Radio options in build.prop - myTouch 3G Slide General

I decided to post this after doing some research and putting off testing this for a while now. I know editing the radio options in the build.prop has been tossed around as a whisper in dark hallways for a while now but no one has really seemed to do it and see what happens. This is just for the Slide in America, I have no clue if it will work in europe, though I've heard it does.
All I've done is edit the following lines:
Editing the wifi scan interval should save on battery (it's set at 60s now instead of 15s), the 3G prefix is 0 by default and I think it's just asthetic even though I haven't noticed it yet. There are 2 listings and usually they are different classes, I set them both to the same class. Lastly, the wifi channels were (on my rom at least) set to "blank" and I figured that might be an issue for some of the roms that have trouble with wifi so I set that 14.
I won't say that this will increase your speed or help lock on to 'H' or '3G' more, you'll just have to test it for yourself and see if you notice anything. If enough people do try this I'll put up a poll to see if editing the class or wifi settings actually helps.
Back up your original before you push this (of course you're in recovery).
adb pull /system/build.prop <path to where ever>
Then to push it:
adb push <path to new file> /system/
I'm not taking credit for this, I'm sure I'm not the first or last to do this


Pocket PC - The other manual

I am not responsible for any tweaks used on this page that may or may not damage your phone!
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the various tweaks as well as other websites and forums where this information was compiled from!
I would name people personally but that would take entirely too long and I’m sure I would mess up who gets what credit J
section 1 code(s)
Code - Number - Program Run on the Sprint 6700 - Short description
##DIAG# 3424 "DMRouter.exe" - Passthrough enabled
##DEBUG# 33284 "FieldTrial.exe" - Opens a page called field trail. Shows the cellular radio debug info, signal etc... This one is safe for even inexperienced users as you cant mess anything up here. It simply displays information.
#HELP# 4357 "EPST.exe #4357" - only one # before code... It flashes the screen but nothing else. perhaps a modem reset?
##PRL# 775 "EPST.exe ##775" - unlock PRL
##DATA# 3282 "EPST.exe ##3282" - Main programming of Sprint vision options
##PREV# 7738 "EPST.exe ##7738" - Allows you to set the p-rev of your phone.
##AKEY# 2539 "EPST.exe ##2539" - Allows you to set a AKEY for the phone.
##VOCODER# 8626337 "EPST.exe ##8626337" - vocoder??? settings are home orig and roam orig .
##RTN# 786 "EPST.exe ##786" - Shows runtime and info on phone. This one is safe for even inexperienced users as you cant mess anything up here. It simply displays information.
##pst# 778 "EPST.exe ##778" - edit epst. Displays critical data allows you to edit A-key, NAM settings, CDMA settings, home SID and NID, modem settings, PRL, packet dial string, phone directiry, M.IP settings, M.IP default profile and 5 customer profiles. Here are the codes for Verizon dumped straight from the registry.
Most of these are to be entered with # + Code (#778) followed by Talk button. here they are.
"Key0"="#778" ----> PST (Product Support Tool)
"Key1"="#7764726" PROGRAM ( Same as ##3328873)
"Key2"="#374" ---->ESI ( Extended Service Indacator)
"Key3"="#775" PRL (Prefered Roaming List )
"Key4"="4357" ---->HELP (displays a screen whne you exit no reboot)
"Key5"="#33284" ----> DEBUG (FieldTrial.exe)
"Key6"="#3328873" ----> FEATURE ( EV data/Vocoder/NAM/ Features)
"Key7"="#3424" ---->DIAG ( DMRouter.exe no reboot)
"Prog0"="EPST.exe ##778"
"Prog1"="EPST.exe ##7764726"
"Prog2"="EPST.exe ##374"
"Prog3"="EPST.exe ##775"
"Prog4"="EPST.exe #4357"
"Prog6"="EPST.exe ##3328873"
Sprint VX6700. Those ##codes mistyped. here corrections
"Key0"="##778 SEND"
"Key1"="##7764726 SEND"
"Key2"="##374 SEND"
"Key3"="##775 SEND"
"Key5"="##33284 SEND"
"Key6"="##3328873 SEND"
"Key7"="##3424 SEND"
Alltel PPC-6700, and here is what mine shows:
"Prog0"="EPST.exe ##778"
"Prog3"="EPST.exe ##775" , it asks me for an unlock code.
These seem to be listed in the registry at:
##1122 - Test Menu
##7659 - Ploy Test
##847446 - Phone Programming
This code is to view the ESN- that is on the back of the phone.But if someone takes the sticker off the phone. then the phone is use-less without this information!
Enter "##20022002" and press the end key
Select "Select NAM"
SPC Code is "000000"
Next screen, select "Phone Info"
Select "ESN"
The ESN that appears is not the ESN that VM uses to activate the phone. There are three numbers on the sticker and the number that appears is the nember/letter combination that appears under the second barcode.
#5625* - lock code
##1144 - key tone length
**5625 Gets you maintence required?
##0515 -- Once the code is entered, the code doesn't seem to go away from the screen until you push End, Send, or OK. Don't know what else this code does.
##1024 -- Displays the Dynamic Range menu, lets you select between 85db and 102db.
##1111 -- Displays EFS (Electronic File System?) used and available memory, under some circumstances (most times it just shows a grayed screen
##1112 -- Displays ERI status (?), again, under some circumstances
##1113 -- Displays another ERI status, under some circumstances
##1114 -- Displays another ERI status, under some circumstances
##1122 -- Displays a diagnostic screen -- lets you...
1) test the ringer
2) test the vibrator
3) test the microphone (puts the phone into "voice echo" mode)
4) test the screen (makes the screen white)
5) test the screen (makes the screen red)
6) test the screen (makes the screen green)
7) test the screen (makes the screen blue)
8) test the screen (makes the screen black
9) test the volume (plays the "Allegro" ringer)
##1133 -- Sets certain "default" options: Sets "Allegro" as the ringer, sets all volumes to level 3, and (watch out for this one!) sets the phone to auto-answer incoming calls after 5 seconds (this option can be changed by going to Menu-6-6-3).
##1144 -- Displays a screen that lets you set the tone length when keys are pressed
##2222 -- Displays a status screen that shows AGC value (Automatic Gain Controller?), LNA (?) status, and MIXER (?) status
##2240 -- Displays a software test menu...I don't know what the different options mean.
##2250 -- Displays a RFNV Contents menu. I don't know what the options here mean, except option 5 lets you turn Factory Test Mode on and off. When Factory Test Mode is on, you can't make or receive any calls.
##2283 -- Displays a DM Baud Rate menu. I'm assuming this lets you select what speed is used for data downloading.
##2768 -- Displays a screen that appears to show battery status ("ADC_BATT") and "AFTR IIR"
##2773 -- Displays a debug screen.
##4771 -- Starts a GPS test program. You have to enter the security code to access this program (usually 000000, if it hasn't been changed by someone else). If anyone knows how to make the GPS work... This code doesn't do anything if the phone is in factory test mode.
##4776 -- Displays a screen that apparently lets you see the GPS AGC value. The phone resets itself after leaving this screen, or shuts itself off if you hit #.
##5856 -- Renders the screen black, except for the icon bar at the top of the screen, which becomes completely white. The phone responds to commands as normal, except that nothing is shown on the screen. The phone must be reset to remove this mode (unless someone knows of a reversal code).
##6782 -- Displays a "Clear MRU?" menu. Not sure what this does. Resets the phone if you answer yes. Performs a memory cleanup?
##6787 -- Displays a "Store nsts" menu...don't know what this does.
##7627 -- Displays the data connection type menu -- same as doing Menu-8-2.
##7628 -- Displays a dialog that tells you what option you have selected in the ##7627 menu.
##7678 -- Displays a RunTime DevMap menu...presumably this lets you pick what device cables will be used for diagnostics and data transfers.
##7726 -- Starts an analog test mode. This mode lets you enter six-digit codes. The first two digits have significance when it is "11", which apparently lets you select a channel. Turns the phone off when you press End.
##8888 -- Shows a list of the different MIDI effects the phone can create (note that you can't move through the list unless etiquette mode is turned on, but you can turn on etiquette mode [hold down "*" until the phone says "Etiquette Mode On"], enter the code, then scroll to a point in the list directly before or after the desired sound, then turn etiquette mode off, and then move up or down to the desired item on the list)
##11223344 -- Displays a screen similar to the ##1122 screen, but pressing different buttons will unlock different ringers. Most of these are either duplicates of ringers already pre-loaded on the phone, or animated ringers that don't work, but there is one ringer called "carlos_latin", that isn't pre-loaded on the phone. The unlocked ringers will show up in the "My Downloads" or "Animated Ringer" menus.
##20022002 -- Displays the security Menu, used for programming the phone when you purchase it from the retailer. The options are:
1) Set NAM -- used to program the phone for your service. SPC code (if it wasn't changed) is usually 000000. The phone will require a reset after leaving this menu.
1) Phone Info -- Read-only values.
1) ESN -- Electronic Serial Number.
2) CAI version
3) Firmware version
4) Phone model
5) Station Class Mark
2) NAM 1 -- Preferred carrier network
1) Mini Setup
1) Phone Number -- according to the phone company -- may not actually match up with the phone number you use to call yourself!
2) Home System ID
3) Dir Number -- The phone number shown in your phone info screens, and when the phone is turned on (this can be changed with no ill effects)
2) Full Setup
1) NAM Name -- The name of your carrier that is shown when the phone is turned on (this can be changed with no ill effects)
2) Phone Number -- same as in Mini Setup
3) FM Setup
4) CDMA Setup
5) Home Sys.
6) PRL Info.
7) Dir Number -- Same as in Mini Setup
3) NAM 2 -- backup carrier network -- All options same as NAM 1 setup
4) SPC code -- passcode you entered to get into the NAM programming menu
5) SCI
2) Voice Option -- Presumably this controls the data transmission rate for voice signals sent over the digital network.
#5265* -- Unlocks the phone (if it was locked through Menu-6-3-1-1), and tells you what your password was.
##737247 -- Displays a Repair menu. (?)
##2769737 -- Lets you change IP settings for the browser.
##27732726 -- Software test menu.
##27752345 -- Misc. test menu.
type in ##charge (##242743)
##33284 Field Diagnostics
##778 Data statistics
##374 Update ERI
##775 Update PRL
##7764726 NAM and ESN Edit-nitiating EPST via the dial codes above and enabling wmodem in the same screens you enable bluetooth toggles the HideSerial and Multi-Nai values to 0x1 (1) under /hklm/software/oem/wmodem/ wModemDUN stays disabled.
NOTE: All of the codes below require you to press the {END} key at the end of the number.
##20022002 - NAM programming Be Careful!
##7678 (##PORT) - RunTime DevMap
##7738 (##PREV) - Change P_Rev. Allows you to force CDMA (Select Rev 4)
##2283 (##BAUD) - Set the data port baud rate
##2240 - S/W test
##2250 - RFNV Contents. Tons of options here. I have no idea what they do.
##1111 - EFS space (This doesn't seem to work on the 8900. The screen loses resolution and freezes...Press {END} to unfreeze)
##2222 - RF stuff displays CDMA Automatic Gain Control and Low Noise Amplifier data
##1122 - Test ringtone, vibrate, and colors. Adjust contrast and stuff.
##1133 - Be careful! Resets the phone back to factory settings.
##1144 - Change the length of the keypad tones. Navigation keys don't work here, use the numbers to change values.
#7623 (#ROAD) Roadside assistance. I'm not sure what they do, but I'm sure it will cost you.
#5625* (#LOCK*) Unlocks keypad and tells you the code (very useful for sure)
##2769737 (##BROWSER) Internet Options. This is where you can change uplink IP port
##27732726 - Software tests and stuff. Displays the date/time of firmware. Lots of cool stuff in here.
##27752345 - Battery info and modification. Be careful!
2539** - Changes authentication key. This is the A-Key or Authentication Key. Don't mess with it!
**1004 DM Mode Enable (harmless but I'm unsure what it does, maybe don't try just in case)
**1005 DS Mode Enable (same as above)
##2773 - Debug - Field test mode.
Rx = Receive power measured in dB.
Tx = Send power measured in dB.
P_Rev Protocol Revision = 6 is 1x, 4 is regular CDMA.
Ec = A measure of how strong individual connections from the tower are compared to everything that the tower is transmitting. Compares the pilot signal to the overall level of traffic, but this is a good indicator of how your connection compares to the overall level of traffic from the tower. -3 dB to -8 dB is usually a “good” Ec. When Ec gets larger, like -10 dB or -15 dB phones will start having trouble maintaining their connections, even with full signal. C = Channel. B side carriers start on 384. Will increase by 1.25MHz or 41 channels.
##2773 <end> debug mode - Find out what's really going on with the Verizon network
##8378 <OK> Force CDMA
##1111 gives you EFS stautus
##550317# access the mdn and msi id
section 2 -the registry
Many of the hacks discussed here are registry hacks and require a registry editor. PHM Registry Editor is a freeware package and is available on the net. A soft reboot will be required after making changes in order for them to take affect. Just a reminder, do not email me and ask me how to use this. I will not help you. I don't run a tech support line. I don't care if you can't figure it out. Go away...
Messing with the registry can be potentially fatal to your phone and your wallet (when you have to go to sprint or verizon and buy a new phone!)
What is the registry, you ask? Well, the registry is where Windows (on the desktop, or your PDA) typically stores each and every setting necessary for the system to run properly. In many parts of the registry, you'll find complicated, unintuitive, and just plain undocumented configuration values, strings, etc. that are necessary to make Windows operate properly. A rather large part of the registry seems to be devoted to this type of data.
First you need a registry editor - I suggest PHM Regedit (it's free and it works!)
This is a view of the very top-level (sometimes called the 'root') of the registry. The Windows Mobile 5 registry is broken up into four main sections:
Each section contains a series of subsections and values that may (or may not) be of interest. The registry is laid out much like the hard drive on your computer -- your hard drive which contains folders ... which in turn may contain other folders, or files. The registry has both 'keys' (foldes) and 'values' (files) - so what you will typically need to do when you want to modify the registry is navigate through the keys, and then find the value you want to change.
* Backup, then, Back up, then Back up again!!! (you get the picture!)
Using PHM "Tools > Backup..." *give it an identifiable name (I keep an additional backup on my desktop just in case)
1: Find the Key
In the File Explorer view (just like on your desktop)
Browse to the key that is to be edited, they're normally in the format of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/.../.../..." or sometimes for short "HKLM/.../.../..."
*exact same thing
2: Find the Value
Switch views to display the values to that key
Click on the button that has an up/down arrow on it to change views
3: Edit the Key
Click on value to be edited, change the value, select ok - if you screw up, hit cancel.
I like to turn off then soft reset after pretty much everything I do.
Do ONE registry hack at a time...make sure your phone works fine, if not, you know exactly which hack is the culprit and can use that backup you made previously to rollback any mess ups!
Tweak to do something
To do this and that, adjust the following registry value:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To do something different entirely, perhaps the opposite, do this:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 0 (DWORD decimal)
How-to : Remove Junkware from your PPC 6700
Step 1 : Download Total Commander.
