Running android from partitions on SD card - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

What i did was:
partition my sd card like so:
using shubcraft 1.5_stock cyanogenmod
clone contents of rootfs.img to the 32MB partition there
clone contents of system.ext2 to the 200MB partition there
cp -ar shubcraft/media/* to data partition
cp -ar shubcraft/root/*.* to 32MB partition
cp -ar shubcraft/root/system/* to 200MB partition
edit initrd init script like so:
repackage initrd into this:
i think so far this is good
edit rootfs init script like so:
recompile kernel with ext4 support
put zImage, new initrd.gz clrcad.exe haret.exe and startup.txt, now i can put them anywhere, even on internal memory, because the kernel and initrd get loaded right away anyway, but i put it on sd, doesnt matter.
now, the first thing i notice is that all those commands between ==== tweaks ==== in the rootfs init script fail because the directories arent there.
then, the buttons on the bottom (other than lock screen button) don't work, probably because theyre using some patches for the buttons, that i didnt include in my kernel compile (even though i just used r10 kernel from github and then edits that were linked in that thread (
it also seems to be running more slowly than with files, what gives ?
i ask someone experienced with android to link me to the correct patches, and maybe fix any problems in my initscripts if there are any (why do the tweaks fail ?)

booting with ext4 partitions:
booting normally:


Booting Android from sd card on Dream/G1

Hi all,
Here are my findings about how to boot android from an SD card, useful for example to test development Android builds without messing your phone. This procedure was inspired by legacy GNU/Linux boot process and then should work on most hardware with a flashable recovery.
I can't stress enough the fact that this procedure is targeted to experienced user. A good knowledge of linux/android booting process is more than required. This procedure is not meant to be useful to most people given its limitations (no recovery mode, rebuild of boot.img required)
I won't propose a step by step tutorial as it's better to understand how to do it and adapt the procedure to each need.
Two modifications are required:
1. Declare to mount sd card partitions instead of internal flash volumes. This has to be done in the init.rc script.
For example:
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 /system
2. For some reasons, in the boot process, sd card partitions generally show up later than the mount actions, so it is generally necessary to add a timer in init binary to give to to the kernel to detect sd card partitions before mounting them (adding a sleep(5) after the "A N D R O I D" text in init.c is enough).
Build your special boot.img embedding those two modifications and flash it on the recovery volume of your phone. Now, booting into recovery will launch the system on your sd.
I would like to report success on booting the G1 from a system located on sd card (cyanogenmod I will describe the procedure step by steps when every thing is okay.
There is just an issue that you might have encountered during cyanogenmod ROM cooking, all wireless connexions (wifi, BT, GSM) do not work. The same system on flash if okay. I made a diff on boot log messages and the only notable difference is this error :
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/pmem_gpu0: Permission denied
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/pmem_gpu1: Permission denied
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/hw3d: Permission denied
I tried to chmod 0555 /dev/pmem* with no success.... Any idea ?
Although I finally managed to have a usable system, this work is still experimental. Please fell free to test and report success, failures here so I can improve the thing.
Let's see how we can boot a copy of cyanogen ROM located on sd card. The main purpose is to test future ROMs (eclair ?) without messing up your phone...
DISCLAIMER : This procedure is targeted to experienced user. I am not responsible if you loose your data, your phone or your Mom !
Prerequisites are :
- adb and fastboot operationnal on your host computer
- Boot image file boot.img :
- files data.cpio.gz, system.cpio.gz (data.cpio.gz and system.cpio.gz are unmodified images of a fresh install of cyanogen ROM that fit the modified boot.img) from :
Create 3 partitions on sd card. The first one (vfat) is to store your music, videos etc. The second and the third will hold /data and /system. Result shoul look like this :
# fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 1977 MB, 1977614336 bytes
64 heads, 63 sectors/track, 957 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 = 2064384 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 864 1741792+ c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 865 903 78624 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 904 957 108864 83 Linux
Command (m for help):
Copy data.cpio and system.cpio on the first partition of your sd card.
