[APP] [REQ] GSpace Mobile - Android Software Development

I'm quite sure many of you would have used this either on Firefox or Symbian, or something along the line.
This would be a great app to port over to Android to make use of the gmail accounts space for whatever you can think of.
currently to access that on my Android phone i've have to do it the long way via sending email to myself
but on a PC or any other platform with plugins that can directly access the Gspace, i can simply drag and drop files into the Gspace file manager.
I personally not that great at programing, i can script just fine, but programing a full app is a bit beyond me.
So, It'll be great if some Developer have spare time to make this great app, i'll donate / buy it off Android Market if it ever becomes available.

yes i'm aware there's dropbox, but using one's own gmail account offers way more space than dropbox
personally i feel it's better when everything is integrated into 1 account (reason why i like Android OS/phones)
it'll be even better if it can pickup the account username (email)/password from Android OS system settings > Accounts & Sync

Nice idea. Well, dropbox can have more space, but it's true that an all integrated solution would be cool. personally I would probably use both dropbox and this, even more online free storage

Sounds like a good idea.


Why Google needs “Direct Push” for Google Apps

Direct Push with Google Apps?!?!?!
Hi everyone. I think I might have asked this question before but maybe something has developed in the last few months.
I am running my own IT consulting business and as I get more and more busy my calendar is becoming an ever more important tool. My dear wife went out and got me a good old-fashioned spiral bound day-timer but I have a sophisticated day-timer right here in my pocket in the form of my HTC Touch. As an IT consultant I think I should be using it rather then pulling out the pen and paper. Right now I am using the calendars in my Touch, Outlook, Google Apps and the calendar in the Exchange account I have with one of my customers. Too many calendars and all because I really want to use my Google Apps calendar and have it sync with my Touch.
I really want Google to develop “Direct Push” technology so that I can get my email, calendar and contacts all from my Google Apps account just like it was an Exchange Server. I am even considering switching my email back to an Exchange Server just so I can sync with my Touch. This way my wife could login and add stuff to my calendar and it will appear on my Touch. Right now I have my Email coming in from Google Apps via IMAP, my Calendar synching with Outlook (installed locally on my laptop without Exchange) and my Contacts syncing with my customer’s Exchange server. This is a pain and I want everything in one place that can be maintained/synced in real-time.
I will say this right now and keep in mind that as an IT consultant I like Microsoft’s products and install things like Windows 2003, SQL Server and Exchange on an almost daily basis. If Google develops “Direct Push” for Google Apps it will be an Exchange killer. The only, and I mean only reason I am thinking about switching my domain back to Exchange (I moved from Exchange to Google Apps about 1 year ago) is for the ability to sync everything (not just email) with my Touch.
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
The Fish
Oh and just in case anyone from Microsoft is listening, “threaded inbox” isn’t what I mean by “conversation style”. Come on Microsoft. Just admit that Google has actual built a better mousetrap and managed to improve on the age-old email model of “folders” and “sent items”. Go ahead and copy them… copy, copy copy! Oops sorry, I mean “embrace and extend, embrace and extend”
Something like that would be great!
matthew232 said:
Something like that would be great!
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And not to mention totally do-able. There is already an non-Exchange mail server out there called “KerioMail Server” that implements Microsoft’s Direct Push protocol. Check out this link http://www.kerio.com/kms_activesync.html
Microsoft’s Direct Push is entirely HTTP based. It shouldn’t be that difficult for Google to do.
The Fish.
I guess you have to wait for Google Android.
thefish123 said:
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
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The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but have you checked out any of the 3rd party sync options? GMobileSync is a free little program that allows bidirectional syncing for your calendar (not push though). GooSync offers a free service level that also gives you calendar syncing. If you upgrade to their payed version (I think it is something like $30-40 for a whole year) you get not only calendar sync, but contacts, tasks etc. Might be worth a look.
jeffreycentex said:
The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
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Microsoft would never do it without making it an option. But I am surprised to hear you say that you head Gmail’s threading. Quite honestly you have got to be the FIRST person I have heard say that.
