I recently ordered a Dell Streak and a Rebel Simcard. However, I just got the unlock code today. So if anyone wants the Rebel Sim they can have it. All I ask is you pay for the shipping. I can have it shipped where ever you like.
Let me know.
i want it, how much would it cost to chile
i´ll pay the shipping.
I would love the rebel sim. How much for shipping to NJ?
Hey everyone, it sounds like ale922 is going to take it. Just waiting for him to get back to me.
If you post to Chile, will it be 'warmly' received, or will it get a 'cool' reception
thanks homeiss, i sent you a PM, i´ll send the money as soon as posible
This o2 Exec is 2 days old and in mint condition all manuals accessories packaging included.
Reason for selling is I just do not think this is for me, Suit more of a professional business person or someone who just wants to show off.
The phone is not on Contract and reciept of purchase which is needed for the 2 years warranty will be included.
These are going on Ebay for £400 - £500+
I will sell mine for £400 which will included next day special delivery to anyone here at forum.xda-developers.com
I am paypal verified with a score of over 400+
You can pay by paypal with any credit card wich will include payment protection. I will also accept cheque.
Anyone in the Nottingham area of the UK can come in person to pay and pick the Exec up.
This will be on Ebay at about 8pm so if you want this, you have until the first bidder makes there bid when I advertise it on Ebay.
how about a mda compact anf £150 cash?
Sorry r4je5h but I think I will go back to the standard phone.
Don't think the PDA style is for me.
Oh man... I just brought one on eBay for 565 pounds a few hours ago If only you had post sooner :|
if he^^^ just brought 1 for £565 ur betta off sellin it on ebay
I know I can get so much more from Ebay, But thought to save the hastle I would offer it on here first for a few hours while I make the advert out.
Sorry CL55,
Have you already paid?
Can you ship to USA ? Is unlock ? I can pay paypal
Yeah, I paid already... I want to kill myself now LOL
CL55 said:
I want to kill myself now
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Huh, what's wrong with that if you are in UK
Hi, mwang
It's yours if you want it.
I would suggest posting via fedex airmail though for security.
You would have to cover the cost of this.
I have tried O2, T-mobile and Vodaphone on the unit so is unlocked.
I do not know if USA sims are any different!
Hi, mwang
It's yours if you want it.
I would suggest posting via fedex airmail though for security.
You would have to cover the cost of this.
I have tried O2, T-mobile and Vodaphone on the unit so is unlocked.
I do not know if USA sims are any different!
ukmdb said:
Hi, mwang
It's yours if you want it.
I would suggest posting via fedex airmail though for security.
You would have to cover the cost of this.
I have tried O2, T-mobile and Vodaphone on the unit so is unlocked.
I do not know if USA sims are any different!
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OK , send invoice via Paypal to [email protected]
Paypal invoice sent m8.
ukmdb said:
Paypal invoice sent m8.
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Anyone else interested in a new XDA EXEC ??
I got mine a week ago and i played enough now to be happy with windows mobile 5...im thinking of selling it if anyone is interested?
Contact [email protected]
mesenger : [email protected]
I have an O2 Exec // JASJAR for Sale if anyone is interested...
I'm after a Quick Sale and i will Ship Internationally ..
Payment Accepted Via Paypal.
E-mail me @ [email protected]
Brand New. Unopened, Still sealed, Unlocked O2 Exec
Looking for around £550 for it!
I have 2. First come First Serves
msn: [email protected]
E-mail : [email protected]
mwang said:
ukmdb said:
Paypal invoice sent m8.
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Dude, do let us know, if your sim worked out fine in the Exec. I.e it's totally unlocked. It seems some people are having an issue with locked Execs. Almost appears randon.
hey i saw this and i thought there was a Exec for sale but by the time i got to the bottom i've gotton confused and now not sure if there are any execs left for sale? if so can some 1 post me a pm and tell me how much u'l be selling it for?? thanks mates!!
monakh said:
mwang said:
ukmdb said:
Paypal invoice sent m8.
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Dude, do let us know, if your sim worked out fine in the Exec. I.e it's totally unlocked. It seems some people are having an issue with locked Execs. Almost appears randon.
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I got this Exec was total unlock and used T-mobile in NYC .
Please help me out, will you?I am thinking of getting an XDA executive tomorrow but not online.. I am thinking of taking it from coventry or from victoria station, london.. Do you think that it is going to be locked if it is bought from coventry?moreover when you mean unlocked you mean that i can use any sim card in the world?any locar network provider from every country?please I would be grateful if you reply.!!thanks!!!
Are you crazy? never buy an XDA from Coventry, they are all locked and will only work with Sim cards from Angola.
George, it's not nice to scare people like this....
AS, Just take the sim-card you will want to use with it and try it out before you buy it. if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't....words of a famous dutch footballer....
George, there's a really good O2 shop near Victoria, I think it is on Victoria St and the tel is 020 79318145 and ask for Jeff or Kevin
Getting the Exec direct from O2's own on line store seems to be the cheapest way, I am on 1000 Xnet mins, anytime + 150 texts every month for only £35 per month !!! the phone only cost £140. the 1000 mins a month +150 texts deal is not a special offer either, it is for the entire life of the contract !!!!
PS mine came unlocked but this was when they first came out !!!
but if you want bundled data I would look to t-mobile 'web and w*nk' tariffs
as400 said:
Are you crazy? never buy an XDA from Coventry, they are all locked and will only work with Sim cards from Angola.
