'View on Map', Footprints, Compass and Googlemaps on the sd card - HD2 General

Googlemaps, footprints, compass and the sd card.
In response to a PM request, I made a cab for someone to allow googlemaps to run from the sd card yet keep the system integration, and not need to be reinstalled every hard reset, thus keeping starred places, saved journeys and such like.
The attached cab loads pre configured vjbrisk (all credit goes to vjbrisk) files into your phones \program files\googlemaps\ folder, which redirects the system to \storage card\program files\googlemaps\
It also sets the registry entries for file associations (.kmz files and what-not)
After a quick restart of the phone you should find that 'show address on map' in contacts works, the compass app should have a 'set destination' option (this may be dependant on your compass app version, not sure) and you can open up locations from footprint image pages.
To install googlemaps the first time, just install as normal, but choose sd card.
Next time you hard reset / flash a new rom, you do not need to reinstall googlemaps, just the fakegooglemaps2sd.cab
On the sd card, in \Storage Card\application data\googlemaps\ there are some files (and the cache folder, ignore that.) which hold your googlemaps favourites / starred places and such.
If those files are disturbed, googlemaps will crash and not load. You can fix it easily by simply installing googlemaps again.
If you want to put googlemaps somewhere other than \storage card\program files\googemaps, edit the cab, edit the content of googlemapsLNK.lnk, and edit the paths in the registry entries.
(Note for cooked rom users, theres a good chance your rom already allows this so you don't need this, have a read of your rom description)
I only tested it briefly, and it works for the person I made it for, so I didn't test further.


Relocating cache/history/cookies locations in PIE and Opera Mobile

My unit has been freezing up after some use. When that happens, my TenGO input method reverts back to the default tiny keyboard, which of course is unuseable in true VGA mode. I traced the problem to the fact that my browser had stored lots of files within the device and caused the memory availability to fall, depriving it from the programs.
I changed these browser files location to the SD card, and my TenGo input method right away came back by itself. The system also revert back to the normal quick speed.
None of these ideas originated from myself. There are many websites giving these tips.
Changing the IE brower cache, cookies, and history location:
The IE working files are by default located at :
\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
First, use Files Explorer to create these directories at storage card:
\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
Then Use a registry edit tool,go to
\HKCU\Software\Microsfot\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders and change the Cache,Cookies, and History value to \Storage Card\Windows\Profiles\Guest\Temporary Internet Files,..... etc
If you prefer not to edit the registry directly youself, you could alternatively, use SKtools (I use version 3.1.5) to do the following:
Start SKTool, then click Tuning
The first tab shows the current location of the above. Change it to the new locations: ie
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\Cookies
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\history
Exit SKtools
Switch off the device for about 20 seconds before doing a reset. It is important that you do not do reset right away else the registry entry may not be effected. The switching off will cause the system to write out the new registry entries.
With that, its done for Internet Explorer.
Changing the Cache, cookies, and history location for Opera Mobile
Ensure Opera is not running before you begin.
First,create these directories using file explorer:
\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera
\Microdrive\My Documents
Then, copy Cache4, cacheOp Help imgcss skin strtpage style directories to \storage card\Application Data\Opera.
After the copying is verified to be accurate, clean the content in the above directories in the device, but leave the directory structure there (with empty content) just in case.
Then, transfer these files from device to storage card by cutting these file from device and pasting to storage card
Leave these in device directory :
-zh-tw Note: I think this list of languages differ from country to country. Notice that I've replicated browser and html40.entities in both location because none of the websites I read mentioned them. I leave them at both location to ensure it will still work, but I'd later on tried removing them from one location at a time to establish where Opera would look for these files.
Make changes to Opera.ini file
Initially, I tried to use Note application to open Opera.ini, but found out that it can't seem to "see" the file. Same goes for Pocket Word. I could'nt find the solution from other website, so I decided to use the desktop notepad text editor to edit it.
a) Establish activesync, on PC, use explore button to copy from device\Application Data\Opera to say the desktop.
b) Use the desktop notepad to open the Opera.ini file, and make the following changes to these entries:
- Opera Directory=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera
- Help Directory=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\Help
- Button Set=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\skin\windows_skin.zip
- Download Directory=\Microdrive\My Documents
- Home URL=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\startpage\home.html
c) Then save the document as Opera.ini, and make sure encoding is UTF-8
d) Copy back the edited Opera.ini from desktop to the Device's main memory. i.e \Application Data\Opera
Its done.
I'll continue to monitor the device performance over the next few weeks and see if the freezing still happens.
Isn'teasier just to use the .cabs available for free from MoDaCo?
