[Q] Which WM6.5 Rom most stabil & best ? - Touch HD General

I want to ask which one WM6.5 Rom most stabil & best ?
Because i want to upgrade from WM6.1 to WM6.5
How to make 2 OS (operating system) in my PDA.
I want to use WM6.5 & Android?
How to install use 2 OS.

There is no best ROM. If you ask 5 people, you get 5 different answers.
If you don't understand the basic tasks needed, you better leave flashing to someone else...
The only way for you: READ THE STICKY POSTS and the FAQs in the WIKI.
There is a specific reason they were written: Noobs like you.
Mods: Please lock this noob/nonsense thread

This one!
I have used different ROM's. I have used Dutty's, Miri's, Energy ROMS. Both WM 6.5 builds 21..., 23..., 28...
But I wanted speed and much memory left.
So the ROM I am using now, as you can see in my signature, is the best for me.
After a soft reset, there is 150 MB RAM memory. With Energy ROM 23... I only had 70 MB RAM.
The battery goes for days and I am a heavy user.
This is a very clean ROM without Manila, so you have to install everything yourself.
Glad to be of help...

in the touch hd rom development section you will find a variety of roms by different chefs and every one of those tries to make a rom, that is fast and stable and most of all, to their taste of style and features. rom threads are marked as [ROM| or [RELEASE| and for most, you will find the release date, rom language and version and manila version in the thread's title, which will give you a brief idea, which roms are not for you, e.g. if you want an english rom, ignore the NLD and PTG roms. and have a look at the screenshots in the threads to find one style, you could live with every day. there is no point in flashing a rom that is fast, stable and has a lot of features, when it is hideous and you can't stand looking at it.
in the end you will find maybe 3 roms, you like and you can simply give them a try. remember to back up your pim data, with pimbackup or outlook or ms myphone, because flashing requires a hard reset and you will lose all information stored on the phone. and a word of advice:
you will not find a rom that is as fast or even faster than the stock rom, they are all slow, but they give you more features and more eye candy, which kinda makes it worth a try.
by the way, i am using cloudy's v0.6 wm6.1 with sense 2.5, with a good sense version, the wm behind it does not really matter.
for instructions on how to flash a rom, have a look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505377
for android as a 2nd OS, have a look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=732362

i also recommended cloudy rom, flash the latest version since it release till now, few week past, never hang even on heavy use.

Think this thread has been kept open long enough. Everyone has different tastes, like & dislikes so the perfect rom does not exist. You've been given a few pointers above
Thread closed


Best Rom for my Virgin Media (uk) Hd2?

Hi there,
With all the roms available, I can tell you that i'm way too confused as to what I should be installing on my Hd2. I've read in these forums that some people are having issues using modified roms with their Virgin media hd2 handset. I'm trying to find out what other Virgin media users are installing on their hd2's without suffering from such incompatibilities. Please recommend a rom that would be suitable to use with my installed Radio. Or recommend a rom and radio combination that would work flawlessly, going on the info below..
Ideally, the Rom will be feature packed, and have the latest software installed for social networking, browsing flash websites, playing games and listening to music.
I'm using 1.48.405.2 (71294) WWE, rom date - 11/08/09.
Radio -
I am new to this site, and ppc's, so please be gentle.. lol..
Thanks for any advice.
I dunno exactly WHAT is the most important thing to you...
as you can see in my sig I love XannyTech's ROMs...
eye candy, speed, stability, latest packages, a lot of tweaks pre-installed...for me thats the best rom out of the box right now.
But maybe you are not looking for a "finished" product but rather a stock rom where you can select, pick and choose your stuff, tweaks and mods...IMO these roms are more for advanced users that know what to do with it. Miri and Dutty for example have roms that are close to stock but with updates packages and speed enhancements...
if you have no idea, I would roll with XannyTech because you can use the rom without any changes and its awesome.
BUT you need to update your radio ROM first. There is a link in the thread of which radio you need and then check the stickies to see how to flash...
its VERY easy when you have done it already but if not...you should be careful.
[email protected] said:
I dunno exactly WHAT is the most important thing to you...
as you can see in my sig I love XannyTech's ROMs...
eye candy, speed, stability, latest packages, a lot of tweaks pre-installed...for me thats the best rom out of the box right now.
But maybe you are not looking for a "finished" product but rather a stock rom where you can select, pick and choose your stuff, tweaks and mods...IMO these roms are more for advanced users that know what to do with it. Miri and Dutty for example have roms that are close to stock but with updates packages and speed enhancements...
if you have no idea, I would roll with XannyTech because you can use the rom without any changes and its awesome.
BUT you need to update your radio ROM first. There is a link in the thread of which radio you need and then check the stickies to see how to flash...
its VERY easy when you have done it already but if not...you should be careful.
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Cheers for the advice. I'll take a look into XanntTech's Roms.
^there are 2 available...
if you choose the pandora series...thats windows mobile 6.5
fast, stable but not very flashy...
evolution looks much nicer and has windows mobile 6.5.5 which looks much nicer...but sense is not completely optimized for this...so there are some graphical glitches and misalignments.
Overall tho most people take Evolution
Hi, I am with VM Mobile too, I have so far had various roms but the most stable I found was in Phamquang's rom "AWSOME" 5.2.21891. Trust me you will not regret it.
cicas, am a noobto all this rom stuff. read on htc website that would loose all info stored on phone. does that include general virgin media settings?
Bobcat2010 said:
cicas, am a noobto all this rom stuff. read on htc website that would loose all info stored on phone. does that include general virgin media settings?
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If you install a custom or stock rom then yes you will loose all contacts, messages and general settings but once the new rom finishes flashing and resets, it will go through a connection setup to set up your internet and messaging settings.
There are soo many roms out there to try out its really a matter of what you need to get out of it. Laurentius26 rom has custom slider icons and custom system icons that you may or may not like, Duttys WWE rom is extremely stable and fast with a stock look but everything inside updated (also includes a good radio so no need to update first), and as mentioned xannytech has a very stable rom which is well liked by alot of people.
My advise would be to try a few and see which one sticks on you.