Connect to your device with adb :
adb shell
Mount mmcblk0p2 on temporary folder and extract user.cpio.gz archive :
mkdir /dev/tmp
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /dev/tmp
cd /dev/tmp
gunzip -c /sdcard/data.cpio.gz | cpio -i
cd /
umount /dev/tmp
Mount mmcblk0p3 on temporary folder and extract system.cpio.gz archive :
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /dev/tmp
cd /dev/tmp
gunzip -c /sdcard/system.cpio.gz | cpio -i
cd /
umount /dev/tmp
Reboot the phone in bootloader :
adb reboot bootloader
Boot the phone with custom boot image :
fastboot boot boot.img
Reports are welcome !
I haven't tried this, but great idea. Well done.
Maybe a nice additional idea would be a boot-menu style idea. Eg, detect OS on mem card and display a menu of "Internal" or "SD Card"?
I'm on it but as it will imply flashing people's phone, I need more testing and suggestions from experienced hackers. I only own my G1 for 5 days...
I acytually just started a thread about this in the Dream development subforum!
Some suggestions:
-Use a recovery image to boot the ROM on the sd card (look at modifying the CM recovery image) if this is possible. This way, you can boot from sd card when you want to, by booting into recovery image, without interfering with the flashed rom at all. No worries that flashin a new rom will require a reflash of your bootloader. Also, you can use the ROM installed in flash after a reboot without any hassle, which would be very useful when testing a ROM from the SD if it doesn't work very well and you need a working phone.
-Have the /data and /system-partition as folders on the 4th partition on the SD card, or as logical volumes on a primary one. Why?
Well, many people have their sd-cards set up with fat, extX, swap in that order. The partition layout you have described here simply isn't compatible with that, and will require a separate SD card just for this testing (which everyone might not have).
I must say, I think this is a GREAT idea! I so often want to test a few ROMS, but often they don't get the test-time they deserve because I need to swicth back to my working environment for job/uni the day after. This would be a great way to test a ROM thoroughly. And also it would be the best way to give a ROM a quick testdrive. switchroming back and forth is, for all its simplicity, hassle.
Using the recovery is the only way I found at the moment to boot from the sd card and was about to extend cm recovery with a dedicated menu Nevertheless, there will be a limitation with that: it will not be possible to use a different kernel for the system on sd as it will have to use the kernel of the recovery... Anyway, many custom roms around here use cm kernel (even those I saw with eclair) so it is not so problematic I think (tested Eugene373 AOSP20 yesterday). Anyway, it is possible to adapt the recovery with a test kernel...
I think I found a workaround for sd partitionning scheme pb, using bind mounts but I have not tested already. I will work on it this WE.
If I remember correctly you can use the command "reboot recovery" from the recovery shell to reboot again into recovery. It could mean that it is possible to choose what (kernel) to boot after the reboot. Even cyanogenmod has made quite a few changes to the kernel since the recovery image came out, and I think it would not be a very good solution to use the same kernel as the recovery image for all ROMs loaded via SD. (Especially the Hero ones won't work at all, I'm afraid.
It could also be possible maybe, to tweak the built-in bootloader into booting form either SD-card or from the internal flash? It already has the possibility to boot different things on different keypresses (home for recovery mode, and camera for fastboot). I have (again) no idea of its capabilities for reading anything off of the sd card, though.
I get your point naguz . I am not satisfied either with the solution of using the recovery kernel to boot the system on sd. I found that it adds quite much complexity to the init process: I tweaked the recovery executable to add an entry to boot from sd but I faced troubles in services startup and pre-init definitions. I think that the solution of using the recovery menu to choose to boot from sd have to be abandoned as it will require heavy additional changes to the init.rc scripts of the second system and will break its advanced features.
The ideal solution (as you suggested) would be to tweak the bootloader to boot natively from the sd card but unfortunately, we do not have the sources of the SPL (tell me if I am wrong) so it is definitely not possible.
The remaining solution is to use the recovery partition to flash the boot image of the second system. I works well, just press the home key and the second system boots ! The drawback is that you do not have recovery any more... Personnaly, I don't find that so problematic as I is still possible to boot a recovery image with fastboot when needed, so I think I will stick to this solution. I somebody have another solution, I am ok to investigate...