I have never (till now) talked to anyone who switched to Gmail who didn’t have anything but good to say about it. Most people I know who use Outlook or Outlook Express and who do ANY real volume of email spend at least an hour to two hours a day “organizing” their email. They have a whole list of sub-folders under their Inbox and then have almost the exact same set of sub-folders under their “Sent Items”. They spend time trying to decide how to file things or if they should file it in the first place or just delete it. Sometimes they delete and email and two of three days later the whole issue has ballooned into a big issue and they are filing the responses but no longer have their original email because they didn’t think it would become important.
Gmail lets me keep my Inbox clean while at the same time never worrying about filing or organizing or having trouble finding things back. I would probably hate Gmail if I was still trying to fit it into my narrow 20-year-old “I must use folders” paradigm of thinking (which I did when I first started using Gmail) but it was fun to give up on that and the new paradigm of “never file, never delete” is so superior.
I don’t really case WHERE my email is as long as I can find it back in a natural way. I think in years to come we are going to see the same thing happening on computers and to some extent we already are. The #1 reason most people hate Windows Vista is because of the way the new “Explorer” obscures the hierarchal folder model that everyone is used to from our Norton Commander days. It is really very Mac-like. Most Mac users couldn’t tell you where their pictures were in terms of a “directory” or a “folder” but they have less trouble finding them, or copying them to a USB drive, or attaching them to an email then most Windows users.
If we ever do see WinFS (Windows Future Storage) it is supposed to be a Microsoft SQL layer bolted on top of the file system and gives you database-style searchability with all kinds of meta data attached.
The thinking behind the Reiser file system is that any structure on top of the file system for storing data indicates that the file system isn’t doing it’s job. And I can kinda see the point.
The Fish
I agree, Gmail should definately come out with direct push technology
I currently use gmail with pocket outlook with imap.
It's annoying having it set to check my email in intervals.
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange server...my first reaction was wow...i want that!!
I'm hoping android will implement features like direct push, among others.
surgex0 said:
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange server...my first reaction was wow...i want that!!
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It’s not even so much that I want “push” email (although that would be cool). The biggest issue is that there is no way to sync my Calendar and my Contacts with Gmail. This means I either A) have to use the Calendar/Contacts on my Touch in their “stand alone” form without syncing to anything or B) have to sync them with something else.
I really like being able to use my web-based Gmail calendar (Google Apps) but I wish like crazy there was some way to get this on my Touch.
The Fish.
PS: when you sign-up for Google Apps it asks you what (if any) previous mail system you used. As an example it says in brackets “Microsoft Exchange”. This makes me think that Google Apps is positioning themselves to take the SMB email market away from Exchange. I think if they really want to do this they will make Google Apps look just like an Exchange Server to the millions of WM devices out there. Currently I am seriously considering moving my email back to Exchange when I get my own server online (in a few weeks).
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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Googlemaps apparently has a native app now (altho I would rather use Livesearch), so no, they aren't all JAVA. I take it you visit the HTML site instead of using IMAP so that you can see the threading and other g-mail features?
If you want gmail to push, use SEVEN at
Sync & Push
I use www.mobipush.com to push my gmail and it works instantaneously. Fantastic. This is free, perhaps only while they are in beta.
I also use www.oggsync.com for syncing my calendar. There is a free version, but I bought the software and daily sync about 11 calendars 2 months backwards and 2 years forwards. Hardly ever any issues. They are working on contact sync - have a public beta out now.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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I don’t know if it’s really the Gmail client that sucks so much as that it just doesn’t run properly on the version of Java that comes on my Touch (the Bell Mobility Touch in Canada). I was pretty happy to have the Java Gmail client on my Razr back before I got my Touch.
That being said I keep hoping they will come out with a native Windows Mobile version like they did with Google Maps. But then again it seems kinda silly to come out with an email client for a device that already has a built-in integrated email client. The better solution would be to make the pre-exiting email, calendar and contacts features work properly (as in within their native capacity – meaning DirectPush) with their Gmail counterparts.
The Fish

IDEA: Easy way to have a native GMAIL app on Windows Mobile...

