[q] download mode and recovery for the tab - Galaxy Tab General

Any suggestion on how to?
I'm on a jh8 and saw a couple of more recent build around.
No kies support for the tab so only way I think is the old sweet odin , but at the moment I still can't find a way to put the little (NO, NOT REALLY LITTLE) beast in download mode.

And how did you get your tab ? Mind sharing ?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

what ifff???
Kool what about if for some reason I rename the wrong file start the phone on recovery mode and hit reinstall package? (galaxy S).
Did the right when rooting my nexus Sorry

aefelix said:
Any suggestion on how to?
I'm on a jh8 and saw a couple of more recent build around.
No kies support for the tab so only way I think is the old sweet odin , but at the moment I still can't find a way to put the little (NO, NOT REALLY LITTLE) beast in download mode.
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The Tab has buttons no ? Volume rocker, home and power ? Maybe a few others ? Don't see why three-button combo would be totally out of the question, but if it'll have that feature we have to wait and see...
However, I second the general feeling of confusion. Do you have an actual Tab ? If so where are you seeing 'new builds' for it ?

LostAlone said:
The Tab has buttons no ? Volume rocker, home and power ? Maybe a few others ? Don't see why three-button combo would be totally out of the question, but if it'll have that feature we have to wait and see...
However, I second the general feeling of confusion. Do you have an actual Tab ? If so where are you seeing 'new builds' for it ?
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Already posted before forum double crash
Yes I've got a developer TAB and yes is on froyo and my build is named jh8.
There are other builds around (downloadable tar ji3,4 and 5), I've downloaded a ji5 and want to try an upgrade.
The TAB has no hardware button except volume and power, home back search an menu are touch enabled buttons that when the tab is powered off are totally unpowered so the three button combo cant be executed.
So, long story short, I need to put the TAB on download mode to proceed to an upgrade via odin(my jhi firm release is a tar file)
Hope I clarified all.

1. You are a lucky man
2. How much free rem does it have for app's ?
3. Maybe there is some other hidden button (is there removable covers ?) / Have u tried holding power + vol up |or| power +vol down . . . . also try while plugged in ?
4. Are you rooted if so "reboot download" via adb will be your answer

Apache14 said:
1. You are a lucky man
2. How much free rem does it have for app's ?
3. Maybe there is some other hidden button (is there removable covers ?) / Have u tried holding power + vol up |or| power +vol down . . . . also try while plugged in ?
4. Are you rooted if so "reboot download" via adb will be your answer
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1. Yes I am
2. 435 mb ram available for app's
3. no removable cover and no hidden buttons , already done the vol up or/and down + power and is a no go. I cant remember If I was connected while trying the combos so I'll give another try in a while and report back.
4. Rooted and now on download mode using adb(but I just noticed that while connected pressing power + vol down enter in download mode.! performing the update...is taking about triple galaxy s time to update via odin...cross my fingers...
update1: updated my tab now boot but with strange behaviours on the screen and after that remains black(on but black), redone the update checking in odin re-partition, no go.
now try another firmware...
no go with any firmware, no recovery mode(neither with adb) only download mode...help needed;(
(i think I'm not so lucky ...sometimes stupid)

Ohh Noes .... send it to me and ill fix lol J/K
Where did u get the F/W from ? did it include a .pit file ? and did u repartition if not u need a .pit for that device and reparttion. . . . Ill look for some fix for you
Glad the Power + Pwr UP + plugged in worked

Apache14 said:
Ohh Noes .... send it to me and ill fix lol J/K
Where did u get the F/W from ? did it include a .pit file ? and did u repartition if not u need a .pit for that device and reparttion. . . . Ill look for some fix for you
Glad the Power + Pwr UP + plugged in worked
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Thanks a lot for your help, I used a pit file included with the firmware(I think is a generic one .803 and causing problems) first time i tried the upgrade i forgot to check repartition, then tried again with repartition checked, no go. Now I cant put it in recovery mode, only download...Help from everyone is greatly apreciated
ps. (I' m receiving another TAB ... your help will be rewarded )

Where did u get the FW from ... PM me and ill see if we can get it running again :-D.
im got an idea about what is happaning but ill keep to myself untill i have more proof ... if im right there hasnt been any long term damage :-D

Apache14 said:
Where did u get the FW from ... PM me and ill see if we can get it running again :-D.
im got an idea about what is happaning but ill keep to myself untill i have more proof ... if im right there hasnt been any long term damage :-D
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Agreed there is probably no real damage. If you can put it in download mode, you can save it.
At the very least you should be able to push the old firmware back on, taken from a second unit, but I don't really have the skills to do that kinda stuff.
GL on getting it working again.

Hi folks, still need your help to revive my TAB. Anyone can manage .pit files? I think the problem resides there...
I've got different firms but no luck, if someone found a .pit file for the tab write 2 lines to inform me.