Aha, it makes sense that booting the sd directly from recovery mode would mess something up. I would think some of the same problems would be faced when booting the kernel from the recovery partiotion, doesn't it look like a different device to the kernel? Well, if it works, it works.
Regarding the source of the SPL, I have no idea, but I know hyakuro (a (former?) user here) has released a modified one. Trying to get in touch with him
As for the latest method: Is the recovery partiotion big enough to hold both the recovery image AND the kernel? If so, one could maybe have both. Maybe make a new "recovery image" that can either boot from sd or boot recovery image? Just throwing out ideas here.
Personally I don't see the big problem with not having a recovery image, as I would (in a dual-boot scenario) already have another, working install on the flash that I could use if the one booted from sd wasn't good enough. Re-flashing the recovery image could also be done from the working ROM in flash, for those without the SDK tools.
I think, however, that quite a few people will object to not having a recovery image.
Btw, was your latest working test done with one (4th) partition on the sd card for loading the ROM from SD? If so, new instructions please. I'd like to give it a try.
I think that it is technically impossible to boot directly from the sd, even with the sources of the SPL as drivers are required to drive the sd that can not be included in a SPL. It is the same issue on PC with PCMCIA network cards for instance. IPL+SPL has to be seen more or less like a simple BIOS...
The recovery partition size is not a matter her. The problem is the lack of control over what has to be booted as the only action we can make in the SPL is the HOME key to choose a regular boot or a recovery boot (the system on SD here). I think I have a good knowledge now of the boot process and I think we can not got further than that, despitely...
I am now trying to have /data and /system on the same partition, mount them on /mnt and bind mount each directory on /system and /data but with no succes . investigating....
Okay, bind mounting was a dumb idea of mine. The solution is to create an extended partition with 2 logical drives in it, so partitions are:
[1-3] FAT and/or EXTX and/or swap as needed (I have personnaly just one partition here)
4 extended
5 ext2 for /data
6 ext2 for /system
Now its time to bake a boot.img with the kernel of the system on the sd card + the ramdisk. I do not explain how to do that, google knows :
In the ramdisk image, put my modified init program attached hereater
In the init.rc script, change the lines that mount /data and /system :
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
mount ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data
Flash boot.img on the recovery and reboot in recovery... That's all.
Trying the idea on the HTC has a subtle difference. So I'm curious what change you put in the /init process.
Lets say the image one wants to use is the 'eclair' branch. This branch uses vold, so the block device, such as '/dev/block/mmcblk0p#', does not appear to be created until the vold service is started, which is after the init.rc mount operations. So the mount proposed does not work.
Curious what changes you made to the init process that might give me some ideas of what might be the simplest change. It seems that there is a relatively easy solution, that I don't yet see.
Ideas (or additional questions to clarrify) appreciated...
Hi Dale !
On which HTC are you trying the trick ?
First your trouble is not related to eclair as I successfully booted eclair on my G1 with this trick. You need to add a timeout in init so as it waits for the kernel to detect sd card partitions (need to recompile init, or use my recompiled init).
Vold has nothing to do at this point
Hope this helps
Init Delay for SDisk
Thanks for the reply. That's what I needed, it seems so ungraceful.
I thought vold was enabling something to make the kernel's discovery of the SD partitions. It is "by coincidence" that the log of the vold occured shortly before the adding of the block-device event. My apologies for not recognizing the coincidence of the log entries.
I had hoped the solution was a bit more "graceful", though I can't say what that would be or why a sleep is "ungraceful". I would like a "mount retry for n-seconds" option in the init.rc, that would be slick. Nonetheless I will add in a sleep-spin-check for a few seconds.
For the record, we are discussing the change to:
android-source: .../system/core/init/init.c
code-routine: main()
code-location: Somewhere after the "A N D R O I D" text
code-change: add in a sleep spin-check of some sort
I appreciate the comment that all we need is just a sleep. I think this completes the thread?!
Most interesting...
This is something akin to how I am using my company's Android solution for the Beagle Board...