I had an epiphany today, I want to share this idea, perhaps someone here has the knowledge to pull it off, unfortunately, I am not a C programmer:
Gmail already has built in RSS feeds. Every Gmail account hass RSS feeds for every label at https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/LABEL/ (This also works for Apps at https://mail.google.com/a/DOMAIN.TLD/feed/atom/LABEL/ ).
The only requirement is that the feed reader support authentication.
Now lets bring pRSSreader into the equation (http://code.google.com/p/prssr/)
Supports SSL, Yes!
Supports Authntication, YES!
Source Code Available! GPL!
So to start: A competent developer begin with the pRSSreader code, change the UI a bit so that it will revolve around inputing gmail accounts and it will be able to read our mail)
The next step is to add a simple SMTP component that will send outgoing mail through the GMAIL smtp.
What do the smart people here think?
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
fbifbi said:
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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URL for this mate?
fbifbi said:
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
Wiggz said:
URL for this mate?
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Go to m.gmail.com on your phone, and then download it. It should automatically recognize that you have a windows mobile phone and offer you the JAVA version to download.
fbifbi said:
Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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^^ that was the point of ethanpil's suggestion.
@ethanpil, I think it's a good idea, the only hole I see is that it's mostly for people who actually use the labels now, yes?
wait....maybe i'm not understanding u guys properly...u dont wanna use the mail program that it came with?? i have a diamond and i synced it to my outlook which has gmail..so when i'm on WIFI it vibrates when i get a gMail.....
so what is it that Java program do that this one doesn't??
Why not use Emoze? That has true push and works great with Gmail. Gmail also has a Exchange server for your calender and contacts.
sinara said:
The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
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sinara, look for VGA hacked JBED (here on XDA) - it solves problems with small fonts on our devices.
sinara said:
The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
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You can fix the font sizes with simple regedits.
Why do ppl want this?? Outlook can link to IMAP from google natively. Which All wm6 phones have...so why does anyone care about an external app that windows can do by default. I'm not discounting it or anything I'm just really confused on this issue
xcom923 said:
Why do ppl want this?? Outlook can link to IMAP from google natively. Which All wm6 phones have...so why does anyone care about an external app that windows can do by default. I'm not discounting it or anything I'm just really confused on this issue
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I am with you here, gmail with imap is the way to go. If your device automagically finds gmail settings, just misspell gmail when entering your email addy, then fix it after you have unchecked to automatically find settings.
I believe the reason for doing this is to get away from the built-in (WM) applications which for the most part suck. Not to mention that the emails are stored in a database and not in individual files (as in Qmail). Even if it was stored in a database, the database should be easily manipulated to allow for quick backup and recovery operations (SQLite?). Not to mention that such an application can implement great features like imap-idle and connecting over 1x/gprs to save battery life (and privates).
Just my two cents.
The reason is as many have guessed above:
1) The Java version sucks for WM users: its not native, and a few times alerady if I exited hastily by hitting the X instead of through the menus then my DB was corrupted and I had to reinstall the app
2) Something native will be able to take advantage of all of the features of WM and run in the background better.
3) The native apps also suck.
4) Push IMAP and activesync take horrendous battery power
Anyway, I have been using NewsBreak to read my gmail by RSS and it works great, updates once per hour, and runs real fast in background and I get notification of new emails and I only downlod the labels I need... Its just a pain to then login to gmail app to reply...
I have a small application (in VB.NET) that I am working on but in this moment it is "work in progress". I am able to connect to GMail over SSL in POP3, SMTP and IMAP.
In this moment I am trying out POP3 but I have some problems when downloading larger attachments from GMail (out-of-memory exceptions) which I have to sort out.
I guess I could make a native application for GMail - however the first beta version would not support attachments (at least larger attachmnets - let's say more than 200KB - until I have sorted out the problem mentioned above).
In order to produce a first version, I still would need some days but if there's interest, I could give it a shot.
Add spellchecking to your applications.
See: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=495728
this would def worth a shot since it's a bunch of shareware ideas taken into an all in one freeware app to add to our collection of greatly developed freeware. i'd rather use a custom made freeware app that will always add features rather than waste memory with certain shareware programs just to have all the bells and whistles scattered across the cluttered memory
boog321 said:
I am with you here, gmail with imap is the way to go. If your device automagically finds gmail settings, just misspell gmail when entering your email addy, then fix it after you have unchecked to automatically find settings.
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I've been doing that since my 8525.. I can't believe that anyone would rather 'fight' with a 3rd party app.. I can see the argument for push, but if you really need up to date inbox, just get a scheduler to set your 'active' hours so you get faster updates when you need it. Typically I get emails at the same time though.