Step 2 : Perform a Hard Reset by pressing the two soft keys, which are the buttons on the left above the talk button and the button on the right above the end buton, and while holding them down use your stylus to push the restart button on the bottom of the device.
Step 3 : Configure your 6700 : Screen tap, time zone, password, etc..
Step 4 : Push the Reset Button when the 6700 tells you: "3 seconds until software install"
Step 5 : Sync your 6700 to your computer
Step 6 : Install Total Commander on your PC, and transfer it to your 6700
Step 7 : Run Total Commander on your 6700 and type in /extended_rom/ in the path box.
Step 8 : Click on the following CABs to install them.
Step 9 : Soft Reset - optional
Step 10 : Install any 3rd party applications you need
Enjoy your faster PPC! You've saved about 5.44MB of storage and 200KB in program memory
A BIG thanks to MrHappy for the list of CABs to use
1. It's been postulated that you should do this mod only AFTER you've activated the phone and used it at least once in its stock condition. This is for provisioning purposes
2. If any of your programs do not work after this mod, just open Total Commander and start re-installing the CABs until you find the one that is missing. Unfortunately this is not an exact science
3. You can install Audible and Sprint Store to your Memory Card if you really need them
4. Alltel customers seem to have an unincumbered 6700, so you should not need to run this mod.
5. If you don't like this mod, just hard-reset your 6700 and let it reinstall everything
This is everything Sprint installs
This is what I install
How To: Remove Junkware Method #2 - More of a Permanent Fix
This tutorial uses a manipulation of the Extended ROM2 folder and is an alternative to other method of removing junkware. The good thing about this method is that it will stick with your PPC as long as you own it, or until you decide to change it back. In other words, a hard reset will put back the good files and leave the junk out. Please note, this method requires changing the config.txt file and may harm your PPC if you don't know what you're doing. Therefore, follow the instructions closely and ask questions before doing anything if you don't understand. This tutorial assumes you have your device connected to your computer via Activesync. It's just easier that way. So here's how it's done...
First, download the attached zip file and extract both files. Copy them to your PPC-6700. You will need to execute both files on your device (first the extended ROM unlock, then the Extended ROM wizard). The Extended ROM wizard is a .cab file, so it will ask where you want it installed. Just install it to your device (not a memory card). After both files have been run, do a soft reset.
When your PPC comes back up, open File Explorer and you'll see a new folder called "Extended ROM2" under "My Device". This is the folder that holds all the junkware Sprint likes to add to our phones.
Now (and this is VERY IMPORTANT), copy the Extended ROM2 folder and paste it to your memory card or computer hard drive. You need to keep this copy in case you ever need to go back to the original factory settings (with junkware). You may need this if you have to turn in your phone for servicing or something like that. Just keep the copy some place safe where you won't delete it.
Once you have the folder copied, go into the Extended ROM2 folder on your device and look for the "Config.txt" file. Copy that file and paste it to your computer desktop. Open it and you'll see something like this:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Cert_SPCS.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Fetch.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\WTLAudiblePlayerPocketPC.arm.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Getmail.ppc2003.ARMV4Rel.sprint.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\sprint_software_store.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\GetGL.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
RST: Reset
Now, assuming your idea of junkware and mine are the same, you can edit the file to look like this:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Cert_SPCS.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
RST: Reset
This configuration gets rid of the Sprint Store, Get GL (GoodLink), Audible Player and sample file, and other associated irritants. You can leave anything you'd like, but the above config file is the recommended bare minimum.
Once you get the file looking the way you'd like, do a "Save As" and save it somewhere other than your desktop (the reason being that your original config.txt is still on your desktop and it's "Read only" so it can't be overwritten). It's probably best to leave the file open for now though...
Now look back at the Extended ROM2 folder on your PPC (probably easiest to do from your desktop). Any files that you deleted from the config.txt file can now be deleted from this folder (and don't worry, you'll still have the files on backup as long as you followed the initial steps). Now copy the new config.txt file you created to that folder. Your Extended ROM2 folder should now look like this:
Finally, you need to perform a hard reset. Please realize that this WILL wipe out all data, so only do this if you're prepared to reinstall all your programs. Perform the hard reset by hitting the reset button while hold both of the "soft" keys (the keys with the "-" on them). When your PPC-6700 comes back on, go through the setup procedures and then your "customization" process will begin.
If you've done it correctly, you can go to Start/Programs and you won't see Audible, Get GL, or Sprint Store icons. You now have a JUNK FREE PPC-6700!! Congrats!
In case anyones wondering - Following the original instructions yields:
39.23 mb Storage
33.14 mb Program -Lets you have option of "set as ringtone" where it will copy the file to /windows/rings - Has something to do with HKLM\Security\ResOver with parm name 56. Replace Regcover -extract a file call rilphone.dll. Looking a the hex edit of it, seems like something involving the modem function. -Remove bottom right battery icon and remove title bar clock. -The PPST cab actually updates the PRI . PRL (as you may know) controls what providers your phone will roam with. PRI, on the other hand, stands for "Product Release Instructions" and is essentially a list of settings for the CDMA radio. It is that updated PRI which contains settings to enable data roaming and to allow calls to interrupt an active data session (AKA "ring-thru"). (thanks luv2chill) - Add in HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\3rdversion string MSYSTEM = 2.06.303 WWE which apparently makes a Item in Device Information called ExtROM with a description of 2.06.303 WWE - Installs a couple of files; ohci.dll, qct.dll, qctusb.dll, rilphone.dll, SDemory.dll. Seems this is a fix/patch for various stuff. - Install something called jTelDll.dll. Has to do with IOTA. - Installs something called HTC_CM_Guardian.exe in windows directory. Not sure what it does but its installed in the startup menu so it run everytime you
restart the device. Has someting to do with SPCS Connection. Probably something to make sure that we don't mess up the SPCS connection settings. - Installs code translation. i.e. instead of Error Code 64 it will say "Unknown error. Sign in failed. Please try again. If the problem persists, turn your phone off then turn it on again." - Installs for vision provisioning. -Related to Seems to give option to set midi, mp3, amr, etc for ringtones. - Has to do with windows media player. Seems to be associating avi,3gp,mp4,m4a,mid,midi,rmi,amr,awb,3g2,qcp with that program. - Installs some sprint customization - Install certificate
Cert_SPCS.CAB - Disable the the security feature from asking permission to run a certain program - Install sample audio files used by WTLAudiblePlayerPocketPC.arm.CAB - Change button lock from Do not Lock buttons to Lock all but power. - Removes the various program i.e. AE, Goodlink, etc from Add/Remove Program
Fetch.CAB - Install some with a picture of Action Info w/ today plugin
GetGL.CAB - Install Goodlink
Getmail.ppc2003.ARMV4Rel.sprint.CAB - Install the Sprint getmail - Hide the Call Duration page under Device Information - Adds PhoneSetting.htm help file and add Clear Voicemail Icon setting - Removes Bottom right battery icon.
Sprint_Software_store.CAB - Install the Sprint Store Software - Makes it so that the time sync option is visable under Phone setting. Funny thing is that it's visable by default.
WTLAudiblePlayerPocketPC.arm.CAB - Install WTL audio player w/ some skins
Enables the Ext Rom visible
Revert the values to original and the ext rom is no longer visible.
you dont need the ext rom unlocker to remove junkware.
Step by Step guide to removing junk from new rom
Here are the steps I followed, since there seems to be a lack of usable instructions on this site.
1) Install the new ROM update, and let it do it's thing and install all of the junkware.
2) Delete any existing partnerships with ActiveSync, and then reconnect the PPC6700 to the computer.
3) When prompted create a new partnership, and uncheck all of the checkmarks by the sync items, so you get an ActiveSync profile that does not sync anything.
4) Download the Apache ROM unlocker from the following link:
5) Download Total Commander from the following link:
6) For the ROM unlocker, they used RAR to compress. You will need to get WinRAR to unrar. Once that is done put the .exe on your PPC6700 by using the Explore option of ActiveSync.
7) Put the total commander program on your ppc6700 in the same way you did the unlocker.
8) Disconnect the PPC6700 from the computer and use File Explorer on it to find the files you just put on there.
9) First click the total commander icon and this will install total commander.
10) Next click the ROM unlocker link and it will pop a dialog box. Click ok.
11) Soft reset the device
12) Once back up run the total commander program out of Start -> Programs -> Total Commander.
13) Type in the path \Extended_ROM\ in the path box
14) Select the config file from that folder and move it to you Documents and Settings to modify it.
15) Pull up the properties on the file and uncheck the read only attirbute of the config file.
16) Use total commander to edit it. Romove the following lines:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\WTLAudiblePlayerPocketPC.arm.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\sprint_software_store.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\GetGL.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
17) Pull up the properties of the file again and re-enable the read only attribute of the config file.
18) Move the file back to \Extended_ROM\ directory.
19) Hard Reset the device
20) After it installs all of the necessarry files, go to the remove programs setting and remove the 2 programs listed there. I dont know what is installing them, but they are junkware related so get rid of them.
Now you have a PPC6700 free of junkware!
There are a lot of posts floating around on unlocking the ext. rom.
I have a feeling some are redundant however I am not an expert so here goes:
The registry mods here:
Enables the Ext Rom visible
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemStora geManagerProfilesTRUEFFS_DOC1]
Below is a copy of Verizon's config.txt for the cabs to be loaded on hard reset:
SHOW: Extended_ROMVerizon_Logo2.bmp
EXEC: Extended_ROMTPDisable.exe
CAB: Extended_ROMVZWProvision_Signe
CAB: Extended_ROMSigned_MMS3.0.6.22 _Apache_VZW_26Sep05.CAB
CAB: Extended_ROMCustomize_105201.s a.CAB
CAB: Extended_ROMVZWProvision.PPC40 0_2577MTM.CAB
RST: Reset
An easy way to get rid of the "user configurations" Verizon enables is to hard reset the 6700 (hold down both soft keys while hitting the reset key.)
Once your device resets and you begin the set-up wizard you can then reset the device before any of the "customizations" are installed. If you want to go back and install the "customizations" you can install them one by one by unlocking the Extended Rom and then opening the cab files yourself.
You can unlock the extended rom by downloading this program (you will need to register to download.,...leinfo/id,204/
This file will be a RAR file, which you can either open on your PC or download PocketRAR, Here:
And you can browse to the Extended Rom and view the CAB files by installing Total Commander and typing /Extended_ROM/
You can now view the cab files that would have normally installed.
The important one's to install seem to be:
The nice part about installing CAB's this way is that you can uninstall them at anytime.
Thankfully VZW doesn't install all the Junk that Sprint does, but they do add some restrictions, such as crippling WiFi and Bluetooth...this should help eliminate both of those restrictions.
Hard reset with WM5.0
how to go Boot Option,
Light Button + Stylus reset goes to Boot Option.
Useing Action button, up key to toggle YES-NO
Useing Action button, down key to toscroll menu
"Bootloader mode" For Apache (6700): Disconnect from any USB connections. You press & hold the Record and Power buttons (the top one on the left side) while pressing Reset once.(located at the bottom of the 67.) Hold the buttons until the screen reads "Serial vX.XX" where X.XX is your bootloader version. It can take a couple of tries to get it right but once you do you'll know it because the screen will go dark (though it is not off--if you hold it up to a light you'll see the word Serial on the screen)
"Hard Reset" hold down the "-" keys aka (SoftKeys) and insert the stylus in the reset hole, buttom of 67 all at the same time....this wil reload the ROM....start from scratch.
"Soft Reset" just insert the stylus in the reset hole, buttom of is like a reboot.
Tethering = Using a cable to connect to your phone.
DUN = Dial Up Networking
KITL : Kernel Independant Transport Layer .... to learn more about this , please go to
Clean Registry Hive : this option is to clean all the registry entries and put the default registry if you set to YES . If NO , registry keys you have adedd or modified are here after reboot
Format Storage : It's to format the internal storage (contactas , calendar ...) if you set to YES . If NO , any data are erased .
section - internet and message
Change the 'user agent' identification of Pocket Internet Explorer
To change the 'user agent' identification of Pocket Internet Explorer, several fields need to be adjusted. The example shows how to identify as Internet Explorer 6 - desktop version
The standard compliance 'user-agent' string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\(Default) = "Mozilla/4.0" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Defaults to "Mozilla/2.0" The application/version string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Version = "MSIE 6.0" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
- Change the "Platform" value from "Windows CE" to "Windows NT 5.1".
- Some web sites may just compare the user agent string, but if this is not enough, browse to the Post Platform\ sub key and delete the "240x320" value that specifies screen size.
Defaults to "MSIE 4.01" The host operating system string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Platform = "Windows NT 5.0" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Defaults to "Windows CE" Please note that if you change the Platform string, PDA-friendly sites may stop sending you PDA-friendly content automatically. Leave this string set to "Windows CE" unless a site absolutely refuses to work, or you want the site to feed you its normal content.
Changing Starting Page in PIE
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Start Page"="" <-example
IE always wanting to go to the "blank" setting and not my home page
- HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AboutURLs
- change "blank" to whatever you want
Change Site IE Button brings up on your Keyboard (HTC)
Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\OEM\KEYBD\PieHomePage". You can either delete the value completely and get a LOCAL windows default page like I do or put in the site or local file of your choice.
Change the location of 'Temporary Internet Files'
When browsing the web, pages and images are saved in the 'Temporary Internet Files' location. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache = "\Storage Card\cacheie" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
To return to the original location:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache = "\Windows\Profiles\guest\Temporary Internet Files" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Relocate PIE data storage
This hack will increase your available ROM memory and people have reported storage gains of over 9 mb. You will need to have a storage card with some free memory installed to utilize this hack. First open up internet explorer and navigate Menu>Tools>Options>Memory and press the delete files button to clear the cache then delete the cache and the history. Then open up file explorer from the programs folder in the start menu. Navigate to the Storage Card and make sure that you are in the base directory of the card. Then create an ie folder and within that folder create a cache folder, history, and Open up a registry entry program such as Resco Registry that comes with Resco Explorer 2005. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache". You can change the default value "\Windows\Profiles\Guest\Temporary Internet Files" to "\Storage_Card\ie\cache". Change the other values in the Shell Folders section of the registry to the folders you created and then soft reset. Be warned that you will create errors in ie if you do not have a storage card inserted with those directories on it while you are surfing from now on.
EDIT: The following post is a registry tweak to store the Pocket Internet Explorer data on your Mini-SD card instead of the internal storage. It currently results in a PocketIE error where it crashes and closes immediately after loading a page. Clearing the data using the options in PocketIE solves the problem temporarily.
find this key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\
3 values are here:
\Windows\Profiles\Guest\Temporary Internet Files
Create a folder on your storage card for all three and edit the values above:
\Storage Card\My Documents\IE\History
\Storage Card\My Documents\IE\Cookies
\Storage Card\My Documents\IE\Temporary Internet Files
After doing this, I ran PocketIE and browsed a few websites and it appears that the temporary files are now being stored on my storage card! Let me know how this works for you...
you should be able to clear your Windows\Profiles\Guest folder had been saving my gmail login/pw and when i changed the registry to bounce it to the storage card, it no longer it's not using these folders anymore.
