I miss a few Windows Mobile features - Epic 4G General

Curious if other WM migrators have found solutions (probably good apps) for the following:
1. Better reminders from calendar events. Right now I hear a single sound and then my LED blinks. In WM, it was almost an alarm and was more persistent - it would alarm every few minutes until the event occurred.
2. Better snoozing - I liked the ability to choose 5 or 10 or 30,etc minute snooze on reminders/alarms. I've seen a lot of good alarms in the Market, but this is also for event reminders.
3. Exchange address book lookup - I could look up an email address in my global exchange server-side from my phone, very handy if it's not in your address book.
4. Voice command - my touch pro had fairly perfect voice command. The Epic seems to default voice search instead of voice command. Is there some way to remap the long press on the search into voice command instead of voice search?
Thanks in advance fellow WM converts.

2. If you go to the Alarm Clock, press menu then settings. You can change the snooze duration.
4. There is Voice Actions for Android but currently only 2.2 is supported so you have to wait for the Froyo update to use that. In the mean time, try Vlingo from the market. It's free and has some nice voice activated features.

5. a working gps.

J3ff said:
5. a working gps.
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What do you mean by working GPS? I get a lock within 3 seconds, every single time I use it. Are you saying a GPS that is more accurate? Because then I could agree. But it certainly works and works very well for me. I have it set to cold start the GPS, and I have "Use wireless networks" enabled as well as GPS, and its flawless. Just not super accurate.

My GPS rocks as well. I could go for some better battery life though.

muyoso said:
What do you mean by working GPS? I get a lock within 3 seconds, every single time I use it. Are you saying a GPS that is more accurate? Because then I could agree. But it certainly works and works very well for me. I have it set to cold start the GPS, and I have "Use wireless networks" enabled as well as GPS, and its flawless. Just not super accurate.
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Use wireless networks does is not a "working gps" ..
I use my phone on the boat, I need a real working GPS just like every other windows mobile phone I've used.

J3ff said:
Use wireless networks does is not a "working gps" ..
I use my phone on the boat, I need a real working GPS just like every other windows mobile phone I've used.
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No, I know using the wireless networks is not the GPS. You enable "use wireless networks" so that the GPS can get a lock near instantly. If you enable both, you get locks within 5 seconds every single time. If you enable GPS only, you gotta wait a long time, ESPECIALLY if you have GPS set to cold start. So yea, enable both, and you will get GPS locks instantly, whether you are on a boat or in a car. As long as you are not in the middle of the atlantic, enabling "use wireless networks" alongside GPS will help the phone get GPS locks dramatically quicker.

muyoso said:
No, I know using the wireless networks is not the GPS. You enable "use wireless networks" so that the GPS can get a lock near instantly. If you enable both, you get locks within 5 seconds every single time. If you enable GPS only, you gotta wait a long time, ESPECIALLY if you have GPS set to cold start. So yea, enable both, and you will get GPS locks instantly, whether you are on a boat or in a car. As long as you are not in the middle of the atlantic, enabling "use wireless networks" alongside GPS will help the phone get GPS locks dramatically quicker.
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Sorry man, if you have wireless networks enabled its not real GPS. I need real gps.
Where I boat is on the Ocean, there are no wireless networks.

It works fine. I've been using it with cold start set and wireless networks OFF and it locks all the time for me lately.

Well, I was perfectly fine with my GPS because I thought it had to do with where my house was, but my brother got a iPhone 4 and that thing is super accurate and locks on way faster than my Epic. So is this a hardware issue or a software issue? Also, his compass seems to be a lot less jerky than mine. I mean the GPS works for what I need to do but better is always welcome.

crajee16 said:
Well, I was perfectly fine with my GPS because I thought it had to do with where my house was, but my brother got a iPhone 4 and that thing is super accurate and locks on way faster than my Epic. So is this a hardware issue or a software issue? Also, his compass seems to be a lot less jerky than mine. I mean the GPS works for what I need to do but better is always welcome.
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All of us hope it's a software issue.
We also hope that 2.2 fixes it.
That's yet to be seen!

