Why I've stopped using my X2 - XPERIA X2 General

After buying an X2a in the USA in May and putting up with it's quirks, I've finally gone back to my old phone, a humble Nokia N95.
I thought I'd post a log of why I've made such a giant leap backwards in case it might prompt S.E. to do something about the X2 and the damage it has caused their reputation (I would never touch another S.E. phone again after this experience)
Here we go:
* The N95 gets reception in places the X2 doesn't.
I was happy to live with this and swap the sim card to the N95 about once a week when I was going to a poor coverage location, but that had problems:
X2 forgot all my ringtones assigned to people etc.
Battery on X2 would report as about 10% at the end of the day even though it was 98% when I turned it off and left it off all day.
* X2 is picky about how it charges
If you plug an X2 into a PC with no X2 device drivers etc installed, it chews the battery. You can literally watch it go down 1% every minute or two. I ended up taking a power pack to work (cos I can't install software on the work PC)
* X2 is slow
Worst manifestation is: phone rings, "answer screen" comes up, you hit answer - after 2 seconds nothing happened.
You think "touch screen must have missed my tap" so you tap it again.
In the mean time it's got the first tap and answered the call.
The "Hangup" button goes to the same spot as the "Answer button" - you've just hung up on your caller
In general though, you often hit a button and wait seconds for it to react.
Really poor user interaction design.
As a comparison, the N95 can sometimes be a bit slow (not as slow as the X2), but it shows a little animation or similar so you know that something is happening and the phone has heard you.
* X2 is unstable
I was using it a lot as a media player. Often it would just hang (normally when jumping to a new track)
- sometimes it would come back, other times you had to reboot.
In the last few weeks it was happening more and more and I found that I had to reboot twice to see the media.
(First reboot could see it in file manager, but not in media player. Second reboot was all good. This happened at least 3 times)
* Memory card issues
Like everyone, I had the memory card problem (and applied the fix).
Raised it as a support issue with S.E. - was told buy a new card.
Thanks to whoever found and made the fix - it certainly fixed my issue with the disappearing memory card.
* Volume level quite low.
It's usable, but now I, back to my N95, I'm amazed how much louder it is compared to the X2!
* 3.5" jack software driven.
Quite often I'd connect to a car system by a 3.5" plug, but the X2 played out of it's speakers.
Had to plug and unplug several times to make it work.
N95 works instantly everytime (although it always asks you what you just plugged in which is annoying...)
* Bluetooth
My handsfree can see the X2, but I cannot make or receive calls, so it's 100% useless to me!
* Video camera
I don't use the video camera much (only used it once) - result was very jerky. The couple of times I've taken video on the N95 I was impressed with the quality.
* Voice control
X2 has no voice control at all. Vito voice dialer worked nicely, and their more general voice control app was ok, but no way to launch it with a single press.
N95 has voice control but it's crappy - you don't record your own tags, you have to try to imitate how the phone thinks things sound. It works ok, but I'd prefer to record my own tags.
* Pro (just to even things up a little bit)
Reason I got the X2 is that the N95 kept rebooting itself when I visited New York.
The X2 (actually an X2a I guess) worked fine there and back home in Aus.
That's all I can think of right now.
Anyone want to buy a slightly used X2A?

Same experience about X2. But not anymore. I already change to X10. It is much better. Android is really different. Love it so much. Especially sending file via WIFI (Hoccer), chatting(Hanashi), WIFI tethering (Barnacle). Push email (Shangmail) and much more. Trust me, you will never bore with Android,especially X10.
Gunawan, GN Mutimedia & X10i

Those are the exact same reasons why I'm switching from the ****ty X2 to the Blackberry Torch. The X2 is simply obsolete and useless - can't even phone people or text message smoothly with the crazy lag. Requires you to reboot sooooo many times. I had to wait 10minutes to load a text message from the inbox...10 minutes...ridiculous. SE customer care doesn't or pretends they don't anything about the bugs that's evidently plagued this phone. SE and X2 can go screw themselves.

I might think about buying, depending on price I've wanted one to mess with for a while, not to use

What's everyone got with the X2? i scored mine pretty much new for $170US with a 16gb card, i just installed all the same fixes on this as i did on my x1 like the sms lag and no sms sent fixes as well as the memory card fix, also got it running at 1ghz and the phone runs great, hasn't crashed since i have had it and lasts a couple of days without charge on my mugen battery. Also the design is the best i have used the arc slider beats any other slide phones and the screen is pretty much flush and looks great perfect size at 3.2", x10 is too big for my hand end up having to use both hands to text, and doesn't actually feel like a real phone plus still on android 1.6. X2 has my vote.

Bruce Irons said:
What's everyone got with the X2? i scored mine pretty much new for $170US with a 16gb card, i just installed all the same fixes on this as i did on my x1 like the sms lag and no sms sent fixes as well as the memory card fix, also got it running at 1ghz and the phone runs great, hasn't crashed since i have had it and lasts a couple of days without charge on my mugen battery. Also the design is the best i have used the arc slider beats any other slide phones and the screen is pretty much flush and looks great perfect size at 3.2", x10 is too big for my hand end up having to use both hands to text, and doesn't actually feel like a real phone plus still on android 1.6. X2 has my vote.
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It's a shame SE didn't manage to push one more FW for X2.
Definitely with some fixes it would have been one of the best WM phones ever.
But the stability issues kill the pleasure.
I use it and will do until I decide which future platform will be my choice.
It has the best design ever and SE custom interface somehow resembles... WP7 concept.
But there's no WM alternative for me.
P.S. However HTC Droid Z looks almost exactly like X2 now!