My last question would be about the folder \Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 - but that folder, for me, appears to be only taking about 20kb.
edit: i just found that, after making these changes, if you go to clear your temporary internet files through pocketIE, it will clear the storage card folders...if you want to clear your windows/profiles folder (which you should, to get all that space back), either do it before making these changes, or do a soft reset and use file explorer to delete the files right afterwards.
Enable the 4 way navigation button
to allow scrolling in IE insead of having to drag the scrollbar with the styus with a simple regedit.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav
Change Value from 1 to 0.
and create a binary value named "TBOpt" (without the quotation marks, of course) and set its value to "13 00 00 00" (again, no quotes, but DO include the spaces).
Enable BT & USB DUN
Go to the phone application and dial ##3328873 (FEATURE) and hit dial it will ask for your unlock code, so enter 000000 (six zeroes) EPST will popup and you’ll see two entries: Enable Wmodem and Enable BT DUN. Highlight each in turn and click edit on the bottom right, change both to enabled. Push ok and it will prompt you to soft reset. After soft resetting, you can then dialup via Bluetooth or USB cable. In order to use the USB cable, you’ll need the CDMA USB modem drivers which are on the 6700 product CD under \OEM\APPS\Drivers\CDMA USB Modem. Or download them here: CDMA USB modem drivers. It comes with a dialer program that you don’t necessarily need to use. However, if you’re using the USB cable, you have to start the wmodem program on your pocketPC to keep it from trying to activesync. It’s located in \windows\wmodem.exe. Run this before you connect the handheld to your PC via USB. Then you can just setup a DUN connection in windows to dial #777, use your 10-digit number as your username and vzw as the password. Once the connection is setup (assuming you’re using a manual connection in windows) click on the “setup” button in the connection under USB CDMA modem and change the COM port speed to whatever the highest setting you have is. After that, you should be able to dial up just fine.
Change Voice Codec (VOCODER) from EVRC to 13k on xv6700
First dial ##778
Tap on "Edit"
Enter Unlock Code 000000
Tap on arrow to upper left hand of screen to reveal drop down menu where it says "Display"
Select "CDMA Settings"
Click and hold on the "EVRC Enabled" line under the Settings column
Select "Edit"
Switch to "Disabled"
Then press "ok"
Click and hold on the "Home Page" line under the Settings column
Select "Edit"
Switch to "Voice 13k"
Repeat for "Home Orig" and "Roam Orig"
Eliminate accidentally dialing #777, if you don't have the unlimited plan
Add a user name to the Data Network connection, without any password. In this way, when ever the phone attempts to dial #777, a password screen pops up. You can click cancel, if it isn't intentional, or just click "OK", and it will then complete the connection.
Add a disconnect button and connection time to your vision connection bubble:
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Phone
Go to New value, then click dword value
Name the value "Flags2" without the quotes
Choose decimal value and enter 16 for value amount
Soft Reset and tap on the vision icon and it will show the disconnect button and connection time
Please note: The "always on" tweak and the Disconnect button/time connected tweak will NOT work together. The always on tweak will override the other tweak and those extra options will not be shown.
Originally posted by shinobi
Quick 'Fix'
Well I found a quick workaround to this issue of the hardware IE button not going to the homepage you've set.
In the \windows\appbuttons folder you'll see an "Internet Explorer.lnk" file. If open the file using Word mobile it contains:
Edit the file so that it just says:
Close Word mobile, kill any running instance of IE and restart it using the hardware button. Should work now.
Oh, and I'm not liable for any damage you may or may not do to your machine
start - settings - connections - connections - Manage existing connections (for me, this is under the Verizon Wireless heading) edit the Data Network Connect that has the #777 number., click next - next -
then put in a username (ANY name will do), and NOTHING else.
Always On Internet (Vision) Connection
< Untested. From >
- Change the "AlwaysOn" dword value from "0" to "1";
-- You may be asked for your Vision ID/PW. Just leave blank.
-- Warm Reset
Please let me know if this works for you. I'm still testing.
[[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\Sprint PCS Vision]
The Vision duration registry edit from the 6600 works on the 6700. This edit allows you to see the duration of your Vision connection along with a button to disconnect it. You see it in the bubble that is displayed when you tap the Vision icon.
Click ControlPanel
Click Phone
[at this point, the buttom grey status bar should read \HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone'
Click the bottom menu 'edit'
Select new dword value
Change the value name to "Flags2" (no quotes).
Select the 'hexidecimal' button.
Type 10
Click ok.
You should now see in the 'name/data' section:
Flags2 16 (0x00010)
When done, reset the device.
PPC Friendly Sites
I've decided to post some sites that I came across that some of you might be interested in. I've listed 3 Portals and some PPC Friendly Sites I have saved in my favorites.
I use to use AVANTGO on my Dell Axim, just because I had no way to connect to internet live. Since I've owned my 6700, there is no better way to surf with a ppc then with PocketPC friendly beats having to scroll left and right to read contents.
Portals contain categories such as sports, news, games, entertainment, etc. Once you select the category, you will have a list of sites. Just click on the site you want to view, and if it is something you are interested in visiting, just put it in your mobile favorites. I personally checked them out using my PC at home, and just placed the ones I liked in my favorites under mobile favorites which sync to my 6700. I have also placed a few of my favorites sites below the portal links.
HERE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITES I'VE ADDED..... - Alot of us shop here.
eBAYGotta love eBAY !!! - Always got something you spend money on.
ESPN - Go Steelers !!!
GOOGLE I love this one !!!
Sprint Users - I haven't played around with this site yet.
Map Quest A MUST HAVE !!!!
FedEx - Track your FEDERAL EXPRESS packages
UPS - Track your UPS Shippments
PocketPC Media - For Media on the Go !!!
Windows Media
Pocket Movies
Yellow Pages - OH YEAH !!! Dont you to pay for assistance for a phone number?
White Pages - Currently not working, but extremely handy when it does.
Game Rankings Mobile - Stay upto date on games & game reviews all consoles... xbox, pda, pc, etc.
The Gadgeteer Mobile
Pen Computing - Interesting stuff... hmmm Cingular 8100 competing with 6700 ???
PocketPC Thoughts - More news and articles on PocketPC's.
PDAPHONEHOME - I wished it was PPC friendly. <hint hint>
I set this up a long time ago for my own personal browsing from my wi-fi enabled HP5400...
It's free (no ads or anything like that) can be surfed by any device that supports plain HTML pages (phones or PDA's):
Check out this new App: Mobile Beta
Dont know if anyone saw this yet, but I just installed this app that is specifically for our type of pda phone and it is way cool. It gives you access to all of msnbc's news, videos and pics of the day without downloading them to your device and taking up space. Its like news and video on demand or something. Check it out.
You can install directly from your device by going to this link on your 6700
Today Screen Wireless
This will show if you are on your home network or roaming, also it will show if your WiFi & bluetooth is On/Off. Very cool hack, thanks to that_kid for posting this over at
Click Microsoft
Click Today
Click Items
Click "Wireless"
Thier will be nothing in this folder to start!
Now add the fallowing to the folder
Add new Dword with a name Flags and the value is "0"
Add new Dword with a name Options and the value is "0"
Add new String Value with a name DLL value is "netui.dll"
Add new Dword with a name Order and the value is "0"
Add new Dword with a name Enabled and the value is "1"
Add new Dword with a name Type and the value is "4
Now close the program and soft reset the phone.
So you know how you get crappy images from the sprint proxy server? (like when you go to google and you see a grey box behind the compressed grainy google logo) Well, lets say you want to see pictures, but the real natural picture, and dont want the ugly compressed version, or lets say you need to download album art from the net to put into WMP10, you want colorful art right? Here's a solution.
Heres the correct reg edit:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows-> CurrentVersion -> Internet Settings -> 5.0 -> User Agent
change default to the following:
Mozilla/4.0 ; Blazer/4.0
make sure to do a soft reset and refresh your browser
Multi-NAI / Tethering Detection
The NAI (Network Access Identifier) is used by many cellular carriers to identify whether the handset is accessing data on its own, or is tethered to another device such as a laptop. This option is enabled by default, which tells the handset to use a different NAI when tethering. For those of you who purchased an unlimited data plan, and feel that your carrier is a selfish, hypocritical and greedy organization that should be dismantled by the FCC and sold off in a million pieces, you can turn this feature off:
section - sms and mms ( messaging )
Disable the SMS Sent notification
If you're tired of the "Message Sent" notification after sending an SMS/text message, you can disable them:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg = 1 (DWORD decimal)
And to re-enable:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Please note that the 'Settings' key may not exist in your device, and thus may have to be created first.
click on “Inbox” then Edit, new key. Name the new key “Settings”
Click on “Settings” and then edit, new string value. Value Name should be “SMSNoSentMsg”, Value Data should be “1″.
Change the SMS Sent notification text
If you just want the "Message Sent" notification to read something different, adjust the following:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc\SMS\MessageSent = "Message Sent" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Always require SMS Delivery notification
If you always want an SMS Delivery notification (see note below!), and are tired of ticking the 'Request message delivery notification' checkbox, set:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSDeliveryNotify = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To disable again:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSDeliveryNotify = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note 1: Delivery notifications will depend on your and the recipient's operator network capabilities! Note 2: You can still override this with the regular checkbox.
Default SMS Delivery Notifications to on
To always have SMS Delivery Notifications enabled:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSDeliveryNotify = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To disable them (can still enable per-SMS in SMS settings):
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSDeliveryNotify = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that SMS Delivery Notifications are a network provider option, and the recipient may refuse them to be sent out.
** sms notification always on **
Hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\inbox\settings\SMSDeliveryNotify = Dword:00000001 -> 0=off
There is also a .cab file for this, called dorucenka.
Make reminders show only once
By default, reminders will keep bugging you for 2 minutes. You can change this to zero minutes by adjusting this value:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Reminders\AutoSnooze\AutoSnoozeMins = 0 (DWORD decimanl)
Note that you can set this to any value you like. Alternative to setting this value to zero is to delete the '?AutoSnooze' key altogether
Hide SIM contacts?
new DWORD value named "ShowSim" and set it to 0
set Display name in Contacts
"FL"-> Set 0 if LastName then FirstName, 1 if FirstName then LastName
Use a different email adress in MSN, than hotmail:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Pocket MSN"
Delete the "AutoDomain" key.
Getting tired of the messages and sounds pocket msn plays everytime a contact shows up online?
Here's the deal to resolve this problem:
Go to:
make a new key:
Add a string value in this key:
Default="Messenger: Contact Online""
add a string value in this key:
Add two d-word values in this key:
(both in decimal)
After that you add:
{A877D65F-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}] in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\
Add a string value in this key:
Default="Messenger: New message"
add a string value in this key:
Add two d-word values in this key:
(both in decimal)
If you turn off and turn on your phone after this, you'll see two new options in the tab sounds and notifactions in the configuration menu of your WM 5.0 phone.
About the MMS Settings it can be found in this Registry Section ..
if You want you can set your MMS Configuration then Export The Entire KEY
But important Configuration can be found in this section
but heres a little understanding about the some important Registry Input
Setting The Server MMS Settings(MMS Settings->Server )
"1"="Globe"->Indicate the index 1 of Server MMS Settings.. identify in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1] example "Globe" look below
"2"="test"->Indicate the index 2 of Server MMS Settings.. identify in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1]
"DefaultSetting" -> Set which is the Default Server example set 1 if you want to set "Globe" or 2 if you want the "test".. setting 0 will indicate no Default Server Settings
"TotalSettings" -> View how many Server Settings Viewable, set 1 .. and only the Index 1 or "1" will be view in MMS Settings->Server Tab, 2 if you want "1" and "2" will be view .. etc
to create a Server Information
Create a Subkey in this Registry
under the SUBKEY create the following Reg value
Name -> String (REG_SZ)
Gateway-> String (REG_SZ)
GatewayPort -> DWORD(REG_DWORD)
MmscURI-> String (REG_SZ)
SendDefault-> DWORD(REG_DWORD)
RecvDefault-> DWORD(REG_DWORD)
Example of Server Configuration of "test" and "Globe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\test]
"Name"="Sample Server" -> Indicate the Server Name
"Gateway"="" -> Gateway Address
"MmscURI"="http://" -> the Server Address
"GatewayPort"=dword:000023F1 -> the Gateway Port Number(in decimal 9201)
"SendDefault"=dword:00019000 -> Sending Size Limitation ex. 100K= 19000HEX
"RecvDefault"=dword:0007D000-> Receiving Size Limitation ex. 500K= 7D000HEX
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\Globe]
"Name"="Globe Telecom" -> Server Name
"Gateway"="" -> Gateway
"MmscURI"="" -> the Server Address
"GatewayPort"=dword:000023F1 -> the Gateway Port Number(in decimal 9201)
"SendDefault"=dword:00019000-> Sending Size Limitation ex. 100K= 19000HEX
"RecvDefault"=dword:0007D000-> Receiving Size Limitation ex. 500K= 7D000HEX
"SendCount"-> Setting how Many "Sending Size limitations" listed in DropDown Listed ..
"SendDefault"=dword:00019000 -> Setting the Default Send Limitation
"SendLimit1"=dword:0000C800 -> Send Limit one can be change ex. 50K=dword:0000C800
"SendLimit2"=dword:00019000 -> Send Limit two can be change ex. 100K=dword:00019000
"SendLimit3"=dword:0003E800 -> Send Limit three can be change ex. 250K=dword:00003E800
*Sending And Receiving Limitations will depend on your Telco Network .. in some country the maximum sending and recieving is only 100K
Setting The Preferences MMS Settings(MMS Settings->Preferences Tab)
"SendDelayedNotifyResp" -> Set 0 if You want "Retrieve the Messages Immediately", 1 if you will just notify about the MMS receive and will not Download the messages until you tap the download button in the message
"DownloadHomeNetworkOnly" set 0 to "OK to Download when Roaming", 1 if you want Download only on the Home Network
"DefaultResolution"= Setting the sending "PHOTO RESOLUTION" on FF:
dword:00000000 -> QQVGA(160x120)
dword:00000001 -> QVGA(320x240)
dword:00000002 -> VGA(640x480)
dword:00000003 -> Original
"ConnectionVia"="Globe MMS Settings"-> Setting the Connect Via: .. ex Globe MMS Settings or The Internet
"SaveSentMessage"->set 1 if you want to Save the Messages in the Sent Folder, 0 if not
"TryDefault" -> Setting the "Attempts Before Giving UP" Connections
input 0 if will not Give up or 1 to 5 depends of how many tries you want
Other Settings
"MaxSlides"=-> Setting the Maximum Slide that you can create .. Default is 9
"NeedLoadSimCard"-> Setting 1 will load all the contacts in your SIM card, 0 if not
"CaptureVideoEnable"-> Set 1 to Enable the "Capture Video ..." options or able to capture video in MMS Composer, 0 if not
"CameraEnable" ->Set 1 to Enable the "Capture Picture..." options or able to capture Picture in MMS Composer, 0 if not
"AlwaysChooseCustom"-> 1 if you want to Always Choose the Custom MMS template, setting 0 will always popup a MMS template everytime you want to create a MMS
"AutoResend"-> 1 to set Auto Resend if Sending Failed .. 0 if not
WAV for SMS/EMAIL/Alerts/Alarms:
Add WAV files into "\Windows\" Folder
They will now be available in the Settings>Sounds and Notifications section.
section - system
Please try these at your own risk...neither me nor the forum is responsible for anything that happens.