I know you can change the snooze duration on a global scale - the nice thing about WM is it let you change it when a notification popped up for only that notification.
Does the voice action tie directly to the capacitive button? The point of it is to not be looking at the phone so using widgets/apps etc is not an option if it's not tied to a hardware key.
Poor GPS. I wish it would be fixed so it stops hijacking threads. I'm so glad the 3g upload issue got fixed - the boards are a lot nicer now.
los1223 said:
2. If you go to the Alarm Clock, press menu then settings. You can change the snooze duration.
4. There is Voice Actions for Android but currently only 2.2 is supported so you have to wait for the Froyo update to use that. In the mean time, try Vlingo from the market. It's free and has some nice voice activated features.
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fooo1 said:
Curious if other WM migrators have found solutions (probably good apps) for the following:
4. Voice command - my touch pro had fairly perfect voice command. The Epic seems to default voice search instead of voice command. Is there some way to remap the long press on the search into voice command instead of voice search?
Thanks in advance fellow WM converts.
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use vlingo from the market for voice search command. Works really well and has a wide variety of commands like "send message to ___ message hi how are you?" or navigate too pizza hut etc...Also android 2.2 has a incredibly good stock voice command feature which is no use to you right now since sprint and samsung are lagging it

J3ff said:
5. a working gps.
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I read all of the time about bad GPS but my Epic has been working great in Alaska on a business trip...actually better than my Tom Tom. I'm using Sprint Nav.
On my TP2 the battery drain was terrible. I've been using GPS for other programs also with no problems.
I guess different problems for different users...just like my TP2.

J3ff said:
Sorry man, if you have wireless networks enabled its not real GPS. I need real gps.
Where I boat is on the Ocean, there are no wireless networks.
people use this phone with an app that displays a speedometer for when they are riding jet ski's with no problem. you may want to try airplane mode to reset the radio or something. this gps should work anywhere.
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fooo1 said:
Curious if other WM migrators have found solutions (probably good apps) for the following:
1. Better reminders from calendar events. Right now I hear a single sound and then my LED blinks. In WM, it was almost an alarm and was more persistent - it would alarm every few minutes until the event occurred.
2. Better snoozing - I liked the ability to choose 5 or 10 or 30,etc minute snooze on reminders/alarms. I've seen a lot of good alarms in the Market, but this is also for event reminders.
3. Exchange address book lookup - I could look up an email address in my global exchange server-side from my phone, very handy if it's not in your address book.
4. Voice command - my touch pro had fairly perfect voice command. The Epic seems to default voice search instead of voice command. Is there some way to remap the long press on the search into voice command instead of voice search?
Thanks in advance fellow WM converts.
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All of these issues can be addressed with the right apps and settings. it's just not in the same places you are use to. This phone will kill your wm phone in functionality and possibilities. hands down.....

J3ff said:
Sorry man, if you have wireless networks enabled its not real GPS. I need real gps.
Where I boat is on the Ocean, there are no wireless networks.
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Then go out and buy a friggin REAL GPS then...geez and stop whining. There ARE folks whose Epic GPS work just fine for them, like me. I use it with CoPilot and Navigation, locks in secs and never fails. No complaints here.
I do miss TomTom like i had on my Treo Pro.

fooo1 said:
3. Exchange address book lookup - I could look up an email address in my global exchange server-side from my phone, very handy if it's not in your address book.
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You can do this without any additional apps and without changing settings.
Start your new message, click in the To box and click the search button. You should be on a screen titled "GAL Search." That searches the global address book.
Edit: I'm talking about the search button that is in the group of buttons under the Bcc field not the magnifying glass button at the bottom of the phone.

