Overheating and battery life. - Epic 4G General

I don't know what all your experiences are, but I noticed the past few days that my epic is getting hot on the back.
I also noticed that my battery is draining more so than usual. When I got the update last week my battery life sucked, but now since this overheat thing it's gotten worse. It drops a lot even when in standby.
I do not have gps, wifi, anything else on. I am not rooted. Didn't do any battery tweaks. This is completely stock di18.
This is normal use with 3g. It's getting annoying and I'm hoping someone has an answer. Thanks!

Do you have any email accounts configured in the mail application?

This happened once or twice - I rebooted the phone and all was peachy.

Sounds like you have a rogue process wearin it out.

Yeah my phone overheated yesterday while charging....this phone has a few more steps to go before it really beats my hero...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

I partly found out what the problem was, but it seems you guys are ahead of me. I had some process keeping my CPU running at 95-100% nonstop. I still haven't figured out what the process was, as now it is back to the normal 5-15%, but I'll have to keep an eye on it now.

the task manager widget turns red and it shows you what process was causing it...for me it was the xda app...a few times.

I think my problem was not backing out of WordFeud. I didn't notice anything on the task manager though. Hasn't happened since that one time.

this happens to me when i'm plugged in and using gmail. screen flickers and then shuts off. the screen-off battery indicator shows the batt. gauge and a little thermometer sign next to it indicating it's too hot.
wtf?!?! this has to be a defect. anyway, is there any official word on this? any pr from sammy/sprint?

i have read elsewhere about some epics resetting themselves a few times a day which could indicate an issue with heating (at least on a pc). so if you think it might be hardware its possible. otherwise keep doing what your doing, monitor your processes for anything thats eating it up, go to about phone > battery use > cell standby to see your time without signal. the higher this is the more battery use. also, might want to consider a startup manager to prevent the 2 DRM files (search forums) from running as this can affect batt life too
you can also use setcpu even (free on here, search it) to throttle your cpu down when it hits a certain temp.

This is very interesting... My wife and I both have this phone, she has had this happen several times after the last update (I though she was just crazy). Me on the other hand... No problem!
I need to look into this a little deeper.

The only time my epic's battery gets hot is during heavy use or gps. Gps/Nav makes it heat up like a mofo. But other than that... *knocks on wood* Its all good, no problems. As far at battery life, I am rooted and using SetCPU to turn down the processor while the screen is off, helps a ton. Not using anything other than that... was using juicedefender but then I started not getting calls or text...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

One thing, I learned, that didn't help my battery was putting my phone in the locker at work. That thing must have killed my TWS and ate my battery alive.

i feel like this thread will start to die but i had a weird somewhat related issue last night. i too have had maybe 3-4 times where i woke up to my charging phone with the red LED and a screen that would not turn on, battery pull, worked fine.
however, THIS morning my phone would freeze like 30 seconds after boot EVERY time. tried a few things to no avail until I wiped, reinstalled my ROM (aosp 0.4.1) and the data from a previous backup (which was the way i got that ROM to first boot successfully according to tips in that thread).
so this worked, but i couldnt figure out why my other steps wouldnt. had to be something in the data partition of my system at the time, since changing that worked. the only thing i could think of is that app watchdog which someone mentioned to track processor usage by apps. anyone else ever experience this?

I have experienced this once when I was playing Robodefense while the phone was charging. My phone tends to get a little warm when it charges, and hot if I run something intensive while its charging. Wondering if this will be an issue when I use this phone for GPS nav while plugged into my car.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

"I'm having this problem too...I didn't get any warranty for this either. Any reasons onto why this is happening...I woke up this morning and picked up my burning phone lol the temp was at 50C so I took out the battery and let it sit for 15 mins...it went down to 30C, then after not touching it for another 15..it was at 17C...very odd...what should I do, this crap is going to die within the next hour I'm worried it will fry the hard drive or something. Need help! " - I wrote this on a diff. forum a couple days ago
I dont have anything on, no wifi, gps, or any 4g (lol only if I could find it)...I even got rid of my facebook/twitter/weather updater widgets. The only thing that updates is email, and that's only if I click on it. The battery has been dying a lot faster and I charge my phone next to the window now because its like 20 degrees outside here in Chicago, so that brings down my phones temp lol....and today, my phone's battery life went from 100 to 5 percent in about three hours of barely using it...wtf?!
Also, another problem...sometimes when I lock my phone and unlock it after taking it out my pocket or something, the screen doesn't seem to respond...I keep swiping my finger over it to put in my password and it wont do anything and it only works when I slide up my phone for the horizontal view. This happens like 4 out of every 10 times I open phone.
Very embarrassing especially if your trying to get someones number down, I stopped showing off the phone now ...lol


