Change SPL? - myTouch 3G, Magic General

I am a little bit confused, this thread ( says:
Step 8)
Turn of the device.
Start in recovery mode by holding the home-button together with power-button for min 5 sec.
The custom recovery should start. You navigate using the trackball.
Choose "flash zip from sdcard"
choose the zip file you pushed in step 6.(should start with hboot)
Follow the instructions on the device screen. JUST DO WHAT IT TELLS YOU TO DO!!!
The device should restart a couple of times...
It's normal if you see a different recovery screen for 10-15 sec... LET IT WORK!
By all means don't interrupt it unless it has taken more then 2 min!
When it's back in recovery and is doing nothing for 15 sec then your done.
Choose "Power off".
Restart in fastboot and check that your info has changed from what you wrote down earlier
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And the other one (
1.Create a Goldcard.
2.Copy the required sappimg.nbh/zip to the Goldcard.
3.Boot your phone while holding the VOLUME-DOWN key.
4.Press the ACTION KEY (=trackball) to start the update.
5.Wait until the update completes and press the ACTION KEY (=trackball) to reboot your phone.
6.(Upgrade to the rooted ROM of your choice).
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Now what can i do?
can i just flash a new SPL via Recovery??
or do i have to make a goldcard and flash the via fastboot??
all my device data see below in the signature.
i have not found an answer in the search.

Well it's rather simple.
My method ( i wrote the guide you are referring to) is to change the spl only.
Using the custom recovery and a self signed spl update package you can do that without disrupting your current system or radio or recovery.
Using a goldcard and a you are possibly changing your entire system.. e.g. system, radio, recovery and spl...
And it must be HTC signed update... and you will most likely end up with a perfected spl anyway!
So choosing the method depends upon what you are trying to achieve.
For changing the spl to eng spl i highly recommend using the custom recovery part... unless you are 100% sure that flashing a using the goldcard will give you a eng spl or non-perfected spl.
PS: Only change the spl using custom recovery if you have a purpose for it. I recommend to leave it alone unless you want to change to OR(old radio) or something.
Good luck and nice question :0)
PS: If you flash eng spl, you can use my/eyegor's radioswitcher tool in my signature to change between OR and NR(new radio).

ok i will try your tool... but first i have to flash an engeneer SPL to my magic.
so i have to do a goldcard and flash the
•ROM v2.53.707.2 (Engineerings SPL v1.33.2010)
so i have a non perfekted engeneer spl.
but were are the 1.76.2007 engeneer SPL's gone?
if there is a signed 1.76.2007 i will flash this one with my recovery, wich is a lot easier than goldcard.
Or is your just a engeneer SPL (non perfekted)?
so i can use fastboot remote? And also use the Radio switcher?
thx for help

hboot = spl.
The 1.76.2007 is eng spl.
All what you need in inside the roottools and all info is in the guide.
They come in pairs... if not flashed together you can get a brick!
spl & radio pairs:
1.76.2007 - 6.35
1.33.20xx - 3.22 (xx can be the following nr: 05 or 09 or 10)
This is only for the 32A version of magic.
The 32B devices have different spl - radio combos.

Ok. Big THX.
I will flash the 1.76.2007 SPL via my amonra 1.6.2 recovery tomorrow.
I have 6.35.xx.xx already.
And later i will downgrade with Radio switcher to the old Radio.
Big THX.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App


