cannot forbid this user from pulling the plug off the mains
Anyway, a very feeble solution could be making so that whatever is that's thrown off by the standby, keeps working even in standby; there's a tweak for wifi that allows wifi radio to stay on during standby, and probably forcing the wifi always on, and tweaking it from bsb to be on even during standby, it will also force the CPU of the device to be on even if you lock the phone by press endkey
Dont really want to give too much away, but our application uses gprs/3g and gps constantly, and by going into standby it loses connection with our servers and gps, thus allowing users to go standby in one area and then turn back on somewhere else but system thinks they are in area 1 until they move to antoher area again. this causes a major issue and headache for me, so what i really need is for the app to remain live when in standby and to keep the data and gps connection live
hope that makes sense
These threads may help:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner, but when hit the HW power button the device still goes off, however i noticed that it kept its gprs connection, but it still lost gps which is one of the main factors. Just need some way to stop the device from turning off, apart from removing the case and then removing the buttons
railto said:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner, but when hit the HW power button the device still goes off, however i noticed that it kept its gprs connection, but it still lost gps which is one of the main factors. Just need some way to stop the device from turning off, apart from removing the case and then removing the buttons
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try this:
Change this with your registery
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Resuming]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Unattended]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Suspend]
Normaly the numbers are on "4" - put this on "1" and gps should stay awake even when you put the phone in standby.
It will stay on until a program stops using the gps.
found it here
railto said:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner
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It's the first one you should try. Works fine for me.
But frankly if they do it on purpose they will no doubt find other ways to do it - so you should rather build in some protection in your software to detect it, like if 2 consecutive positions are at the same place but with more than a certain amount of time apart, it's that they turned the thing off / cut connection on purpose/...
EDIT: wilcovh beat me to it.
those reg edits have been confirmed not to work... at the time being there is no way to have the GPS stay on while in standby, and that's a pity. I am personally interested in this and have researched in the forums, yet no working method was devised (yet). And I would love to be corrected by someone, but all the solutions I found were app specific (as in, app turns off screen without turning off GPS).
So, unless the drivers should have a personal reason to "cheat" the system by turning off the GPS, just instruct them not to press that button
If they just want to turn off the display, you can make it so that they do just that without actually locking the device, by associating, as I did, longpress on send key, with xdashutdown /lightsout command. That will turn off the screen but the phne won't be locked nor put to standby.
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
to my best knowledge you can't really do that; I mean, you can programmatically disable automatica standby in an app by calling a function to reset the idle timer, yet the power button will put the device into standby.
I'm almost positive neither AEbutton plus can remap the power button short press on the HD2, but giving it a try won't hurt that much
railto said:
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
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other approach:
app that wakes up the device after a minute or so? the gps only disconnects for short time.
railto said:
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
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But that's solved already!
The keepAwake app posted earlier, music players keeping playing when pressing the off button, IM clients continue to run and receive messages after pressing the power button (implies both processor running and internet connection active)... in these cases, like any app that does the required system calls to disable standby while it's running, the device won't go to standby.
The only real problem you're facing is that GPS goes off when the power button is pressed, regardless of whether the rest of the device actually goes to standby or not (try running a GPS app while playing music, press power button, music still plays but GPS turns off).
Now we pointed some hints for you - you can try them (the reg edits for GPS apparently work in some cases but not all), but if they don't work then you're alone on that one, no solution is known. And tbh I've never seen any device on which you can disable the power off key, and it's obvious why...

[TIPS] How to make your G2's Battery last longer

Its time we need a thread like this to ensure every G2 user is getting the best out of their battery.
Here are my tips:
- WiFi: Should ONLY be ON when you are actually using it!
- WiFi Sleep Policy=NEVER: it takes more time and power to seach for a Wi-Fi AP than actually staying connected to it. Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi Settings > MENU > Advanced > Wi-Fi sleep policy > Never.
- Bluetooth: Should ONLY be ON when you are actually using it!