Random Shutdown

When my phone is sitting idle (screen off) it will randomly decide to power itself off. Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas on what could be causing it?
The Balvenie said:
When my phone is sitting idle (screen off) it will randomly decide to power itself off. Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas on what could be causing it?
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you mean randomly power itself ON, right?
if that is the case, it's normal, it just mean it woke up to connect to the internet, to get updates of news, emails, or whatever it was scheduled to pick up
nope. i mean it randomly turns itself off. this topic is being discussed over on the att captivate galaxy forum section.
interesting, so it's going from stanby mode, to complete OFF... nope never seen that happen to my i9000 model
yep totally powered off... completely sucks... looks like there are a bunch of ppl that have this issue with the captivate on att. $10 says its some lame piece of software that att puts on your phone that's causing the problem.
it's possible, i've read here a few users having crazy power issues (battery draining very fast) with their SGS i9000, but after wiping it out clean, to start anew, then the power problem is gone away.
so yes, a software could cause something weird like that.
Factory reset and so far so good
Hey guys,
I use a Galaxy S here in Hong Kong and I had the same random shut down issue constantly happen when my screen went off...
I tried everything, check temperature of cpu, etc. etc. and nothing worked, it just got worse and worse.
I even changed the battery to use the spare one that came with this. Still problematic.
Used SET CPU to limit the cpu to 400mhz, still problems.
Finally I did a factory reset and so far so good.
I only have the original system installed with the Remember the Milk app installed.
24 hours, no problems.
Installed AppBrain app.
Then I installed 3G WatchDog
12 hours, no problem.
Then I installed Paperdroid
12 hours, so far no problems at all.
If I run into an issue I'll post it here. But I think it definitely was a software issue.
Update - it randomly shut down on me
Alright guys, it shut down on my randomly today in the afternoon......
I dont know if it's the re-charging that screwed it up?
Because after my factory reset, last night was the first time i charged it....
This happened to me too - two days in a row until noon it would shut down two or three times - i uninstalled SetCpu and for now (24 hours) it hasn't happened again. I am not sure if it was the one responsible but it started happening after i installed two programs and i uninstalled them after it started happening. I uninstalled Visual Task Switcher first but on the next day it turned off again, then i unsinstalled SetCpu and it hasn't happened again - maybe some wrong profile settings but i didn't feel like experimenting
I had this issue once too in about 40 days.
I was reading an sms and then i turned into standby and put it in my pocket. Later, maybe 40 minutes i came home and my phone was completely off. I do not remember if i had to take out the battery before to get it on again.
I was wondering why it happened. Maybe it was caused by an app i had opened. Battery still was at 40%.
But since it only occured once in 40 days i doesn´t bother me.
Interesting you mention this as it just happened to me today for the first time. I took it out of my pocket and wtf? The phone was off. Very strange... Using the i9000 on the stock Eclair rom.
Should send back for warranty
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
software clash?
Well the phone suddenly switched off for me, but this time I turned off APPBRAIN and so far so good.
In fact, I came across an app called NoLED and since it kind of keeps ht phone on, while I have it on my desk, I'm able to be notified of stuff and so far with that, the phone hasnt' shut off.
I'm still experimenting with what works, but try turning off AppBrain and see if you still have the random shut off issue....
i use app brain all the time to keep my apps in sync
not the cause of the problem, that's for sure
my phone can last a whole day even with app brain running
OP, do you have MSN Talk installed on your phone? I have this same problem, seems to happen more when I am running MSN talk in a low signal area.
«try a new sim card. «Could be faulty. «i am on my 3rd phone and all of them had this same problem. «i bought a new sim card 4 days ago, and hasnt happened since. «but then again, this problem usually happens to me once every 3rd-5th day anyways, so i dont know if i am in the clear yet.
Me too, shutdown everyday
Hi guys
After upgrade OS to I9000ZSJG4, Phone random shutdown everyday.
Yep still shuts down
Tried keeping AppBrain off, still shuts down.
Used NoLED so the screen kind of stays on, still shuts off..
So far shut off on me after 40 hrs... this is really stupid.
I am this close to taking it back, but I genuinely think it's a software issue than a hardware issue...sigh
Anyone have any luck figuring this out?
Same problem no solution yet
I too have the same problem, haven't found any solution yet.
The temperature etc is all good, there is no pattern in shutdown issues.
I have tried factory reset and no new application, it still shut down while using in built browser.
I had the same thing happen to me while skiing in Whistler last weekend. It died twice. I attributed it to the cold. I normally use a 3000mah battery up there, but left it back the house that day. Afterwards while charging in the car and even charging it at home it died prematurely again. It was the eBay aftermarket variety 1500mah knock off. I have since changed back to the Samsung OEM battery. I haven't had an issue with it since. My assumption is that the knock offs in my case cannot handle the heat cycles of charging and then the cold as well as the original. Or they have a limited lifespan, well below OEM specs. I am now only using the 3000mah battery on the weekends to hedge my bet on the quality of manufacture, as it seems to be from the same factory as the 1500.

