Epic 4g: DI07 GPS is fast and fixed!! - Epic 4G General

i get 11 satellite indoor and map is locking very fast and i am not using wifi network

Indeed, I am getting 10 sats indoors with wifi network turned off. Does a cold lock in seconds.

edit: GPS is not fixed. Can't get a lock after trying again this morning. Had to restart phone.

im excited to get this update!! thanks for the post!
in Baltimore, MD area here, no update for me yet!

Just apply the update yourself. No point waiting for OTA.

GPS is indeed very accurate now!
Locked within about 10 seconds, got IN MY HOUSE, within about 10 feet from where I'm sitting.

This wasn't listed as one of the fixes for the OTA. Are you SURE it's actually working better now and it's not just a placebo effect?

ANY reset for an update is going to flush the GPS-xtra assistance data cache and force new downland of Alamanc and Ephemris. There is NO way you would know if this update did anything yet. I doubt ANY GPS changes are in this update since device team is still testing various fixes.

I am really curious too.. I looked on the sprints facebook page and some people said they still having probems with the gps even after the update.
I am still waiting to get the update.. patiently grrrr .. lol

I can confirm this too.. I watched the signal lock within no more than like 30-45 sec. As we all know before it was either nothing or a trickle. I have also noticed the performance enhancements they stated. The signal as you drive and the switch of of views as you drive are faster and more detailed before the directions are needed..
The map caches well on 3G and well on 4G. It makes me wonder, Samsung is using everything as guinea pigs to test so next year they bomb us with the Galaxy S2 which they so happily confirmed along with the Tegra 2 Galaxy Tab 2.
Sucks tho, bastards stripped 4G and Voice in the US.. :-( Oh well still have Motorola N HTC for their toys...
Sent From The Moon...

Placebo effect or not, testing it the same way today as I did yesterday (and multiple days before) and having it work immediately without using wireless networks is awesome.
I'll take it.
One thing to note: When I rebooted my phone after the update, I immediately turned on Airplane mode (habit to kill that time without service bug) and a message popped up "Turn off Flight Mode to update firmware" so I immediately turned it back off. Maybe the update causes Sprint to have firmware updates pushed to the phone that affects this?
Or maybe not. Dunno; I ain't a phone guy.

Apparently you guys didnt read Aero1's post. The GPS apparently always works once after a reset, which the update forced. We shouldn't be able to confirm that the GPS is working for a little while yet.

Nope, fail. Update pushed last night, GPS sucks in the morning. Utter, complete fail. Tried to access GPS with WiFi on, now it's sitting there like an idiot until the screen times out. Had to force ephemeris clear to get it to work again. Also, "accuracy" hard-coded value still exists. And now, screen brightness is, for whatever reason, dimmer under auto than before.

Although I never had a GPS problem it does seem a bit faster now. I was really worried about GPS issues after reading all of the reviews and articles. I use GPS a lot and was very disappointed by what I was reading. I got my Epic at 8am on the day of launch and fired up GPS to test and it worked great. Has worked every day since with no issues at all. I don't understand how or why it works for some (because I have seen other people say the same thing about GPS) and not for others.

hydralisk said:
Apparently you guys didnt read Aero1's post. The GPS apparently always works once after a reset, which the update forced. We shouldn't be able to confirm that the GPS is working for a little while yet.
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I read it. I have no idea who he is. Doesn't mean he's wrong or right, just means my initial anecdotal evidence is positive. Tomorrow may be different, but I don't take things at the word of people I don't know. If it's bad tomorrow, I'll come back and say so. My experience isn't proof of anything outside of my experience.
Oh, did you know the common dog is actually part of the family felinus and not caninus as previously thought?

othan1 said:
Tomorrow may be different, but I don't take things at the word of people I don't know. If it's bad tomorrow, I'll come back and say so.
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No disrespect or flamebait intended whatsoever, but isn't that somewhat the point of the forums?