custom rom vs offical

hi all i have the first batch of hd2's from mobilephonesdirect.com and the specs are
1.43.405.1 WWE rom
5.2.21864 OS
now id like to flash my hd2 as ive had it awhile and at first just installed everything everywhere and now i know what apps i want id like a clean install, i was going to just hard reset it but then thought seen as theirs new roms i should install one for the fixes they offer. so i have one simple question....
should i install the latest official rom from htc 1.66 or would it benefit me more installing a custom rom, keep in mind this is a first for me and i would like a custom rom if possible to gain some extra features they offer
can someone link me to the best custom rom to date please and also are they easy to install
you should do your homework and read m8. then happy flashing.
im reading up on the info now matey, could i ask whats the best custom rom todate.. most stable and clean, also how is their some with more ram and cpu hacks, where can i find out more info on this as it seems weird htc putting higher amounts of ram in these hd2's and then not showing it, also whats this 1ghz hack ??
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donalgodon said:
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could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
there is no 'best custom rom' and if you HAD been reading up you would have seen that that question gets asked a dozen times per day, and never gets an answer.
actually threads like that get closed.
knightthatsaysni said:
could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
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Starting with HSPL is the best choice, then your options are greater.
You'll get many opinions on ROMs, and all our chef's are great, and do fantastic work but like anything, it is a matter of taste.
For me, Dutty's HG is a good place to start. It is close to stock, but with some great custom features. It is my choice, as it suits my needs/style of using my phone the best, but my all means, you should experiment.
I have read alot and the process/method seems like something I can cope with, I suppose the only question is:
If I should wait for longer than 8 hours
Nice piece of kit for sure though.....
That's up to you, but what are you waiting for?