The X2 hardware is great - no question.
I even put up with the software for about 6 months.
The thing that made me consider going back to the N95 is that I got sick of swapping the SIM card between phones, coupled with the X2 losing all my ringtones for different people when I did switch the SIM.
The thing that finally pushed me over the edge is the media player freezing up then needing 2 reboots to get running again - this was happening too much.
I'll be on the N95 for another 6 months or so and then see what OS is flavour of the month...
In the weeks since I've moved back to the N95:
Good things on the X2
* Really miss the QWERTY for texts etc.
* MediaGo software was actually better than the Nokia equivalent. I'm just using WMP and MP3Tag which is a but painful.
* I had CoPilot on the X2, but I don't have nav software on teh N95 (might bite the bullet and subscribe to Nokia's service)
* X2 was easier to navigate. N95 has lots of stuff, but are they under "Apps" or "Utils" (or somewhere else...)
*Default N95 calculator is rubbish (used to have a 3rd party one that was much better - need to install that again)
Good things on the crusty old Nokia
* N95 has been rock solid (not one required reboot)
* Really love the fact that plugging a 3.5" plug in gets a predictable result. Straight away. Every time.
* Love the N95's dedicated media buttons.
* It just works.
I thought of this getting out of the car after using the phone as a media player.
With the N95 I slide it open and push the stop button.
With the X2 I push the button to get it out of standby, push stop - wait a few secinds to see if it's going to stop (repeat until it actually stops)
Other interesting things (probably tells you something about me ;-)
* Have not set the N95 bluetooth up again - but keep thinking "must do that"

I get the feeling you might have got a bad batch xperia x2 because i have never experienced the problems you have stated apart from the memory card issue which i resolved with a patch, i mainly use windows media player anyway when i listen to music, i very rarely use slide view as i am fine with titanium. Good that you like your n95, i had one recentl but sold it and bought the x2 for pretty much the same price as i sold the n95 for (not bad resale for a 4 year old phone), but n95 looks really dated next to the xperia and the screen size being too small and non touch made me change, although it is very practical and bullet proof, but i am a sucker for new tech and sony phones


Wizard Overall Performance... are u satisfied?