Confucious said:
Isn'teasier just to use the .cabs available for free from MoDaCo?
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Hi confucious,
I'm not aware of a CAB that automates this. Could you post the link for the CAB?
Anything that makes life simpler is welcome.
PIE in this thread -> http://www.modaco.com/Pauland39s-must-have-FREE-Hermes-software-t243906.html
Opera here -> http://www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=253909&hl=opera

Moving Mail and Attachments to Storage Card

The attached file makes necessary registry changes to move Mail and Atachement storage to SD Card.
There have been a few cab installers available to perform a registry change, enabling storage of both Mail as well as Attachments on the Storage Card. However these solutions have the "Storage Card" hard coded as destination, which means if more than one partitions exist on Storage Card, manual changes would be required to the registry to use another partition. Another way is to have separate cabs created for each partition. Another problem is that on some devices the Storage Card is named as "Memory Card" (I've seen this on on my O2 Atom Exec), hence again manual registry changes are required or a custom cab needs to be created for these devices.
The attached cab installer tries to overcome above mentioned limitations. During the installation "Device" and all the available Storage Card Partitions are listed and user is asked to select the destination. The registry changes are performed accordingly to enable Mail and Attachment storage on the selected partition or Device.
The cab creates following registry entries under "HKLM\System\Inbox\Settings" :
- PropertyPath = <destination>\Mail
- AttachPath = <destination>\Mail\Attachment
where <destination> is the option selected as destination while installing the cab.
Uninstalling the application from Add/Remove programs should restore the old values (if any) of the above registry keys.
The cab file has been tested to be working fine on WM6.1 and should work fine on WM6 also. WM5 requires different registry entries and the attached cab does not work for WM5.
Please let me know if anyone find this useful
I just installed this on my Verizon XV6900 with Windows Mobile 6.1. All I can say is, Awesome! Thanks for this. I love the automation of it. Seamless. And providing the uninstall is also nice. Just installed, powered off, then back on, and all is well. Do you think you might also be interested in doing the same thing for Internet explorer temp files, favs, cookies. Maybe make the folder it creates be called "Internet". I had a file before for my Moto Q9m that made a bunch of things store on my storage card and I loved it. It really kept my phone running very fast, as it didn't use up main storage. With my old phone, I had 5000+ emails, alot of favs and such. I loved the fact that I could wipe my phone out any time, and then re-import the reg changes to point back to the storage card for all my stuff, and I was right back up and ready to go with all my files.
Thanks Again!

sUC - suiller UC way [9 Feb 2010]

The purpose of this CAB is to reach a sort of UC way but with a very easy & friendly approach
I come from Diamond world, so because this CAB can be adapted for other platform/devices why not preparing a separate sUC.cab to use for enabling ALL the stuff (ramdisk, pimbackup,ram recovery,etc...) included in Dia Duit rom series?
what have I to do with this cab?? simply it will apply these features:
Latest stable MortScript is inscluded & ready to go, so no more needs to install as separate cab
Choose between 3 speed profiles: 1. fast (takes more ram & battery), 2. balanced (not heavy tweaked but not funny) & 3. untouched (default WM6 settings)
GPS profile: TomTom, iGO, Navigator or default WM6
Everyday auto recover RAM feature (at 4.30AM) + automatic sms/contacts/calls backup/fav manila people (trough pre-configured pimbackup app, PimBackup included)
Ramdisk (2Mb) feature (optional)
A new way for a fully automated CAB/REG/EXE/CPY installation/copy after every hard-reset/rom upgrade
UPX executable, compress (fully automated) exe files from fresh installed cabs, this saves space & gives faster app load times
Easy & fast tweaking method without 3rd part software: tweak registry scripts (with comments)
Tips enabled by default to preserve a bit more battery life (for ex 3 secs of led blinking instead 5, increased battery life counter,etc) + increased speaker sound volume + many example for setting automatic alarms, rings, etc...
