Latest GIT Kernel - perfected? - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi Guys,
Has anyone tried the latest GIT kernel?
I installed the latest (as of last night) and have yet to experience any issues with unresponsive screen, SOD etc. It also seems that the touch response is much better also. Though Battery life seems to have suffered a little.
It's benching at over 1400 on Quadrant with no overclock (performance profile Min/Max at 998400 on setcpu)
I'm still using Darkstones original HD2Froyo build. Just as a side on this, does anyone know if it's possible to get Video Recording working on this build? It's my favorite build of the lot and don't want to change it (unless there's a build similar out there but more upto date?) Not used Winmo for so long now

I'm not sure about this latest kernel, but as far as the kernel in shubcrafts build I've been able to play with video. Actually, I've had it for a while now. Not 720p but comparable to winmo's video capabilities. You should try upgrading and see how you like the newer ones, especially one that is cm6 frg33 as it's the newest froyo update. You should be happy with it.

slackersink said:
I'm not sure about this latest kernel, but as far as the kernel in shubcrafts build I've been able to play with video. Actually, I've had it for a while now. Not 720p but comparable to winmo's video capabilities. You should try upgrading and see how you like the newer ones, especially one that is cm6 frg33 as it's the newest froyo update. You should be happy with it.
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Yeah i know in some builds the Video does work, but i've tried several other builds and none are as good as this one imo, i dont want any of the customisations, themes etc that people are cooking into them, i just want just stock Froyo. I did like one of the Cyanogen builds (bangsters maybe, cant remember!) but the keyboard had been changed and i didnt like it.
Anyway give the Kernel a go, i've not had a single screen freeze or SOD yet with it, it's woken up instantly every time, tested while walking a few times. And everything feels a lot more responsive...

Sorry for this noob question, can you let me know where I can download the latest zImage package using the latest git kernel? Thanks!
Sent from my HTC Leo Android using XDA App

This link will always download the latest GIT build :-
This link will always download the Matching Wifi and Tethering Modules :-
And here's instructions on adding the modules etc if needed :-
Hope this helps!

paulrgod said:
Hi Guys,
Has anyone tried the latest GIT kernel?
I installed the latest (as of last night)
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I don't see any kernel newer then 31-Aug-2010

That does appear to be the latest one. I havn't used these for a while as have been using Michyprima's kernels, but after the last one lasted me 4 whole hours battery wise i decided to try the GIT build and this is great so far..

paulrgod said:
This link will always download the latest GIT build :-
This link will always download the Matching Wifi and Tethering Modules :-
And here's instructions on adding the modules etc if needed :-
Hope this helps!
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thanks! will give it a go