I have a Cingular 8125. I bought it only a couple weeks ago, and I have to say that if it wouldn't have been for these forums and all the tips tricks and hacks that are being discovered here - I would have taken this devvice back to the store... I have days when I love it and days when I hate it - but overall I have to say that I just barely satisfied with the performance. It just feels like the OS (wm5) is to intensive for the processor in these devices.... and is it just me ... or does anyone else feel like they also are a BETA Tester for this devices and this platform in general .... cause let's face it - these things are not for everyone - it takes a über-geek like me and you to use one
Anyway, I am rambling, but - share your thoughts...
Yes i am, with it overclocked, upgraded rom and various hacks lol... Plus it gives this forum a boost - most problems are fixable
The 195 Mhz of the Wizard are enough for PDA/phone activities. But it's too little if you want to do more wiht your device. For example, when streaming mp3 via WiFi and then immediately encode to A2DP, the machine CRAWLS.
And it is getting worse with WMV video: it won't playback any QVGA WMV videos, too slow of a cpu (tried both WMP and TCPMP).
So, it depends how you use your device.
the 8125 processor 195/200mhz is just as fast as the Verizon/Sprints Xscale 400mhz process just different chips that clock speeds differently. it's like comparing a Intel Centrino 1.5ghz to a 2ghz mmx the centrino can blow past the mmx chip in a benchmark... but anyway the device is pretty fast being that it's small and can hold a decent battery life.
a lot of people add tons of plugs to there device that really slows it down. crappy coding in a plugin can make the 8125 really slow
I have to concur with phlojo on this: I migrated from a Himalaya (XDA2) & WM2003SE onto an MDA Vario. I was seduced by the prospect of built-in wifi, smaller footprint and WM5, but I have been severely disappointed by speed, memory space and stability. The poor stability is probably due to lack of memory, but there are other 'features' :x that infuriate, like a hit and miss alarm. Today I got 2 at the same time - but I have known it to miss alarms or to lose WEP keys, which is a PITA to type in as you can't paste the key on WM5; you have to type manually.
It was suggested in this thread that these issues were caused by additionally installed user applications. All I can say it that I'm only trying to run the same apps as I did on my xda2 (GPS map finding, opera & TCMP). At the moment I give it 6/10. If I find a smaller memory footprint rom to download, this might go up.
I think those considering the upgrade version of this phone need to check the hardware specs before taking the plunge. I've got this on a 18 month contract, so I'm stuck with it for a while.
running wm5 on a vario is like running winxp on a celeron 700
definatley needs more ram as well
Hi everyone,
I was quite concerned when I went from my Dell Axim x50v to the MDA Vario.
I was worried that the jump from 624Mhz to 180Mhz would be a bridge too far!
And it nearly was.....until I upgraded my ROM to 2.17.x.x, now it is reliable, doesnt randomly reset without warning and the performance is very good.
I use Tube 2 quite a bit and Tom Tom 5.21 and find there is little noticable difference to the Axim.
I am sure media encoding and streamng would be a totally different kettle of fish though - 180Mhz is just not enough for this kind of 'work', I am sure the Axim would struggle with this too!
The question is, is this really what you want to do with your Phone/PDA when theres such good 'tools for the job' such as the Sony PSP?
as a new user to the ppc scene. i dont really know what to expect. i should be receiving my 8125 very soon..
It set to come stock with whatever cingular puts on it..
any advice from the start? im really new to this whole rom thing so dont know what to do exactly..
ive read on here that overclocking boosts performance?
Im really impressed with mine, it works twice as good as i expected it to and thats with minimal hacks, its not even overclocked
im using the latest O2 ROM and i cant say i notice any slowdowns at all.
as i've said before, it performs so much better than my old XDA IIi and thats a 500Mhz WM2003 device!
i honnestly cant complain about it in anyway ... well 1 thing i spose, the stock headphones are horrible, but they work
Mediocre phone barely useable for business
I came from a kyocera 7135, treo 650 to this phone. I had two purchase 1 program and install 3 third party apps to get the functionality of the 7135 on the treo. As for the 8125 wizard this phone is a toy. I use my phone and pda functionality to the fullest and its just been extremely frustrating. DPAD navigation is a joke if it exists for the application. Phone integration with the PIM is worthless just try to copy a phone to the clipboard it only allows to save as new contact. MS made a big deal of respond to missed calls with an sms on the treo 700. Why exclude that feature on this version. Like everything they do nothing is consistent. My favorite flaw though is something that palm does very well. Hard reset the device and your screwed. Apparently not everything is backed up. You are required to reinstall many apps.
Performance the device has to be overclocked. Its performance isn't even acceptable out of the box.
To make the device usefull you need to overclock, install a few apps for menu navigation, a few progs for system maintenance, upgrade rom, make varios registry changes. If it this forum didn't exist I would have sold the phone bought another Treo.
The device or WM5 is good on two items. Wifi and web browser. Palm droped the ball on this big time although the newest version of blazer is supposed to be much better there is still no wifi.
MS needs to work on their PIM/Phone integration and the dpad for the device. the dpad hould navigate to all controlls and menus on the screen.
anyway just my gripes.
- Richard
I love my Vario. Everyone I show it to loves my Vario. That's even without google maps mobile, which I got working today.
Yes it is slow out of the box, I ran it for my first 2 months at default speed, I only setup overclock a few days ago, but now I have it overclocked 20% 24x7 and it's so much better.
I am totally happy with it. Of course I would love the faster CPU and UMTS and scrollwheel of the Wizard II, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I am happy with the software side. Very happy. It is the first XDA that I can rely on for receiving phonecalls, which afterall is what its for. Hell, its the first one where caller display works properly.
An overclocked XD mini-s plays QVGA videos fine for me.
I bought it knowing it would need hacking, but yeah, were it not for these forums and me being a phone nerd I'd wanna take it back.
I am not happy with hardware. The gap between the botom of te screen and case is appauling. Stuff gets down there, then the touchscreen stops working and its an arse to get out. The stylus falls out and the black paint flakes off.
Also, it randomly fried my 2GB mini-SD card, something which I have never forgiven it for as I still have not managed to replace it. Using this device without a card is impossible. If you have more than 5 photos on it, it constantly comes up with low memory errors.
The main reasons for the dreadful performance are two.
first, the processor has very small data and instruction caches. second, wm5 has this great nifty trick where system calls from a user-space process gets intercepted by the os, run, and then the results go to the process. Or something like that.
Plus, a significant portion of the os and user interface must be .**** i mean .NET which makes it even slower.
I use the custom 2.17 rom available on this site and I'm quite happy with it. Granted, I don't use it's every available feature or play mp3s and video with it often, but I do now and then, either as files or streaming off the web, and it all works fine. I was overclocking for a while but found I didn't really need it and haven't used it since the 2nd or 3rd week I had it. It's definately slower than my old Blue Angel but WM5 is so much smoother in operation than 2003SE which makes up for it. Also, just like with a pc where the keyboard is faster and more convenient than a mouse, the keyboard is much faster and more convenient than the stylus and I avoid pulling out the stylus when at all possible.
I guess everyone's milage may vary but my experience has been a very good one.
Wizard Performance
I must begin by saying that I really love the Wizard after using the ROMs and hacks on this site.
My first Windows device was a n xv6600 with verizon's EVDO network. The xv6600 has a 400 mhz processor. It was very fast but had horrible battery life, poor reception, and had to be soft reset all the time.