I fear that premature threads like this are counterproductive. If Samsung checks these boards at all they'll think, "Well if even the tech savvy are fooled into thinking it's fixed, we definitely don't actually have to do anything." They are just *looking* for a reason to not actually fix this problem. There really needs to be constant and unrelenting/vocal frustration to force them into addressing this. The minute it appears on gizmodo/engadget is the moment when Samsung *might* begin to care.
I'm particularly fearful that only the gsm versions are getting the official fix because of the Sprint statement that the problem was fixed prior to release. And Epic owners will just be left high and dry.

Yeah, I tested this morning and my GPS is definitely broken, so the problem is indeed not fixed.

Applied update. After letting the GPS search around for a minute it locked outdoors. Turned it off, back on then it locked in seconds. Turned it off, walked inside house turned GPS back on, locked in a few seconds. Walked around my entire house, upstairs and down stairs and it stayed locked to an average of 5 sats. Rebooted my phone, and still near instant lock indoors. This was done with wifi on and then off and with `Use Wireless Networks' disabled for all tests.

styckx said:
Applied update. After letting the GPS search around for a minute it locked outdoors. Turned it off, back on then it locked in seconds. Turned it off, walked inside house turned GPS back on, locked in a few seconds. Walked around my entire house, upstairs and down stairs and it stayed locked to an average of 5 sats. Rebooted my phone, and still near instant lock indoors. This was done with wifi on and then off and with `Use Wireless Networks' disabled for all tests.
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Wait a few hours and try again. It'll probably be broken.


"no service" bug still in Froyo?

A number of people have experienced a long-standing Android bug on their Nexus One, that when you spend an extended period of time in an area with no signal, the phone never reconnects until a reboot. Even attempting to shut down cleanly or to go into and out of airplane mode results in Android crashing after a minute or so and rebooting that way.
It's hard to draw conclusions from my experience because the occurrence rate was so random (sometimes a couple of times in a single day, sometimes ten days between occurrences), but I installed Froyo Saturday evening and haven't experienced the "no service" bug since then. That's getting close to the MTBF for me over the last few months. The official ticket is still listed in "new" status (after almost a year!), but it's possible that some change in Froyo fixed it without the developer being aware of that particular ticket.
Has anyone who was experiencing the "no service" bug in 2.1 had it happen again since upgrading to Froyo? Now that I can do hands-free bluetooth dialing, that's the biggest remaining blemish on my Nexus One experience, so I'd be thrilled if the bug were, in fact, gone.
Just a little FYI, that is actually a common "bug" independent of Android. I sell cell phones for a living, and many phones, from BB's to WM, Nokia to Samsung, and everything in between has this "bug". Not all do, but I would say 90% of phones have this bug where if you leave coverage for an extended period, it doesn't re-connect when you move back in, and need to reboot. It is because phones are set up to stop searching for a network after X ammount of time without coverage, to prevent the battery drain of constantly searching. When you do go back into coverage, there are two ways to re-register... either reboot, or most phones have an option to manual search and register with a network. I know with my Nexus One this has only happened to me once, at my Dad's (his house is a deadzone for everyone), and all I did was do the manual search and was back up and running, didn't have to reboot.
The Nexus One version of this bug is unusually annoying, though: a manual search for networks turns up nothing (normally I have good signal strength whenever I step outside my house from both T-Mobile and AT&T, but neither shows up after the bug hits), and having the phone crash and spontaneously reboot if you enable airplane mode when the phone is in this state is pretty severe.
wmm said:
The Nexus One version of this bug is unusually annoying, though: a manual search for networks turns up nothing (normally I have good signal strength whenever I step outside my house from both T-Mobile and AT&T, but neither shows up after the bug hits), and having the phone crash and spontaneously reboot if you enable airplane mode when the phone is in this state is pretty severe.
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That is pretty severe, in that it reboots... but the "bug" of not getting signal back has nothing to do with strength or the N1 is all I am saying. I have at least 2 people a day come into my store with this issue, on all different handsets. Some can get it back just by manually searching (this is different from switching between airplane and back), others have to reboot.
I spent a few 1/2hr chunks today with my FRF50 Froyo'd N1 in a spot in the office that was guaranteed to cause this bug to show up. And every single time it's reacquired the network when I left. Take that with a grain of salt since the bug has been intermittent for me.
Now if only the headset and AVRCP music controls hadn't broken this would be phone heaven.
Yeah, I think it's improved for me with 2.2 as well. One thing that's handy though is an Airplane Mode widget, as cycling the antenna with that usually worked for me before Froyo.
this "bug" drove me crazy! It would tend to happen to me at least once a day. I am scared to say this, but it hasn't happened one single time since updating to "unofficial froyo"
Well, good news all around! I'm not quite ready to declare the bug dead, because I've been disappointed a number of times after tweaking something and having the bug lurk quietly for a number of days, only to pop up again after I had decided it was gone, but it's certainly looking encouraging. Thanks for all the responses. Keep us updated.
I've had the same bug issues, and usually at home when it happens. This radio seems determined to reacquire no matter what.
As for the AVRCP comment, my N1 a la FroYo is working great with my BT3030 stereo Bluetooth receiver. I use the controls all the time.

