How to stop backplate related reboots - Streak 5 General

I sh*t you not.
so after constant shutdowns i noticed that if i push a spot close to the dell logo on the back on my phone it would reboot. i was unsure if it was because the blackplate would flex and affect the sensor or if the back plate pushed against the battery dislodging it.
but either way, i thought &*%$ this! i ripped up some paper, folded it and popped it between the backplate and the battery, only a tiny bit of paper so no chance of causing a overheat.
no more reboots. im a happy camper
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paper, natures fix

flumps said:
I sh*t you not.
so after constant shutdowns i noticed that if i push a spot close to the dell logo on the back on my phone it would reboot.
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You're holding your phone the wrong way round, you supposed to touch and navigate by touching the glass bit at the front

checkbox111 said:
You're holding your phone the wrong way round, you supposed to touch and navigate by touching the glass bit at the front
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heh, i thought something didnt seem right.
but the phone would be in my pocket and reboot from me simply walking down the street.

This just made me realize that since using my formfit case that I don't experience this problem anymore. Makes sense that its the battery cover.
You should package those sheets of paper and sell it. LoL
'Bet someone will still buy it..'
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

flumps said:
but the phone would be in my pocket and reboot from me simply walking down the street.
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If that was your back trouser pocket, would that equate to a 'boot up the backside'

checkbox111 said:
If that was your back trouser pocket, would that equate to a 'boot up the backside'
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lol. either way ive not had any random shutdowns since popping some paper up its ass.


Battery cover clicks, cracks, pisses me off

Hi guys,
I'm having this problem and I would like to know if it's happening to someone else. There are certain parts of the battery cover that will click and crack when pressed. They're basically the phone's "temples" (the top part of the phone's sides) and the area around the headphone jack, as shown on this pic:
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It's pretty irritating, since that's basically the area I use to grab the phone and get it out of its case. Do you get it too?
I don't have this problem. But I expect people will get the same problem if they open the battery cover too many times. You can try calling HTC to see if you can buy a battery cover from them.
mine does it. Didn't at first, now it does. No big deal.
Thanks for your replies guys, glad to know that at least one more person has this problem too
Rvinny, have you ever dropped your phone? I have, and fear both things might be related.
I've dropped it like four times now and mine doesn't creak. I am probably the pickiest person in the world too, but I have to say... the build quality on this phone is pretty solid... its just too bad they used the worst speakers ive ever heard in a mobile phone before. Bet the speakers on the desire will be good though ... bastards...
mine clicks in the same spots.
i've been thinking about getting a replacement battery cover.
easy fix - put a miniscule amount of electrical tape right under each of the corner tabs on the battery cover to use as a padding/buffer. result - solid feeling phone, no more flex.
denimjunkie82 said:
easy fix - put a miniscule amount of electrical tape right under each of the corner tabs on the battery cover to use as a padding/buffer. result - solid feeling phone, no more flex.
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Dude, it worked! you saved my phone!

success in changing X10 housing :D

hey guys, i succesfully changed my housing, after the scary task of removing the touch module, and then glueing it onto the next one, and letting it sit for 24 hours, its working flawlessly, here is some pics excuse the bad quality, was taken with my iPod touch
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ignore my spelling, im not to good at it
That looks cool... I have the same setup with the black in the front... did you manage to get any dust in there? I got some in mine... and its annoying as hell sometimes
saketh321 said:
That looks cool... I have the same setup with the black in the front... did you manage to get any dust in there? I got some in mine... and its annoying as hell sometimes
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nope, i used a clear box with gloves so i didnt get any crap inside it
would superglue be alright to use under the corner of the touch module?
bottom right corner is lifting and nothing i put on it will hold it, ofcourse super glue would, just dont want it to stuff my module
would it be alright?
Whoa. Nice. It's a Panda Phone~ Lol.
Glad you survived the surgery operation >.<
just used superglue to stick the corner of the touch module down.
its stuck, it aint going absolutly no where, man this **** is strong, stuck my finger to my cloth, had to use salt water to get it off
How did you remove digitizer from housing with heat or something else?
petric1 said:
How did you remove digitizer from housing with heat or something else?
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Per schematics I looked at a while ago, and pictures I've seen, I think that the digitizer and the glass are bonded together. He probably just replaced the glass and digitizer at the same time.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
That is not cheap solution digitizer cost money!Why replace it if it works?
This just has to be bullcrap!?
........ How?