Moved MAIL + Attachments folders from main memory (My Device) to external one (Storage Card)
3 / 4 rows configuration
This should work on every WM based rom, also because I added the auto recognition of "Storage" name... so should work without troubles also on NON WWE roms (except for CABi installation)
DOWNLOAD sUC_source.zip HERE
BEFORE INSTALL (mandatory)
create in your "Storage" (the BIG one) a folder called "Backup and Restore", then inside it a folder CAB (inside this another folder called CABi), then at the same level of CAB folder create a folder called CPY, then REG, then EXE
so practically your basic structure should be like:
Storage Card (or whatever name)
=> Backup and Restore (folder)
=> CAB (folder, put here all the cabs you want install on main memory)
=> CABi (folder inside CAB folder, specific for "must go into Storage", see notes)
=> REG (if present all reg files here will be joined to default WM registry)
=> CPY (if present all files here will be copied under their correspondent folders)
=> EXE (if present all .exe & .mscr files will be launched)
all files in the CAB folder will be installed (automatically) into "device", the ones in the CABi folder will be installed into "Internal Storage" (or whatever you have, always automatically), from REG folder all *.reg/*.rgu files will be loaded on the fly, from CPY all files will be copied (with overwrite) into correspondent folders (for ex useful for copying personal dlls, wav/wma/mp3 files or background, etc...), for finish from EXE folder will be launched your executables (personally never needed, but who knows?) & if present all *.mscr scripts... pay attention to exe files that needs user interaction
INSIDE THE CAB (a deeper explanation)
when your sUC cab is installed it simply creates a registry entry under [HKLM\init\]"Launch69"="2ndboot.exe", this permits the script 2ndboot.mscr (launched by 2ndboot.exe) to be loaded upon system reboot (just one time)
this script, if the structure mentioned above isn't found, it will create automatically all the folder & default reg files needed under your storage card, the name isn't important because it should guess itself its correct name, so don't care if your storage is called something like "MyBigStorageCard"
then it will ask you some questions... such as if you use ActiveSync, which GPS performance adopt, etc... all this info, which at 1st you'll pay high attention, will be stored under your storage card in a file called config.txt ...why?? simple... because next time you will flash or hard-reset your phone you wont have to push a button the script will found that previous stored config file & it will take all the info needed for final rom configuration to skip all annoying questions after every upgrade/HR
note: there is also an hidden option that should be used only by experts, to enable this option simply add by hand to your config.txt file the line: FastInstall=1
this will skip all countdown menu & messages... personally I use this option because flashing a lot this saves much time more
next it will look in the CAB folder for installing your CABs into "device" or main memory
next in the CABi folder for installing CABs into your storage card (you need to do this just 1st time, I'll explain later...)
next it will look at a file called upxlist.txt (must filled before), where simply you will specify all the *.exe file you want to compress after every cab installation... for example your upxlist.txt could look like:
\Program Files\Navigator\TomTom Navigator.exe
\Program Files\9.5 Beta\Opera9.exe
\Internal Storage\Program Files\Binaryfish\All Mobile Mines\All Mobile Mines.exe
note: every line for every EXE file, pay attention that you can compress just EXE files coming from extra CABs, because EXE files present in the rom are read-only
next it will copy a set of basic reg files with many tips/tricks/examples inside, useful for making many customizations
note: of course if you have previously prepared the folder structure & you have copied your REGs files under the REG folder they will be processed together the files above
next it will look in the CPY folder and will replicate the found folder structure (with files too), for example create inside it a folder \windows with some file inside & it will copy all found files under \windows on your device, or create \program files\myapp & it will create that folder structure in your device, of course it works also for Internal Storage even if it has no sense, anyway just a note it doesn't create empty folder, to create an empty folder just use a single .mscr script (something like: MkDir("\mydir") ) & copy it in your EXE folder
next it will look in the EXE folder & will launch all the exe files inside it, if found it will launch also all *.mscr scripts
next if found (you'll understand better upon an HR), it will ask you to restore your backed-up start menu, so you don't have to re-arrange your icons again
next if found, it will ask you to restore your last PIM backup & will reboot
right now CABi procedure works only on WWE roms (due to translations work to be finished), anyway there is a trick to skip CABi installation, or better make by hand just once (read few lines below)
installing cabs into Storage Card sometimes will fail, this simply because some cabs need confirmation/accept license & so on, so don't expect will work 100%, also many cabs require to be installed into main memory so NOT into Storage Card, for ex I use to install into Storage Card simple cabs such as games
sometimes pim backup restore can fail, try to restore by hand after installation; backup are divided into week days (monday, sunday, etc... "Last" is the last saved backup)
if you put sUC.cab in your CAB folder wont re-processed of course, useful if using sUC together with UC/UC2 installation method (see at bottom)
if you still use the 1st sUC release way your personal scripts still work like before, simply move them under EXE folder, or transport as reg entries directly into your personal reg file & copy it under REG folder, you can find on the same folder some examples (to clean all your old stuff simply empty the REG folder, modded REG files wont be touched on future upgrades)