Hi I have a dev Tab as well with 2.1 eclair on it. I anm trying to update it through kies and odin but no luck.
When the phone is in Download mode on odin it does not recognise the device. It says no device drivers found on wind7.
On Kies it doesn't connect at all and on the screen it says pc coneected.
Is their anyone out there that can help with drivers I think or another way to get the pc to recogniser it to update through lies or odin.

Regarding the USB device drivers for Windows 7 x64...just do an online search on your favorite search engine, you will find a few sources where to download them from (tip: whatever works for the Samsung Galaxy S works for the Tab)


Help me "unbrick" my Galaxy S (I9000NEJG2)

So, I think my phone is a bit bricked at the moment, I have this image of a phone, an exclamation mark, then a computer connected by a row of dots. I can't use links because I'm a new forum member, but you can see an actual picture of this image on the "[STOCK ROM] Odin3 One-Click Downloader" thread by Darkstrider.
I can still get into "download mode" using the keypress and Odin still picks up the device on the COM port.
It had this firmware before I tried flashing it (16Gb model locked to the Three UK network):-
The steps leading up to the bricking:-
I was firstly trying to follow the instructions on Darkstriker's 2nd post from his topic " [REF] BIG FAQ Thread! {Flash/Root HOWTO} {ADB&Tutorials} {T&T} [READ BEFORE POSTING!]"
So I got JG5 firmware from a link on the Modaco forums (from the " 22/Jul r3 (JG5) - MoDaCo Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy S with Online Kitchen" topic, the ROM was hosted on coblitz.codeen.org.
Installed the "usb_drivers_GalaxyS_x64.zip" drivers from the "USB Driver for Galaxy S and Misc Info" (xda forums) topic. Windows XP picked up and used the drivers in the extracted "03_Swallowtail" folder. It added "Samsung Mobile Modem" and "SAMSUNG USB Composite Device" to Device Manager.
So, I did everything on Darkstriker's guide, added the .pit file, chose the "re-partition" option because I was flashing to JG5. The process got stuck on "File analysis..", waited 20-30mins and it didn't move from this status.
Didn't work, so then I tried some different drivers, I googled and found "I9000_USB_driver.rar" on hotfile.
This time Odin got to the "Do not turn off target!!" status and it didn't move for around 20-30mins.
Restarted my computer, detached and reattached the USB cable, I decided to not use the re-partition option and try again, the status got to "factoryfs.rfs", this time the phone display went blank, which didn't happen before, but again it seemed stuck, nothing happened after waiting 20-30mins. So I aborted and closed Odin.
At this point I just wanted to use the phone to make a call when I notice the image/symbol above that I described at the beginning of this post. Help!
What's the best way to fix this? I spent nearly 2-3hrs trying to flash my phone and now it's half dead! I've nearly run out of mental stamina, but will give it a fresh attack today/tomorrow if someone can offer some suggestions.
Was thinking about trying the "fix" on the "[STOCK ROM] Odin3 One-Click Downloader" topic but not sure if it is only for the Captivate.
Hope you guys can help me out
All I wanted to do was to put the "(ROM Galaxy Europe) Doc's StockRomMod V2 (XWJG5)(deoxed) 30/07/10" ROM on my device, and add the JIT compiler and Flash 10.1 player if possible
Go read the guides from the development area.
It's just too easy and you're making it overcomplicated to yourself.
If you have the connect to pc error logo.. remove battery and then proceed.
1. if you installed kies ever, you already have the needed drivers.
2. start odin and select correct files (pit,code,modem,csc in respective order)
3. put phone in download mode (home + volume down + power)(hold long enough)
4. plug it to computer (odin should say "added")
5. press start (in less than 5 mins you phone should restart and go into special mode where it does some magic and reboot again and your done).
My god Buddy, you are right, I was overcomplicating things, I did it in the exact order you said and now I'm getting the progress bar for the first time.
I'm feeling optomistic now! Thanks dude!
It worked! If I was gay I'd kiss you on the lips! Thanks again buddy, it was stupidly simple after all.
Glad your issue is resolved... just feel warm and cosy knowing that its not possible to brick your Galaxy S.
twisted_mind said:
Glad your issue is resolved... just feel warm and cosy knowing that its not possible to brick your Galaxy S.
