[Q] MMS, APN & mobile network settings - Networking

Hi all.
Just a question about configuring APN and mobile network settings to allow MMS but not data transfer.
Currently I have a 3 APNs. 1 for WAP, 1 for internet and 1 for MMS, these are automatically configured. The ones for WAP and internet are selectable, thus I can set either one to default. The MMS one is not. In order to prevent applications from constantly accessing the mobile network, I have disabled "Data enabled" in mobile network settings. Unfortunately, this also prevents me from sending and receiving MMSs. When I enable it, I see traffic on the mobile network even when there's no incomming or outgoing MMSs. My question is this: Is there any way of having MMS functionality while having data access disabled?
Running Cyanogenmod 6, 2nd nightly build for HTC Legend. Don't know if this makes a difference.


MMS problem

question regarding mms setting, i cant receive mms now, i dint disable it on the HD Tweak, any setting i need to set in order to receive the mms?
please advise..
Check to see if your operator has configured your device to recieve mms.
Cant you establish a connection with the internet to surf the web or update weather for example?
In this country, the operator has installs 2 connection types on our devices. A connection setting for sending/receiveing mms and another for the internet.

Switching between data connections

My provider offers a push mail service. However to use that service a specific APN needs to be used and that data connection cannot be used for regulare internet traffic. So I would like to be connected to the push mail APN most off the time and switch to the regular APN when I wanna surf or something.
So far I haven't found a way to stop a data connection and to start a specific one. Anybody have any ideas where I could find such a thing?
Specific APN
I'm using vodafone as provider. They have an online tool to create a static that you can install on your mobile device. This dial-up connection is then selectable under active sync settings/ advanced/ connection. Instead of using the setting internet you can select dedicated. This will then automaticly use this setting for the exchange syncro and this will not affect your setting for internet. I've added the cab file. If you extract it you will see the xml and registry entries. Perhaps this can help you.

O2 Wap Settings on a T-Mobile Phone

I recently acquired an HD2 that is locked to T-Mobile. I am using a "Rebel Sim" to allow me to use an O2 sim card, however, I am unable to connect to the internet without Wi-Fi.
I have looked around the next, and even email O2 direct, and nothing they say is helping. I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to fix this problem.
Sorry if this post has already been asked, I searched the first 40 pages in the General Forum, and found similar aspects, nothing that answers correctly.
Thanks for your help
o2 mms & data settings
data for mms
settings menu all settings connections connections add new modem connection
O2 active
cell line gprs
user o2wap
pass password (or perhaps o2wap)
mms settings
messages all messages menu settings options menu mms server new
o2 active MMS
connect via: o2 active
data for web
settings menu all settings connections connections add new modem connection
mobile web
cellular line gprs
user o2web
pass o2web, or maybe password - and also can use user mobileweb pass password
domain blank
settings for PAYG and more combinations of username and password HERE
Had this issue myself on PAYG though;
Ok, so i tried the link, and it now works, yay, however i can only update the whether?
I assume that the mobile internet must be working cos it has a counter as well, logging how much time i spend on there, any further ideas?
sorry to be a pain.
What's not working for you then Callum ?
Basically, I have set up the internet, so I am now able to update the whether without Wi-FI, however, I am still not able to use the web-browser without Wi-FI.
go to settings menu all settings connections connections advanced select networks. In there it lets you set the default connection for different types of apps. try the different connections, see what works. You may find it is trying to default to an old connection from when the phone was locked, who knows.
weather - rain, sun, clouds
whether - a choice or doubt between two or more alternatives

MMS not sending..

I've searched and all I could find is how to fix resizing of MMS pictures. But for me I can't send them. It always says unable to send message. I don't know if I can receive them because I haven't had anyone send me one and I can't obviously send one to myself.
You will probably have to hard reset your phone. That happened to me and that is what I had to do.
look in
settings menu all settings connections
and see if you have a connection setup option, which should set up web data and mms data.
or, in the start menu, there may be a tmo branded item, possibly looks like a sim card, which will request settings from your network, , (though it doesnt work on my o2)
Alternatively, have you been messing with the mms server settings? particularly which data connection it uses to send? cos (certainly on the o2 uk one) if you set mms to use the wrong data connection it fails. (One is propper data, teh mms one is wap)
samsamuel said:
look in
settings menu all settings connections
and see if you have a connection setup option, which should set up web data and mms data.
or, in the start menu, there may be a tmo branded item, possibly looks like a sim card, which will request settings from your network, , (though it doesnt work on my o2)
Alternatively, have you been messing with the mms server settings? particularly which data connection it uses to send? cos (certainly on the o2 uk one) if you set mms to use the wrong data connection it fails. (One is propper data, teh mms one is wap)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
when i click on the connection setup option, how do i go about on settig it up? i have the options add a new modem connection, setup my proxy server, and manage existing connections. i dont know which it is and cant send mms/pictures

[Q] Internet settings

I own a unlocked AT&T Samsung focus rev 1.3 running on official mango release[force update] in India with Idea as the service provider, been around a month only with the phone.
Recently I tried to use internet through the service provider's internet pack, paid for it, got SMS your internet pack has been activated and to sms SET to receive settings.
On doing so in sometime I got a message asking settings are available and to accept or decline them. When I select accept, I get a message from system notification saying "Couldn't change phone settings."
Please tell me what to do
In Settings>Cellular It shows the name of Service Provider, Data connection which is on 'ON' Data roaming options which is on 'Don't roam', Network selection which is on 'Automatic' and a 'Add Apn button'.
Just add the APN for Idea Cellular that is "internet" in the edit APN section and change data roaming option to "roam" in Cellular settings. Data connection should be "on."
I changed it to roam, and selected Add Apn..
Now in it there are several fields APN, User name, Pass, Proxy Server/URL, Proxy port.
Are you telling to just put 'internet' in the APN field and save?
And do i have to ask for settings again after this?
Hey I got it.. thanks