you don't need to re-install every time your CABi, just install them once, then on next upgrade answer No or simply edit your config.txt & change the correspondent value; after CABi installation on a clean boot go with your explorer under "\windows\start menu" folder & re-organize your start menu structure (cut/past links, create/delete folders, etc...), remember to don't delete "Settings" folder even if empty, then go under sUC menu & backup your StartMenu, on next upgrade sUC will detect start menu backup & it will reinstall automatically... because the content of your storage card isn't erased after a rom upgrade/hard-reset your installed CABs will stay there untouched, so backed-up start menu has inside correct links
is possible to move TomTom, iGO, Navigon, etc... definitively into your storage card, so you don't need to install them every time: copy entire nav software folders from \program files to \internal storage\program folders, re-create icon shortcuts (copy/past as shortcut in your start menu), for iGO you have to edit sys.txt (under iGO folder) & change the path of base installation
in the same way is possible to skip for example FingerKeyboard installation from related cab, simply take a look at this short guide
note: to migrate in every new sUC version simply move your reg mods in your Personal.reg file, erase all the rest of reg files because they will be re-generated with the new ones, remember that on upgrades reg files wont be touched so pay attention on what you mod
if the rom is UC compliant simply create a called SDConfig.txt file in the root folder of your Storage Card, for example your SDConfig.txt could look like (pay attention to upper-lower case & no empty lines):
CAB :\Internal Storage\Backup and Restore\CAB\sUC.cab
RST: Reset
in this way at reboot will start standard sUC procedure (remember MortScript is included & also that sUC cab wont be re-processed even if present in CAB folder), instead if the rom isn't UC compliant simply install sUC as any normal cab, then it will ask to restart (or restart manually) & automated procedure will begin on reboot[/b]
OK, that's all very nice, but WTF is it?
Wouldn't hurt to have an "about" section in the post for ppl who see this thing the first time in their life.
GENIAL !!!!!!
aiiro said:
OK, that's all very nice, but WTF is it?
Wouldn't hurt to have an "about" section in the post for ppl who see this thing the first time in their life.
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yep... you right sorry, I'll correct soon...
OMG~ You finally made it available!!! I'm going to test it with my HD and will report back once everything is organised
I didn't mean to sound rude, sorry... Anyway, thanks for the addition, but still - what is UC? User Configuration? Could You post some screenshots too to make it more comprehensible for dumbusers like me?
jackkkkk said:
OMG~ You finally made it available!!! I'm going to test it with my HD and will report back once everything is organised
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oh FRIEND! I found you
yep, I'm looking here around to see if my mad projects can be useful
the cab isn't still perfect but should work, of course I haven't a different device from diamond so all you will be a sort of beta tester
I've removed all specific diamond stuff, so it should work
Of course this is just a starting point, I'm dedicating much time to develop this small piece of "software", thx also to many other friends
You know as it works, so you should feel a bit like at home
aiiro said:
I didn't mean to sound rude, sorry... Anyway, thanks for the addition, but still - what is UC? User Configuration? Could You post some screenshots too to make it more comprehensible for dumbusers like me?
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yep you are right... UserConfiguration, the only difference is that you don't need to write any config file, at least not as "normal" user, it's enough to copy under correct folders the CAB plus other stuff you want installed/loaded after every flash/hard-reset
I'll porvide soon a video-guide, so it will be for sure more clear
OK, OK, nuff with making fun of me Or were You seriuous with video guide?
Cos I just had a brilliant idea - I'll install the damn thing and look for myself
I think I should have done that in the first place. But still, I believe screenshots would save some time understanding what's it really about.
Yeah Screwed Up Click for life
no no I'm serious friend... but I'll suggest to wait a couple of days because I'm working on a new version where is possible to cut-off all the specific HTC/manila stuff & above all I'm re-commenting all the registry entries that interact with OS
no no I'm serious friend... but I'll suggest to wait a couple of days because I'm working on a new version where is possible to cut-off all the specific HTC/manila stuff & above all I'm re-commenting all the registry entries that interact with OS
really don't want to be rude or offence, but ... isn't this something like SASHIMI????
If so ... where are sUC's pros?
kind regards
almost... but it's very very simple... I'm testing an heavy modified version able to run on almost every WM6.x base device
OK the CAB is ready for testing purposes... please re-read 1st post because I'm making a better, I hope easier, description of features... thx
Mate, this piece of software is plain GENIUS!
So much easier than the UC thing, with all the boring scripting. This way you just place in folders, and you are (mostly) done! Amazing stuff!
I have some questions/requests for you though...
Is there a way to repeat the procedure (restore at 1/2 start up), at a later time? This could be useful, for example, if some files get corrupted, or you just want to revert back to default cabs/settings, etc. So I guess what is needed is a way to manually activate the procedure.
Second thing is regarding mail settings. Is there a way to back this up? My hotmail settings get destroyed after every HR.