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Really? I can't get my Captivate to even boot up...........no signs of life.........HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid me: I pulled the USB cable and cancelled a ROM update (that was mid way) with Odin because i realized the SIM and SD card were still in the phone....so i pulled it to remove those and now NOTHING>>>>
Please help, following the instructions and it won't go back into download mode. Is there any other way?
Hello !
Where do i find those files for PIT , PHONE , PDA and CSC ?
i have i9000 galaxy s Problem solved , i already repaired my phone
These forums are for the Samsung Galaxy S i9000, you want to go here...
the galaxy s gt 1900 screen
after a fail at rooten my device my phone keeps hanging on the galaxy s I900 screen for about 20 sec and then it turns it self off and on. He will repeat this until he runs out off juice.
this topic was usefull.. because the hole odin set up worked. But because of the turning off and on he cant complete the hole progress.
can anyone help me?
buddy01 said:
Go read the guides from the development area.
It's just too easy and you're making it overcomplicated to yourself.
If you have the connect to pc error logo.. remove battery and then proceed.
1. if you installed kies ever, you already have the needed drivers.
2. start odin and select correct files (pit,code,modem,csc in respective order)
3. put phone in download mode (home + volume down + power)(hold long enough)
4. plug it to computer (odin should say "added")
5. press start (in less than 5 mins you phone should restart and go into special mode where it does some magic and reboot again and your done).
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I may have bricked mine too. Can anyone tell me where i would be able to get these files please? Thanks in advance!
fieldop said:
I may have bricked mine too. Can anyone tell me where i would be able to get these files please? Thanks in advance!
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913 that has all stock roms.. just choose the one u need and job done !! That is providing you can get into download mode ???
If you cant get into download mode, theres a clever little tool you can make to force the phone into download mode.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=819551
Good luck
azzledazzle said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913 that has all stock roms.. just choose the one u need and job done !! That is providing you can get into download mode ???
If you cant get into download mode, theres a clever little tool you can make to force the phone into download mode.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=819551
Good luck
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Thanks soo much!! Done it! =)
Hi, i have semi bricked my galaxy s which is from the african region, but purchased in dubai. i've managed to cut open a micro usb jack and i can clearly see the pins i need to use, my question is, does the resistor value have to be exactly 301k or it can vary up or down slightly. also instead of using 3 100k resistors can i add up other values as well to make it close to 301k? sorry im noob at this stuff atm but i find such hacking very intriguing. also when i tried it with the resistors that add up to 300k, i join them to pins 4 and 5 with the phone switched off, after 5 seconds it shows the same thing 'phone ! pc'. by which i know all hope is not lost yet.
6stringster said:
Hi, i have semi bricked my galaxy s which is from the african region, but purchased in dubai. i've managed to cut open a micro usb jack and i can clearly see the pins i need to use, my question is, does the resistor value have to be exactly 301k or it can vary up or down slightly. also instead of using 3 100k resistors can i add up other values as well to make it close to 301k? sorry im noob at this stuff atm but i find such hacking very intriguing. also when i tried it with the resistors that add up to 300k, i join them to pins 4 and 5 with the phone switched off, after 5 seconds it shows the same thing 'phone ! pc'. by which i know all hope is not lost yet.
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I did 300k and it worked. 3 x 100k ohm resitors.
Solder just one pin and leave one pin loose.
Connect that micro usb when phone is shut down.
Touch with that loose end to that pin which you did not solder. 4 or 5.
Keep it pressed until phone goes to the download mode.
You can try my jm8 guide.
Section B is for flashing stock 2.1, to get a fresh clean install.