In that environment, the entire kernel and rootfs are located on a SD/MMC card. The environment variables and boot script are stored in the NAND chip
through a "setenv" command. The U-boot monitor on the hardware defaults to run the boot script unless there is any user interaction. This image can then be converted into a typical distribution that can be flashed and ran without the SD card...
I have wondered about the implementation of this approach on my G1, but I have not had time to test it out. It is good to see that there are others that are interested in this as well...
I will be following this thread and will try to help in any way if I can... meaning if I can get some free time...
If you are interested in our Beagle Board solution, it is open source and can be found by a simple Google search using "Android rowboat"...
very easy fix.
rename the /init to / (or whatever you like)
create an init script. have it prompt on boot too boot from sd or internal. symlink the init.rc from /system. That way you only need one boot.img for multiple builds. We've been doing this a really long time on the android on vogue project. My development phone is simple, I hold down the menu button if I want to boot from the sdcard otherwise it boots from the internal.
Oh and don't worry about this.
jahrome said:
log messages and the only notable difference is this error :
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/pmem_gpu0: Permission denied
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/pmem_gpu1: Permission denied
E/MemoryHeapBase( 83): error opening /dev/hw3d: Permission denied
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That's just that you don't have HW3D enabled in your kernel. It's important to note that if you're trying to use multiple builds that eclair with 3d and donut use different kernels.
Exactly the vogue and kaiser have been doing this for ages. If you want you can also boot ext2 and squashfs images. It's pretty simple stuff.
Anyone have a backup of the files in post #3? I've been trying this solution with files of my own creation (as in: my own cooked boot.img, and data/system files) but it doesn't seem to get past the G1 boot screen (as in: blank screen.) I've also tried the recovery boot solution however it gives me the same reaction. It leads me to believe the problem lies in my boot file.
ok anyone interested in creating a simple step by step manual? and can someone post the files again please?

[TUTORIAL] A BETTER Ubuntu on Android method

As many of you have probably heard, you can load Ubuntu along side your Android OS. This has been confirmed on many devices, including N1, Desire, and Incredible. Here is the nexusonehacks post describing how to do it.
But I have found a better way to do it. Normally you mount ubuntu.img as a loopback and run from that. The problem with this is that is has very limited space (250mb or so) as you cannot exceed the size of the .img.
My method is to extract the contents of the .img and run it directly from the sdcard's filesystem.
Please be aware that if you use ClockworkMod Recovery, it will try to backup our new EXT2 partition! It thinks its an app-to-sd partition! I've yet to figure a way around this. Do not follow this tutorial if you make nandroids!
- ubuntu.img (must be an ARM port)
- A Linux distro so you can 'cp' to your sdcard
- You will have to make a second partition on sdcard, ext2 type
- Patience and experience. This guide assumes you already know the basics of how to work with Linux
Step 1 Create the partition on sdcard
- Open your Linux distro and insert your sdcard (or enable disk drive on phone)
- Start GParted (or similar) and create an ext2 partition on your card. The partition should be as big as ubuntu.img. I recommend atleast 25% bigger so you have room to install packages and whatnot. FAT32 or NTFS will not work here!
Step 2 Mount ubuntu.img
- Mount ubuntu.img with the following commands (on the Linux distro, not phone):
sudo su
mkdir /mnt
mkdir /mnt/ubuntu
cd [B]/path/to/ubuntu/image[/B] **IMPORTANT!
mount -t ext2 -o loop ubuntu.img /mnt/ubuntu
Step 3 Copy contents of ubuntu.img to sdcard
- Make sure your new ext2 partition is mounted. We will assume its at /media/ext2sd
- Copy the contents. This will take a very long time depending on speed of card. Mine took roughly 70 minutes
cp -dRP --preserve=all /mnt/ubuntu/* /media/ext2sd/
Step 4 Update bootubuntu script
Here is a rundown of the modified script:
- Mount root as r/w
- Ensure /mnt/sdcard2 exists
- Mount the second sdcard partition
- Everything else, including chrooting to start Ubuntu! I use 'nice' to lower the priority of chroot so it won't make phone sluggish. Change this if you want.