Forgot to mention, a manual activation of this procedure would also help if (for example) you want to make multiple program installations. This way you could just use the folder CAB, without wasting time on every single program you are installing/testing...
krale said:
Forgot to mention, a manual activation of this procedure would also help if (for example) you want to make multiple program installations. This way you could just use the folder CAB, without wasting time on every single program you are installing/testing...
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hmm... it could be a good idea... even if some phases can't be reverted, or better it's very complicated to "go back"... such as for ramdisk
anyway many phases are yet accessible as indipendant scripts just take a look under "\Backup and Restore\scripts" folder, of course other script could be extrapolated but I'll do probably on next version... let's say this is a testing purpose version because I have to "think" that this app must work on many (almost all I hope) wm6.x based devices
As one of the end (l)users who first saw this in Suiller's Dia Duit rom series, I can attest to this resolving one of the major grievances of Windows Mobile rom-upgrades. With some "smart" planning ahead, getting everything back can now be mostly scripted by simply placing the install file in the correct directory. Same with restoring data from your pimbackup, or adding registry settings. Once again we have a case where the xda-developers have surpassed the "offficial" roms in user friendliness.
I have since moved on to WM6.5 (still on my Diamond), but I sorely miss sUC from my later roms.
updated sUC, corrected some small issues
I corrected some default/samples reg files, so I suggest to erase all default *.reg files under REG folder to update correctly
move your personalization to something like "MyRegPers.reg"
please reports here bugs/issues/suggestions or whatever... thx

Start Menu pcarvalho 21820LT / WM6.5 UC & Tweaks / phoneAlarm Skin & WM6.5 plugin

Start Menu pcarvalho 21820LT / WM6.5 UC & Tweaks / phoneAlarm Skin & WM6.5 plugin
Hi, if you are using the Lite Edition , you can try these buttons: (It should work with any rom though)
Cabs latest uploaded: Aug 5th
It uses Bluemetalaxe Icons to create nice looking folders:
It remaps all programs installed by the Lite Edition (other than System Tools, Settings and Games) in the start menu into those folders: GPS, Multimedia, etc. (moves the shortcut, creates reg keys and deletes old reg keys). Thefore you will have easy access to 9x9x2 programs with only one sliding gesture.
It (will) make windows folder lighter: icons are installed in "Program Files/Cruiserrr start menu" and in the short term I will modify the cab so that the old icons are deleted from the windows folder.
Why? well, if you install many programs, you know why...
Disable S2U2.
Simply install the cab/s (only in main memory) and reset.
It runs smooth but initial load takes a little longer, wait until the signal is back and the task bar battery icon refreshes. Otherwise some folders and icons may not load and will need a new soft reset.
Be aware that any of the original shortcuts icons customized will be replaced by the ones in the cab ! make sure you do not loose any png images that you do not have a copy.
It has been done with CabWizSP.exe with post xml provisioning. I can post the "kitchen" so anybody can adapt to their taste: replace icons or destination folders (or learn how to create cab files for device customization).
Uninstall: Does not work: you end with no shortcuts. Should be easy to uninstall simply importing the file "mxipinit_startmenu_001.provxml" with fdcsoft task manager and deleting all the folders and corresponding regkeys, and the folder containing the icons: program files\cruiserrr start menu.
CREDITS: Even if it is not useful for anybody, at least is a small tribute to pcarvalho and bluemetalaxe.
Post 6: Details on the Folders and shortcuts in each Folder
Post 7: wm6.5 Customization: TimeZone / Wallpaper
Post 8: phoneAlarm stuff: wm6 WM7ish plug-in and Titanium cPhoneAlarm plugin
[*] Added mortscript shortcuts to the extended menu: btsync, sdconfig autorun, backlight cycle, Toogle ActiveSync/Softick Card Explorer by Twolf...
[*] Added phonealarm tab with shortcuts to the different menus
Add version to the cab's (Any help?)
Reduce png footprint (if bluemetalaxe agrees, of course)
Add mortscript shortcuts to the extended menu: update online content when wifi connected, launch program with skin rotation, backup settings, restore settings...
Add a widgets folder
Uninstall: restore pcarvalho original settings
Purge icons: delete non used pcarvalho icons
Extended registry: add additional registry keys/icons for other programs installed by the standard non-3d rom and the 3d rom.
Split the extended version in two cabs: one for freeware appls (acrobat reader, rss hub, powerradio, googlemaps) and some freebies (wifi on-off, btaudiotoggle, screen rotate, bl05 (backlight cycle control)...) and the other for 3rd party apps.
Split phonealarm stuff in a separate cab.
Recode using strings, so it is easier to change destination folders.