new desire HD/android user

i'm about to get my new desire HD from orange tomorrow and i thought i better ask for a little advice.
as i'm upgrading from a touch HD the android experience is totally new to me, so i was hoping for a few hints and tips as to how to get the best from my new phone and what apps are going to be most interesting.
I've recently done the same (moved from a Touch Pro2). Main differences over WM you will find....
* Improved stability
* Improved responsiveness and speed
* Android app market makes obtaining apps and wider range of apps much better
* Overall a much more pleasant experience to use
* Battery life will be worse, but you can tune the device to improve this a lot
* Integration with Microsoft products is not so great although does support multiple Exchange profiles
An HD2 immigrant here
First of all you need to get used to the different logic of the system. You probably had HTC Sense on ur touchHD and when you see that the Sence in DHD is similar it's a bit leading.
The hardest for me was getting used to the fact that the "All apps" button is not "Start" and just brings u to everything that's installed ( no rearangements, no folders, no renaming )
Then comes the battery life. DaveTME was right that it sucks, but thats (IMO) only do to the fact that by default, every service u have installed is syncing all the time. If u tweak ur sync settings a bit u should get close to what u had in THD.
For further references you may want to check this out -> http://androinica.com/category/androidguide/
good luck and welcome
ta for the reading matter guys
at the mo i just sync my phone with outlook on my PC to get its contacts, notes etc.
does android do this out of the box?? i'm assuming i need a PC client, but do i need an app??
sning said:
ta for the reading matter guys
at the mo i just sync my phone with outlook on my PC to get its contacts, notes etc.
does android do this out of the box?? i'm assuming i need a PC client, but do i need an app??
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This is exactly what I checked into before I made the jump from Nokia, where the Ovi Suite (PC Suite) would sync with Outlook. The HTC Sync SW supposedly does this but I had problems when I got the phone and, if you search about a bit, you'll find others have too.
What I did was to install HTC Sync anyway but also to install MyPhoneExplorer (... http://www.fjsoft.at/en/ ...). This installs on the PC and, as you surmised, on the phone. Works fine for me. I'm using XP Pro + Outlook 2000 (yeah, I know, behind the times but hey .... it all works!). MPE also has a forum where the developer is pretty responsive to issues.
I also sunc the calendars but use Gemini Calendar on the HD (search and ye shall find ... ). Much better than stock.
Oh, and remember that Android is Google, which means they intend you to sync through the *cloud* and not to your PC. Especially with Microsoft's products, which is why you need to go 3rd party. When you get your DHD, before you do anything else, go into the menus and put everything on manual sync until you know what's happening. Or you'll end up with Facebook, Google and Uncle Tom Cobbly's contacts all on your phone ...
Download the manual from here .... http://www.htc.com/www/userguide.aspx?p_id=324 ...
sning said:
i'm about to get my new desire HD from orange tomorrow and i thought i better ask for a little advice.
as i'm upgrading from a touch HD the android experience is totally new to me, so i was hoping for a few hints and tips as to how to get the best from my new phone and what apps are going to be most interesting.
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Same, i got my dhd yesterday. I'd say you'll love. explore for yourself you'll enjoy it very much but to start off i suggest angry birds, google googles, and set up facebook etc etc.
is there anyways to see your folders in sd card on android like file explorer on wm?
Gurps777 said:
is there anyways to see your folders in sd card on android like file explorer on wm?
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OiFilemanager or AndExplorer should both do the job
another quick question, and i know this will sound totally dumb, but i have to ask.
do i NEED an google account to use this thing properly??
i dont use facebook or twitter or any other social media, so i'm happy to sync with outlook as its got all my contacts in up to date, and to be honest i'd rather not give google any more of my personal details thani have to!
Yes you need a google account. Aslo you can import your contacts into your google account and sync it to your phone.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
You do need a google account, but to be honest that is a good thing, the integration with Googles services is so tight. It provides the best email experience by a LONG way in my opinion, and the cloud features are fantastic.
Since switching to android i have also switched to a more "cloud" centric workspace, all my work is backed up to a cloud (2 actually!) and i keep copies of everything i need online aswell as on my PC so i can access it anywhere.
Its a shame you dont want to "submit" to google if you know what i mean, gmail is so, so slick.
*Spooky voice* It is the futuuuure!
I hope you enjoy your switch to android, i know i did!
unfortunatly i have an inherant distrust of "the cloud"
while i can see its benefits, i dont trust other people with my data, there's already been too many breaches, leaks, and lost data in the cloud for my liking
sning said:
unfortunatly i have an inherant distrust of "the cloud"
while i can see its benefits, i dont trust other people with my data, there's already been too many breaches, leaks, and lost data in the cloud for my liking
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I'm with you on this one! You do have to set-up a Google email account BUT mine is just forwarded to my *real* email address so never use it for anything. I *assume* you may need it to buy apps. from the market but I've only downloaded free ones so far. Oh, it's *compulsory* to download Angry Birds, BTW, free on Android ...
How can sync my Outlook infos with Google Calendar and Contacts?
Get a gmail account, best out there. Just don't save your contacts to gmail. I got hacked from China and everyone on my email list got a virus infested email. Lucky I found out very quickly and told everyone before any damage was done.
As to sync. I just use HTC Sync downloaded from HTC web site. Works a treat
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Oh by the way has Orange messed up the OS like they did with the touch hd? (made mine useless)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

