Lcd dim issues - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I'm having issues where after going to sleep, it wakes up with the lcd very dark. It doesn't matter which level of brightness I put it on, the lcd is still hard to see. Rebooting solve the problem. Just wondering if anyone experienced this too. I hope it isn't my lcd dying...
This happen on both froyostone and bangster. I'm on the latest radio using tmousa.

I had this on bangsters 1.2, but haven't seen it on 1.3b, but only been running that build for a few days.

azzzz said:
I'm having issues where after going to sleep, it wakes up with the lcd very dark. It doesn't matter which level of brightness I put it on, the lcd is still hard to see. Rebooting solve the problem. Just wondering if anyone experienced this too. I hope it isn't my lcd dying...
This happen on both froyostone and bangster. I'm on the latest radio using tmousa.
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i had this a few times before on a shubi build. I came to the conslusion that it is the screen not fully coming out of sleep. Seeing as it only happened when I put the phone to sleep and then tried to wake it immeadiately or got frustrated and impatient with it and tried tapping buttons repeatedly until the screen came on.

palosjr said:
i had this a few times before on a shubi build. I came to the conslusion that it is the screen not fully coming out of sleep. Seeing as it only happened when I put the phone to sleep and then tried to wake it immeadiately or got frustrated and impatient with it and tried tapping buttons repeatedly until the screen came on.
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I had this same experience. Patience is a virtue with these phones. As long as I wait if its taking a bit to come out of sleep, I get zero problems.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

thanks for the advice. I hope its just a software glitch. I will just have to be more patient when coming out of sleep.

My solution
azzzz said:
I'm having issues where after going to sleep, it wakes up with the lcd very dark. It doesn't matter which level of brightness I put it on, the lcd is still hard to see. Rebooting solve the problem. Just wondering if anyone experienced this too. I hope it isn't my lcd dying...
This happen on both froyostone and bangster. I'm on the latest radio using tmousa.
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Here is my solution, i posted it in a similar thread, I think the key element here is the bsb tweaks part, hope it helps, thanks:
I solved this problem in my phone.
even turn on/off/on/off/on/off etc the screen, the devices wakes up correctly every time.
I don't really what exactly fixed but.
i installed Miris romm 20.0, then i turned off the auto screen off *start/system/power, so the screen nevers dims or turn off. I turned off the charge the device when it is connected to the computer, turned off quiet pickup, turned off 3g.
and now i think this is the key, installed bsb tweaks and turned off everything(even power savings), disable data connections and screen rotation, I only left use high glymp cache. reboot and run android, in winmo i dont have anything installed besides bsb1.6
in android i have the task killer on and set cpu at 768mhz ondemand. no profiles. battery last well over 24 hrs moderate use. by the way im using shubcraft, and the gsensor disabled kernel. thanks,
edit: also my auto sync is off in android and my wifi is always on.

I dealt with the problem by putting a widget to control screen brightness on my home page, if it goes dim I can find it ' blind'
Sent from my HD2 on mattc froyo sense.

Yeah it does happen to me if I'm being impatient and banging on the screen before it fully wakes up. Haven't found a real solution yet, but so far I would just try my luck by turning on/off/on/off several times, hoping that it get stucks momentarily again to let if "fully" wake up. Worst case scenario, reboot.


