[Q] Help to craft a '.config' file for building kernel module? - Droid 2 General

I need some help to figure our how to obtain, craft, or otherwise hack a '.config' file for the Droid 2. My aim is to hack together a toolchain for building kernel modules for the Droid 2. However, I am stuck at the stage of needed to hack together a functional '.config. for the D2.
The following points I have followed up on but hit a deadend each time. Please take a look and comment about your best practices or where I should look next.
1.) I have seen on other forum pages that most phones you can download the .config file directly off the phone from somewhere like '/proc/config.gz'. However, the Droid 2 does not seem to have this.
2.) I have also seen that you can obtain the '.config' file from the gpl sources from phones like the Droid X. However, this too is a bust as I can not find the gpl sources for the Droid 2.
3.) I have also seen mention of a make script called, 'mapphone_defconfig'. Mentions about this have indicated that it should help to generate a stock .config that is geared for Android in general. However, I can not find specifics about it nor where to download / find it in the AOSP repo.


Need a few devs to help with linux on Excalibur project.

Hi I am working on a project based on linwizards kernel, basicly converting it completely to run on an excalibur. Right now all we have done is rebuilt the kernel with proper screen timings and demensions, as well as a semi working keymap.
So basicly we have a terminal, and x but we cant use x yet since linwizard was created with touchscreen in mind, and the excalibur has no touch screen.
So anyone with this kind of development experience (linux, some c, compiling, custom toolchains, etc.. might help to have an excalibur) Please respond here if interested, and thanks.
More info on project located here:

Cross-compiling, what am i doing wrong

as the title indicates I am having trouble cross-compiling. hello world compiles perfectly but bigger programs just wont give in..
I downloaded the android source from git and compiled just the way the website (http://source.android.com/download) says you should (is there anyway to verify that its compiled correctly?)
Then I use the agcc python script(http://plausible.org/andy/agcc) for the linking but when i compile i always get trouble about it not being able to find certain defined fields or other types. So basicly i followed the second part of what this wiki says (eventough using a toolchain from codesourcery for example and cc staticly. It also fails...)
What im really asking is how and what do you guys use to cross-compile to android?
Richard_Xeli said:
as the title indicates I am having trouble cross-compiling. hello world compiles perfectly but bigger programs just wont give in..
I downloaded the android source from git and compiled just the way the website (http://source.android.com/download) says you should (is there anyway to verify that its compiled correctly?)
Then I use the agcc python script(http://plausible.org/andy/agcc) for the linking but when i compile i always get trouble about it not being able to find certain defined fields or other types. So basicly i followed the second part of what this wiki says (eventough using a toolchain from codesourcery for example and cc staticly. It also fails...)
What im really asking is how and what do you guys use to cross-compile to android?
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i am having problems with the linker too! i am using the NDK (because it actually does C / C++ code) and the code compiles with very few warnings on some instructions but works well otherwise, it just WOULD NOT LINK the stuff together!! one interesting setting i noticed in some public makefiles for the NDK i noticed is that they actually set the linker to /system/bin/linker, which is obviously a file on the target device. but i don't know how it would access it? any ideas?
BTW: post your error(s) please
Try this
The system won't let me post a link (as a new user), however there is a really good tutorial on native android development and debugging using the AOSP build system. Search on Aton International Incorporated and click on blogs in the menubar. I am in no way associated with the company, just happy to finally be able to cross-compile, link and debug for android.
Maybe someone who has more posts could post a link here.

Making ROMs

So this is combination question/idea.
I have been reading around and it seems to me that most ROMs are made mostly just by taking existing ROMs (often taking the stock one) and editing the installed applications. This is what Kitchens do - right?
When we want to theme things we have to go through and manually edit all sorts of images, resources, compiled xml files, etc.
That all being said why don't people ever just take the source from google (android is open source) and just modify the source to their liking and compile their own ROM? Do people already do this? Wouldn't this making theming a lot easier by just replacing the files before it is all compiled together?
Why don't we just compile a version that lets you theme most things pretty easily - make large parts of the UI skinnable and then people don't have to spend so much time hacking xml files?
Again, this all may be completely wrong and I apologize for wasting your time for reading this if it is...
Just wondering if there is an easier way to do what we are doing
you should do some research on the Cyanogen mod and Android open source project (AOSP)
you're on the right track with where you're going with this, but it's already been done. most ROMs ARE in fact modified versions of 2.1 with edited image files, added applications and such and that's really all we can do, until now at least. some of our devs are working on porting ROMs based off of the Cyanogen mod, which is based off of AOSP.
someone please correct me if I'M wrong =)
I've found the following links to be really helpful:
1) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=622916 - compiling Hero kernel & AOSP from source
2) http://blog.coralic.nl/2010/01/28/build-eclair-aka-android-2-1-for-hero-from-source/ - blog entry that #1 was based off of
3) http://forum.androidcentral.com/htc...how-build-your-own-kernel-package-source.html - sort of the same thing again, but it's good to read different takes on things like this
4) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=633246 - very good kitchen
I could be wrong, but the Google source code will be rather "generic" or all-encompassing. It will (or should) work for ALL Android hardware devices. Problem with that is that it's not optimized for a specific piece of hardware. Same logic applies with compiling your own kernel in Linux. Linux includes hardware support for thousands and thousands of pieces of hardware (and some obscure sh*t at that). Granted, it's not loaded into memory but the code is still in there. When people compile there own kernel, they only include drivers for their video card, their IDE/SATA controllers, their CPU, and so on.
When people start with an ERIS ROM or HERO ROM from HTC, I have to presume that HTC has already stripped out the non-applicable stuff. It's a much cleaner slate to start from.
gnarlyc said:
I've found the following links to be really helpful:
1) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=622916 - compiling Hero kernel & AOSP from source
2) http://blog.coralic.nl/2010/01/28/build-eclair-aka-android-2-1-for-hero-from-source/ - blog entry that #1 was based off of
3) http://forum.androidcentral.com/htc...how-build-your-own-kernel-package-source.html - sort of the same thing again, but it's good to read different takes on things like this
4) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=633246 - very good kitchen
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Funny you mention that, I just installed an Ubuntu VM so that I could check out the source and start playing around... see what there is to see