- Use 2G when possible: If you know you are in a area with NO 3G support, than set your phone in 2G mode so it doesn't use power looking for 3G. Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile Networks > 2G only
- Haptic feedback=OFF: I personally leave this OFF because minor vibrations are annoying plus consume battery. Settings > Sound > Haptic feedback
- Audible Selection=OFF: For obvious reasons, we use the touchscreen the entire time, enabling this will case battery drain everything you make a selection in Android, App, Web. Settings > Sound > Audible Selection
- Display - BRIGHTNESS=30%: I use about 30% brightness when indoors - when I am outside I turn it up brighter using Power Control widget. Settings > Display > Brightness.
Note: You can also leave it on AUTO, which is will provide optimal bnrightness with respect to ambient light.
- Display - Animations=Your choice: I personally have ALL of them enabled, but that is scarificing a small amount of battery power. If you do NOT need the pretty transitions, you can opt for other options. Settings > Display > Animation.
- Display - Screen Timeout=30: I leave mine at 30 seconds, as I think that's ideal for most situations. Settings > Display > Screen timeout.
- Location - Wireless networks=OFF : The phone uses tower and signal strength to calculate your APPROXIMATE location, which is a waste when you have GPS. NOTE: This feature assists in fiding your location indoors. If you plan on using GPS outside on than you should leave it OFF. Settings > Location & Security
- Location - GPS=ON: It should be ON if you plan on using MAPS or Navigation. NOTE: GPS is ONLY used when system needs it! Having it Checked OFF does NOT help battery life. The only time GPS is active is when you see the icon in the notification bar. Settings > Location & Security
- DATA - (3G/HSPA+) - Hogs the most battery, even more than the brightness of the phone. The reason for that is when you are surfing, searching, texting basically anythin that requires 3G/HSPA+ data the radio, CPU, and RAM are always working to ENCODE and DECODE data going in and out the device. This process requires all 3 major components to work simultaneously which draws more power from the the battery!
- Widgets - Widgets like facebook, twitter, weather, news do have processes running in the back which draw DATA depending on your refresh options. ie, You will draw less power if your facebook/twitter updates every 3 hours instead of 1.
- APPS - Always keep in mind that APPS like messengers and others which constantly need data DO run in the background. Background apps will draw DATA AS needed, which bring it back to the point above. Always make sure that you SIGN OUT of APPS that require background data, IF you don't plan on using them.
- Live Wallpaper - yes, it looks pretty as we all know it. Sadly, the truth is that both CPU and GPU are working hard in the background to bring a smile to your face when you look at the screen. Live wallpaper will affect your battery about 5 - 10%, dpepending on which one are you using.
- Vibration - Considered important as well.... if you are a CONSTANT texter/EMAIL-er AND you dont need Vibration, than you should turn it off. Vibration actually takes more battery power than actualy sounds.
- Volume - Should be considered important because the higher the volume the more battery power it'll take. If you can do just fine with a Mid-level volume than you should set ringer to mid level!
^^^ That explains everything about it ^^^
I'd be happy if one of the MODs made it a sticky, so we dont get Qs or reposts
and ofcourse I will also include any tips you guys have.... please leave a comment and explain why&how you think it saves battery life. I will than add it in this list
thanks for this.
auto-brightness works for me. also, wireless network location is kind of necessary because gps won't locate you when indoors. when you're indoors you don't really need an exact location anyway because you probably know where you are. but using wireless networks to get your approximate location enables you to quickly search for things nearby.
one more thing I might add - my G2 seems to constantly switch between edge and hspa. I think I recall this being an issue for the N1 too. if I'm not mistaken, switching taxes the battery. so I set the phone to only use 3G (or only 2G depending if I want to use less battery). you have to have Anycut. then crete a shortcut to "phone info." here you can control the radio behavior. WCDMA is 3G, while GSM is 2G.
also, question: anybody ever have any luck conditioning their battery? I keep hearing that it improves battery life but it's never really helped me
Thanks for the tips! Though, what are you sources saying that WiFi sleep uses more battery? Auto-brightness does work for me, it is just very slow to make changes and tends to be on the brighter side.
most of these tips are pretty much universal for most of the current and past android phones.