HELP: Froyo killed my parents & my battery life

I know there might be a dozen threads about this, but its all gobbledygook and nobody seems to have a straight answer.
I just want to ask: What can we possibly do about Froyo draining our battery? Task manager auto-killers aren't working right now it seems.
Turn off 4G
Turn off WiFi
Turn off GPS
Turn down brightness
Stop opening crap
Problem solved.
Task Managers??? Are you kidding me? My battery life has doubled since Froyo because I dont use task managers or auto killers. Use Fresh Rom, with set cpu with perflock off, change the screen off to 245/245. Most important part is condition your battery...Trust me, i thought it was stupid as well, but it works.
drmacinyasha said:
Turn off 4G
Turn off WiFi
Turn off GPS
Turn down brightness
Stop opening crap
Problem solved.
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haha thats funny and true so i like it. i am running froyo official and have noticed an increase in battery. but hey when you get near your computer plug your phone in when you get in your car plug your phone in.
Froyo Killed Your Parents??
Sorry To Hear About Your Parents
theres not much else u can do..just wait for a fix
I have ota and its the worst batterie ever with out doing nothing not even a phone call it died under an hour i only have gps enable had 3g off 4g to app all close no auto killer
Htc Evil Phone
I have the same problem. I read reports that Facebook 1.3 will not release the partial wake lock. I took FB 1.3 off and the problem persisted.
Here is how to check if you have a problem with your partial wake lock:
goto settings > about phone > battery and compare the uptime and awake time. If they are the same or very very close you have a wake lock problem. A wake lock allows an app to prevent your phone from going to sleep, even if the screen is off. If these times match then an app is creating a wake lock and not releasing it, and therefore your phone never sleeps.
As I said removing FB 1.3 did not solve the problem, but I was able to prove it is a wake lock as using Advanced Task Killer to kill 21 tasks allowed my phone to actually sleep, as indicated by a corresponding difference in the two times. So now that I know this is an app doing it, I will try to narrow it down and figure out which and report back.
OK I just found it. It appears the LED Light widget also causes a partial wake lock. To alleviate you don't need to uninstall it, just remove the widget.
Which led light? From market or the one with 2.2?
Borg1982 said:
Which led light? From market or the one with 2.2?
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The new "flashlight" app is not a widget...It's actually called LED Light, by picolyl.
I don't have a problem, for me is little better!!!! just buy a new battery that solve your problem
drmacinyasha said:
Turn off 4G
Turn off WiFi
Turn off GPS
Turn down brightness
Stop opening crap
Problem solved.
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Problem NOT solved. Or maybe 15 extra minutes.
Or don't use it at all, you'll save plenty of battery
Check to make sure that your Google Talk app is not automatically signing in. Go to apps - talk - settings. This is a typical battery drainer
totally forgot about google talk. have flashed a few ROMs back and forth, and now running a stock rooted ROM, I forgot to shut this one off...
use a custom rom, something without sense and try not to have a f***ton of widgets. im running cyanogen nightly and i get about 10 hours before i hit 20%-30% thats when i quit doing stuff and start trying to make the battery last. screen eats most of the battery so turn the brightness down.
my average 10 hours is 75-125 txts 30 + or - min of talk time and 3+ hours of internet (facebook)
oh, and about your parents... they are gone, there isnt an app or a rom that can fix that.
Indeed, the title of this thread is goofy. Froyo has literally killed my parents....... and has done a bad job for my battery life on my phone. Haha!
I guess an apostrophe would not have hurt after the word "parents" eh?
Doing a factory reset will fix your problem... I had the same problem when I updated.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
opie2l said:
Doing a factory reset will fix your problem... I had the same problem when I updated.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I'm having similar issues with my OMJ 2.2 froyo rom. poor battery life, plus it seems laggy and unresponsive. i was much happier with OMJ's 2.1 rom

