Home wifi network is disabled - Droid X General

When I am away from my home network for a while when I return home, about 50% of the time it does not automatically connect... when I go into my wifi settings under my home SSID it says the network is disabled. I have to click on it to connect.
I am running the leaked 2.2... and I'm hoping it's something to do with my router. I just have the typical Linksys wrg54 or whatever the hell it is. Very common router.
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WiFi / battery efficiency

At home my cell coverage is a little spotty. It jumps between 1x and evdo frequently. I'm experimenting with WiFi (just set it up yesterday at home) and I haven't yet had a chance to see first hand, but my question is, if I have a solid WiFi connection, is it more battery efficient than solely using the cell radio? I know that just having wifi on will drain the battery hence my confusion.
Strong WiFi is generally better on battery than even a strong EVDO signal. You should be much better off using WiFi. Make sure to set the WiFi to never sleep in the advanced settings.
zesta said:
Make sure to set the WiFi to never sleep in the advanced settings.
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Is this a new 2.1 option? I didn't even look for it because I am so used to having keepWiFi installed. Also, I have noticed that my wifi signal appears low even though I am only about 50 feet away from my router with only 1 wall in the way running on 802.11g on a dual band router. Also, my router has the ability to broadcast 2 SSIDs to allow for a guest network so you dont have to give out your WPA password to friends and it firewalls them away from your network. I have noticed that my phone has a problem with this. My netbook sees both SSIDs without any problems and stay connected to my main SSID. On my Hero, the main SSID appears and disappears constantly. I have to log onto my guest network because it is the one that my Hero likes for some reason.
In the WiFi setting, click menu and advanced option is available.
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Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Great info. Thanks!

Wifi network connection issues

I'm still having wifi (not 3G) network connection issues and hoping someone can help.
I tried enabling wifi on the phone to stay active all the time (never sleep), enabled static setting and I always end up have to manually reconnect to the my wifi router. I've even tried some stay alive wifi apps and nothing seems to work. Nothing always me to stay connected and re-connect automatically to my wifi router. It's very frustrating.
I sometimes loose wifi when phone comes out of sleep or when I go out of range and then re-enter my wifi coverage area, it's won't automatically reconnect to wifi.
Any ideas/solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Don't know if the 'fixmywifi' app can help.. hope it can!
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I'm trying an app called 'auto wifi re-enabler', seems to be working so far. What's with the X10 and this issue :/
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=718070 check it out broski, anyother questions just ask me cuz im on ROGERS cheap &$% network
egyptshun said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=718070 check it out broski, anyother questions just ask me cuz im on ROGERS cheap &$% network
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He thx for the suggestion, but I'm not referring to the 3G network (such as it is!), but rather local wifi. BTW: I do have the 3G setting entered on my phone
Well still not within 100%. Man what's with this X10 and wifi.
I had a look for that fixmywifi app Mobzter recommended and can't find it.
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Probably a stupid question, but when you go to:
Settings -> Wireless settings -> Wifi Settings -> Advanced (Menu button to access this) -> Wifi Sleep Policy
Does it still say "Never" like you want it to or has it reverted back to a different option?
I've tried never, and other setting, and as a matter of fact seems to work better in a sleep setting. Maybe it's my wireless router, but I believe this is a common issue with the X10.
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I never had issues with wifi on my x10... until I did a hard reset on my router. I started to have problems connecting to my router. I figured out that if my router has WEP protection on, my x10 would have a hard time connecting. If I switch to WEP2, everything went fine. I dont see how switching from WEP to WEP2 solved my problem, but give it a try
If your still looking for Fix My Wifi it's Here along with other apps that you could try.
Interesting, I'm actually using WPA2, not WEP at all.
What router setting are others using?
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[Q] Xoom WiFi inoperative