New GPS Issue!

After applying the GPS fix I am having an odd issue. When I fist launch google maps it shows me in some small rural village in China. Once the GPS gets a fix it goes to where I am really am. This would not be a big deal except when I take pictures it Geotags the picture as being in this Chinese village which is kind of a pain. Also it screws up my weather widgets sometimes. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe it has to do with the server it is using to pull down the GPS data, but not sure.
I am having a similar issue, but not quite as drastic. Mine just simply shows me being the last place i was before GPS was turned on. Like right now, without GPS connected but using the towers to figure out my location, it shows me at the place i at lunch, about 3 miles away, rather than at work. Its VERY frustrating.
I'm having the same problem. My GPS shows me in a neighboring city that is 50 miles away, every time.
The best way to test this is to load the 'Maps' live wallpaper. It happens every time. Also, booting up the 'Maps' application will throw me into the other city for at least five minutes, before it realizes that the data is not correct.
It's a new "google fortune" feature. It's telling you you need to travel the world.
Same problem here, however, I was thinking it had more to do with the "Use Wireless Networks" not updating my location.
-If I have gps turned off and wireless network location on. My location doesn't update at all until I reboot the phone (although Latitude shows it as being updated within the last few minutes, even though it shows me somewhere I haven't been in hours and is 50miles away.)
-If I turn gps on, it will then get a fix and properly update my location.
I did apply the GPS fix.
lol mine switches between seattle and SPAIN! wtf.
I think it has to do something with the way samsung implements the gps receiver..a friend had a sammie moment..she would be right next to me..nyc...but her gps would say shes in havana, cuba..on good days..some place in estonia..lol...and now i see the issues being replicated here...i blame samsung...my old trusty g1 locks a signal and is very accurate within a min or 2..
Thanks for the info, sync3. That's starting to become my thought as well.
What a shame. I hope an official statement is released, either way.
chastbi said:
Same problem here, however, I was thinking it had more to do with the "Use Wireless Networks" not updating my location.
-If I have gps turned off and wireless network location on. My location doesn't update at all until I reboot the phone (although Latitude shows it as being updated within the last few minutes, even though it shows me somewhere I haven't been in hours and is 50miles away.)
-If I turn gps on, it will then get a fix and properly update my location.
I did apply the GPS fix.
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This is the EXACT problem I am having. I dont know how to get it to update my location.
I have the same issue. I also had applied the GPS fix... I've tried reverting to stock settings, tried enabling skyhook and tried a few other things.
The only way I've been able to properly get my location is to turn off the network assist and tell the GPS to operate in standalone mode. It takes a heck of a lot longer for a fix, but it's accurate if it does get a lock. Doesn't work so well indoors though.
Who the heck were the field testers for this device? its full of more bugs than an entymologist's labratory.
Clear your GPS data
heygrl said:
Clear your GPS data
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That was one of the first things I tried. It didn't help.
My main concern is that this is unrelated to the GPS software issue and that this is actually a hardware issue. Does anyone agree or disagree with this?
pearlblues said:
My main concern is that this is unrelated to the GPS software issue and that this is actually a hardware issue. Does anyone agree or disagree with this?
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I agree this is hardware related because others have reported exchanging their phones rids them of the GPS issues.. :-/
I work in Houston and sometimes while at work GPS says I'm in Pawcatuck, CT.
The question is when not using gps what function of the phone updates your location? Could it be a network issue? How do you force it to retrieve tower data that marks your location?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Well, i exchanged my phone last night because of this issue and the new one is doing the same thing. So either this is a problem inherent to this model (hopefully the software not telling the phone to refresh tower data) that can be fixed with an update or i am extremely unlucky.
pearlblues said:
Well, i exchanged my phone last night because of this issue and the new one is doing the same thing. So either this is a problem inherent to this model (hopefully the software not telling the phone to refresh tower data) that can be fixed with an update or i am extremely unlucky.
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Just had my 3rd call with TMobile- she now assured me that this is a software issue (which i made her mark in my account incase it winds up being hardware later) and that all phones with software # T959UVJFD have it. She said tmobile is working with samsung to fix. I told her all Galaxy S series, domestic and international, have GPS issue and samsung has yet to fix any. She said well that is something you need to consider.
blink55184 said:
Just had my 3rd call with TMobile- she now assured me that this is a software issue (which i made her mark in my account incase it winds up being hardware later) and that all phones with software # T959UVJFD have it. She said tmobile is working with samsung to fix. I told her all Galaxy S series, domestic and international, have GPS issue and samsung has yet to fix any. She said well that is something you need to consider.
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Wow, very helpful information. How they get this fix released ASAP.