J3ff said:
5. a working gps.
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My gps locks on fast....after the last update it now locks on while inside my home

ultra78721 said:
My gps locks on fast....after the last update it now locks on while inside my home
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LOL, the last update made no changes to GPS or aGPS, so your observations are just based on bad testing.
muyoso said:
No, I know using the wireless networks is not the GPS. You enable "use wireless networks" so that the GPS can get a lock near instantly. If you enable both, you get locks within 5 seconds every single time.
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That is 100% FUD, "use wireless networks" has no affect whatsoever on the aGPS function of Epic. NONE. No affect at all on accuracy, number locked or Time To First Fix.
I have three epics and spent weeks with controlled tests.
muyoso said:
. If you enable GPS only, you gotta wait a long time, ESPECIALLY if you have GPS set to cold start.
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Completely and totally untrue.


Just figured something out!

When you hold down the search sensor button you get in-app-wifi toggle, It's really hot, because if your online and you decide to turn on your wifi, no more going to home screen to use your power widget, you just hold down that button and it automatically toggles your wifi. Every day I'm learning something new about this beautiful phone. Also, they have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time, wifi seems to be enhanced, and phone reception to, I was on the train earlier and I went into a tunnel and I was able to talk until I reached the station, which is a bit of a way underground. I'm using the prioritizer app, and I used to get reception like that on my G1 when I used it, people didn't believe me until I got a phone call in the subway one day, I heard a kid say who gets phone calls in the subway, lol, and whenever I pass one of those grates that lead to outside, text messages come through sometimes. Share your experiences with this incredible device. Screenshot taken with Android Commander
Rooted N1 w/locked bootloader
FRF91 eViL n-One-sh0t Noir 7
Setcpu= underclocked 883200 Max / 768000 Min
8GB sdcard class 6 / 512 ext3 partition/no swap
Mine is set to always use voice search. Anyone know who to change this?
I use QuickDesk Beta with a Power Control Widget as well as some other nifty shortcuts. If you download it from the market, the next time long press search there will be and option for the QuickDesk.
If you want to change yours going to search you have to go to settings>application>search(or the program being opened) and undo the defaults for that program.
Is that a stock option, on-app wifi? Or is it a piece of a wifi toggle app, why don't i have it.
You actually need an app to do that, try search in the market 'In App Wifi Toogle'
it's by Oliver Pearmain
A few ROMs have this in as standard (it's pretty useful) but it's not a FroYo thing. It's not in the CM ROMs and possibly won't be.
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
My vote goes to QuickDesk Pro + Power widget as well... much more useful IMHO
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
A little help
olavjunior said:
Mine is set to always use voice search. Anyone know who to change this?
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Go into application setting, then manage applications, scroll until you find voice search, click on it and there should be a option to clear defaults, clear it. next time you use this function you'll be prompted to choose default action, just don't check the box and the prompt will always come up.
Clarkster said:
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
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Sweet thanks for sharing this, awesome app
