Recent Documents not showing anything anymore - HD2 General

I was messing with SKTools and I think I might have deleted an important folder or registry key for the Recent Documents tab on HTC Sense, because now it just says "SD card is full or missing" instead of showing me the PDF files I have stores on my SD card like it did before.
I remember cleaning out empty folders using SKtools and I think I might have deleted an important folder in main memory that was something like '.../HTC/...', I also think it was in the Application Data folder...does anyone have any idea how to fix it so that my recent documents show again, or give me a tip in the right direction?
These are the current folders I have in /Application Data/HTC/:
HTC PhotoPicker
Am I missing anything???
I really don't want to hard reset because I have my phone configured almost perfectly and put a lot of work into it.
EDIT: I just checked my SD Card info and it says I have 0.00mb total memory, used memory, and free memory, so something is up with the microSD card it looks like. I think it may not be a folder that I accidentally deleted.
edit2: still can't get it fixed. I can run programs from my SD card just fine, Windows settings recognizes my SD card and it gives me correct values for space, but HTC sense keeps saying I have 0mb used/free etc, even after removing it, and soft resetting.
edit3: from reading here:
I think I might have deleted an important cache file with SKTools, but I don't know which, and I don't know how I could recreate it.
edit4: camera and camcorder still save to my storage card, I've read in other threads that they got the 0MB bug and the camera doesn't save in storage card anymore, but it still works for me. So far it is isolated to Recent Documents AFAIK...

nevermind, I'm just going to hard reset and not use SKTools at all next time. For deleting some empty folders or cache files (probably) it caused HTC Sense to not work, but I can't figure out which one and I don't want to deal with it anymore. I spent 2 hours on it and no one replied to my thread (no big deal) so I'll just take the easy way out and reconfigure my phone all night tonight. ;\