Screen dims, but never shuts off

I just noticed this morning that when I hit the power button the screen only dims now. I swear it used to shut off the display completely before today, and I know for certain that is how it worked on 1.6. This really is annoying, because now when I put it in my pocket the 3 buttons are constantly being depresses and they vibrate, which lights the display again. That coupled with this stupid lock screen that I have to try to open 3-4 times is really making me angry. Maybe it's just me thugh.....
I'm assuming you upgraded to 2.1?
I remember reading somewhere that someone had a similar issue after upgrading to 2.1 but then they re flashed 2.1 a different way and problem went away.
Same issue here, it really eats up my battery life, and I do end up pushing those soft keys all-too often... I am on 2.1 and that is definitely when the problem started, I'm going to try reflashing to see if I can eliminate the issue.
try the steps found here on She reports that she has no issues when its done that way. I don't have my streak yet but will follow these steps when i get it.
I had a similar problem before, only the screen would go off and on again and stay on!
Turns out it was an APP that done this.
It is possible an app is causing the problem.
Don't leave wifi on when not using and the problem disappears.
vatk said:
Don't leave wifi on when not using and the problem disappears.
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I've been experimenting with what's been causing this on mine, and I noticed that sometimes wifi will not shut all the way off. It hangs at "Turning off..."
So I tried not letting it sleep with wifi on, I turn it on if I need it, then turn it off (really a big pain in the butt) but went two days with no "no sleep" problems.
Today I tried leaving wifi on all the time, not two hours later it happened.
Since it's not happening to everybody, I wonder if it has something to do with our wifi setups. Maybe the router brand, or the encryption type, or something?
Last night I powered off the phone before better. I have wifi on all the time and I never shut it off. Today though, I have had no issues with the sleep function. It's still mid afternoon so we'll see if it continues this way. If so I will explore the wifi solution as well.
I was having this problem and somehow this setting was wrong:
mine was checked and we all know what that mean. Check yours to be sure if your not up for flashing again. Just a thought in case you overlooked this...
bhyde said:
I was having this problem and somehow this setting was wrong:
mine was checked and we all know what that mean. Check yours to be sure if your not up for flashing again. Just a thought in case you overlooked this...
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Yes, it means the screen will not time out and go off when it's being charged, but you can still turn it off, and mine wasn't plugged in when I couldn't turn it off.
I don't think this is related to what I've been seeing, but thanks.
It seems that Bluetooth did it today. I was fine all day going black on sleep with power button, but once I switched on wireless to connect to my car stereo it never went off again. Even if I turn off the wireless I have to shut down and reboot.
jnovello said:
It seems that Bluetooth did it today. I was fine all day going black on sleep with power button, but once I switched on wireless to connect to my car stereo it never went off again. Even if I turn off the wireless I have to shut down and reboot.
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Same here. Started car and it showed zero signal strength for the phone on the dashboard display. Pressed the power button on the Dell Streak and the car display then displayed the signal strength. From then on, the screen would dim but not shut off.
petesbodyparts said:
Same here. Started car and it showed zero signal strength for the phone on the dashboard display. Pressed the power button on the Dell Streak and the car display then displayed the signal strength. From then on, the screen would dim but not shut off.
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Was your wifi also enabled (even if not connected to any AP's) when this happened?
a042349 said:
Was your wifi also enabled (even if not connected to any AP's) when this happened?
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Yes, and I couldn't turn it off once the "screen dim bug" took hold. Today I've rebooted and left Bluetooth OFF and Wireless ON and have not had an issue all day long, and that's making calls, using 3G, wireless and running a pile of apps. I think I can live with no Bluetooth until the next release.
I don't think it's BT. I think it's wifi not recovering properly from sleep mode.
a042349 said:
I don't think it's BT. I think it's wifi not recovering properly from sleep mode.
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Fair call. However, I've now had BT off for 6 hours and I'm using 3G, wireless and USB transfers and it hasn't hiccuped yet. This is the longest I've had with no screen dim bug.
I did notice that when I walked out to the car, the Streak could still "see" my home wireless network, then starting the car and the BT pairing and connecting is when the screen dim bug came back.
Maybe it's when both are run at the same time and both are connected/paired?
petesbodyparts said:
Fair call. However, I've now had BT off for 6 hours and I'm using 3G, wireless and USB transfers and it hasn't hiccuped yet. This is the longest I've had with no screen dim bug.
I did notice that when I walked out to the car, the Streak could still "see" my home wireless network, then starting the car and the BT pairing and connecting is when the screen dim bug came back.
Maybe it's when both are run at the same time and both are connected/paired?
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I agree its looks like its a wifi issue. I always keep my bluetooth off and it still did it.
I got mine fixed... but the problem is i did a bunch of steps and now cant figure out which one actually fixed it. its been running great for 12hrs now.
What I did, since I noticed that wifi sometimes didn't sleep or wake itself up properly all the time (which i think is what's affecting our Streak sleeping), was turn off the wifi sleep. In other words when my device shuts off wifi stays active.
However, I then used "Tasker" from the Market and setup two profiles. When the screen goes off it shuts off 3G, wifi and autosync. Then when the screen comes on it turns on 3g/wifi, waits 20 secs and enables autosync (which then initiates a mail/calendar/contacts sync).
This has worked perfectly, and I get mad good battery life to boot. Now this means I don't get mail/updates (facebook, weather, etc - still get calls and txts obviously) but for me it's not a big deal especially for the battery life.
I may eventually setup more Tasker events to duplicate "Juice Defender" and poll every half hour (3G only, when screen is off only) to get my updates, but for now it's been working great.
I also setup profiles so if I'm not where I have wifi pairings it shuts down wifi. Also if it detects I'm connected via wifi (at home for instance) it disables my lock screen. I also have it set to only start GPS for apps that need it (Maps, Navigation, Places, etc) and that helps save battery too.
Tasker is an awesome app for $3.99. It has a steep learning curve, but there are enough walk-throughs available to teach you how to do the basics.
rebel146 said:
I agree its looks like its a wifi issue. I always keep my bluetooth off and it still did it.
I got mine fixed... but the problem is i did a bunch of steps and now cant figure out which one actually fixed it. its been running great for 12hrs now.
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Found the fix on Modaco. Have a look at the last page of the thread called "2.1 Bugs ....., Add what you find please....."
I never knew there was an "Advanced" menu for WiFi!
yeah that is not it. I also have mine set to never time out so does that mean it will never shut off either? Anyway, it keeps happening through the day. Wifi and bluetooth do seem to have something to do with it, but I need them both on all the time so the only thing I can do is reboot. Then it is good for a couple hours. Are the any apps that have a reboot? That's one thing I miss on the iPhone.