LET IT BE KNOWN the main reason for battery drain (slow or fast) is APPS. They drain more than talking on the phone. They also are the main reason your screen (the next big battery killer) would stay on. In other words, don't complain about battery usage if you're using your phone constantly throughout the day @ work or home. ITS NOT GONNA BE GREAT!
joebobjoe said:
Thanks for the tips! Though, what are you sources saying that WiFi sleep uses more battery? Auto-brightness does work for me, it is just very slow to make changes and tends to be on the brighter side.
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As an Electrical engineer, I work with wi-fi chipsets... The process is that when wifi is "sleeping" it temporarily goes to OFF when you lock the phone. [exception: when not using apps like pandora]. So when you turn the phone back ON, WiFi turns back ON and searches for the AP you were connected to. >> this process of turning OFF, ON, and SEARCHING, requires a more battery power than staying connected. When you are connected the router and phone are exchanging information (packets) on AS needed basis like when we use 3G/2G.
i did try Auto Brightness, its a bit Bright for me, i'm gonna continue to use it for the next few days, see how I like it.
joebobjoe said:
Thanks for the tips! Though, what are you sources saying that WiFi sleep uses more battery? Auto-brightness does work for me, it is just very slow to make changes and tends to be on the brighter side.
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Auto-brightness seems to be buggy on the software side. The light sensor is very quick to detect changes, but the brightness doesn't drop back once it goes up. I feel that the brightness gets set to full at too low of a light level too. Using a screen protector and case does help a little by blocking some of the light, but it's not enough.
Actually, having GPS on consumes battery even when it is not used. And quite a lot. I have seen mayor battery boost after I started to turn it off when I do not use it. (on G1).
I've done some monitoring with PowerTutor and noticed that the Facebook app significantly drains the G2's battery (even when all features are disabled). If you sign out of it you should notice a 2+ hour increase in your battery life. People in my other thread have confirmed this and I think it might be a bug with facebook 1.3.2. I recommend making a link on your home page to m.facebook.com instead of using the facebook app.
I have also noticed that the e-mail app (NOT G-MAIL), when using Exchange ActiveSync, drains a good bit of battery when used with a Hotmail account (I'm not sure if other exchange servers have this problem or if the problem is in the e-mail app itself). The remedy that I have come up with for this is to make a new G-mail account, set hotmail to forward to it, and then on the gmail website go to Settings-> Accounts and Import and under the Send Mail As: section, add your hotmail account to it and set it as the default.
This way you get g-mail's lightweight mail pushing (which is just as fast as exchange) and it's transparent to you and everyone who has your hotmail address.
Besides those two tips, I recommend using PowerTutor to diagnose any abnormally low battery life issues you may have. My power usage is way down after fixing these two problems. Once in PowerTutor, go to View Application Power Usage, set Time Span to total, disable LCD monitoring, and set Sort By to Energy usage. Reset the power profiler and lock your phone and let it sit idle for about 30 mins to 1 hr, and then look at the application power usage. PowerTutor will probably be the top one, but you should also see what other applications are sapping your battery life.
Note: PowerTutor itself drains battery, so you should not constantly run it. I think it is set to start automatically so you will want to go in to settings and turn that off.
funkadesi said:
Its time we need a thread like this to ensure every G2 user is getting the best out of their battery.
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+1 Sticky Please.
pmstc said:
I've done some monitoring with PowerTutor and noticed that the Facebook app significantly drains the G2's battery (even when all features are disabled). If you sign out of it you should notice a 2+ hour increase in your battery life. People in my other thread have confirmed this and I think it might be a bug with facebook 1.3.2. I recommend making a link on your home page to m.facebook.com instead of using the facebook app.
I have also noticed that the e-mail app (NOT G-MAIL), when using Exchange ActiveSync, drains a good bit of battery when used with a Hotmail account (I'm not sure if other exchange servers have this problem or if the problem is in the e-mail app itself). The remedy that I have come up with for this is to make a new G-mail account, set hotmail to forward to it, and then on the gmail website go to Settings-> Accounts and Import and under the Send Mail As: section, add your hotmail account to it and set it as the default.