storage card nuked wihtout warning

i just got my storage card nuked and i think it was by "save attachments on storage card" .. its cleanswept except for some attachment dir and a WMDRM dir.. anyone experienced this before?
Im curious if there is a way to save my storage card like file recovery for windows!?!? I've had smartphone for 2 years and never experienced such (nor used the mail portion) .. its really a drag if this is normal wm5 behavior.
anyways two questions:
- is a way to generally clone a qtek9100 with all regs and storage
- is there a way to recover lost files if nothing else is written to car? (so called quick formats)
sardaukar said:
- is a way to generally clone a qtek9100 with all regs and storage
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Backup apps:
SPB Backup -
Sunnysoft Backup Manager -
Sprite Backup -
Or, otherwise, copy all files over, and export the registry using Tascal Registry Editor or so. Restoring would likely be iffy, though.. e.g. overwriting the Pocket Outlook database and such - if it can be done.
sardaukar said:
- is there a way to recover lost files if nothing else is written to card? (so called quick formats)
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Yes - there's dedicated software for this. I got one from Sandisk that came with their 1GB Ultra III compactflash card that I've got in my camera next to a 2GB memorystick.
as for the nuking, I assume now it was something todo with windows mediea player and device syncronization which hadnt fully initiated ..
anyways, when you tlak of recovery what do you mean, as the link you post leads to pc software.
u put sd card in camera and mount as usb and run pc software to recover?
sprite backup seems to be very nice and feature rich.
I just had the exact same thing happen to me...was just left with the attachments directory.
The good news is that the SD card shows that there is 250MB used so i know the files are there...i just cant see them. I'm trying that SD program referenced in the last post to see if i can at least see the files.
Unfortunately, all my backups are on the SD card itself. I hadnt copied them to my HD.
wow, this is nuts - there's some serious bug lurking around!
Update on this.
I was able to recover the files with some data recovery tools. The one in this thread is useless - its meant for media files only.
I still wonder why this happened. Either way, I'm switching back Outlook attachments to main memory for a bit and see what happens.
Well, let us know which data recovery tool you used - might come in handy for others
yup same thing happened to me... and same way, attachments on storage card
space was still missing but the files were too
didnt bother recovering though as i had backups luckily
The same happened to me twice! The first time I thought it was due to FAT FS, so i reformated it with FAT32, but it happened again.
I do have my attachements at SD, as well as I save pictures from camera to it.
BTW, the same thing happened once with my wife's iPaq 2490 (attachement at SD).
As for fixing: just use standard MS Windows checkdsk (or use Check now from drive options) if you have a card reader. It saves all files to FOUND directory (but, unfortunately, it renames it to strange names, so you'll have to find out what is what)
If this happens to you, FinalData Enterprise and EasyRecovery Pro are known to recover files very well. They will find all files and filenames. They wont restore the top level folder names but if you dont have many, you can change them yourself. More important to me were the lower level filenames and the integrity of those files.
Most of the other trial recovery programs i used couldnt do what these two products could. They typically just showed a bunch of .chk files or else tried to recover media files only.
I still want to know how this happened and if there's a way to replicate the problem. There's some nasty Outlook bug lurking around that needs to be fixed!
same thing happened to me. just realised that i have 300 meg os missing disk space that i thought had gone for ever.
can anyone recommend a freeware tool ?
Wait, my new 2gb card died 2 days ago! The Wizard won't even find it, and my PC finds it, but all the stuff on it is missing except for a couple of directories and it won't let me format it. It has to go back to China now. I'm so pissed off.
Anyone know a card recovery app?
I know the ones i mentioned earlier should work.
Someone said chkdsk may work...try that although i worry that if it recovers cross linked files (most of them are), it'll dump a bunch of useless chk files on the card.
i tried checkdisk and it didn't seem to retrieve any files. grrrrrrrrr.
Well maybe it s a bug which occurs on march 14.... because that same thing occured to my sd yesterday while I was using tt5 on the road... ;(
sardaukar said:
as for the nuking,.....bla bla.....
sprite backup seems to be very nice and feature rich.
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I'd choose SPB Backup. According to my knowledge the WM5 compatible version of Sprite Backup does not have the self extracting functionallity yet. (weird because that among other features made Sprite Backup stand tall above all other backup/clone solutions).
Hope they will include this self extracting feature soon.
2 GIG Mini SD Speed
Just got mine from Singapore yesterday. I did not format it as it came already formatted. I have noticed that playing video divx / mpg1's are very slow versus internal memory. I did the reg edits for cache size but found no real changes to media playback. Anyone out there playing with media playback on a Cingular 8125?
mike freegan said:
Wait, my new 2gb card died 2 days ago! The Wizard won't even find it, and my PC finds it, but all the stuff on it is missing except for a couple of directories and it won't let me format it. It has to go back to China now. I'm so pissed off.
Anyone know a card recovery app?
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From experiance with this same issue on a 1gb, the card eventually starts having block failures. Fortunatly the place I bought it replaced it with another. Whatever nukes it, perminatly damaged mine. Hope in your case it didn't damage it.
I'm wondering if this is related to the reboot issue some of us are experiancing... and if it has something to do with pocket outlook or pocket windows media player 10.
Block failures are a hardware fault.
The only way you could induce one with software would be to rewrite the same location more than ~1m times, which would cause it to fail - flash has a limited lifetime, although the limit is very high.
So let me get this straight:
REGARDLESS of the BRAND of the miniSD card, the Wizard HAVE an ISSUE whereby, if MEssaging Attachement is saved to the card, the device CAN RANDOMLY nuke the card?
I haave the same issue with my ATP miniSD card (and they're considered one of the most reliable one), but instead of nuking it, it just doesn't show the file OR...worst... rename the card to "Storage CArd 2".
Depends on what people are running into.
If you're getting a corrupted card BUT you can reformat it, then it may be something with the storage card attachment thing. (I personally run with this turned on and have NOT had it happen)
If, however, the card CANNOT be reformatted - that is, its TOAST - then its NOT a software problem. The card has physically failed. Since the 2GB cards are quite new, this is entirely possible.
One other possibility - if you have a card that won't reformat first try writing a few kilobytes of zeros to it using psdwrite. If you can THEN reformat it, then the card was scrambled - it did not die.
Using "r2sd" to dump ROM images to the card has been known to interfere with reformatting to full capacity due to the internal data patterns that show up in certain places with certain ROMs. Writing a block of zeros to the front of the card will fix this, as it will wipe the data that is being misinterpreted.

Where is all of my storage going?!?!?