What is the idea behind the "extended" versions?: Need not to reinstall most of the programs in the SDcard and loose lots of time classifying them in folders and changing icon, order or location, after a hard-reset/re-flash.
Please, if you try it, give me feedback specially if you try to uninstall or install in non Lite Roms .
Nice work!
As soon as i have time i'll try it out.
so if I understood correctly it is some kind of backup app for startmenu, right? It restores all your shortcuts with icons of startmenu after HR or ROM flash?
Let me try to explain in another way:
Imagine you use reStart to create folders, move shortcuts to these folders and replace icons for all folders and some shortcuts. It would be a pain to do it each time you hard reset. (this is the cab already posted)
Imagine that with only one slide gesture or none you have access to 9 x 9 x 2 applications and you can scroll down if you have still more apps.
Imagine you restore your shortcuts to sd apps (and probably xml or reg files to restore settigns) and you are up and running without needing to reinstall all the sd card applications (this is the cab I plan to do next).
My cab simply proposes another start menu organization (all shortcuts installed in the ROM classified in folders) with a nice style (bluemetalaxe icons), more oriented to minimize number of gestures needed to access an application.
My suggestion is that you install next time you plan to reflash.
Be aware that any of the original shortcuts icons customized will be replaced by the ones in the cab !
any screenshots?
nicandris said:
any screenshots?
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1st post updated with screenshots.
this post is not finished
Icons in the extended version:
Please, send links to cab versions of programs in the standard version but not in the lite version so we can hava a standard non-3d rom with most of the programs installed in the SD. I will also be glad to add the freebies, mortscripts, etc. that are not too specific to oneself.
NO = No png wm6.5 icon / takes the program icon
SM = self made until I find something better
BM = Bluemetalaxe
PC = pcarvalho's rom icon
SR = located in storage card / needs to be reinstalled manually
SD = located in storage card
MM = located in main memory
UC = located in main memory
LT = located in main memory. Lite and standard ROM
NL = located in main memory. Only standard ROM
- SD Backlight Cycle
- SD Resco Explorer ($)
GPS Folder
- SD CompeTwoNav ($): Off road navigation
- SD IGO 8.3
- SD IGO HGPS_Switch (xda): starts TMC Driver and launches IGo 8.3 (enjoy TMC traffic info while navigating)
- SD HGPSClient:
- SD Google Navigator ($)
- SD GoogleMaps (fw)
- SD Metro: I know it is not GPS
- SD Run GPS ($)
- SD Radares0.37b (fw): Spanish application to update radar info on the fly
- PC/Visual GPS
- SD CalcPro ($):
- MM Adobe Reader LE 2.5
- MM Softick Card Export 3.14 ($)
- MM RSS Hub (channel info stored in SD)
- SD SPB Insight
- SR SPB Time
- SD SPB Wallet
- SD Ticker Tape (xda)
- PC/MM FM Radio
- BM/SD PowerRadio (xda):
- PC/MM Camera
- SM/SD Scan2pdf ($):
- SM/SD WorldCard Mobile ($)
- SD PockeScreen (fw):
- SD SK Tools ($)
- SD SK shortcut manager ($)
- SD SK Tracker ($)
- Unused (Folder for icons that one does not use)
- BM/SD Coreplayer (fw):
- NO/SD Diamond TV ($)
- MM Pictures & Videos
- MM Streaming Media
- MM Windows Media
- Jetware BT Extension (Carkit configurator)
- Call History
- Phone
- Bluetooth Mode
- My operator sim manager (movistar)
- SIM Manager
- bt explorer
- SD Diamond TV ($)
- BookSync: Update photos/birthdates from facebook
I plan to post screen shots.
wm6.5 UC tweaks
Cabs latest uploaded: Aug 5th
OK let's start customizing: The idea is to stick to UC cabs and xml files.
Automatically set Time Zone
I read many posts about people not being able to provision this info with wm6.5. It works for me. Credit goes for FInixNOver
1. Unzip the attachment "cruiserrr UC.zip" to your desktop.
2. Copy the folder setup to your storage card root
3. Set the desired timezones in your device
4. Sync your device
5. From the dektop pc run the file cUC_TimeZone.bat in the rapiconfig directory
6. Take the file generated cUC_TimeZone and copy to Storage Card\Setup\Xml
Warning: Do not try to load the file with fdc task manager or similar programs (it will fail to load many correct xml files). If you want to test, you should generate a new bat file to load cUC_Timezone.xml to your device and see the results in the CMD