When I first got the 8125 Wizard, I almost sent it back. it was slow and locked up often. Next, I tried the Qtek Test ROM which worked better and had A2DP. However, I was still resetting all the time.
Now I'm running Exelencin's 2.17 Custom ROM for TMO. It works very well. The unit performs all tasks just as fast or almost as fast as the xv6600 (Blue Angel) which I still have and use as a benchmark.
I'm hooking up to the Wifi at work and home between 900 and 1200 kbps. That's faster than the EVDO speeds on the Blue Angel. The Wizard streams video from the web very well on Wifi. I'm getting Edge connections through TMO in SLC from 60 to 95 kbps. Though the EVDO is supposedly 3 to 4 times faster, it sometimes takes just as long to download some pages.
I use a ton of BT devices, including but not limited to:
I-PHONO 450RX and MOTO BT820 stereo headsets; Jabra headsets, my HP laptop with BT, and my Audi A6. The Wizard works much better than the Blue Angel. The Wizard even transferred all my contacts directly into the Audi. The BT connections are clearer and work from a longer distance.
I use a variety of foreign language dictionaries, read my mormon scriptures on the wizard. These memory intensive programs actually run faster on the Wizard than the BA. I put all programs on the sd card except one's like voice command which must be in device memory to work well. I also keep all pictures etc. on the mini sd card. Voice command can also be activated with my jabra or moto stereo headsets.
All in all, the Wizard rocks with the right ROM and settings. The battery life is simply outstanding. I can go one to one and a half days without a recharge.
The only time I get the wizard running slow is when I have half a dozen programs running. I wish programs would close when closed. I'm tired of going in the memory settings and shutting down programs I've already closed.
All in all
I have an imate Kjam which I got in MArch this year. I have installed and removed TONS of software and only had to do one hard reset as a result of crap dictionary software. I only have a speed issue when opening large Word docs with tables in it. Otherwise I am a happy camper with my device. I will not use the overclock software as I believe you are looking for trouble.
I will never go back to a regular cellphone now.
I regularly use mortplayer, TCPMP with full feature movies, Media player and Real One Player, and I have NEVER had speed/memory issues.
Remember guys that this little sucker has a DUAL CORE processor!!! It handles graphics BETTER than other faster clock speed processors.
Something else to keep in mind for those with issues with video playback is that the 1.0 version of TCPMP is basically built from the ground up. They are reporting a VERY large increase in speed all round.
Yes you may have to fork over some cash to get all the codecs but for a player like TCPMP I dont think that $20 or so is that big an ask.
Lastly - and something I think is overlooked often - The wizard is a pretty fair phone with good battery life. I bought the unit because it was reviewed as a useable phone, sure I wanted a PPC as well but the phone had to work and not die in 1hrs use.
If all I had wanted was a PPC I would have bought something else, but I hate single taskers and to me the wizard is a great multi-tasker.
Good and bad
After applying a bunch of the tricks available on this site, I am overall quite happy with the T-Mobile MDA, over the Treo 600. I also agree that this site is necessary, but treocentral's forum was necessary, too: every advanced device needs educated users to achieve full functionality.
The biggest nuisance to me is not the speed but the fact that it is not responsive for a long time, 20 seconds or even more, occasionally.
The second biggest nuisance is that I can't search my 700 contacts for a keyword and get an answer in a realistic amount of time. On the palm, that took a couple of seconds; here, even overclocked at 240, it takes 20 minutes. What is with that?
The third nuisance is caps/shift lock, which is mostly that I am used to the Palm method and partly that the palm method makes more sense (turn on sticky with a double press, turn off with a single press of the caps or shift key).
Better things about the MDA: multitasking. wifi. VOIP. Today screen with SPB weather and diary. Runni8ng programs from the mini-SD card. Sound quality (phone and music).
8125 Works Like A Champ
My Cingular 8125 Is absolutely Fantastic...
Previous History...
I had a Samsung x427m freebie Phone and a Used Hp1910 Pocket Pc Off ebay...(150bucks) Did everything I wanted at the time... Played movies encoded at 220bit just fine... Plus I'm Cheap... had games... NES Roms... Mobipocket.... mp3's Liked the 3.5 screen...Kept it for 3-4 years...
1gb minisd Card
Motorola h500 Bluetooth Handsfree
1 Delux Black aluminum Case...
Firest thing I did was Update the Rom...
I knew That I would need to do that Much before I started any Computer geek will tell you you to find the newest Firmware/Drivers...lol
added vjvolubilis.cab to use my motorola H500 Bluetooth Handsfree To listen to music...works good...
Did the Wifi Update so It would actually connect to my wifi... I like WIFI...lol
Kept Wisebar Advanced off... Decided that it Slows up stuff a little, and doesn't like landscape with the only theme I'd actually use...no big deal,
Installed Battery Pack Pro... A MUST HAVE... lets you setup custom little icons to quickly pick application or game to run.... and will let you endtask Without having Wisebar on there... also shows battery time left and memory...
Installed MS Voice Command...
Installed Sprite Backup Another MUST HAVE... Make a quick backup when everything you want is running perfect and everything is installed...
Mobipocket reader Pro.... BOOKS>>>>BEST PROGRAM EVER FOR THIS...
Full Screen, From TXT and other pda formats... Scrolls Best way to Read a book in the Known universe...
TCPMP --- VIDEOS --- Need I say More.... full lenght dvd is about 100mb an hour... at 248 bitrate
Age Of empires Gold ---- Works Good... Good Game.... Still Wishing for AOE2 on PPC
Pocket Tombraider... Works Good... Amazing....
OverClocking Utilities
I've Tested it with the defaults 200mhz 240mhz and 252mhz, seems stable with all haven't compared battery test with them yet
Cingular 8125... Finally SET ME FREE....lol
I still need to Put Pocket Music Player on there... Don't care for Mediaplayer10 but media player 10 works ok...
I encode movies from dvd using Lathe around 248 bitrate... Plays them Perfect... without needing to overclock over 200 don't know why anyone would want higher bitrate on such a small screen...
Games - Havn't tried NES yet, but SNES was still too slow...Oh well... I'm fine with Super Mario Brothers 3 --- I'm Still afraid to Remap the phone on and off buttons for games... don't want to miss a call...lol
Tested Battery at 200mhz... thats what I keep it at... looks like playing a movie 248 bit and music and movies, reading, with blutooth off, wifi off,
will give you somewhere about 6-7 hours... WOW... my old PPC only would go for 2h 35min... Oh... the Screen Brightness was at 50% which is what my old pda looks like at 100% and looks great... brightness could go Way higher but not Necessary (wow did I just say that)
Bluetooth... H500... number 2 Handsfree device Cost me 35 bucks including shipping on ebay... Works Very Well When Close to device... Like 7-10 feet...
I use a phone like almost never.... But using the BT to Voice Dial Numbers Is Great...
I was afraid to get this because of the suposedly slower 200mhz processor... what a joke... This is way faster than my old Pda clocked at 300mhz...
I'd say the only drawback is the 2.8 screen, but it seems no to make much difference...
Price... $400 bucks... I bought it New Off Ebay... Unlocked... payed about 50 bucks more than cingular sells it for but keeps me from their stupid 2 year contract... seems worth every penny...
a friend of mine returned hers after about 5 days because she didn't know any computer stuff... had lockup problems because she didn't update Rom... The usuall stuff...lol These arn't for the completely computer illiderate...(at least straight out of the box) But I'd be hard pressed to find a better Device...
I'm pretty happy with my 8125. It's zippy enough for me. I even have Wis Bar Advance 2 loaded along with a bunch of other today plug ins and it's fine at the factory 195mhz clock speed (Though I've recently up'd the clock speed to 228 just because I can, feels zippier w/menus and webpages). It's never frozen up on me, I use Explorer A LOT (3-4 hours a day minimum) for browsing email and webpages at work. I have my Motorola H700 BT headset with me at all times so bluetooth has been turned on since I've had the device. This is the best phone I've had so far. Kicks the **** out of my Treo 650. I was a hardcore Palm user (Owned many Clie's and a Treo 600+Treo 650) and it took me a lot of convincing to "try" the 8125 but now I'm just in love with it :wink:

I must be NUTS! I SWEAR the X1 becomes faster over time.

I know this isn't the way windows is designed.....
But has any one else noticed that the X1 seems to speed up a bit and becomes a bit more reponsive after being used for a while?
Cache is it
BTW, comming from the diamond/raphael, my Xperia was FAST from the very first day, and this ain't no red herring or kosher pig
Depends what.
Apps are usually fast, but definitely homescreen orientation changes get slower over time.
Very occasionaly some problems appear, like once the scrolling got reeeaaally bad and slow, just reboot helped. Sometimes Opera 9.5 gives problems.
Anyway, generally I don't complain in this regard.
The simple answer is ...Yes...you're nuts.
But seriously, it's just the cache. The rotation time drives me nuts, I use an iphone too and thats pretty snappy at rotation, although i know it works differently, and possibly is more powerful hardware?
Anyway, the overall responsiveness of my Xperia so far has been overwhelingly appauling.
I have upgraded to R2A and not installed anything at all, just to keep it fast, and further to that I even uninstalled and removed some startup items.
It's such a shame to me because I had a PDA back in 2006 and i got rid of it cause WinMo sucks, this is such a nice piece of hardware from SE (even if it is HTC made),it would have been so much nicer with one of their own OSs that are always so slick, or atleast some sort of hypervisor system so that whatever crap (WinMo) is run in the background, stays in the background.
The reason I decided to go for this instead of wait for the N97 is because I thought there wold be so much more content, and since security in Symbian S60 5th is a nut cracker.
Anyway, lets hope WinMo 7 gets ReadyBoost from the MicroSD
I came kicking and screaming to the Xperia from the Iphone (some of our emailed based software does not work with Iphone email format)
I freely admit I HATED the Xperia out of the box. Youtube would play, video playback SUCKED, audio play back was mediocore, and I have to soft reset once a day.
After installing the xperia tweak, schaps, SD tuneup, youtube panel, etc. etc. I am finally ok with it.
Sinc eI still have the iPhone 3g I have compared them side by side in various environments. The xperia is much more customizable but............. video still isn't as good as the iphone and signal strength isn't as good either. Call quality is a little bit better and the AD2P is MUCH better with the xperia though.
If you're NUTS! then so am I.
I'm pretty sure mine has become faster in the 4 months i have had it.
I had the diamond before the X1 and felt the Xperia lagging behind in certain aspects of speed but it has DEFINATELY got better and now is running smoothly and efficiently.
Now is probably a good time to do a backup heh?
btw: my very first XDA Dev post!
I wouldn't say it's becoming faster, but the battery definitely lasts longer with the time going by.
When I bought the phone it was 2 days, now I have 5 days on the counter and it's 20% full
Uh yeah.......no. After a little over a month of use, it might make it 24 hrs. But I am sure that is because the push email keeps the data connection going 24/7. Wifi is rough on the battery but bluetooth isn't too harsh.
I have a nice ''bed'' on my dresser (mouse pad) where all of my chargers are run to. Xperia, iPhone, and HBH-IS800's get thrown on their chargers as part of my bed time ritual. So I can live with my battery life.
i've also reflected of that =)
the longer i use it, the more stable/less crashes i notice
I am NUTS too...
After some period of use my SEX1 work perfectly and faster then before. No more freezes no more soft resets an i have everything possible instaled on it . Video playback is smoooth and everything else is working ok. Now i am happy with my SEX1. And yes now is time for real backup. Can anyone sugest me what program i should use to backup all of my phone(files , settings , programs , games etc...) Thanks in advance
I can say that I'm pretty happy with my X1 speed.
But... I've installed Teksoft SpeddBooster, tweaked some programs, and it flies, now.
Namely, on a official PT rom, panels are much faster. Opening folders, on Total Commander, also.
my x1 slows over time
I haven't installed any ROM's yet, so I might need to do that. But sadly I'm having buyers remorse with my X1, I'm really not fond of Windows Mobile. I've got a couple of problems with my phone now, while it's only 2 months old. One being that I can't my SMS messenges, or atleast WM doesn't show them while I do see them on my Mac with Syncmate! And the last couple of days I've been having trouble with freezes when I change panels or try to update the RSS feed in one of the SE Xperia panels...
I wan't to update my software through the SE website hoping that it'll fix the kink in my system, but it seems I need to use a Windows PC to do that...
Really, I probably should have gone for an iPhone. Thing is though, I love the SE hardware, styling and it's keyboard. It's a lovely machine, but it's a shame they put the ****ty WM software on it. Pfff, really fed up with Microsoft.
definitely getting faster but that may just be me being drunk at nights
Mrca said:
After some period of use my SEX1 work perfectly and faster then before. No more freezes no more soft resets an i have everything possible instaled on it . Video playback is smoooth and everything else is working ok. Now i am happy with my SEX1. And yes now is time for real backup. Can anyone sugest me what program i should use to backup all of my phone(files , settings , programs , games etc...) Thanks in advance
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Try SPB Backup.