[HELP] Hboot becomes S-ON 1.76.2007

Please help!
My magic (32A) suddenly changed its hboot to S-ON!!
Info in fastboot mode:
HBOOT-1.76.2007 (SAPP10000)
Now I can't flash anything in fastboot, I have RA recovery v1.5.3.1.
But I can't mount the sdcard for updating the hboot again.
I have goldcard, but usb connection error show up while verifying the phone..
Can anyone has same issue?
Thank you
littlestrong said:
Please help!
My magic (32A) suddenly changed its hboot to S-ON!!
Info in fastboot mode:
HBOOT-1.76.2007 (SAPP10000)
Now I can't flash anything in fastboot, I have RA recovery v1.5.3.1.
But I can't mount the sdcard for updating the hboot again.
I have goldcard, but usb connection error show up while verifying the phone..
Can anyone has same issue?
Thank you
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Damn, I hate members like you.
a) You don't even tell us what you did wrong
I am sorry that I did not mention the whole story.
Where should I post this message to? myTouch 3G, Magic General?
I am using "Super-Hero (Build By AhmgskMod)" before came into this situation, I found that the phone can boot, and looping in the htc Magic screen.
Show I tried to wipe and flash the rom again. I flashed the rom for 5-6 times, but it still won't boot..
At the last one I tried to flash another rom from XDA, I found the sdcard can't mount in recovery mode. And I go to fastboot mode, S-ON is observed.
I flash my phone with in hboot mode (Sdcard file can be loaded). Now I am with the rom in (RUU_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_304401), but the sdcard is not mounted after I boot up my phone.
I believe that this issue is due to the S-ON hboot, I am finding some way to flash the hboot again (I tried -- fastboot NOT OK, recovery can't mount sd)
Seek for help. Thank you very much.
littlestrong said:
I am sorry that I did not mention the whole story.
Where should I post this message to? myTouch 3G, Magic General?
I am using "Super-Hero (Build By AhmgskMod)" before came into this situation, I found that the phone can boot, and looping in the htc Magic screen.
Show I tried to wipe and flash the rom again. I flashed the rom for 5-6 times, but it still won't boot..
At the last one I tried to flash another rom from XDA, I found the sdcard can't mount in recovery mode. And I go to fastboot mode, S-ON is observed.
I flash my phone with in hboot mode (Sdcard file can be loaded). Now I am with the rom in (RUU_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_304401), but the sdcard is not mounted after I boot up my phone.
I believe that this issue is due to the S-ON hboot, I am finding some way to flash the hboot again (I tried -- fastboot NOT OK, recovery can't mount sd)
Seek for help. Thank you very much.
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u still hav hero recovery??? ( custom recovery)
Yes, I have the hero recovery (custom), I flash in by boot the hero recovery in fastboot, and flash using:
adb push recovery.img /
adb shell flash_image recovery /recovery.img
The problem is I cannot access to sdcard in recovery mode, also can't use the sdcard when I boot up the phone.
Updated: I copy the and from RUU update. The container radio and hboot. Should I flash the in hboot, to recovery the radio and hboot?
s-on + no sd card.
This problem seems to be experienced by many people in the process of upgrading to the new radio. I have experienced it myself and i never managed to solve it. Luckily i manafed to get a replacement phone. I am still afraid of upgrading the radio on my new device in fact. I think that this seems to be a common problem which deserves to be given more attention by the devs. I. Believe there were a couple of people on the forum who managed to fix it but they are few and far between.
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
There's been quite a few SD card problem forum threads. Try harder next time.
xaueious, Thank you very much! Now I can access the sdcard! I will try harder to search in forum before asking question next time.
And thank you for the support of everyone in this post too.
This command was not recognized by the phone in my case. It's not always that simple to solve. It would be better to know what causes it in the first place so that people can avoid it.
xaueious said:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
There's been quite a few SD card problem forum threads. Try harder next time.
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Now I can use the rom in (RUU_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_304401), I use hboot mode and flash the from the captioned rom (renamed to
But I can't start any custom rom for new radio from XDA here (installed in recovery mode, update from zip). It just stuck at the htc Magic screen, can't boot into phone.
My SPL/Hboot is still 1.76.2007 S-ON. I have tried flash the "" in recovery mode, but the Hboot is still S-ON.
I believe the problem is due to the S-ON Hboot, so I can't start any custom rom. Any way I can turn the Hboot to S-OFF?
Thank you!
Update to Amon_RA's newest hero recovery. You should be able to mount your SD card in that.
Thank you sindrefyrn. I updated to the latest RA hero recovery.
I can mount sdcard with hero recovery too.
But problem is I can't boot my phone with custom rom, only stock rom will work.
My ENG SPL 1.76.2007 is S-ON instead of S-OFF.
I will tried to flash the RUU update to replace my existing radio and SPL tomorrow, my home PC using win7 and can't verify my phone while RUU update, I will tried it tomorrow in office with winXP.
Hope it works, will report here.
littlestrong said:
Thank you sindrefyrn. I updated to the latest RA hero recovery.
I can mount sdcard with hero recovery too.
But problem is I can't boot my phone with custom rom, only stock rom will work.
My ENG SPL 1.76.2007 is S-ON instead of S-OFF.
I will tried to flash the RUU update to replace my existing radio and SPL tomorrow, my home PC using win7 and can't verify my phone while RUU update, I will tried it tomorrow in office with winXP.
Hope it works, will report here.
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You can flash a RUU with higher manversion then your previous ROM.
I often find that when I go into recovery my sdcard is not mounted. The solution (for me) is to:
adb shell
mount /sdcard
And that's it.
No idea why the sdcard is mounted sometimes but not other times though
sindrefyrn said:
You can flash a RUU with higher manversion then your previous ROM.
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Is that mean I can't downgrade my SPL and radio?
I can't use fastboot to flash my SPL and radio, because S-ON SPL not allow me to do so.
Could I copy the from RUU which contain SPL and radio, then renamed it to and flash in Hboot mode?
The only thing I want to do is change my SPL back to S-OFF. What can I do?
Thank you for your help.
update: Is there any I can use to flash my SPL in recovery mode?
update 2: I tried flash the ENG SPL in recovery mode, but it can't change my SPL back to S-OFF. Is it because the SPL are in same version, so, I am not upgrading my SPL by this action?
littlestrong said:
Is that mean I can't downgrade my SPL and radio?
I can't use fastboot to flash my SPL and radio, because S-ON SPL not allow me to do so.
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No reason you can't downgrade your SPL and radio that way, as long as the mainver of the RUU you're flashing is newer than your current.
Could I copy the from RUU which contain SPL and radio, then renamed it to and flash in Hboot mode?
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Yes, that's possible. However, the mainver still needs to be higher than your current.
The only thing I want to do is change my SPL back to S-OFF. What can I do?
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If you haven't yet tried, apply this as normal trough recovery.
update: Is there any I can use to flash my SPL in recovery mode?
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Yes, see above.
etibon said:
This command was not recognized by the phone in my case. It's not always that simple to solve. It would be better to know what causes it in the first place so that people can avoid it.
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That only works with the 1.76.xxxx SPL, which he has.
From personal experience, I can tell you that I screwed my phone up by flashing hboot and radio in the wrong order.. Ultimately, it prevented me from flashing the Hero recovery... So basically, I was stuck with new SPL/Radio with Sapphire recovery for a while. But here is where things got worst: I attempted to flash BACK to the OLD SPL/Radio, which worked. However, somewhere along the way enableqxdm(1.76.x only) was turned ON, and stayed on. The only thing I was able to do was go back to the stock Rogers RUU (old radio), but left with no SD card which really sucks. When Sense was released for Rogers, I flashed the new ROM and Radio (via USB) and turned enableqxdm off. All fixed at the cost of being rooted
littlestrong; which ROMs are you trying to flash? There could be a really simple explanation as to why they don't work.
1. Did you WIPE data/dalvik/ext before flashing? <- this is pretty important
2. Flash a ROM specific to the new radio?
And if you're trying to reflash your radio and SPL, what errors do you get?
I have tried update your SPL 1.76.2007 from recovery. It remain S-ON afterward.
So, I downgrade my SPL to 1.76.0007 and raido 6.35.07.xx from HK stock sense rom (Hboot mode -> The SPL and radio are successful downgraded. Then, I flash the SPL the 1.76.2007 in recovery. No luck.. SPL has been upgraded to 1.76.2007, but it is still S-ON..
I flash all roms below with full wipe (all 5 wipes in recovery), they all are for new radio:
--[ROM][32A][6.35] SenseUI 2.1 based on DROID Eris dump. Both v01 and v02.
--Super-Hero (Build By AhmgskMod) [Based On Eris Dump].
--Eclair AME [Android 2.1] MADE BY ME [Only For New Radio] [28th Feb]
I also restore a nandroid backup which it was backup with Eclair AME rom, when my phone in good condition.
All the above roms can't boot up, all stop at htc Magic screen..
I search this forum and found 2 topics about making ENG SPL to S-OFF from S-ON.
1. Flash the nandroid backup boot.img file to the phone, might be one of them will make the SPL to be S-OFF.
2. Remove the battery for a couple of day, and leave the phone as it is .The phone might change to S-OFF itself.
Another problem, I can't flash my magic in RUU. ERROR 170 was found both in XP and win7. I tested it in computer with and without htc sync. I have install proper driver.
I have one more question, I can flash custom rom for new radio here in recovery mode. But all 3 roms I had tried won't boot up and stuck in htc Magic screen. Can anyone flash custom rom with S-ON SPL and found no problem in boot??
You should still be able to flash custom ROMS regardless of S-ON. One of the other things you should try is formatting your SD card again.. Try a full FAT32, then try partitioning afterwards. I found that I could only boot Ahmgsk with FAT32/Swap/Ext2.
pyee0124: I have flashed the [ROM][32A] CursorSense32A-, it can boot up with my S-ON SPL.
I will test flashing others rom and see if I can use Android 2.1.