Has this ever happened to you?...Vibrant seems dead, battey re-install needed!

Since I have got it (2 weeks ago) i have picked up my phone make a call, and on about 7-8 occasions, have noticed that the phone is turned off, and I can't get it to turn on. The only solution is to take out the battery and put it back in. Has anyone else experienced this. I have updated to JH2 firmware, but it still happens. I even got a new battery for the phone (Bell employee let me swap with another phone that was going back to samsung for gps issues), but the problem still happens once in awhile (like every 2 days, sometimes more sometimes less). Anyone have any ideas? thanks
UPDATE: Someone mentioned for me to call my phone the next time this happens to see if it rings. They said it might stuck in sleep mode? Not sure, i just pullthe battery and then it works
I've had this happen, but only when the GPS was on. If it's happening with the GPS off, I'm guessing you've got a lemon.
So far I've not needed to take the battery out, though. I've always been able to reboot by holding the power button down for 5-10 seconds instead.
Yes I have been experiencing the same problem. From what I can see, it seems like the phone is over heating then it locks up. My only fix was to install a battery temperature monitor and also kill any tasks that are not needed by the phone. My phone hasn't locked like that since I've been doing that.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
I have not had this problem. Been on a call for about 1-2 hours one time and the phone was fine. I was able to switch it to speaker, bluetooth, open other apps, and etc without any problems. I don't run task managers. I do have one, but I rarely use it.
Interesting...I experienced this for the first time today. Picked up my phone from teh night stand after having it plugged in all night and it was off. Had to pull the battery to get it to come on. The battery was about 85% charged when it came back on. It worked ok since but the battery drained kinda quick. I am using an aftermarket battery, got the 2 batts and charger on ebay. So I put the other battery in and havn't had any issues. I wonder if it over heated while charging? What apps are you guys running? The one I am running that would be most suspect would be weatherbug elite, and I just installed it a day or 2 before this happened.
I think it is a GPS issue. I got this phone on the first day of release. I’ve never had this problem until just days ago. I hadn't used the GPS extensively before last Thursday and Friday. During my business trip I had the GPS on for almost two days straight and during these two days I experienced the blank screen, shut down twice. I had to cycle the battery to get it to boot.
I had this happen to me while using Set CPU. Check out this thread. http :// forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=727006
take out spaces and what not.
I had this problem on my g1 but it started to get worst an I soon need too keep my mobile always connected to a charger so out turned into a landline phone lol but it was because I somehow broke a middle cell in my battery and need replacing but I don't know what to say about yours cause you tried a different battery :S
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App
Experienced a freeze just a few hours ago while running the navigate application.
Trying to show my wife how uber cool it was and all. Switched on GPS, launched maps, chose directions, method / navigate. GPS locked and had my location pinned down until I reached the corner and suddenly the GPS kicked me to a location about 5 blocks away then froze the phone, requiring a battery pull and reboot.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Gets hot and uses battery while idle