Improve Sound Quality of Speaker Phone
You might have observed that when you turn on speaker while during a call, the other person has complained of too much disturbance on the line and can hear more of static then your voice. Here's a fix to improve mic sensitivity:
where 'x' = 0, 1, 2
Better Audio
from it's default
0x100 (256) to
0x80 (128)
Disable menu animations
To disable menu animations (sliding in/out) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:
HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\AniType = 0 (DWORD decimal)
To change it back to the default:
HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\AniType = 6 (DWORD decimal)
Disable window animations
To disable window animations (minimizing/maximizing) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:
HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Animate = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to switch them back on:
HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Animate = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Enable FileSystem cache
To enable the FileSystem cache, speeding up overall performance at the risk of the cache not being written on a sudden reset:
HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\EnableCache = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To disable again:
HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\EnableCache = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that by default, the cache size is zero, and you will see no effect. See "Increase FileSystem cache" to incease the cache size
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\Flags=0x28(40)
I changed the CacheSize key from 0 to 8192 and it seems to have sped up my ppc. not only that but BT 3900B doesnt seem to give me the memory error anymore that had begun to reoccur. give it a try and let me know what you find
obviously you actually lose quite a bit of space with this hack with a value of 16384, around 16mb almost. I instead used 4096 as the value a 3-4mb loss, no biggie since i have a 1gb sd card). This seems to improve the speed of my PPC as well. I might try a value of 8192 here soon as well as i have plenty of space available
Increase FileSystem filter cache
To enable the file system filter cache, speeding up overall performance with file mangement:
HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)
To return the file system filter cache to zero:
HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)
You can set the value to pretty much anything you like
Another CACHE tweak
Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\f sreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize" and change/ensure value is "8192"
WOW my Pocket PC is fast
Open your registry editor on your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of ‘limit’ from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
Change the thickness of scrollbars
To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
For the vertical (right) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like
Change the length of scrollbar arrow buttons
To go with changing the thickness of the scrollbars, you may wish to change the length of the scrollbar arrow buttons...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar arrows:
HKLM\System\GWE\cyVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
For the vertical (right) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
The default length is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like
Remove operator skin from Phone app
If your device's Phone app is skinned, you can remove by setting:
HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\Enabled = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Similarly, you can restore it with:
HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\Enabled = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Disable roaming sign at today screen
Hide/Show Screen orientation icon
If you wish to hide the Screen orientation icon, shown in the task bar on some devices, you can set:
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI = 1 (DWORD decimal)
And to show it again:
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI = 0 (DWORD decimal)
If this doesn't work, you can try:
HKLM\Services\screenrotate = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to show it again:
HKLM\Services\screenrotate = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Note that this icon and its feature may not be available on your device at all.
Set the Screen Orientation thru Registry and works only after soft reset
Change the Value of "Angle" to the FF:
dword:00000000 or dword:00000360 -> Portrait Mode
dword:00000090 -> Landscape(Right-Handed)
dword:00000180 -> Portrait Up-side Down
dword:00000270 -> Landscape (Left-Handed)
Set Fix Landscape(Right-Handed) Mode and No Landscape(Left-handed) in Screen Settings
"Landscapefixed"-> set 0 if disable, 1 to enable
Speed up switching between Portrait & Landscape Modes
Change limit from 8192 to 16384 I actually used 16384 instead, as it would use less memory.
1) Get the aWizard tool from
Disable 3gp (video) size limit (only on HTC devices)
To disable the 3gp (video recording format) size limit:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\camera\AppDefSettings\P3\EnableLimit = 0 (DWORD decimal)
To re-enable:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\camera\AppDefSettings\P3\EnableLimit = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Hidden button in camera (WM5)
This will show an extra button in your camera to take pictures in a special size for contact photos:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\AppDefSettings\P4] "Enable":
Set to 1 to enable and 0 to disable
Default value = 0
Turn off device for 15 seconds and then soft-reset. (Always needed before a soft-reset to save registry changes)
Now, you need to stop ActiveSync from periodically starting on it's own. To do so open ActiveSync on your WM5 device and tap on Menu>Add Server Source. Add any info to create a fake server sync. After that is complete go to Menu>Schedule and change the two dropdowns to "Manual" and tap "ok" at the top right. You can now go to Menu>Options and delete the Exchange Server setting you just added. Now ActiveSync will not start when you cradle your device.
Error Reporting is real drain on the battery and on performance. It is simple to disable, just go to Start>Settings>System(tab) and tap the Error Reporting icon. Change the setting to "Disable error reporting".
ActiveSync 4.0 turns on automatically
There were several posts indicating ActiveSync turns on by itself when the Axim is not cradled and eventually drains the battery. It never happens to me. Circumvention provided by Invid:
Disabling automatic syncing (and activesync startup) did. The new activesync is a dog, even worse than it was on WM2003SE and makes my x50v almost useless while running. I will list the steps to disable it. Note that you will still be able to sync, but AS will no longer start up on it's own.
1) Start up AS on your x50.
2) Tap the menu tab/soft key and tap "Add Server Source"
3) Configure a server source with a dummy IP address, user id, password and domain name; these do not have to be real
4) Once configured you should have another sync source show up on your main AS screen...continue on.
5) Tap the menu soft key again and you should see that the sync schedule option is no longer greyed out.
6) Change your schedule from a timed automatic start of AS to manual under both fields
7) If you try to sync now, AS will try to contact your imaginary exchange server and that will take forever until it times out, so you can now delete the exchange server from your list of sync sources. Your changes to the sync schedule will remain and will survive soft resets too.
If you have a switcher app running (like vbar) you will find that when you close AS it will now stay closed and you should see a corresponding increase in speed.
Automatic/Manual Time Sync (also Voice Privacy)
Edit Regkey HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\PhoneSetting
Look for HiddenTimesyncPage and set the value to 0
(repeat for HiddenVoicePrivacyPage if you wish)
Now... When you got to Settings -> Phone -> Services you should see Time Synchronization (and Voice Privacy if you edited that key as well)
Active Sync Solution to Battery Drain Problem
I think I have a solution to the Battery drain problem with the XV6700 PDA phone. It looks like Ative sync is trying to come on and sync draining the power from our units. Talked to a verizon tech. who provided the available info. Hope it helps. Sure has been an irritant not being able to trust my phone. Here's the instructions:
Go to program files
Go to active sync
Go to menu
Go to add server source (add a fake server and settings)
Once that is finished
Go to Schedule and set to manual
Go to options and delete exchange server from options
Working good so far. For the first time I have had 90% power all day long. Always before it would go down to 60% power or less in one day with no phone calls or gaming.
Please note that some have reported this "trick" is not compatible with the NEW Sprint AKU2/MSFP Rom update. Others have reported it works with the ROM update if you turn off the network time sync under phone settings
Hide/Show battery indicator in Task bar
If you wish to hide the battery indicator in the task bar on some devices, you can set:
HKLM\Services\Power\ShowIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to show:
HKLM\Services\Power\ShowIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Note that this icon and its feature may not be available on your device at all. For example, the HTC Wizard regularly ships with a battery indicator in the Tray instead, governed by "Windows\Startup\Init_Tray.exe".
battery Notification can be added.
"Default"="Battery Warning"
Remove Wireless Manager and Power Icons from System Tray
First let me thank everyone for sharing what you have learned on our 6700's. I hope this is one of many post's with something helpful in it.... anyway here it goes...
DWord: Keep Set Value: 0 0x0(0)
DWord: ShowIcon Set Value: 0 0x0(0)
HOW TO: Permanently Disable Flight Mode
You must have a registry editor installed on the PPC. I used PHM RegEdit
Go to the registry and change the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> ControlPanel -> PhoneExtendFunction -> CDMA
Change FlightModeSwitchByPnHEndKey to 0
This will prevent the phone from going into Flight Mode if you accidentally press the End Call button for too long.
Note that Flight Mode can still be used by tapping the signal strength meter. (I wish I could disable that too)
To prevent your Today background screen from getting reset every time you do a soft reset, take any file management program and go to \Windows\StartUp. There should be a link to a program called __cusTSKTEMP.exe. Delete this link (or move it someplace else if you feel awkward about deleting things inside \Windows). I have tested this on a Verizon phone
Disable charging over USB
If your device can charge over USB, you can probably disable this feature by setting:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\usbfndrv\EnableUsbCharging = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to re-enable:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\usbfndrv\EnableUsbCharging = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Activate MS Voice Command via Bluetooth (HTC WM5.0 Devices)
You must have Microsoft Voice Command installed to use this hack. Goto "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path". Change the default value from "\Windows\SDDialer.exe" to "\Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCMD.exe"..
Turn On Bluetooth Profile
"ON"=dword:00000001 ->0 if off
Enable/Disable receiving of files over BlueTooth/IrDA
If you want to prevent receiving files over BlueTooth or IrDA, you can set the following value:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to (re-)enable:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Microsoft Bluetooth Stack Status after Softreset
"ScanMode" -> set 7 if Discoverable, 5 Turn on only, 0 if OFF
Broadcom/Widcomm Bluetooth Stack Status after Softreset
"StackMode" -> 0 means Bluetooth OFF, 1 Means Bluetooth ON
Broadcom/Widcomm Discoverable and Connectable
"WhoAllowedToConnect"-> if 0 No one allow to connect, 1 if All Devices allow to connectble, 2 if Paired Devices Only
"AllowOthersToDiscover"-> 0 if Bluetooth Undiscoverable, 1 if Discoverable
Broadcom/Widcomm Device Identification
"UsePocketPCName" -> 1 if you want to uset the Pocket PC Device ID Name, 0 if you want to set on your own Device ID
"DeviceName"-> Preffered BroadCom/Widcomm Device ID
Broadcom/Widcomm Setting maximum Simultaneous Connection
Bluetooth and SDCard Suspend Fix
Both Bluetooth and the SD Card are turned off when the unit suspends. This can cause a loss of Bluetooth connectivity if using a BT headset, or crash the system entirely if running an application from the SD card. To correct this, the following registry modifications tell the OS to put these devices on active low-power standby, allowing them to be used when needed:
btl1 is the device name for the Bluetooth radio, and dsk1 is the device name for the SD memory card. For more device information, see HKLM\Devices\Active.
Alternatively, power management for Bluetooth can be disabled completely using the following registry mod (NOTE: this may adversely affect your battery life):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Bluetooth device\Parms]
NOTE: The above hacks have been proven to work, but won't keep the buggy Bluetooth stack from occasionalloy crashing, which is a whole different issue. I only experience that once every other day or so, however. If you can't figure this out, just a reminder - do not email me. I really could care less about your inability to show off to your nerd girlfriend by hacking her phone, and if you fall flat miserably on your face, don't come crying to me about it.
section - file management
to Change the Default Control Panel Program Location goto
on each Control Panel Module key
set the value of "Group" to this
0 -> to locate it to Personal Tab
1 -> to System Tab
2 -> to Connections tab
for example to change the Buttons Setting location goto
change the value of "Group" to 0 so you will see the button settings in the Personal Tab, 1 if you want to System tab, or 2 if you want to locate the Button setting in the Connections tab
Unhide Control Panel Program
remove the "Redirect" value in the following
Policy or AdminPassword
Old Backlight Settings
Contrast Settings
Old Power Settings
Change the Device ID
"Name"-> Device Name
"Desc"-> Device Description
Disable the security warning when installing non-certified application
To disable the security warning when installing a non-certfied application, set:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To restore the warnings:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that this makes it easier for any malware to install itself
So new ways to customize the KJAM
So further to my discovery yesterday I have dug around and discovered the following
The AutoRun.exe contained within the \ExtendedRom\of your KJAM is hard coded, which means that if you place any file (.CAB) which you would want it to install and rename it..
Original file =
New File Name = Default_
By adding “Default_” to the beginning of the name it is also AUTO INSTALLED
BUT and it’s a BIG BUT only WM5.0 APPS will be installed as installing earlier apps makes the PDA ask a question “this was designed for an er..” and as you cant press any buttons it don’t get installed…
Well did you know that if you go to and register and then go search for the JASJAR Extended Rom
You might well find a link in this thread…
Now if you were to download it and look inside you would also find a different Autorun.exe which reads a config.txt file
Verey interesting you might think..
“What if I wanted to make my own Custom Auto config ?” is a question which you might well ask..
Well whilst we can not condone such things, in the interest of helping you understand how this different Autorun.exe functions, I’ll take you through an example, please do understand that it is against all the policies of this Board to entice you do download software from the internet and to install this on your own device.
If you however feel compelled to do this for yourself, please be aware that neither myself, PPCD or any of our sponsors can be held responsible in any way for any losses or damages incurred by you or any other persons resulting from information contained here in.
Lesson 1) The Autorun.exe
This file is an executable..but only on a PDA running WM5. It reads a file which is present in the \Extended_Rom\ called config.txt. This app understands certain commands such as
LOCK:Enabled ………………..which locks the Screen and Keys
LOCK: Disabled……………….. which Unlocks the Screen and Keys
CPY1:\Target\Target File.ext…..Which tells it that this file in this folder should be copied
CPY2:\Destination\Destination_File.ext…Which tells it where to copy the file to and what it should be called
CAB: \ Target \ Target_File_to_install.CAB…Tells it to install a cab file
RST: Reset………….Guess what ..Yep resets the PDA
All pretty basic stuff
Lesson 2) So what could I do …if I wanted to..
Little Johnny wants to create a Custom installation routine for his new PDA and did NOT want that nasty default autorun to install the antivirus files which would slooooooooow his new pet down.
a) He would like some CAB Files installed
b) Whilst he would like other to be simply copied so that he can install them later (He knows that if he just allows them to auto install instead that they will be put in to main memory, and he would like to have them on his SD Card instead)
c) He would like to put some Custome Ring Tones in to the \Windows\Ringers directory
d) He would like to put some wav files in to the \Windows directory so that he could use them for ALARMS and NOTIFICATIONS.
1) He creates a file in note pad called config.txt
2) Has he would not like the Device to be disturbed he first enters
a. LOCK:Enabled
3) The Files he would like to AUTO INSTALL are :-
a. Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB
4) Then he would have to enter :-
a. CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB
b. CAB: \Extended_ROM\
c. CAB: \Extended_ROM\
5) Now he wants to have some files simply copied, he desides on coping them to \My Documents\Business\ so that he can find them quickly and install them later. The files he wants to copy are:
a. Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB (Total Commander Freeware found at
b. Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
c. Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
d. Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
6) Thus he enters :-
a. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB
b. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB
c. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
d. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
e. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
f. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
g. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
h. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
7) No he wants to get those custom sounds and ringers installed, these being
a. MyNeatSMSMsg.WAV………...A cool neat SMS Sound ! (Can only be wav)
b. MyNeatNewAlarmSound.WAV..A cool neat ALARM Sound ! (Can only be wav)
c. MyReallyCoolRinger.WAV…….A cool neat RINGER Sound ! (Could be .MP3, .MID or .wav)
He Depressed the “>” which showed him the root of his device, here he selected “Storage card”, and then “\AutoBackup”, pressing the “<” now brought him back to the “hidden folder”
9) He he dragged his stylus across the screen, thus selecting all the files and after pressing the 2 icon at the bottom of the screen , he was asked where he would like to copy or move the files.