[Q] Newbie resources?

So I just got my Atrix from ATT, coming from WinMo 6.5 (Tilt2), and am a bit lost.
There used to be guides and such for people upgrading, but I've hopped on the train so late I'm having trouble finding a good one!
So feel free to point me towards better resources or useful threads on here especially from the perspective of WinMo to modern Android.
But for now, first question: what is the best way sync Outlook and my new phone?? I've got Outlook 2010 and have been building an address book in it since my MPx220! I know I could export/import a .csv but am far more interested in actual sync, with contacts and calendar at the minimum. Preferably free, but if not OK (as long as it works). So far I've tried MyPhoneExplorer but it can't see the phone via USB. Trying www.soocial.com now, looks interesting...
Is it ever gonna finish inspecting my 16GB card? Can't find a progress indicator anywhere...
I know it's not helping but just wanted to say that I'm exactly in the same boat with you. I used Windows Mobile since around 2004 (with mpx 220, tilt, and tilt2) and I'm kind of clueless about this whole android thing
Oh and I could not find a way to directly sync my outlook contacts with atrix either. Also, if you go with the .csv route, it does not sync some fields, for example Work2 phone.
fincan said:
Oh and I could not find a way to directly sync my outlook contacts with atrix either. Also, if you go with the .csv route, it does not sync some fields, for example Work2 phone.
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Def. try www.soocial.com It's free (as long as you're less than 250 contacts) and it's *ongoing* Sync like we're used to.
Goofy thing is, Google is said to make a calendar sync (outlook --> google), why don't they have their own for contacts??
Well, so far I'm a touch underwhelmed. Coming from the WinMo world I'm used to many things being customizable, often in the program, if not maybe in the registry or easily swapped out for other software.
I'm noticing a lot of dumb choices and a lot of things that don't give me obvious options.
Let's call it a Universal Inbox but it won't have your Gmail! There's a way around, you setup instead as regular IMAP email and use that app or end up using both email apps... grr! Better 3rd party alternative?
No 'file as' in contacts or ability to customize much of anything about how it looks, what it shows...
Friggin 'security lock timer' setting is disabled when using fingerprint!
Oh, and scanning my SD card *never finished*! After a couple hours (during which I couldn't install anything from the marketplace--though it gave me NO error to let me know why it was ignoring me pressing install!) I yanked the card. Maybe if I clear it out first?
Of course it's much (MUCH) better than my POS Tilt2, but I'm not quite convinced it's worth it, yet.
Your card scanning issue is not normal. IT STINKS! Something from the school of the united nations
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I came from windows also. Companion Link is the only software to give you a true live sync between outlook and google calender and contacts that I have found. It wasn't free but I don't remember how much. It syncs your desktop outlook to your online google account which is automatically synced to your device.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
For the contacts things you can always setup your gmail account as an exchange account in outlook and sync it that way, but then again it would be the same as syncing with gmail itself.
As for an outlook sync that isn't third party, there is no way to do it other than having an exchange account.
I found and downloaded a program called My Phone Explorer, it says it can sync outlook contacts & calendars if you install it's companion software to your PC. I did not have a chance to try it out yet, I'll update this thread once I try it.
Also, did you guys find out how to set custom ring tones? Like copying wav, mp3, ogg etc. files from my old phone to this and make them show up on the ringtone selections?
sdlopez83 said:
Your card scanning issue is not normal. IT STINKS! Something from the school of the united nations
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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It had been in my Tilt 2 and had about 10gig of various files, some WM6.5 stuff (.cabs, apps, etc) and media. I formatted it and put back in the phone (couldn't do anything with it while it was scanning) and it was fine.
Marketplace didn't actually do anything when I hit install until the card was happy.
So far I'm pretty impressed with Android but not so much with this phone. The combination of not-latest OS with updates being locked to ATT/Moto's discretion worries me as the Tilt2 I'm coming from was absolutely crippled by the crap ATT OS version available (though at least it wasn't impossible to flash it!).
My other big problem is that while this phone is supposedly lightning fast, but how does that make any difference in actual use, since this dual-core CPU and nVidia chipset are a small part of a big and diverse market, for which the Nexus S and all the similar Samsungs set the baseline? Example, I noticed I can't play at decent framerate a 720p h.264 media file (.torrent downloaded Top Gear, 1.5GB on class 6 microSD), even in QQview--which can't seem to access the SD card directly (it only sees the ~11GB internal which is called SDcard), by the way. So what good does this extra speed do if there are no apps to take advantage of it? And how many others are going to have troubles accessing my new 32GB microSD because they only see the internal?
I'm also fairly annoyed by the lack of customization in the settings. At worst every damn thing in WinMo was customizable via registry. I usually find a setting each day in Android which I should have easy control over but don't. Example: notifications being the same volume for texts/emails as BS systems sounds I haven't figured any way to turn off... again a missing setting that's almost there: I noticed within text messaging and email I can set specific sounds (including silent) but for the overall system one there's no silent option (which would be overridden by the selected ones above)... Maybe there's some apps that do some of what I want, but having to pay or sideload are both kinda foreign concepts to me, especially for small system hacks!
But on the other hand it's very responsive, does seem to play 720p Xvid torrent downloads OK (though I haven't watched one all the way through), and the voice features are great.
One other annoyance is that while BT links to my car automagically it doesn't link to my Panasonic handsets at home unless I turn BT off and back on for some reason...
So given how much I paid (premiere, non-contract) I'm leaning towards return. Wish the damn ATT-bands Nexus S was out!!
but, more importantly did you get the critic references?