help needed destroyed loader:(

hello felow galaxy users
i have a galaxy s and i tried to flash darky 9.1 rom on it
when i whas in bootloader i saw i had 3e recovery so i went on google to search on how to get back to 2e recovery
i found a file made by chainfire wich should arrange it treu odin
now when i connect the phone odin detects it and i can start but it always stays on seting up connection
now when i want to turn on the phone it gives a screen where i see a picture i need to hang the phone on the computer but it doesnt boot to the normal home screen anymore
hope some one can help me to get my phone working again
i can come in download mode but not in 3e recovery anymore
please help me as i need my phone work
let odin run for over 20 min without succes always on setup connection
and im using windows 7
go in to download mode and use ODIN??? you know what i mean???
mateusz1990 said:
go in to download mode and use ODIN??? you know what i mean???
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no not quite sure
im trying to use odin now to flash chainfire his root and 2e recovery tar file
but it always stays on setup connection:S
miniterror said:
no not quite sure
im trying to use odin now to flash chainfire his root and 2e recovery tar file
but it always stays on setup connection:S
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I used to love your ROMs for my old Touch HD.. good to see you now have a Galaxy S!
Not so sure from your posts above what method you have tried. When are you trying to connect Odin? You need to be in Download Mode first, fire up Odin, then connect your phone...
Is this what you are doing?
Also, which version of Odin you using? In Win7 you may need to right click and run as administrator?
The best way is to look on the odin how to here in forum
miniterror said:
hello felow galaxy users
i have a galaxy s and i tried to flash darky 9.1 rom on it
when i whas in bootloader i saw i had 3e recovery so i went on google to search on how to get back to 2e recovery
i found a file made by chainfire wich should arrange it treu odin
now when i connect the phone odin detects it and i can start but it always stays on seting up connection
now when i want to turn on the phone it gives a screen where i see a picture i need to hang the phone on the computer but it doesnt boot to the normal home screen anymore
hope some one can help me to get my phone working again
i can come in download mode but not in 3e recovery anymore
please help me as i need my phone work
let odin run for over 20 min without succes always on setup connection
and im using windows 7
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Brother, use Odin3 v1.7 from my signature & see if it detects? A lot of guys have recovered their phones using 1.7. trust me.
pull the battery
wait a few seconds
put the battery back in
hold vol-down + power + home
You should get into download mode
connect the phone physically to the pc
flash a ROM or a kernel or whatever you desire
I wish you good luck^^
Close any kies process running in background and try again
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
krs360 said:
I used to love your ROMs for my old Touch HD.. good to see you now have a Galaxy S!
Not so sure from your posts above what method you have tried. When are you trying to connect Odin? You need to be in Download Mode first, fire up Odin, then connect your phone...
Is this what you are doing?
Also, which version of Odin you using? In Win7 you may need to right click and run as administrator?
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glad you liked my rom
i personally dont have a galaxy
its from a friend
i have a desire hd way more easy to flahs then these samsungs(my brother has a galaxy to)
i have tried several odin versions but all without succes
he method i used is turn phone in downloadmode(says it with big letters on the screen) then start odin and connect the usb cable
odin detects it but never had succes(last attempt i let it run for 237 minutes)
the thing i wnated to flahs is succeded now but still not getting 2e recovery
gonna have to lok a little further on how to put darky his rom on it or you guys recoomend a better one
ragin said:
Brother, use Odin3 v1.7 from my signature & see if it detects? A lot of guys have recovered their phones using 1.7. trust me.
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thanks mate
the first odin that actually succeeded flashing
to bad it still odenst has 2e recovery now or better yet no recovery at all but i can see the galaxy s boot up screen again
theduckking said:
pull the battery
wait a few seconds
put the battery back in
hold vol-down + power + home
You should get into download mode
connect the phone physically to the pc
flash a ROM or a kernel or whatever you desire
I wish you good luck^^
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thanks mate
corgar said:
Close any kies process running in background and try again
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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thanks for the tip
will do that
edit: muchias gracias everybody its working again
you guys saved me alot of money
and i have recovery 2e wich i wnated to flash clockwork update.zip
at least i think it does work again
i hear a bootup sound and i see a animation
will report later as my work break is over
uhhmmmm is it now bricked?
now it doesnt do a thing anymore
when i press buttons for downloadmode nothing happens
when i only press the power button nothing happens
its completley dead now:S
is there anything i can do to force a start to anything
maybe with a software setup on the sd card?
or a script
most devices have a code wich will hot restart the phone to bootloader
read something about a jig you guys think it will work
gonna buy the stuff to make one tomorow
hope it works
miniterror said:
uhhmmmm is it now bricked?
now it doesnt do a thing anymore
when i press buttons for downloadmode nothing happens
when i only press the power button nothing happens
its completley dead now:S
is there anything i can do to force a start to anything
maybe with a software setup on the sd card?
or a script
most devices have a code wich will hot restart the phone to bootloader
read something about a jig you guys think it will work
gonna buy the stuff to make one tomorow
hope it works
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The jig most likely wont work if the phone is completely dead, you could try a hairdryer it seems to work sometimes. Otherwise its back to samsung.
uciu said:
The jig most likely wont work if the phone is completely dead, you could try a hairdryer it seems to work sometimes. Otherwise its back to samsung.
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can you link me to a page with the hairdryertrick?
cant find anything on google about it on how to do it
Maybe you've tried this already but I've had this problem after a bad flash and the phone wouldn't boot up anymore. I just remove the battery and all good again.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
hmmm still no progress yet
i made a rig and even with that it doesnt boot or turn on
also when i put in the charger i dont see a light turning on its charging
wish i could have any form of live in it
I had the same problem, had to send it back but did not test it with a jig. Got one shortly after
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
jaju123 said:
I had the same problem, had to send it back but did not test it with a jig. Got one shortly after
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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thanks for all youre help guys
i didnt have any succes and i gave it back so it can be ruturned to the provider
hope it falls under warranty
did yours fall under warranty or under insurance of youre phone?
If you bricked your phone than pm me i helped many of peoples