10) He made sure that the Diloge showed “\Storage Card\AutoBackup\*.*” and after depressing Move. All those nasty files were moved on to his SD card.
11) He reconnected his PDA to his PC, and via ActiveSync and “Explore ”, he was able to select his storage card.
12) He copied the contents of “Storage_Card\AutoBackup\” to his PC for safe keeping.
13) As this copy now contained the some files which he wanted , he copied the files in question on to his SD Card, placing them in the “\GoAuto” Folder.
14) After coping the remain files (wav, mid,…) which he wanted to auto install, he created a “Config.Txt’ as described in Lesson 2), which he also placed in to the folder.
15) KNOWING that the original “Autorun.exe” would not install the files as per this config.txt, he proceded to go search on xda-developers for the rom image, he then extracted the other ‘Autorun.exe” and placed this also in the folder \GoAuto
16) Back on his PDA he started “TC” again, and reselected the “\Extended_Rom\” and via the “Virtual 2 window mode” also the “\Storage Card\GoAuto\”
17) He then procedded to select all the files in the “\GoAuto” folder and copied them all across to the “\Extended_Rom\” folder.
He was now able to HARD RESET his device and watched as the PDA installed and copied the files as requested
CAB Installation
Making all installed cab to be uninstallable or cannot be removed..
@="wceload.exe /nouninstall "%1"
Will not Prompt during Cab installation or will install without any Interface
@="wceload.exe /noui "%1"
Always ask for Path Destination During Installation
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer]
"fAskDest"-> Set 1 to Enable, 0 to disable
Specifying How the cab will be deleted during installation
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer]
"nDynamicDelete" -> Set to the Following Value
dword:00000000 -> it Will not remove the cab file
dword:00000001 -> remove the cab after installation
dword:00000002 -> consider a file as a chunks block of data and dynamically remove the file
Change softkeys on “Today” screen
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\keys\112 — left
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\keys\113 — right
You may not have a 113, but you can just make the 113 identical to 112 and change the “open” command. The value for “Default” controls what is displayed on the screen.
Change the application launched by Today screen Soft Keys
To change the application launched by the Today screen Left soft key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\Open = "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (REG_SZ string, including quotes)
To change the title of the Left soft key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\(Default) = Calendar (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
To change the application launched by the Today screen Right soft key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\Open = "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (REG_SZ string, including quotes)
To change the title of the Right soft key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\(Default) = "Calendar" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Note that 113 normally doesn't exist by default, and probably needs to be created Also note that there is at least 1 application that allows you to set these through a GUI, developed by FdcSoft called SoftKeyAppletEx
Choose where to install programs
# Use Total Commander to navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer
# Assign a value of 1 to fAskDest
3. Keyboard status indicator (for shift and symbol)
* Use Total Commander to navigate to \HKCU\ControlPanel\Keyb
* Create a new entry with the name EnableIndicator
* Assign the new entry a DWORD value of 1
* perform a soft reset
Enable RAPI (otherwise next command will exit with a message saying itsutils.dll cannot be replaced, or smth like that)
You do that searching the "" on the forum and follow the instructions (you copy it to the phone and then install it on the phone)
For example here:
3) MAKE SURE the phone is connected via ActiveSync
Get a DOS shell : start -> run -> "cmd"
move to the directory that contains the tools ("\lib")
(the next 3 steps are just to test the pdocread.exe and logoconvert.exe - i think)
otherwise skip to step 7
4) pdocread.exe -n 1 0x002d0000 153630 splash.bin
5) Use the logoconverter.exe -> see attachement
I got the cpp file, changed the resolution to 240x320 and recompiled it
logoconvert bin2bmp splash.bin splash.bmp
6) Get a image editor (I use "gimp") and see the splash.bmp -> it should be the image that it's displayed at boot time.
You can modify it as you like.
7) Get a image 240x320 with 24 bits depth bmp (I think) (it should be around 250K)
it can be the one obtained at steps 4,5 and 6
"logoconvert bmp2bin splash.bmp splash.bin"
9) "pdocwrite.exe -n 1 splash.bin 0x002d0000"
That's about it.
NOTE: I'm just an user of the above programs, I don't know exactly what they are supposed to do and what they really do. Anyway, I managed to changed the boot image and I want to thank all of the people that by their tools made it possible.
This one is very recent and to quote arnonrgo from a different thread.
It is basically a cab that holds a few registry changes
one to stop menu animation
one for (2 keys) to enable G (wireless. in versions that dont have it enabled)
one (3 keys) to set a (small 1K) cache
and one to enbale the keyboard indicator (the same as is done in a previously posted cab file)
I renamed the cab to make it easier to see what it does.
If you want to do the G hack through the registry instead of the cab. Wagnerb supplied the keys
All values are decimal.
Setting SIP List
Search for "IsSIPInputMethod" Subkey of the SIP CLSID ([HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\)
then set "(Default)" to 1 if Visible or 0 if remove or not Visible in SIP List
examplecheck if you have the same CLSID)
Keyboard -> CLSID"{42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}"
@="1" <- 1 if included in the SIP list, 0 if not
Letter Recognizer -> CLSID{42429690-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
@="1" <- 1 if included in the SIP list, 0 if not
Block Recognizer ->{42429691-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
@="1" <- 1 if included in the SIP list, 0 if not
Transcriber-> CLSID {F0034DD0-2AD4-11d1-9CB0-E84BE8000000}
@="1" <- 1 if included in the SIP list, 0 if not
Phone Pad -> CLSID {51A2CB38-154E-4C92-A625-A83871C99EC2}
@="1" <- 1 if included in the SIP list, 0 if not .
You’ll now be able to have wifi on while the phone is on.
Go to the key HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SERVICES\WirelessMGR and change “MutexFlag” from 1 to 0. soft reset. You’ll now be able to have wifi on while the phone is on.
Concurrent WiFi and Phone Radio use
Although this feature is enabled in the default firmware, some providers (such as Verizon) have disabled the ability to use both the WiFi and the phone at the same time. This registry modification restores this feature:
NOTE: Booting without the Verizon customizations appears to leave this key nonexistant, which enabled simultaneous use. Just to be sure, try turning on WiFi in your ConnManager application, and if it doesn't turn off the phone, then you're good to go.
How to get rid of Security Prompt in WM5
"0000101a"=dword:00000000 - ON
"0000101a"=dword:00000001 - Off
Disable digital signature security
section - ringtones and volume
Phone Ringtone Script
change the value of "Script"
heres the code
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v0 for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)
heres the example
Flash - af1w60f0
Ring - apw3r
Ring Once - ap
Increasing Ring - c50apw3c150r
Vibrate Then Ring - v3w3apw3r
Vibrate - av3w3r
Short Vibrate - av1w3r
Vibrate Long Then Ring - v3w3v3w3apw3r
Vibrate And Ring - av0pw3r
Increasing Ring And Vibrate - c50apv3w3c150r
Fast Vibrate And Flash - af1v1w1f0r
Vibrate and Ring Continously without pausing - av0pr[/b]
Sound Categories registery:
0- data=0
1- data=1
2- data=1
attenuation category- data=0
Initvol- data=2
attenuation category- data=2
Initvol- data=2
attenuation category- data=1
Initvol- data=4
attenuation category- data=2
Initvol- data=5
Ring preview:
attenuation category- data=1
Initvol- data=5
ControlPanel /Volume:
Key- data=0
Mute- data=7
Ringer- data=0
screen- data=0
Volume- data=0
get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Have a look at these regestry keys :
Change location of ringtones
You can change the location where WM5 will look for ringtones by adjusting the following key (example given is for ringtones placed on the Storage Card root folder)
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sound\Categories\Ring\Directory = "\Storage Card\" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
The default location may be "\Windows\" or "\Windows\Rings\" depending on your Device provider
method 2:
1. Run Total commander
2. go to \\ (at the very top)
3. open \\\registry\HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring \Directory
4. Change the content of this file from
\Windows\Rings to \Storage Card\Rings\
Note: \Storage Card\Rings\ is the directory I created on my storage Card to store my personal Ring Tones.
To select a new ringtone, Start->Settings->Phone.
The Ring tone are now selected from \Storage Card\Rings\
and Best of all, your ring tones doesnt take up any valuable RAM Space.
Registry Hack for keyboard LED
HKEY_Current_User, then go to Control Panel, then to Backlight, then at the bottom you'll see a key that says QKEYLED TIMEOUT.Modify that key and change the D Word from 10 to whatever seconds you want.
Change ringtone/vibrate/LED flash characteristics
If you would like more control over how your device rings/vibrates/flashes its LEDs on events, you can can change the Script values of these events. For example, for an incoming call performing 'activate device, play ringtone, wait 3 seconds, repeat':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "apw3r" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
For performing 'active device, set volume to 33%, play ringtone, set volume to 67%, play ringtone, set volume to 100%, play ringtone (no repeat)':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "ac33pc67pc100p" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
The following are the full codes available to you. Please note that all the codes are executed simultaneously except after a ringtone play / wait code. E.g. 'v1p' will vibrate and play at the same time, while vibrating for 1 second. But 'pv1' will play the ringtone through all the way first, then start vibrating for 1 second.
a = activate device
cN = set volume to N in percentage max volume
fN = flash notification LED for N seconds
p = play ringtone. Note that this will play the ringtone all the way through before continuing with the next code.
r = repeat. Note that this should be the last code in your Script string, if used at all.
vN = vibrate for N seconds
wN = wait for N seconds. Note that the device will wait this long before continuing with the next code.
Increasing ringer volume!!
I was very annoyed by the ringer volume on the 6700 like some other. I figured out a way to increase the volume on the phones without voiding any warranty on the phone.
I know most of the more tech savvy guy probably already knows but I¡¦m going to spell it out for the non-tech people.
1. First go download this freeware called WavePad.
We are going to edit the ringer with this program.
2. Pick a song with the program that you would like to use as a ringer and open it. (wav format)
3. Cut the length of the song to about 20 sec. U do this by putting the indicator on any point on the track and going to the Edit„³trim start(for the beginning) and Edit„³trim end (for the end).
4. After you cut your track to the length you would like it you want to highlight the whole edited track. Just click and drag over the entire track. Now go to the Effects tab „³High pass filter. I recommend putting in a value of 200mhz and up. The 6700 cant handle low frequency well. Then click OK.
5. Now go to Effects tab--> and amplify the sound in intervals of 120. Make sure you don¡¦t amplify the sound too much. If the sound starts cracking when you amplify it you know you have put to much amplification in it. Just undo and lower the intervals.
6. Now go to File--> Save As. Type in the name and location you want to save the file to. Then a dialog box will pop up. I recommend saving the file as Radio Quality. That gives you a pretty good sound out of the phone. Now just add to the phone like normal.
NOTE if your speaker is popping on your phone when you test the ringer. You have put much amplification. Or you might need to switch the high pass filter to a high value like 250 or 300.
Increase Earpiece Volume / Better Call Quality
Enhanced Variable-Rate Codec (EVRC) is the default audio codec for this and most other phones. Unfortunately, call quality suffers to benefit the amount of bandwidth available on the tower. To improve call quality (which seems to have the side-effect of also increasing earpiece volume), follow the same steps as above to enter the PST, but go to the "CDMA Settings" menu. Change "EVRC Enabled" to "Disable" and change the three values underneath it ("Home Page", "Home Orig", "Roam Orig") to "Voice 13K".
MP3/WMA/WAV for Ringtones :
Add media files into "\Windows\Rings\" folder or Use File Explorer and click and hold on media file and select "Set as Ringtone"
Force EV-DO/1X, quicker ring response
To do this, you will need your MSL, which only Sprint (or your provider) can provide you. Verizons cods is 000000 Open up the phone app and dial ##778 (PST). You will be asked to enter your MSL. Enter it, and you will be brought into the provisioning of your phone. From the top left, select Modem Settings. On this page, your Slot Cycle Index (SCI) is how often your phone polls the tower for incoming calls, etc. This value is 1.28 seconds multiplied by 2^value (i.e 0=1.28 secs, 1=2.56secs) with 0 fastest, 7 slowest. The default is 2, but lowering it to 1 hasn't noticeably affected my battery life, and roughly 2.5 second (SCI 1) response time is far more reasonable than roughly 5 seconds (SCI 2).
Also on this page is your preferred operation mode. The Default is Automatic, which is the best available mode (EV that will roll back to 1X when EV is unavailable). There are times when you might be in a fringe area and your mode may cycle frequently and this can seriously drain your battery. Setting this to HDR will force EV-DO only if you demand an EV-DO connection. Changing this setting to CDMA Only will force the phone to ignore an EV-DO tower and maintain only a 1xRTT connection.
Volume slider adjustments:
- settings-personal tab- buttons-up/dn controls
Speed up dialing on your 6700:
Turn off keypad tones:
Press green phone button
Bottom right "MENU"
speeds up the dialing process a lil bit
But remember one thing- If you turn the tones off, then you will lose your ability to send "TouchTones" by hitting certain digits. No dialing of extensions, PIN numbers etc.
Voice Command Volume Fix
Open your regedit program
Go to
HKEY Current User - Control panel - Sound Catagories - Voice Command (or Voicecommand1)-
click on voice command(or voicecommand1) and look for the keys and value section
In the settings
Attenuation Catagory - Value 1
InitVol - Value 3
Close the edit app
soft reset
and then you might need to check your settings in Voice Command.
Once you have the VOice command settings set for the phone for announce calls, etc
Then call your phone and see if you notice an increase in volume.
If you are running any 3rd party apps, you might need to make sure the volume is set to full.
Sound with Power Off
It's pretty important to get event reminders when your PDA is turned off. Unfortunately the 'Unattended' mode has the sound (wav1) turned completely off when unattended. You can change this value to '2' to leave the sound on stand-by. Just as you edited the 'Suspend' power profile above, you can change this in 'Unattended' in the same place.
Improving Tower Polling / Ring Response Times
NOTE: This is not an original hack. I found this in a forum.
The ring response time of the 6700 is fairly poor due mostly to the tower polling time. Fortunately, the handset includes a custom PST (remember Moto PST?). To improve the tower polling, do the following:
• Dial ##778 (PST) on your handset and press Talk
• Enter the security code (000000 on Verizon)
• Choose "Modem Settings" off of the PST menu
• Change "Slot Cycle Index" to 0, or 1. This value is 1.28 seconds * 2^N, where N is the index. A value of 0 will give you the fastest tower polling, but most people stick with 1 to avoid excessive battery usage and flooding the network.