Mytouch 3G 1.2/LE (I THINK)Semi-Bricked 2 !!! Helppp !!!

Bare with me this is my first thread :
Mytouch 1.2 doesnt get passed Splash screen. It wont load into recovery.
It boots in FASTBOOT & HBOOT. But thats it.
I have :
HBOOT-1.76.2007 (SAPP31000)
If anyone can help i would really appreciate it !!!!
White Mytouch 3G 1.2 (T-Mobile)
Amon_RA Sapphire v1.6.2G Recovery
I am totally wrong!
Start here :
Make a gold card from this info :
Grab the Engineering SPL (2010) from here :
Put the Engineering SPL onto the new Gold card, in Fastboot go into Hboot mode and flash that
At that point you'll have a new SPL but no rom's gona work. (It'll show up as a 32B, H etc thus why no rom will work)
Then go here :
get the zip file with the radio.img/hboot for the fender.
(Download the Recovery 1.6.2G from here instead of the one in the link above)
The instructions from the link above
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot flash hboot hboot_7201A_1.33.0013G_091021.nbo
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
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Grab the from the link above
Go into recovery and flash that rom.
You'll then have a rooted stock rom. Which is how I rooted my fender. DO NOT use a radio from any other thread than the one I specified, otherwise you have a very strong chance of actually bricking your phone.
The reason you go down to a 2010 Engineering SPL in the first place is because the 1.33.0013 is perfected and you can't flash anything, so least this way you go down to 2010, flash the needed radio/hboot/recovery allowing it to be rooted, then you flash the stock (rooted) rom.
kbeezie said:
Start here :
Make a gold card from this info :
Grab the Engineering SPL (2010) from here :
Put the Engineering SPL onto the new Gold card, in Fastboot go into Hboot mode and flash that
At that point you'll have a new SPL but no rom's gona work. (It'll show up as a 32B, H etc thus why no rom will work)
Then go here :
get the zip file with the radio.img/hboot for the fender.
(Download the Recovery 1.6.2G from here instead of the one in the link above)
The instructions from the link above
Grab the from the link above
Go into recovery and flash that rom.
You'll then have a rooted stock rom. Which is how I rooted my fender. DO NOT use a radio from any other thread than the one I specified, otherwise you have a very strong chance of actually bricking your phone.
The reason you go down to a 2010 Engineering SPL in the first place is because the 1.33.0013 is perfected and you can't flash anything, so least this way you go down to 2010, flash the needed radio/hboot/recovery allowing it to be rooted, then you flash the stock (rooted) rom.
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from what it looks like hes already made a goldcard if he has that radio and spl........... he needs to flash the stock radio, spl, and recovery in fastboot...
ceas909 said:
from what it looks like hes already made a goldcard if he has that radio and spl........... he needs to flash the stock radio, spl, and recovery in fastboot...
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If he already made the gold card, that's good, but may still need to flash the engineering SPL (2010) because I think 2007 is also perfected. I would still just flash the engineering SPL since I Know that works, and at this point we're trying to avoid any chance of bricking.
edit : wasn't 100% sure of what I was saying ;-)
Thats every one for helping I really appreciate it.
I tried flashing the Engineering SPL (2010) but i left it as ( and when i flash it through Hboot it asks me if i want to start the update after i press the trackball it says System-unzipping and thats where it stays. it doesnt load. and i tried to flash a couple of of other spls before but it stop after it tried to update the Radio. For some reason i cant update the radio it always freezes when the update is about 95% complete.
Any Answerss ???? Please =\
yonkersboy127 said:
Thats every one for helping I really appreciate it.
I tried flashing the Engineering SPL (2010) but i left it as ( and when i flash it through Hboot it asks me if i want to start the update after i press the trackball it says System-unzipping and thats where it stays. it doesnt load. and i tried to flash a couple of of other spls before but it stop after it tried to update the Radio. For some reason i cant update the radio it always freezes when the update is about 95% complete.
Any Answerss ???? Please =\
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K, Let's try this, at the point you are now:
Using the zip file from :
and the 1.6.2G Recovery from :
From your computer:
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot flash hboot hboot_7201A_1.33.0013G_091021.nbo
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
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If you get a Remote Denied after trying the first command, then your current SPL is perfected. However if it works, continue to flash the hboot and recovery.
PS: I have no clue why it freezes during the SPL flashing, "ROM v2.53.707.2 (Engineerings SPL v1.33.2010)" should have flashed just fine on the MT3G LE.
yonkersboy127 said:
Thats every one for helping I really appreciate it.
I tried flashing the Engineering SPL (2010) but i left it as ( and when i flash it through Hboot it asks me if i want to start the update after i press the trackball it says System-unzipping and thats where it stays. it doesnt load. and i tried to flash a couple of of other spls before but it stop after it tried to update the Radio. For some reason i cant update the radio it always freezes when the update is about 95% complete.
Any Answerss ???? Please =\
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Are you sure it is freezing i have read that flashing a radio can take i think up to 5 or 10 minutes and to just be patient.
i have a mt3g 1.2 on tmobile i have tried over and over and over again and it constantly gets stuck on the splash screen its driving me up a wall!!!! any ideas?
junior.youngman said:
i have a mt3g 1.2 on tmobile i have tried over and over and over again and it constantly gets stuck on the splash screen its driving me up a wall!!!! any ideas?
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I had the problem where no matter how many times I tried the root procedure, it would eventually freeze on the "ANDROID" splash screen and then go to a black screen, nothing else.
I have no idea if this is the correct thing to do, but I eventually went in to recovery and did a Wipe data/factory reset. Then I did the root procedure again and it finally allowed it to boot all the way. Maybe someone who understands better can comment if this was right. Anyway, it worked for me when I basically had no other choice (or so I thought).
From the little bit of knowledge I have so far you did it correctly. If it gets stuck on the load screen or if the screen turns black you usually have to reboot into recovery then do everything you did. If you're flashing a THEMED rom and this happens that means you didn't flash the original rom first. Binary does this with his themes since making roms for mt3g 1.2 is apparently retarded difficult. And just to break it down a little more, he made a themed rom from stokes eclair rom. So I had to flash that rom and then flash his rom since its not a full rom, only a theme. Hope that helped
kbeezie said:
Start here :
Make a gold card from this info :
Grab the Engineering SPL (2010) from here :
Put the Engineering SPL onto the new Gold card, in Fastboot go into Hboot mode and flash that
At that point you'll have a new SPL but no rom's gona work. (It'll show up as a 32B, H etc thus why no rom will work)
Then go here :
get the zip file with the radio.img/hboot for the fender.
(Download the Recovery 1.6.2G from here instead of the one in the link above)
The instructions from the link above
Grab the from the link above
Go into recovery and flash that rom.
You'll then have a rooted stock rom. Which is how I rooted my fender. DO NOT use a radio from any other thread than the one I specified, otherwise you have a very strong chance of actually bricking your phone.
The reason you go down to a 2010 Engineering SPL in the first place is because the 1.33.0013 is perfected and you can't flash anything, so least this way you go down to 2010, flash the needed radio/hboot/recovery allowing it to be rooted, then you flash the stock (rooted) rom.
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Thanks for these steps, I had the exact same problem and you made it easy for me to solve it without searching through 1000's of threads. Kudos!
I'm a little new to rooting my mytouch 1.2 and I follow theunlockr way of doing things and ended up with a phone that get stuck on the htc magic screen i can use fastboot and hboot but no recovery. when in fastboot my phones says
Oct 21 2009,22:33:27
:/ please help
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot flash hboot hboot_7201A_1.33.0013G_091021.nbo
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader[/QUOTE said:
Whenever i try to flash, i get this error
FAILED <remote: not allow>
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iamjamesxia said:
Whenever i try to flash, i get this error
FAILED <remote: not allow>
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This is old, use the "Old school" root method in my signature.