Really Bricked my new Galaxy Tab 2 7 inch. I have tried everything :(

Hello, I so hope someone can help. I just updated my galaxy tab 2 7 p113 to Android 4.0.4 UEBLH2. That was done automatically from samsung. I wanted to then install the newest update to 4.1.1 jellybean. So I downloaded it from this link. http://www.trickytweaks.com/update-...ecli4-4-1-1-jelly-bean-ota-test-firmware.html. I put the official Android 4.1.1 UEBLH2 Firmware on my sdcard then held down my power and up volume and installed it. HOWEVER, it never finished installing. Went all the way to the end. Now I HAVE NO USB CONNECTION and NO BOOT UP. Just black Since I dont have usb connection I cant us oden. CAN ANYBODY PLEASE HELP? I still can put files on my micro disk card and then put sd disk in my tab and use the power button up arrow to install something but I tried installing clockwork mod but that did not work. Iam out of ideas. P.S. My tab IS NOT ROOTED. I tried updating back to and original rom 4.04 I download but that did work. Thank you.
I think you need to enter the download mode volume down+power or recovery mode volume up+power to be able to restore the tab
Try multiple times close the tab even with long pressing power then try the button combinations (press both for multiple seconds) and release to see if you could enter any mode
If you reached download mode try flashing stock firmware for your tab specific model 3113 or 3110 or 3100 via odin (install kies and reboot before)
If you reached recovery (stock) then connect with kies and choose recover firmware from kies options (near the word file in top) you should have active internet connection
You could try charging tab even for some hours before trying button cobinations
If not try to return as not rooted so warranty is goood
Sent from Galaxy S2 or Galaxy Tab2
Mohamedselim said:
I think you need to enter the download mode volume down+power or recovery mode volume up+power to be able to restore the tab
Try multiple times close the tab even with long pressing power then try the button combinations (press both for multiple seconds) and release to see if you could enter any mode
If you reached download mode try flashing stock firmware for your tab specific model 3113 or 3110 or 3100 via odin (install kies and reboot before)
If you reached recovery (stock) then connect with kies and choose recover firmware from kies options (near the word file in top) you should have active internet connection
You could try charging tab even for some hours before trying button cobinations
If not try to return as not rooted so warranty is goood
Sent from Galaxy S2 or Galaxy Tab2
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Yup, this should get you going again. If you can get into download mode, you should be okay. That's what Odin needs.
Download mode is volume down plus power. Then volume up
Recovery mode is volume up plus power.
I want to thank both the posters on trying to help me. I did hold down the power and download button and it went in to the download mode. HOWEVER, since I can not access usb it did not do anything. Just kept saying downloading. As I mentioned in my first post I CAN ACCESS MY SD DISK FILES by doing the power up button thing. Thats the only way I can get files on. But the DOWNLOADING down arrow just does not do anything. hmmmmmmm will keep plugging away.
I can not understand how you can not access usb, is it a lacking driver so download kies and reboot and try connect again ,also try a different usb ports (esp the rear of case) of your computer
Was usb working before the problem?
do you have cwm or stock recovery?
If cwm so download cm10 or cm9 from www.teamhacksung.org and put in usb card and flash but do a cash delete and dalvik delete afterwards not for boot loop
If stock so try stock firmware from www.samfirmware.com (register their first) and put in sd card and try to flash
Sent from Galaxy S2 or Galaxy Tab2
growthweb said:
I want to thank both the posters on trying to help me. I did hold down the power and download button and it went in to the download mode. HOWEVER, since I can not access usb it did not do anything. Just kept saying downloading. As I mentioned in my first post I CAN ACCESS MY SD DISK FILES by doing the power up button thing. Thats the only way I can get files on. But the DOWNLOADING down arrow just does not do anything. hmmmmmmm will keep plugging away.
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I think you're misunderstanding download mode. When you get the device in download mode, connect it then to the computer, with Odin open. The only reason Odin wouldn't recognize it would be a driver issue. In that case, do as the previous poster stated. When you're in download mode, you're strictly flashing through Odin. You aren't going to see the device as a storage device on the computer. The only way your computer can interact with it at this point is Odin. Via Odin, flash the proper p3113 firmware file from sammobile/samfirmware (will be a large 600mb+ file). Once that's done, you should then be back to completely stock and healthy recovery and ROM. Reboot tab and see what happens. If it boots, and you still want to update, then make sure you get the correct ota for the base file you just flashed (that is, if you're trying to upgrade to say Jellybean). If you need more help always ask, but you should be fine. If I lived nearby I'd do it for you.
All I can say is unbelievable help here! Thank you. I am spending hours on this (plus a fortune on this new Tab 2 7). After studying up I do now understand how Odin works and how grabbing the correct firmware will do the job. HOWEVER (maybe others come across this huge roadblock) nothing can be done with out usb interaction. I DID DOWNLOAD KIES and installed it. But no matter what I do can not get any storage device listed or anything going on between tab and computer. Only thing my Tab does is when I plug it in to the computer via usb is go in to charging mode with the charging icon showing. Loading Odin does not show any connection. I have tried different computer USB plugins, 3 different computers (all I have loaded Kies on). Iam sooooooo close. If only while in the POWER BUTTON DOWN ARROW DOWNLOAD MODE and running ODIN on my computer there would be a connection I would be home free and able to flash firmware.
dictionary said:
I think you're misunderstanding download mode. When you get the device in download mode, connect it then to the computer, with Odin open. The only reason Odin wouldn't recognize it would be a driver issue. In that case, do as the previous poster stated. When you're in download mode, you're strictly flashing through Odin. You aren't going to see the device as a storage device on the computer. The only way your computer can interact with it at this point is Odin. Via Odin, flash the proper p3113 firmware file from sammobile/samfirmware (will be a large 600mb+ file). Once that's done, you should then be back to completely stock and healthy recovery and ROM. Reboot tab and see what happens. If it boots, and you still want to update, then make sure you get the correct ota for the base file you just flashed (that is, if you're trying to upgrade to say Jellybean). If you need more help always ask, but you should be fine. If I lived nearby I'd do it for you.