Download the script
Step 5 Get Ubuntu running
- From here out its the same as any other tutorial. do a 'sh' to copy files to phone, then 'bootubuntu' to start it. Hopefully everything goes good for you! You now have much more room to do things!
Is it possible to use ext3/4 and would there be any performance gains?
ext3/ext4 use journaling. Unless you know for sure that your sdcard does wear-leveling, I would not advise using these as they may degrade the life of your card quickly. Another option would be to specifically make the partition without these options, but there is little to no performance gain as sdcards are already slow.

Format & Use MicroSD W/ ext4?

Hey guys, for a couple reasons I'd like to be able to format my micro SD card with the ext4 file system.
I can format my card using a computer running Ubuntu, but the card will not mount.
I'm running CM10 on my P3113.
Is there any simple way to do this?
It seems like it'd be best to use vold to mount the sdcard, but that doesn't support ext4 I guess?
Just wondering...
Ext4 support has to come from kernel.
Literally every other mounted filesystem on the CM10 ROM I use is ext4...
I'm gonna try mounting via an init.d script.
We'll see if that works...
Solved this one, it was easier than I expected.
You need to format the card, and then mount it at boot via a script.
CM9 and 10 support init.d scripts, so I have a script file at /system/etc/init.d/95sdcardext4
with this contents:
# Mount SD Card Ext4 Script
mount -rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /storage/sdcard1
This runs very early in the boot up process, and ext4 partitions mount basically instantly, so everything is working as expected so far.
More tests need to be done, but I'm fairly certain I can package this up in a flashable ZIP package.
Brilliant !
ext4 is anyways far better than fat32 except Windows/Mac compatibility.
Awaiting your stable work
It will work on a s5670 running cm10 jb4.1.1?
I just have to create a file with that lines and put it in /system/etc/init.d/95sdcardext4 ?????????
I cannot get link2sd to mount the ext4 partition.
DivinityCycle said:
Solved this one, it was easier than I expected.
You need to format the card, and then mount it at boot via a script.
CM9 and 10 support init.d scripts, so I have a script file at /system/etc/init.d/95sdcardext4
with this contents:
# Mount SD Card Ext4 Script
mount -rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /storage/sdcard1
This runs very early in the boot up process, and ext4 partitions mount basically instantly, so everything is working as expected so far.
More tests need to be done, but I'm fairly certain I can package this up in a flashable ZIP package.
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Sorry about that, I don't have one of these anymore. I had a P3113, but switched to a T869, which is a very similar device but has 4G and some different stuff going on under the hood.
My brief ext4 experiment was honestly not that big of a deal. I ended up going back to FAT32 because the benefits didn't outweigh the annoyances.
The biggest issue I had was I couldn't figure out how to make the file system permissions behave in the same highly permissive way that FAT32 does. I ran into several force closes and other things that resulted from apps not being to read / write stuff on the card that they should have been able to. I know you can CHMOD stuff, and a boot script could chmod everything on the card, but that seems like a bandaid.
Maybe there's a way to make the permissions behave a specific way via the mount parameters? I didn't investigate deeply enough because my life got busy, and during the changeover to the new tab it was just easier to go back to FAT32. Also my new tab has 16GB of internal storage, so I've been much less stressed about storage.
Ok folks.. ...reviving an ancient thread....from good ol days when it 'KISS' was common for Android.
What about android 7+ onward . All this stuff is deprecated. My 128gb is cut into 3 Ext4's.
(I need a journaled FS - that story a lil later )
I can mount easily but problem is apps cant see it and its all got to do with mount space concept.
I am Su'ed via Magisk
Can someone post a step by step guide to mount ext4 on 7+

Fix broken internal storage on GT-I9000M (/dev/block/mmcblk0 corrupted)

I bypassed dead internal memory on a GT-I9000M.
- Your GT-I9000M is not booting or bootlooping no matter what firmware you are flashing it with.
- In recovery, you are seeing I/O errors on /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
- Trying to repartition and format the internal storage with fdisk or parted and mkfs.whatever fails.
To recover:
- Partition and format your 16GB+ external microSD with at least two primary partitions, vfat on the first one and rfs (or whatever fs is supported by your firmware) on the second one.