is this 31-Aug-2010 zimage


FreeKernel Feedback (Bootloader bypass) UPDATE:VIDEO

Please post all feedback/comments to do with the FreeKernel here
zdzihu said:
The bootloader has been bypassed using the kexec/miniloader method
We are able to boot custom kernels now!
Anyway... this is the first release of the fully working custom kernel (flashable via xRecovery). I haven't had much time to work on it so it's kind of proof-of-concept. Tested for 48h without any problem (not even a reboot).
This is the alpha version of custom 2.6.29 kernel based on the SE sources. I do not plan to work on this release anymore - it is just for testing purpose. From today on I'll start to port SE stuff to the latest (GBread) kernel.
- removed 32 fps cap
- implemented netfilter (Droid wall, native USB/wifi tethering etc.)
- undervolted to 0.950mV to save battery
- don't remember what else I did, I bet something nasty
- super ugly boot logo!
- baseband .52 + the relevant kernel
- clean 2.1 ROM, compatibile with .52 baseband (e.g. .504)
- working xRecovery
Please note I am not responsible for any damage this software may cause to your device! Use it at your own risk!
There is absolutely no support for this alpha release!​
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So, if you want to test this new kernel, please keep in mind it is only compatible with stock 2.1 firmwares (.504 and above) that are compatible with baseband 52.
It is only for testing purposes, and any feedback for this alpha kernel is purely for the benefit of others, Z is not and will not be supporting this version, do not expect it to be ready for daily use!
Please post your results and how you get on with the kernel.
Video of FreeKernel
does anyone know how to embed it?
I tested the kernel on baseband .46 on TripNMIUI 0.3.2, and the removal of the FPS cap is incredible, the phone is so much smoother and fluid it is unbelievable - it is like having a new phone. I noticed the screen feels a lot more responsive aswell!.
Obviously it is not at all compatible with the ROM, there is no radio and there are frequent reboots, but just a taster in terms of things to come
Apologies for the poor video, but I think its enough to get the general gist of the smoothness
Tried custom kernel just for kicks on trips miui 54 and up super unstable no network/wifi tons of reboots....
bb 52 and bb49 no network but wifi IS working no sd card mount though
gonna test other roms aswell....
For install custom kernel to be need xrec by Z not from flashtool.
All works, clean install bb 2.0.46 and 2.0.A.0.504.
Dont problems.
I done back to my custom rom way xrec and flashed the patch bb.49, nothing problem.
this will not work on bb .46 i have tried and failed. no network at all. have tried on several roms... only eternity roms are working on this kernel on bb .52....
supposedly it is suppose to work with bb .49 have not tested on this bb so i cant say for sure.
guaranteed on .52 build 504...
results on quadrant show fps cap has been removed.
overclock is not possible but undervolting is
colors have not yet changed but should upon release of other custom kernels
Can I brick my x10 with this or only bootloop it (because bootloop is fixable with SEUS)
will this work with freex10 and can anyone give me a link to the main thread where zdhihu posted this? i can't find it. thanks.
PlayGunsta said:
Can I brick my x10 with this or only bootloop it (because bootloop is fixable with SEUS)