7. In your device, change the timezones to whatever, far away from where you live.
8. Copy the sdconfig.txt file to the sd root or add these lines to your current sd config
SHOW: \Storage Card\setup\Bmp\cUC_TimeZone.bmp
XML: \Storage Card\setup\Xml\cUC_Timezone.XML
SHOW: \Storage Card\setup\Bmp\_Reset.bmp
RST: Reset
9. If you have installed the extended menu, then run MyMscr->Custom UC: it does not hard-reset the device, it simply executes the userID configuration. If you only installed the normal menu, then you'll have to install manually in this link. Credit goes for mousio
9. Hard-reset
Warning: do not stop the UC process or it will hard-reset the device. If something goes wrong, plug to the pc, restore a safe sdconfig.txt file and reset
10. Wait until the UC ends and the device resets.
11. Check the timezones are the ones defined in step 3 or blame me for your last precious five minutes lost if you still see the timezones defined in step 7
12. Tell me if it worked for you.
Automatically change wallpapers
If you cab your wallpapers in a tsk/cab file you will most probably loose many wm6.5 menu, task bar, ec attributes. So you must copy your favourite pictures to windows folder naming them....
You can automate it.
1. Rename your favourite JPG wallpapers as stwater_240_320.jpg (portrait) and stwater_320_240.jpg (landscape).
2. Copy them to storage card/set up/wallpaper
3. Check the cUC_Wallpaper.xml file is copied into storage card/setup/xml. If not, do so.
3. add the following line to the sdconfig.txt
SHOW: \Storage Card\setup\Bmp\cUC_wallpaper.bmp
XML: \Storage Card\setup\Xml\cUC_Wallpaper.XML
4. Proceed with steps 9 to 12 as before.
phoneAlarm skins and wm6.5 plugin
reserved for my phonealarm skin and tricks
Current Cab 4 Sept
Credit goes for:
- ybbor, who helped with solving the same issue in WAD.
- rockability at pocketmax forum and bluemetalaxe here, for most of the icons used
- penguin, , for such a great program and the help I found with all the pop-ups, commandline, etc
I am also remastering the phoneAlarm skin with the new functionalities in Phone Alarm
To do list WM6 plugin:
- remaster weather, weather tab, thumbs tub, stocks tab, contacts menu...
- include in the cab links to programs, basic automatic profiles and other set-up options.
I use both, titanium in main screen (to impress friends) and wm6 plugin in secondtoday, activated with a hw button (for normal use).
The current cab has no wm6.5, only standard skin and not finished yet:
- Pressing in the signal / battery meeters: Program Launcher (20 programs) / Task Manager / Quick contacts / Last calls
- "standard" TAB (to use in the office): counter for calls / mails / sms
- "Thumbs" TAB (to use while driving): qgps / iGO / VoiceSpeedDial / radarupdate (PENDING) / bigger wifi/bt/data icons / information rotator displayer
- "weather" and "stocks" Tabs (ongoing work) I download images with mortscript and they are shown in there
- "Thumbs" TAB (to use while driving): qgps / iGO / VoiceSpeedDial / radarupdate (PENDING) / bigger wifi/bt/data icons / - Pressing the clock: backlight toogle
- reminders show in the middle of the clock
- Pressing the profiles icons: 7 phone profiles
- Pressing the weather image: 5 days accuweather forecast.
- Pressing the date / time opens the calendar
- Each time I change profile a mscr writes info to registry: This info is shown in titanium plugin made with chome but I do not know how to share that part.
Unsolved issues so far
Big issues:
How to backup my bt pairings in a xml provision file
How to refresh titanium and start menu icons without reloading all.
How to install cabs to sd and import reg keys without mortscripts
How to reinstall reg keys for my programs automatically without mortscript send keys
Learn to make my own roms (when I buy a pc since I do not have admin rights in the one I use)
hide top bar (and soft) in wm6.5 start menu and titanium plugin but having it when opening whatsover program (without using WAD2 or WisBar Advance, I mean)
Minor issues:
: Make a mortscript to take screenshots
cruiserrr said:
Hi, if you are using the Lite Edition , you can try these buttons: (It should work with any rom though)
Cabs latest uploaded: Aug 5th
It uses Bluemetalaxe Icons to create nice looking folders:
It remaps all programs installed by the Lite Edition (other than System Tools, Settings and Games) in the start menu into those folders: GPS, Multimedia, etc. (moves the shortcut, creates reg keys and deletes old reg keys). Thefore you will have easy access to 9x9x2 programs with only one sliding gesture.
It (will) make windows folder lighter: icons are installed in "Program Files/Cruiserrr start menu" and in the short term I will modify the cab so that the old icons are deleted from the windows folder.
Why? well, if you install many programs, you know why...
Disable S2U2.