[Q] Cannot turn security off (S-OFF) on rooted Rogers 32A Magic

I've rooted my Magic, got Cyanogenmod running nicely, etc. I was then trying to flash a new splash screen, and noticed that my security in fastboot shows as begin on (S-ON). Sure enough it wouldn't let me flash the splash screen, it said the signature was not valid.
So, I tried flashing every single engineering SPL possible, and it never changes to off.
Here is my info from the fastboot/hboot screen.
HBOOT 1.33.2010 (SAPP5000)
June 2 2009, 17:27:03
Find zipped hboot, put it in your sd card and flash it trough recovery...
pera987 said:
Find zipped hboot, put it in your sd card and flash it trough recovery...
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That's what I've done. I've flashed every single engineering hboot file I can find and each one still shows S-ON during fastboot/hboot, and I"m unable to flash through fastboot.
Follow these steps (you should find it in this Mytouch Room)
1. Create your goldcard.
2. Comeback to 1.5 version by flashing rom 1.5 from goldcard.
3. Install Recovery Flasher (RF).
4. Run RF, chose Flash Cyanogen 1.4 img
5. Copy new E-SPL to root of Sdcard, Boot to Recovery mode, flash this file SPL
6. You can flash new recovery img (like 1.7.0G) by fastboot mode through your PC.
Check your new SPL now and S-ON becomes S-OFF.
I've successed on Magic 32B with perfect SPL 1.33.0006 and S-ON.
vinamilk said:
Follow these steps (you should find it in this Mytouch Room)
1. Create your goldcard.
2. Comeback to 1.5 version by flashing rom 1.5 from goldcard.
3. Install Recovery Flasher (RF).
4. Run RF, chose Flash Cyanogen 1.4 img
5. Copy new E-SPL to root of Sdcard, Boot to Recovery mode, flash this file SPL
6. You can flash new recovery img (like 1.7.0G) by fastboot mode through your PC.
Check your new SPL now and S-ON becomes S-OFF.
I've successed on Magic 32B with perfect SPL 1.33.0006 and S-ON.
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Thanks. I'll give this a shot when I get home this afternoon.
PaulieORF said:
That's what I've done. I've flashed every single engineering hboot file I can find and each one still shows S-ON during fastboot/hboot, and I"m unable to flash through fastboot.
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If this currently a 1.33.20** spl with s=off and a custom recovery can you please do the following
Run 'adb shell dump_image misc /tmp/misc_dat.img'
'adb pull /tmp/misc_dat.img misc_dat.img'
Then send me the resulting image somehow (pm me a rapid share link or ask for my email.. there ought not be any identifiably info in misc but just in case)
This may or may not clear up why there is an issue.. and let a better process to fix it be created.. untill then try unrooting (or installing a stock spl) and re-rooting as was mentioned, just onto forget radio versions may change in the process requiring caution not to skip ahead of yourself and brick.
So I got the file, misc was nearly all blank without the usual data (boot mode, CID and some other data) this is easily fixed by re-flashing misc from recovery.. I think this can even be made into an (since all magic/dream misc partitions are essentially the same besides the CID, and the CID is still being passed to the recoveries command line when stuck in this state.