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You can't brick it as you only flash some files to the system, and you should still be able to access xrecovery if it bootloops
This is a test kernel not meant as anything more than a proof of concept. There is absolutely no reason to flash this unless you are personally working on making your own custom kernels. This kernel is not even an alpha release, it will never be developed or supported. If you choose to flash it just to toy around don't whine about functionality.
When custom kernels are available anything the hardware is capable of and drivers can be written for will be possible. Everyone needs to calm down and quit asking the same questions over and over.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
Have uploaded a video, does anyone know how to embed it in the post?
Thanks for the video!
a2ha said:
Thanks for the video!
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no problem
BTW. will it work on Freex10?
a2ha said:
BTW. will it work on Freex10?
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No. Z posted it in the bootloader cracking thread. This is only meant for stock 2.1 FW on. 49-.52 BB and is not functional for daily use. This is only meant as a test if you want a stable new kernel its still going to take a little while.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
a2ha said:
BTW. will it work on Freex10?
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It won't work with any ROM 100% - its just designed for testing, you won't be able to use it for daily use yet.
If you just want to try it out, its possible it will boot up on freex10 and you will see the effects of not having a FPS cap - but it is unlikely the majority of things will work, like radio etc. as it is meant for stock 2.1 roms.
If you do want to try it, make a backup on xrecovery first
I dont know what you have xD
What do you mean with "its not ready for dayly use" ?
I use it now since yesterday afternoon and everything works perfect!
I had no random reboots and everything is very smooth!
My Battery lost 1 % with stable 1 Ghz (playing around and testing).
So not be scared! flash it!
Whitecookie said:
What do you mean with "its not ready for dayly use" ?
I use it now since yesterday afternoon and everything works perfect!
I had no random reboots and everything is very smooth!
My Battery lost 1 % with stable 1 Ghz (playing around and testing).
So not be scared! flash it!
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As in its only supported by the stock 2.1 ROM, and if you run into any problems with it, its not being supported so you won't get a fix
so for example if i install this kernel on my freex10, how can i remove it later if i have problems with it?
a2ha said:
so for example if i install this kernel on my freex10, how can i remove it later if i have problems with it?
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Create a backup on xrecovery before installing it, and then when you need to go back just restore it
Hey . Is this really working cos owain in ours minipro forums said its only first april joke, and we cant yet load custom kernel. Is there any difference between x10 bootloader and minis ??? How long it will take to do a fully working roms , softs to ours xperias ???
Sent from my X10minipro using XDA App
@ Whitecookie:
Do you use the .504 2.1 ROM?
Does someone if it works with 2.0.2 (the ROM which Eminence V1.2 is based on) works 100% with this kernel?