- Acquire a stock ROM, in my case I used JL2
- untar the PDA portion of your ROM of choice (you want zImage and factoryfs.rfs)
- Extract initramfs from zImage ( )
- grep for /dev/block/mmcblk, there should be 4 .rc files containing references to it as well as within the binary file /init.
- use a text editor to replace all occurances of "mmcblk0" with "mmcblk1" (and vice-versa if you feel so inclined) in the .rc files.
- use a hex editor to replace "mmcblk0" with "mmcblk1" in /init.
- create cpio archive of your modified initramfs with `find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../initramfs.img`
- repack kernel and initramfs ( ), you should have a new_zImage now.
- Mount the factoryfs.rfs as a loop `mount -o loop,rw -t vfat factoryfs.rfs /mnt/loop`
- Modify vold.fstab - this topic is well covered elsewhere (swap sdcard and sdcard1, swap mount points), then umount your loop
- Flash factoryfs.rfs and zImage using your favorite method.
That's it! Your phone will now boot and complain forevermore that the external memory is corrupt. ToDo: use third partition on external microSD as external_sd...
To recap:
We're telling android's init and whatever .rc scripts contain references to the broken partitions on the internal storage /dev/block/mmcblk0 to point to an appropriate partition on the external microSD card /dev/block/mmcblk1. You can actually do anything you want with the partition structure as long as it's consistent throughout init and in vold.fstab. Different ROMs do it differently.
I am not responsible for misuse of your hex editor, lack of backups, etc. I highly recommend the unbrickable mod.
Corrupt internal storage
Hi b0nafide,
My internal storage is also corrupted (i9000). I'm getting the same errors you descripe in your post. I'm trying your solution in wich you install android on your external SD. I bought a 8GB cat10 SD card....
But I'm stuck at the step: 'Extract initramfs from zImage ( [//] )'. When I start the script nothing happens, except for my terminal closing. I'm using a virtualy installed Ubuntu distribution (Backtrack 5).
Do you have a tip? Perhaps you can help me through Teamviewer???
Hope do hear from you... I want to use my phone again
Greatings, Eldoro
My sgs is dead.
Please b0nafide, can you upload this modificated kernel (zImage and factoryfs.rfs) just for noobs like me?
Yes that woud be great. ..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Here also an i9000 with reboot
Have done allot, stock rom, other pit files...
Is there a way to do this with a i9000 ?
and yes an image for us ?
and is the phone then normale... or is the internal storage still broken ?
Anyone can help us?
grimorct said:
Anyone can help us?
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Anyone with working solution for this on i9000? I'll try to pack JW4 following this guide
grozni said:
Anyone with working solution for this on i9000? I'll try to pack JW4 following this guide
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Yesterday, I made a flasheable pack of JW4, but it doesn't run. Now i'ḿ trying to modify JVU, but a strange thing happen when i'm repacking zImage...the script spends a lot of time in order to make it, and i can't be able to verify the correct pocess of new_zImage.
It's my first post in XDA, because normally I use HTCMANIA... I'm Spanish...and my English it isn't so good. Even, I should said that it isn't my phone...i'm repairing a friend's phone, so it's difficult for me to explain or speak about different ROMs or kernels....sorry
It's very important to advice that the scripts posted should be modified to get it run...because I found different problems to execute on Ubuntu.
Now it's 1:30 am...i'm trying "ext_JVU"....tomorrow i'll tell you the results.
Anyway i'll try to upload it, to reach different conclusions...
sesetxu said:
Anyway i'll try to upload it, to reach different conclusions...
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Please do, I'll try flashing immediately and get back with results. How did you format external sd card?
I'm willing to try aswell... almost gave up hope.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Hello friends!!!
I've the CODE (PDA file in ODIN) modified to execute android in ext-sdcard.
I do it as the first post said....but it doesn't run for me...
Anyway here is...Yo must get the MODEM and CSC os the stock firmware
XDA block the urls for me...for this reason its haven´t the WWW ...