• Click OK and you will be prompted to soft-reset your handset.
section - keyboard and fonts
WORD Completion Settings
"SuggAutoCorr" <- 1 if AutoCorrect or Replace text as you type, 0 if not
"SuggChars" <-Number of letters before suggesting a word/s
"SuggWords" <- Number of Word/s to be suggested, set 0 to disable Word Suggestion
"SuggSpace"-> 1 to add space after suggested word, 0 if not
Change slide-out keyboard layout
If you have a Device from one country, but would like to use the keyboard layout of another, you can change the keyboard's language setting to do so...
For US layout (QWERTY):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 1033 (DWORD decimal)
For German layout (QWERTZ):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 1031 (DWORD decimal)
For French layout (AZERTY):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 1036 (DWORD decimal)
For other codes, see:
Looking inside my \Windows\Startup folder on my Wizard, I found a shortcut to an application called CapNotify.exe. Upon inspecting the file in a hex editor, I found a registry key called "EnableIndicator" which was not found in the registry.
After creating the registry entry called EnableIndicator at \HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd and assigning the DWORD value of 1 to it , then soft-resetting my device, an indicator appeared next to the keyboard icon on the bottom of the screen! Tapping the Shift key showed a "C" while tapping the Dot key showed a dot! Very cool!
Keyboard Options
"KBMode" -> Change to the Following value
dword:00000000 -> Use Large Keys
dword:00000003 -> Use Large Keys with Gesture
dword:00000005 -> Use Small Keys
Letter Recognizer
"LeftHanded"=dword:00000000 ->1 to set "Right to left Crossbar", 0 if not
"Accents"=dword:00000001 -> 1 to "Allow Accented Characters", 0 if not
"SingleStroke"=dword:00000000 -> 1 to "Quick Stroke", 0 if not
Block Recognizer
"Accents"=dword:00000000 -> 1 to "Allow Accented Characters", 0 if not
"Nm"="Tahoma" -> Change the Default System FON, Look first for available font in your device
"HtInPts"=dword:00000001 -> 1 if the Character Size is base in Points, 0 if base on Regular Font Size
"Ht"=dword:00000384 -> Set the Font Size
NOTE: if HtInPts is set to 1 or Enable, 384H(900Decimal) is like 14(decimal) in regular Font size
if HtInPts is set to 0 or Disable, you can use the Regular Font Size 14 is the Default, the System Font Size is slightly smaller than the Actual Font size in Pocket Word
"Wt"=dword:00000190 -> System Font weight you can change in to this settings
dword:00000190 -> Regular or Normal
dword:000002BC -> Bold
"It"=dword:00000000 -> 1 if System Font will be italic, 0 if not
Menu Bar Font-> Font in your Menu Bar
"Nm"="Tahoma" -> Change the Default Menu Bar FONT, Look first for available font in your device
"HtInPts"=dword:00000001 -> 1 if the Character Size is base in Points, 0 if base on Regular Font Size
"Ht"=dword:00000384 -> Set the Font Size
NOTE: if HtInPts is set to 1 or Enable, 320H(800Decimal) is like 13(decimal) in regular Font size
if HtInPts is set to 0 or Disable, you can use the Regular Font Size 13 is the Default, the System Font Size is slightly smaller than the Actual Font size in Pocket Word
"Wt"=dword:00000190 -> MenuBar Font weight you can change in to this settings
dword:00000190 -> Regular or Normal
dword:000002BC -> Bold
"It"=dword:00000000 -> 1 if MenuBar Font will be italic, 0 if not
Menu Popup Font -> Font when you click the Menu Bar
"Nm"="Tahoma" -> Change the Default Menu Popup FONT, Look first for available font in your device
"HtInPts"=dword:00000001 -> 1 if the Character Size is base in Points, 0 if base on Regular Font Size
"Ht"=dword:00000384 -> Set the Font Size
NOTE: if HtInPts is set to 1 or Enable, 320H(800Decimal) is like 13(decimal) in regular Font size
if HtInPts is set to 0 or Disable, you can use the Regular Font Size 13 is the Default, the System Font Size is slightly smaller than the Actual Font size in Pocket Word
"Wt"=dword:00000190 -> Menu PopupFont weight you can change in to this settings
dword:00000190 -> Regular or Normal
dword:000002BC -> Bold
"It"=dword:00000000 -> 1 if Menu Popup Font will be italic, 0 if not.
Increase font cache
To increase the font cache, speeding up font rendering at the cost of a bit of memory:
HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit = 16384 (DWORD decimal)
To change it back to the default:
You can set the value to pretty much anything you like
Enable ClearType in Landscape mode
To enable ClearType in Landscape mode:
HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation = 0 (DWORD decimal)
To disable:
HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation = 1 (DWORD decimal)
Note that your PocketPC screen's LCD red/green/blue ordering required for proper ClearType display is only correct for Portrait display. You may or may not prefer to leave ClearType in Landscape mode disabled.
Setting Cleartype Text in PIE
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
"ClearTypeText"<- Set 1 to Enable Cleartype in PIE, 0 to Disable
Setting ClearType Text in Pocket PC thru Registry
Create a Subkey then Name it "CLEARTYPE"
Settings Screen Text Size thru Registry
"CurFont"= change to the ff value ..
dword:00000258 -> Smallest
dword:000002BC -> Smaller
dword:00000320 -> Normal/Default
dword:000003E8 -> Larger
dword:0000044C -> Largest
section - date and time
Change the display of the clock in the taskbar
The clock in the taskbar can be changed to show not only the time, but also the date, or just the date, or nothing at all.
To show nothing:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 0 (DWORD decimal)
To show just the clock:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To show just the date:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 2 (DWORD decimal)
To show both the date and the clock:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 3 (DWORD decimal)
Note 1: If you switch to the Analog clock display, the date will remain visible -through- the Analog clock
Note 2: Setting the clock to show 'nothing' will still keep the reserved space, showing the taskbar background, and obscure any icons that will shift to the right.
Note 3: Your date may get obscured by the space reserved for the OK/Close button in the top-right. You can fix this my adding spaces at the end of your 'Short Date Format'. See also the tweak on 'Change the Short Date Format'.
Date and time in top toolbar:
go into hklm\software\microsoft\shell
- add dword called "TBOpt" and give it value 3.. soft reset.
0 = no time or date
1 = time
2 = date
3 = both
- of add Binary called TBOpt met value 13 00 00 00
Change the Short Date Format
Applications may call upon the system to provide a 'short date format'. One such application is the Date/Time display in the taskbar, if set to show the date. To change the Short Date Format to show "Mon/2" (example):
HKLM\nls\overrides\SSDte = "ddd/d " (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
Note 1: For more information on date/time formatting strings, see:
Note 2: All applications using the short date format will be affected by this change. Choose wisely
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides can be done by adding a string SSDte=dd MMM ( 2 spaces after the last M)
weekday on Today next to the date:
"SLDte"="dd MMMM yyyy ',' dddd"
If SLDte isn't there, then create it.
"," goes instead of the russian letter that stands for "year".
Show Calendar event text in Week View
If you wish to see a Calendar event's text in the Week View, set the following:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowTextInWeekView = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To disable it again:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowTextInWeekView = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Please note that your event must have long enough a duration to show the event text, and the week view (with its narrow columns) truncates long words easily
Also note that the key "Calendar" may not exist - just create it if it doesn't.
show today's and the next day's calendar appointments.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\ Calendar\Flags to 5
And "All Day" events
Default Behavior: Show Upcoming Appointments
||'- Show "All Day" events (doesn't show tomorrow's "All Day" events)
|'- Show Next Appointment
'- Show Tomorrow's Appointments
6 and 7 are invalid codes, 8 doesn't appear to do anything extra.
0 = Show Upcoming Appointments
1 = Show Upcoming Appointments and today's "All Day" event
2 = Show Next Appointment
3 = Show Next Appointment and today's "All Day" event
4 = Show Upcoming and Torrow's Appointments
5 = Show Upcoming and Torrow's Appointments and today's "All Day" event
But what good is having the date/time display if you can't always see it? Try this:
Go to:
Start > Settings > System tab > Clocks and Alarms > More tab
and enable that checkbox option. . .
Add Lunar Calendar mode to Calendar
You can add a Lunar Calendar mode to the Calendar view, showing a 'Month' view with the Lunar months/days.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowLunarCalendar = 1 (DWORD decimal)
And to disable again:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowLunarCalendar = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Album -> enabling Hidden "Editor" Options
"Disable" -> Set 0 to Enable and 1 to Disable
section - gps and gprs
Show GPS settings within Settings menu
- HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
- Change "Hide" to 0 or delete hide
add Group and give value of 2(dec)
Ativation of GSM network monitor
the today wireless plugin you can activate by adding this to your registry
Type = 4
Order = 0
Options = 0
Flags = 0
Enabled = 1
DLL = netui.dll
They are all dwords except for the DLL entrie wich is a string, the dword values are in binary.
Add a 'Disconnect' button (and Timer) to the Connection List for GPRS
To add a Disconnect button:
HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 8 (DWORD decimal)
To add a Disconnect button and a timer display showing how long GRPS is in use for the session:
HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 16 (DWORD decimal)
To disable both the Disconnect button and the timer:
HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Show Edge network indicator instead of GPRS
If your network provider supports the Edge network (and your device does as well), you can use the following to show a little 'E' icon instead of 'G' icon when connected to an Edge network:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To disable again:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that your device -and- your network operator need to support Edge, otherwise you won't see it. Also note that if you connect to GPRS, you will still see the 'G' icon.
to get rid of the ANNOYING and HARMFUL EDGE disconnect when you hit END
HLKM->ControlPanel->Phone, REMOVE the DWORD entry "FLAGS" (it is currently "8")
Soft reset and no more ENDing your EDGE session! Voila!
Now you can use the "double END" trick to return to the home screen from almost anywhere without having the phone kill a data session (e.g. Agile, a web page download in progress, etc)
Add GPS settings icon
If you have a GPS device, you can add a GPS settings icon to your Start > Settings menu using:
HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Group = 2 (DWORD decimal)
HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\redirect <-- delete, or rename, this value
Note that '2' stands for the Connections tab, '1' is System and '0' would be Personal
GPRS always on
If you want your GPRS (or EDGE) connection to always be on, set the following:
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\|gprs connection name|\AlwaysOn = 1 (DWORD decimal)
And to turn it off:
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\|gprs connection name|\AlwaysOn = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that |gprs connection name| will depend on the name you've given your GPRS connection
Disable GPRS or MMS
When you absolutely dont want to use grps or MMS, f.e. because it costs too much etc you can use this tweak to disable it:
1) Open registry editor
2) Go to the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers\ {7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections \IDEAS Internet (GPRS)\Enabled
3) Edit the key 'Enabled' by double-tapping or otherwise.
4) Change its DWORD Data from '1' to '0'.
5) Go to the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers\ {7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections \IDEAS WAP (GPRS)\Enabled
6) Edit the key 'Enabled' by double-tapping or otherwise.
7) Change its DWORD Data from '1' to '0'.
8) Soft-reset.
If u want to disable the MMS function as well:
1) Open ur registry editor
2) Go to the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers\ {7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections \IDEAS MMS\Enabled
3) Edit the key 'Enabled' by double-tapping or otherwise.
4) Change its DWORD Data from '1' to '0'.
5) Soft-reset.
Knowing when you are on the EDGE
Put this into the registry
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon=1 (DWORD)
And it will show an 'E' icon (instead of the standard 'G' icon) when there is an EDGE network available.
Key: HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\
Value: Group -- change to a DWORD decimal value of 2
Key: HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\
Value: redirect -- delete or rename this value
How To Create GPRS Connection Cab
The Idea of Creating a GPRS CAB is for us to easily set our own GPRS Connection Setting without the hustle of manually setting it again incase a Hard Reset occurs. Setting the GPRS manually is maybe a simple task but creating a GPRS cab that automatically do it for you is a lot more simplier and less complicated since you dont have to input lots of stuff and even you forgot the entire settings the cab will do it for you
Getting Started
The First you need is of course, to know the Settings provided by the Telecom Network, here i list out some of the important Settings
FOR MMS Connection Settings Click Here for Arcsoft MMS Configuration
Access Point NAME
ask if they use also set the Following(usually not, but you need to confirm)
Ask also if they are using Proxy Server and Proxy Port
Ask for IP Address, if available
Ask also for the Primary and Secondary DNS, if Available
FOR Internet GPRS Settings
Ask for Access Point NAME
Ask if they use also set the Following(usually not, but you need to confirm)
Ask also if they are using Proxy Server and Proxy Port , if available
Ask for IP Address, if available
Ask also for the Primary and Secondary DNS, if Available
FOR WAP Settings
Ask for Access Point NAME
Ask if they use also set the Following(usually not, but you need to confirm)
Ask also if they are using Proxy Server and Proxy Port , if Available
Ask Also if they using a Secure WAP Protocol or NOT, if they are ask for the Proxy Server ADD and Proxy port
Ask for IP Address, if available
Ask also for the Primary and Secondary DNS, if Available
If this is too complicated to Ask, just ask for the Manual Configuration on Your Device, Manually set the Settings, Test if the Settings are working and then compare the Entire Input
Here are my Example (we will use this Settings)
FOR MMS Settings
APN: mms
Proxy Server: None or Thru MMS Composer
Proxy Port: None or Thru MMS Composer
IP Address: <Server-Assigned>
Primary DNS: <Server-Assigned>
Secondary DNS: <Server-Assigned>
FOR Internet GPRS Settings
APN: internet
Proxy Server: None
Proxy Port: None
IP Address: <Server-Assigned>
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
FOR WAP Settings
APN: smart1
Proxy Server:
Proxy Port: 9201
Secure Wap Proxy:
Secure Wap Port: 9203
IP Address: <Server-Assigned>
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
The Second thing you need to do, after collecting all the settingsand data, is to know if the Settings youve collected is working. To do this you have to manually create the Setting in Connection Manager (Start->Settings->Connections Tab->Connections). Test the Setting if you are able to connect to GPRS and able to Send and Receive a MMS , then if all is working then we can now go to the XML creating. Here is the Layout i made(dont panic i will explain it all)
<characteristic type="CM_Networks">
<characteristic type="Smart MMS Settings">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{CB876A52-9744-4c91-955B-53CFC9861FE4}" />
<characteristic type="-Smart GPRS WAP Settings">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}" />
<characteristic type="Smart GPRS Settings">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{0112BB3C-ECF5-4dc5-A26D-51A4558CF756}" />
<characteristic type="CM_ ProxyEntries">
<characteristic type="HTTP-{0112BB3C-ECF5-4dc5-A26D-51A4558CF756}">
<parm name=" SrcId" value="{0112BB3C-ECF5-4dc5-A26D-51A4558CF756}" />
<parm name=" DestId" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" />
<parm name="Proxy" value="new-inet:1159" />
<parm name="Type" value="0" />
<parm name="Enable" value="1" />
<characteristic type="HTTP-{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}">
<parm name=" SrcId" value="{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}" />
<parm name=" DestId" value="{A1182988-0D73-439E-87AD-2A5B369F808B}" />
<parm name=" Proxy" value="new-corp:1118" />
<parm name="Type" value="0" />
<parm name="Enable" value="1" />
<characteristic type="WAP-{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}">
<parm name=" SrcId" value="{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}" />
<parm name=" DestId" value="{7022E968-5A97-4051-BC1C-C578E2FBA5D9}" />
<parm name="Proxy" value="" />
<parm name="Type" value="2" />
<parm name="Enable" value="1" />
<characteristic type="WTLS-{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}">
<parm name=" SrcId" value="{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}" />
<parm name=" DestId" value="{F28D1F74-72BE-4394-A4A7-4E296219390C}" />
<parm name="Proxy" value="" />
<parm name="Type" value="2" />
<parm name="Enable" value="1" />
<characteristic type="CM_GPRSEntries">
<characteristic type="Smart Internet">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{0112BB3C-ECF5-4dc5-A26D-51A4558CF756}" />
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<parm name=" UserName" value="" />
<parm name="Password" value="" />
<parm name="Domain" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificIpAddr" value="0" />
<parm name=" IpAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificNameServers" value="1" />
<parm name=" DnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltDnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" WinsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltWinsAddr" value="" />
<characteristic type=" DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name=" BearerInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoProtocolType" value="2" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoL2ProtocolType" value="PPP" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="internet" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAddress" value="" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoDataCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoHeaderCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoParameters" value="" />
<characteristic type="Smart GPRS">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{F9B4CC28-FE1A-4d87-BAED-EE2DC5CCF291}" />
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<parm name=" UserName" value="" />
<parm name="Password" value="" />
<parm name="Domain" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificIpAddr" value="0" />
<parm name=" IpAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificNameServers" value="0" />
<parm name=" DnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltDnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" WinsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltWinsAddr" value="" />
<characteristic type=" DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name=" BearerInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoProtocolType" value="2" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoL2ProtocolType" value="PPP" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="smart1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAddress" value="" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoDataCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoHeaderCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoParameters" value="" />
<characteristic type="Smart MMS">
<parm name=" DestId" value="{CB876A52-9744-4c91-955B-53CFC9861FE4}" />
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<parm name=" UserName" value="" />
<parm name="Password" value="" />
<parm name="Domain" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificIpAddr" value="0" />
<parm name=" IpAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" SpecificNameServers" value="0" />
<parm name=" DnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltDnsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" WinsAddr" value="" />
<parm name=" AltWinsAddr" value="" />
<characteristic type=" DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name=" BearerInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoProtocolType" value="2" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoL2ProtocolType" value="PPP" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="mms" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoAddress" value="" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoDataCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoHeaderCompression" value="1" />
<parm name=" GPRSInfoParameters" value="" />
Understanding the Characteristics Type of XML Layout
First you need to set the Starting and Ending Point for the Whole Layout you need the Following
For the Starting Poing you need this to state on the upper most portion of the XML--> <wap-provisioningdoc>
For the Ending Point you need this to State on the end of the line--> </wap-provisioningdoc>
then you need to Specify which Characteristic Type are you gonna need to use heres the Details of Characteristic Type
CM_Networks <--- for Creating Connection Settings Name but you need to generate DestID before doing this
CM_ ProxyEntries <--- for Setting GPRS Proxy Server and Setting A Default Internet and Work Connection,
Here are the Types of Proxy Entries
HTTP <--- For setting HTTP Proxy Server and Port
WAP <--- For setting WAP Proxy Server and Port
WTLS <--- For Setting Secure WAP Proxy Server and Port
SOCKS <--- For Setting SOCKS Proxy Server and Port
CM_ GPRSEntries <--- for Setting GPRS Modem Connection, under this connection are the Following
Name of the Connection for Example -> <characteristic type="Smart MMS"> under this is the
* DevSpecificCellular* -> Setting the Cellular GPRS APN and other GPRS info
Registry <--- For importing Registry input(i will still explain this type but there is much easier method the Platformxxx.reg Method.