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growthweb said:
All I can say is unbelievable help here! Thank you. I am spending hours on this (plus a fortune on this new Tab 2 7). After studying up I do now understand how Odin works and how grabbing the correct firmware will do the job. HOWEVER (maybe others come across this huge roadblock) nothing can be done with out usb interaction. I DID DOWNLOAD KIES and installed it. But no matter what I do can not get any storage device listed or anything going on between tab and computer. Only thing my Tab does is when I plug it in to the computer via usb is go in to charging mode with the charging icon showing. Loading Odin does not show any connection. I have tried different computer USB plugins, 3 different computers (all I have loaded Kies on). Iam sooooooo close. If only while in the POWER BUTTON DOWN ARROW DOWNLOAD MODE and running ODIN on my computer there would be a connection I would be home free and able to flash firmware.
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How about you just gtalk me, lol. I'll probably reply faster there anyway. deliberation at gmail dot com.
Don't use kies. Install the Samsung driver for mobile phones (Google it).
Sent from my GT-P5113 using Tapatalk 2
Download Mode
growthweb said:
All I can say is unbelievable help here! Thank you. I am spending hours on this (plus a fortune on this new Tab 2 7). After studying up I do now understand how Odin works and how grabbing the correct firmware will do the job. HOWEVER (maybe others come across this huge roadblock) nothing can be done with out usb interaction. I DID DOWNLOAD KIES and installed it. But no matter what I do can not get any storage device listed or anything going on between tab and computer. Only thing my Tab does is when I plug it in to the computer via usb is go in to charging mode with the charging icon showing. Loading Odin does not show any connection. I have tried different computer USB plugins, 3 different computers (all I have loaded Kies on). Iam sooooooo close. If only while in the POWER BUTTON DOWN ARROW DOWNLOAD MODE and running ODIN on my computer there would be a connection I would be home free and able to flash firmware.
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Once you are in download mode, connect your tab to the computer with the usb connection.....you should see a com xx number pop up in Odin in yellow reporting your device is connected thru a communication port. From there you will be able to choose the file you want as a PDA uncheck everything else...reboot...reset timer....whatever. Just make sure you have the correct firmware. There is a Odin flashback to Stock rom in the development section. Make sure it's for your device. Once you start Odin, should take about 4 mins...disconnect and hold the power button down to reboot. That's it....
Hello Everyone Again, I just want to say thank you for all of you who took the time to help. I hopefully will become knowledgeable enough to help people in the forums as I gain knowledge. I finally did find the solution. I did everything that was mentioned. And no matter what what I did with KIES drivers Samsung usb drivers, etc could not get a connection so I could us Odin to keep me back to the orgiginal 800 mb 4.04 original file. My solution was (as mentioned) I deleted all my windows drivers dealing with usb, kies, etc. Then rebooted. I notice even though I did not have a direct usb connection showing up now Odin was showing a connection! So using Odin I got to restore everything and now back to like new. Lesson learned. Hope this helps others that almost fatally brick their tablets. Thanks again for all our help
growthweb said:
Hello Everyone Again, I just want to say thank you for all of you who took the time to help. I hopefully will become knowledgeable enough to help people in the forums as I gain knowledge. I finally did find the solution. I did everything that was mentioned. And no matter what what I did with KIES drivers Samsung usb drivers, etc could not get a connection so I could us Odin to keep me back to the orgiginal 800 mb 4.04 original file. My solution was (as mentioned) I deleted all my windows drivers dealing with usb, kies, etc. Then rebooted. I notice even though I did not have a direct usb connection showing up now Odin was showing a connection! So using Odin I got to restore everything and now back to like new. Lesson learned. Hope this helps others that almost fatally brick their tablets. Thanks again for all our help
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Glad you got it sorted.
i jus did the same thing u did
hi how r u doing. i jus did the same mistake u did and i really need your help please
Maxwell255 said:
hi how r u doing. i jus did the same mistake u did and i really need your help please
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Hi.if u have done the exact same thing then just read the previous page and comments.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using xda app-developers app
Glad to see you resolved your issue. In the future, question/help threads belong in Q&A only.
Thank You.
Because your issue has been resolved...
Thread Closed.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my Galaxy Note (i717), using XDA Premium.
PeartFan40 said:
Glad to see you resolved your issue. In the future, question/help threads belong in Q&A only.
Thank You.
Because your issue has been resolved...
Thread Closed.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my Galaxy Note (i717), using XDA Premium.
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Thread is still actually open, lol
Is there any way to save my tablet if there is NO firmware out?
Im talking about the SCH I705, I followed the root guide, and it got ****ed up.
Unable to boot into recovery (it goes to Odin "could not do normal boot.")
Tablet seems unresponsive sometimes (to power on/off)
Will boot cycle occasionally
igotbricked said:
Is there any way to save my tablet if there is NO firmware out?
Im talking about the SCH I705, I followed the root guide, and it got ****ed up.
Unable to boot into recovery (it goes to Odin "could not do normal boot.")
Tablet seems unresponsive sometimes (to power on/off)
Will boot cycle occasionally
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You have to reflash your tablet using ODIN. It's not that hard. Just follow the second method here (you don't need to download android SDK)
copy this in your navigator bar : rootzwiki . com/topic/37272-verizonsch-i705-root-for-all-current-firmware/ ( delete space around the dot)
Plus, your tab will be rooted.
You're welcome.
P.S : This limitation of URL is annoying as hell.