aureliusmaximus said:
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
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You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
blas4me said:
You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
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Er, not really...it may improve network selection, but it won't improve signal.
WCDMA preferred - Use 3G but when signal is weak prefer 3G over GSM.
GSM only - obvious.
WCDMA only - Use only 3G, has no signal then when only GSM present.
GSM auto PRL - Use 3G but when signal is weak, prefer GSM over 3G
All the CDMA/EvDO stuff does apply to our phones...its the same stuff for, but for those networks and GSM/CDMA auto is for combination phones... (ie - "world" phones from Verizon, etc)
Easiest way to improve Nexus One reception - hold it in your left hand.
aureliusmaximus said:
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
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You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
blas4me said:
When you hold down the search sensor button you get in-app-wifi toggle, It's really hot, because if your online and you decide to turn on your wifi, no more going to home screen to use your power widget, you just hold down that button and it automatically toggles your wifi. Every day I'm learning something new about this beautiful phone. Also, they have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time, wifi seems to be enhanced, and phone reception to, I was on the train earlier and I went into a tunnel and I was able to talk until I reached the station, which is a bit of a way underground. I'm using the prioritizer app, and I used to get reception like that on my G1 when I used it, people didn't believe me until I got a phone call in the subway one day, I heard a kid say who gets phone calls in the subway, lol, and whenever I pass one of those grates that lead to outside, text messages come through sometimes. Share your experiences with this incredible device. Screenshot taken with Android Commander
Rooted N1 w/locked bootloader
FRF91 eViL n-One-sh0t Noir 7
Setcpu= underclocked 883200 Max / 768000 Min
8GB sdcard class 6 / 512 ext3 partition/no swap
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Is there a way to configure this, because i only get voice search, which is sort of useless. I would rather have in app wifi.
Dude between which stations can you make and hold a call underground thru a tunnel?
Clarkster said:
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
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That is actually a really neat app! Thanks for the tip, I like it.
thepawn said:
Er, not really...it may improve network selection, but it won't improve signal.
WCDMA preferred - Use 3G but when signal is weak prefer 3G over GSM.
GSM only - obvious.
WCDMA only - Use only 3G, has no signal then when only GSM present.
GSM auto PRL - Use 3G but when signal is weak, prefer GSM over 3G
All the CDMA/EvDO stuff does apply to our phones...its the same stuff for, but for those networks and GSM/CDMA auto is for combination phones... (ie - "world" phones from Verizon, etc)
Easiest way to improve Nexus One reception - hold it in your left hand.
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Thanks for the "auto PRL" info, and I LOVE the iPhone 4 dig
blas4me;7090838Also said:
they[/B] have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time...
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Uhhh... they WHO???
Google with the FRF91 update. Why do you think updates kept coming out so quickly. Google has a ear to the ground, they put the Nexus out there as a test of Android OS, and they want feedback to improve it. It's all about feedback and improvement.