GINGERBREAD Hacked/Compiled Kernels: Share your opinion/experiences/feedback

I was just curious: how is your experience with the various hacked kernels available like, for instance :CF-Root 3.0] JP*,JS*,JQ3,JV1/K - su+bb+2e/CWM - rfs+ext4 by Chainfire
Hacked Lagfix/Ext4 Samsung Galaxy S Gingerbread - JVB by supercurio
[KERNEL][GPL][SECURITY] FuguMod 3.0 (gingerbread JVB) voodoosndv7 by nikademus
DamianGTO Ultimate Ginger Kernel by DamianGto
SpeedMod Gingerbread by Hardcore
Talon Kernel by ytt3r / existz
​Do you know another one?
Tested a couple of them, pretty much satisfied with the responsiveness and battery performance, no bugs or issues, BUT UNLIKE many hacked/compiled kernel users I am always on RFS and have all tweaks disabled....(edit: not anymore, testing some tweaks right now)
In the begining running Gingerbread the sgs was having some weird battery performances, but after removing a bunch of bloatware and freezing another bunch (using Titanium app), like "software update" for instance , battery performance is stable.
Some feedback about this and the other kernels would be nice, specially from users like me, that wont do the "file convertion thing" (always on RFS).
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Well first i try Supercurio, Gingerbread-GT-I9000-stock-from-sources-kernel+hackskernel, and work so well. Then i try Supercurio again Gingerbread-GT-I9000-dev-kernel+hacks, and it´s a complete kernel is really a good Kernel, estable, and work so fine, and not draw the battery.
Actually i have Darkys v10.0RC5b2 rom and try DamianGTO_Ginger_Beta_6__340HZ, no good it´s unstable and with the ram don´t work good.
Now I have Ficeto Kernel, Dark Core 2.0 and really work so good with the ram and with batery, it´s very stable and it´s a complete Kernel whit lagfix and ext4.
Now I want try Dark Core 2.1 and probably the last Hardcore´s Kernel, speedmod-kernel-k15c-test5-o2-09q3-500hz, perhaps now without reboot problem.
Hmmm....I dont think your probs are kernel related but more MOD ROM related....
You missed the Hardcore's SpeedMod kernel!
From the beginning JVK and now JVB both deodexed by Ramad with CFRoot is a winning team for me.No ext-4 stuffs,or as a test...killing time...,and just happy like that.Flashing mods and themes,enjoying his CWM application,can't thank enough Chainfire for accompanying us in our wish to use this 2.3 «release».
Only one sudden battery drain as far for me and it was a google process.Maybe related to maps,read that somewhere...
MY SGS New XWJVB Problems...
1. my screen going off when im still working...or playing game...or calling with loudspeaker (check this) (when not touch)
2. always on my touch buttons lights (menu= back keys)
3. didn't play some games (restart phone and stucking) but can play that games on my older froyo firmware...
I'm using XWJVB (old i use XXJVK) with CWM3 EXT4 File Sys...... please....tell me this gingerbread releases are still beta or final releases?
I'm using CF-Root 3.1 and it works but haven't that much to compare with because I'm new in this stuff and haven't tested any other kernel.
I'm using Simple Honey 3.1 (JVB) right now with CF-Root 3.1 + EXT4 converted and wonder if I'm able to change kernel without wipe the phone? If I don't need to wipe then I may study the difference between those kernels
Great puting all up to date kernels in one list tho, that makes it easier for me and others who are curious about them.
Fugu Mod working absolutely perfect here..
olivercervera said:
You missed the Hardcore's SpeedMod kernel!
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I didn't know Hardcore was ready with a stable kernel forGingerbread..
If you know a link with change logs and download information you can post it here and I will add it on first post.
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kalpik said:
Fugu Mod working absolutely perfect here..
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Heard good things about fugu, but didnt try it yet...
And....did you try other kernels? Anyone with comparison material?