Custom ROM Questions

I have had my HD2 for a month now. Been running the stock 1.48 ROM with all the tweaks and fixes from XDA. Everything works great. The newer 1.66 ROM has just been released in my country (I'm in South Africa, things are a bit behind here), and i was thinking of either flashing the stock or a custom ROM.
I've read on these forums from a fair number of people who claim that cooked ROMS are inherently unstable and suffer from random freezes.
Is there any truth to this. I was running Sakajati's Hyperdragon ROMS on my old Kasier, and they were 100% stable.
Or is the instability a result of multiple ROM flashes without using the MTTY process?
Thanks for your help.
I'd say run the stock 1.66 ROM and see how you get on, it might be fine with a few tweaks. After that, look into custom ROMs if you feel you need one
Hi Eddy.
Thanks for the reply.
I'll give the stock 1.66 a go.
was thinking of changing the original rom
which custom rom should i go for need advice
adamo86 said:
which custom rom should i go for need advice
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it really depends on your needs and deires... the only thing you can do is look through the various ROMs and then choose one that suits you or that you like... if its not what you want then change it...
I have been looking at a lot of ROMS, have not tried any yet.
I think i will probably go with Laurentius Ultimate power. I like the fact that his ROM includes a Radio, and he also does a lot of beta testing before releasing a ROM.
I've just flashed stock 1.66, will try that for a while. Then go the cooked route.
Duttys HG series are very good, using it at the moment (WinMo 6.5-style as I hate the new new buttons) - link is in my sig for those interested
from my personal experience i can tell you the best custom roms are faster, more stable and also have extra features that make them more fun compared to stock. but for this to happen you need to be careful with your flashing method.there is an excellent thread in the 1st page of the ROM development forum which i recommend you study thoroughly before attempting your first custom flash. also, remember to always flash a stock ROM in between 2 customs (or use mtty) and always hard reset the phone after the 1st boot. roms are also radio sensitive so you might also have to flash different radios to obtain the best combination. perhaps it sounds a little complicated but it's not really and definetely worth to try.
cheers mate and have fun!
deleted double post
If u r looking for stable rom, try 6.5 rom, not 6.5.x.
6.5.x roms is more finger friendly but contain more bugs than 6.5
Try Miri's rom or Xanny's rom. I used both and satisfied with both
Hi Antaed.
Thanks for reply. I've read all the HSPL and flashing posts. Not too worried about the process.
I agree with what you say, on my tytnII, custom ROM was much faster.
Good to hear you're not have stability problems with the custom ROMS for HD2
Savage-wp said:
Hi Antaed.
Thanks for reply. I've read all the HSPL and flashing posts. Not too worried about the process.
I agree with what you say, on my tytnII, custom ROM was much faster.
Good to hear you're not have stability problems with the custom ROMS for HD2
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glad to help mate. i'm not a flash addict (just yet ) so i tried only roms from the notorious chefs - dutty, laurentius, xannytech, energy, etc. i wasn't disappointed by any of them, all are very good but each is different in its own way. my favorite is artemis (from sternas) because i find it closest to my needs - leo only packages, close to stock, essential addons and of course great, great performance. i recommend you try a few yourself so you can decide which is best for you.

What ROM are you using ? Why?