Turn off cellular, leave on GPS?

I go out on BLM land with my brother in law sometimes and I was thinking of using my phone as a GPS device with Google Maps/Earth.
The only real problem with this is that most of these areas have no/intermittent phone service. If I leave my phone on it will search for service constantly and burns through the battery very quickly.
Is there any way to turn the cell service off but leave the GPS functionality on, which should still allow me to use maps, etc?
with google maps you will need an internet connection(also requires cell connection)
mdram-omnia said:
with google maps you will need an internet connection(also requires cell connection)
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Wow, my 3 cups off coffee must not have been enough for me this morning lol. That was a pretty dumb question haha.
A quick google search leads me to believe that you can get offline maps on your phone that use GPS data.
So I think my question still remains if you can turn the cell service off and still have GPS?
astraelraen said:
Wow, my 3 cups off coffee must not have been enough for me this morning lol. That was a pretty dumb question haha.
A quick google search leads me to believe that you can get offline maps on your phone that use GPS data.
So I think my question still remains if you can turn the cell service off and still have GPS?
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my assumption is yes, it works on other phone this way
but also remember all that time with the screen on eats up the battery on most phones
astraelraen said:
I go out on BLM land with my brother in law sometimes and I was thinking of using my phone as a GPS device with Google Maps/Earth.
The only real problem with this is that most of these areas have no/intermittent phone service. If I leave my phone on it will search for service constantly and burns through the battery very quickly.
Is there any way to turn the cell service off but leave the GPS functionality on, which should still allow me to use maps, etc?
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That's a very good question. Nobody outside Verizon really knows for sure what the Fascinate's location and settings do. The three labels under Settings -> Location & Security seem to have been made up by marketing dweebs, and not defined and do not correspond to the settings on other Galaxy S phones.
Further, on other Galaxy S phones, controlling the detailed settings of the GPS/aGPS is not done from that main Settings menu at all, but from the menu of a hidden app that can usually be invoked by a dialer code. But no one I know of has ever discovered such an app on the Fascinate. On most other Galaxy S variants, the hidden app that controls aGPS settings is called LbsTestMode. The new Sprint Epic has a different but similar app called GpsSetup. Because these system apps are hidden, they do not show up on the usual tools listing end-user apps. But their .apk files would show up to a rooted user or in a system dump.
Most older Galaxy S phones default to Standalone mode. The Epic defaults to MS Based mode. The Fascinate default is really unknown.
It may be possible to access the hidden GPS menu, if any, without the secret dialer code. If anyone has a rooted phone, they can look to discover if there is an .apk file named LbsTestMode.apk (the name for the app on most Galaxy S models) or GpsSetup.apk (the name for the new app on the Sprint Epic.)
If either of those hidden system app files is present, it can probably be run by setting up a direct shortcut using a third-party launcher utility such as LauncherPro or ADW. If there is no such app, that would also be worth knowing.
It is not necessary to have a rooted phone to run the hidden app.
FWIW, I have tested the Sprint Epic's GPS in Standalone mode in West Texas, far from any network coverage. It captured the tracks quite well for subsequet display in other software, demonstrating that the underlying GPS works well. I did not have any apps loaded with locally cached maps, so I could not see maps in real time.
You should be able to disable the other radios on the phone to conserve battery, but the GPS radio itself is power-hungry if run all the time.