My WiFi was working fine on my Xoom, and now it gets stuck while "obtaining IP address." It says for a split second "remembered" as if it was connected and starts the ongoing circular process of "obtaining IP address" all over again. I saw that galaxy tab users had this same problem and found a resolution by connecting "static" instead of "DHCP." I didn't try that as I honestly don't know how. What I do know is that there are a few devices like my OG droid, my laptop, my mothers' laptop, my xbox 360 that are connected to the same WiFi network. This randomly happened, when I decided to disconnect from WiFi to run a speed test on 3G and I was unable to connect to WiFi ever since. I tried unplugging/plugging the routers, turning the Xoom off and on, and even went so far as to doing a factory reset on the Xoom and I still can't connect. 3G works fine, but I have a 1GB cap and I would rather only use that while I'm on the go, and obviously WiFi is definitely faster. If I can't resolve this, I still have enough time to return this thing. Call me a newb, but I need a little help!
I know you said you did a factory reset, but google stores wifi passwords in the cloud now. Try making the xoom forget the network you're trying to connect to.
My only other thought is that you need to go into your router's configuration and remove the xoom as a remembered device.
Bauxite said:
I know you said you did a factory reset, but google stores wifi passwords in the cloud now. Try making the xoom forget the network you're trying to connect to.
My only other thought is that you need to go into your router's configuration and remove the xoom as a remembered device.
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How do I get the xoom to forget the network? How do I remove the xoom as a remembered device? Sorry but I really don't know how to do that..
EDIT: I went into settings>privacy>backup and restore> and unchecked "back up application data, Wi-Fi passwords, and other settings to googles servers and was still unable to connect.
I think if you long press on the wifi network it will give you the option to forget it.
As for the router, do you remember setting it up? The settings pages where you set the wifi name and password and such.. it should have a section where it tells you which devices are connected.
I have pressed "forget network" on the xoom several times when trying to connect. As for the router, do I remember setting it up? No, as a matter of fact I didn't set it up. Could I configure this thing from my laptop?
droiduser1988 said:
I have pressed "forget network" on the xoom several times when trying to connect. As for the router, do I remember setting it up? No, as a matter of fact I didn't set it up. Could I configure this thing from my laptop?
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Of course, anything that's connected to the router should let you configure it. It's too complex to explain here, but you need to enter the router through it's IP address and find the configuration.
Find the manual for the router you have and go from there.
I'll try to look into that, any idea as to wtf happened? This is beyond an inconvenience..
I'm having much the same problem. After entering the passphrase it says 'obtaining ip address from....' and thats all. It never connects??? I have tried 'forget' several times and no luck.
I have been able to connect to unsecured wifi with no problems.
Use the free app "wifi static". Config to assign you a static IP on that network only and dhcp on others. Its something within android as I have the same issue in my phone with a few networks but not most.
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jcampbell037 said:
Use the free app "wifi static". Config to assign you a static IP on that network only and dhcp on others. Its something within android as I have the same issue in my phone with a few networks but not most.
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OK, tried it. NO GO! After entering the passphrase it STILL says 'obtaining ip address from....' I may be doing something wrong with the app since it comes with absolutely NO directions. If this is going to be an issue average folks will take it back!
Have any of you with this issue verified that the DHCP scope on the wireless network is not full or that DHCP is even allowed? The fact it works one place but not another tells me the issue may be with the network and not the device.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
I was having the same issues as you originally at first until I reset my router and my Xoom.
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je2345 said:
I was having the same issues as you originally at first until I reset my router and my Xoom.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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I also had this issue, I ended up fixing it by upgrading my router BIOS. the version that was on there was dated 2004 (yikes), and though the most current update was only 2006, it seems to have fixed the problem.
That or the reboot after the update as previous poster said and the update didn't really have anything to do with it, but either way it got fixed.

Wi-fi problem connecting

Ok so I can connect to my home network just fine.. its a wireless netgear. Then I go to my fathers house and I try to connect to his network and it says authenticating... rendering... disabled! Then in the wireless network list it says the network is "disabled, secured...". Same thing happened with the neighbors wifi. Something I'm missing? I know the password is right so its not that... and I'm almost cretin its not the router ..
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just a random thought, have you checked that the mac adress filtering isnt enabled on your fathers router and neighbor. like i said just random and maybe something to look at,,,
I dont think so because their lap top connects just fine
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
okay, but they might have their router settup to allow the lap top and block all others. give it a check in the router settings, or i have come across some routers that just needed to be power cycled/rebooted and phone connected fine afterwards,, maybe give that a try.
Well since i set up both their networks i know that that is not the case. In any event I will try to power cycle the router.

WiFi not switching to strongest signal between routers on same network

I've never noticed any WiFi issues with my N7, until recently.
I have a wireless router set up at home (R1). I have a second wireless router set up in the garage. They are connected by Ethernet. R1 handles the connection to the Internet.
When I originally set them up, I created a different SSID and password for each. When I moved from the house to the garage, I would simply connect to R2's WiFi network by going into settings on my N7. But I recently decided to make both wireless networks identical by using the same SSID's and passwords (reading up on the procedure first). This is supposed to allow your devices to automatically switch between networks automatically, depending on which signal is stronger.
It seems to be working with my HTC EVO 4G LTE, but not with my N7! I have done the "forget network", and re-added it, but this did not fix anything. Any suggestions?
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I think got it. Although both routers had the same SSID and password, one had security set to TKIP and the other to something else. I changed one to match the other and my N7 seems to be switching now!
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nevermind, wrong post