Recently I have noticed on several occasions that my phone have gotten hot and started eating away the battery. One time I had around 30% battery and the phone was laying in my pocket. I felt the heat through the pockets and took it up to see what's up. It then had 0% battery and turned itself off.
When looking at battery use in settings, it's hard to pick out one specific application that might do this. If anything it would have to be "Android system", right now it's tied with the screen on 40%, but I charged the phone an hour ago and I haven't used the screen much.
Edit: I should add that the same thing just happened, from 99% to 89% then it stopped. That's why the information above about battery usage is relevant.
Do you think it might be hardware-related, like a partial short circuit or something, or is it most likely a software thing?
Bump. 10 signs.
Had mine for a few days, have not experienced anything like what you describe
I have though felt the screen get hot when turned on full brightness and reading a e-book on it (white - black text)
Well this is while it's laying in my pocket, with the screen off, so it's not the screen. (it's the battery that gets hot)
Take it back.
[Funny story that probably isn't relevant. I had a dodgy micro sd card that made my phone drain battery super fast and as a result my phone got incredibly hot. Took it out and it's back to normal.]
Sounds software related to me, your android system should definitely not be 40% of your battery. It sounds like some rogue app/process is utilizing your cpu and thus your battery very heavily. If you select the "Android system" in the battery usage list, does it not give you a further breakdown of what is included in that that is using your battery? Also, what does it say for the cpu time for the android system?
May be firmware bug
I've had this happen to me a few times when I was running the original firmware. In some early firmware there was a bug related to switching between wifi and 3G, which would get it stuck so that you couldn't toggle wifi on or off. The times this happened to me, it was also stuck in the wifi bug (although I had the wifi bug and it didn't drain the battery).
I now run the newer firmware (JG4) and both problems have stopped.
I've had this problem with my asian i9000 since the beginning. The app called Top showed me that it is ksoftirq/d that is running and System Panel showed me that the cpu was running at 100% at 1ghz.
At first the only solution seemed to be restarting the phone. However some information shared on this forum led me to try restarting wifi which also works. For that thread search for "ksoftirq/d."
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I have had the "stuck wifi" bug, but I'm not sure if it was happening the last time this happened. I'll check it out the next time.
There's no official firmware update on Kies for Norway yet, so I think I'll wait for one.
Had exactly the same problem and tracked the culprit - it was Fancy widget in my case. Removed it, installed Beautiful widget and all is well since
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
That might actually be it. If I'm not mistaken Fancy Widget had 30% battery consumption when I checked. I deleted it just to see if it would make a difference. So far so good.
Some details:
Fancy Widget will hit the 100% cpu on auto-refresh if there's no data connection available (either wifi or cellular). It seems there are 2 bugs with Fancy Widget; it ignores "auto-refresh off" option and it tries to connect to server even when offline.
A dirty work around would be to set refresh time to let's say 12 hours and make sure to manually refresh at least once every
That makes me even more convinced that Fancy Widget is the culprit. I usually have cellular network disabled (APNDroid On/Off Widget) to save battery and my wifi connection keeps loosing connection, probably due to some software bug in XXJF3 stock firmware.

Sprint Update Ruined my Epic! - No 4G!