[Q] Bricked my galaxy y duos

Sorry if i didn't post where i should but I am kinda confused and I didn't find a galaxy y duos topic.
So I installed from mistake a kernel from galaxy y not y duos and it bricked, I tried to install an other kernel but it didn't work and it seem to not respond when I connect the usb.
Can you help me?
Forgot to mention, my guess it's soft bricked because it starts, but stops at samsung galaxy y duos thing and reboots .
Thanks in advance.
Go in download mode by pressing volume down + home button + power button n flash stock rom via odin
technosavie said:
Go in download mode by pressing volume down + home button + power button n flash stock rom via odin
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Ok, tried but my phone won't connect to the pc. Anyway let's say i could do that, could you please give me the stuff from stock rom? please I searched but didn't find them.
And, thanks for your answer.
Once u get in download mode ur odin will detect phone i really dont know where u can find stock firmware
technosavie said:
Once u get in download mode ur odin will detect phone i really dont know where u can find stock firmware
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No i really mean it it won't connect to pc , since i can't even open my sd card files, i have to put it in other phone so i can't really use odin:| but i'll try with another pc maybe?
skeitb said:
No i really mean it it won't connect to pc , since i can't even open my sd card files, i have to put it in other phone so i can't really use odin:| but i'll try with another pc maybe?
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Here is a quick soln..Think it will work...
1) Try installing samsung kies on your computer.
2) go to download mode(Not recovery mode) via volume DOWN + home + power key
3) If none of the above works download stock flashable zip and import to sd card via some means and try installing it.....
(Tip:Temp CWM might come handy in the final case)
click thanks if my soln works,
Thakns both. I have flashed a rom that i found on the internet ,and I'll geve a thanks both
Stock Roms for Duos
Here is the Stock Roms for Duos:

HELP!! Root and recovery problems!