Screen IS OFF, but it is responsive!!!!!

SOD and random screen freezes has been bothering me almost always. I was reading all over the xda, different complains and strange solutions for them. I almost tried all of them and NONE is REALLY working (at least for me).
Recently I notice that when I wake up my phone (with yes button) after turning on, LCD immediately turns off. I mean after waking up the lcd, even if it is awake and responses to screen touch (even I can unlock it) but the LCD is off!!!! in this situation if I continue touching the screen it comes to life after couple of seconds and if not it goes back to sleep mode.
I wanted to see if anybody else has experienced same thing and If there is any solutions for it or not.
my android is HyperDroid
and my kernel is hastarin
I assume you are using the auto backlight...
If so search the problem is discussed in the hyperdroid thread.
Hold up to a bright light when that happens.
hold up to a lightbulb and then turn of autobrightness.
joseph230 said:
SOD and random screen freezes has been bothering me almost always. I was reading all over the xda, different complains and strange solutions for them. I almost tried all of them and NONE is REALLY working (at least for me).
Recently I notice that when I wake up my phone (with yes button) after turning on, LCD immediately turns off. I mean after waking up the lcd, even if it is awake and responses to screen touch (even I can unlock it) but the LCD is off!!!! in this situation if I continue touching the screen it comes to life after couple of seconds and if not it goes back to sleep mode.
I wanted to see if anybody else has experienced same thing and If there is any solutions for it or not.
my android is HyperDroid
and my kernel is hastarin
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Not only hold it up to a bright light, but once the screen comes back on go insto display settings and turn off the auto brightness. If our using hyperdroid you should try phiremod CM6
I had this problem. I also search xda to find solutions. The only thing that worked for me was to update to the latest radio. 2.15.50 if you havent tried that already
good luck
cs378 said:
I had this problem. I also search xda to find solutions. The only thing that worked for me was to update to the latest radio. 2.15.50 if you havent tried that already
good luck
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My Radio is 2.15 already.
I will try the bright bulb and turning off the auto balcklight to see wat happens. I hope it fix the problem. I will report back with the result.
Thank you everybody for the replies. I really appreciate it.
For EVO kernels, screen backlight turns off when brightness value is set lower than 30. Meanwhile the default lowest autobacklight level is 20. If you use a Cyanogenmod build, the levels can be adjusted, but the "screen dim level" cannot be set to values greater than 26.
The best solution would be lowering turn-off threshold in backlight driver to 20 or less.
RobertsDF said:
hold up to a lightbulb and then turn of autobrightness.
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Thank you.
I used the trick and when I turned the auto balcklight off, it seems that my problems are gone.
Not only hold it up to a bright light, but once the screen comes back on go insto display settings and turn off the auto brightness. If our using hyperdroid you should try phiremod CM6
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Thank you , the tricked worked
About PhireMod, I switched to it and till now LATE WAKE UP time is gone. It is waking up very fast and normal. Of course it had the same auto backlight problem which got fixed by disabling it.
Also for me HyperDroid was not giving me bluetooth and it was causing the phone process to FC. But PhireMod successfully passed the bluetooth test and I am using it now.
Thank you again for hints and suggesting the PhireMod.