I went to take a picture today with my 8125 and it said i only had 22 remaining.... i swear a few days ago it was well over 50. Im assuming the pictures get saved to the "storage" memory by default so i checked my memory and it says i only have 6.5 mb left. I have no clue how this is possible since i dont even have a lot of programs installed. here is what i have installed 3rd party:
tonaya weather to go
magic button
agile messenger
TCPMP with two plugins
TomTom w/ one voice
Not sure what this one is but : FdcSoft PPCContacts manager. (let mek now if i can delete this one)
along with that i have 13 full res pictures and the stock ones it came with. Im running aku2.3 if that has any affect...
like i said i just dont understand how i am using almost 40mb out of 47. and im not quite sure what program memory consists of but that is almost have full at around 22mb of 44mb. Thanks for the help
use activesync to delete some unneccessary sound files, and pics
dropknowledge said:
use activesync to delete some unneccessary sound files, and pics
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even if I do that it seems like it would only free up a few mb`s if seems like something else is hogging my space.
DO not assume anything. Usually by default, items are stored to your Main Memory. Go in and check all your programs, change the default "save to" and clear cache and temp files.
eViL D: said:
DO not assume anything. Usually by default, items are stored to your Main Memory. Go in and check all your programs, change the default "save to" and clear cache and temp files.
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I can't say I understand...could you please explain a little more please. do all of the new programs I install go to storage memory or program? I'm just confsed on what to clear out
well i posted this topic earlier today and i said that i had around 6mb of free storage space. I just went to install opera and it said my storage space was down to 2mb! I havnt installed anything or taken any pictures since i started this topic and i lost 4mb of storage already. How is this happening?? I did 2 soft resets and my storage memory never went up. Im really confused as to how this thing is eating my storage memory without me doing anything. I had to delete agile messenger just to gain some space! Please help with this
Storage mem is where you install apps and where apps by default save their files (pictures, video's, temp files, IE cache, Word documents etc). When you use your cam to take pictures, they come in the mydocuments folder on your storage mem. To change this, you have to go into the options of all apps you use and change the default storage location for the files to SD card. For instance: in the camera app, go to the settings, options, general and change the location to storage card.
With file explorer you can search your device for these files, perhaps your pics are taking up so much space? You can also use the built-in search function in start-programs and search for files larger than 64 kb, that should show you the culprits.
Program Mem under WM5 is only used to run apps, not to store them. It wll gradually fill up since not all apps are properly closed, even with task managers. Soft-resetting will empty your program mem from these apps and free up your RAM.
Storage mem is ROM mem and will not be emptied by a soft reset. There must be a lot of files in your storage mem that take up the place, so find out which apps do that. perhaps you have been surfing and there are large temp files from IE on your device?
Thanks for the advice, that is pretty much the answer i needed. One more question though, where should i regularly look to delete files? I will change my picture save location to my stroage card but what are some places i should always be clearing out? Thanks
Edit: I think i may have found the main i forgot i transfered a 6mb song for a ring tone and second i went to windows=profiles=guest=temp internet files and cleared all that out and now im up to 22mb of free storgage! Is there any way i can not have it save the temp files or something? Also, in the windows folder it has all of my sounds/ring tones and those same files are also in the Rings folder. It wont let me delete them out of the windows folder and i dont want to delete them out of the rings folder and have it not work. What should i do?
You can run the search function in start-programs regularly if your storage mem goes down to fast for your liking to see large files that hog your storage mem (like files and frames in your temp folder that you downloaded or some app dumped there).
To clear out the IE cache, start IE, tap menu-options-memory and click the buttons delete history and delete files.
I have no idea which other locations to check, I only applied the camera option and clear out the IE cache once in a while (f I remember to). I have lots of apps installed in storage mem and still approx 15 MB free, so freeing up space has never been an issue for me.
good luck with it!
PS judging on your installed apps, I have no idea what can hog your storage so extremely. Perhaps the weather app is saving all downloaded data somewhere on main? I presume that your TT maps are on storage card (they are too big for intenal strage anyway)
PPS AFAIK PPCContact Manager helps you to select all your contacts in one go, for batch sending them trough BT to e.g. a BT carkit or other operations you want to carry out involving all contacts instead of one by one. tap and hold on a contact and you should see "Select all contacts" in the pop-up menu.
youve been a huge help koksie, i appreciate it. Any idea why my soungs are stored in the windows folder and under windows/rings? It wont let me delete them out of the windows folder but it will out of the rings folder. The only reason i dont want to delete them out of the rings folder is i feel if i do then i wont be able to select the deleted ones as ring tones even though they are still in my windows folder. Maybe i should just leave this as is...
Have a search for a free utility called Where Is My RAM? WIMR. As I can best recall this will run on WM5 too and will list your files in order of size. A real boon!
There's a program called Registry Wizard made by one of the geniuses here that will set your IE temp/cache files to be saved to the storage card. I use it and love it! It also has a lot of other tweaks for performance, annoyances, etc....
Do a search for it.'s still on the first page when I do a search for "8125"
I store all my songs on the storage mini SD card. Only my ringtones and mp3 I want to set as ringtone are in the windows/rings dir. All the songs I only use for listening are on my SD card. Use total Commander (freeware) to delete all the stuff you don't need in the windows dir. This app has more possibilities than the standard file explorer. Just save your songs you need for ringtones on your main mem (windows/rings) and move all other songs to your SD card. Sorry, kinda wasted right now, just got home at 4.30 AM after "some" drinking, so I might not make much sense, but I might be more clear later on after some sleep...