[Q] need help fixing my phone

hi sorry if this post is in the wrong place...
ok this is my problem i put a new radio on my phone and now i can only get fast-boot working no recovery no ROM i have try'ed to re-flash with my gold card but it just crashes when it gets to installing radio my phone is a htc magic (vodaphone)
sapphire pvt 32a ship s-on h
hboot-1.33.0009 (sapp10000)
may 8 2009,21:02:32
i changed the radio with Radio Switcher v."GUI 4.1" from the forum
so i need to no if it can be fixed and also pointed in the right direction
thank you
I could have sworn Voda UK sells 32B phones. If I'm right, you just flashed the wrong radio. Find yourself a 32B sappimg and fix it.
ok tryed difrent ones just says its to old. and my goldcard with the works until it starts to flash the radio (thats the sappimg i used to mod my phone in the first place) so now i dont no what to do at all. seems like it wont let the radio be flashed any ideas anyone. thank you.
Moving to General
ok this is begining to bug me now tryed to fix it for days now with no joy is there anyware i can send it to get it fixed or should i just bin it.
I have seen many with the same problem!
The problem lies in that you have wrong radio/spl combo!
To solve this you have to flash the right spl to match the radio. Then you flash the right set of matching radio and spl.
In your case that's not possible. You have a perfect spl, which will not allow you to flash anything!
So you are stock in the middle. Flash using a goldcard will result in the same thing. Whenever you try to flash a different radio, your system will reject it because of the bad radio/spl combo. That's why all your attempts failed.
The only thing you can do is to try to modify the
Make a copy of it to somewhere on your harddisk.
Using winrar or any zip tool delete the radio.img file inside the
Then try to flash it using the goldcard like you used to.
This way, you only flash the spl without radio and maybe you will have success. Just make sure that the spl is matching the radio.
Good luck
first off thank you for replying i tryed what you sead i removed the radio out of and what happens now is it reads the sappimg when its finnished it just reterns back to hboot so it dont ask me if i wont to flash do you have anyoter ideas or is there some way i can get it back to the original 1.6 then just run the gold card agen to get it back to where i was befor i mesed it up with the radio witch i will defo not be putting on agen. thank you.
try this.
in fastboot mode type in a command promt:
fastboot update (use the 1 without the radio)
See if that helps
hi agen tryed what you sead all i get is failed to load not sure if im doing anything wrong [ c:\android-skd-windows\tools>fastboot update
error: failed to load '' ]
not sure if im missing something the is on root of the sdcard phone is on in fastboot mode. p.s taken the radio out of
no not like this.
You must have in the same folder as fastboot.
This is by default the tools folder inside the sdk bundle.
Or you can provide the full path to the
Good luck
ok i have followed what you have sead i put in to tools folder and this is what i get makes no sence to me but may mean something to you.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\media server>cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>fastboot update
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt
just tryed it with the radio in and i get this.
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>fastboot update
Whoops: didn't find expected signature
read_central_directory_entry failed
error: failed to access zipdata in 'Å└FE┼¶Zâ◄dS▬üÜç►ìÙí█å♦*|┌ÉÖ├Ð‼Ó‼V¡°┤═‗─?ðêm¾
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And what is the end of this?
I need Infos please.
Well... it's only experimental.
I have noticed that some devices will accept the file even if you have modified it. That's more if you only delete files from it, not add or exchange.
So the trick is to delete the radio.img making sure that the spl updates but the rest will fail... But we don't care about the rest... we only want to update the spl.
I will try it out as the last option. Remember, it's only experimental :0)
Got your PMs...
I have found a solution for your problems..
Ok... here it goes.
Download these to begin with while you READ.
The problem is that the device has conflicting spl and radio combo. The spl has an idea of where the radio should be and how big ect. When they are not matching the flash of a new radio will most likely fail.
To fix this problem, we need to flash a spl compatible with the 6.35 radio.
But the problem lies in the following. All the RUU/sappimg with a spl compatible with the 6.35 has a higher version than yours(starts with 3 something). If we update the version, we cannot flash the desired sappimg which follows. The goldcard will only update up in verion nr, NOT down.
Here comes the trick: I have found a special rom, which is part of a 2-part update which will not update your version nr...
Once the spl is updated and the system restarted, we can now flash any ruu we want using the goldcard. I recommend to flash one with a eng spl inbuilt like the 2.53.707.2 sappimg. But in if the device would not accept that sappimg(don't ask me why), try the which is the same version as you have now.
The steps to follow:
1) Read and understand the above.
2) Rename to
3) Make sure that you have a working goldcard and flash the
4) Once the device has rebooted, you should rename the to and flash it using the goldcard. This image should give you an eng spl. If you device will not accept it, then rename the other rom to and flash it using the goldcard.
5) If you indeed get the eng spl, then you have full control and we can do almost anything we want. Just post here and we can take it from there. The eng spl has the following nr: 1.33.2010.
If you flashed the stock rom, then you only need to flash custom recovery and you should almost be there... also here post the progress and we will take it from there.
Hope that you will succeed... :0)