You need to Specify the Registration Path KEY like this format,
ex.<characteristic type="HKCU\ ControlPanel\ PhoneExtendFunction">
PPC-6700/ XV6700 Disassembly Guide!
tools you'll need:
T6 Screwdriver (a 1/16th flathead will also work, if you're VERY careful!)
#000 Philips Screwdriver
For each component you remove, put that part's mounting screws back in their respective holes and place the entire assembly to the side. There are only three distinctive screws used. Here are their quantities and locations (in order of assembly)
Two black philips screws, holding down the camera lens cover.
Nine silver philips screws:
One for the camera flash board
One for the WiFi antenna
One for the motherboard
Four for the display sliding hinges
Two for the front button switch board
Eight bronze Torx screws:
Four for the rear cover
Four for the display cover
Step 1: Remove the battery cover and battery.
Step 2: There are two black philips screws on the top edge of the battery holder. Remove these screws. Then pull the camera lens cover off carefully and place it aside. Work with it and gently twist it away from the antenna, and it should come right off. Place it and the two screws aside.
Step 3: Remove the silver philips screw holding down the camera flash board and gently pry it up. It should come right off. Place it aside.
Step 4: Remove the camera. Pry upward on it next to the camera flash connector and it will pop right up. There are no screws that hold it down. Put it aside.
Step 5: Remove the silver philips screw holding down the WiFi antenna. The antenna DOES NOT need to be removed. Place the screw aside.
Step 6: Loosen and remove the four Torx bits holding down the rear cover. Remove the rear cover by gently prying upward near the top. It is held down by several clips, just work with them and it should come off. When it comes off, DO NOT just rip it away! You will need to disconnect the speaker for the speakerphone first. It's a small connector that will pull away with gentle pressure. Once this is disconnected, put the rear cover aside.
Step 7: Remove the silver philips screw located in the middle right edge of the motherboard. Disconnect the connector located on the lower left side. Pry the motherboard upward, applying pressure specifically to the lower left side, to pop the board off of it's plastic holding peg. DO NOT try to remove the board at this time. There's one more connector to remove.
Step 8: Look underneath the motherboard. You will see a large connector that is taped down. VERY CAREFULLY, use a screwdriver or other flat thing to pry up the tape. Once, and only once the tape is removed, can you disconnect the cable. Place the motherboard, and it's silver philips screw, to the side.
Step 9 You will see four silver philips screws arranged in sets of two. These are the display slider hinge screws. Remove the four screws, and carefully pull the display cable through it's hole in the case. Place the case and screws aside. You have now removed the display from the main body.
Step 10: This is as far as I had to go. Remove the tape from the connector between the display and the front button board. Pry up on the brown part. Pry carefully, and it should rotate upward. Pull the cable out of the connector. Then remove the two silver philips screws holding the assembly down. Place these parts aside. Handle the front bezel carefully, as the buttons may fall out and you'll have to put them back in.
To re-assemble:
Re-assembly is largely the reverse of disassembly. However, follow these general precautions:
1: On items with multiple screws holding them together, DO NOT TIGHTEN the screws until all screws have been threaded. This ensures that you have the parts in proper alignment.
2: BE GENTLE! You're dealing with a precision electronic device! It's not a car engine or erector set, so be nice to it's little green parts!
Step 1: Place the front buttons board in it's little holder and connect the cable. Push the cable as far as it will go into the socket, but DO NOT push down on the brown latch. Screw the two silver philips screws in and tighten them. Now, push down on the entire cable to remove all slack and make it lie flat on the back of the LCD. Then, and only then, push down on the brown connector latch to lock the cable into place.
Step 2: Align the front LCD with the gray body bezel. You should see the hinge screw holes align. Install the four silver philips screws and tighten them.
Step 3: This is kind of a toughie. Find the motherboard and align it with the main bezel. The USB and hands-free connectors should aim towards the bottom. Make sure you don't lose the rubber thing covering a capacitor on the bottom of the motherboard! Now, very carefully connect the display cable to the motherboard and, using a narrow object, unroll and apply the adhesive tape to the motherboard. Once this is done, you can place the motherboard in it's bezel. Pay close attention to the slider on the left-hand side; it has to be aligned in order for the switch on the motherboard to fall in place. Play with it a bit and it'll come together. Slide the CDMA antenna into place. You may need to pry up on the antenna connectors to make it slide onto the motherboard. Once it is fully seated, push the motherboard down into it's mountings. It should bottom out. Install the single philips screw in the center right edge.
Step 4: You'll see the small connector on the lower left side that you removed earlier. Align the connector and push down to connect it.
Step 5: Find the rear cover. You will need to push the speakerphone connector into it's slot on the upper right side of the motherboard. It's keyed, so you can't push it in the wrong way. Align it properly and push it in. Then align the cover with the main bezel and push downward. You will hear several clicks indicating that the cover is snapping into place. Tighten the four Torx bits that hold the cover in place.
Step 6: Install the camera and WiFi antenna. The camera presses into place in the top center of the rear cover, and the WiFi antenna takes a single silver philips screw in the center top edge of the rear cover.
Step 7: Install the camera flash board. Find the camera flash board and place it in the top center of the rear cover. Align the connector and push downward to seat it. Then tighten the single silver philips screw to secure the board.
Step 8: Install the camera lens cover. First, make sure the focus adujustment lever is aligned with the camera's focuser. Play with it a bit to make it fall in place. Install this piece by placing the antenna end in first, then push the speakerphone end (the silver piece) into place, finally you will push the rest into place. Play with it a bit to make it all align. Then tighten the two black philips screws.
Step 9: Install the battery and battery cover. Turn the phone on and see what happens!
This phone is actually pretty simple to take apart. As long as you are careful, you should not damage your phone.
Hopefully this helped!

[Guide][Tasker] Check cell network type

***Requires Root*** (unless someone can show me a way that doesn't)
Checks the cell network type, NOT DATA TYPE.
Background: I am a truck driver for three months a year during my summer break from university. I love streaming music, but I love Nexus phones (and my $30 a month truly unlimited everything from T-Mobile!). Because I am on T-Mobile, my data connection on the interstates SUCK. So, I went ahead and got a prepaid Verizon mobile hotspot with the 10GB a month plan to use while on the road. However, I go through large cities frequently, so using the hotspot all the time is not ideal. I came up with the idea to use Tasker to track which mobile network type I am connected to, and turn off wifi when I gain HSPA or LTE, or turn wifi on when I lose HSPA or LTE. Sounds simple right? WRONG! The problem is that the only state context that Tasker has is Mobile Data, and can be set to 2G, 3G, 3G-HSPA, or 4G. I thought this would be enough, however, once wifi is connected, the mobile data state becomes None. So instead, I had to figure which string I needed from a dumpsys, output that string's value to a Tasker variable, and from there I could set If / Else statements. So let's begin:
First, I had to open up a terminal emulator and type in:
This will ask for Superuser access, simply allow always, and accept.
Next, type in:
dumpsys | grep DUMP
This will show you the different services you can view with dumpsys! Quite a bit of info there.
Now, from the helpful people over in the Tasker groups forum, I learned that network status is in
So to only show that (instead of a huge long list of all the info), you will type in:
dumpsys telephony.registry
From here you can scroll through all the states. There will be a lot of values, but the one we are looking for is
In this case, I see it as (will vary between phone and provider):
mServiceState=0 home T-Mobile T-Mobile 310260 HSPA CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=False
"That's cool. Now what do I do with it?"
I'll tell you! With this info, head over to Tasker and make a profile (I used a time profile to activate every two minutes). After you make your profile, name a new task (I named it Celltype). Now add an activity, select Shell, then Run Shell. We've got some cool stuff here right? Yes, we do. It is a good idea to simply type in the command:
dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mServiceState | awk '{print}'
and set your timeout (mine is 4 seconds). Check the Use Root box, then in the Store Output In field, type a new variable name (I used %STATE); don't use a variable that is already in use! Dandy! Now just hit the back button and add another action. This time, select Alert and pick one (I picked popup, so that is what I am using in this guide).
Find the Text field, and enter your variable (%STATE) for me. Now just hit the back button, then hit the Play button in the lower left hand corner. You should get a Superuser request, allow it. Then, you should get a popup with the output of mServiceState, which for me is:
0 home T-Mobile T-Mobile 310260 HSPA CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=False
If you do not get a string like that, try changing '{print}' to '{print $0}' in the Command field in your Run Shell action.
Now find your network type. For me it is HSPA. Then count the position that network type text is in the mServiceState string. This is separated by spaces, so if I count mine, HSPA is in the sixth position (your's may vary). Did you notice I had you put at the end of the dumpsys in the Run Shell action:
awk | '{print]'
Well that prints out the result to whatever you tell Tasker to. You can do a lot of cool things with the print function, but I'm only going to cover what is relevant to this guide, which is the position identifier, $. In this case, since the text I want is in the sixth position, I will change the Command field in the Run Shell action to:
dumpsys telephone.registry | grep mServiceState | awk '{print $6}'
Your's may be in a different position, say it is in position three. Then you will put '{print $3}' at the end of your Command field. Again, make sure Use Root is checked and Store Output In has your created variable typed in.
Hit the back button to bring you to the main Task screen, and hit the play button in the lower left hand corner again. This time, in your popup, you should get the network type only. In my case, I got a popup that had the text, HSPA. If all goes well, and you do get ONLY the network type, then congrats! If you didn't, go back and make sure everything is correct (variable matches across actions).
If everything is dandy at this point, you can go ahead and delete the popup action (or keep it until you are all done with everything, like I did). What I did next is add a new action, selected Task and selected If. In the If action; type your created variable into the field on the left, then choose your matching method (mine is Matches) and type what you want it to match (or not match, etc) in the field on the right (for me, I typed HSDPA/HSPA/HSPA+/HSUPA/LTE, the / meaning OR).
After that, you can add whatever sub actions you want executed if your If statement is met. Once you have those done, you can add an Else action and any sub actions you want executed if your If statement is NOT met!
I have attached my XML from Tasker (just unzip, then import the XML), so you can go ahead and check out my whole project, break it apart and turn it into your own, whatever. If you share it, just please mention me. Or don't :crying:
P.S. If I missed anything, let me know! However, I AM a truck driver right now, I don't have very much time, but I will try to help if anyone needs it.
A truck-driving, college-studying, android-coder... Art Bell would be so proud.
Thanks, appreciate the tutorial. Interesting...
Thank you so much for this tips
It's very nice to improve my 2g/3g switching profile.
Here's what im using now:
Profile Name: Display On + 3g
Events: Display Unlocked + Not Wifi Connected ***
My task: 3g Enable
1 - Send Intent
2 - Flash
Text 3g
3 - Wait
1 minute
4 - Run Shell
dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mServiceState | awk '{print $7}'
Use Root checked
Store Output In %STATE
5 - If
6 - Send Intent
7 - Flash
Text 3g Forced
Amazing share but im trying it doesnt work right now on lolipop i think.
Or i cant do it i dont know
Do you use this task right now?