This way you get g-mail's lightweight mail pushing (which is just as fast as exchange) and it's transparent to you and everyone who has your hotmail address.
Besides those two tips, I recommend using PowerTutor to diagnose any abnormally low battery life issues you may have. My power usage is way down after fixing these two problems. Once in PowerTutor, go to View Application Power Usage, set Time Span to total, disable LCD monitoring, and set Sort By to Energy usage. Reset the power profiler and lock your phone and let it sit idle for about 30 mins to 1 hr, and then look at the application power usage. PowerTutor will probably be the top one, but you should also see what other applications are sapping your battery life.
Note: PowerTutor itself drains battery, so you should not constantly run it. I think it is set to start automatically so you will want to go in to settings and turn that off.
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i think with exchange rather than having the user select the refresh interval (ie 30 mins, 1 hour) the system is a ALWAYS ON connection which constantly checks your e-mail. As oppose to G-Mail..... they as get PUSHED to your phone by google's servers every time you get an e-mail as oppose to an ALWAYS ON system.
There is a lot of hush going on about the facebook app draining the battery... hence I addressed the widget/app parts..... as of now I think we should wait for an update to see how things change, it is a software bug.
Location - Wireless networks=OFF
By turning this off won't you in turn be turning off assisted GPS?
IE - the GPS will not have an approximate location and begin locating from there but will rather have to cycle much further to dial in and take much longer to calculate your position?
Just asking - if you haven't noticed a difference then that's cool.
I also noticed shop savvy was taking up alot of my battery drain. Looks like it was running in the background non stop. I uninstalled it.
Isn't WCDMA the HSPA+ network and CDMA the 3G? I currently have mine set to edge only since the speeds are slow all across the board in my town. Even on the phones down at the tmobile store. Hoping its just a minor tower issue in my area.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
funkadesi said:
i think with exchange rather than having the user select the refresh interval (ie 30 mins, 1 hour) the system is a ALWAYS ON connection which constantly checks your e-mail. As oppose to G-Mail..... they as get PUSHED to your phone by google's servers every time you get an e-mail as oppose to an ALWAYS ON system.
There is a lot of hush going on about the facebook app draining the battery... hence I addressed the widget/app parts..... as of now I think we should wait for an update to see how things change, it is a software bug.
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Exchange activesync should push email. I had set it to push and hotmail supposively supports this. Even if it doesn't, I tried setting it to polling and it still seemed to use a decent amount of battery life. Anyways something is wrong with activesync pushing.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
funkadesi said:
i think with exchange rather than having the user select the refresh interval (ie 30 mins, 1 hour) the system is a ALWAYS ON connection which constantly checks your e-mail. As oppose to G-Mail..... they as get PUSHED to your phone by google's servers every time you get an e-mail as oppose to an ALWAYS ON system.
There is a lot of hush going on about the facebook app draining the battery... hence I addressed the widget/app parts..... as of now I think we should wait for an update to see how things change, it is a software bug.
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Exchange uses Activesync, which pushes messages as well. The ongoing sync is for contacts and calendar items which if you do not make a lot of changes, change to off and sync then yourself manually.
markdurant said:
Exchange uses Activesync, which pushes messages as well. The ongoing sync is for contacts and calendar items which if you do not make a lot of changes, change to off and sync then yourself manually.
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I had turned all Syncing off besides mail and it was still eating battery on push mode... just something to keep in mind for Activesync users who are experiencing abnormally low battery life
raqua said:
Actually, having GPS on consumes battery even when it is not used. And quite a lot. I have seen mayor battery boost after I started to turn it off when I do not use it. (on G1).
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GPS ONLY uses battery when it is in use. You will know this because the icon will appear when it is being used. It doesn't use battery just being on. WiFi and Bluetooth do because they have to constantly "keep their eyes open" for things like networks and bluetooth devices that want to pair/communicate.
ddgarcia05 said:
I also noticed shop savvy was taking up alot of my battery drain. Looks like it was running in the background non stop. I uninstalled it.