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I haven't had any problems on all the kernels.
It is just a matter of taste i think.
Some have other features (focus areas) then others, but in general they are all stable. Even the released developers version of supercurio.
So it seems that they all know what they are doing.
Personally i am using now the damiangto kernel for the more memory, just because i have SPD Shell 3D running and it consumes at lot of memory.
Here's my very, very executive executive summary:
- I rooted using CF-root 3.1 (not 3.0, filename was "CF-Root-XW_XEE_JVB-v3.1-CWM3RFS.tar").
I used this only to gain root and to flash CWM3-dependent patches, so I didn't get to fool much around with it. But from my light usage, I definitely didn't notice any problems.
- I've been running pretty much all JVK/JVB-revisions of supercurio's kernel so far (for the ext4 lagfix) and I can't really complain about anything. The added audio-drivers are definitely a bonus. Can't live without them now. I haven't had any issues with performance nor stability.
- Fugumod.
I'm absolutely alien to this kernel/mod and really have no experience with it. Not tried it once. That said, people has said earlier in the JVA/JVB/JVK-thread that when they rooted using Fugumod, they had issues connecting their phones to Kies afterwards. And they said a reflash of stock firmware and then using CF-Root instead solved their problems.
Unless you have some very specific reasons to go this route, it seems this is the only one with consistently confirmed problems so far and might be worth avoiding. Maybe the problems have been identified and fixed though. Not absolutely sure here.
- DamianGTO.
Absolutely alien to this one as well, but haven't seen any posts about specific issues either.
Hmmm havn't tried darkcoreGB yet...
**Simply Honey 3.0, UltimateGB beta7 kernel, JQ1 modem**
This latest DamianGTObeta7 is really nice
**Simply Honey 3.0, UltimateGB beta7 kernel, JQ1 modem**
Brotuck said:
I haven't had any problems on all the kernels.
It is just a matter of taste i think.
Some have other features (focus areas) then others, but in general they are all stable. Even the released developers version of supercurio.
So it seems that they all know what they are doing.
Personally i am using now the damiangto kernel for the more memory, just because i have SPD Shell 3D running and it consumes at lot of memory.
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Hmmm I think I can use a big memory, no issues with Damian's kernel?
And since you didnt have any problems with all the kernels, let me guess:
You are always on RFS and you dont use any mod rom right?
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rlorange said:
This latest DamianGTObeta7 is really nice
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Define nice, pros,cons (if any) etc.
EDIT: Just noticed: Damian's XDA account is currently disabled? And somebody else edited his first post?
What's going on?
I was on Darky RC3 with DarkCore 2 and wasa super smooth and fast.
Then I decided to try MIUI RC6 ... run it from Friday to Sunday when I gave up:
1. camera not working
2. touch keys are iffy, sometimes they work, other times they don't
3. My 3G network kept dripping all the time
4. try to flash differnet modem broke IMEI and had to reinstall the whole ROM
5. when alarm sounds, i could not stop it unless i lock and unlock the screen
6. there is no support, for every issue I had the answer was: it's in the FAQ
So I am back on Darky 10RC5.3 and much more happier; faster, smoother, camer works, 3G is fine, i can flash any modem I want and above all the support team is fantastic.
Battery life
What about battery life? I test speedmod for 3 days and I find less battery autonomy that 2.2.1.
For a medium usage after a day it's over!!!!
Does anyone have this trouble???
Yeah Damian is no longer at xda. He is still developing tho at his own forum. Using his beta7 with no issues do far except a hot reboot after I wiped cache
Edit you can my dropbox link to gto7 to your first post if you like
**Simply Honey 3.0, UltimateGB beta7 kernel, JQ1 modem**

Best rom at the moment?