I've been trying hard to avoid the Epic update, since my phone was working great. I was getting almost 20 hours battery before being asked to charge, using about 30 minutes phone calls, 1 hour "display on" time, bluetooth/wifi off, GPS only when needed.
The nagging update available message would always pop up, and I'd always tell it to install later.
Somehow, I must have accidentally selected update while getting out of the car today, since I saw the phone installing firmware and then reboot.
After the reboot, my Sprint Hotspot stopped working. Now when I activate it, it turns my 3G radio off. Prior to this, I could activate (and use) Sprint Wifi tethering even though I am not specifically subscribed to it. Now, it still "activates" but shuts down my data connection.
Even worse, when I try to activate 4G, it just hangs the phone. I tried factory resetting, which did not solve the problem. Still no more 4G. Also, I noticed my battery getting really hot, and the smell of smoke inside the case. The battery went from 50% to 9% within a minute!! I don't have any explanation on how the update caused this.....
This update fried my phone! I'm going to try the Odin method back to DG27. If that doesn't work, the phone is going back!
DO NOT UPDATE if you can avoid it!!
that sucks
I'm having a really really hard time believing the ota update had anything to do with anything you described.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
styckx said:
I'm having a really really hard time believing the ota update had anything to do with anything you described.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Me too, but I don't know what else could have caused it. Just tried Odin, still can't get 4G to work.
I don't think there's much else I can try. The phone just hangs when I enable 4G. Tried factory reset, Odin back to DG27. No luck.
Any ideas?
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
it has happened to many of us,including me..i also started a thread in the development forum..i talked to a service rep and they instructed me to do a msl reset,which required a msl code the give and no luck..this happened to me last week.since then i swapped my phone for another unit an was weary of updaing again,but i did and everything works fine now.im guessing a bad batch of phones or bad dowload/install of update ota.return it for another
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Before the update, I was getting about 14-15 hours of battery with my average daily use. After the update I'm swapping batteries every 6 or 7 hours. I started tracking power consumption a few days ago with Spare Parts. I flashed back to stock with odin, and installed the DI07 update. The only apps I installed were Battery Indicator Pro and Spare Parts. I noticed right away that the running time was always close to 100%. That means that the phone is not sleeping. Under "Partial Wake usage", Android System is running almost the same amount of time the phone is powered on. It's not spiking the CPU, but running just enough to create a partial wakelock. This behavior is consistent on every boot. Normally, Android System should only keep the system awake about 3 or 4 minutes per hour of uptime at most. I think they botched something in the update.
Tonight I reverted back to DG27 and the problem is now non-existent. I only have one Epic to test, so I'm curious to see if anyone else gets different results. If it's just my Epic, then I will be returning it for another.
Anyone feel like experimenting?
I'm going on 18 hours now since I reverted back to DG27 and I'm still on the same battery. I would be on my third battery right now if I was still running DI07. I don't think I'm gonna be updating till Sprint releases another fix. Other than Media Hub and the loss of battery life, I noticed no changes while running DI07.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I'm getting over 18hrs since update. It maybe just like the HTC phone when you flash the rom the battery life goes down for the first few full charges then after that it's fine. Maybe I'm just lucky because I'm not having all the drama you guys and others are having.
infamousjax said:
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
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Any why should we listen to you? Can you describe your source of knowing how this update has "vital improvements" to the radio and kernal? What are the nature of these improvements?
Not sure what the particular improvements are... but check your phone info and you will see that the baseband was changed, which means a new radio was implemented. Also, in the release notes it specified that there were some "Qualcomm Updates", and since Qualcomm engineers the radio in our phones, it doesn't take much brain capacity to put 2 and 2 together.
I've updated and have experienced none of these problems. (As I suspect is true of most of the people here.)
infamousjax said:
Dont listen to this guy -- you want the DI07 update on your phone. It has vital improvements to the radio and kernel. It doesn't break 4G or ruin battery life.
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It ABSOLUTELY ruins battery life. If it doesn't ruin your battery life specifically, then your one lucky sun of gun. It cut my battery life in half. I used to be able to go to 11pm and never even get a battery warning! Now, my phone completely shuts down by late afternoon while I'm still at work. DI07 is a horrible update. I don't know what Samsung/Sprint did, but my screen is dimmer, battery life took a major dump, and the phone does not seem any faster, actually slower if anything. My phone also seems to be hot all the time, even after it's supposedly been asleep for hours. With DG27 it was always felt cool when pulling it out of my holster and not hot like it is now.