Dust between screen and sides

Any ideas on how to protect the space between the screen and front edge of this awesome phone?
The gel case from sprint doesn't cover this gap, and there doesn't seem to be many cases out yet to fit the NS4g.
Is this even something to be concerned with?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
ive never had an issues with sides usually can just blow and what ever if anything gets in between usually comes out.
And the screen is fused to the touch glass with adhesive no dust is getting between screen so no worries
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The dust gets in the exact same place you referenced with me too, and I always get panicky, but I find that if I try to remove it myself, it just ends up worse somehow. They just seem to dissapear after some time in my pocket though. I'll check a few hours later, and bam, the dust isn't there anymore.
MILH0U5E said:
Any ideas on how to protect the space between the screen and front edge of this awesome phone?
The gel case from sprint doesn't cover this gap, and there doesn't seem to be many cases out yet to fit the NS4g.
Is this even something to be concerned with?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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I use this stuff to get dust out
suomaf said:
I use this stuff to get dust out
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mine has dust too! going to try the gel thing.
I had the same problem just use the edge on piece of
Paper and don't worry dust can't get in the screen like themytouch 4g
My friend got that has dust all up in the screen crazy
suomaf said:
I use this stuff to get dust out
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This product looks great to get the dust particles from my pocket out of my devices. Im gonna hit up a couple stores and pick this up, if its not off the wall expensive.

[Q] Help me! My HD2 has a screen problem!

I found my phone's screen appear something on my screen
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yeabilo said:
I found my phone's screen appear something on my screen
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Things are supposed to appear on your phone's screen. If nothing appeared on your screen, that would be a problem.
yeah sorry but i would need a little better understanding of the question to help you out. what appeared on your screen? whats causing you problems?
huggs said:
Things are supposed to appear on your phone's screen. If nothing appeared on your screen, that would be a problem.
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Yeah, but what looks like WET SPOTS are NOT supposed to be there. Looks like some sort of screen damage. Do those spots go away when the screen changes?
are you talking about those hazy thingies?
Have you exposed your phone to a place with rapid ambient temperature/humidity change? this might be water under the glass?
or it could be a protector screen gone bad?
you need to be more specific otherwise because there seems nothing wrong beside that.
Dr.Move said:
are you talking about those hazy thingies?
Have you exposed your phone to a place with rapid ambient temperature/humidity change? this might be water under the glass?
or it could be a protector screen gone bad?
you need to be more specific otherwise because there seems nothing wrong beside that.
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Looks like it might be the screen protector. At least he should hope that it's only the screen protector. If not, hope he has $$$ or $ and a steady hand.
rr5678 said:
Looks like it might be the screen protector. At least he should hope that it's only the screen protector. If not, hope he has $$$ or $ and a steady hand.
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or just try an hairdryer at low temp for a bit
now seriously, if that's just humidity under the glass, leave it off for two days with the battery cover open, best case scenario all of it will be gone without any sigh it was there.
if it is water try opening it up .. and putting it in a bag rice for a day or two ..

What to do when one of your HTC letters on back cover falls off.

Just do this.
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It has some dust, but you get the point.
Looks nice, right?
LOL, that is PRECISELY what I suggested to someone who had the same question some time back.
BTW, it's a bit surprising to me the silver ring around your camera is perfectly intact. Mine started scratching and peeling off from one point just weeks after purchase (Where the ring rests on the surface where it is placed). (It is in a cover now 24x7, so, it no longer happens. Also the reason why the back letters are intact)
3xeno said:
LOL, that is PRECISELY what I suggested to someone who had the same question some time back.
BTW, it's a bit surprising to me the silver ring around your camera is perfectly intact. Mine started scratching and peeling off from one point just weeks after purchase (Where the ring rests on the surface where it is placed). (It is in a cover now 24x7, so, it no longer happens. Also the reason why the back letters are intact)
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Well, I've had this Wildfire for a little more than 1 year, no guards/covers/cases/pouches what so ever since day 1 and it has absolutely no scratches on the screen/body (that line seen on the picture on the back "metal" isn't a scratch). Only the letters... The "T" came off today and I just removed the others, now it's unique, and good looking.
i dont get it
cedriccc said:
i dont get it
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What dont you get?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Was unique I think it looks better, might get my screwdrivers out tomorrow!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
I dropped by to recommend the same thing but its already said
I peeled mine off too once H came off. It looks better this way.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App