Im thinking about install a new rom to my phone but cant decide which...
I want a rom with so small bugs thats possible but still some features that makes the phone better
I installed this Clockwork Recovery for a pretty long time ago and dont remember what it do
So I wounder if I need it or just can remove it?
And if I gonna install a new rom, which Recovery is the best at the moment?
Would be very thankfull if somone with more experience could tell me their opinion!
My prefer is void. (2.2.2; #eridanus) by Noejn.
Install Perfect Recovery and try yourself all ROMS.
Sent from my u8800 using XDA App
Okey will try that rom and recovery
But if im not happy with the rom can I then change back to the orginal?
IF you take a backup with recovery yes,!
Sent from my u8800 using XDA App
At the moment definitely VOID 2.2.2 latest
What makes void so great? Dec got rid if his phone so no more updates. Might as well use something that'll get new fw updates..
I believe that Oxygen is the best Rom at the moment. Miui is very good as well, but with Oxygen battery life is amazing (more than 40h, with wifi and BT on all the time) and it's got most things sorted.
katu2006 said:
I believe that Oxygen is the best Rom at the moment. Miui is very good as well, but with Oxygen battery life is amazing (more than 40h, with wifi and BT on all the time) and it's got most things sorted.
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actually Oxygen drains more battery than geno's CM7 beta....
magictwins said:
actually Oxygen drains more battery than geno's CM7 beta....
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It maybe so, but at least camera is fully functional.
So, which ROM would you suggest overall? Fully fuctional, acceptable battery life, speed etc. I'm with B137 v8.2 and I feel I need something new.
FYI, I usually clock the cpu to 1Ghz or 1,2Ghz.
then go for the v8.4 & his new kernel
this is the most stable rom atm with good performance. other roms are faster but some things dont work or they are not stable.
your choice.
iakoboss7 said:
then go for the v8.4 & his new kernel
this is the most stable rom atm with good performance. other roms are faster but some things dont work or they are not stable.
your choice.
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Thank you re iakoboss7!!!
Alexcxvtr said:
Thank you re iakoboss7!!!
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how do you know that is. good Rom. did you tested it already? so is a room like void with Android 2. 2. 2
i use this rom for almost 2 months now. from v7 i think.
i never ever had a fc reboot etc (except 1 time i had the cpu at 1.5ghz).
everything is working fine, the only small problem lies in the modified franco kernel genokolar used (he modified it to be even more stable),
it has some problems on charging (franco's kernel had them also as i have read, i dont know if its fixed on his newest version cause the modified one is 1 version older than 20 july one).
(u can avoid that problem the kernel creates by not flashing the kernel and keeping v8.4 kernel).
here is a link that i have uploaded both 3
dont forget to install superuser from market or root will not work without it (as everywhere else also).
for the ones that want performance its not the best out there but its still a good one.
i get 24xx at quadrant at 1.3ghz when this void user gets the same at 1.5ghz but i get lower on antutu (3018, made a 2nd run and scored 3167 if it matters) propably cause of the 0.2gz less cpu speed
but this oxygen user gets allot more than me on 1.3ghz
(i have also 1.2gb worth of apps installed if this matters)
the good thing this rom has is stability and everything works, from what i read most other roms have things not working, bugs and not that great stability, miui is a VERY good rom also (has its small bugs) cause its based on 2.3.5 but i dont like miui style ^^ (personal opinion).
oh i forgot to mention that its totally stock (except 1 small app with reboot,shutdown etc options).
i made some changes please re-read my answer
iakoboss7 said:
the good thing this rom has is stability and everything works, from what i read most other roms have things not working, bugs and not that great stability, miui is a VERY good rom also (has its small bugs) cause its based on 2.3.5 but i dont like miui style ^^ (personal opinion).
oh i forgot to mention that its totally stock (except 1 small app with reboot,shutdown etc options).
i made some changes please re-read my answer
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bro, thanks for ur info.
btw, my ideos is u8800H, is it compatible also? and i had flash with muui1.7.3 (android2.3), is it can flash back? ( use recovery tools to flash?)
thanks for help.
yeah its for the u8800H also as i can remember. you can keep a backup and if you dont like you can go back anytime...
oh and flash works just fine, i dont see any reason not working.
there is a new miui version that came out before an hour, try it first cause you maybe like it better (since i see you already have miui).
iakoboss7 said:
i use this rom for almost 2 months now. from v7 i think.
i never ever had a fc reboot etc (except 1 time i had the cpu at 1.5ghz).
the good thing this rom has is stability and everything works, from what i read most other roms have things not working, bugs and not that great stability, miui is a VERY good rom also (has its small bugs) cause its based on 2.3.5 but i dont like miui style ^^ (personal opinion).
oh i forgot to mention that its totally stock (except 1 small app with reboot,shutdown etc options).
i made some changes please re-read my answer
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Thank you very much. I have flashed your uploaded three files and would like to confirm that this v8.4 is the best ROM for u8800 nowadays. BTW, since the original ROM is from China, I do hope to have your help to keep update this ROM whenever there is a new version or any changes.
no problem, i can keep you updated, at least until Genokolar decides to put his work here.
tried the v8.4 from Genokolar on my UK Huawei U8800 and it didn't work kept looping at the start screen, so I went back to using the FLB Custom ROM

