Editing Notification Drop-down menu - Android Software Development

I wish to edit the text, buttons and the look of the notification drop down menu. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this in the Android App Inventor? Or various guides on editing the menu?
A guide doesn't have to be for the inventor..

Modifing that would probably require modifing the actual Android ROM as I'm pretty sure its coded into the OS. I could be wrong. This is a good place to start http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html

Yes it is you would need to modify the phone's actual framework-res.apk


Icon changing question.

I just flashed a new rom, and am in the process of making some custom shortcuts for the start menu, in order to implement them into my programs tab on TF2d.
How does one go about changing the icons displayed by actual WM (and in turn, TF2d)? Again, I'm not talking about about UL, IFonz, Hi-nav, SPB Pocketplus, or anything that has a icon changing function already in place. If it were that cut and dried, I wouldnt be asking. The goal here to to use some of bluemetalaxe's icons to replace the generic DOS looking icons that you get when you create your own shortcut.
Could anyone here point me in the right direction? Previous searches have only netted results for the aforemention programs, and the only place you really see customized Windows Mobile icons are in cooked roms. Surely there is a way to do this without having to cook, im not in the mood to do THAT much tweaking.
Thanks in advance,
Yes - this is a relatively hard topic to find & understand from this forum. But through a bit of patience, it can be done.
Here you can read how to change icons for folders:
For icons for individual files, I sort of learned by myself (read ^ that thread first):
Select an icon from your .dll
Select a setting or program to link to
Then, simply create a .lnk file that is structured like this example [for wi-fi settings]:
1#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,17?\Windows\custicons.dll,-186
Thanks alot man, I appreciate your help. I'm saving that info to notepad for the archives, lol.
^ yeah no problem dude.
That's what I did - all the important info is stored away

Easy Way to Change Between Show and Hide Caller ID

While looking for something in my Windows folder, I stumbled across this by accident.
If you would like an easy quick way to toggle between show and hide Caller ID (without going through all the multiple menu levels in Settings) look in your Windows folder for a file called CMCallerID.exe.
Put a link to it in your start menu. Then you can put a Quick Link to it on your home screen.
Unfortunate that HTC or T-Mobile did not put a link to it in the start menu to begin with, so people would know its there.
Probably wise to look at all the .exe files in the windows folder, to see what's there, as there are probably other hidden gems.
nice catch

[APP] Control Panel Settings to Links (.lnk)

Hi guys,
I know it's a 10 seconds job to create a link for items inside the control panel (settings) such as "Usb to PC" or "Power" but I'm too lazy to do it every time I try a new rom,
also I found some of the values change from rom to rom, so I create a really simple app that goes through the registry key which holds the settings items (KLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start) and creates a .lnk file for each of these entries.
Having a direct link allows me to add that option as a quick link which is handy 8)
Anyway, here is the tool in case someone wants it.
The exe must be installed in "\Program Files\CplLinks" (Device). It only takes 11.5 kb. The only reason the .exe is needed after the lnk are created is to provide an icon.
When you run it, it reads the HKEY mention above and creates .lnk for each item in the "Settings" menu. The lnks are created in "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CplLinks" so are directly accessible through the Programs menu.
There are no messages, it runs and creates the links, no interaction whatsoever so do not expect any nice popup window 8)
Next version will use specific icons for each item, right now, all the links use the same icon from the cpllink.exe executable.
The icons for most of the Settings are .png files rather than .ico, and WM doesn't have an easy way to convert from .png into .ico, the idea for a "future version" is to collect all the .png files,converted to icons and create a dll on the fly with the icons as resources, so they can be referenced from the .lnk files
Couple of screen shots from the emulator.
Great application! It works like a charm! Thank you for this convenient time saver
EDiT (another time saver)
After applying a Hard Reset WE have to reinstall all programs if you have previously installed them in the memory card. Often it is sufficient to recreate the shortcut in the start menu. ShortCutCreator helps you to recover the exe files and to recreate the desired shortcut.
Thanks for sharing!
I guess would be better if I manage to provide a different icon for each link, but Icon support is quite limited inside VM. Need to work in the PNG to Icon -> .dll routine 8)
I though having the app in internal memory was a better solution than in \Storage Card, so it will take less time to load the icon from the program, but I can change it and allow that option, so the icons in the links are pointing to \Storage.. rather than \Programs..
Anyway, it just a time-saver thingy 8)
Nice app. It does not seem to work on WM6.1 though.
It does create a new folder structure: CplLinks\System inside the Start Menu.
Very nice. It does seems to create a bunch of redundant or non-used links though
Yep, I saw it only works on WM6.5, on WM6.1 there are no "StartInfo\Start" in the "KLM\Security\Shell\". Not sure where it keeps that info, maybe somewhere else in the registry.
I finally managed to convert PNG to ICO, so I think next version would allow you to choose which items you want to create links for rather than just dump everything 8)
dubidu said:
Yep, I saw it only works on WM6.5, on WM6.1 there are no "StartInfo\Start" in the "KLM\Security\Shell\". Not sure where it keeps that info, maybe somewhere else in the registry.
I finally managed to convert PNG to ICO, so I think next version would allow you to choose which items you want to create links for rather than just dump everything 8)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
WM6.1 control panel is "HKLM\ControlPanel" if I remember correctly. There will be numbers for the mycpl stuff and words for some other control panel items like backlight, etc.
I think this post got lost in the last database disaster 8)
I wrote a new version of this tool that now gives you the icons for the control panel settings, check it out here:

[APP][14/01/2011] FoddTweak using DynamicMenu - ROM customisation & Menu Tool Kit