GPS Issues Because of Google's Resistance to Skyhook?

It looks like Google forced OEMs to ditch Skyhook, and, affording to this article, Samsung was involved. I wonder if Samsung scrambled to put together a quick fix before releasing the Galaxy S and this could explain the AGPS issues.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Isnt skyhook disabled by default? So how would this affect the GPS?
KerryG said:
Isnt skyhook disabled by default? So how would this affect the GPS?
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Following that, Skyhook claims that Google then went after an unidentified "Company X" (likely Samsung) and forced it to drop XPS as well -- which would certainly explain why Samsung's Galaxy S phones have WiFi positioning turned off by default, unlike every other Android phone. Ouch.
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Skyhook is absolutely 100% unnecessary for a properly functioning gps. It has nothing to do with the problems on the Galaxy S devices.
Sent from Samsung Vibrant
Just turn it back on. Go to *#*#1472365#*#*, application settings, scroll down to skyhook, select on. Then wifi positioning/AGPS should be on now. Its a shame its off by default.
Sent from my messenger rabbit
so what is this going to change if i enable skyhook?? should I enable skyhook??
Not sure if this is the same for everyone, but I can't seem to access the GPS settings using the *#*#1472365#*#* command - not sure when it started, but the one thing I did do between the last time I accessed the service (a few weeks back) to now is flashing the leaked firmware. Anyone else with this issue? I found the noted article yesterday and wanted to check to see if the Skyhook option was still there, and, of course, I can't tell.
courtmagician said:
Not sure if this is the same for everyone, but I can't seem to access the GPS settings using the *#*#1472365#*#* command - not sure when it started, but the one thing I did do between the last time I accessed the service (a few weeks back) to now is flashing the leaked firmware. Anyone else with this issue? I found the noted article yesterday and wanted to check to see if the Skyhook option was still there, and, of course, I can't tell.
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That dialer code invoked a hidden app called LbsTestMode. The dialer code no longer works in the leaked ROM, but the hidden app is still there. It can be accessed by the workaround explained here, which does involve installing LauncherPro and setting up a shortcut.
Maybe Samsung rushed to market without thoroughly testing the GPS on the Galaxy phones after being told not to use Skyhook. It could have been integrated into their existing firmware. I don't know; I could be completely wrong on this, but I'm just throwing it out there to see what others think. I also can't access the GPS service menu on the new firmware. I haven't had major GPS issues to tell you the truth, but my brother has to launch GPS test to make his maps work on his Epic.
cthach11 said:
Just turn it back on. Go to *#*#1472365#*#*, application settings, scroll down to skyhook, select on. Then wifi positioning/AGPS should be on now. Its a shame its off by default.
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Skyhook has nothing to do with aGPS. It is a non-GPS method of location service based on a map of all the WiFi routers and access points out there. The Skyhook company has a bunch of people who wardrive and collect the data to populate its database, then offers the service to carriers for a fee.
However, the same hidden utility (LbsTestMode) whose menu can be used to enable Skyhook also can be used to enable aGPS. Selecting MS Based mode instead of the default Standalone mode is what would do that. This controls the operation of the satellite based GPS, accelerating the download of certain satellite data over the network. It is entirely independent of Skyhook.
Enabling MS Based aGPS makes obvious sense. It is an established industry standard for GPS operation on cellphones. The merits of Skyhook are another question, and I don't really have an informed opinion.
Thanks for the link. You can actually do the same thing in ADW (which is what I use), just choose "Custom Shortcut" and then "Activities" and you can scroll don to LbsTestMode. I like it when solutions are right in front of my face
So do you need to leave your WiFi on all the time when enabling Skyhook? That would drain your battery even faster...
courtmagician said:
Thanks for the link. You can actually do the same thing in ADW (which is what I use), just choose "Custom Shortcut" and then "Activities" and you can scroll don to LbsTestMode. I like it when solutions are right in front of my face
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Thanks for this, never knew I could do that with ADW
I've always had Skyhook turned off and yet when connected to my WiFi network I get a highly accurate position, even with GPS turned off. Thoughts?
jjohns63 said:
I've always had Skyhook turned off and yet when connected to my WiFi network I get a highly accurate position, even with GPS turned off. Thoughts?
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Your position would be coming from your GPS or from cellphone tower triangulation, depending on your other settings, whether you use WiFi or not.
Skyhook would looking for all the other WiFi locations around you that are in its database. Those locations might include your local WiFI router along with everyone else's if Shyhook's wardivers found it. But Skyhook would not actually connect to those WiFi sources. It would only detect them.
boomerbubba said:
Your position would be coming from your GPS or from cellphone tower triangulation, depending on your other settings, whether you use WiFi or not.
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I know this is not the case as the accuracy circle in maps covers maybe half a block, not a mile. As I said, I had disabled the GPS, and cell tower triangulation is not that accurate, especially where I am with low signal.
Skyhook would looking for all the other WiFi locations around you that are in its database. Those locations might include your local WiFI router along with everyone else's if Shyhook's wardivers found it. But Skyhook would not actually connect to those WiFi sources. It would only detect them.
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This makes sense because I tested it today without actually connecting to a network and it still found my location to the same "wifi accuracy". I had turned on Skyhook for this test. However, I'm still wondering how it was able to find my location with Skyhook turned off.
Skyhook is one company providing a service of mapping access points to locations. Google uses their own - probably picked up from Google maps car.
If you have "use wireless networks" checked under GPS - it will use this other provider (probably google) and not skyhook.
Ive turned skyhook on and off in testmode as well as trying other settings, gps is still bag of suck.Frankly i get better results with it on. Marginal though.BTW.use the lbs test mode app. It'll save you alot of headaches.
Vibrant vibrating nicely now,Kthx!

weak GPS reciever in X10 ?