After running DG27 for almost 24 hours with great results, I decided to give the DI07 update another shot. But first I made a Nandroid backup in CWM before I accepted the update. After about two hours on DI07, it was clear the phone was not sleeping again when the screen was off.
So now I'm gonna try another experiment. I've done a system restore from my Nandroid backup to DG27. Except that the Baseband(radio) is still DI07 because Nandroid doesn't touch the radio. I'm thinking that this will tell us if the new radio is the culprit, or if they just botched something in the DI07 ROM.
Dev's, let me know if I'm off base here. I will report as soon as I have any relevant results.
compujock said:
It ABSOLUTELY ruins battery life. If it doesn't ruin your battery life specifically, then your one lucky sun of gun. It cut my battery life in half. I used to be able to go to 11pm and never even get a battery warning! Now, my phone completely shuts down by late afternoon while I'm still at work. DI07 is a horrible update. I don't know what Samsung/Sprint did, but my screen is dimmer, battery life took a major dump, and the phone does not seem any faster, actually slower if anything. My phone also seems to be hot all the time, even after it's supposedly been asleep for hours. With DG27 it was always felt cool when pulling it out of my holster and not hot like it is now.
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Heres what will help:
Run the root script, delete all sprint bloatware, and keep track of all the services running on your phone. I'm getting 20 hours of battery with heavy usage on the DI07 update.
Also, try the bump charging method which has helped me a lot. Turn the phone on, let it fully charge, unplug, let it fully charge, turn back on.. rinse and repeat. It helps.
The update is not what is causing bad battery life. The screen dimming is part of the auto-brightness setting and/or power saving setting which should be helping the battery more than killing it.
Get System Panel/spare parts or any kind of task manager to MONITOR (not kill) processes running on your phone.
Here's a post from another forum, so I'm not the only person with a dead 4G radio. I believe it was temporally related to the update, but reverting back to DG27 didn't fix it.
Link: http://forum.androidcentral.com/sprint-epic-4g/36985-4g-doesnt-work-after-di07-update.html
"I have been out of town in a non-4G area since applying the DI07 update. Got home earlier today and just went to turn on 4G and it no longer is working!!
When I enable 4G (through the pull-down or the settings menu) now it just says "On..." and then "Unknown..."
Anyone else that has applied the update and lives in a 4G area seeing similar behavior?? I am currently backing up me SMS messages so I can do a hard-reset to see if that will fix it."
infamousjax said:
Heres what will help:
Run the root script, delete all sprint bloatware, and keep track of all the services running on your phone. I'm getting 20 hours of battery with heavy usage on the DI07 update.
Also, try the bump charging method which has helped me a lot. Turn the phone on, let it fully charge, unplug, let it fully charge, turn back on.. rinse and repeat. It helps.
The update is not what is causing bad battery life. The screen dimming is part of the auto-brightness setting and/or power saving setting which should be helping the battery more than killing it.
Get System Panel/spare parts or any kind of task manager to MONITOR (not kill) processes running on your phone.
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These are all good suggestions for basic power management under normal circumstances, but for some reason this update has introduced an issue that causes the Android System process to prevent the phone from sleeping. Why it's not affecting everyone I don't know. Some people had to take their phones back to the Sprint store after the update because they got so hot and would not cool down unless turned off.
Anyway, if you are getting 20 hours on heavy use, you obviously don't have the bug. But to anyone who thinks they might, you can check using Spare Parts.
First, if you've just rebooted, turn the screen off and let it sit for a few minuets. Open Spare Parts and click Battery history. By default it displays 'Other usage'. If your 'Running' percentage is 100% or close to it, and your 'Screen on' percentage is anything other than your 'Running' percentage, then your phone is not sleeping when the screen is off.
Next change the top tab from 'Other usage' to 'Partial wake usage'. This will show you what is preventing it from sleeping. You can click on whatever is at the top of the list to see its partial wake time. If it's 'Android System', the partial wake time should not be any more than about 1 minute per hour of system uptime. For example, if your phone has only been on for 10 minuets, and 'Android System' has a partial wake time of 2 minutes, you have a problem.
Found more info here.
This is great info, according to Spare Parts and your info, I have a severe problem. I have just killed DRM
The update went through automatically Sat night, battery has dived at least
50%. Reboot at that time.
Battery History
Total in all Time Since Reboot (2 days)
Running 30.5% 99.7
Screen On 16.7 18.3
I see the problem, don't know if DRM dead will fix, is there anything else I can do?
I am rooted (or at least I was, I stayed stock and added Wireless Tether, it is broken). So not happy there either.
I will charge and check this tomorrow to see what changes or if there are any other suggestions.
Thetwo apps running none stop are I! Agent Service in Android System and GTalkService in Goggle, using over 10 mb ram
Other usage is still almost 100%, Screen time has gone down, but Wifi On is same as Running and I have it turned off every which way I can find as with nothing showing on top bar.
Partial Wakelock: Andoid System is on 113 hrs of25 since boot.