[Q] My touch 3g 3.5mm jack fastboot access only can't flash anything...please help

Hi so I've been searching the forum for 2 days and tried i think is everything but still cant make my phone can only access the fastboot mode now and if i turn on the phone i cant pass the "htc magic" splash screen. And yes i have a goldcard and tried to flash the engineering spl 2010 but it stuck at unzipping system part. I cant flash anything and when i input command it appears as
1.if i input "fastboot flash (partition) "xxxx"" it will show the "remote:verify INFOsignature fail" error
2. if i input "fastboot boot "xxxx"" then it will show the "remote: reproduce boot image with on-flash ramdisk error"
3. error with RUU: the RUU has the main version error
my fastboot screen info:
HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP31000)
May 8 2009,21:02:32
So far i think i might need the original RUU of my phone and swap in engineering spl 2010 in the temp. file as soon as it releases it.Then flash it see if that helps. But i cant find any original RUU on the road...
Help me master!
ps: and yea i would be glad to pay 20 usd if anyone help me to get this thing working again. ^^
you could try my post
It wont work...
Actually i've tried the 3 official roms via RUU app already and i did get error with RUU as i said so now I just tried the 3 roms from tmobile which means the same as my phone's cid appeared as T-MOBO10 via my goldcard. The 2.10.531.4 and 2.11.531.3 ones failed with it saying" main version is older" and the 1.94.531.1 which extracted as a .nbh file failed at signature checking point. ah...yea, thanks a lot for helping me though.
Type this and post the outcome here:
fastboot getvar version-main
From there we can try to determine what to do!
main version
It says version-main: 2.16.707.3.
BTW my phone had stock 1.6
If you are getting main version older error it is possible that your goldcard has become ungolden. Try remaking your goldcard, put sappimg.img(found on the how to root MyTouch 1.2 thread) on the root of it, reboot holding volume down and boot and when in hboot screen hold trackball down until it finds sappimg.img and it shoudl update itself. Then reboot to fastboot and flash radio, hboot and recovery. Then reboot to recovery and flash the rom u want.
The goldcard will not let you update a which has older system version then what you have now!!!
So it's not a faulty goldcard.
The solution:
There is a special which has an eng spl and is signed by htc :0)
Luckily you have a system version which is lower :0)
If you flash that you can then flash what ever you want and get the system back on track.
The zip is for the 32A device... but we just need the eng spl to flash the 1.2 device layout.
You game with that ?
I just helped somebody to regain their device using this approach...
The link above has all what you need.
Follow it to step 10. The rom they use in step 10 is outdated... Use this instead:
You should be good to go :0)
Remember, if you get problems post here... don't do something stupid and don't work in the dark...
So I do have questions:
I tried that page b4 and the in step one does not work with freeze at unzipping system. And the stock spl, radio, &AR recovery simply don't work since they all cannot pass the INFOsignature check.
So should I simply skip to step 10 and flash the special from you?
And how does that sappimg work with the gapp? I don't know how to use that gapp package...never used it b4. Oh that post mention the use of gapp on step 12...should i do step 10~12 then?
Thanks a million for helping. ^^
Edit: uh... wait a second. do you mean the special is the sappimg in step1 from that post or is the special sappimg you mean is from your rom link?
well i suppose theres no harm in trying to flash the cm 6.0 update rom via hboot...well the result is the phone back to defualt hboot screen after "checking". Any suggestion?
Flash the from the site. It has to work or you have a faulty goldcard.
Redo goldcard and reflash.
The links i provided is only ment to be flashed using custom recovery.
Sent from my SGS-I9000 using XDA App
So now suppose i have a faulty goldcard and now i cant access the phone.
Should I format the sd card in windows in fat32 format and then paste my goldcard.img to the reformated sd card again?
PS: I haven't changed anything on my goldcard since the first time i successfully flashed the the first time. but back then i was stupid and flashed the non-perfect spl one. now i cant flash any anymore with this same sd card. But now yea i better try to redo it see if that helps.
Check your pm...
I have seen my goldcard change after i use it for some time..
So i have to redo it every time i was gona flash just to make sure!
But you redo yours anyway... it done properly, maybe for the last time :0)