Possible Fix For Touchscreen Issues/Misses (Updated 08/29)

After doing some more digging on surfaceflinger, atd, and their related libs, I found some interesting entries in a "strings" analysis of Loads of stuff on touch calibration. I noticed some repeated strings that looked like they're assigned to different properties. You can see this clearly by entering:
strings /system/lib/ | grep -iE '(^touch\.|[ ][ ]touch\.)'| sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort -n | uniq
The terminal returns
touch.coverage.calibration: box
touch.coverage.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: scaled
touch.distance.scale: %0.3f
touch.orientation.calibration: interpolated
touch.orientation.calibration: none
touch.orientation.calibration: vector
touch.pressure.calibration: amplitude
touch.pressure.calibration: none
touch.pressure.calibration: physical
touch.pressure.scale: %0.3f
touch.size.bias: %0.3f
touch.size.calibration: area
touch.size.calibration: box
touch.size.calibration: diameter
touch.size.calibration: geometric
touch.size.calibration: none
touch.size.isSummed: %s
touch.size.scale: %0.3f
I looked up some of strings on the net, and lo and behold, they're build.prop entries! You can see the props above that have different strings to assign to them. The ones with a "%0.3f" refer to a number value, and the one with "%s" is a boolean 0/1.
I've only done a little testing, but I found a baseline of improvement values to make our touch screens more responsive. Some of the properties I couldn't find info on, so I'm testing some values like touch.distance.scale. I feel like I have definitely noticed improvements though. I'm no longer so pissed off using my phone, and the frequency of misses overall seems significantly lower. It's acceptable now. Here's what I'm using now at the end of my build.prop:
##### touch ######
# (geometric, diameter, box, area)
# (amplitude, physical, none)
# (interpolated, vector, none)
# (box, none)
For detailed information on these touch properties, read here(search for the property you're interested in; the page is pretty long). Some are self-explanatory and others we'll just need to test more. Check them out and see if any calibration values make a significant change. Just copy the above code and paste to the bottom of /system/build.prop with a nice file manager like Solid Explorer. Warning: Adding these entries in the build.prop will change the default touch properties. You can always change them back to stock by removing or commenting the entries from build.prop. I assume most values are aafe, but I can't be sure.
Also worth noting. I found some additional build.prop values to make Android snappier. The fling/swipe velocity make a big difference. Not sure what the others correlate to.
##### touch related #####
EDIT: For detailed information on these touch properties, read here.
I'm gonna add some "profiles" of touch settings to use down here.
This one is for a Nexus 4 I believe. I'm trying it out now, and it seems pretty good. My goal is to emulate the touch experience I had with that phone.
##### touch ######
# (geometric, diameter, box, area)
# (amplitude, physical, none)
# (interpolated, vector, none)
Hey guys, so here's an update to what I've found out about the touch screen and its issues. I apologize for my low activity on xda. I've been real busy working on some linux projects.
First, in order for the touch.* settings to work, they need to be put in an .idc (input device configuration) file with the name of the device. For the G4, that is: /system/usr/idc/touch_dev.idc.
If you have another phone or want to check, you can get the name of your touch screen device with the terminal command:
for i in /dev/input/event*; do j="$(getevent -i $i | grep -i touch)"; j=${j#*name: }; [[ -z $j ]] || echo ${j//\"/}; done
Before you go try out the .idc file, I want to warn you that certain settings will disable the touch screen. If this happens, you'll need to use adb to delete or move /system/usr/idc/touch_dev.idc somewhere else so that it doesn't get loaded when the phone boots. These are some settings you must NOT change in the .idc file:
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.coverage.calibration = box
These are the settings I'm currently using:
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 1
touch.size.calibration = diameter
touch.size.scale = 1
touch.size.bias = 0
touch.size.isSummed = 0
touch.pressure.calibration = physical
touch.pressure.scale = 0.001
touch.orientation.calibration = none
touch.distance.calibration = none
touch.distance.scale = 0
touch.coverage.calibration = box
touch.gestureMode = spots
MultitouchSettleInterval = 1ms
MultitouchMinDistance = 1px
TapInterval = 1ms
TapSlop = 1px
I'm not sure if the Multitouch* and Tap* settings work or if adding more values from libinputflinger will work. There's little documentation on using settings that don't begin with "touch." You might have to do some experimentation and try other entries in the "strings /system/lib/" readout. I would also try using the first settings I posted if these don't seem to help.
Another thing I found out is that this phone performs better with low entropy. You can monitor your current entropy level in the terminal:
watch "cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail"
It's usually around 2000+ and peaks at 4096 with high activity which is where I think lag comes in. I found that lowering it to under 1000 average cut out the lag spikes I was getting:
echo 16 > /proc/sys/kernel/random/read_wakeup_threshold
echo 16 > /proc/sys/kernel/random/write_wakeup_threshold
I went ahead and added that to an init.d script. This doesn't have any side effects I've noticed besides possible increased battery life, since the "hwrng" process that generates entropy has no work to do. In case you don't have init.d, make sure busybox is installed, run this command in the terminal, and you'll have init.d startup:
mount -o remount,rw /system; echo "sleep 300 && run-parts /system/etc/init.d" >> /system/etc/; mount -o remount,ro /system
One last thing to mention. The touch device has a little section in sysfs under: /sys/devices/virtual/input/lge_touch. There's some interesting information you can find there, values you can change, and tests you can run. Any file with a name ending in "test" can be run by opening the file, yes sysfs files are weird like this. All tests pass for me except "abs_test":
cat /sys/devices/virtual/input/lge_touch/abs_test
> ========RESULT=======
> Absolute Sensing Short Test : RESULT: Fail
> Absolute Sensing Open Test : RESULT: Fail
I haven't seen other people with or without touch screen issues run this test, so it may or may not be an indicator that something's wrong with the touch screen or its kernel-side drivers. By the way, this doesn't require superuser. You can check this on any device and even use a good text editor like QuickEdit to open the file and generate test results.
At this point, I'm fairly content with the new improvements I've made, but my best bet on a complete fix would be upgraded touch drivers. The "Advanced In-Cell Touch" device this phone uses is pretty new. There's a good chance this technology has drivers that don't have all the bugs worked out. This is something we'll have to wait on. On the other hand, if LGE handed over a bootloader unlock method and some source files, I'd be just fine with that too.
What "issues" is this attempting to fix
kyle1867 said:
What "issues" is this attempting to fix
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Probably the horrible touch response many users experience.
Is this something that we can copy and paste into the end of the build prop, or is it replacing stuff that is already there?
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA Free mobile app
Wow nice job man.
Is it possible to address the swipe registering as taps through this or do you think this will also address it?
Harmtan2 said:
Is this something that we can copy and paste into the end of the build prop, or is it replacing stuff that is already there?
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA Free mobile app
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You'll have to add almost all of them.
Yes bro am too facing the touch problem in my intex aqua star power. The problem is when we keep the finger the screen shakes and also in 100% of my usage 20% touch mismatches . On first i irritated and now i habituated with this touch. [emoji28]
Sent from my Aqua Star Power using Tapatalk
The build.prop edits seem to be making the difference. ?
Sent From My LG G4
Rydah805 said:
The build.prop edits seem to be making the difference. ?
Sent From My LG G4
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would you say that double tap to wake is improved as well?
esmenikmatixx said:
would you say that double tap to wake is improved as well?
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Hmm, you know what, it is.
Sent From My LG G4
esmenikmatixx said:
would you say that double tap to wake is improved as well?
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I would say so I have all these except the new ones he posted an an script from another post an I do see some improvements defiantly double tap to wake
You'll have to add almost all of them.
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Soooo... can you run through this with me? I'm not a novice but I'm trying to figure out how to add them? I can't simply text edit the build.prop on my phone or pull/push from my computer?
This post is the reason why I'm glad we now have root.
Akomack said:
Soooo... can you run through this with me? I'm not a novice but I'm trying to figure out how to add them? I can't simply text edit the build.prop on my phone or pull/push from my computer?
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Yes, you can manually edit it and or push pull it, but sometimes it causes bootloop when edited as a plain text. I would suggest using a build prop editor app from Play Store (I use Build Prop Editor by JRummy. It's Also built in in Rom Toolbox). You will have to copy-paste line by line. I'm gonna try those settings, but in my case, my screen sometimes misses when the phone gets hot. I attribute my touchscreen issues to the Lag LG injected on thermal files.
Yes, you can manually edit it and or push pull it, but sometimes it causes bootloop when edited as a plain text. I would suggest using a build prop editor app from Play Store (I use Build Prop Editor by JRummy. It's Also built in in Rom Toolbox). You will have to copy-paste line by line. I'm gonna try those settings, but in my case, my screen sometimes misses when the phone gets hot. I attribute my touchscreen issues to the Lag LG injected on thermal files.
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Do you have to be rooted to do that?
Hendrycks said:
Do you have to be rooted to do that?
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Yes you do
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
yesterday I bought a G4 H815.
I have the following problem: If my phone is on the bed next to me, or lying on a table, the touchscreen response is terrible. If I'm holding it in my hand, there's no problem. If it's charging and so lying on the bed, there's no problem either.
I took a few photos with my Optimus Black, since I could't take any screenshots of the issue:
this is with my phone lying on the bed:
and here holding it in my hands, producing no problems at all.
what is this? It's bloody annonying and totally unacceptable from a phone of this level, And yes... I would use it without holding it, just placing it on my bed next to me, but you can see how it is performing like so...
is my display faulty, or what?
Thanks man.
It's indeed more responsive. Especially double tap to wake is working good now.
*justintime* said:
Thanks man.
It's indeed more responsive. Especially double tap to wake is working good now.
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I didnt feel a difference can you post a screenshot of your buildprop? Thanks in advance
Maybe im doing it wrong
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
Just edit with es file Explorer.
And get the build.prop in the system folder. Not the other one.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

Fix autobrightness scaling issues

I notice on most LOS based ROMs, the autobrightness function does not scale very well with changes in light levels. I guess the table values are a default for multiple devices and not tailored for the Moto G.
Anyway, if you want to know how to fix it, here goes.....
This mod is applicable to all ROMs for our phone.
Decompile framework-res.apk using your favorite decompiler (mine is TickleMyAndroid)
Open D:\TickleMyAndroid\_WorkArea1\_working\framework-res.apk\res\values\arrays.xml
Edit the config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues values as below (these are my edited values that get you much closer to ideal)
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
While you are at it, might as well speed up response times a bit by editing integers.xml and changing this line from 8 secs to 4. There are other timings to mess with but defaults for the rest are pretty good.
<integer name="config_autoBrightnessDarkeningLightDebounce">4000</integer>
Recompile framework-res.apk without re-signing. (Never re-sign framework or system apks)
Copy the new framework-res.apk file over the original. The phone will probably immediately reboot - this always happens if a framework file changes size - don't panic.
If the phone does not reboot, force a reboot yourself.
If the LCD brightness does not follow ambient light levels to your satisfaction, you can monitor the LCD brightness here: /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness and use an app such as Smart Tools-Pro to monitor Lux levels. This will give you an idea what value needs to be tweaked.
I won't post a modded framework-res.apk file as it will only be valid for exactly the ROM it came from and the fun of doing your own mod and maybe learning something will be lost

[BASH SCRIPT] Torch fix for pie GSIs

so, I was googling around a bit, a few days ago, and found out you can control the torch (and other leds) from the command line, or a bash script.
root (magisk or superSU)
FX file manager or Termux
Text editor
Create a file in a directory of your choice with a '.sh' extension
Add the following code to the file:
su -c 'echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
Run the shell script in termux (cd to the directory and run it) or run it using FX, it will ask for root access if you haven't already granted it
Your torch is now on!
To turn it off create another file with
su -c 'echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
in it
Tested on an Honor 9 and P10+
If you have dual tone flash, yo may find different values cause either led to come on, for me, '255' is the yellow flash and '1' is the white flash
For a bit more messing around, cd to the '/sys/class/leds' directory, you will see a few more directories for other LEDs on your device, controlling them is exactly the same as the torch!
Works for me, thanks a bunch dude
EDIT: on honor 7x/Huawei mate se
Thank you so much for this but I found in my own experience, and from comments I saw where this has been shared, that a bash script perhaps wasn't the most effective to have to run each time so I thought of implementing this to Tasker, create a "pseudo toggle" and allocate it to a quick setting tile. The algorithm is:
If flashlightStatus = TRUE then
Run shell command: su -c 'echo 0 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
Set variable flashlightStatus to FALSE
Run shell command: su -c 'echo 3 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
Set variable flashlightStatus to TRUE
End If
I set it up this way because if you've never set the variable before (or if it clears on reboot or something) then it won't equal true and would still enable. Also, when I set the brightness to 255 the torch had a slight yellow tint so upon further reading, despite that 255 should be full brightness, apparently max brightness is 3 and is a white light (this seems to disable automatically after around 750ms however). Hope this will help those who are still without a torch on treble GSIs.
P.S. I also set up a quick profile that if the flashlight status variable = true then to wait 750ms and check if still true then change to false and turn off the torch; this would reset to compensate for the OS turning the torch off automatically but Tasker still thinking it was on. I'm not sure how necessary this is or whether it's overkill or not.
beejkitsune said:
Thank you so much for this but I found in my own experience, and from comments I saw where this has been shared, that a bash script perhaps wasn't the most effective to have to run each time so I thought of implementing this to Tasker, create a "pseudo toggle" and allocate it to a quick setting tile. The algorithm is:
If flashlightStatus = TRUE then
Run shell command: su -c 'echo 0 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
Set variable flashlightStatus to FALSE
Run shell command: su -c 'echo 3 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness'
Set variable flashlightStatus to TRUE
End If
I set it up this way because if you've never set the variable before (or if it clears on reboot or something) then it won't equal true and would still enable. Also, when I set the brightness to 255 the torch had a slight yellow tint so upon further reading, despite that 255 should be full brightness, apparently max brightness is 3 and is a white light (this seems to disable automatically after around 750ms however). Hope this will help those who are still without a torch on treble GSIs.
P.S. I also set up a quick profile that if the flashlight status variable = true then to wait 750ms and check if still true then change to false and turn off the torch; this would reset to compensate for the OS turning the torch off automatically but Tasker still thinking it was on. I'm not sure how necessary this is or whether it's overkill or not.
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mind if i improve this?
su -c 'if grep -q 1 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; then echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; else echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; fi'
-- obviously you can change the 1 to whatever you want
that is the code i'm using, prevents the use of an unnecessary variable, so is faster, and will use less resources, plus its pretty much fail safe, since it reads the current state of the torch to determine if its on or off, so if something else sets it to a state it still works, if something else set you variable externally then the torch becomes messed up until a reboot.
plus, im assuming that variable is a tasker thing? not everyone will use tasker, so eliminating the variable all together makes it work on any app that can add custom quick settings tiles
ambitiousButRubbish said:
mind if i improve this?
su -c 'if grep -q 1 /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; then echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; else echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/torch/brightness; fi'
-- obviously you can change the 1 to whatever you want
that is the code i'm using, prevents the use of an unnecessary variable, so is faster, and will use less resources, plus its pretty much fail safe, since it reads the current state of the torch to determine if its on or off, so if something else sets it to a state it still works, if something else set you variable externally then the torch becomes messed up until a reboot.
plus, im assuming that variable is a tasker thing? not everyone will use tasker, so eliminating the variable all together makes it work on any app that can add custom quick settings tiles
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Yes, the variable is a Tasker thing so I'm glad there is a solution that wouldn't rely on it. Thanks for the upgrade and I've already switched out my Tasker profile for this. Doesn't seem any quicker or anything but more simple!