I have a doubt about the reception quality of GPS signal on my x10.
I have x1 and recently got a x10.
With quick-GPS enabled in x1 & assisted-GPS enabled in x10, i feel x10 GPS is very lazy in determining the current position (google maps)
i don't see any problem in the accuracy of location but it takes ages to get the location on the X10, and most of the time x10 failed to determine my location, where as x1 determine my location in a maximum time of 30sec.
I am wondering if its the Quick-GPS doing the magic in x1 or x10 got faulty receptor.
would be grateful if anyone shed some more light on this account. im new to android devices x10i being my first
Actually I've had the opposite experience. For me if it gets to 6 seconds then I'm concerned.
lft4ded said:
Actually I've had the opposite experience. For me if it gets to 6 seconds then I'm concerned.
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whats the trick?? i haven't installed anything. do it need any agps software like Quick-Gps ?
Is it a pre used Phone? Or a new one?
If its a used one, you can reset the assistance data, which sometimes makes a little trouble: Go to the lock screen. There Press: Menu, Back Back, Menu, Back, Menu, Menu, Back.
Then go to Service Tests --> GPS and press "Purge assistance data".
Additionally: Make sure, that you've only activated "GPS-Satellite" and nothing else.
The assisted stuff works with additional location via GSM and W-Lan Cells.
In an area with low coverage, the GPS connection is slower...
I have GPS Satellites and Assisted GPS checked. No trick though.
When I go out today I'll try it with A-GPS off to see how much longer it takes.
There is a free App on the Market: "GPS Status".
That one shows you exactly what is happening, and it is more exact then most Navigation Software...
+1, quick and powerful, even through buildings
Just did a test from that service menu, i'm on a train, it got a lock first time in 7 seconds. I've always found the X10 to have a good GPS receiver.
The x10's GPS is the best I have used on a phone.. It replaces my stand alone GPS unit. Locking times are very quick, almost instant the moment I open maps app. This is with a data plan. Using the GPS without a data plan, my gps lock would take 30-45secs
+1, coming from Nokia S60, the X10 is excellent and often surprises me how quickly it locks on.
I've heard that if you use the GPS regularly it makes subsequent locks faster? I use mine several times a day... even little things like Catch notes are geo-tagged... maybe using it often helps.
Actually the GPS on my X10 is the best GPS module I ever had, either in phones and in portable navigation devices. I can fix the position in places where other devices don't see any satellite...
OP = destroyed
The X10i is better than my car gps, tomtom; I would like a better navigation application, voiceguided and offline maps.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
awojtas said:
+1, coming from Nokia S60, the X10 is excellent and often surprises me how quickly it locks on.
I've heard that if you use the GPS regularly it makes subsequent locks faster? I use mine several times a day... even little things like Catch notes are geo-tagged... maybe using it often helps.
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Yep, google maps seems to be more efficient if you use it regularly, because google save all tracks to improve his GPS.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
The xperia series hav the best gps in yhem as mutch i know. I used mobile maps. But it happens somtimes the gps dose not start and i have to turn it off and then on again( its a driver bug)
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
McKebapp said:
Is it a pre used Phone? Or a new one?
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New one
Then go to Service Tests --> GPS and press "Purge assistance data".
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Will try & revert back
Make sure, that you've only activated "GPS-Satellite" and nothing else.
The assisted stuff works with additional location via GSM and W-Lan Cells.
In an area with low coverage, the GPS connection is slower...
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as far my knowledge AssistedGPS cache your location in some file and help your device finding satellites faster.
GSM & LAN are disabled.
next to battery, there is a connector - is this a gsm antenna connector or gps connector?
For me, its pretty fast. It locks from 3 to 6 seconds.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

Why is our Focus' GPS so slow???