Hi everybody im Passy from holland im new to this forum i have a few questions if someone can answer those
at first i saw the X1 in a store and played with it and found it
very slow and long loading times and then i thought witch phone then and then i came up here on the forum and saw that you can improve the speed with a .cab file and sd card turbo
ok 1st question
how u get this .cab file on your phone and is it hard to do
is it easy to put panels on it or other 3rd party apps
How is the battery life i now have a k850i and it last with normal use 7 days on low use 9 days i think its rather impressive but dont think the X1 can do that with bigger screen different OS but if it last 3 to 4 days im happy
Can i watch(HQ)youtube movies with 3g
support for Divx ?
how are the speakers?
Do u guys Reccomend this phone or i better can search
for a different phone like htc touch HD SE C905 or nokia 5800 express
if someone can help me with this then i can decide witch phone i get its only one month before i can buy it
GreetZ Passy
1) cab install is really easy. The two most obvious ways are: (i) copy using active sync (on PC) and a USB cable, or (ii) copy from PC to storage card and insert into phone. then just run the cab file on the phone. Depending on the software installation package you might need to install the software on your PC first and then active sync will automatically install the software the next time the phone is connected - the only one of those I've done is .NET Compact Framework 3.5.
2) installation of panels and other 3rd party software: see above If the app is unisigned then you have to accept installing a piece of software that hasn't passed the certification process and you do that at your own risk. Most of the free software is uncertificated. I've been using free apps for 3 months now and no problems!
3) Compared to a K850i the battery life will disappoint (that was my last phone too.) I use my X1 a hell of a lot more than I did my K850 - email, web browsing, etc. and I tend to get about 3 days use out of it between charges. The best I've had is 5 days when I used it only as a phone and for texting - just for batt life comparison. If you leave your WiFi on all the time expect your batt life to suck - WiFi is really power hungry.
3 (2nd one)) Yep, do a search for the YouTube cab on this forum and install!
4) yep DivX have a mobile player cab on their website. Some third party video player apps also support it too. Do a search on this forum for TCPMP for an awesome free one but make sure you get the version that some nice bloke fixed for the X1.
5) Sound from the speakers is OK. I have found that its a bit muffled when I hold the phone normally as I tend to have my hand over the speaker aperture. Headphone sound quality is excellent.
6) I'd buy it again in a heart-beat. The thing is stacked with good software and features and the keyboard is awesome. I was annoyed with the camera when I first got the phone as its not a Cybershot but the recent firmware update (I got it from here - not waiting for the SE official update) seems to have improved things. Having said that, if you want a camera phone, buy one (e.g. c905) - if you want a kick ass pda phone then this one is mustard!
Hello and welcome to XDA
regarding your questions about X1, here are some answers based on my eXperia[nce] .
1) performance is a subject that is being discussed alot, and still is, some people say it's below the expectations, others say it's perfect. from my point of view, the device is more than great for business user (not graphics)
2) panels are available by sonyericsson, others are developed by some people, still the concept is not much spread among developers so i think it will take some time to see alot of panels.
3)battery life varies from user to user, and also depends on how many applications you install and leave open, some apps consumes battery even on standby so you have to be a bit carefull of what to use and what to install. i get around 2 days with average usage (BT all the time on, Always synced with my corporates Exchange server so data connection is on 24/7 and no WiFi), some people say it lasts for 4 to 5 days, i didn't personally see this but from what i have read from the forum the average is 2 to 3 days.
you tube application is there, i tested it and it works perfectly on my device, also the youtube panel works great.
5) not DivX certified like Omnia, i have no idea if it's capable of playing divX videos or not using corePlayer. other members might give more details.
6) speaker is not that much from my point of view.
7) im really happy with my X1, it's really a great business friend and a great device. generally i love it, except for some small problems (that we keep finding solutions for), it's great! the new ROM from SE (Using SEUS) made it better and faster.
if you are interested in a good PDA, regardless of it's 3D capabilities (for now as our friends here are doing much R&D on ATI Drivers) then go for it but test it before you do buy it, it's expensive piece of art
if you have other questions let me know
Wow thanks very much for ur replys think ive made my deccision i see allot of pottention in this phone and found out that its twice as packed like the G1 when i get my phone
i hope everthing go's well for now tnx for the anwers and have a great weekend
GreetZ P
Somebody hit me if found a new SE phone with a Yeah 12.1 mp camera but it think not for sale maby next year but first the X1
GreetZ P
link: http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2009/02/15/sony-ericsson-sort-of-announces-the-121-megapixel-idou/