[APPS][SYNC] 11 Apps to keep your Computers and Android synced

I have lately been playing around with my SGS2, trying to setup a nice sync between my Home PC, Laptop & Phone with the use of some battery-hogging sync apps. I said f* it to trying to keep my battery going for as long as possible - this phone is a smart-phone and I sure am going to use it as such. With the programs (+ normal daily usage) I will list below my SGS2 will easily run for 24+ hours without a charge and that's all you really need, charging it every night is not that much of a hassle.
Here are some of the programs I have used to get the job done. If you know any better solutions or other programs you use, please do share!
Firefox Sync (built-in to the browser)
For keeping all my bookmarks, sessions & browser history stored online for easy access. Everything is still synced locally so no need to worry in case you can not connect to the Mozilla servers. And I must say I like having the browser history with me on the SGS2 it saves tons of time when visiting certain familiar sites that you don’t have bookmarked! Firefox Beta on the SGS2 works well enough with the exception of no flash support.
Alternatives: Xmarks & Opera has a similar solution as “Firefox Sync”
Lastpass (Browser extension)
For keeping all your passwords saved online “securly” and then automatically logging you into your favorite sites. It can also save user registration info to make it easier/faster to register on new sites. If you are using Firefox own built in way of doing this - then stop it right now! The way Firefox does this is not secure enough and can quite easily be cracked with some basic knowledge. Lastpass is a lot more secure in the way it stores your passwords.
Read It Later (Browser extension & App on android)
A way to keep “temporary” bookmarks synced. Easily put it’s a secondary place to keep bookmarks that can easily be added and just as easily be removed (1click). Perfect for saving a bookmark in a long forum thread or other small items that you want to read later and remove after that.
A way to keep all your notes synced & organized. There is many other ways to do this but Evernote does a good job. I personally use it to up-keep a ToDo List, save important notes & having a own sections for Android, PC, Work, School, Shopping etc. The interface makes it better then having a .txt in Dropbox and the program really starts to shine when you have it with you on multiply devices and always have access to all your notes quickly and easily
Dropbox / SugarSync
For saving files online and getting them synced locally on all your PCs. A good way for backing up your files as well! These programs should be familiar to most people by now. I personally use Dropbox it seems a bit more stable and the download speeds are faster. But SugarSync gives more free space (5GB) and the android app has more functions. I would like to use SugarSync but I have read about people having so much problem with it so I have stuck with the Basic & Stable Dropbox. These services are the easiest way to move files between your Computer and Android - perfect for getting your photos moved from the phone to the PC! I also recommend putting some portable apps in the Dropbox folder, quite handy to have. Check portableapps.com/apps for some free software that have been made portable.
Also take a look at “15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know” maximumpc.com/article/features/15_things_you_have_know_about_dropbox?page=0,0
Thunderbird & Google Calender
How To: Integrate Google Calendar Into Thunderbird
Thunderbird for keeping all my e-mail accounts in one place + Google Calendar setup into it. If you add something to the calender on the phone it gets updated in Thunderbird and vice versa. It feels more natural to use the calender in Thunderbird then doing it from the Google Calender homepage. And I really enjoy reading all my e-mails in one place!
Google Reader
Keep your RSS feeds in one place and “synced”. A really awesome way of making sure you don't have to read new items multiple times. I have really been enjoying the time saved after taking this in use. Going from Home PC-to-Latop-to-Phone and always being able to check if there is any new news-items is really handy and time saving. The android app is also quite clean and a simple icon on your homescreen keeps you up-to-date on new items.