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I noticed this too on other Android phones but not on my G2. It would just show up in Battery Use even though I wasn't using it. If you want to see what is keeping your phone awake you can use the hidden Battery History menu. The "partial wake usage" is usually a big contributor for bad standby times. You could also try changing from WCDMA Preferred to GSM Auto PRL. This helps some people.
khaosxiii said:
Location - Wireless networks=OFF
By turning this off won't you in turn be turning off assisted GPS?
IE - the GPS will not have an approximate location and begin locating from there but will rather have to cycle much further to dial in and take much longer to calculate your position?
Just asking - if you haven't noticed a difference then that's cool.
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A lot of people have been reporting that this feature as of NOW updates every hour, regardless of which services/apps need it. If you ask me, I haven't noticed any significant amount in the time it takes to get GPS location having that feature turned OFF. If you do a cold start (i.e. restart your phone) than the GPS will take a couple of more seconds to initialize for the first time use. However, from than on everytime you use the GPS it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to acquire your position.
hah2110 said:
I noticed this too on other Android phones but not on my G2. It would just show up in Battery Use even though I wasn't using it. If you want to see what is keeping your phone awake you can use the hidden Battery History menu. The "partial wake usage" is usually a big contributor for bad standby times. You could also try changing from WCDMA Preferred to GSM Auto PRL. This helps some people.
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Could you explain more about this settings, and how would one get to this setting.... If it helps save the battery I'll add it to the list
funkadesi said:
Could you explain more about this settings, and how would one get to this setting.... If it helps save the battery I'll add it to the list
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Sure... At the phone menu (must be the native dialer), dial *#*#4636#*#*. Then chose Battery History and you can use the drop downs to control what you view. If you go to "phone information", you can change the preferred network type. Here you can force 3g only, etc. WCDMA Preferred fights to get a 3G signal and keep it. GSM Auto PRL uses a downloaded list to choose whether to use 3G or 2G, thereby saving battery in certain cases.

turn wifi off while sleeping or juice defender

*I have bluetooth,nfc,gps turned off all the time just to be clear*
Do you think there is a difference between using the juice defender app and turning in the setting that says keep wifi on while sleeping:never ??
As in do you think one is better than the other ? Does one save more battery life than the other? etc
Don't use juice defender. The more crap you have running (software wise) the worse the battery. period.
Except that the wifi setting to turn off never works, or sporadically works. Try it yourself, set it to turn off and then check its IP every so often with pings, it'll respond.
I don't use JD, but I currently use Green Power, but I'm just going to go back to doing it in Tasker as I don't need it to sync periodically. As said, one less app that way, since I'm already running Tasker.
khaytsus said:
Except that the wifi setting to turn off never works, or sporadically works. Try it yourself, set it to turn off and then check its IP every so often with pings, it'll respond.
I don't use JD, but I currently use Green Power, but I'm just going to go back to doing it in Tasker as I don't need it to sync periodically. As said, one less app that way, since I'm already running Tasker.
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I tried using tasker and I couldn't figure it out
Check out the free app called llama. I have it set to turn on airplane mode when the screen is off for 5 minutes and disable it when the screen turns on.
proud_whovian said:
I tried using tasker and I couldn't figure it out
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I'll type out what I have. It turns off wifi if it's on, turns it on if it was on when going off. ie: If you have wifi off intentionally, it won't turn it back on. I also have it NOT turn off wifi if it's plugged in, listed as optional below.
Note that the %WIFI variable you can either type it in (all caps) or use the button to list all variables, it'll be at the end, Wifi Status.
If you still can't get it, I can export them.. heh.
To turn wifi off:
Add profile, set it for State->Display->Display State is off, and optionally, long-press on the Display Off you just created and click Add and select State->Power->Power->Any
Add Task, name it Wifi Off or whatever
Stop - if %WIFI (matches) off
Variable Set - %wifiStatus to %WIFI
If - %wifiStatus (matches) on
...Wifi - Set Off
End If
To turn wifi back on:
Add profile, set it for State->Display->Display State is on
Add task, name it Wifi On or whatever
Stop - if %WIFI (matches) on
If - %wifiStatus (matches) on
...Flash - Turning Wifi on...
...Wifi - Set On
...Flash - Leaving wifi off..
End If