[Q] Its official my new vibrant no gps issue and signal is better.

I've tried every fix, every change and every hand position and the gps was still unacceptably slow and useless. After several phone calls to TMO I finally convinced them to send me a new phone.
I unpacked the new phone put my battery and sim card in booted it up clicked on google maps the gps flicked on and off about twice and then locked gps within 35 meters. Then I double checked the settings and use wireless carriers was unchecked.
Also my signal shows more bars. It still goes from 2 bars to 4 bars if i hold it by the top upside down but it was showing none (still worked) then 4?
This begs the question to me, is this a hardware issue? software? if it is soft why if they can fix on the later batches cant they fix for everyone?
New phone about:
model sgh-t959
firmware 2.1-update1
baseband T959UVJFD
kernel 2.6.29
the tech also told me to periodically do *#*#checkin#*#* on the dialer to be in the first people to get OTA updates when available. Anyone ever heard of this?
Thanks, i've been on this forum since my TMO pocket pc phone but this is my first post.
*#*#checkin#*#* or *#*#2432546#*#* is technically pinging google, sending your phones info... in the event you are on an outdated OS version you will be upgraded soon. It's not a waiting list, no one but Cyanogen goes first. then he gives google the go ahead to ship it out
For what it's worth, my phone was packaged on 8/19/10, and takes a long time to find GPS signal. I did both fixes, but ended up reverting back to Standalone mode to get semi-consistent results. Once it's locked in, it's very accurate.
sax911 said:
New phone about:
model sgh-t959
firmware 2.1-update1
baseband T959UVJFD
kernel 2.6.29
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does anyone have anything different from this? i picked up my vibrant a couple days ago, and my info is the same as this.
my gps works fine outdoors, sometimes has trouble determining location indoors. signal indoors usually shows 0-2 bars of 3g with consistent speeds, with full bars outside.
i can't complain
^^ The one I ordered from Amazon on 8/31 and got delivered yesterday has the same firmware, version etc. Today morning tested GPS on way to office and no problems. Locked satellite in 2 secs and did good job re-routing couple times when I ignored the GPS lady. I dont know if the problem starts when you use GPS more frequently. Hope not!
mind checking the GPS settings and telling us what they are? maybe some screenshots with drocap?
That's great for you but a single anecdotal data point is not an official fix validation.
I just tried *#*#2432546#*#* on my vibrant and got no results whatsoever. I have rooted with the one click root but have not installed any roms. I did do a backup rom with Rom manager and I believe it ended up with clockworkrecovery mode. I have done nothing else. Has something occured that will make it impossible for me to get the OTA? I have gotten checkin successful in the past but now nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated.
OP, this is by no means a flame but locking on with 35 meters accuracy is EXACTLY the issue with the GPS. That's 100 feet, man. Not accurate in my book. With aGPS turned off, my mt3g gets within 2-5 meters in about 20 seconds. Do a GPS stats test and see how many sats you lock on. I'll bet 1 to 3 at best. If more, post pics.
Mine works after using that fix that's been going around. Only thing is that out takes a while for the gps to lock but otherwise its fine. I think lol.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I got a new one, my GPS locked in 10 seconds up to five meters