All pics on SD card gone

The other day I took a whole lot of pictures and wanted to transfer them to my laptop only to discover that they were all gone. Completely! The folder still exists but there are no pictures whatsoever. Everything else on the SD card is untouched. The pictures were there before, I looked at them on the way home.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm not sure what I did wrong and how this happened.
Does anybody know how to restore those pictures? I found some programs for data recovery but none of them work with SD cards inside PPCs.
Any help would be much appreciated!
try this
I just saw that the camera saves to the device but not to the SD car at all. Anybody know how to fix this?
Hanmin: GetBackData can't be installed on the Prophet and if I install it on my laptop there is no option to restore data on a device that's plugged in. At least I didn't find any...
This happend to me too. I don't know why. I could not recover my pictures. To allow the Camera function to save new pictures in the memory card again I had to delete the already empty 'My Pictures' folder in the memory card.
I looked at the Registry and found the paths in saveto for pictures and videos were different, I edited it to point to the memory card.
Jayxz: you're supposed to use the Data Recovery software on your PC, using a memory card reader to access the card.
You should be aware though, if you've used the card at all since the problem, you may have permanently lost your data.
You can find specialist apps to go through, sector by sector, finding jpgs etc, but if the original data is corrupted, it'll be messy.

Volatile Directory - 80MB

Hello Guys,
Today I installed a cab to my phone. Usally I have around 100MB free on my device. But today there where only around 10MB?
I searched around and found a mysterious directory in the Application Data directory called "Volatile" which exactly eats up the missing space...
I said to myself, mhh are you trying to move that directory to storage card and risk a hard-reset? I did it and my device still works.
But I want to know from where this directory "Volatile" came?!
the app data\volatile folder is a system temp folder. clearing shouldn't be a problem (unless maybe you clear it before restarting after installing something, perhaps).
You can also reg edit the location to move it to your storage card, at
hklm\system\filesys and change the path.
Thank you, so what exctly it is for?
scilor said:
Thank you, so what exctly it is for?
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its the wm5 and above equivalent of \temp in wm2003. just somewhere the system dumps files, especially when installing and such like. so long as nothing is running when you do, just empty it now and again.
Keep it off!
As for the HD2 - you may NOT delete this folder!
Reason for my frequent hardresetting in the past was deleting this folder - directly or by third party apps to gain storage space.
If you did so - your phone won't be able to recognize soundformats - it won't ring or play anything after deleting this folder!
Cover arts will be skipped very fast, because sense thinks that tracks are played in no time. Very frustrating bug.
Discovered it this morning ... and wanted to share it with the community as none knows about that.
I never had a problem with this, I only deleted the content. But thank you for that info.
So I will now just move the files to my SD card
I emptied it regularly when I was on winmo, never had a problem.

Very little Device Memory HD2. (What? Already!!!)