[Q] Best choice for custom ROM

Hi friends.
First, I want to praise this forum ... that is fantastic!
My question is about the currently ROMs for my milestone 2...
I want to flash my ML2 with another ROM, to get a better experience with the battery life...
What ROM is the better choice?
- Argen2Stone 2.7
- CM7
- TIM Retail 2.3.6
- MIUI 2
- Others.... ?
Thanks again guys!
I test all these roms, personally I prefer CM7 of Tezet + the update of Endless7
Lose the video recording at 720p, but it works great.!!
It depend on your version of MS2. I have problems with gps in cyanogen's rom, so i'am using ms2ginger 2.1. It's perfect, everything's working, but it have shorter battery life. My friend have older revision of MS2, he had serious problems with keyboard and multitouch, but Endless7 cm7 runs perfectly on his phone.
VooDooKill said:
I test all these roms, personally I prefer CM7 of Tezet + the update of Endless7
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+1 for that rom .
It's pity, there's no Endless7's update for latest Tezet's CM7
Guys, I tried flash my phone with CM7 times ago....
I first flash the SO with ""
After this I apply ""
All using Bootmenu.
But, the phone doesn't boot... the screen stay black and nothing happends....
After this, I recovery to 2.2 TIM RETAIL...
Can you post a link with a better tutorial for me?
betoneto.tbo said:
Can you post a link with a better tutorial for me?
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[HOW TO] install CyanogenMod/MIUI to your phone
betoneto.tbo said:
I first flash the SO with ""
After this I apply ""
But, the phone doesn't boot... the screen stay black and nothing happends....
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May sound stupid, but allthough the milestone 2 and droid to appear to be the same phone, they are not the same phone.
Main difference is one is cdma (no sim - droid 2) and other is gsm (has a simcard - milestone2)
No method will ever get a droid 2 rom working on your milestone 2.
(moved to start of rant) If you have upgraded to the official gingerbread you can only use CM9, CM7(endless7), argen2stone. Just the ones with the GB kernel.
But as for other roms all roms, the choices are:
CM9: Not finished but quite stable now and a great look into ICS certainly work having a try of it. Uses GB kernel so no multitouch bug.
CM7 (tezet version): Stable, good, fast, has multitouch bug due to froyo kernel
CM7 (endless7 version/defy port): Not much difference from tezet version, but some added bells and whistles. Also uses the CH gingerbread kernel, so no multitouch bug and better touch response. I'd recommend this version personally, but it's all a matter of opinion. Also both versions show all market apps regardless of compatibility - can be handy if you wanna take advantage of a great sale knowing you can just use it when it is patched for your device or you upgrade. Or if you can tweak some stuff enough to trick it into working.
MIUI: Simply wonderful. Most stable one i have used. At first i hated the iphone likeness of it - but you can install a custom launcher if you wish. I got used to it though and ended up loving it once I tuned it to how i liked it - 1 screen with several folders and a clock widget the themes are great. It also uses the froyo kernel, so unfortunately has the multitouch bug. So i had to leave it
Argen2Stone: Pretty close to stock so if you liked the stock firmware but not it's slowness you will probably like this. Simply wasn't for me but for the time i used it, it was quite stable. Uses the CH gingerbread kernel though, so no multi touch bug here too . OH and is one of the few that has 720p video recording working I think.
I can't really remember ms2ginger and i have never tried blurless, so I won't comment on them.
Moral of the story, you can count the amount of roms we have available on you hand so why not get them all, and try them 1 day at a time?
They are all great roms and far better than stock was, so you can't really go wrong. No one here can possibly tell you what you like so you will just have to test them yourself soon enough and find out
DreadPirateDan said:
Also if you have upgraded to the official gingerbread you can only use CM9, CM7(endless7), argen2stone. Just the ones with the GB kernel.
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Pretty cool review about all the custom roms, DreadPirateDan! With a bonus information at last paragraph, wich made it worth all the "extensive" reading lollollol
lolll, good point - edited it to the beginning
VooDooKill said:
I test all these roms, personally I prefer CM7 of Tezet + the update of Endless7
Lose the video recording at 720p, but it works great.!!
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+1 me too great works of tezet and endless7
ive used Argen2Stone 2.7 ..its a really good rom.
now im using CM9 by tezet.
My vote goes for tezet's CM7, because I like more that clean CM7 than endless' mod.
i think CM7 of Tezet is the best.
I'm voting for MIUI - but I understand if someone don't like it due to it's quite bad touch responsiveness.
I want to shar my experience with you. I used all the rom you listed except "tim retail 2.3.6".
I'm now using A2S and UK 2.3.4 kernel. It has the perfect experience whatever daily use or game playing. But it has the shorter battery life(the same as cm7 or may be a little longer).
I often got reboot when i using cm7 especially when i entering games.
MIUI has the different style from other android roms. It also based on cm kernel, if you are boring with the original android UI ,you may try this rom. But this rom has the shortest battery life even less than CM7, and has the slow reflex when you have incall.
Sorry for my terrible English.
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CM7 for me.. even if it doesn't have 720p recording it is battery friendly.. i like argen2stone but the only thing i dont like on this rom is blur UI.. they should have remove the UI because it eats too much ram >.<

[Roms] CM 7.2 Mod and X1 Elite with market. .32 kernels.