[Q] Battery life makes me cry

(I'll preface this by saying that I am well aware there have been a million threads about this, I'm sure, and I'm even more sure that there will be a million more. And I have searched, and searched, and searched some more, and I still feel the need to post this question. Flame me if you want. I'll use the flames to heat up some tea, or something.)
I bought my phone last Thursday, it got lit with service Friday. I went over the weekend and into Sunday with stock ROM/kernel, and decided to mix things up by rooting my phone and using the MixUp kernel to see if I could get better battery life.. and it didn't work too well. I mean, life went up a bit, but not noticeably so (maybe twenty or thirty minutes?)
After that, I flashed Syndicate, which had Xtreme Kernel. I calibrated the battery as instructed inside of Clockwork and went with it for Tuesday.. took it off the charger at 8:00 and it died around 4:00. Kept the same kernel and flashed Epic Experience and the attached JuicePlotter shot is where I am at right now.
My usage today has been light browsing and that's basically it. I've got the processor underclocked to 600 with SetCPU, and JuiceDefender and Superpower have been preventing any data from going on when my screen is off, and for the last two hours I've been listening to MP3s using the in-built music player.
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery, even with BT and WiFi etc. I'm aware that each phone is different and all that, but still.
All that said, is there a problem with my phone/battery, is this par for the course with the Epic, or should I just stop whining?
Thanks in advance for any help/insight.
A couple of things...get a task killer app so that you can kill the drm process which eats up a ton of battery, calibraing your battery takes 2 or 3 times going from full charge to zero and also, since its a new phone it takes charging to full and letting it get down to complete zero a few times before you will see better battery life no matter what else you do
Edit: oh and also definitely do the airplane mode toggle as well
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
storytobetold said:
(I'll preface this by saying that I am well aware there have been a million threads about this, I'm sure, and I'm even more sure that there will be a million more. And I have searched, and searched, and searched some more, and I still feel the need to post this question. Flame me if you want. I'll use the flames to heat up some tea, or something.)
I bought my phone last Thursday, it got lit with service Friday. I went over the weekend and into Sunday with stock ROM/kernel, and decided to mix things up by rooting my phone and using the MixUp kernel to see if I could get better battery life.. and it didn't work too well. I mean, life went up a bit, but not noticeably so (maybe twenty or thirty minutes?)
After that, I flashed Syndicate, which had Xtreme Kernel. I calibrated the battery as instructed inside of Clockwork and went with it for Tuesday.. took it off the charger at 8:00 and it died around 4:00. Kept the same kernel and flashed Epic Experience and the attached JuicePlotter shot is where I am at right now.
My usage today has been light browsing and that's basically it. I've got the processor underclocked to 600 with SetCPU, and JuiceDefender and Superpower have been preventing any data from going on when my screen is off, and for the last two hours I've been listening to MP3s using the in-built music player.
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery, even with BT and WiFi etc. I'm aware that each phone is different and all that, but still.
All that said, is there a problem with my phone/battery, is this par for the course with the Epic, or should I just stop whining?
Thanks in advance for any help/insight.
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Also, for each new Kernel you flash, you have to calibrate the battery.
Charge it to full, boot off, boot up in Clockwork, go to Advanced and Clear Battery stats. Reboot the phone, use it until it runs dead and shuts off, than plug it back in and charge it to full with the phone on.
Every time you flash a new kernel, you have to do that process so the battery calibrates to that certain kernel.
Also, try Baked Snack, it gets the best battery life for 2.1 ROMs.
Download Bakedsnack1.6 and Step 2.
Make a backup.
Wipe data/cache
Install 1.6
Boot the phone up
Reboot into clockwork
Install Step 2
Boot the phone up.
I have to have a car charger if I go anywhere. This phone dies so fast with normal usage. Do anything crazy like turn features on, surf the web, or increase brightness, and I am lucky to get 2 hours. I have multiple batteries, both have the same result.
Muckrak3r said:
I have to have a car charger if I go anywhere. This phone dies so fast with normal usage. Do anything crazy like turn features on, surf the web, or increase brightness, and I am lucky to get 2 hours. I have multiple batteries, both have the same result.
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2 Hours..? Whaaaaa? Lol.
When I calibrate my battery, I turn EVERYTHING on, screen brightness all the way up, Pandora running, every widget I can fit on my screens set to update at their quickest setting, screen set to 30min (Though I never let it shut off). Bluetooth, GPS, 4G running (I don't have 4G here, so it just keeps searching, which drains it more than if it was connected). And running the Maps Live wall paper to use GPS.
When I do all that, I can't get it to even die under 4 hours.
Hopefully you were exaggerating with saying 2 hours lol.
Thank you guys for replying!
Sh0wNuF: I killed the DRM service today and used ATK to kill errant processes throughout the day today to no avail. I also used the airplane mode toggle to try to limit my time without a signal.
SemiGamer: Thank you! I did do the clockwork step as I said in my first post, but I will try to install BakedSnack and get back to you guys as to the battery life.
From the looks of that juiceplotter graph, your data is constantly on and destroying your battery. What is the point of having juicedefender if the data is constantly on?
If you set up the phone properly, and there are a MILLION threads on this which state a MILLION times to disable DRM and toggle airplane mode as a mere baseline beginning, you should lose at most 1% an hour when the phone is idle without a data connection and the screen off.
Now it looks like you probably have the data on constantly with emails rolling in, facebook auto updating every 5 minutes, weather checking every half hour and other things that are just destroying your battery life. If you need your phone to do all that nonsense, then you will be crying for the rest of the time you have it.
muyoso said:
From the looks of that juiceplotter graph, your data is constantly on and destroying your battery. What is the point of having juicedefender if the data is constantly on?
If you set up the phone properly, and there are a MILLION threads on this which state a MILLION times to disable DRM and toggle airplane mode as a mere baseline beginning, you should lose at most 1% an hour when the phone is idle without a data connection and the screen off.
Now it looks like you probably have the data on constantly with emails rolling in, facebook auto updating every 5 minutes, weather checking every half hour and other things that are just destroying your battery life. If you need your phone to do all that nonsense, then you will be crying for the rest of the time you have it.