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you gotta be kidding me. have u had first hand experience of the exec being locked?
does anyone have any T-Mobile stores near them that they know have stock of this phone. Everytime I ring T-mobile direct for an upgrade they have none but have some for new connections. But some stores have stock where I can go and get an upgrade.
I am based near White city in London.
If anyone could help me with getting hold of one of this fantastic devices everyone is going on about.
Does it have to be from T-Mobile?
You can get one SIM-free from these guys - they have a shop just off Tottenham Court Road.
Yes as I don't really want to spend that sort of cahs for sim free as I only have to pay £50 for my upgrade from T-mobile on a £25 month tariff.
I could also get the phone sim free and wiat for the upgrade and then sell one to make up the cost of sim free.
I will give T-mobile until the end of the day as some of their stores are getting them in this afternoon. Lets see what happens.
Inkino is quite good
I got mine from Inkino guys and they are quite good with the service and friendly.
ersinerk said:
I got mine from Inkino guys and they are quite good with the service and friendly.
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Samr here...I bought last year Touch HD and this year HD2 in Inkino and they have wery good service and good prices...highly recommended
Shasarak said:
Does it have to be from T-Mobile?
You can get one SIM-free from these guys - they have a shop just off Tottenham Court Road.
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Thanks for the advice, I just ogt it and hooked it up. It is very good and glad I got it. I will still upgrade on my t-mobile contract adn sell it on. Any takers for that opne let me know in the London Area. I am happy to flog it off for £350.0 once I get it from T-Mobile.
By the way ?I got the one today from the llink here at the shop in TCR unlocked Sim Free.
i wanted to buy the dell streak today nline. I am from chile and wanted to order it from dell.com. it ask for a USA shipping address which i don´t have, i entered my mothers address from tennessee and tried paying with paypal and again i couldn´t because the paypal account is from chile. How can i Buyt the phone?!
I am no looking at dell streaks in ebay but i´m not sure if they will be ok.
What should i do?
I was in the same predicament. I live in Canada and didn't have a credit card with an american address, so I went the Ebay route. I was trying to avoid it at all costs but it worked out in the end, and I'm enjoying my Streak.
good to hear that, i just ordered one from ebay also, it said its unopened, sealed box. Although it´s not unlocked, i´ll try to get the unlock code from at&t and if that doesn´t work i´ll get a rebel sim
was gunna say i bet you could pay somebody else to order it for you and ship it to Tennessee but i see youve already ordered one...
I'm about to order one online too, I'm in the US so dell.com is ok, especially since they have a "Get a $100 gift card with the purchase of a Streak" (you can't use it right away though so it's not very convenient for the car/home dock)...
What I don't like is the "For use on AT&T network only" - makes no sense they should sell a locked version with no plan for $549.99! Has anyone bought one like that and they got an unlock code from AT&T ?
the one i got from ebay was locked to at&t aslo, as soon as i got it i called at&t and told them i had a dell dtreak and needed the unlock code, the rep asked for my imei and 30 seconds laer gave my unlock code. the whole call didn´t last more than 5 minutes.
That's nice, are you an AT&T customer? Someone said you had to have an account with them "in good standing".
If anyone knows about the restocking fees from Dell on a Streak I'd be interested, in case I order it and don't like it ;-)
no, im not an AT6T customer. I live in Chile and told them that also when i called.
I was thinking of having my uncle buy me an unlocked Samsung Focus in USA and bringing it to me in Norway.
I've noticed many people having problems getting the Focus without a contract, but it looks to me that you can buy one from AmazonWireless without one if you click "Phone only (no service)"? Or am I wrong?
Any other things that I should be aware of before buying the phone?
Espentf said:
I was thinking of having my uncle buy me an unlocked Samsung Focus in USA and bringing it to me in Norway.
I've noticed many people having problems getting the Focus without a contract, but it looks to me that you can buy one from AmazonWireless without one if you click "Phone only (no service)"? Or am I wrong?
Any other things that I should be aware of before buying the phone?
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well, i bought mine there, but your billing address must be on US (i just put the shipping address on the billing address,the only legit data was my CC and expiration date)
it worked, but i shipped it to an US address. i dont have confirmation from my friend yet, but i got charged and the package tracking says its delivered.
i hope it helps
Great, thanks for the answer.
My uncle lives in Seattle, so I can probably just use his adress.
My plan was to get the phone shipped to him so I would bypass all the stupid taxes and fees you need to pay to import stuff to norway
So basicly, I just need my uncle's adress, and I'm good to go?
Anything else I should worry about?
The contract-free phone is locked to AT&T so you still need to get it unlocked.
Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
djca said:
The contract-free phone is locked to AT&T so you still need to get it unlocked.
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Alright. Is this a simple process?
I've ordered an unlocked one from eBay instead. Was about 100USD more expensive, but that only brings it to around 150USD LESS than what I'd have to expect to pay for a similar phone in Norway
ill buy the unlock on ebay, but i need my phone imei first.
Bought mine online from amazon. Shipped it someone in US who was on holiday their at their relative's house. They brought it over to NZ when they finished their holiday in US.
Gave the IMEI no of the locked focus to nckzone on ebay and he gave me an unlock code. Working fine.
btw used a visa debit card on amazon which does not cares about the billing address crap.