GPS aquistion on stock EC05

Folks I am now seeing symptoms of stickiness in the GPS cache on both our ec05 Epics. The symptom is GPS on, application requiring GPS on, and the device not obtaining any GPS after several minutes optimum conditions, followed by a battery pull and a GPS acquisition within a few seconds.
This was a known issue on older firmware, one I never saw with eb13, which I had for a month, but which has returned on both our epics wiht EC05.
Lets track this to see if anyone else has this. Please do not cloud thread with discussions of accuracy or results one sees within a couple of days of any reset.
I've been of EC05 about a week now and its gps works fine for me so far.
hienkhieu said:
I've been of EC05 about a week now and its gps works fine for me so far.
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Did you experience the known bug we had for six months before EB13?
aero1, noticing the same thing. Very disappointed. EB13 seemed to work perfectly. Now it's back to old antics. However, it's more variable than before - I've switched off my Airave, and it seems to be a bit better.
I am seeing something like this.
My weather app for instance; has the next town over from me. If I open Google Maps; the cursor is in the next town; but then after a few seconds locks correctly.
If I close Google Maps and reopen it, its back in the tow next to me.
I tried to clear the AGPS stats using GPS Status (from the market).
It just seems to not be updating or remembering where I am; don't know why that is.
I'm sitting on a 48hr uptime and still pulling GPS indoors with accuracy within 1m.
jdelano said:
If I close Google Maps and reopen it, its back in the tow next to me.
I tried to clear the AGPS stats using GPS Status (from the market).
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GPS status' clear cache and download new assistance has never worked on epic. I spoke with developer some months ago and assistance data cache of samsungs is different than GPS status uses.
Town next to you could be because you are using "use wireless network" (which you should have off for this testing).
styckx said:
I'm sitting on a 48hr uptime and still pulling GPS indoors with accuracy within 1m.
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Accuracy has never been the problem with epic (although reported accuracy is a fixed bug.
And this cache bug was present on all pre eeb13 epics, it is just a question of user habits that makes a difference on if you see it. Did you see it before eb13?
aero1, noticing the same thing. Very disappointed. EB13 seemed to work perfectly. Now it's back to old antics.
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pre release eb13 with original kernal had some GPS problems but latter version including the official eb13 finally fixed the issue present since September. I was so happy. I am still testing but am 90% sure it is back as well.
The cold start workaround that worked great for us was disabled in EB13 and is still disabled in EC05. Has anyone got a working ## sequence to get to the GPS debug/settings menu?
@aero1, today seems to be much better - haven't had any lock problems, either WiFi or 3G. Perhaps there were some issues with the assistance server yesterday? I couldn't get a lock for the life of me yesterday, but as of today (with no reboots), I've gotten a lock every single time, over all data interfaces. Have you noticed any improvements?
Perhaps there were some issues with the assistance server yesterday? I couldn't get a lock for the life of me yesterday, but as of today (with no reboots), I've gotten a lock every single time, over all data interfaces. Have you noticed any improvements?
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I rebooted in the past 24 hours for other reasons so I wont expect to see a problem for anther day. And any problem with data connection, not jut assistance server, would mimic the old issue.
I've seen similar problems to the old DK28. Didn't have them with EB13, they do seem to be back to a certain extent with EC05.
GPS status' clear cache and download new assistance has never worked on epic. I spoke with developer some months ago and assistance data cache of samsungs is different than GPS status uses.
Town next to you could be because you are using "use wireless network" (which you should have off for this testing).
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Thanks!! I will shut off using the network and test for a few days.
(don't know why that didn't come to mind .. age i guess... hehehe)
EDIT: I turned off the use network in GPS and my GPS is much better. Thanks again for pointing that out aero1.
I really do wonder if there was a problem with the backend on the assistance servers - after 41 hrs of uptime, I'm still getting locks every 4-5 seconds - with 8 hours inbetween attempts, on EC05. The first day we had EC05, I had a miserable time getting locks, with a reboot required constantly, but I must say, it's been behaving much better.
I really do wonder if there was a problem with the backend on the assistance servers - after 41 hrs of uptime, I'm still getting locks every 4-5 seconds - with 8 hours inbetween attempts, on EC05. The first day we had EC05, I had a miserable time getting locks, with a reboot required constantly, but I must say, it's been behaving much better.
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Not an issue with the assistance servers. I could tell because in all cases I had no lock after a few minutes, I get near instant a-gps locks with a reset meaning cache is cleared and cache is successfully populated from assistance server
I looked into this a bit. While I was unable to locate the root cause of the problem (I suspect it's in the ril or radio), I've implemented a workaround that simply downloads time & assistance data every time the "Use GPS satellites" or notification widget toggle is enabled.
Would folks who have problems with the GPS in EC05, especially if they temporarilly resolve after a reboot, mind testing the workaround? It's not a perfect solution, but it may make the problem much less annoying than it presently is.