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Thank you for your reply, but as I said in my first post, I was using both JuiceDefender and Superpower to make sure data was off in the background, and as I said in my most recent post, I did disable the OmaDrm service as well as enable/disable Airplane Mode to lower my TWS.
storytobetold said:
Thank you for your reply, but as I said in my first post, I was using both JuiceDefender and Superpower to make sure data was off in the background, and as I said in my most recent post, I did disable the OmaDrm service as well as enable/disable Airplane Mode to lower my TWS.
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Thats fine, but your data aint off. Look at that graph you posted. Every little blip is either data being accessed or the screen turning on. The line should be smooth if there is no data and no screen on.
So there are two options, either you are constantly using the phone and its the screen killing the battery, or you have juicedefender set up all wrong and its the data killing the battery.
If I remember correctly, any spike below the line is data, either wifi or 3g and any spike above the line is the screen turned on. So from the looks of it your data is literally never turning off and you are checking the phone and turning the screen on and off pretty frequently.
What are your settings in juicedefender?
muyoso said:
Thats fine, but your data aint off. Look at that graph you posted. Every little blip is either data being accessed or the screen turning on. The line should be smooth if there is no data and no screen on.
So there are two options, either you are constantly using the phone and its the screen killing the battery, or you have juicedefender set up all wrong and its the data killing the battery.
If I remember correctly, any spike below the line is data, either wifi or 3g and any spike above the line is the screen turned on. So from the looks of it your data is literally never turning off and you are checking the phone and turning the screen on and off pretty frequently.
What are your settings in juicedefender?
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Timeout: Do nothing
Schedule: Enable Data for 1m every 15m
Night: Keep Data/Wifi disabled 2am>5am
Battery: Keep Data/WiFi disabled while below 15%
Traffic: Leave Data/Wifi enabled while >50KB/15s
Peak: Do nothing
Apps: Do nothing
Screen: Leave Data enabled while screen unlocked
Location: Do nothing
I have almost identical batter results as you. I do use the phone fairly often to send messages but the screen brightness is all the way down and I use set cpu on the froyo beta leak. I reset battery stats and also (perhaps you could look into this too) checked spare parts for any rogue programs. Does yours say the screen takes up most of your battery even if you barely use it?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
storytobetold said:
Timeout: Do nothing
Schedule: Enable Data for 1m every 15m
Night: Keep Data/Wifi disabled 2am>5am
Battery: Keep Data/WiFi disabled while below 15%
Traffic: Leave Data/Wifi enabled while >50KB/15s
Peak: Do nothing
Apps: Do nothing
Screen: Leave Data enabled while screen unlocked
Location: Do nothing
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I would up the Schedule to less often and turn off the traffic toggle. Also, I wouldn't doubt that your phone is never going to sleep. If you have spare parts check the Battery History. If you listen to music with the phone, the service started by the music player, CorePlayerService, keeps the phone awake constantly for me. I ended up making a simple kill music widget using tasker to fix this issue.
I bought a wildly overpriced Samsung stand/battery charger from Amazon. My wife & I each start the day with a charged Epic and a spare battery. No worries
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Used BS 1.6 w/ step2 kernel today. MUCH better battery life but my phone was acting just a bit wacky (locked up and required batt. pull twice or three times)
Not the biggest fan of the aesthetics of the ROM.. but I'll live.
storytobetold said:
Used BS 1.6 w/ step2 kernel today. MUCH better battery life but my phone was acting just a bit wacky (locked up and required batt. pull twice or three times)
Not the biggest fan of the aesthetics of the ROM.. but I'll live.
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When you say much better battery life exactly how much? My battery dropped 20% today while not being used and Display was still at 60% (I turned the alarm off twice). I'm running the Quantum ROM which could have something to do with it but the battery is horrible for me. I can't get more than 8 hours and that's if i barely use it. I have spare parts and no apps are partially waking it. Just Wifi and sync. No GPS, brightness all the way down. The main thing that bothers me is that display is always #1 even if i don't use the phone at all. Any thoughts?
I've ran both Quantum and Viper Froyo roms and aside from making my phone hot enough to fry eggs, the battery life was not good.
As far as battery life goes, I'll start with the obvious stuff.
1. Turn off GPS, Bluetooth and 4G. 4G is a complete power whore.
2. As for wifi, turn it off unless you are in a bad coverage area for cell data. If you are connect to wifi and set Spare Parts to never let wifi sleep.
3. For DRM there are 3 files you need to remove that will prevent it from running / reinstalling and they are DrmProvider.apk, DrmUA.apk, and SisoDrmProvider.apk.
4. Toggle airplane mode every single time you reboot without fail.
For a true test of whether your phone simply needs to be returned as "defective" you should wipe the device, dont setup a google account and let it run for a day after executing steps 1-4 above. It would be best to an apk for Spare Parts and SDX Stock App Remover on your microSD that could be installed using My Files. If you still have problems take the phone back to sprint (after restoring it to factory of course) and tell them it is defective.
storytobetold said:
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery,
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Camera on the EVO made me cry, so bad i switched to the Epic, I deal with the battery buy purchasing 2 batteries and a charger on ebay for $9. now I have three batteries. I had like 4 batteries for the EVO
MLHickey said:
When you say much better battery life exactly how much? My battery dropped 20% today while not being used and Display was still at 60% (I turned the alarm off twice). I'm running the Quantum ROM which could have something to do with it but the battery is horrible for me. I can't get more than 8 hours and that's if i barely use it. I have spare parts and no apps are partially waking it. Just Wifi and sync. No GPS, brightness all the way down. The main thing that bothers me is that display is always #1 even if i don't use the phone at all. Any thoughts?
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Here's a JuicePlotter graph from today for comparison from my original one yesterday.
I still wonder if it wasn't going to sleep because of PowerAMP and I didn't underclock today like I did yesterday.
There are a few other physical issues with my phone (slider seems a bit loose compared to my other phones: if I swipe with slider closed with a bit more pressure than usual, I can feel the screen move up and down; screen seems to slightly come up a bit when phone's tilted a bit, taps make you feel the screen go back down) that also made me want to consider exchanging it on top of the battery issue but if I'm getting good battery life I don't think I'll mess with what works, unless anything gets worse.