What official ROM are you using?
Please choose and also say on the thread.
Mention if you're using custom ROM as well.
You be the judge.
I'm using Dutty's HG 1.7
Why? I always revert back to Dutty's ROM after using anyone else's ROM because I find his ROM's to be very stable and its stock-like, which allows me to install mods however I want to.
Quiet honestly, you just have to try out the ROMs for yourself, there are plenty of chefs out there that have different tastes, and one of them is bound to be your choice. Just as an example, NRG's Energy ROMs is completely customized when you flash it, CleanEX ROMs are "clean" (only has necessary programs for the phone to run)....those are just a couple that come out of the top of my head.
Just experiment, and you be the judge, don't let others make the decision for you! It only takes a few minutes to flash a ROM!
Happy flashing!
I'm cooking and using my own rom simply because i can't get
the same enhanced experience with any stock rom out of the box.
Best of all roms and mods/enhancements combined.
artemis v8 - why? because it is simply the best rom on our planet!
the only neg point - it doesn´t have the 576mb ram support.
spoogedemon said:
artemis v8 - why? because it is simply the best rom on our planet!
the only neg point - it doesn´t have the 576mb ram support.
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to some that is a good thing!!!
with stock I had 70MB storage lefter after I did all my installs.
On Duttys HG 1.6 I had 170MB free after the same installs.
AS for free memory i had 172MB free on 1.48 stock.
On HG1.6 I have 300MB free.
I never crunched through 172, let alone 300!!!. But given the 576MB I now have a shorter battery life (but not by much), but also some call quality and stability issues, and internet reliability.
2.09 radio is the best IMO.
p.s. I chose Duttys HG because at the time it was 35554 build with the most stripped out and i was looking to test the build. Now there is tons of choice though.
This thread will be locked soon, especially as it's in the wrong forum for a start!!
But I use my own ROM for the record
EddyOS said:
This thread will be locked soon, especially as it's in the wrong forum for a start!!
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Maybe not. digitalhater does not ask the best
I'm using a cooked rom. L26V3.0 ultimatepower. because i like the skinning, functionality, stability and speed
Should still be moved to general though!
Using Artemis 8.0 SVE, since its the only swedish custom/cooked ROM i can find. Simple as that.
artemis rom because:
- the rom is very stable and fast, also very close to stock so i can use the customization i want
- i like the philosophy behind the project: high tech rom based on the latest hd2 packages, no tricks and gimmicks, only the real thing
- i like the sternas' work ethic and his attitude toward his "customers"
I'm using my own custom ROM. I've tried several different ones by chefs, but I always return to my own because it has everything I like and my own custom icons.
I'm using AxLor Leo V.9 WWE Lite Edition. I chose this ROM because it's fast, has cool looking icons already cooked into it and it got everything I need.
Clean EX
Because Stable and very good Job for memory !
1.72 so
duttys HG roms - becouse i follow his work on my diamond, and only dutty roms i had installed on diamond longer than 2weeks, now on HD2 use becouse i know how much experience he must have witch rom building...
I also use Dutty's HG 1.7. it is generally very stable ( should i say less bugs) and very close to bare stock rom
Why = it an enhanced OS rom with simple, clean & stable specs.
Not the best one but it only takes less than 15 mins to test it & u can flash other rom back
antaed said:
artemis rom because:
- the rom is very stable and fast, also very close to stock so i can use the customization i want
- i like the philosophy behind the project: high tech rom based on the latest hd2 packages, no tricks and gimmicks, only the real thing
- i like the sternas' work ethic and his attitude toward his "customers"
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exactly the same idea as this, cant argue with that.
MIRI,s 23544 V11.
The most up to date ron, exceptionally smooth, stable, fast anx also close to stock but with much better looks.
the best roms for leo?..
simple.. see in my signature
I'm using RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.0 7U_2.06.51.07_Ship and I've just noticed that I have the GPS Photo options in the camera by default. I have no program such as HD 2 Tweaks or BSB Tweaks installed.
It's a clean install of the original ROM and a Task29 has been performed before installing it.
However, it doesn't work...the "Initializing GPS" keeps on loading (didn't tried this outside).
Anyone else has this option by default? Is it a faulty ROM?
I don't think the option should be there however. It's a stock ROM and no tweaks applied so...this is why it's strange. Can anyone confirm?

Custom Rom for Speed/Stability?

Which is a good rom for Speed/Stability if anybody could reccomend me one, I find most of the custom ones are pretty much focused on Eye Candy and Attractive graphics.
I'm after something that is fast and stable, I guess I can just disable any themes if they come with them etc, as my current ROM (Factory ROM), is a bit buggy the transcriber when typing messages hangs sometimes (whole device freezes intermittently) and when writing on notes the device sometimes freezes, so i thought a custom ROM may somehow fix this and generally improve the speed of the device if anybody has made a custom rom focusing on speed and stability.
If anybody could recommend me a starting point i'd appreciate it as I don't want to go out flashing all of the ROMS out there but rather get an opinion on a good ROM to start off with.
that kind of behaviour is not normal for a stock rom. which exact one do you use (exact version and carrier)?
i personally use the official htc wwe rom 1.56 with the latest radio and have none of the problems you described. but stock roms vary just as much as cooked roms. before this one, i used the very latest shipped rom, i believe it was the orange uk rom wwe 1.59 and it was far less stable, slower and had other integrated apps (and streaming media was missing).
since apparently you have used cooked roms before, have you performed a task 29 before flashing your current rom and are you certain to have performed at least one successful hard reset after flashing it?
MOD EDIT - Move to General forum. Please post all Q&A in General section
My details on the startup are :
G 52.49a.25.26u
D 1.18. 23358
I take it it's version 1.18?
Not sure which carrier it is but my Interface does have a "Starhub" Icon on it.
I don't konw what region my phone is originally from so will see what HTC websites i can download the official firmware from.
It actually freezes not just when using transcriber, it would do it anytime but more so when using transcriber or notes.
I want to install new rom in my phone. New rom would need to be wm6.5 and some older touchflo interface. Manila 2.5 is slow for my touchHD (I bought phone with cooked rom, but then I didnt know nothing about cooked roms).
What is most important to me is to have similar calendar as manila 2.5 calendar (or similar because windows calendar is painful to use with fingers).
So I want as speedy as it can be with wm6.5 touchflo combination.
Any propositions?