Why is the Focus' gps so slow? I don't know what's wrong with my focus, I mean it just takes so long to get the coordinates of my location. I even have to go to a open sky area then wait for few minutes before it can successfully get my coordinates. Its just so annoying, this is a post ipad product, how come an ipad 1 can get my coordinates even inside the room without any difficulty?
Is this a hardware issue or just a firmware fix is due?
my focus gets a very quick lock about 90% of the time, every so often it will take a mintute or so to lock, but i've had this happen with pretty much every phone i've owned, so it seems about average to good for me...
the ipad1 (unless a 3g + wifi model) uses your network to locate you, which is why it's quite fast.
We have 2 Focuses, one AT&T and one Rogers. With both I get about the same time to get a fix, and that's slightly under a minute, in my location (several tall buildings near).
With what app do you check your GPS? I recommend GPS App
It's an AT&T. My ipad is a 3G+Wifi. It gets gps coordinates via gps chip and not A-gps. Most of the time the ipad gets coordinates very fast in span of 20-25 seconds, boom you know where you are in the map.
I am using the built in MAPS software to track my location. Does the software matters? I mean if the chip is really weak, what can the software do ?
jtphl said:
It's an AT&T. My ipad is a 3G+Wifi. It gets gps coordinates via gps chip and not A-gps. Most of the time the ipad gets coordinates very fast in span of 20-25 seconds, boom you know where you are in the map.
I am using the built in MAPS software to track my location. Does the software matters? I mean if the chip is really weak, what can the software do ?
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Sometimes it does. To give you an example why: GPS without efemerides take several minutes to get a fix. GPS with efemerides take 20s to 1 min to get a fix. Efemerides are downloaded via software.
As for the app I found it to be good enough for testing the GPS part.
I can agree with you. Sometimes while driving if I take a different route than the one the phone provided for me, it will either fail to locate where I am for a few minutes or just fail completely.
I think it's time for a small update.
Is it just a minor driver issue? I hope so , otherwise, we have to live with it or change to another device.
jtphl said:
Is it just a minor driver issue? I hope so , otherwise, we have to live with it or change to another device.
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Again, other people (including me) haven't experienced any issues.
In fact, it works great for me with Turn by Turn Navigation, even inside the car on the passenger seat (not near the windshield).
Try changing some GPS settings in the focus diagnosis app
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
what are the settings in GPS I have to adjust to make it perform beyond expectations? Which specific diagnostic option I have to tweak?
Did the OP ever find a solution to this? I'm having some slow locks and the occasional non lock.
I know in the diagnostic app you can get to the GPS with*#1575# but I'm unsure of what data can possibly be changed.
I'm having the same issue on my Focus (Rogers). It never connects to sattelite and always uses aGPS. It's very annoying. I tried many different gps apps and get the same behavior - very innacurate. Garmin allways says "Can't connect to sattelite", gMaps always shows cell tower icon. My phone is unlocked using original Chevron method (not Chevron labs). I also tired to change settings in *#1575# and turn ON/OFF TLS and GLONASS but nothing helps. Should I try hard reset?
Ecstatic12 said:
I'm having the same issue on my Focus (Rogers). It never connects to sattelite and always uses aGPS. It's very annoying. I tried many different gps apps and get the same behavior - very innacurate. Garmin allways says "Can't connect to sattelite", gMaps always shows cell tower icon. My phone is unlocked using original Chevron method (not Chevron labs). I also tired to change settings in *#1575# and turn ON/OFF TLS and GLONASS but nothing helps. Should I try hard reset?
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I did a hard reset last night and it seems to have cleared up. I also installed this app, have to click the link in the post, searching for it didnt work.http://www.wpcentral.com/new-samsung-high-fidelity-position-enhances-gps-modifies-settings
Not sure if it's a placebo or not, but it seems to be working better.
is Focus GPS native chip or just a-gps?
Coelho_rj said:
is Focus GPS native chip or just a-gps?
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Assisted GPS, which includes standard GPS in Standalone mode, so it's better than any native GPS.
after my hard reset the GPS locked much quicker for about a week, then it started acting up again.
my new solution seems to be much easier than a hard reset. Just briefly switch to airplane mode then re-enable your data and open maps up again. Been working great for me.
Faster solution that's been working for me. Turn on and off location services. My phone never locks without this, which is sorely annoying.
I had this problem on 7392 rom. After updating to mango 7720 and 8107, I get fix in 3 to 7 seconds in my room Tested with gpsinfo, it's real satellite data, not agps. I have also installed high fidelity position settings app. Don't know if it's helping.
Sent from my SGH-i917. using Board Express