Hello guys (and girls?)
I tried to root my Note 4 (SM-N910f) and failed! Now I cant even start my phone. It keeps restarting with some text and number up left corner.
When I try to restart phone via HOME BUTTON, POWER BUTTON AND VOLUME DOWN BUTTON a message appears and says that firmware recovery problem encountered.
what should i do?? (Besides paying for it)
Hacmemet said:
Hello guys (and girls?)
I tried to root my Note 4 (SM-N910f) and failed! Now I cant even start my phone. It keeps restarting with some text and number up left corner.
When I try to restart phone via HOME BUTTON, POWER BUTTON AND VOLUME DOWN BUTTON a message appears and says that firmware recovery problem encountered.
what should i do?? (Besides paying for it)
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hi ,
in short ,this is what i have done in past ( to get out of soft brick )........................Flash correct stock ROM with Odin .!
Pull battery and insert again ,then same as above Home ,power, volume down to try to get into download mode ..?
if so ,connect to pc and flash correct stock via Odin.
futher ..
i have N910F ,stock Rom ,..BOC5 ..rooted with cf autoroot ( make sure you have correct zip, for you phone and software ? ) and running a custom recovery, CWM .( also make sure you have correct version CWM ..see screenshot is what i used to flash CWM )
Good luck
willcor said:
hi ,
in short ,this is what i have done in past ( to get out of soft brick )........................Flash correct stock ROM with Odin .!
Pull battery and insert again ,then same as above Home ,power, volume down to try to get into download mode ..?
if so ,connect to pc and flash correct stock via Odin.
futher ..
i have N910F ,stock Rom ,..BOC5 ..rooted with cf autoroot ( make sure you have correct zip, for you phone and software ? ) andrunning a custom recovery, CWM .
Good luck
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Hello, thanks for the reply!
I cant seem to find the right version (Bootloader?) for my Note 4. It also says that i need to connnect with Kies but Kies dosent seem to connect with my phone.
Hacmemet said:
Hello, thanks for the reply!
I cant seem to find the right version (Bootloader?) for my Note 4. It also says that i need to connnect with Kies but Kies dosent seem to connect with my phone.
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hi ,
don't understand with what you mean right version ?
what device you have ..eg N910F........?
what software running on phone ..see phone .../settings /about device.....eg N910FXXUIBOC5
My thoughts on KIES is not good ..( never worked for me )
i flash my software /root /recovery via ODIN
good luck
Plz help me to root my phobe
Sent from my X1 Beats using XDA Free mobile app
dazzling dhana said:
Plz help me to root my phobe
Sent from my X1 Beats using XDA Free mobile app
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hi ,
you seem to be in wrong "phone /device " forum ?
search for your correct phone /device using XDA search .
Bottom line ,never heard of a "phobe " ?
sorry ,can't help .
good luck
willcor said:
hi ,
don't understand with what you mean right version ?
what device you have ..eg N910F........?
what software running on phone ..see phone .../settings /about device.....eg N910FXXUIBOC5
My thoughts on KIES is not good ..( never worked for me )
i flash my software /root /recovery via ODIN
good luck
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I cant start my phone up, i can eather go into download mode or a screen which says i need to recover firmware.
and yes I have SM-N910F .. I still dont know exactly what to do!
Hacmemet said:
I cant start my phone up, i can eather go into download mode or a screen which says i need to recover firmware.
and yes I have SM-N910F .. I still dont know exactly what to do!
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hi ,
First ,im not sure what you mean with "start ". your phone,is it commpletely "dead " ?
if so have you plugged it into wallsocket/charged ? and then tried again ?
Can you boot up your phone /do you see Samsung logo ?
What happens when you do ...power /volume down/home button ...?
If you can boot and see Samsung logo, what i can suggest( at this stage )
is to search for video on XDA /or Youtube .
how to enter download mode ..
This should give you idea about download mode .
good luck
willcor said:
hi ,
First ,im not sure what you mean with "start ". your phone,is it commpletely "dead " ?
if so have you plugged it into wallsocket/charged ? and then tried again ?
Can you boot up your phone /do you see Samsung logo ?
What happens when you do ...power /volume down/home button ...?
If you can boot and see Samsung logo, what i can suggest( at this stage )
is to search for video on XDA /or Youtube .
how to enter download mode ..
This should give you idea about download mode .
good luck
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Hello. I get to see the samsung Logo but that is as far it goes, then it restarts before it gets on dekstop and then over and over.
UNSLESS I PUSH home buttion, volume......then it goes to download mode - but my phone can recoer with kies and i dont know what to do with Odin.
Hacmemet said:
Hello. I get to see the samsung Logo but that is as far it goes, then it restarts before it gets on dekstop and then over and over.
UNSLESS I PUSH home buttion, volume......then it goes to download mode - but my phone can recoer with kies and i dont know what to do with Odin.
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If your Phone is able to go in Recovery Mode(Press Powerbutton+Volume UP+HOME to go in RecoveryMode) Either its Stock Recovery Or Custom recovery....
Wipe/Format every thing......
Than try to Go in Download mode if Suceeded than you should Try to Download this & Flash VIA Odin its Stock Touchwiz Lollipop Multi CSC firmware....
or Download Your Rom from Sammobile Here
I hope your problem will be solved
Hacmemet said:
Hello. I get to see the samsung Logo but that is as far it goes, then it restarts before it gets on dekstop and then over and over.
UNSLESS I PUSH home buttion, volume......then it goes to download mode - but my phone can recoer with kies and i dont know what to do with Odin.
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hi ,
well if you can see Samsung logo ,that good !!
your phone seems to be soft bricked..( not really very big problem ,don't worry ..!!!! )
Only way to fix , is to flash your current stock ROM .
if you prefer Kies well ,i stated in above post that i don't think much of Kies .
One point i would like to point out.
Download mode ...
first pull battery ..then insert battery
if you hold buttons ..home +power + volume ......you get to a triangle warning........then press volume up again ..download mode (you will see same as screenshot( its an old foto of my Note 2 , but similar ) ....download mode ..Green Android man ..note if you want to get out of this ..pull battery )
good luck
post note
i have had same problem as you in past once or twice...!
fixed it with reflashing correct stock rom .
So just try to think positively ,it really very small issue .
THanks DUDE!!!