My experience with the HD2

I have the device for 5 days and i went through every little corner of it so i would like to share this with you and maybe help others make a decision to buy it or not.
1. Very good build quality. The rubber coding and the metal plate feels good.
2. Its incredibly thin!
3. The camera has sharp edges which scratches my desk. I always put the phone on top of the leather pouch that came with it so i don't scratch my desk.
4. The screen is impressive. Having a capacitive 4.3'' screen on a WM device is like being in haven.
5. The earpiece does a good job. Its better than my (sold) TP2, but not too loud (as some have reported).
6. The speaker is decent. Not too loud and not to quiet. Having a device so small i guess its impossible to put a better speaker.
7. The 3.5 mm jack entry is so enjoyable. I always struggled with charging and listening to the headphones at the same time. It was impossible on my previous phones without some big, ugly adapter.
8. Finally we have a standardized port for sync/charge. Unfortunately i can't find a microUSB cable anywhere. The only way to get them is to order them online.
1. HTC Sense is very well done. Having a 1GHz processor it moves along panels and menus very fast. When i took my TP2 in hand after playing with the HD2 i felt like trowing it away. Once you played with the HD2 you never go back.
2. HTC skinned most of the settings of WM which is a good thing and a bad thing. In some cases the skinned settings don't show every little option in that category so its annoying, but i managed to get a shortcut for the windows mobile settings in my start menu.
3. The facebook integration doesn't let me choose what i want to update for my contacts. On my TP2 i would get asked if i want to get the contact's photo and his birthday. Now it doesn't ask anything and if the contact doesn't have a facebook photo but it has an outlook photo (set by me) it deletes the photo. After getting back my contacts i stopped using the facebook integration. SOLVED
4. The twitter client is OK, but i expect an update from HTC in a future rom where lists are implemented. Otherwise its useless.
5. Doing pinch to zoom in Opera is a joy. Having a large screen, web browsing becomes a pleasure. Now i can say that i can always rely on my phone to do web browsing.
6. Google Maps and iGO 8 work fast and the GPS signal comes in about 10 seconds with the proper tweaks.
7. The FM Radio just doesn't work. I only get static and its not like i'm in the middle of a field. I'm in a 4 million people city.
8. The Audio Manager does a good job but there's a problem with the Audio Booster which doesn't stay on after the first song you play. There's a solution for that but its ugly. Once you start the audio booster don't press done, just leave it running by pressing the home button for example.
9. The camera takes very good pictures. I applied the super fine tweaks. I own a semi professional camera and i have some experience in that area and the pictures taken by the HD2 are pretty OK for a phone camera.
10. In regards to the SMS issue: i don't have it. The device already came with the GSM only selected as a band for sending text messages. The only downside is that i tried once to send an sms to 16 persons and i got around 5-6 undelivered messages. I know it has a limit but i applied the tweak to make the limit go to 50 but no result.
11. My Location works and doesn't work. It gets my location but when its time to get the weather it fails. It shows and error message that it cannot retrieve the weather. So i disabled it completely.
12. The unlock screen is useless. I always set my phone to turn off the display after 1 minute. Watching a movie resulted in a lock. I removed it and installed S2U2 which accepts exceptions and it works great on the HD2. It's like it was meant for this device.
13. HTC Album creates a rather large cache on the main storage resulting in a decrease in available MBs. That is not acceptable for me so someone from xda modified the exe file (changed the path of where the cache is stored) and i installed it and it works great so far. The cache is now in My Documents folder on the storage card.
14. I changed the icons in the start menu using the reSTART application and the iReflect icons found on xda. Now my start menu looks very clean and beautiful.
15. I can type really well on it. I just have to trust the keyboard. I'm not using XT9 cuz i don't have my language there but with the ABC mode i'm quite fast. Its not always perfect but that's to be expected anyhow. I make a lot more mistakes on my brother's iPhone than on the HD2 (and the iPhone keyboard is famous for its accuracy).
There is a downside to all of this: the battery life. It's a little disappointing. I feel like i use an iPhone now. I usually get a full day out of it with moderate use. I plan on buying a desktop cradle and a spare battery just in case.
I'm running the 1.48 version and judging by my experience so far i'm almost certain that there was a batch of phones that was bad, that's why some owners state problems with hardware or software.
If i missed something let me know, or if you have any questions fire away.
Very well written. There's one point I'd like to correct, though. You can set the contacts tab to show Outlook pics even with Facebook integration. Here's how:
1. Start editing the contact.
2. Tap on the contact picture icon on top right.
3. A list of available pics for the contact should come up. The second of which is your Outlook contact pic, if you have one saved. Tap it.
4. Voila
Now, can you please link the reSTART and ireflect icons? I'm curious and want to check them our. I did some searching, but the results returned are staggering.
iReflect icons: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=533993
reSTART: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=186033&d=1242539721
PS: Thanks for the tip on the facebook integration. I'm now going through all my contacts and changing the photos.
Nice review, lorin.bute.
I have switched back to this device after 4 months iphone 3Gs usage. This device is the best I have ever used in the past 7 years. The screen reacts and the softwares run just as fast as iphone 3Gs but with rooms for my customization. Just looks forward to the upcoming WM6.5.3 to enhance this device, and most likely WM7 in 2010.
The battery life is indeed disappointing. Well HTC wanted it to be slimmer than the iphone.
A desktop cradle and a spare battery is a must i feel. We are all using a relatively new battery. Just imagine 6-12 months down, it may not even last a day. A cradle apart from showing off the phone also prevent from tripping the cable while charging.
Well, if a spare battery is a must for the HD2, then what do all the iPhone users do?
The iPhone has even worse battery life and you can't swap out the battery...
freyberry said:
Well, if a spare battery is a must for the HD2, then what do all the iPhone users do?
The iPhone has even worse battery life and you can't swap out the battery...
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i use mobile chargers.
click it in the iphone and it starts charging. works perfectly.
Yes, I had one of those, too, for my iPhone 3G
That was more of a rhetorical question, but I can add that those chargers are less convenient to carry around than a second battery.
Just looks forward to the upcoming WM6.5.3 to enhance this device, and most likely WM7 in 2010.
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Look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=606932
freyberry said:
Well, if a spare battery is a must for the HD2, then what do all the iPhone users do?
The iPhone has even worse battery life and you can't swap out the battery...
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Like what my friends do. They charge whenever possible, i see their phones wired most of the time in office.

[Q] Bringing redundant Touch HD out of retirement! Q&A.

