Is there a way to lock the phone in landscape mode - EVO 4G General

Is there a way to lock the phone in landscape mode? I use fresh and am running launcher pro. I'd like a way to lock it in too only landscape mode.


Fixed landscape mode

Is there a way to lock the screen in landscape mode? When you flip the screen the orientation changes, but i want it not to

Landscape vs portrait mode inc. keyboard & rotation

I actually started using Android for the first time with ICS Elite ROM coming from a blackberry and didn't realise that some launchers do landscape mode.
As a result I've been using my i9000 locked in portrait mode to type and everything. The new ICS keyboard makes this feasible.
The thing is, I don't fancy doing a .zip unpack again even though Nandroid backup and Titanium backup is fairly easy. Is there a launcher to install that can do it or would I then find more apps that don't work so great in landscape? I don't like turning the screen all the time and also because if you lay on your side the auto turning is annoying, yet that's the only slick way to use both screen modes.
If I can find a launcher that can do it, it might be better to use landscape all the time.
Is there anyone else out there who uses exclusively portrait mode like I currently do?
"go launcher" has the option to either lock it in one position or turn with the sensor. some widgets get a bit distorted in landscape though

Locking screen rotation?

I've enabled home screen rotation and true tablet UI as per
However I haven't found a solution to lock the screen in landscape mode. I've tried several apps and widgets that claim to do that but none work on the N7. All they do is force the screen in portrait mode.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Maybe this will help..
Have home screen set to autorotate, then set your tablet to be autorotate on top via notification dropdown. Then put tablet in landscape mode by holding it that way. While its in landscape mode do to the notification bar (dropdown) and lock the rotation. It should stay landscape.
Great, that works. I hadn't thought to dig among the settings in the popup menu.

Edge Screen in Landscape GS7E

Is there any way of getting the edge screen to work in landscape mode? Sometimes I want to switch apps when I'm in a landscape game without having to manually close the app then do it.

[HELP]Rotation for Lock Screen A12L?

Any chance anyone has found settings or an app to get the lockscreen to rotate into landscape mode?
i use treble gsi android12 on the tablet And that the lock screen doesn't rotate is a big problem.