GPS- success with phone orientation...

I know this sounds crazy.. and until I tried it over and over.. I did not believe it either..
I did the hardware fix , where you bend up the gps antenna a bit, so it touches the cover when closed. but I litteraly had almost no change in signal.. like I could not even get the GPS restore to work..
I was pi$$Ed..
so I took another look at the phone / antenna etc.. got be thinking about signal and its orientation.. the GPS ant. is on the back of the phone, where it gets covered by your hand faces the ground or whatever is under it.. so I turned it- landscape..screen facing me.. clock wise... so the e from tmobile is top side..
guess what.. it works
I am locking on to 9-12 sats..every time..
let me know what you find happens..
How fast are the locks. Te issue is not how many sats since it only needs a few to get an accurate signal. The problem is that the phone takes 1900% longer than any other phone I've ever used to lock, which makes the GPS functionality virtually useless for geotagging pictures and posts to Facebook, twitter, google+ as well as checking into places.
Until it gets a decent lock the bubble around your location is miles in diameter.
Phone literally take upwards of 10 minutes to get a lock at times.
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
with in 10 seconds I was locked in w/less than 40 ft accuracy
N8ter said:
How fast are the locks. Te issue is not how many sats since it only needs a few to get an accurate signal. The problem is that the phone takes 1900% longer than any other phone I've ever used to lock, which makes the GPS functionality virtually useless for geotagging pictures and posts to Facebook, twitter, google+ as well as checking into places.
Until it gets a decent lock the bubble around your location is miles in diameter.
Phone literally take upwards of 10 minutes to get a lock at times.
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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a little exaggerated perhaps? my phone is the original batch and i've never had it take ten minutes for a lock. i mean i'm in Manhattan so the wifi assist probably helps it alot in terms of lock. the gps on the vibrant was never good enough for navigation but good enough for everything else imo.
I don't know about you but all my gps successes didn't last. first time i did all my gps fixes, it worked great. as time went on, went back to sh|t.
10 minutes it about right for me at the moment... ill try the orientation thing lol
Sent from a cell tower to the XDA server to you.
Yea one of the members here found this out a lonnnng time ago ever since then I always face my phone with the back facing the sky to get that first lock. Most of the times it works
dandab said:
I don't know about you but all my gps successes didn't last. first time i did all my gps fixes, it worked great. as time went on, went back to sh|t.
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Agreed, same experience I've been having. There are some good days and there some days that it's flat out stubborn like a bull. It won't even lock even on a clear night sky.