I've had my HD2 for about a week now. I've installed maybe 3 or 4 apps directly to the device (not to SD Card). I'm now in the situation of not being able to d/l any videos etc. due to having insufficient memory! I can't believe it!!!
Device total storage stands at 200.40MB
Used storage= 189.02MB
Free storage= 11.38MB
However below this info my phone is showing ''Free program storage'' as being 178.38MB. While my SD card is showing Free Memory being at 1453.95MB.
Would the solution be to transfer everything to SD card and only install to the SD card in future?
Yep I would, saves the phones internal memory
I install any non-system apps to the card, anything that needs access to the system files goes on my phone
Found this article on a blog:
Just go on google and search "windows mobile marketplace:choose where to install"
Click the 3rd one down-DarkBlog
(Apologies for not placing a direct link, I'm a new member, so It won't allow me to put outside links right now, sorry for the inconvenience)
It might help you a little?
Gonna have a look at that, looks good
GadgetTechPlus said:
Found this article on a blog:
Just go on google and search "windows mobile marketplace:choose where to install"
Click the 3rd one down-DarkBlog
(Apologies for not placing a direct link, I'm a new member, so It won't allow me to put outside links right now, sorry for the inconvenience)
It might help you a little?
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Thank you. That's really helpful.
These reports of low memory are really starting to bug me.
It would appear that there is something going on that is not fully understand because there is no way that you should run out of phone storage memory with only 4 apps installed!
A serious in depth investigation is needed to unearth the cause.
I have 27 apps installed and I have 152Mb of storage memory left.
Could you tell us what ROM you are running?
Did you go to the task manager and see what is running and try ending the tasks? If you don't kill programs in there they will eat up your system memory... Specially if you are downloading a bunch of porn... Opera is probably using up a bunch.
crisisinthecity said:
Did you go to the task manager and see what is running and try ending the tasks? If you don't kill programs in there they will eat up your system memory... Specially if you are downloading a bunch of porn... Opera is probably using up a bunch.
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Thats not the memory the OP was talking about. Unless I've got it all wrong! Or you have!
I think you are referring to Program memory. The OP was talking about Storage memory and how something was using it up.
This is all very strange.
Things you should definitely look at
1. Where are your camera pictures and camcorder videos stored? ---> if you select device and not storage on the camera app or camcorder app settings, then u are my friend putting pictures and videos you've taken to the sdcard...
solutions: go to ur camera app settings and look at where u are storing the pictures...
or go to ur file explorer, go to ur device's memory and check if they are there...
if they are there, then copy and paste them to ur sd card...
2. set ur outlook, yahoo e-mail and stuff to be stored in sd card, not device's memory...
3. idk what else you have in there to have that very little memory left...
Oh I missed that... My phone has 686.12 Total Storage, 190.64 used, 495.48 free. I have installed all of the apps on the Storage card though. If his says that the total storage is 200 or whatever, that sounds like the problem... Should be like a gb of total device memory between storage and programs...
It seems that Opera 9 saves downloads to a folder on the phones 'device memory', but it doesn't always delete them when you tell opera to do so in the downloads menu tab.
It saves them too: \My Device\Windows\opera9\profile\download
When I deleated most of the files there it released over 110 MB of space in the device storage.
I wonder where other programs save similar files?
Have a look here for tips on freeing some space. The HTC Album cache is my biggest storage hog. Even then, like you, I have just a few programs installed to my internal store and hardly any memory left. The UK version has less storage than the USA HD2 which makes matters worse.
maybe for the euro hd2, cleartemp could help. It can help find those caches and delete them regularly.
I have the tmous version and flash all the time so I don't have that problem.
Also look for the youtube cache. I've heard it can get pretty big if you look at a lot of youtube vids.
edit: go find cleartemp. There are loads of stuff it can clear for you.
I found 10mb under thumbs.db alone.
Not to mention a few mb for google maps and for opera cache each.
you can also add custom folders to be cleaned as well. I haven't looked too much into it, but maybe I should.
Just remember that caches help your phone run faster, so don't erase them unless you need the memory.
This thread has good suggestions. But most are usual recommendations that will help but perhaps not resolve the issue completely (well a couple of posts do mention temp issues). I had a similar experience recently.
A couple of facts:
1. I install all my apps into the main memory. Never had issues. Opera, IE cache, temps all there by default.
2. I download and save on SD. Music, films, pictures, documents, Android are all there.
3. Still I have plenty of room for storage.
And then I suddenly had that warning!
The cause was temp made by the default ZIP utility that used up almost all my storage space. That utility works fine until I wanted to uncompress 160 mb zip from SD into another SD folder. It started uncompressing, used all storage temp space, gave me error, and closed. It didn't clean the temp though!
I cleaned a bit manually and then installed SK tools that cleaned my device properly and everything is fine now. It is very simple issue and similar to running out of disk space on a PC.
Bottom line: it is unlikely that usual apps use so much storage. I bet on downloads and big user files left in storage and finally huge temp files as leftovers of unsuccessful uncompressing for example.