Wifi issue

I recently noticed an issue with my wifi (stock 2.3.3), where an app that needs to update regularly didn't seem to be doing it when the screen was off. As the phone always sits on its dock when I'm at home, I "solved" the issue by making the screen never turn off.
However, today I decided to give SIPdroid another go, as I tested it when I first got my phone and it wasn't working properly. I found out why, the second I put the phone to my ear, the screen turns off and the sound cuts. If I take the phone away, I suddenly get all the audio high speed as it catches back up.
A bit of googling showed this to be a known issue, the wifi goes into power saving mode when the screen turns off - on SIPdroid there's an option to keep the screen off and it seems to work well, it just dims the screen instead. But that's still an unnecessary battery drain.
I had trouble finding any recent info on the issue (within the past 6 months), maybe I was just using the wrong keywords. So I thought I'd ask here. Does anyone know anything about this issue? Is it likely to be fixed in the next version of android if it ever comes to the desire HD? Maybe there's a fix out there already (preferably without rooting and/or installing custom rom, my phone is just right as it is now...).
Settings>Wireless & Networks>Wifi settings>Hit 'Menu'>Advanced>Wifi sleep policy>Never
That'll prevent the wifi turning off when the screen turns off.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
I tried that before posting, it makes no difference whatsoever (besides, the sleep policy is either never or 15 minutes, this problem occurs the second the screen goes off).
If u re root: change radio... try anyone.
stock: mmm default reset to try. (i think)
No: Priority Milestone Owner Summary Stars
Reading through the comments, it seems a more general android problem. A reset wouldn't fix it.