Simply install the cab/s (only in main memory) and reset.
It runs smooth but initial load takes a little longer, wait until the signal is back and the task bar battery icon refreshes. Otherwise some folders and icons may not load and will need a new soft reset.
Be aware that any of the original shortcuts icons customized will be replaced by the ones in the cab ! make sure you do not loose any png images that you do not have a copy.
It has been done with CabWizSP.exe with post xml provisioning. I can post the "kitchen" so anybody can adapt to their taste: replace icons or destination folders (or learn how to create cab files for device customization).
Uninstall: Does not work: you end with no shortcuts. Should be easy to uninstall simply importing the file "mxipinit_startmenu_001.provxml" with fdcsoft task manager and deleting all the folders and corresponding regkeys, and the folder containing the icons: program files\cruiserrr start menu.
CREDITS: Even if it is not useful for anybody, at least is a small tribute to pcarvalho and bluemetalaxe.
Post 6: Details on the Folders and shortcuts in each Folder
Post 7: wm6.5 Customization: TimeZone / Wallpaper
Post 8: phoneAlarm stuff: wm6 WM7ish plug-in and Titanium cPhoneAlarm plugin
[*] Added mortscript shortcuts to the extended menu: btsync, sdconfig autorun, backlight cycle, Toogle ActiveSync/Softick Card Explorer by Twolf...
[*] Added phonealarm tab with shortcuts to the different menus
Add version to the cab's (Any help?)
Reduce png footprint (if bluemetalaxe agrees, of course)
Add mortscript shortcuts to the extended menu: update online content when wifi connected, launch program with skin rotation, backup settings, restore settings...
Add a widgets folder
Uninstall: restore pcarvalho original settings
Purge icons: delete non used pcarvalho icons
Extended registry: add additional registry keys/icons for other programs installed by the standard non-3d rom and the 3d rom.
Split the extended version in two cabs: one for freeware appls (acrobat reader, rss hub, powerradio, googlemaps) and some freebies (wifi on-off, btaudiotoggle, screen rotate, bl05 (backlight cycle control)...) and the other for 3rd party apps.
Split phonealarm stuff in a separate cab.
Recode using strings, so it is easier to change destination folders.
What is the idea behind the "extended" versions?: Need not to reinstall most of the programs in the SDcard and loose lots of time classifying them in folders and changing icon, order or location, after a hard-reset/re-flash.
Please, if you try it, give me feedback specially if you try to uninstall or install in non Lite Roms .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
HI.. I am using pcarvalho 23053 rom and i ve installed your cab. Got some new shortcuts but none of them are working..it says "Either it is not signed orone of its components cannot be found".pls help...thanx in advance.
Ops ! that surprises me ! can you tell me some examples? try installing sdkcerts.cab first (search the forum). Anybody knows what may be wrong?
hi i ve already tried installing sdkcerts.cab, but still the no luck
Maybe a stupid question but are the applications installed? I mean, many of the shortcuts are simply shortcuts to sd programs, check the link target and see if your application is there ...
Anybody else has experienced the same? If that is the case, maybe the best thing to do is to close the thread for now.

Keep apps installed on SD Card during update?

I haven't seen any mention as to whether it's ok to keep the apps that are installed on the SD Card when updating. Will they still work or should I uninstall before the update and then reinstall after? Thanks.
the apps still work, you just need to re-copy the shortcuts to windows\startmenu etc... i've had no problems
But...... if the apps have information in the registry then the information will be wiped and they wont work. Also there is no unistall information. Best to reinstall all apps again.
thanks, I suppose it's easy enough to reinstall if they didn't work but I would definitely try installing a new shortcut and see what happens. Thanks again
Heres what i did for those apps i keep on the storage card.
create links in the windows\start menu folder to the programs,
then apply those to home quicklinks,
then browse in a reg editor to
find the quicklink you just created and edit the path and icon path to point not to the link in start menu, but to the exe itself on the storage card.
Once all quicklinks are set up to my liking, use ceregistry editor to export the entire hklm\software\htc\manila\home key, then use wincecabmanager to make it into a cab.
Then, after a hard reset, run the cab and all the quicklinks are back, pointing directly at the .exe's on the storage card.
Takes a little setting up to begin with, but now i have about 30 pre defined quicklinks, of which around ten of them point to my 'sd card\always on' folder, where programs that dont need to be installed live, and its easy to do a quick export/import using ceregistry editor and wincecab manager to update my quicklinks cab if i make any changes.
[EDIT - just found the settings export function on cookies hometab editor, i wont be manually exporting teh quicklinks from now on. Hometab layout and quicklinks exported/imported at a click]