[Q] Modifying ROM .zip's

So I've found myself re-installing the Syndicate ROM several times in the last few days. Been fooling with things a lot, getting edumacated. My question is, I would like to include the Syndicate theme add-on (with battery %) in the ROM to begin with. In other words, I don't want to have to flash the stock Syndicate ROM, and then have to flash the theme separately.
I unzipped both the stock ROM and the theme and it seems to me all I would have to do for this to work is just write over the applicable stock ROM files with the ones from the add-on theme, re-zip the files, put on SD card, etc.
Would this work?
Also, if I wanted to remove say the ES File Explorer from the stock ROM and maybe replace the YouTube app with 1.6.19 and then re-zip, etc. Would that work as well?
this is reposted from jairomeo in nexus forums but this helped get me started:
[THEME] The Ultimate Android Themeing Guide - Updated 4/26
Since we know information for creating themes is spread out all over the place and sometimes hard to follow and understand, I have started compiling a guide using the information spread throughout XDA and other forums. Hopefully this can become a Sticky
I've sent this out to a few new themers and such and they have found the parts that are complete very helpful.
Initially I wanted to wait until it was complete before posting it anywhere, but I've hit a wall on being able to put my thoughts together. I am kind of busy and stressed out with work, therefore I am putting up this way users can review and other themers and maybe start compiling some of the missing information. I also hope for non themers to give feedback or post questions and ideas can be added and maybe get my creative juices flowing again.
The guide is a collaboration of information from many themers/users. I am making sure to provide credit for all individuals writings. I am writing it in word, but posted it in Google Docs to all can view.
If you are going to link to this, please link back to this thread and not the document, this way we can keep the conversation in one spot and work together as a community, to have a document that isn't tool and utility based, but one that teaches people how to edit themselves, and teach with potential of finding more things we can control.
I will update the copy on Google Docs until it's completion.
Link to the guide:
The Ultimate Themeing Guide
Soon additions (red have been added):
Add smail edit for Gmail LED by brtioso http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...00#post6165700
Add a section on signing update.zip files
Suggestion from Stericson, include the write up explaining the detail of the xml's and what 0800001C means.
Add link for AXMLPrinter GUI http://android.modaco.com/content/t-.../#entry1217176 as recommended by deanesn
Add information from MontAlbert on un'odexing,
Add information to be able to theme market apps from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=503007
Add zipalign information
Add 08 00 00 1D code and xml from amac25, time to start researching where else this is and what it does
Create a reference table listing the stock apps, and the xml's known to edit inside
Look at http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?k...3ci5_oxwQ4mGrg and see what needs to be modified/added and add to the document
Add Ted417's tip on editing indexed images, would have helped me if he told me this a long time ago, stingy bastard
Possibly add Ted's signing tool http://alldroid.org/threads/16103-Se...ghlight=Ted417
Add in some of the information from http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...04#post3385304
Add Beyond Compare as a software tool to get started with (recommended by bgill)
Add http://markcarson.com/markcarson/ColorCalc.html or another site that does color conversion codes
I'll add to the to do as things come in. If you want to ask questions or faster feedback, follow me on Twitter.
Since Google Docs screwed up some formatting, I am also putting the current copy in PDF on my site
The document in not complete so PLEASE don't distribute yet or put in other places. Wait until it's finished. I don't want copies floating around everywhere, if I see that, I will pull the PDF
http://www.jbthemes.com/AndroidTheme...ng Guide.pdf
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How to build and add device drivers to the ramdisk

Ok. I have a question about building my own ROM from source, and wonder if I am in the right forum. On one hand, this is somewhat of a development question, and on the other hand it is too basic to go to the developer forums. So what should I do? And please do not ask why I am doing this. I already know there are ready made ROMs with every feature functionality my heart desires. I have a specific goal, and appreciate any help you can give me.
So my question is I am able to flash my phone with with the image I built, and hear the sound associated with Sprint products. I do not see anything on the screen. I think this has to do with a module missing. I have been able to only build one module, and that is the scsi. Does anyone know how I can build the rest of the modules I need? And once I built them which folder within the ramdisk I should place the modules. One of the procedures I read instructed to put the files in ramdisk/lib/modules. But my ramdisk does not have this directory. Is it ok to just create the directory? I ask since this may be platform dependent? I am not sure.