sleep of death

I'm now on my third nexus 7 and in general absolutely love the device but I'm getting fed up with the issues.
My first device suffered from sever flickering, the second had the backlight bleed and now the third refuses to wake after the screen is turned off about fifty percent of the time.
This is not the same issue as people are reporting in other posts as the charger is never connected when I have a problem. It doesn't matter if the screen times out or if I press the power button to after I finish using the device.
I'm using the stock ROM (with the 4.1.1 update), no root and have only installed the kindel app so its about as vanilla as can be.
The second nexus I had did this once but I had already organised the return and didn't think much of it.
Anyone else having similar issues or able to recommended a fix as this nexus is perfect in every other way?
Factory reset, leave it that way for a while, does it happen? If no, then you probably have an app doing something wonky.
Turn off automatic backlight, manually set it to around 40% and see if the flicker and the "SOD" goes away.
As the poster above said, turn off automatic brightness and see if that fixes it.
Nospin said:
As the poster above said, turn off automatic brightness and see if that fixes it.
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Automatic brightness is on my N7 (and other devices) 100% of the time... No SOD problems here.
lol, so far there's not an issue for you. But some have noticed that depending on the brightness settings it reads when you power on the screen, it can "think" it's either too bright or too dark and leave you with a screen you can't see.
This gets mistaken for "SOD" because you never see the screen-Why? Because it looks like the ratio for the lowest automatic brightness setting is a bit, um, TOO low. LOL
Most other devices won't exhibit this using stock settings, but the N7 will.
Just got my first nexus 7 yesterday and after pretty much falling in love, was dismayed about the unexplained black outs for no apparent reason. Could not wake up the device afterward without holding down the power key for 10 sec then leaving it alone for a while.
After reading your post, I realized that the incidents occurred after switching from manual to automatic brightness in a dimly lit room, followed by mysterious recoveries when moving to brighter room. I will monitor, but hope for the best. (Will probably just use manual settings as I found the automatic mode to be too dim in all settings anyway - old eyes!)
I am already pretty raw on this point as I just spent the last 10 years or so with a laptop that would not wake up from sleep, and just learned to live with it after wasting SO much time trying to get to the bottom of it. If you have saved me from that, or from having to exchange the n7, I owe you big time. Thanks again!
Compusmurf said:
lol, so far there's not an issue for you. But some have noticed that depending on the brightness settings it reads when you power on the screen, it can "think" it's either too bright or too dark and leave you with a screen you can't see.
This gets mistaken for "SOD" because you never see the screen-Why? Because it looks like the ratio for the lowest automatic brightness setting is a bit, um, TOO low. LOL
Most other devices won't exhibit this using stock settings, but the N7 will.
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did you solve it or what?
I have the exact same issue and I'm about two second from returning this crap
so annoying
seven2099 said:
did you solve it or what?
I have the exact same issue and I'm about two second from returning this crap
so annoying
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well that didnt fix anything.
Its a hardware issue, so i'm going back to stock and see what I can do, because if not, this baby is going back
seven2099 said:
well that didnt fix anything.
Its a hardware issue, so i'm going back to stock and see what I can do, because if not, this baby is going back
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i have similar issue with forced sleep, it cannot waken sometimes. TnT
anyone can help?
Further investigation shows this has nothing to do with brightness and that all tablets with this issue should be returned/exchanged immediately.
Quick google search will allow you to find that comes directly from Asus support.
Total fail, asus ftl
new tab rendered more quality issues. opened it at the shop, returned it immediately and went samsung.
Asus will always be asus.. too bad cuz my tf300 was pretty decent in terms of quality, just had wierd screen lift and squeecky issues.
Galaxy Tab 2.0 7inch is a much better choice now.
I have exactly the same problem with my current device. About 30% of the time, the power button would just stop working so I couldn't turn the unit on or off, unless I plugged it in to the charger. It didn't turn on for a full day once so I did a full factory reset which included re-flashing the stock rom and the problem persisted, the button would still not work! So I packaged it up for return and left it sitting for a couple of days. Just before I went to post it, I checked that the issue remained and to my surprise it turned itself back on again! I kept it and since then, it has only happened once.
I do intend to return it though, but only when I hear Asus are shipping units which are built properly. Clearly a hardware issue but pretty weird since it seems random and is not reproducible by any means I know of.
I am experiencing a similar issue. Does setting a manual brightness fix the issue?
It is my 3rd Nexus now with exactly the same problem.
I found out that the Nexus is in APX-mode (NVFlash) when it's in this state (SoD). Windows tries to install a APX driver when it is connected via USB.
The problem occured always with 16GB Nexus. A friends 8GB works fine.
Nexus 7 (C9) - Stock Rom 4.1.2. - locked - not rooted
Turning off the auto-brightness fixed the issue for me. Minor workaround to a major problem.