Alternatives: NewsRob
Google Docs
An easy way to be able to work with documents from anywhere. Also nice not worrying about having Office installed everywhere. The collaboration and share functions are also good features.
Alternatives: Portable Open Office & documents in Dropbox
Music, music, music. This will cost you some money but in my opinion this is money well spent. For 9,99€ per month you get access to all the music you need on all your devices and you can even save them locally with the payed subscription. After I started using spotify ~2years ago I have not looked back and I have added almost 2000 tracks to my playlist soon. To be able to have that library with me on the phone is priceless. The tracks that can not be found on spotify can be added manually and then synced over WI-FI to the phone easily + you are able to have offline music saved on the phone so you dont have to worry if you are in a place with bad 3G/4G coverage!
uTorrent 3.0 & uTorrent Remote
Not a sync app really, but a way to keep track of your torrents remotely. You can also add torrents to your homepc remotely, so when you get home everything is there ready and waiting for you. And with the android app you can download stuff to the phone from the uTorrent at home!
Free commercial remote-desktop. Very light, very easy to setup and very easy to use. And the android app works really well, so you got access to your computers from everywhere. In my case this is a last way out, if I need to drop something into Dropbox or do something on my computers it’s nice to have this setup and ready to use. Just in case something pops up!
Thats about it. I also use a sBNC to stay connected to IRC from multiple device at the same time, but that does not really belong in this thread. I hope you found something useful & if you got any better alternatives or other programs that you use - then please do share!
Excellent post! bound to help new and old users alike, well done!
Missing Google Music Beta.
Admitted it is a invite only beta atm but for people seeking just music syncing it works perfectly.
Music Beta sure looks nice, looking forward to try it. Too bad invites is currently only available in the United States. Although Spotify is also able to sync your Music locally for offline play on the phone (but it's not free)
Thank you for this good summary of useful apps.
I personally only use Dropbox and Google docs.
Gdocs is able to store all kind of file, I use it to share .zip, .tgz or any other souce files (i find it easier to share files than dropbox).
Useful list, thanks!
thanks for the list
If you use Dropbox then you'd like Dropsync. It's more like the real desktop sync. I don't know why Dropbox doesn't make their Android software work like Dropsync.
Thanks for Dropsync, will definitely check it out! Can also name DropSnap an App that automatically uploads pictures to Dropbox after they are taken. In the SugarSync andoird app both these features are present. I just don't feel comfortable using SugarSync. The latest version of my school/work file is more important any day of the week!
Midair said:
Music Beta sure looks nice, looking forward to try it. Too bad invites is currently only available in the United States. Although Spotify is also able to sync your Music locally for offline play on the phone (but it's not free)
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I have an account and I don't live in the Us. The magic weird is proxy. For me it's just the ability to have an online backup of my music library. It's free and it works, that's what does it for me.
For people looking for automatic picture uploading, the google+ app is able to automatically upload your pics to picasa.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
One thing is for sure, all the services that google provides are incredible. Just google alone will make your phone a sync-fest! Google Docs, Reader, Contacts, Gmail & Calendar you can get most your stuff done with these apps.
