[Q] how to connect wm 6.5 with my adsl? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i have adsl connection and i want to connect with my wm 6.5
there is any way by USB or bluetooth?

yes of course all you need to do is to install WMDC on your PC and then you will be able to share your internet connexion from your PC to your mobile


VPN and Vista

Hi there,
I'm trying to set up a VPN connection via WifI with my pc. Currently the os Vista Ultimate is installed. I created a VPN in Vista. For some reason i can't connect with my trinity. I tried multiple settings in both Vista and my ppc.
Can someone tell me if it's possible to connect to Vista trough VPN anyway? If so, what are the exact settings
ppc wm5 with original gps upgrade from trinity
Are you able to get an activesync connection established?
Try to turn off all firewall settings.
Newbie question. What's a VPN and why do you want it for?
Sorry, i'm just curious.
Thanks very much,

Internet Sharing with WM5 (AKU3) and Windows Vista

Hi All.
I found myself fighting how to configure my Pocket PC (ATT 8525/HTC Tytn/HTC Hermes) as modem for my Vista Computer. I just upgraded the ROM and the new AKU3 Rom replaced the modem with something called INTERNET SHARING. Finally I figured ou how to connect my Pocket PC and Vista computer via USB and BLUETOOTH. Wish this helps others Sergio

Dopod C730: unable to connect to Internet via USB cable through a Windows Vista PC

My Dopod C730 is unable to connect to Internet via USB cable through a Windows Vista PC.
I have installed Mobile center 6.1, it can sync PIM, it can connect to the Internet via GPRS/3G/HSDPA and Wifi.
Please help!

file sharing?

hy. is there a way to configure my windows mobile 6.5 phone to connect over wifi my shared files on my network? How to configure my wm phone? Please help.

internet sharing

please help
im using my hd2 as a modem with usb connection , everything goes well , my phone get connect to gprs , my pc (WINDOWS 7) connect but no internet acsses.
whats the problem
Do you use the function "internet sharing"? It´s the easiest way to do what you want. Using it as modem via USB is not very practical...