Stock firmware..only to get MODEM and CSC:
Code modified to run in sdcard external:
To solve my problems, i'll try to generate an CWMfile flasheable to try it...but now i'm hopeless....
Good luck men!!
sesetxu said:
Good luck men!!
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Great work men!! It works for me. After flashing I got error in picture I posted (same error as before when writing to internal storage with stock rom). I just hit reboot but honestly I was not thinking it will boot. Thing I noticed when I start camera I get message turn off usb storage first. My files app shows no sd card inserted. How did you format your sd card? I'm using 8gb class 6 sd card
grozni said:
Great work men!! It works for me. After flashing I got error in picture I posted (same error as before when writing to internal storage with stock rom). I just hit reboot but honestly I was not thinking it will boot. Thing I noticed when I start camera I get message turn off usb storage first. My files app shows no sd card inserted. How did you format your sd card? I'm using 8gb class 6 sd card
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I've modified all to use an sdcard with the folowing partitions:
1st primary fat32 which is internal sd card (4 gb)
2nd primary reiserfs which is /data (2 gb)
3rd primary fat 32 as external sd card
Try it...and I am happy to help you
sesetxu said:
I've modified all to use an sdcard with the folowing partitions:
1st primary fat32 which is internal sd card (4 gb)
2nd primary reiserfs which is /data (2 gb)
3rd primary fat 32 as external sd card
Try it...and I am happy to help you
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I will try this layout. At first I prepared sdcard with 2 partitions which currently boot into Android but storage isn't working:
1st primary fat32 (6gb)
2nd primary ext4 (2gb)
You said raiserfs, should be that rfs type partition?
Update: I just noticed that both partition on my sdcard are fat32. First partition which should be internal storage I had to format again (not sure why). After this internal storage is still not available when in Android. I guess some mounting point is not good. Second fat32 partition is where the data is I guess (picture attached)
Exactly the same result as grozni. Same errors upon installing but booting into android. Amazing work! Also formatted 2 partitions. WiFi also not working btw. Hangs on obtaining ip...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
eldoro said:
Hangs on obtaining ip...
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Same here
Is imposible to start Andoird without a rfs partition to mount /data (or ext4, for ROMs wich has fixed the troubles with ext4/rfs file systems...)
I can´t start the phone, because i get an added problem (my system can't format rfs data..but i don't know why)
I'm going to review the file /system/etc/vold.fstab who manages the mount points of the internal and external storages.
If anyone gets the correct configuration...please post it..
Tomorrow is Monday...and although I'm Spanish, I have a job (****ing crisis)...and i haven't so much time as weekend
Edit: wifi sockets are created over /data partition, if there is any problem in this partition is probably to get troubles obtaining IP
sesetxu said:
Is imposible to start Andoird without a rfs partition to mount /data (or ext4, for ROMs wich has fixed the troubles with ext4/rfs file systems...)
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If I understand correctly samsung rfs and reiserfs are not the same thing? Why you use raiserfs on sdcard layout?
sesetxu said:
Edit: wifi sockets are created over /data partition, if there is any problem in this partition is probably to get troubles obtaining IP
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That is the reason
Update: One more thing I forgot to mention. When I try to format USB storage (internal sd) I get message sd card removed

[Crazy Talk] Boot.... from ram? >:)

ok, so i use this for pubg on a laptop. the harddrive is so slow, but the laptop has 16gb of ram.
with an 8gb data partition, the whole of the PhoenixOS is about 10gb, that leaves the system 6gb to use, more than most android devices.
things like ubuntu and gparted can boot from ram. so i kinda started researching the concept, and decided i needed some help. anyone interested?
ideally it would boot to grub then copy an image to ram (containing all of PhoenixOS) then afterwards, when shutting down android, update the image on the harddrive assuming no power failures
ubuntu uses squashfs right? and from what ive read loads everything to ram in initrd.gz. is there an equivalent to that androidx86?
can we accompish this from grub?
Seems interesting . I extracted the initrd.img and found that the init file is actually sh a script . It runs in a busybox shell . So probably you could modify the script at the start and probably create a /dev/ram* block device and copy the contents of your PhoenixOS partition/image to the created ramdisk .