Hi there chef's! I'm not sure if any of you will find this useful but I'll post it in case you do...
I designed this little mortscript application so that users of my rom can tweak a few settings to their needs and because all of the other tweak applications couldn't be tweaked easily themselves without learning .NET or something similar.
I wasn't getting much feedback so I thought perhaps it wasn't customisable enough or maybe you didn't like my selection of tweaks. Perhaps you thought the menu layout sucked?
Anyway, to address those problems I've moved this on quite a way. It now includes a set of functions for creating Menu's. To Find out how, see the section titled DynamicMenu.
Backup and restore of important data (Full registry, Titanium configuration, Start menu cpr files, Start menu icon registry settings)
Icon removal to save RAM (all, or all but settings (HTC icons are excluded))
Titanium plugin injection/removal and plugin order settings
Slide lock settings (both manila and wm6.5)
Enable/Disable Sleuth's myLocation service (soft-reset needed)
Enable/Disable start menu replacements and complete removal of the WM6.5 start menu
FoddTweak depends on a few things:
MortScript! (tested on 4.3.b15)
DynamicMenu (included in versions>0.0.1)
TICS Installer (for plugin injection/removal, included in versions>0.0.1)
FDC task manager (for backup purposes, included in versions>0.0.1)
It works like this; the menu system 'compiles' a master menu source file with extension mgs to it's component mgc files for each menu. If you want DynamicMenu to 'recompile' then just delete the top level compiled menu (e.g. If you add new options to "FoddTweak.mgs" then delete "FoddTweak.mgc" then re-run FoddTweak.)
This is a sample file, which is used to create menu's for the FoddTweak application:
menu(FoddTweak:Main Menu)
item(Toggle Lock on Screen Dim:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKCU", "ControlPanel\Backlight", "AutoDeviceLockEnable")
item(Sleuth's myLocation Service:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKLM", "Services\myLocation", "Enabled")
menu(RAM Savings:RAM Saving Options)
item(Remove all Start Menu Icons:false:Call:"RmAllStartIcons")
item(Remove all but Settings Icons:false:Call:"RmAllButSettings")
item(Remove the Start Menu:false:Call:"RmStartMenu")
menu(WM6.5 Settings:WM6.5 Specific Settings)
item(Toggle WM6.5 Slide Lock:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\Shell\LockScreen", "Enable")
item(Titanium Plugin Injector:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginInjector")
item(Titanium Plugin Uninstaller:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginUninstaller")
item(Titanium Plugin Order:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginOrder")
menu(HTC Sense:HTC Sense Options)
item(Toggle Sense 2.5 Slide Lock:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKCU", "Software\HTC\Manila", "Home.lock.Enabled")
item(Toggle Sense Menu Replacement:true:Call:"ToggleSenseMenuRep", "Toggle")
menu(Backup:Backup Options)
item(Make Backup:false:Call:"Backup")
item(Select Backup Folder:false:Call:"SelectBackup")
item(Restore ZIP Backup:false:Call:"RestoreZIP", backupdir\"*.zip", "\Windows")
item(Restore REG Backup:false:Call:"RestoreREG", backupdir\"*.reg")
It should be quite obvious how the menu/submenu entries work with a title and description-those can be nested without any problems (though, I only tested one nesting at present.)
Menu syntax is a little restricted, you can't have the colon (":") symbol in the name or description as it's used as a field delimiter and they must be string literals:
For your menu items, the ItemName and Mortscript Command are string literals. Arguments which are not enclosed in double quotes will be interpreted as variables (I haven't tested this though,) which obviously must be set by the calling script before the call to DynamicMenu().
You can make use of any Mortscript function that the script which calls DynamicMenu() has access to and of course Mortscript commands such as "Run" etc will also work just fine so with this you can access any system command as well.
The testing field for the items is important, if your function supports taking it's first argument as the word "test" and outputting something, that something will be output in brackets next to the menu item. Sounds vague? Well, it is. That something can be anything, true/false, a string. Whatever. So the idea is that it'll be used to denote whether a switch is on/off or the value of that particular menu item...
item(ItemName:Can it be tested?:Mortscript Command:Argument1, Argument2, ..., ArgumentN)
To put in a seperator you can include a blank line in the menu using the code below. I wouldn't recommend it due to differences in screen size, but if you wanted a dashed line as the seperator, for example, then just fill the first field with hyphens. Seperators are as follows:
It's a v.simple language, I haven't included any comment support and it's line by line but see what you make of it
Interesting line of thinking. I like the idea of removing the SM icons. I will play with this and see what it can offer. Thanks...
sorry to bump this, but I've updated the menu compiler a little so it shouldn't be thrown off by menus or items which have parentheses in the name or description...
Plus, I added the menu option for the RAM savings again. Hope you like it.
arealityfarbetween said:
sorry to bump this, but I've updated the menu compiler a little so it shouldn't be thrown off by menus or items which have parentheses in the name or description...
Plus, I added the menu option for the RAM savings again. Hope you like it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Very good idea, trying it now
Removing the reg is almost equivalent to disabling the SM. I do love your concept, and have included this in my personal ROM...
glad you like it that much!
I was hoping that chefs and users alike would get involved writing menu source files so if you think any would like this then point them to here. Tell them that, FoddTweak is the Tweakable Tweak app
I am still trying to get a grasp of the menu source! Havent checked into your latest files yet...but planning on soon...
Thanks a bit late finding this but looks a great tool

[Q] list selector menu

I have designed a new menu for my app, that i think is more appealing than the regular android "six pack" menu and as such uses none of the menu xml attributes and is purely designed in the java and layout file.
However one of the options requires a list, and instead of bringing up an entire new activity, i would still like to use the sub menu list type, is it possible to do this from a onClick case? if not can anyone suggest an alternative way to get a similar result?
all help is much appreciated thanks