Ok so my first and main question is, are people still using their old blackstones, if so what for?
I'm EXTREMELY interested. I don't want to be another consumer who throws redundant tech away every 18 months if I can find a use for it. Besides it feels like a part of mobile history, the last of the resistive touch screen era, the new windows phone is too tiley, rigid and related to the disaster that was and is windows 8 and as a techie I like to tinker with things as such windows mobile 6 is just nostalgically beautiful. I could even still see myself developing an app for it in the future even now if I thought of something worth having because it reminds me of my beloved iPAQ which unfortunately I no longer have!
At the moment I'm running a Note 3 which is brilliant and HIGHLY recommended, in between I've had an S2, another good phone so as a phone the touch HD's days are well and truly over, It is however still a fairly decent pocket PC with GPS so at the very least I could still keep it in the car as a backup tomtom.
I first got my hands on an iPAQ 4150 (my reason for joining XDA!) a decade ago, I was 15 at the time and I'd coveted iPAQs for years so when I finally got one I felt like the king of kids along with my 5 friends and younger brother who also had various flavours of pocket pc (his Axim X5 - ironically now worth about £5 is sat on the desk next to me). While I used it for many things including videos, playing monopoly, universal remote, bible, reading ebooks and taking notes in class its main purpose was as a fancy MP3 player with that wonderful bass boosting app called Pocket Music!
On this basis and for old times sake I've decided that I wish to resurrect my Touch HD as a Pocket PC and second mp3 player.
This brings me to my next question, whats the largest/fastest micro SD you've managed to get yours to recognise? I just tried the 64gb sdxc from my note 3 and unfortunately no luck there.
One thing that has disappointed/shocked me somewhat is how difficult it seems to be to find all the millions of programs that used to be, handango was packed, and I've long since deleted all the things I used to have fortunately I did manage to torrent a copy of pocket music! Wahoo! :victory: guilt free it was paid for a long time ago.
So far, I've removed my 6.5 Energy ROM and swapped it for Duttys 6.1 XT turbo for the sake of speed (it was the ONLY 6.1 ROM I could still find - the original orange one having long since disappeared from their (and seemingly any other) website. While the energy home was beautiful it was laggy and drudgerous to use (im sure its fine on LEO) which brings me to my third question.
Does anyone know how I can keep touchflo but still use the default windows mobile 6.1 start menu? I like the touchflo homescreen with the clock and I would still find the weather tab useful over wifi so I would like to keep that if possible but I haven't found a way to have that with default start menu on dutts rom. Alternatively, could anyone point me toward the Orange Rom?
Last question, overclocking, if I remember correctly 670 mhz is easily achievable but at the time I fiddled with this (many years ago) we could only do it while plugged in. I'm certain that has been answered elsewhere but while I'm here, I might aswell add it to the list. Is it now possible to have the OC running on battery power?
To summarise; I want a mininmalist almost iPAQ like OS, windows mobile 6.1, few fancy bits, no social media, no crap, if I could remove facebook from this version of duts rom and other things I deem unnecessary I shall, I want it as fast as possible (my iPAQ was fast and simple with a 400mhz processor so there's no reason this can't be), with the biggest SD card I can find. I want to overclock it, and I'd love to know if there's anywhere that we can still find all the thousands of interesting old apps and games that seemingly used to be out there. I've even toyed with the idea of asking about windows mobile 5 although I dropped the thought when I realised I'd probably lose camera functionality.
And remember first and foremost, I also want to know.. How do you eat yours? :silly::laugh:
Quick update, this rom looks absolutely delicious in 6.1 guise:
Download links here:
Had to sign up for 4 shared, flashing now.
Works brilliantly and after flashing 10 roms in a day its my favourite by a long way, only thing is that the weather function won't work via wifi (not tried gprs), any ideas anyone?
So from what I've been able to garner the Touch HD takes micro SDHC but is not compatible with the newer SDXC. While this limits us to 32GB it's still good news because the old walkman mp3 player I have been using was 16GB and these days the fastest top class 32GB micro SDHC card can be had for as little as £12.99! That means I can essentially double the capacity of my mp3 player for £12.99! Clearly, there's still life in the old phone yet!
I still use mine as my mobile phone and for Tom tom and storing passwords. It's gone through a few batteries and a new stylus and a new screen. It constantly gives me the shixs because it's a slow ass phone. I'm just waiting for that perfect unicorn rainbow encrusted replacement phone. Thanks for recommending the rom, I'll try it out to see if I can be bothered putting up with this hunk of junk a bit longer.
joshwuk said:
Works brilliantly and after flashing 10 roms in a day its my favourite by a long way, only thing is that the weather function won't work via wifi (not tried gprs), any ideas anyone?
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weather works on mine with wifi.
Holy crap the touch hd is a slow phone. Everything takes at least 3 seconds to respond when clicking. THere must be a quicker rom... I did install the sense 2 version.
I installed the 6.1 weather one. and I overclocked it using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=747813
The weather didn't work at first. I dunno what fixed it, but I turned off location awareness in settings on touch flo. then i went to weather deleted all the extra cities, then i updated and turned on location services when it asked and it worked. may be a fluke.
AvocadoBaby said:
I installed the 6.1 weather one. and I overclocked it using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=747813
The weather didn't work at first. I dunno what fixed it, but I turned off location awareness in settings on touch flo. then i went to weather deleted all the extra cities, then i updated and turned on location services when it asked and it worked. may be a fluke.
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"all settings" fix in settings tab
geez the touchhd was a dumb phone. I still am using it because i'm too cheaparse to buy a new phone. But damn... iphone killer it was not. Slow piece of rubbish with a bad camera.
Spent ages trying different variations of manilla and boy are they laggy. A bit better with overclocking. so tried winterface, point ui, spb mobile shell, cHome. Finally the today screen with resco plugin is the quickest. I can't believe i've been putting up with spb and touchflo all this time instead of the today screen.
I bought my Touch HD in december 2008. I have been using it until september 2015. Reason for replacing it was a standy time of only a few hours. (I ditched my Motorola A780 for the same reason btw.) I bought a new battery, but that didn't solve the problem. I was running the WM 6.5 Energy ROM, which made it more touch friendly than the original WM 6.1.
The Moto X Play I have now looked ridiculously big at first, but now I am used to it the Touch HD seems ridiculously small .
I liked using it, but noe I have more reasons to not want the Touch HD anymore: speed (or lack of it) and the non-capacitive, scratch sensitive touch screen.
I am not into replacing a phone every one or two years. I think 7 years is a nice lifetime for a smartphone. So my Moto X Play has at least another 6,5 years to go.
I know I am kicking an old topic, but it's an old phone too. I wonder if there are still people who use it as their everyday phone.
It is permanently in my car always on the charger, serving as music player and backup phone.
I'm still using mine
I've tried the modern Windows phone and Androids but they just don't have the functionality that ~I need. I like being able to use my fingernail on the touch screen for better accuracy than a great big fingertip. I like having a full QWERTY keyboard like the Resco keyboard without constantly having to shift from numbers to characters to symbols. I like the drop-down menus and I like the fact that I don't have to search for the phone app to use my phone as a phone.
The only downsides are the reception in poor signal areas is not as good as my wife's Samsung and the OPERA browser doesn't work very well but then I have a laptop for serious work.
I somebody would bring out an updated version of this phone running Win 6.1 mobile then I'd bite their hand off and upgrade but as it is I'll stick to my Touch HD as long as I can keep it running.
Use all the time
I use mine every day for telephone, email, calendar/diary syncs with OUTLOOK, contacts, word, excel, as a clock, as an alarm.
I use it occasionally as a SatNav, read the Bible on it.
It's now getting a bit long in the tooth and with 2G/3G starting to get switched off I'm now looking for a way to migrate all my stuff including Win Mobile 6.1 to and Android phone. If anybody has a good way to upgrade an Android phone to Windows Mobile 6.1 then I'm all ears.