So, this is just the result of my messing around with these roms and tweaking where I see fit. They are both .32 franco kernel based and I flashed and tested both with CWM
CyanogenMod Tweaked
First one is CyanogenMod 7.2 and owes everything to the amazing work by Ezet.
Original thread is here: and tweaks are here: Thanks to Ezet and Knzo
I have tweaked it by building a new kernel and editing the build.prop as well as adding other tweaks from elite rom by terramino. It also has bravia engine built in and a few apps removed. Seems smooth and a little sharper than before. Battery may end up being a little better too. Will have to see.
Get it here:
LeanX5_rc1: Latest with new kernel:
MD5: 75DB996CD48465F473091B85ABBFB77E
EliteRom X1 with Market
This is just Terramino's rom with the market put in by default. Original thread is here: Thanks to Terramino for all your work.
I have also removed some apps. Why did this rom have three notepads? just download one you like from the market now.
Get It Here:
Get Your Email Back:
What about a Custom Kernel?
Just for my experimentation, I have made a custom kernel. It has my smartass V2 mods, various other governer mods, SimpleIO enabled and default and a couple of other small tweaks. Just flash it and see what you think. If you want the old one back, just reinstall the rom. It seems very smooth and battery efficient to me.
latest version of the kernel:
Has DZO led backlight mod for battery savings, smoothass and interactiveX, compiled against codesourcery toolchain with arm v7 optimisations and my governor changes. Just did 3630 on Antutu at 1.5ghz with minmax governer.
Thanks to DZO, Stockwell, Ezet, Franco and fjsFerreira for sources and helping me to understand where building was going wrong.
Superb Work Dude. Can You Please Upload This For U8800Pro And Add Some Screenshots Please.
Will add screenshots sometime, but I don't have a pro to test the rom with if I make a rom. Also which rom did you want me to mod for the pro?
Says SD card available - can't access any of my music or files.
Any clues, I've probably just missed something??
PaulMilbank said:
Will add screenshots sometime, but I don't have a pro to test the rom with if I make a rom. Also which rom did you want me to mod for the pro?
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CM7 Please
Sounds nice, any benchmarks?
Sent from my U8800 using XDA
LarzGearbox said:
Says SD card available - can't access any of my music or files.
Any clues, I've probably just missed something??
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Sorry mate, installed over ezets rom and just done a fresh install too, no problems here. Which recovery are you using? Did you wipe cache/dalvic cache and fix permissions after installing?
levibuko said:
Sounds nice, any benchmarks?
Sent from my U8800 using XDA
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2866 in antutu on 1ghz. Think that was a little better than original rom. Can't remember.
PaulMilbank said:
Sorry mate, installed over ezets rom and just done a fresh install too, no problems here. Which recovery are you using? Did you wipe cache/dalvic cache and fix permissions after installing?
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Got it sorted, did another set of wipes and it seems to be all good.
Looks like an excellent ROM - nice and smooth.
I've just come back from the .35 kernel which was too buggy for me and and loving this.
great stuff, glad you got it sorted.
Do you gonna update this when CM new releases/updates comes, or this is just one time project?
Also you said you did lot of modifications, but did you tested original ezet rom with yours and did you see any effect? Or something that tells you that your rom is somehow better? I'm just asking because of i want to try but if there is really no way of telling the difference than i will pass it to the next time
I will keep it up to date as Ezet updates his rom. I ran Ezet's rom for ages by my standards but I was just taken by the smoothness, battery life and camera of Mossterra's elite rom x1. I have tried to combine the best of both.
I have tested all the mods thus far except battery life as I only installed it two days ago and it all seems positive, faster and smoother. I put it up so if people thought it was ok, they could use it and feed back.
All I can say is give it a try and if you like it, keep it, if not, Ezet's CM 7.2 rom is fantastic still.
All the changes will be overwritten if you install ezet's rom over this one or vice versa. They are compatible without a full wipe, just wipe cache, dalvic cache and fix permissions after installing.
My last tiny little bug - I have disabled haptic feedback (in both Sound & Cyanogen settings), but I still get vibration when clicking any of the 4 menu buttons (back, menu, home, search).
Disable in x5 settings maybe? im not sure, I normally have the opposite problem of trying to get haptic feedback on.
PaulMilbank said:
I have tweaked it a lot using the init scripts and the build.prop as well as adding custom minfree values and other tweaks from elite rom by terramino. It also has bravia engine built in and a few apps removed. Seems smooth and a little sharper than before. Battery may end up being a little better too. Will have to see.
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Which Apps have you removed from CM7?? - having some issues with the default email client - meaning I can't find it, and restoring backups isn't working for me.
heh... sorry, I removed it as I don't use it. Flashable zip now in first post with email.
Well, looks like I cant get init tweaks to stick so this rom is just bravia engine and some build.prop mods until I can figure out why.
OK, well new kernel is up, will be releasing a new rom with this kernel and some more tweaks and superuser updates as soon as I can get it to upload.
Still using and loving this rom - looking forward to the upgrade
Ok, New rom is up. New Kernel, updated superuser, set permissions for bravia engine correctly. Seems to work very well and smoothly for me.
